path: root/ortho/oread
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'ortho/oread')
2 files changed, 0 insertions, 2720 deletions
diff --git a/ortho/oread/Makefile b/ortho/oread/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index f945351..0000000
--- a/ortho/oread/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-# -*- Makefile -*- for the ortho-code compiler.
-# Copyright (C) 2005 Tristan Gingold
-# GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
-# the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
-# Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
-# version.
-# GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
-# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
-# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
-# for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
-# Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
-# 02111-1307, USA.
-BE = gcc
-all: $(ortho_exec)
-test: test.s
- $(CC) -o $@ $^
-test.s: $(ortho_exec)
- ./$(ortho_exec) test
-$(ortho_exec): force
- $(MAKE) -f $(BACK_END)/Makefile ortho_exec=$(ortho_exec)
- $(MAKE) -f $(BACK_END)/Makefile clean
- $(RM) -f oread-gcc oread-mcode *.o *~
-distclean: clean
- $(MAKE) -f $(BACK_END)/Makefile distclean
-.PHONY: force
diff --git a/ortho/oread/ortho_front.adb b/ortho/oread/ortho_front.adb
deleted file mode 100644
index 84bbd1b..0000000
--- a/ortho/oread/ortho_front.adb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2677 +0,0 @@
--- Ortho code compiler.
--- Copyright (C) 2005 Tristan Gingold
--- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
--- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
--- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
--- version.
--- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
--- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
--- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
--- for more details.
--- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
--- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
--- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
--- 02111-1307, USA.
-with Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation;
-with Ortho_Nodes; use Ortho_Nodes;
-with Ortho_Ident; use Ortho_Ident;
-with Ada.Characters.Latin_1; use Ada.Characters.Latin_1;
-with GNAT.OS_Lib; use GNAT.OS_Lib;
-with Interfaces; use Interfaces;
-with Ada.Exceptions;
---with GNAT.Debug_Pools;
--- TODO:
--- uncomplete type: check for type redefinition
-package body Ortho_Front is
- -- If true, emit line number before each statement.
- -- If flase, keep line number indication in the source file.
- Flag_Renumber : Boolean := True;
- procedure Init is
- begin
- null;
- end Init;
- function Decode_Option (Opt : String_Acc; Arg : String_Acc) return Natural
- is
- pragma Unreferenced (Arg);
- begin
- if Opt.all = "-r" or Opt.all = "--ghdl-r" then
- Flag_Renumber := True;
- return 1;
- else
- return 0;
- end if;
- end Decode_Option;
- -- File buffer.
- File_Name : String_Acc;
- Buf : String (1 .. 2048 + 1);
- Buf_Len : Natural;
- Pos : Natural;
- Lineno : Natural;
- Fd : File_Descriptor;
- Error : exception;
- procedure Puterr (Msg : String)
- is
- L : Integer;
- pragma Unreferenced (L);
- begin
- L := Write (Standerr, Msg'Address, Msg'Length);
- end Puterr;
- procedure Puterr (N : Natural)
- is
- Str : constant String := Natural'Image (N);
- begin
- Puterr (Str (Str'First + 1 .. Str'Last));
- end Puterr;
- procedure Newline_Err is
- begin
- Puterr ((1 => LF));
- end Newline_Err;
- procedure Scan_Error (Msg : String) is
- begin
- Puterr (File_Name.all);
- Puterr (":");
- Puterr (Lineno);
- Puterr (": ");
- Puterr (Msg);
- Newline_Err;
- raise Error;
- end Scan_Error;
- procedure Parse_Error (Msg : String);
- pragma No_Return (Parse_Error);
- procedure Parse_Error (Msg : String) is
- begin
- Puterr (File_Name.all);
- Puterr (":");
- Puterr (Lineno);
- Puterr (": ");
- Puterr (Msg);
- Newline_Err;
- raise Error;
- end Parse_Error;
--- Uniq_Num : Natural := 0;
--- function Get_Uniq_Id return O_Ident
--- is
--- Str : String (1 .. 8);
--- V : Natural;
--- begin
--- V := Uniq_Num;
--- Uniq_Num := Uniq_Num + 1;
--- Str (1) := 'L';
--- Str (2) := '.';
--- for I in reverse 3 .. Str'Last loop
--- Str (I) := Character'Val ((V mod 10) + Character'Pos('0'));
--- V := V / 10;
--- end loop;
--- return Get_Identifier (Str);
--- end Get_Uniq_Id;
- -- Get the next character.
- -- Return NUL on end of file.
- function Get_Char return Character
- is
- Res : Character;
- begin
- if Buf (Pos) = NUL then
- -- Read line.
- Buf_Len := Read (Fd, Buf'Address, Buf'Length - 1);
- if Buf_Len = 0 then
- -- End of file.
- return NUL;
- end if;
- Pos := 1;
- Buf (Buf_Len + 1) := NUL;
- end if;
- Res := Buf (Pos);
- Pos := Pos + 1;
- return Res;
- end Get_Char;
- procedure Unget_Char is
- begin
- if Pos = Buf'First then
- raise Program_Error;
- end if;
- Pos := Pos - 1;
- end Unget_Char;
- type Token_Type is
- (Tok_Eof,
- Tok_Line_Number, Tok_File_Name, Tok_Comment,
- Tok_Ident, Tok_Num, Tok_String, Tok_Float_Num,
- Tok_Plus, Tok_Minus,
- Tok_Star, Tok_Div, Tok_Mod, Tok_Rem,
- Tok_Sharp,
- Tok_Not, Tok_Abs,
- Tok_Or, Tok_And, Tok_Xor,
- Tok_Equal, Tok_Not_Equal,
- Tok_Greater, Tok_Greater_Eq,
- Tok_Less, Tok_Less_Eq,
- Tok_Colon, Tok_Semicolon,
- Tok_Comma, Tok_Dot, Tok_Tick, Tok_Arob, Tok_Elipsis,
- Tok_Assign,
- Tok_Left_Paren, Tok_Right_Paren,
- Tok_Left_Brace, Tok_Right_Brace,
- Tok_Left_Brack, Tok_Right_Brack,
- Tok_Unsigned, Tok_Signed, Tok_Float,
- Tok_Array, Tok_Subarray,
- Tok_Access, Tok_Record, Tok_Union,
- Tok_Boolean, Tok_Enum,
- Tok_If, Tok_Then, Tok_Else, Tok_Elsif,
- Tok_Loop, Tok_Exit, Tok_Next,
- Tok_Is, Tok_Of, Tok_All,
- Tok_Return,
- Tok_Type,
- Tok_External, Tok_Private, Tok_Public, Tok_Local,
- Tok_Procedure, Tok_Function,
- Tok_Constant, Tok_Var,
- Tok_Declare, Tok_Begin, Tok_End,
- Tok_Case, Tok_When, Tok_Default, Tok_Arrow,
- Tok_Null);
- type Hash_Type is new Unsigned_32;
- type Name_Type;
- type Name_Acc is access Name_Type;
- -- Symbol table.
- type Syment_Type;
- type Syment_Acc is access Syment_Type;
- type Syment_type is record
- -- The hash for the symbol.
- Hash : Hash_Type;
- -- Identification of the symbol.
- Ident : O_Ident;
- -- Next symbol with the same collision.
- Next : Syment_Acc;
- -- Meaning of the symbol.
- Name : Name_Acc;
- end record;
- -- Well known identifiers (used for attributes).
- Id_Address : Syment_Acc;
- Id_Unchecked_Address : Syment_Acc;
- Id_Subprg_Addr : Syment_Acc;
- Id_Conv : Syment_Acc;
- Id_Sizeof : Syment_Acc;
- Id_Alignof : Syment_Acc;
- Id_Alloca : Syment_Acc;
- Id_Offsetof : Syment_Acc;
- Token_Number : Unsigned_64;
- Token_Float : IEEE_Float_64;
- Token_Ident : String (1 .. 256);
- Token_Idlen : Natural;
- Token_Hash : Hash_Type;
- Token_Sym : Syment_Acc;
- -- The symbol table.
- type Syment_Acc_Array is array (Hash_Type range <>) of Syment_Acc;
- Hash_Max : constant Hash_Type := 511;
- Symtable : Syment_Acc_Array (0 .. Hash_Max - 1) := (others => null);
- type Node_Kind is (Decl_Keyword, Decl_Type, Decl_Param,
- Node_Function, Node_Procedure, Node_Object, Node_Field,
- Node_Lit,
- Type_Boolean, Type_Enum,
- Type_Unsigned, Type_Signed, Type_Float,
- Type_Array, Type_Subarray,
- Type_Access, Type_Record, Type_Union);
- subtype Nodes_Subprogram is Node_Kind range Node_Function .. Node_Procedure;
- type Node (<>);
- type Node_Acc is access Node;
- type Node (Kind : Node_Kind) is record
- case Kind is
- when Decl_Keyword =>
- -- Keyword.
- -- A keyword is not a declaration since the identifier has only
- -- one meaning (the keyword).
- Keyword : Token_Type;
- when Decl_Type
- | Decl_Param
- | Node_Function
- | Node_Procedure
- | Node_Object
- | Node_Lit =>
- -- Declarations
- -- All declarations but NODE_PROCEDURE have a type.
- Decl_Dtype : Node_Acc;
- Decl_Storage : O_Storage;
- case Kind is
- when Decl_Type =>
- -- Type declaration.
- null;
- when Decl_Param =>
- -- Parameter identifier.
- Param_Name : Syment_Acc;
- -- Parameter ortho node.
- Param_Node : O_Dnode;
- -- Next parameter of the parameters list.
- Param_Next : Node_Acc;
- when Node_Procedure
- | Node_Function =>
- -- Subprogram symbol name.
- Subprg_Name : Syment_Acc;
- -- List of parameters.
- Subprg_Params : Node_Acc;
- -- Subprogram ortho node.
- Subprg_Node : O_Dnode;
- when Node_Object =>
- -- Name of the object (constant, variable).
- Obj_Name : O_Ident;
- -- Ortho node of the object.
- Obj_Node : O_Dnode;
- when Node_Lit =>
- -- Name of the literal.
- Lit_Name : O_Ident;
- -- Enum literal
- Lit_Cnode : O_Cnode;
- -- Next literal for the type.
- Lit_Next : Node_Acc;
- when others =>
- null;
- end case;
- when Node_Field =>
- -- Record field.
- Field_Ident : Syment_Acc;
- Field_Fnode : O_Fnode;
- Field_Type : Node_Acc;
- Field_Next : Node_Acc;
- when Type_Signed
- | Type_Unsigned
- | Type_Float
- | Type_Array
- | Type_Subarray
- | Type_Record
- | Type_Union
- | Type_Access
- | Type_Boolean
- | Type_Enum =>
- -- Ortho node type.
- Type_Onode : O_Tnode;
- case Kind is
- when Type_Array =>
- Array_Index : Node_Acc;
- Array_Element : Node_Acc;
- when Type_Subarray =>
- Subarray_Base : Node_Acc;
- --Subarray_Length : Natural;
- when Type_Access =>
- Access_Dtype : Node_Acc;
- when Type_Record
- | Type_Union =>
- Record_Union_Fields : Node_Acc;
- when Type_Enum
- | Type_Boolean =>
- Enum_Lits : Node_Acc;
- when Type_Float =>
- null;
- when others =>
- null;
- end case;
- end case;
- end record;
- type Scope_Type;
- type Scope_Acc is access Scope_Type;
- type Name_Type is record
- -- Current interpretation of the symbol.
- Inter : Node_Acc;
- -- Next declaration in the current scope.
- Next : Syment_Acc;
- -- Interpretation in a previous scope.
- Up : Name_Acc;
- -- Current scope.
- Scope : Scope_Acc;
- end record;
- type Scope_Type is record
- -- Simply linked list of names.
- Names : Syment_Acc;
- -- Previous scope.
- Prev : Scope_Acc;
- end record;
- -- Return the current declaration for symbol SYM.
- function Get_Decl (Sym : Syment_Acc) return Node_Acc;
- pragma Inline (Get_Decl);
- procedure Scan_Char (C : Character)
- is
- R : Character;
- begin
- if C = '\' then
- R := Get_Char;
- case R is
- when 'n' =>
- R := LF;
- when 'r' =>
- R := CR;
- when ''' =>
- R := ''';
- when '"' => -- "
- R := '"'; -- "
- when others =>
- Scan_Error ("bad character sequence \" & R);
- end case;
- else
- R := C;
- end if;
- Token_Idlen := Token_Idlen + 1;
- Token_Ident (Token_Idlen) := R;
- end Scan_Char;
- function Get_Hash (Str : String) return Hash_Type
- is
- Res : Hash_Type;
- begin
- Res := 0;
- for I in Str'Range loop
- Res := Res * 31 + Character'Pos (Str (I));
- end loop;
- return Res;
- end Get_Hash;
- -- Previous token.
- Tok_Previous : Token_Type;
- function Scan_Number (First_Char : Character) return Token_Type
- is
- function To_Digit (C : Character) return Integer is
- begin
- case C is
- when '0' .. '9' =>
- return Character'Pos (C) - Character'Pos ('0');
- when 'A' .. 'F' =>
- return Character'Pos (C) - Character'Pos ('A') + 10;
- when 'a' .. 'f' =>
- return Character'Pos (C) - Character'Pos ('a') + 10;
- when others =>
- return -1;
- end case;
- end To_Digit;
- function Is_Digit (C : Character) return Boolean is
- begin
- case C is
- when '0' .. '9'
- | 'A' .. 'F'
- | 'a' .. 'f' =>
- return True;
- when others =>
- return False;
- end case;
- end Is_Digit;
- After_Point : Integer;
- C : Character;
- Exp : Integer;
- Exp_Neg : Boolean;
- Base : Unsigned_64;
- begin
- Token_Number := 0;
- C := First_Char;
- loop
- Token_Number := Token_Number * 10 + Unsigned_64 (To_Digit (C));
- C := Get_Char;
- exit when not Is_Digit (C);
- end loop;
- if C = '#' then
- Base := Token_Number;
- Token_Number := 0;
- C := Get_Char;
- loop
- Token_Number := Token_Number * Base + Unsigned_64 (To_Digit (C));
- C := Get_Char;
- exit when C = '#';
- end loop;
- return Tok_Num;
- end if;
- if C = '.' then
- -- A real number.
- After_Point := 0;
- Token_Float := IEEE_Float_64 (Token_Number);
- loop
- C := Get_Char;
- exit when C not in '0' .. '9';
- Token_Float := Token_Float * 10.0 + IEEE_Float_64 (To_Digit (C));
- After_Point := After_Point + 1;
- end loop;
- if C = 'e' or C = 'E' then
- Exp := 0;
- C := Get_Char;
- Exp_Neg := False;
- if C = '-' then
- Exp_Neg := True;
- C := Get_Char;
- elsif C = '+' then
- C := Get_Char;
- elsif not Is_Digit (C) then
- Scan_Error ("digit expected");
- end if;
- while Is_Digit (C) loop
- Exp := Exp * 10 + To_Digit (C);
- C := Get_Char;
- end loop;
- if Exp_Neg then
- Exp := -Exp;
- end if;
- Exp := Exp - After_Point;
- else
- Exp := - After_Point;
- end if;
- Unget_Char;
- Token_Float := Token_Float * 10.0 ** Exp;
- if Token_Float > IEEE_Float_64'Last then
- Token_Float := IEEE_Float_64'Last;
- end if;
- return Tok_Float_Num;
- else
- Unget_Char;
- return Tok_Num;
- end if;
- end Scan_Number;
- procedure Scan_Comment
- is
- C : Character;
- begin
- Token_Idlen := 0;
- loop
- C := Get_Char;
- exit when C = CR or C = LF;
- Token_Idlen := Token_Idlen + 1;
- Token_Ident (Token_Idlen) := C;
- end loop;
- Unget_Char;
- end Scan_Comment;
- -- Get the next token.
- function Get_Token return Token_Type
- is
- C : Character;
- begin
- loop
- C := Get_Char;
- << Again >> null;
- case C is
- when NUL =>
- return Tok_Eof;
- when ' ' | HT =>
- null;
- when LF =>
- Lineno := Lineno + 1;
- C := Get_Char;
- if C /= CR then
- goto Again;
- end if;
- when CR =>
- Lineno := Lineno + 1;
- C := Get_Char;
- if C /= LF then
- goto Again;
- end if;
- when '+' =>
- return Tok_Plus;
- when '-' =>
- C := Get_Char;
- if C = '-' then
- C := Get_Char;
- if C = '#' then
- return Tok_Line_Number;
- elsif C = 'F' then
- Scan_Comment;
- return Tok_File_Name;
- elsif C = ' ' then
- Scan_Comment;
- return Tok_Comment;
- else
- Scan_Error ("bad comment");
- end if;
- else
- Unget_Char;
- return Tok_Minus;
- end if;
- when '/' =>
- C := Get_Char;
- if C = '=' then
- return Tok_Not_Equal;
- else
- Unget_Char;
- return Tok_Div;
- end if;
- when '*' =>
- return Tok_Star;
- when '#' =>
- return Tok_Sharp;
- when '=' =>
- C := Get_Char;
- if C = '>' then
- return Tok_Arrow;
- else
- Unget_Char;
- return Tok_Equal;
- end if;
- when '>' =>
- C := Get_Char;
- if C = '=' then
- return Tok_Greater_Eq;
- else
- Unget_Char;
- return Tok_Greater;
- end if;
- when '(' =>
- return Tok_Left_Paren;
- when ')' =>
- return Tok_Right_Paren;
- when '{' =>
- return Tok_Left_Brace;
- when '}' =>
- return Tok_Right_Brace;
- when '[' =>
- return Tok_Left_Brack;
- when ']' =>
- return Tok_Right_Brack;
- when '<' =>
- C := Get_Char;
- if C = '=' then
- return Tok_Less_Eq;
- else
- Unget_Char;
- return Tok_Less;
- end if;
- when ':' =>
- C := Get_Char;
- if C = '=' then
- return Tok_Assign;
- else
- Unget_Char;
- return Tok_Colon;
- end if;
- when '.' =>
- C := Get_Char;
- if C = '.' then
- C := Get_Char;
- if C = '.' then
- return Tok_Elipsis;
- else
- Scan_Error ("'...' expected");
- end if;
- else
- Unget_Char;
- return Tok_Dot;
- end if;
- when ';' =>
- return Tok_Semicolon;
- when ',' =>
- return Tok_Comma;
- when '@' =>
- return Tok_Arob;
- when ''' =>
- if Tok_Previous = Tok_Ident then
- return Tok_Tick;
- else
- Token_Number := Character'Pos (Get_Char);
- C := Get_Char;
- if C /= ''' then
- Scan_Error ("ending single quote expected");
- end if;
- return Tok_Num;
- end if;
- when '"' => -- "
- -- Eat double quote.
- C := Get_Char;
- Token_Idlen := 0;
- loop
- Scan_Char (C);
- C := Get_Char;
- exit when C = '"'; -- "
- end loop;
- return Tok_String;
- when '0' .. '9' =>
- return Scan_Number (C);
- when 'a' .. 'z'
- | 'A' .. 'Z'
- | '_' =>
- Token_Idlen := 0;
- Token_Hash := 0;
- loop
- Token_Idlen := Token_Idlen + 1;
- Token_Ident (Token_Idlen) := C;
- Token_Hash := Token_Hash * 31 + Character'Pos (C);
- C := Get_Char;
- exit when (C < 'A' or C > 'Z')
- and (C < 'a' or C > 'z')
- and (C < '0' or C > '9')
- and (C /= '_');
- end loop;
- Unget_Char;
- declare
- H : Hash_Type;
- S : Syment_Acc;
- N : Node_Acc;
- begin
- H := Token_Hash mod Hash_Max;
- S := Symtable (H);
- while S /= null loop
- if S.Hash = Token_Hash
- and then Is_Equal (S.Ident,
- Token_Ident (1 .. Token_Idlen))
- then
- -- This identifier is known.
- Token_Sym := S;
- -- It may be a keyword.
- if S.Name /= null then
- N := Get_Decl (S);
- if N.Kind = Decl_Keyword then
- return N.Keyword;
- end if;
- end if;
- return Tok_Ident;
- end if;
- S := S.Next;
- end loop;
- Symtable (H) := new Syment_Type'
- (Hash => Token_Hash,
- Ident => Get_Identifier (Token_Ident (1 .. Token_Idlen)),
- Next => Symtable (H),
- Name => null);
- Token_Sym := Symtable (H);
- return Tok_Ident;
- end;
- when others =>
- Scan_Error ("Bad character:"
- & Integer'Image (Character'Pos (C))
- & C);
- return Tok_Eof;
- end case;
- end loop;
- end Get_Token;
- -- The current token.
- Tok : Token_Type;
- procedure Next_Token is
- begin
- Tok_Previous := Tok;
- Tok := Get_Token;
- end Next_Token;
- procedure Expect (T : Token_Type; Msg : String := "") is
- begin
- if Tok /= T then
- if Msg'Length = 0 then
- case T is
- when Tok_Left_Brace =>
- Parse_Error ("'{' expected");
- when others =>
- if Tok = Tok_Ident then
- Parse_Error
- (Token_Type'Image (T) & " expected, found '" &
- Token_Ident (1 .. Token_Idlen) & "'");
- else
- Parse_Error (Token_Type'Image (T) & " expected, found "
- & Token_Type'Image (Tok));
- end if;
- end case;
- else
- Parse_Error (Msg);
- end if;
- end if;
- end Expect;
- procedure Next_Expect (T : Token_Type; Msg : String := "") is
- begin
- Next_Token;
- Expect (T, Msg);
- end Next_Expect;
- -- Scopes and identifiers.
- -- Current scope.
- Scope : Scope_Acc := null;
- -- Add a declaration for symbol SYM in the current scope.
- -- INTER defines the meaning of the declaration.
- -- There must be at most one declaration for a symbol in the current scope,
- -- i.e. a symbol cannot be redefined.
- procedure Add_Decl (Sym : Syment_Acc; Inter : Node_Acc);
- -- Return TRUE iff SYM is already defined in the current scope.
- function Is_Defined (Sym : Syment_Acc) return Boolean;
- -- Create new scope.
- procedure Push_Scope;
- -- Close the current scope. Symbols defined in the scope regain their
- -- previous declaration.
- procedure Pop_Scope;
- procedure Push_Scope
- is
- Nscope : Scope_Acc;
- begin
- Nscope := new Scope_Type'(Names => null, Prev => Scope);
- Scope := Nscope;
- end Push_Scope;
- procedure Pop_Scope
- is
- procedure Free is new Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation
- (Object => Name_Type, Name => Name_Acc);
- procedure Free is new Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation
- (Object => Scope_Type, Name => Scope_Acc);
- Sym : Syment_Acc;
- N_Sym : Syment_Acc;
- Name : Name_Acc;
- Old_Scope : Scope_Acc;
- begin
- Sym := Scope.Names;
- while Sym /= null loop
- Name := Sym.Name;
- -- Check.
- if Name.Scope /= Scope then
- raise Program_Error;
- end if;
- -- Set the interpretation of this symbol.
- Sym.Name := Name.Up;
- N_Sym := Name.Next;
- Free (Name);
- Sym := N_Sym;
- end loop;
- -- Free scope.
- Old_Scope := Scope;
- Scope := Scope.Prev;
- Free (Old_Scope);
- end Pop_Scope;
- function Is_Defined (Sym : Syment_Acc) return Boolean is
- begin
- if Sym.Name /= null
- and then Sym.Name.Scope = Scope
- then
- return True;
- else
- return False;
- end if;
- end Is_Defined;
- function New_Symbol (Str : String) return Syment_Acc
- is
- Ent : Syment_Acc;
- H : Hash_Type;
- begin
- Ent := new Syment_Type'(Hash => Get_Hash (Str),
- Ident => Get_Identifier (Str),
- Next => null,
- Name => null);
- H := Ent.Hash mod Hash_Max;
- Ent.Next := Symtable (H);
- Symtable (H) := Ent;
- return Ent;
- end New_Symbol;
- procedure Add_Keyword (Str : String; Token : Token_Type)
- is
- Ent : Syment_Acc;
- begin
- Ent := New_Symbol (Str);
- if Ent.Name /= null
- or else Scope /= null
- then
- -- Redefinition of a keyword.
- raise Program_Error;
- end if;
- Ent.Name := new Name_Type'(Inter => new Node'(Kind => Decl_Keyword,
- Keyword => Token),
- Next => null,
- Up => null,
- Scope => null);
- end Add_Keyword;
- procedure Add_Decl (Sym : Syment_Acc; Inter : Node_Acc)
- is
- Name : Name_Acc;
- Prev : Node_Acc;
- begin
- Name := Sym.Name;
- if Name /= null and then Name.Scope = Scope then
- Prev := Name.Inter;
- if Prev.Kind = Inter.Kind
- and then Prev.Decl_Dtype = Inter.Decl_Dtype
- and then Prev.Decl_Storage = O_Storage_External
- and then Inter.Decl_Storage = O_Storage_Public
- then
- -- Redefinition
- Name.Inter := Inter;
- return;
- end if;
- Parse_Error ("redefinition of " & Get_String (Sym.Ident));
- end if;
- Name := new Name_Type'(Inter => Inter,
- Next => Scope.Names,
- Up => Sym.Name,
- Scope => Scope);
- Sym.Name := Name;
- Scope.Names := Sym;
- end Add_Decl;
- function Get_Decl (Sym : Syment_Acc) return Node_Acc is
- begin
- if Sym.Name = null then
- Parse_Error ("undefined identifier " & Get_String (Sym.Ident));
- else
- return Sym.Name.Inter;
- end if;
- end Get_Decl;
- function Parse_Constant_Value (Atype : Node_Acc) return O_Cnode;
- function Parse_Address (Prefix : Node_Acc) return O_Enode;
- function Parse_Constant_Address (Prefix : Node_Acc) return O_Cnode;
- procedure Parse_Declaration;
- procedure Parse_Compound_Statement;
- function Parse_Type return Node_Acc;
- procedure Parse_Fields (Aggr_Type : Node_Acc;
- Constr : in out O_Element_List)
- is
- F_Type : Node_Acc;
- F : Syment_Acc;
- Last_Field : Node_Acc;
- Field : Node_Acc;
- begin
- Last_Field := null;
- loop
- exit when Tok = Tok_End;
- if Tok /= Tok_Ident then
- Parse_Error ("field name expected");
- end if;
- F := Token_Sym;
- Next_Expect (Tok_Colon, "':' expected");
- Next_Token;
- F_Type := Parse_Type;
- Field := new Node'(Kind => Node_Field,
- Field_Ident => F,
- Field_Fnode => O_Fnode_Null,
- Field_Type => F_Type,
- Field_Next => null);
- case Aggr_Type.Kind is
- when Type_Record =>
- New_Record_Field (Constr, Field.Field_Fnode, F.Ident,
- F_Type.Type_Onode);
- when Type_Union =>
- New_Union_Field (Constr, Field.Field_Fnode, F.Ident,
- F_Type.Type_Onode);
- when others =>
- raise Program_Error;
- end case;
- if Last_Field = null then
- Aggr_Type.Record_Union_Fields := Field;
- else
- Last_Field.Field_Next := Field;
- end if;
- Last_Field := Field;
- Expect (Tok_Semicolon, "';' expected");
- Next_Token;
- end loop;
- end Parse_Fields;
- procedure Parse_Record_Type (Def : Node_Acc)
- is
- Constr : O_Element_List;
- begin
- if Def.Type_Onode = O_Tnode_Null then
- Start_Record_Type (Constr);
- else
- Start_Uncomplete_Record_Type (Def.Type_Onode, Constr);
- end if;
- Parse_Fields (Def, Constr);
- Next_Expect (Tok_Record, "end record expected");
- Finish_Record_Type (Constr, Def.Type_Onode);
- end Parse_Record_Type;
- procedure Parse_Union_Type (Def : Node_Acc)
- is
- Constr : O_Element_List;
- begin
- Start_Union_Type (Constr);
- Parse_Fields (Def, Constr);
- Next_Expect (Tok_Union, "end union expected");
- Finish_Union_Type (Constr, Def.Type_Onode);
- end Parse_Union_Type;
- function Parse_Type return Node_Acc
- is
- Res : Node_Acc;
- T : Token_Type;
- begin
- T := Tok;
- case T is
- when Tok_Unsigned
- | Tok_Signed =>
- Next_Expect (Tok_Left_Paren, "'(' expected");
- Next_Expect (Tok_Num, "number expected");
- case T is
- when Tok_Unsigned =>
- Res := new Node'
- (Kind => Type_Unsigned,
- Type_Onode => New_Unsigned_Type (Natural
- (Token_Number)));
- when Tok_Signed =>
- Res := new Node'
- (Kind => Type_Signed,
- Type_Onode => New_Signed_Type (Natural
- (Token_Number)));
- when others =>
- raise Program_Error;
- end case;
- Next_Expect (Tok_Right_Paren, "')' expected");
- when Tok_Float =>
- Res := new Node'(Kind => Type_Float,
- Type_Onode => New_Float_Type);
- when Tok_Array =>
- declare
- Index_Node : Node_Acc;
- El_Node : Node_Acc;
- begin
- Next_Expect (Tok_Left_Brack, "'[' expected");
- Next_Token;
- Index_Node := Parse_Type;
- Expect (Tok_Right_Brack, "']' expected");
- Next_Expect (Tok_Of, "'of' expected");
- Next_Token;
- El_Node := Parse_Type;
- Res := new Node'
- (Kind => Type_Array,
- Type_Onode => New_Array_Type (El_Node.Type_Onode,
- Index_Node.Type_Onode),
- Array_Index => Index_Node,
- Array_Element => El_Node);
- end;
- return Res;
- when Tok_Subarray =>
- declare
- Base_Node : Node_Acc;
- Res_Type : O_Tnode;
- begin
- Next_Token;
- Base_Node := Parse_Type;
- Expect (Tok_Left_Brack);
- Next_Token;
- Res_Type := New_Constrained_Array_Type
- (Base_Node.Type_Onode,
- Parse_Constant_Value (Base_Node.Array_Index));
- Expect (Tok_Right_Brack);
- Next_Token;
- Res := new Node' (Kind => Type_Subarray,
- Type_Onode => Res_Type,
- Subarray_Base => Base_Node);
- return Res;
- end;
- when Tok_Ident =>
- declare
- Inter : Node_Acc;
- begin
- Inter := Get_Decl (Token_Sym);
- if Inter = null then
- Parse_Error ("undefined type name symbol "
- & Get_String (Token_Sym.Ident));
- end if;
- if Inter.Kind /= Decl_Type then
- Parse_Error ("type declarator expected");
- end if;
- Res := Inter.Decl_Dtype;
- end;
- when Tok_Access =>
- declare
- Dtype : Node_Acc;
- begin
- Next_Token;
- if Tok = Tok_Semicolon then
- Res := new Node'
- (Kind => Type_Access,
- Type_Onode => New_Access_Type (O_Tnode_Null),
- Access_Dtype => null);
- else
- Dtype := Parse_Type;
- Res := new Node'
- (Kind => Type_Access,
- Type_Onode => New_Access_Type (Dtype.Type_Onode),
- Access_Dtype => Dtype);
- end if;
- return Res;
- end;
- when Tok_Record =>
- Next_Token;
- if Tok = Tok_Semicolon then
- -- Uncomplete record type.
- Res := new Node'(Kind => Type_Record,
- Type_Onode => O_Tnode_Null,
- Record_Union_Fields => null);
- New_Uncomplete_Record_Type (Res.Type_Onode);
- return Res;
- end if;
- Res := new Node'(Kind => Type_Record,
- Type_Onode => O_Tnode_Null,
- Record_Union_Fields => null);
- Parse_Record_Type (Res);
- when Tok_Union =>
- Next_Token;
- Res := new Node'(Kind => Type_Union,
- Type_Onode => O_Tnode_Null,
- Record_Union_Fields => null);
- Parse_Union_Type (Res);
- when Tok_Boolean =>
- declare
- False_Lit, True_Lit : Node_Acc;
- begin
- Res := new Node'(Kind => Type_Boolean,
- Type_Onode => O_Tnode_Null,
- Enum_Lits => null);
- Next_Expect (Tok_Left_Brace, "'{' expected");
- Next_Expect (Tok_Ident, "identifier expected");
- False_Lit := new Node'(Kind => Node_Lit,
- Decl_Dtype => Res,
- Decl_Storage => O_Storage_Public,
- Lit_Name => Token_Sym.Ident,
- Lit_Cnode => O_Cnode_Null,
- Lit_Next => null);
- Next_Expect (Tok_Comma, "',' expected");
- Next_Expect (Tok_Ident, "identifier expected");
- True_Lit := new Node'(Kind => Node_Lit,
- Decl_Dtype => Res,
- Decl_Storage => O_Storage_Public,
- Lit_Name => Token_Sym.Ident,
- Lit_Cnode => O_Cnode_Null,
- Lit_Next => null);
- Next_Expect (Tok_Right_Brace, "'}' expected");
- False_Lit.Lit_Next := True_Lit;
- Res.Enum_Lits := False_Lit;
- New_Boolean_Type (Res.Type_Onode,
- False_Lit.Lit_Name, False_Lit.Lit_Cnode,
- True_Lit.Lit_Name, True_Lit.Lit_Cnode);
- end;
- when Tok_Enum =>
- declare
- List : O_Enum_List;
- Lit : Node_Acc;
- Last_Lit : Node_Acc;
- begin
- Res := new Node'(Kind => Type_Enum,
- Type_Onode => O_Tnode_Null,
- Enum_Lits => null);
- Last_Lit := null;
- Push_Scope;
- Next_Expect (Tok_Left_Brace);
- Next_Token;
- -- FIXME: set a size to the enum.
- Start_Enum_Type (List, 8);
- loop
- Expect (Tok_Ident);
- Lit := new Node'(Kind => Node_Lit,
- Decl_Dtype => Res,
- Decl_Storage => O_Storage_Public,
- Lit_Name => Token_Sym.Ident,
- Lit_Cnode => O_Cnode_Null,
- Lit_Next => null);
- Add_Decl (Token_Sym, Lit);
- New_Enum_Literal (List, Lit.Lit_Name, Lit.Lit_Cnode);
- if Last_Lit = null then
- Res.Enum_Lits := Lit;
- else
- Last_Lit.Lit_Next := Lit;
- end if;
- Last_Lit := Lit;
- Next_Expect (Tok_Equal);
- Next_Expect (Tok_Num);
- Next_Token;
- exit when Tok = Tok_Right_Brace;
- Expect (Tok_Comma);
- Next_Token;
- end loop;
- Finish_Enum_Type (List, Res.Type_Onode);
- Pop_Scope;
- end;
- when others =>
- Parse_Error ("bad type " & Token_Type'Image (Tok));
- return null;
- end case;
- Next_Token;
- return Res;
- end Parse_Type;
- procedure Parse_Type_Completion (Decl : Node_Acc)
- is
- begin
- case Tok is
- when Tok_Record =>
- Next_Token;
- Parse_Record_Type (Decl.Decl_Dtype);
- Next_Token;
- when Tok_Access =>
- Next_Token;
- declare
- Dtype : Node_Acc;
- begin
- Dtype := Parse_Type;
- Decl.Decl_Dtype.Access_Dtype := Dtype;
- Finish_Access_Type (Decl.Decl_Dtype.Type_Onode,
- Dtype.Type_Onode);
- end;
- when others =>
- Parse_Error ("'access' or 'record' expected");
- end case;
- end Parse_Type_Completion;
--- procedure Parse_Declaration;
- procedure Parse_Expression (Expr_Type : Node_Acc;
- Expr : out O_Enode;
- Res_Type : out Node_Acc);
- procedure Parse_Name (Prefix : Node_Acc;
- Name : out O_Lnode; N_Type : out Node_Acc);
- procedure Parse_Lvalue (N : in out O_Lnode; N_Type : in out Node_Acc);
- -- Expect: '('
- -- Let: next token.
- procedure Parse_Association (Constr : in out O_Assoc_List;
- Decl : Node_Acc);
- function Find_Field_By_Name (Aggr_Type : Node_Acc) return Node_Acc
- is
- Field : Node_Acc;
- begin
- Field := Aggr_Type.Record_Union_Fields;
- while Field /= null loop
- exit when Field.Field_Ident = Token_Sym;
- Field := Field.Field_Next;
- end loop;
- if Field = null then
- Parse_Error ("no such field name");
- end if;
- return Field;
- end Find_Field_By_Name;
- -- expect: offsetof id.
- function Parse_Offsetof (Atype : Node_Acc) return O_Cnode
- is
- Rec_Type : Node_Acc;
- Rec_Field : Node_Acc;
- begin
- Next_Expect (Tok_Left_Paren);
- Next_Expect (Tok_Ident);
- Rec_Type := Get_Decl (Token_Sym);
- if Rec_Type.Kind /= Decl_Type
- or else Rec_Type.Decl_Dtype.Kind /= Type_Record
- then
- Parse_Error ("type name expected");
- end if;
- Next_Expect (Tok_Dot);
- Next_Expect (Tok_Ident);
- Rec_Field := Find_Field_By_Name (Rec_Type.Decl_Dtype);
- Next_Expect (Tok_Right_Paren);
- return New_Offsetof (Rec_Type.Decl_Dtype.Type_Onode,
- Rec_Field.Field_Fnode,
- Atype.Type_Onode);
- end Parse_Offsetof;
- function Parse_Sizeof (Atype : Node_Acc) return O_Cnode
- is
- Res : O_Cnode;
- begin
- Next_Expect (Tok_Left_Paren);
- Next_Token;
- if Tok /= Tok_Ident then
- Parse_Error ("type name expected");
- end if;
- Res := New_Sizeof
- (Get_Decl (Token_Sym).Decl_Dtype.Type_Onode,
- Atype.Type_Onode);
- Next_Expect (Tok_Right_Paren);
- return Res;
- end Parse_Sizeof;
- function Parse_Alignof (Atype : Node_Acc) return O_Cnode
- is
- Res : O_Cnode;
- begin
- Next_Expect (Tok_Left_Paren);
- Next_Token;
- if Tok /= Tok_Ident then
- Parse_Error ("type name expected");
- end if;
- Res := New_Alignof
- (Get_Decl (Token_Sym).Decl_Dtype.Type_Onode,
- Atype.Type_Onode);
- Next_Expect (Tok_Right_Paren);
- return Res;
- end Parse_Alignof;
- -- Parse a literal whose type is ATYPE.
- function Parse_Typed_Literal (Atype : Node_Acc) return O_Cnode
- is
- Res : O_Cnode;
- begin
- case Tok is
- when Tok_Num =>
- case Atype.Kind is
- when Type_Signed =>
- Res := New_Signed_Literal
- (Atype.Type_Onode, Integer_64 (Token_Number));
- when Type_Unsigned =>
- Res := New_Unsigned_Literal
- (Atype.Type_Onode, Token_Number);
- when others =>
- Parse_Error ("bad type for integer literal");
- end case;
- when Tok_Minus =>
- Next_Token;
- case Tok is
- when Tok_Num =>
- declare
- V : Integer_64;
- begin
- if Token_Number = Unsigned_64 (Integer_64'Last) + 1 then
- V := Integer_64'First;
- else
- V := -Integer_64 (Token_Number);
- end if;
- Res := New_Signed_Literal (Atype.Type_Onode, V);
- end;
- when Tok_Float_Num =>
- Res := New_Float_Literal (Atype.Type_Onode, -Token_Float);
- when others =>
- Parse_Error ("bad token after '-'");
- end case;
- when Tok_Float_Num =>
- Res := New_Float_Literal (Atype.Type_Onode, Token_Float);
- when Tok_Ident =>
- declare
- Pfx : Node_Acc;
- N : Node_Acc;
- begin
- -- Note: we don't use get_decl, since the name can be a literal
- -- name, which is not directly visible.
- if Token_Sym.Name /= null
- and then Token_Sym.Name.Inter.Kind = Decl_Type
- then
- -- A typed expression.
- Pfx := Token_Sym.Name.Inter;
- N := Pfx.Decl_Dtype;
- if Atype /= null and then N /= Atype then
- Parse_Error ("type mismatch");
- end if;
- Next_Expect (Tok_Tick);
- Next_Token;
- if Tok = Tok_Left_Brack then
- Next_Token;
- Res := Parse_Typed_Literal (N);
- Expect (Tok_Right_Brack);
- elsif Tok = Tok_Ident then
- if Token_Sym = Id_Offsetof then
- Res := Parse_Offsetof (N);
- elsif Token_Sym = Id_Sizeof then
- Res := Parse_Sizeof (N);
- elsif Token_Sym = Id_Alignof then
- Res := Parse_Alignof (N);
- elsif Token_Sym = Id_Address
- or Token_Sym = Id_Unchecked_Address
- or Token_Sym = Id_Subprg_Addr
- then
- Res := Parse_Constant_Address (Pfx);
- elsif Token_Sym = Id_Conv then
- Next_Expect (Tok_Left_Paren);
- Next_Token;
- Res := Parse_Typed_Literal (N);
- Expect (Tok_Right_Paren);
- else
- Parse_Error ("offsetof or sizeof attributes expected");
- end if;
- else
- Parse_Error ("'[' or attribute expected");
- end if;
- else
- if Atype.Kind /= Type_Enum
- and then Atype.Kind /= Type_Boolean
- then
- Parse_Error ("name allowed only for enumeration");
- end if;
- N := Atype.Enum_Lits;
- while N /= null loop
- if Is_Equal (N.Lit_Name, Token_Sym.Ident) then
- Res := N.Lit_Cnode;
- exit;
- end if;
- N := N.Lit_Next;
- end loop;
- if N = null then
- Parse_Error ("no matching literal");
- return O_Cnode_Null;
- end if;
- end if;
- end;
- when Tok_Null =>
- Res := New_Null_Access (Atype.Type_Onode);
- when others =>
- Parse_Error ("bad primary expression: " & Token_Type'Image (Tok));
- return O_Cnode_Null;
- end case;
- Next_Token;
- return Res;
- end Parse_Typed_Literal;
- -- expect: next token
- -- Parse an expression starting with NAME.
- procedure Parse_Named_Expression
- (Atype : Node_Acc; Name : Node_Acc; Stop_At_All : Boolean;
- Res : out O_Enode;
- Res_Type : out Node_Acc)
- is
- begin
- if Tok = Tok_Tick then
- Next_Token;
- if Tok = Tok_Left_Brack then
- -- Typed literal.
- Next_Token;
- Res := New_Lit (Parse_Typed_Literal (Name.Decl_Dtype));
- Res_Type := Name.Decl_Dtype;
- Expect (Tok_Right_Brack);
- Next_Token;
- elsif Tok = Tok_Left_Paren then
- -- Typed expression (used for comparaison operators)
- Next_Token;
- Parse_Expression (Name.Decl_Dtype, Res, Res_Type);
- Expect (Tok_Right_Paren);
- Next_Token;
- elsif Tok = Tok_Ident then
- -- Attribute.
- if Token_Sym = Id_Conv then
- Next_Expect (Tok_Left_Paren);
- Next_Token;
- Parse_Expression (null, Res, Res_Type);
- -- Discard Res_Type.
- Expect (Tok_Right_Paren);
- Next_Token;
- Res_Type := Name.Decl_Dtype;
- Res := New_Convert_Ov (Res, Res_Type.Type_Onode);
- -- Fall-through.
- elsif Token_Sym = Id_Address
- or Token_Sym = Id_Unchecked_Address
- or Token_Sym = Id_Subprg_Addr
- then
- Res_Type := Name.Decl_Dtype;
- Res := Parse_Address (Name);
- -- Fall-through.
- elsif Token_Sym = Id_Sizeof then
- Res_Type := Name.Decl_Dtype;
- Res := New_Lit (Parse_Sizeof (Res_Type));
- Next_Token;
- return;
- elsif Token_Sym = Id_Alignof then
- Res_Type := Name.Decl_Dtype;
- Res := New_Lit (Parse_Alignof (Res_Type));
- Next_Token;
- return;
- elsif Token_Sym = Id_Alloca then
- Next_Expect (Tok_Left_Paren);
- Next_Token;
- Parse_Expression (null, Res, Res_Type);
- -- Discard Res_Type.
- Res_Type := Name.Decl_Dtype;
- Res := New_Alloca (Res_Type.Type_Onode, Res);
- Expect (Tok_Right_Paren);
- Next_Token;
- return;
- elsif Token_Sym = Id_Offsetof then
- Res_Type := Atype;
- Res := New_Lit (Parse_Offsetof (Res_Type));
- Next_Token;
- return;
- else
- Parse_Error ("unknown attribute name");
- end if;
- -- Fall-through.
- else
- Parse_Error ("typed expression expected");
- end if;
- elsif Tok = Tok_Left_Paren then
- if Name.Kind /= Node_Function then
- Parse_Error ("function name expected");
- end if;
- declare
- Constr : O_Assoc_List;
- begin
- Parse_Association (Constr, Name);
- Res := New_Function_Call (Constr);
- Res_Type := Name.Decl_Dtype;
- -- Fall-through.
- end;
- elsif Name.Kind = Node_Object
- or else Name.Kind = Decl_Param
- then
- -- Name.
- declare
- Lval : O_Lnode;
- begin
- Parse_Name (Name, Lval, Res_Type);
- Res := New_Value (Lval);
- end;
- else
- Parse_Error ("bad ident expression: "
- & Token_Type'Image (Tok));
- end if;
- -- Continue.
- -- R_TYPE and RES must be set.
- if Tok = Tok_Dot then
- if Stop_At_All then
- return;
- end if;
- Next_Token;
- if Tok = Tok_All then
- if Res_Type.Kind /= Type_Access then
- Parse_Error ("type of prefix is not an access");
- end if;
- declare
- N : O_Lnode;
- begin
- Next_Token;
- N := New_Access_Element (Res);
- Res_Type := Res_Type.Access_Dtype;
- Parse_Lvalue (N, Res_Type);
- Res := New_Value (N);
- end;
- return;
- else
- Parse_Error ("'.all' expected");
- end if;
- end if;
- end Parse_Named_Expression;
- procedure Parse_Primary_Expression (Atype : Node_Acc;
- Res : out O_Enode;
- Res_Type : out Node_Acc)
- is
- begin
- case Tok is
- when Tok_Num
- | Tok_Float_Num =>
- if Atype = null then
- Parse_Error ("numeric literal without type context");
- end if;
- Res_Type := Atype;
- Res := New_Lit (Parse_Typed_Literal (Atype));
- when Tok_Ident =>
- declare
- N : Node_Acc;
- begin
- N := Get_Decl (Token_Sym);
- Next_Token;
- Parse_Named_Expression (Atype, N, False, Res, Res_Type);
- end;
- when Tok_Left_Paren =>
- Next_Token;
- Parse_Expression (Atype, Res, Res_Type);
- Expect (Tok_Right_Paren);
- Next_Token;
- when others =>
- Parse_Error ("bad primary expression: " & Token_Type'Image (Tok));
- end case;
- end Parse_Primary_Expression;
- -- Parse '-' EXPR, 'not' EXPR, 'abs' EXPR or EXPR.
- procedure Parse_Unary_Expression (Atype : Node_Acc;
- Res : out O_Enode;
- Res_Type : out Node_Acc)
- is
- begin
- case Tok is
- when Tok_Minus =>
- Next_Token;
- Parse_Primary_Expression (Atype, Res, Res_Type);
- Res := New_Monadic_Op (ON_Neg_Ov, Res);
- when Tok_Not =>
- Next_Token;
- Parse_Unary_Expression (Atype, Res, Res_Type);
- Res := New_Monadic_Op (ON_Not, Res);
- when Tok_Abs =>
- Next_Token;
- Parse_Unary_Expression (Atype, Res, Res_Type);
- Res := New_Monadic_Op (ON_Abs_Ov, Res);
- when others =>
- Parse_Primary_Expression (Atype, Res, Res_Type);
- end case;
- end Parse_Unary_Expression;
- function Check_Sharp (Op_Ov : ON_Op_Kind) return ON_Op_Kind is
- begin
- Next_Expect (Tok_Sharp);
- Next_Token;
- return Op_Ov;
- end Check_Sharp;
- procedure Parse_Expression (Expr_Type : Node_Acc;
- Expr : out O_Enode;
- Res_Type : out Node_Acc)
- is
- Op_Type : Node_Acc;
- L : O_Enode;
- R : O_Enode;
- Op : ON_Op_Kind;
- begin
- if Expr_Type = null or else Expr_Type.Kind = Type_Boolean then
- -- The type of the expression isn't known, as this can be a
- -- comparaison operator.
- Op_Type := null;
- else
- Op_Type := Expr_Type;
- end if;
- Parse_Unary_Expression (Op_Type, L, Res_Type);
- case Tok is
- when Tok_Div =>
- Op := Check_Sharp (ON_Div_Ov);
- when Tok_Plus =>
- Op := Check_Sharp (ON_Add_Ov);
- when Tok_Minus =>
- Op := Check_Sharp (ON_Sub_Ov);
- when Tok_Star =>
- Op := Check_Sharp (ON_Mul_Ov);
- when Tok_Mod =>
- Op := Check_Sharp (ON_Mod_Ov);
- when Tok_Rem =>
- Op := Check_Sharp (ON_Rem_Ov);
- when Tok_Equal =>
- Op := ON_Eq;
- when Tok_Not_Equal =>
- Op := ON_Neq;
- when Tok_Greater =>
- Op := ON_Gt;
- when Tok_Greater_Eq =>
- Op := ON_Ge;
- when Tok_Less =>
- Op := ON_Lt;
- when Tok_Less_Eq =>
- Op := ON_Le;
- when Tok_Or =>
- Op := ON_Or;
- Next_Token;
- when Tok_And =>
- Op := ON_And;
- Next_Token;
- when Tok_Xor =>
- Op := ON_Xor;
- Next_Token;
- when others =>
- Expr := L;
- return;
- end case;
- if Op in ON_Compare_Op_Kind then
- Next_Token;
- end if;
- Parse_Unary_Expression (Res_Type, R, Res_Type);
- case Op is
- when ON_Dyadic_Op_Kind =>
- Expr := New_Dyadic_Op (Op, L, R);
- when ON_Compare_Op_Kind =>
- if Expr_Type = null then
- Parse_Error ("comparaison operator requires a type");
- end if;
- Expr := New_Compare_Op (Op, L, R, Expr_Type.Type_Onode);
- Res_Type := Expr_Type;
- when others =>
- raise Program_Error;
- end case;
- end Parse_Expression;
- -- Expect and leave: next token
- procedure Parse_Lvalue (N : in out O_Lnode; N_Type : in out Node_Acc)
- is
- begin
- loop
- case Tok is
- when Tok_Dot =>
- Next_Token;
- if Tok = Tok_All then
- if N_Type.Kind /= Type_Access then
- Parse_Error ("type of prefix is not an access");
- end if;
- N := New_Access_Element (New_Value (N));
- N_Type := N_Type.Access_Dtype;
- Next_Token;
- elsif Tok = Tok_Ident then
- if N_Type.Kind /= Type_Record and N_Type.Kind /= Type_Union
- then
- Parse_Error
- ("type of prefix is neither a record nor an union");
- end if;
- declare
- Field : Node_Acc;
- begin
- Field := Find_Field_By_Name (N_Type);
- N := New_Selected_Element (N, Field.Field_Fnode);
- N_Type := Field.Field_Type;
- Next_Token;
- end;
- else
- Parse_Error
- ("'.' must be followed by 'all' or a field name");
- end if;
- when Tok_Left_Brack =>
- declare
- V : O_Enode;
- Bt : Node_Acc;
- Res_Type : Node_Acc;
- begin
- Next_Token;
- if N_Type.Kind = Type_Subarray then
- Bt := N_Type.Subarray_Base;
- else
- Bt := N_Type;
- end if;
- if Bt.Kind /= Type_Array then
- Parse_Error ("type of prefix is not an array");
- end if;
- Parse_Expression (Bt.Array_Index, V, Res_Type);
- if Tok = Tok_Elipsis then
- N := New_Slice (N, Bt.Type_Onode, V);
- Next_Token;
- else
- N := New_Indexed_Element (N, V);
- N_Type := Bt.Array_Element;
- end if;
- Expect (Tok_Right_Brack);
- Next_Token;
- end;
- when others =>
- return;
- end case;
- end loop;
- end Parse_Lvalue;
- procedure Parse_Name (Prefix : Node_Acc;
- Name : out O_Lnode; N_Type : out Node_Acc)
- is
- begin
- case Prefix.Kind is
- when Decl_Param =>
- Name := New_Obj (Prefix.Param_Node);
- N_Type := Prefix.Decl_Dtype;
- when Node_Object =>
- Name := New_Obj (Prefix.Obj_Node);
- N_Type := Prefix.Decl_Dtype;
- when Decl_Type =>
- declare
- Val : O_Enode;
- begin
- Parse_Named_Expression (null, Prefix, True, Val, N_Type);
- if N_Type /= Prefix.Decl_Dtype then
- Parse_Error ("type doesn't match");
- end if;
- if Tok = Tok_Dot then
- Next_Token;
- if Tok = Tok_All then
- if N_Type.Kind /= Type_Access then
- Parse_Error ("type of prefix is not an access");
- end if;
- Name := New_Access_Element (Val);
- N_Type := N_Type.Access_Dtype;
- Next_Token;
- else
- Parse_Error ("'.all' expected");
- end if;
- else
- Parse_Error ("name expected");
- end if;
- end;
- when others =>
- Parse_Error ("invalid name");
- end case;
- Parse_Lvalue (Name, N_Type);
- end Parse_Name;
- -- Expect: '('
- -- Let: next token.
- procedure Parse_Association (Constr : in out O_Assoc_List; Decl : Node_Acc)
- is
- Param : Node_Acc;
- Expr : O_Enode;
- Expr_Type : Node_Acc;
- begin
- Start_Association (Constr, Decl.Subprg_Node);
- if Tok /= Tok_Left_Paren then
- Parse_Error ("'(' expected for a subprogram call");
- end if;
- Next_Token;
- Param := Decl.Subprg_Params;
- while Tok /= Tok_Right_Paren loop
- if Param = null then
- Parse_Error ("too many parameters");
- end if;
- Parse_Expression (Param.Decl_Dtype, Expr, Expr_Type);
- New_Association (Constr, Expr);
- Param := Param.Param_Next;
- exit when Tok /= Tok_Comma;
- Next_Token;
- end loop;
- if Param /= null then
- Parse_Error ("missing parameters");
- end if;
- if Tok /= Tok_Right_Paren then
- Parse_Error ("')' expected to finish a subprogram call, found "
- & Token_Type'Image (Tok));
- end if;
- Next_Token;
- end Parse_Association;
- type Loop_Info;
- type Loop_Info_Acc is access Loop_Info;
- type Loop_Info is record
- Num : Natural;
- Blk : O_Snode;
- Prev : Loop_Info_Acc;
- end record;
- procedure Free is new Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation
- (Name => Loop_Info_Acc, Object => Loop_Info);
- Loop_Stack : Loop_Info_Acc := null;
- function Find_Loop (N : Natural) return Loop_Info_Acc
- is
- Res : Loop_Info_Acc;
- begin
- Res := Loop_Stack;
- while Res /= null loop
- if Res.Num = N then
- return Res;
- end if;
- Res := Res.Prev;
- end loop;
- return null;
- end Find_Loop;
- Current_Subprg : Node_Acc := null;
- procedure Parse_Statement;
- -- Expect : next token
- -- Let: next token
- procedure Parse_Statements is
- begin
- loop
- exit when Tok = Tok_End;
- exit when Tok = Tok_Else;
- exit when Tok = Tok_When;
- Parse_Statement;
- end loop;
- end Parse_Statements;
- -- Expect : next token
- -- Let: next token
- procedure Parse_Statement is
- begin
- if Flag_Renumber then
- New_Debug_Line_Stmt (Lineno);
- end if;
- case Tok is
- when Tok_Comment =>
- Next_Token;
- when Tok_Declare =>
- Start_Declare_Stmt;
- Parse_Compound_Statement;
- Expect (Tok_Semicolon);
- Next_Token;
- Finish_Declare_Stmt;
- when Tok_Line_Number =>
- Next_Expect (Tok_Num);
- if Flag_Renumber = False then
- New_Debug_Line_Stmt (Natural (Token_Number));
- end if;
- Next_Token;
- when Tok_If =>
- declare
- If_Blk : O_If_Block;
- Cond : O_Enode;
- Cond_Type : Node_Acc;
- begin
- Next_Token;
- Parse_Expression (null, Cond, Cond_Type);
- Start_If_Stmt (If_Blk, Cond);
- Expect (Tok_Then);
- Next_Token;
- Parse_Statements;
- if Tok = Tok_Else then
- Next_Token;
- New_Else_Stmt (If_Blk);
- Parse_Statements;
- end if;
- Finish_If_Stmt (If_Blk);
- Expect (Tok_End);
- Next_Expect (Tok_If);
- Next_Expect (Tok_Semicolon);
- Next_Token;
- end;
- when Tok_Loop =>
- declare
- Info : Loop_Info_Acc;
- Num : Natural;
- begin
- Next_Expect (Tok_Num);
- Num := Natural (Token_Number);
- if Find_Loop (Num) /= null then
- Parse_Error ("loop label already defined");
- end if;
- Info := new Loop_Info;
- Info.Num := Num;
- Info.Prev := Loop_Stack;
- Loop_Stack := Info;
- Start_Loop_Stmt (Info.Blk);
- Next_Expect (Tok_Colon);
- Next_Token;
- Parse_Statements;
- Finish_Loop_Stmt (Info.Blk);
- Next_Expect (Tok_Loop);
- Next_Expect (Tok_Semicolon);
- Loop_Stack := Info.Prev;
- Free (Info);
- Next_Token;
- end;
- when Tok_Exit
- | Tok_Next =>
- declare
- Label : Loop_Info_Acc;
- Etok : Token_Type;
- begin
- Etok := Tok;
- Next_Expect (Tok_Loop);
- Next_Expect (Tok_Num);
- Label := Find_Loop (Natural (Token_Number));
- if Label = null then
- Parse_Error ("no such loop");
- end if;
- if Etok = Tok_Exit then
- New_Exit_Stmt (Label.Blk);
- else
- New_Next_Stmt (Label.Blk);
- end if;
- Next_Expect (Tok_Semicolon);
- Next_Token;
- end;
- when Tok_Return =>
- declare
- Res : O_Enode;
- Res_Type : Node_Acc;
- begin
- Next_Token;
- if Tok /= Tok_Semicolon then
- Parse_Expression (Current_Subprg.Decl_Dtype, Res, Res_Type);
- New_Return_Stmt (Res);
- if Tok /= Tok_Semicolon then
- Parse_Error ("';' expected at end of return statement");
- end if;
- else
- New_Return_Stmt;
- end if;
- Next_Token;
- end;
- when Tok_Ident =>
- -- This is either a procedure call or an assignment.
- declare
- Inter : Node_Acc;
- begin
- Inter := Get_Decl (Token_Sym);
- Next_Token;
- if Tok = Tok_Left_Paren then
- -- A procedure call.
- declare
- Constr : O_Assoc_List;
- begin
- Parse_Association (Constr, Inter);
- New_Procedure_Call (Constr);
- if Tok /= Tok_Semicolon then
- Parse_Error ("';' expected after call");
- end if;
- Next_Token;
- return;
- end;
- else
- -- An assignment.
- declare
- Name : O_Lnode;
- Expr : O_Enode;
- Expr_Type : Node_Acc;
- N_Type : Node_Acc;
- begin
- Parse_Name (Inter, Name, N_Type);
- if Tok /= Tok_Assign then
- Parse_Error ("`:=' expected after a variable");
- end if;
- Next_Token;
- Parse_Expression (N_Type, Expr, Expr_Type);
- New_Assign_Stmt (Name, Expr);
- if Tok /= Tok_Semicolon then
- Parse_Error ("';' expected at end of assignment");
- end if;
- Next_Token;
- return;
- end;
- end if;
- end;
- when Tok_Case =>
- declare
- Case_Blk : O_Case_Block;
- L : O_Cnode;
- Choice : O_Enode;
- Choice_Type : Node_Acc;
- begin
- Next_Token;
- Parse_Expression (null, Choice, Choice_Type);
- Start_Case_Stmt (Case_Blk, Choice);
- Expect (Tok_Is);
- Next_Token;
- loop
- exit when Tok = Tok_End;
- Expect (Tok_When);
- Next_Token;
- Start_Choice (Case_Blk);
- loop
- if Tok = Tok_Default then
- New_Default_Choice (Case_Blk);
- Next_Token;
- else
- L := Parse_Typed_Literal (Choice_Type);
- if Tok = Tok_Elipsis then
- Next_Token;
- New_Range_Choice
- (Case_Blk, L, Parse_Typed_Literal (Choice_Type));
- else
- New_Expr_Choice (Case_Blk, L);
- end if;
- end if;
- exit when Tok = Tok_Arrow;
- Expect (Tok_Comma);
- Next_Token;
- end loop;
- -- Skip '=>'.
- Next_Token;
- Finish_Choice (Case_Blk);
- Parse_Statements;
- end loop;
- Finish_Case_Stmt (Case_Blk);
- Expect (Tok_End);
- Next_Expect (Tok_Case);
- Next_Expect (Tok_Semicolon);
- Next_Token;
- end;
- when others =>
- Parse_Error ("bad statement: " & Token_Type'Image (Tok));
- end case;
- end Parse_Statement;
- procedure Parse_Compound_Statement is
- begin
- if Tok /= Tok_Declare then
- Parse_Error ("'declare' expected to start a statements block");
- end if;
- Next_Token;
- Push_Scope;
- -- Parse declarations.
- while Tok /= Tok_Begin loop
- Parse_Declaration;
- end loop;
- Next_Token;
- -- Parse statements.
- Parse_Statements;
- Expect (Tok_End);
- Next_Token;
- Pop_Scope;
- end Parse_Compound_Statement;
- -- Parse (P1 : T1; P2: T2; ...)
- function Parse_Parameter_List return Node_Acc
- is
- First, Last : Node_Acc;
- P : Node_Acc;
- begin
- Expect (Tok_Left_Paren);
- Next_Token;
- if Tok = Tok_Right_Paren then
- Next_Token;
- return null;
- end if;
- First := null;
- Last := null;
- loop
- Expect (Tok_Ident);
- P := new Node'(Kind => Decl_Param,
- Decl_Dtype => null,
- Decl_Storage => O_Storage_Public,
- Param_Node => O_Dnode_Null,
- Param_Name => Token_Sym,
- Param_Next => null);
- -- Link
- if Last = null then
- First := P;
- else
- Last.Param_Next := P;
- end if;
- Last := P;
- Next_Expect (Tok_Colon);
- Next_Token;
- P.Decl_Dtype := Parse_Type;
- exit when Tok = Tok_Right_Paren;
- Expect (Tok_Semicolon);
- Next_Token;
- end loop;
- Next_Token;
- return First;
- end Parse_Parameter_List;
- procedure Create_Interface_List (Constr : in out O_Inter_List;
- First_Inter : Node_Acc)
- is
- Inter : Node_Acc;
- begin
- Inter := First_Inter;
- while Inter /= null loop
- New_Interface_Decl (Constr, Inter.Param_Node, Inter.Param_Name.Ident,
- Inter.Decl_Dtype.Type_Onode);
- Inter := Inter.Param_Next;
- end loop;
- end Create_Interface_List;
- procedure Check_Parameter_List (List : Node_Acc)
- is
- Param : Node_Acc;
- begin
- Next_Expect (Tok_Left_Paren);
- Next_Token;
- Param := List;
- while Tok /= Tok_Right_Paren loop
- if Param = null then
- Parse_Error ("subprogram redefined with more parameters");
- end if;
- Expect (Tok_Ident);
- if Token_Sym /= Param.Param_Name then
- Parse_Error ("subprogram redefined with different parameter name");
- end if;
- Next_Expect (Tok_Colon);
- Next_Token;
- if Parse_Type /= Param.Decl_Dtype then
- Parse_Error ("subprogram redefined with different parameter type");
- end if;
- Param := Param.Param_Next;
- exit when Tok = Tok_Right_Paren;
- Expect (Tok_Semicolon);
- Next_Token;
- end loop;
- Expect (Tok_Right_Paren);
- Next_Token;
- if Param /= null then
- Parse_Error ("subprogram redefined with less parameters");
- end if;
- end Check_Parameter_List;
- procedure Parse_Subprogram_Body (Subprg : Node_Acc)
- is
- Param : Node_Acc;
- Prev_Subprg : Node_Acc;
- begin
- Prev_Subprg := Current_Subprg;
- Current_Subprg := Subprg;
- Start_Subprogram_Body (Subprg.Subprg_Node);
- Push_Scope;
- -- Put parameters in the current scope.
- Param := Subprg.Subprg_Params;
- while Param /= null loop
- Add_Decl (Param.Param_Name, Param);
- Param := Param.Param_Next;
- end loop;
- Parse_Compound_Statement;
- Pop_Scope;
- Finish_Subprogram_Body;
- Current_Subprg := Prev_Subprg;
- end Parse_Subprogram_Body;
- procedure Parse_Function_Definition (Storage : O_Storage)
- is
- Constr : O_Inter_List;
- Sym : Syment_Acc;
- N : Node_Acc;
- begin
- Expect (Tok_Function);
- Next_Expect (Tok_Ident);
- Sym := Token_Sym;
- if Sym.Name /= null then
- N := Get_Decl (Sym);
- Check_Parameter_List (N.Subprg_Params);
- Expect (Tok_Return);
- Next_Expect (Tok_Ident);
- Next_Token;
- else
- N := new Node'(Kind => Node_Function,
- Decl_Dtype => null,
- Decl_Storage => Storage,
- Subprg_Node => O_Dnode_Null,
- Subprg_Name => Sym,
- Subprg_Params => null);
- Next_Token;
- N.Subprg_Params := Parse_Parameter_List;
- Expect (Tok_Return);
- Next_Token;
- N.Decl_Dtype := Parse_Type;
- Start_Function_Decl (Constr, N.Subprg_Name.Ident, Storage,
- N.Decl_Dtype.Type_Onode);
- Create_Interface_List (Constr, N.Subprg_Params);
- Finish_Subprogram_Decl (Constr, N.Subprg_Node);
- Add_Decl (Sym, N);
- end if;
- if Tok = Tok_Declare then
- Parse_Subprogram_Body (N);
- end if;
- end Parse_Function_Definition;
- procedure Parse_Procedure_Definition (Storage : O_Storage)
- is
- Constr : O_Inter_List;
- Sym : Syment_Acc;
- N : Node_Acc;
- begin
- Expect (Tok_Procedure);
- Next_Expect (Tok_Ident);
- Sym := Token_Sym;
- if Sym.Name /= null then
- N := Get_Decl (Sym);
- Check_Parameter_List (N.Subprg_Params);
- else
- N := new Node'(Kind => Node_Procedure,
- Decl_Dtype => null,
- Decl_Storage => Storage,
- Subprg_Node => O_Dnode_Null,
- Subprg_Name => Sym,
- Subprg_Params => null);
- Next_Token;
- N.Subprg_Params := Parse_Parameter_List;
- Start_Procedure_Decl (Constr, N.Subprg_Name.Ident, Storage);
- Create_Interface_List (Constr, N.Subprg_Params);
- Finish_Subprogram_Decl (Constr, N.Subprg_Node);
- Add_Decl (Sym, N);
- end if;
- if Tok = Tok_Declare then
- Parse_Subprogram_Body (N);
- end if;
- end Parse_Procedure_Definition;
- function Parse_Address (Prefix : Node_Acc) return O_Enode
- is
- Pfx : Node_Acc;
- N : O_Lnode;
- N_Type : Node_Acc;
- Res : O_Enode;
- Attr : Syment_Acc;
- T : O_Tnode;
- begin
- Attr := Token_Sym;
- Next_Expect (Tok_Left_Paren);
- Next_Expect (Tok_Ident);
- Pfx := Get_Decl (Token_Sym);
- T := Prefix.Decl_Dtype.Type_Onode;
- if Attr = Id_Subprg_Addr then
- Expect (Tok_Ident);
- Pfx := Get_Decl (Token_Sym);
- if Pfx.Kind not in Nodes_Subprogram then
- Parse_Error ("subprogram identifier expected");
- end if;
- Res := New_Lit (New_Subprogram_Address (Pfx.Subprg_Node, T));
- Next_Token;
- else
- Next_Token;
- Parse_Name (Pfx, N, N_Type);
- if Attr = Id_Address then
- Res := New_Address (N, T);
- elsif Attr = Id_Unchecked_Address then
- Res := New_Unchecked_Address (N, T);
- else
- Parse_Error ("address attribute expected");
- end if;
- end if;
- Expect (Tok_Right_Paren);
- Next_Token;
- return Res;
- end Parse_Address;
- function Parse_Constant_Address (Prefix : Node_Acc) return O_Cnode
- is
- Pfx : Node_Acc;
- Res : O_Cnode;
- Attr : Syment_Acc;
- T : O_Tnode;
- begin
- Attr := Token_Sym;
- Next_Expect (Tok_Left_Paren);
- Next_Expect (Tok_Ident);
- Pfx := Get_Decl (Token_Sym);
- T := Prefix.Decl_Dtype.Type_Onode;
- if Attr = Id_Subprg_Addr then
- Expect (Tok_Ident);
- Pfx := Get_Decl (Token_Sym);
- if Pfx.Kind not in Nodes_Subprogram then
- Parse_Error ("subprogram identifier expected");
- end if;
- Res := New_Subprogram_Address (Pfx.Subprg_Node, T);
- Next_Token;
- else
- Next_Token;
- if Attr = Id_Address then
- Res := New_Global_Address (Pfx.Obj_Node, T);
- elsif Attr = Id_Unchecked_Address then
- Res := New_Global_Unchecked_Address (Pfx.Obj_Node, T);
- else
- Parse_Error ("address attribute expected");
- end if;
- end if;
- Expect (Tok_Right_Paren);
- return Res;
- end Parse_Constant_Address;
- function Parse_Constant_Value (Atype : Node_Acc) return O_Cnode
- is
- Res : O_Cnode;
- begin
- case Atype.Kind is
- when Type_Subarray =>
- declare
- Constr : O_Array_Aggr_List;
- El : Node_Acc;
- begin
- Expect (Tok_Left_Brace);
- Next_Token;
- Start_Array_Aggr (Constr, Atype.Type_Onode);
- El := Atype.Subarray_Base.Array_Element;
- for I in Natural loop
- exit when Tok = Tok_Right_Brace;
- if I /= 0 then
- Expect (Tok_Comma);
- Next_Token;
- end if;
- New_Array_Aggr_El (Constr, Parse_Constant_Value (El));
- end loop;
- Finish_Array_Aggr (Constr, Res);
- Next_Token;
- return Res;
- end;
- when Type_Unsigned
- | Type_Signed
- | Type_Enum
- | Type_Float
- | Type_Boolean
- | Type_Access =>
- --return Parse_Primary_Expression (Atype);
- return Parse_Typed_Literal (Atype);
- when Type_Record =>
- declare
- Constr : O_Record_Aggr_List;
- Field : Node_Acc;
- begin
- Expect (Tok_Left_Brace);
- Next_Token;
- Start_Record_Aggr (Constr, Atype.Type_Onode);
- Field := Atype.Record_Union_Fields;
- while Field /= null loop
- if Tok = Tok_Dot then
- Next_Expect (Tok_Ident);
- if Token_Sym /= Field.Field_Ident then
- Parse_Error ("bad field name");
- end if;
- Next_Expect (Tok_Equal);
- Next_Token;
- end if;
- New_Record_Aggr_El
- (Constr, Parse_Constant_Value (Field.Field_Type));
- Field := Field.Field_Next;
- if Field /= null then
- Expect (Tok_Comma);
- Next_Token;
- end if;
- end loop;
- Finish_Record_Aggr (Constr, Res);
- Expect (Tok_Right_Brace);
- Next_Token;
- return Res;
- end;
- when Type_Union =>
- declare
- Field : Node_Acc;
- begin
- Expect (Tok_Left_Brace);
- Next_Token;
- Expect (Tok_Dot);
- Next_Expect (Tok_Ident);
- Field := Find_Field_By_Name (Atype);
- Next_Expect (Tok_Equal);
- Next_Token;
- Res := New_Union_Aggr
- (Atype.Type_Onode, Field.Field_Fnode,
- Parse_Constant_Value (Field.Field_Type));
- Expect (Tok_Right_Brace);
- Next_Token;
- return Res;
- end;
- when others =>
- raise Program_Error;
- end case;
- end Parse_Constant_Value;
- procedure Parse_Constant_Declaration (Storage : O_Storage)
- is
- N : Node_Acc;
- Sym : Syment_Acc;
- --Val : O_Cnode;
- begin
- Expect (Tok_Constant);
- Next_Expect (Tok_Ident);
- Sym := Token_Sym;
- N := new Node'(Kind => Node_Object,
- Decl_Dtype => null,
- Decl_Storage => Storage,
- Obj_Name => Sym.Ident,
- Obj_Node => O_Dnode_Null);
- Next_Expect (Tok_Colon);
- Next_Token;
- N.Decl_Dtype := Parse_Type;
- New_Const_Decl (N.Obj_Node, Sym.Ident, Storage, N.Decl_Dtype.Type_Onode);
- Add_Decl (Sym, N);
--- if Storage /= O_Storage_External then
--- Expect (Tok_Assign);
--- Next_Token;
--- Start_Const_Value (N.Obj_Node);
--- Val := Parse_Constant_Value (N.Decl_Dtype);
--- Finish_Const_Value (N.Obj_Node, Val);
--- end if;
- end Parse_Constant_Declaration;
- procedure Parse_Constant_Value_Declaration
- is
- N : Node_Acc;
- Val : O_Cnode;
- begin
- Next_Expect (Tok_Ident);
- N := Get_Decl (Token_Sym);
- if N.Kind /= Node_Object then
- Parse_Error ("name of a constant expected");
- end if;
- -- FIXME: should check storage,
- -- should check the object is a constant,
- -- should check the object has no value.
- Next_Expect (Tok_Assign);
- Next_Token;
- Start_Const_Value (N.Obj_Node);
- Val := Parse_Constant_Value (N.Decl_Dtype);
- Finish_Const_Value (N.Obj_Node, Val);
- end Parse_Constant_Value_Declaration;
- procedure Parse_Var_Declaration (Storage : O_Storage)
- is
- N : Node_Acc;
- Sym : Syment_Acc;
- begin
- Expect (Tok_Var);
- Next_Expect (Tok_Ident);
- Sym := Token_Sym;
- N := new Node'(Kind => Node_Object,
- Decl_Dtype => null,
- Decl_Storage => Storage,
- Obj_Name => Sym.Ident,
- Obj_Node => O_Dnode_Null);
- Next_Expect (Tok_Colon);
- Next_Token;
- N.Decl_Dtype := Parse_Type;
- New_Var_Decl (N.Obj_Node, Sym.Ident, Storage, N.Decl_Dtype.Type_Onode);
- Add_Decl (Sym, N);
- end Parse_Var_Declaration;
- procedure Parse_Stored_Decl (Storage : O_Storage)
- is
- begin
- Next_Token;
- if Tok = Tok_Function then
- Parse_Function_Definition (Storage);
- elsif Tok = Tok_Procedure then
- Parse_Procedure_Definition (Storage);
- elsif Tok = Tok_Constant then
- Parse_Constant_Declaration (Storage);
- elsif Tok = Tok_Var then
- Parse_Var_Declaration (Storage);
- else
- Parse_Error ("function declaration expected");
- end if;
- end Parse_Stored_Decl;
- procedure Parse_Declaration
- is
- Inter : Node_Acc;
- S : Syment_Acc;
- begin
- if Flag_Renumber then
- New_Debug_Line_Decl (Lineno);
- end if;
- case Tok is
- when Tok_Type =>
- Next_Token;
- if Tok /= Tok_Ident then
- Parse_Error ("identifier for type expected");
- end if;
- S := Token_Sym;
- Next_Expect (Tok_Is);
- Next_Token;
- if Is_Defined (S) then
- Parse_Type_Completion (Get_Decl (S));
- else
- Inter := new Node'(Kind => Decl_Type,
- Decl_Storage => O_Storage_Public,
- Decl_Dtype => Parse_Type);
- Add_Decl (S, Inter);
- New_Type_Decl (S.Ident, Inter.Decl_Dtype.Type_Onode);
- end if;
- when Tok_External =>
- Parse_Stored_Decl (O_Storage_External);
- when Tok_Private =>
- Parse_Stored_Decl (O_Storage_Private);
- when Tok_Public =>
- Parse_Stored_Decl (O_Storage_Public);
- when Tok_Local =>
- Parse_Stored_Decl (O_Storage_Local);
- when Tok_Constant =>
- Parse_Constant_Value_Declaration;
- when Tok_Comment =>
- New_Debug_Comment_Decl (Token_Ident (1 .. Token_Idlen));
- Next_Token;
- return;
- when Tok_File_Name =>
- if Flag_Renumber = False then
- New_Debug_Filename_Decl (Token_Ident (1 .. Token_Idlen));
- end if;
- Next_Token;
- return;
- when others =>
- Parse_Error ("declaration expected");
- end case;
- Expect (Tok_Semicolon);
- Next_Token;
- end Parse_Declaration;
--- procedure Put (Str : String)
--- is
--- L : Integer;
--- begin
--- L := Write (Standout, Str'Address, Str'Length);
--- end Put;
- function Parse (Filename : String_Acc) return Boolean
- is
- begin
- -- Initialize symbol table.
- Add_Keyword ("type", Tok_Type);
- Add_Keyword ("return", Tok_Return);
- Add_Keyword ("if", Tok_If);
- Add_Keyword ("then", Tok_Then);
- Add_Keyword ("else", Tok_Else);
- Add_Keyword ("elsif", Tok_Elsif);
- Add_Keyword ("loop", Tok_Loop);
- Add_Keyword ("exit", Tok_Exit);
- Add_Keyword ("next", Tok_Next);
- Add_Keyword ("signed", Tok_Signed);
- Add_Keyword ("unsigned", Tok_Unsigned);
- Add_Keyword ("float", Tok_Float);
- Add_Keyword ("is", Tok_Is);
- Add_Keyword ("of", Tok_Of);
- Add_Keyword ("all", Tok_All);
- Add_Keyword ("not", Tok_Not);
- Add_Keyword ("abs", Tok_Abs);
- Add_Keyword ("or", Tok_Or);
- Add_Keyword ("and", Tok_And);
- Add_Keyword ("xor", Tok_Xor);
- Add_Keyword ("mod", Tok_Mod);
- Add_Keyword ("rem", Tok_Rem);
- Add_Keyword ("array", Tok_Array);
- Add_Keyword ("access", Tok_Access);
- Add_Keyword ("record", Tok_Record);
- Add_Keyword ("union", Tok_Union);
- Add_Keyword ("end", Tok_End);
- Add_Keyword ("boolean", Tok_Boolean);
- Add_Keyword ("enum", Tok_Enum);
- Add_Keyword ("external", Tok_External);
- Add_Keyword ("private", Tok_Private);
- Add_Keyword ("public", Tok_Public);
- Add_Keyword ("local", Tok_Local);
- Add_Keyword ("procedure", Tok_Procedure);
- Add_Keyword ("function", Tok_Function);
- Add_Keyword ("constant", Tok_Constant);
- Add_Keyword ("var", Tok_Var);
- Add_Keyword ("subarray", Tok_Subarray);
- Add_Keyword ("declare", Tok_Declare);
- Add_Keyword ("begin", Tok_Begin);
- Add_Keyword ("end", Tok_End);
- Add_Keyword ("null", Tok_Null);
- Add_Keyword ("case", Tok_Case);
- Add_Keyword ("when", Tok_When);
- Add_Keyword ("default", Tok_Default);
- Id_Address := New_Symbol ("address");
- Id_Unchecked_Address := New_Symbol ("unchecked_address");
- Id_Subprg_Addr := New_Symbol ("subprg_addr");
- Id_Conv := New_Symbol ("conv");
- Id_Sizeof := New_Symbol ("sizeof");
- Id_Alignof := New_Symbol ("alignof");
- Id_Alloca := New_Symbol ("alloca");
- Id_Offsetof := New_Symbol ("offsetof");
- -- Initialize the scanner.
- Buf (1) := NUL;
- Pos := 1;
- Lineno := 1;
- if Filename = null then
- Fd := Standin;
- File_Name := new String'("*stdin*");
- else
- declare
- Name : String (1 .. Filename'Length + 1);
- --("C:\cygwin\home\tgingold\src\ortho\x86\tests\olang\ex2.ol",
- begin
- Name (1 .. Filename'Length) := Filename.all;
- Name (Name'Last) := NUL;
- File_Name := Filename;
- Fd := Open_Read (Name'Address, Text);
- if Fd = Invalid_FD then
- Puterr ("cannot open '" & Filename.all & ''');
- Newline_Err;
- return False;
- end if;
- end;
- end if;
- New_Debug_Filename_Decl (File_Name.all);
- Push_Scope;
- Next_Token;
- while Tok /= Tok_Eof loop
- Parse_Declaration;
- end loop;
- Pop_Scope;
- if Fd /= Standin then
- Close (Fd);
- end if;
- return True;
- exception
- when E : others =>
- Puterr (Ada.Exceptions.Exception_Information (E));
- raise;
- end Parse;
-end Ortho_Front;