path: root/ortho/llvm/ortho_llvm.adb
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Diffstat (limited to 'ortho/llvm/ortho_llvm.adb')
1 files changed, 92 insertions, 5 deletions
diff --git a/ortho/llvm/ortho_llvm.adb b/ortho/llvm/ortho_llvm.adb
index be9364f..862435d 100644
--- a/ortho/llvm/ortho_llvm.adb
+++ b/ortho/llvm/ortho_llvm.adb
@@ -16,29 +16,56 @@
-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
-- 02111-1307, USA.
-with Ortho_LLVM.Main; use Ortho_LLVM.Main;
with Ada.Unchecked_Conversion;
with Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation;
with LLVM.Target; use LLVM.Target;
+with GNAT.Directory_Operations;
package body Ortho_LLVM is
- -- Target_Data : TargetDataRef;
+ -- The current function for LLVM (needed to add new basic blocks).
Cur_Func : ValueRef;
+ -- The current function node (needed for return type).
Cur_Func_Decl : O_Dnode;
+ -- Wether the code is currently unreachable. LLVM doesn't accept basic
+ -- blocks that cannot be reached (using trivial rules). So we need to
+ -- discard instructions after a return, a next or an exit statement.
Unreach : Boolean;
+ -- Builder for statements.
+ Builder : BuilderRef;
+ -- Builder for declarations (local variables).
+ Decl_Builder : BuilderRef;
+ -- Declaration of llvm.dbg.declare
+ Llvm_Dbg_Declare : ValueRef;
+ Debug_ID : unsigned;
+ Current_Directory : constant String :=
+ GNAT.Directory_Operations.Get_Current_Dir;
+ -- Additional data for declare blocks.
type Declare_Block_Type;
type Declare_Block_Acc is access Declare_Block_Type;
type Declare_Block_Type is record
+ -- First basic block of the declare.
Stmt_Bb : BasicBlockRef;
+ -- Debug data for the scope of the declare block.
Dbg_Scope : ValueRef;
+ -- Previous element in the stack.
Prev : Declare_Block_Acc;
end record;
+ -- Current declare block.
Cur_Declare_Block : Declare_Block_Acc;
+ -- Chain of unused blocks to be recycled.
Old_Declare_Block : Declare_Block_Acc;
-- For debugging
@@ -257,18 +284,23 @@ package body Ortho_LLVM is
Res : Declare_Block_Acc;
+ -- Try to recycle an unused record.
if Old_Declare_Block /= null then
Res := Old_Declare_Block;
Old_Declare_Block := Res.Prev;
+ -- Create a new one if no unused records.
Res := new Declare_Block_Type;
end if;
+ -- Chain.
Res.Prev := Cur_Declare_Block;
Cur_Declare_Block := Res;
if not Unreach then
Res.Stmt_Bb := AppendBasicBlock (Cur_Func, Empty_Cstring);
+ else
+ Res.Stmt_Bb := Null_BasicBlockRef;
end if;
end Create_Declare_Block;
@@ -276,7 +308,10 @@ package body Ortho_LLVM is
Blk : constant Declare_Block_Acc := Cur_Declare_Block;
+ -- Unchain.
Cur_Declare_Block := Blk.Prev;
+ -- Put on the recyle list.
Blk.Prev := Old_Declare_Block;
Old_Declare_Block := Blk;
end Destroy_Declare_Block;
@@ -701,7 +736,6 @@ package body Ortho_LLVM is
Append (Enum_Nodes, MDNode (Vals, Vals'Length));
end Dbg_Add_Enumeration;
-- New_Boolean_Type --
@@ -1232,7 +1266,6 @@ package body Ortho_LLVM is
when ON_Neg_Ov =>
Res := BuildNeg (Builder, Operand.LLVM, Empty_Cstring);
when ON_Abs_Ov =>
- -- FIXME: float ?
Res := BuildSelect
BuildICmp (Builder, IntSLT,
@@ -2762,4 +2795,58 @@ package body Ortho_LLVM is
(Module, Module_Flags'Address, MDNode (Flags2, Flags2'Length));
end Finish_Debug;
+ Dbg_Str : constant String := "dbg";
+ Stacksave_Fun : ValueRef;
+ pragma Unreferenced (Stacksave_Fun);
+ Stacksave_Name : constant String := "llvm.stacksave" & ASCII.NUL;
+ Stackrestore_Fun : ValueRef;
+ pragma Unreferenced (Stackrestore_Fun);
+ Stackrestore_Name : constant String := "llvm.stackrestore" & ASCII.NUL;
+ procedure Init is
+ -- Some predefined types and functions.
+ Char_Type : O_Tnode;
+ Char_Ptr_Type : O_Tnode;
+ begin
+ Builder := CreateBuilder;
+ Decl_Builder := CreateBuilder;
+ Char_Type := New_Unsigned_Type (8);
+ New_Type_Decl (Get_Identifier ("__llvm_char"), Char_Type);
+ if False then
+ Char_Ptr_Type := New_Access_Type (Char_Type);
+ New_Type_Decl (Get_Identifier ("__llvm_char_ptr"), Char_Ptr_Type);
+ Stacksave_Fun := AddFunction
+ (Module, Stacksave_Name'Address,
+ FunctionType (Get_LLVM_Type (Char_Ptr_Type),
+ TypeRefArray'(1 .. 0 => Null_TypeRef), 0, 0));
+ Stackrestore_Fun := AddFunction
+ (Module, Stackrestore_Name'Address,
+ FunctionType
+ (VoidType,
+ TypeRefArray'(1 => Get_LLVM_Type (Char_Ptr_Type)), 1, 0));
+ end if;
+ if Flag_Debug then
+ Debug_ID := GetMDKindID (Dbg_Str, Dbg_Str'Length);
+ declare
+ Atypes : TypeRefArray (1 .. 2);
+ Ftype : TypeRef;
+ Name : String := "llvm.dbg.declare" & ASCII.NUL;
+ begin
+ Atypes := (MetadataType, MetadataType);
+ Ftype := FunctionType (VoidType, Atypes, Atypes'Length, 0);
+ Llvm_Dbg_Declare := AddFunction (Module, Name'Address, Ftype);
+ AddFunctionAttr (Llvm_Dbg_Declare,
+ NoUnwindAttribute + ReadNoneAttribute);
+ end;
+ end if;
+ end Init;
end Ortho_LLVM;