path: root/ortho/llvm/ortho_code_main.adb
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'ortho/llvm/ortho_code_main.adb')
1 files changed, 377 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ortho/llvm/ortho_code_main.adb b/ortho/llvm/ortho_code_main.adb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eec8490
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ortho/llvm/ortho_code_main.adb
@@ -0,0 +1,377 @@
+-- LLVM back-end for ortho - Main subprogram.
+-- Copyright (C) 2014 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+with Ada.Command_Line; use Ada.Command_Line;
+with Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation;
+with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
+with Ortho_LLVM.Main; use Ortho_LLVM.Main;
+with Ortho_Front; use Ortho_Front;
+with LLVM.BitWriter;
+with LLVM.Core; use LLVM.Core;
+with LLVM.ExecutionEngine; use LLVM.ExecutionEngine;
+with LLVM.Target; use LLVM.Target;
+with LLVM.TargetMachine; use LLVM.TargetMachine;
+with LLVM.Analysis;
+with LLVM.Transforms.Scalar;
+with Interfaces;
+with Interfaces.C; use Interfaces.C;
+procedure Ortho_Code_Main
+ -- Name of the output filename (given by option '-o').
+ Output : String_Acc := null;
+ type Output_Kind_Type is (Output_Llvm, Output_Bytecode,
+ Output_Assembly, Output_Object);
+ Output_Kind : Output_Kind_Type := Output_Llvm;
+ -- True if the LLVM output must be displayed (set by '--dump-llvm')
+ Flag_Dump_Llvm : Boolean := False;
+ -- Index of the first file argument.
+ First_File : Natural;
+ -- Set by '--exec': function to call and its argument (an integer)
+ Exec_Func : String_Acc := null;
+ Exec_Val : Integer := 0;
+ -- Current option index.
+ Optind : Natural;
+ -- Number of arguments.
+ Argc : constant Natural := Argument_Count;
+ -- Name of the module.
+ Module_Name : String := "ortho" & Ascii.Nul;
+ -- Target triple.
+ Triple : Cstring := Empty_Cstring;
+ -- Execution engine
+ Engine : aliased ExecutionEngineRef;
+ Target : aliased TargetRef;
+ CPU : constant Cstring := Empty_Cstring;
+ Features : constant Cstring := Empty_Cstring;
+ Reloc : constant RelocMode := RelocDefault;
+ procedure Dump_Llvm
+ is
+ use LLVM.Analysis;
+ Msg : aliased Cstring;
+ begin
+ DumpModule (Module);
+ if LLVM.Analysis.VerifyModule
+ (Module, PrintMessageAction, Msg'Access) /= 0
+ then
+ null;
+ end if;
+ end Dump_Llvm;
+ Codegen : CodeGenFileType := ObjectFile;
+ Msg : aliased Cstring;
+ Ortho_Front.Init;
+ -- Decode options.
+ First_File := Natural'Last;
+ Optind := 1;
+ while Optind <= Argc loop
+ declare
+ Arg : constant String := Argument (Optind);
+ begin
+ if Arg (1) = '-' then
+ if Arg = "--dump-llvm" then
+ Flag_Dump_Llvm := True;
+ elsif Arg = "-o" then
+ if Optind = Argc then
+ Put_Line (Standard_Error, "error: missing filename to '-o'");
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Output := new String'(Argument (Optind + 1) & ASCII.Nul);
+ Optind := Optind + 1;
+ elsif Arg = "-quiet" then
+ -- Skip silently.
+ null;
+ elsif Arg = "-S" then
+ Output_Kind := Output_Assembly;
+ Codegen := AssemblyFile;
+ elsif Arg = "-c" then
+ Output_Kind := Output_Object;
+ Codegen := ObjectFile;
+ elsif Arg = "-O0" then
+ Optimization := CodeGenLevelNone;
+ elsif Arg = "-O1" then
+ Optimization := CodeGenLevelLess;
+ elsif Arg = "-O2" then
+ Optimization := CodeGenLevelDefault;
+ elsif Arg = "-O3" then
+ Optimization := CodeGenLevelAggressive;
+ elsif Arg = "--emit-llvm" then
+ Output_Kind := Output_Llvm;
+ elsif Arg = "--emit-bc" then
+ Output_Kind := Output_Bytecode;
+ elsif Arg = "--exec" then
+ if Optind + 1 >= Argc then
+ Put_Line (Standard_Error,
+ "error: missing function name to '--exec'");
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Exec_Func := new String'(Argument (Optind + 1));
+ Exec_Val := Integer'Value (Argument (Optind + 2));
+ Optind := Optind + 2;
+ elsif Arg = "-g" then
+ Flag_Debug := True;
+ else
+ -- This is really an argument.
+ declare
+ procedure Unchecked_Deallocation is
+ new Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation
+ (Name => String_Acc, Object => String);
+ Opt : String_Acc := new String'(Arg);
+ Opt_Arg : String_Acc;
+ Res : Natural;
+ begin
+ if Optind < Argument_Count then
+ Opt_Arg := new String'(Argument (Optind + 1));
+ else
+ Opt_Arg := null;
+ end if;
+ Res := Ortho_Front.Decode_Option (Opt, Opt_Arg);
+ case Res is
+ when 0 =>
+ Put_Line (Standard_Error,
+ "unknown option '" & Arg & "'");
+ return;
+ when 1 =>
+ null;
+ when 2 =>
+ Optind := Optind + 1;
+ when others =>
+ raise Program_Error;
+ end case;
+ Unchecked_Deallocation (Opt);
+ Unchecked_Deallocation (Opt_Arg);
+ end;
+ end if;
+ else
+ First_File := Optind;
+ exit;
+ end if;
+ end;
+ Optind := Optind + 1;
+ end loop;
+ -- Link with LLVM libraries.
+ InitializeNativeTarget;
+ InitializeNativeAsmPrinter;
+ LinkInJIT;
+ Module := ModuleCreateWithName (Module_Name'Address);
+ if Output = null and then Exec_Func /= null then
+ -- Now we going to create JIT
+ if CreateExecutionEngineForModule
+ (Engine'Access, Module, Msg'Access) /= 0
+ then
+ Put_Line (Standard_Error,
+ "cannot create execute: " & To_String (Msg));
+ raise Program_Error;
+ end if;
+ Target_Data := GetExecutionEngineTargetData (Engine);
+ else
+ -- Extract target triple
+ Triple := GetDefaultTargetTriple;
+ SetTarget (Module, Triple);
+ -- Get Target
+ if GetTargetFromTriple (Triple, Target'Access, Msg'Access) /= 0 then
+ raise Program_Error;
+ end if;
+ -- Create a target machine
+ Target_Machine := CreateTargetMachine
+ (Target, Triple, CPU, Features, Optimization, Reloc, CodeModelDefault);
+ Target_Data := GetTargetMachineData (Target_Machine);
+ end if;
+ SetDataLayout (Module, CopyStringRepOfTargetData (Target_Data));
+ if False then
+ declare
+ Targ : TargetRef;
+ begin
+ Put_Line ("Triple: " & To_String (Triple));
+ New_Line;
+ Put_Line ("Targets:");
+ Targ := GetFirstTarget;
+ while Targ /= Null_TargetRef loop
+ Put_Line (" " & To_String (GetTargetName (Targ))
+ & ": " & To_String (GetTargetDescription (Targ)));
+ Targ := GetNextTarget (Targ);
+ end loop;
+ end;
+ -- Target_Data := CreateTargetData (Triple);
+ end if;
+ Ortho_LLVM.Main.Init;
+ Set_Exit_Status (Failure);
+ if First_File > Argument_Count then
+ begin
+ if not Parse (null) then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ exception
+ when others =>
+ return;
+ end;
+ else
+ for I in First_File .. Argument_Count loop
+ declare
+ Filename : constant String_Acc :=
+ new String'(Argument (First_File));
+ begin
+ if not Parse (Filename) then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ exception
+ when others =>
+ return;
+ end;
+ end loop;
+ end if;
+ if Flag_Debug then
+ Ortho_LLVM.Finish_Debug;
+ end if;
+ -- Ortho_Mcode.Finish;
+ if Flag_Dump_Llvm then
+ Dump_Llvm;
+ end if;
+ -- Verify module.
+ if LLVM.Analysis.VerifyModule
+ (Module, LLVM.Analysis.PrintMessageAction, Msg'Access) /= 0
+ then
+ DisposeMessage (Msg);
+ raise Program_Error;
+ end if;
+ if Optimization > CodeGenLevelNone then
+ declare
+ use LLVM.Transforms.Scalar;
+ Global_Manager : constant Boolean := False;
+ Pass_Manager : PassManagerRef;
+ Res : Bool;
+ pragma Unreferenced (Res);
+ A_Func : ValueRef;
+ begin
+ if Global_Manager then
+ Pass_Manager := CreatePassManager;
+ else
+ Pass_Manager := CreateFunctionPassManagerForModule (Module);
+ end if;
+ LLVM.Target.AddTargetData (Target_Data, Pass_Manager);
+ AddPromoteMemoryToRegisterPass (Pass_Manager);
+ AddCFGSimplificationPass (Pass_Manager);
+ if Global_Manager then
+ Res := RunPassManager (Pass_Manager, Module);
+ else
+ A_Func := GetFirstFunction (Module);
+ while A_Func /= Null_ValueRef loop
+ Res := RunFunctionPassManager (Pass_Manager, A_Func);
+ A_Func := GetNextFunction (A_Func);
+ end loop;
+ end if;
+ end;
+ end if;
+ if Output /= null then
+ declare
+ Error : Boolean;
+ begin
+ Msg := Empty_Cstring;
+ case Output_Kind is
+ when Output_Assembly
+ | Output_Object =>
+ Error := LLVM.TargetMachine.TargetMachineEmitToFile
+ (Target_Machine, Module,
+ Output.all'Address, Codegen, Msg'Access) /= 0;
+ when Output_Bytecode =>
+ Error := LLVM.BitWriter.WriteBitcodeToFile
+ (Module, Output.all'Address) /= 0;
+ when Output_Llvm =>
+ Error := PrintModuleToFile
+ (Module, Output.all'Address, Msg'Access) /= 0;
+ end case;
+ if Error then
+ Put_Line (Standard_Error,
+ "error while writing to " & Output.all);
+ if Msg /= Empty_Cstring then
+ Put_Line (Standard_Error,
+ "message: " & To_String (Msg));
+ DisposeMessage (Msg);
+ end if;
+ Set_Exit_Status (2);
+ return;
+ end if;
+ end;
+ elsif Exec_Func /= null then
+ declare
+ use Interfaces;
+ Res : GenericValueRef;
+ Vals : GenericValueRefArray (0 .. 0);
+ Func : aliased ValueRef;
+ begin
+ if FindFunction (Engine, Exec_Func.all'Address, Func'Access) /= 0 then
+ raise Program_Error;
+ end if;
+ -- Call the function with argument n:
+ Vals (0) := CreateGenericValueOfInt
+ (Int32Type, Unsigned_64 (Exec_Val), 0);
+ Res := RunFunction (Engine, Func, 1, Vals);
+ -- import result of execution
+ Put_Line ("Result is "
+ & Unsigned_64'Image (GenericValueToInt (Res, 0)));
+ end;
+ else
+ Dump_Llvm;
+ end if;
+ Set_Exit_Status (Success);
+ when others =>
+ Set_Exit_Status (2);
+ raise;
+end Ortho_Code_Main;