diff options
1 files changed, 62 insertions, 33 deletions
diff --git a/ortho/llvm/ortho_llvm.adb b/ortho/llvm/ortho_llvm.adb
index 862435d..dd8e649 100644
--- a/ortho/llvm/ortho_llvm.adb
+++ b/ortho/llvm/ortho_llvm.adb
@@ -39,6 +39,9 @@ package body Ortho_LLVM is
-- Builder for declarations (local variables).
Decl_Builder : BuilderRef;
+ -- Temporary builder.
+ Extra_Builder : BuilderRef;
-- Declaration of llvm.dbg.declare
Llvm_Dbg_Declare : ValueRef;
@@ -55,6 +58,12 @@ package body Ortho_LLVM is
-- First basic block of the declare.
Stmt_Bb : BasicBlockRef;
+ -- Stack pointer at entry of the block. This value has to be restore
+ -- when leaving the block (either normally or via exit/next). Set only
+ -- if New_Alloca was used.
+ -- FIXME: TODO: restore stack pointer on exit/next stmts.
+ Stack_Value : ValueRef;
-- Debug data for the scope of the declare block.
Dbg_Scope : ValueRef;
@@ -68,6 +77,11 @@ package body Ortho_LLVM is
-- Chain of unused blocks to be recycled.
Old_Declare_Block : Declare_Block_Acc;
+ Stacksave_Fun : ValueRef;
+ Stacksave_Name : constant String := "llvm.stacksave" & ASCII.NUL;
+ Stackrestore_Fun : ValueRef;
+ Stackrestore_Name : constant String := "llvm.stackrestore" & ASCII.NUL;
-- For debugging
DW_Version : constant := 16#c_0000#;
@@ -294,13 +308,14 @@ package body Ortho_LLVM is
end if;
-- Chain.
- Res.Prev := Cur_Declare_Block;
+ Res.all := (Stmt_Bb => Null_BasicBlockRef,
+ Stack_Value => Null_ValueRef,
+ Dbg_Scope => Null_ValueRef,
+ Prev => Cur_Declare_Block);
Cur_Declare_Block := Res;
if not Unreach then
Res.Stmt_Bb := AppendBasicBlock (Cur_Func, Empty_Cstring);
- else
- Res.Stmt_Bb := Null_BasicBlockRef;
end if;
end Create_Declare_Block;
@@ -1630,10 +1645,29 @@ package body Ortho_LLVM is
Res : ValueRef;
- Res := BuildArrayAlloca (Builder, Int8Type, Size.LLVM, Empty_Cstring);
- Set_Insn_Dbg (Res);
- Res := BuildBitCast (Builder, Res, Get_LLVM_Type (Rtype), Empty_Cstring);
- Set_Insn_Dbg (Res);
+ if Unreach then
+ Res := Null_ValueRef;
+ else
+ if Cur_Declare_Block.Stack_Value = Null_ValueRef
+ and then Cur_Declare_Block.Prev /= null
+ then
+ -- Save stack pointer at entry of block
+ PositionBuilderBefore
+ (Extra_Builder, GetFirstInstruction (Cur_Declare_Block.Stmt_Bb));
+ Cur_Declare_Block.Stack_Value :=
+ BuildCall (Extra_Builder, Stacksave_Fun,
+ (1 .. 0 => Null_ValueRef), 0, Empty_Cstring);
+ end if;
+ Res := BuildArrayAlloca
+ (Builder, Int8Type, Size.LLVM, Empty_Cstring);
+ Set_Insn_Dbg (Res);
+ Res := BuildBitCast
+ (Builder, Res, Get_LLVM_Type (Rtype), Empty_Cstring);
+ Set_Insn_Dbg (Res);
+ end if;
return O_Enode'(LLVM => Res, Etype => Rtype);
end New_Alloca;
@@ -2280,12 +2314,20 @@ package body Ortho_LLVM is
Bb : BasicBlockRef;
Br : ValueRef;
- pragma Unreferenced (Br);
+ Tmp : ValueRef;
+ pragma Unreferenced (Br, Tmp);
if not Unreach then
-- Create a basic block for the statements after the declare.
Bb := AppendBasicBlock (Cur_Func, Empty_Cstring);
+ if Cur_Declare_Block.Stack_Value /= Null_ValueRef then
+ -- Restore stack pointer.
+ Tmp := BuildCall (Builder, Stackrestore_Fun,
+ (1 .. 1 => Cur_Declare_Block.Stack_Value), 1,
+ Empty_Cstring);
+ end if;
-- Execution will continue on the next statement
Br := BuildBr (Builder, Bb);
@@ -2798,39 +2840,26 @@ package body Ortho_LLVM is
Dbg_Str : constant String := "dbg";
- Stacksave_Fun : ValueRef;
- pragma Unreferenced (Stacksave_Fun);
- Stacksave_Name : constant String := "llvm.stacksave" & ASCII.NUL;
- Stackrestore_Fun : ValueRef;
- pragma Unreferenced (Stackrestore_Fun);
- Stackrestore_Name : constant String := "llvm.stackrestore" & ASCII.NUL;
procedure Init is
-- Some predefined types and functions.
- Char_Type : O_Tnode;
- Char_Ptr_Type : O_Tnode;
+ I8_Ptr_Type : TypeRef;
Builder := CreateBuilder;
Decl_Builder := CreateBuilder;
+ Extra_Builder := CreateBuilder;
- Char_Type := New_Unsigned_Type (8);
- New_Type_Decl (Get_Identifier ("__llvm_char"), Char_Type);
- if False then
- Char_Ptr_Type := New_Access_Type (Char_Type);
- New_Type_Decl (Get_Identifier ("__llvm_char_ptr"), Char_Ptr_Type);
+ -- Create type i8 *.
+ I8_Ptr_Type := PointerType (Int8Type);
- Stacksave_Fun := AddFunction
- (Module, Stacksave_Name'Address,
- FunctionType (Get_LLVM_Type (Char_Ptr_Type),
- TypeRefArray'(1 .. 0 => Null_TypeRef), 0, 0));
+ -- Create intrinsic 'i8 *stacksave (void)'.
+ Stacksave_Fun := AddFunction
+ (Module, Stacksave_Name'Address,
+ FunctionType (I8_Ptr_Type, (1 .. 0 => Null_TypeRef), 0, 0));
- Stackrestore_Fun := AddFunction
- (Module, Stackrestore_Name'Address,
- FunctionType
- (VoidType,
- TypeRefArray'(1 => Get_LLVM_Type (Char_Ptr_Type)), 1, 0));
- end if;
+ -- Create intrinsic 'void stackrestore (i8 *)'.
+ Stackrestore_Fun := AddFunction
+ (Module, Stackrestore_Name'Address,
+ FunctionType (VoidType, (1 => I8_Ptr_Type), 1, 0));
if Flag_Debug then
Debug_ID := GetMDKindID (Dbg_Str, Dbg_Str'Length);