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1 files changed, 8 insertions, 44 deletions
diff --git a/src/vhdl/parse.adb b/src/vhdl/parse.adb
index cb8537e..d3d6442 100644
--- a/src/vhdl/parse.adb
+++ b/src/vhdl/parse.adb
@@ -272,7 +272,7 @@ package body Parse is
end if;
end Parse_Signal_Kind;
- -- precond : next token
+ -- precond : TO, DOWNTO
-- postcond: next token
-- Parse a range.
@@ -285,59 +285,26 @@ package body Parse is
-- [3.1]
-- range ::= RANGE_attribute_name
-- | simple_expression direction simple_expression
- function Parse_Range_Expression (Left: Iir; Discrete: Boolean := False)
- return Iir
+ function Parse_Range_Expression (Left : Iir) return Iir
Res : Iir;
- Left1: Iir;
- if Left /= Null_Iir then
- Left1 := Left;
- else
- Left1 := Parse_Simple_Expression;
- end if;
+ Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Range_Expression);
+ Set_Left_Limit (Res, Left);
+ Location_Copy (Res, Left);
case Current_Token is
when Tok_To =>
- Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Range_Expression);
Set_Direction (Res, Iir_To);
when Tok_Downto =>
- Res := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Range_Expression);
Set_Direction (Res, Iir_Downto);
- when Tok_Range =>
- if not Discrete then
- Unexpected ("range definition");
- end if;
- Scan;
- if Current_Token = Tok_Box then
- Unexpected ("range expression expected");
- Scan;
- return Null_Iir;
- end if;
- Res := Parse_Range_Expression (Null_Iir, False);
- if Res /= Null_Iir then
- Set_Type (Res, Left1);
- end if;
- return Res;
when others =>
- if Left1 = Null_Iir then
- return Null_Iir;
- end if;
- if Is_Range_Attribute_Name (Left1) then
- return Left1;
- end if;
- if Discrete
- and then Get_Kind (Left1) in Iir_Kinds_Denoting_Name
- then
- return Left1;
- end if;
- Error_Msg_Parse ("'to' or 'downto' expected");
- return Null_Iir;
+ raise Internal_Error;
end case;
- Set_Left_Limit (Res, Left1);
- Location_Copy (Res, Left1);
+ -- Skip TO or DOWNTO.
Set_Right_Limit (Res, Parse_Simple_Expression);
return Res;
end Parse_Range_Expression;
@@ -2031,9 +1998,6 @@ package body Parse is
Append_Element (El_List, El);
Set_Element_Position (El, Pos);
Pos := Pos + 1;
- if First = Null_Iir then
- First := El;
- end if;
-- Skip identifier