diff options
9 files changed, 0 insertions, 1905 deletions
diff --git a/src/grt/config/Makefile b/src/grt/config/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index 7d5f57d..0000000
--- a/src/grt/config/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-CFLAGS=-Wall -g
-#ARCH_OBJS=i386.o linux.o
-ARCH_OBJS=ppc.o linux.o
-teststack: teststack.o $(ARCH_OBJS)
- $(CC) -o $@ $< $(ARCH_OBJS)
-ppc.o: ppc.S
- $(CC) -c -o $@ -g $<
- $(RM) -f *.o *~ teststack
diff --git a/src/grt/config/amd64.S b/src/grt/config/amd64.S
deleted file mode 100644
index bdf5294..0000000
--- a/src/grt/config/amd64.S
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,138 +0,0 @@
-/* GRT stack implementation for amd64 (x86_64) -*- asm -*-
- Copyright (C) 2005 - 2014 Tristan Gingold.
- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
- version.
- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
- for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
- 02111-1307, USA.
- As a special exception, if other files instantiate generics from this
- unit, or you link this unit with other files to produce an executable,
- this unit does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be
- covered by the GNU General Public License. This exception does not
- however invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be
- covered by the GNU Public License.
- .file "amd64.S"
-#ifdef __ELF__
-#define ENTRY(func) .align 4; .globl func; .type func,@function; func:
-#define END(func) .size func, . - func
-#define NAME(name) name
-#elif __APPLE__
-#define ENTRY(func) .align 4; .globl _##func; _##func:
-#define END(func)
-#define NAME(name) _##name
-#define ENTRY(func) .align 4; func:
-#define END(func)
-#define NAME(name) name
- .text
- /* Function called to loop on the process.
- At entry | Frame | In body
- ----------+-----------------+---------
- %rsp | 0 (ret addr) | %rbp+8
- | saved %rbp | %rbp
- */
- /* Standard prologue. */
- pushq %rbp
- movq %rsp,%rbp
- /* Body. */
-0: mov %r13,%rdi
- call %r12
- jmp 0b
- /* function Stack_Create (Func : Address; Arg : Address)
- return Stack_Type;
- Args: FUNC (RDI), ARG (RSI)
- */
- /* Standard prologue. */
- pushq %rbp
- movq %rsp,%rbp
- /* Save args. */
- sub $0x10,%rsp
- mov %rdi,-8(%rbp)
- mov %rsi,-16(%rbp)
- /* Allocate the stack, and exit in case of failure */
- callq NAME(grt_stack_allocate)
- test %rax,%rax
- je .Ldone
- /* Note: %RAX contains the address of the stack_context. This is
- also the top of the stack. */
- /* Prepare fake frame for stack_loop. */
- xorq %rsi, %rsi
- mov %rsi,-8(%rax) /* Null return address (must be 8 mod 16). */
- /* The return function. */
-#if __APPLE__
- movq _grt_stack_loop@GOTPCREL(%rip), %rdi
- movq %rdi, -16(%rax)
- movq $grt_stack_loop, -16(%rax)
- /* The context. */
- mov %rsi, -24(%rax) /* %rbp <- 0 (null frame) */
- mov %rbx, -32(%rax)
- mov -8(%rbp), %rdi
- mov %rdi, -40(%rax) /* %r12 <- function address. */
- mov -16(%rbp), %rdi
- mov %rdi, -48(%rax) /* %r13 <- function argument. */
- mov %r14, -56(%rax)
- mov %r15, -64(%rax)
- /* Save the new stack pointer to the stack context. */
- lea -64(%rax), %rsi
- mov %rsi, (%rax)
- leave
- ret
- /* Arguments: TO (RDI), FROM (RSI) [VAL (RDX)]
- Both are pointers to a stack_context. */
- /* Save call-used registers. */
- pushq %rbp
- pushq %rbx
- pushq %r12
- pushq %r13
- pushq %r14
- pushq %r15
- /* Save the current stack. */
- movq %rsp, (%rsi)
- /* Stack switch. */
- movq (%rdi), %rsp
- /* Restore call-used registers. */
- popq %r15
- popq %r14
- popq %r13
- popq %r12
- popq %rbx
- popq %rbp
- /* Return val. */
- movq %rdx, %rax
- /* Run. */
- ret
- .ident "Written by T.Gingold"
diff --git a/src/grt/config/i386.S b/src/grt/config/i386.S
deleted file mode 100644
index 00d4719..0000000
--- a/src/grt/config/i386.S
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,141 +0,0 @@
-/* GRT stack implementation for x86.
- Copyright (C) 2002 - 2014 Tristan Gingold.
- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
- version.
- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
- for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
- 02111-1307, USA.
- As a special exception, if other files instantiate generics from this
- unit, or you link this unit with other files to produce an executable,
- this unit does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be
- covered by the GNU General Public License. This exception does not
- however invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be
- covered by the GNU Public License.
- .file "i386.S"
- .version "01.01"
- .text
-#ifdef __ELF__
-#define ENTRY(func) .align 4; .globl func; .type func,@function; func:
-#define END(func) .size func, . - func
-#define NAME(name) name
-#elif __APPLE__
-#define ENTRY(func) .align 4; .globl _##func; _##func:
-#define END(func)
-#define NAME(name) _##name
-#define ENTRY(func) .align 4; func:
-#define END(func)
-#define NAME(name) name
- /* Function called to loop on the process. */
- call *4(%esp)
- jmp NAME(grt_stack_loop)
- /* function Stack_Create (Func : Address; Arg : Address)
- return Stack_Type;
- */
- /* Standard prologue. */
- pushl %ebp
- movl %esp,%ebp
- /* Keep aligned (call + pushl + 8 = 16 bytes). */
- subl $8,%esp
- /* Allocate the stack, and exit in case of failure */
- call NAME(grt_stack_allocate)
- testl %eax,%eax
- je .Ldone
- /* Note: %EAX contains the address of the stack_context. This is
- also the top of the stack. */
- /* Prepare stack. */
- /* The function to be executed. */
- movl 8(%ebp), %ecx
- movl %ecx, -4(%eax)
- /* The argument. */
- movl 12(%ebp), %ecx
- movl %ecx, -8(%eax)
- /* The return function. */
-#if __APPLE__
- call
- movl L_grt_stack_loop$non_lazy_ptr-L1$pb(%ecx), %ecx
- movl %ecx,-12(%eax)
- movl $NAME(grt_stack_loop), -12(%eax)
- /* The context. */
- movl %ebx, -16(%eax)
- movl %esi, -20(%eax)
- movl %edi, -24(%eax)
- movl %ebp, -28(%eax)
- /* Save the new stack pointer to the stack context. */
- leal -28(%eax), %ecx
- movl %ecx, (%eax)
- leave
- ret
- /* Arguments: TO, FROM
- Both are pointers to a stack_context. */
- /* TO -> ECX. */
- movl 4(%esp), %ecx
- /* FROM -> EDX. */
- movl 8(%esp), %edx
- /* Save call-used registers. */
- pushl %ebx
- pushl %esi
- pushl %edi
- pushl %ebp
- /* Save the current stack. */
- movl %esp, (%edx)
- /* Stack switch. */
- movl (%ecx), %esp
- /* Restore call-used registers. */
- popl %ebp
- popl %edi
- popl %esi
- popl %ebx
- /* Run. */
- ret
-#if __APPLE__
- .section __TEXT,__textcoal_nt,coalesced,pure_instructions
- .weak_definition
- .private_extern
- movl (%esp), %ecx
- ret
- .section __IMPORT,__pointers,non_lazy_symbol_pointers
- .indirect_symbol _grt_stack_loop
- .long 0
- .ident "Written by T.Gingold"
diff --git a/src/grt/config/ia64.S b/src/grt/config/ia64.S
deleted file mode 100644
index 9ce3800..0000000
--- a/src/grt/config/ia64.S
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,331 +0,0 @@
-/* GRT stack implementation for ia64.
- Copyright (C) 2002 - 2014 Tristan Gingold.
- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
- version.
- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
- for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
- 02111-1307, USA.
- As a special exception, if other files instantiate generics from this
- unit, or you link this unit with other files to produce an executable,
- this unit does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be
- covered by the GNU General Public License. This exception does not
- however invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be
- covered by the GNU Public License.
- .file "ia64.S"
- .pred.safe_across_calls p1-p5,p16-p63
- .text
- .align 16
- .proc grt_stack_loop
- alloc r32 = ar.pfs, 0, 1, 1, 0
- .body
- ;;
-1: mov r33 = r4
- b0 = b1
- ;;
- br 1b
- .endp
- frame_size = 480
- .global grt_stack_switch#
- .proc grt_stack_switch#
- /* r32: struct stack_context *TO, r33: struct stack_context *FROM. */
- // Registers to be saved:
- // ar.rsc, ar.bsp, ar.pfs,, ar.rnat [5]
- // gp, r4-r7 (+ Nat) [6]
- // f2-f5, f16-f31 [20]
- // p1-p5, p16-p63 [1] ???
- // b1-b5 [5]
- // f2-f5, f16-f31 [20*16]
- .prologue 2, 2
- .vframe r2
- {
- alloc r31=ar.pfs, 2, 0, 0, 0
- mov r14 = ar.rsc
- adds r12 = -frame_size, r12
- .body
- ;;
- }
- // Save ar.rsc, ar.bsp, ar.pfs
- {
- st8 [r12] = r14 // sp + 0 <- ar.rsc
- mov r15 = ar.bsp
- adds r22 = (5*8), r12
- ;;
- }
- {
- st8.spill [r22] = r1, 8 // sp + 40 <- r1
- ;;
- st8.spill [r22] = r4, 8 // sp + 48 <- r4
- adds r20 = 8, r12
- ;;
- }
- st8 [r20] = r15, 8 // sp + 8 <- ar.bsp
- st8.spill [r22] = r5, 8 // sp + 56 <- r5
- mov r15 =
- ;;
- {
- st8 [r20] = r31, 8 // sp + 16 <- ar.pfs
- // Flush dirty registers to the backing store
- flushrs
- mov r14 = b0
- ;;
- }
- {
- st8 [r20] = r15, 8 // sp + 24 <-
- // Set the RSE in enforced lazy mode.
- mov ar.rsc = 0
- ;;
- }
- {
- // Save sp.
- st8 [r33] = r12
- mov r15 = ar.rnat
- mov r16 = b1
- ;;
- }
- {
- st8.spill [r22] = r6, 8 // sp + 64 <- r6
- st8 [r20] = r15, 64 // sp + 32 <- ar.rnat
- ;;
- }
- {
- st8.spill [r22] = r7, 16 // sp + 72 <- r7
- st8 [r20] = r14, 8 // sp + 96 <- b0
- mov r15 = b2
- ;;
- }
- {
- mov r17 = ar.unat
- ;;
- st8 [r22] = r17, 24 // sp + 88 <- ar.unat
- mov r14 = b3
- ;;
- }
- {
- st8 [r20] = r16, 16 // sp + 104 <- b1
- st8 [r22] = r15, 16 // sp + 112 <- b2
- mov r17 = b4
- ;;
- }
- {
- st8 [r20] = r14, 16 // sp + 120 <- b3
- st8 [r22] = r17, 16 // sp + 128 <- b4
- mov r15 = b5
- ;;
- }
- {
- // Read new sp.
- ld8 r21 = [r32]
- ;;
- st8 [r20] = r15, 24 // sp + 136 <- b5
- mov r14 = pr
- ;;
- }
- ;;
- st8 [r22] = r14, 32 // sp + 144 <- pr
- stf.spill [r20] = f2, 32 // sp + 160 <- f2
- ;;
- stf.spill [r22] = f3, 32 // sp + 176 <- f3
- stf.spill [r20] = f4, 32 // sp + 192 <- f4
- ;;
- stf.spill [r22] = f5, 32 // sp + 208 <- f5
- stf.spill [r20] = f16, 32 // sp + 224 <- f16
- ;;
- stf.spill [r22] = f17, 32 // sp + 240 <- f17
- stf.spill [r20] = f18, 32 // sp + 256 <- f18
- ;;
- stf.spill [r22] = f19, 32 // sp + 272 <- f19
- stf.spill [r20] = f20, 32 // sp + 288 <- f20
- ;;
- stf.spill [r22] = f21, 32 // sp + 304 <- f21
- stf.spill [r20] = f22, 32 // sp + 320 <- f22
- ;;
- stf.spill [r22] = f23, 32 // sp + 336 <- f23
- stf.spill [r20] = f24, 32 // sp + 352 <- f24
- ;;
- stf.spill [r22] = f25, 32 // sp + 368 <- f25
- stf.spill [r20] = f26, 32 // sp + 384 <- f26
- ;;
- stf.spill [r22] = f27, 32 // sp + 400 <- f27
- stf.spill [r20] = f28, 32 // sp + 416 <- f28
- ;;
- stf.spill [r22] = f29, 32 // sp + 432 <- f29
- stf.spill [r20] = f30, 32 // sp + 448 <- f30
- ;;
- {
- stf.spill [r22] = f31, 32 // sp + 464 <- f31
- invala
- adds r20 = 8, r21
- ;;
- }
- ld8 r14 = [r21], 88 // sp + 0 (ar.rsc)
- ld8 r16 = [r20], 8 // sp + 8 (ar.bsp)
- ;;
- ld8 r15 = [r21], -56 // sp + 88 (ar.unat)
- ;;
- ld8 r18 = [r20], 8 // sp + 16 (ar.pfs)
- mov ar.unat = r15
- ld8 r17 = [r21], 8 // sp + 32 (ar.rnat)
- ;;
- ld8 r15 = [r20], 72 // sp + 24 (
- ld8.fill r1 = [r21], 8 // sp + 40 (r1)
- mov ar.bspstore = r16
- ;;
- ld8.fill r4 = [r21], 8 // sp + 48 (r4)
- mov ar.pfs = r18
- mov ar.rnat = r17
- ;;
- mov ar.rsc = r14
- mov = r15
- ld8 r17 = [r20], 8 // sp + 96 (b0)
- ;;
- {
- ld8.fill r5 = [r21], 8 // sp + 56 (r5)
- ld8 r14 = [r20], 8 // sp + 104 (b1)
- mov b0 = r17
- ;;
- }
- {
- ld8.fill r6 = [r21], 8 // sp + 64 (r6)
- ld8 r15 = [r20], 8 // sp + 112 (b2)
- mov b1 = r14
- ;;
- }
- ld8.fill r7 = [r21], 64 // sp + 72 (r7)
- ld8 r14 = [r20], 8 // sp + 120 (b3)
- mov b2 = r15
- ;;
- ld8 r15 = [r20], 16 // sp + 128 (b4)
- ld8 r16 = [r21], 40 // sp + 136 (b5)
- mov b3 = r14
- ;;
- {
- ld8 r14 = [r20], 16 // sp + 144 (pr)
- ;;
- ldf.fill f2 = [r20], 32 // sp + 160 (f2)
- mov b4 = r15
- ;;
- }
- ldf.fill f3 = [r21], 32 // sp + 176 (f3)
- ldf.fill f4 = [r20], 32 // sp + 192 (f4)
- mov b5 = r16
- ;;
- ldf.fill f5 = [r21], 32 // sp + 208 (f5)
- ldf.fill f16 = [r20], 32 // sp + 224 (f16)
- mov pr = r14, -1
- ;;
- ldf.fill f17 = [r21], 32 // sp + 240 (f17)
- ldf.fill f18 = [r20], 32 // sp + 256 (f18)
- ;;
- ldf.fill f19 = [r21], 32 // sp + 272 (f19)
- ldf.fill f20 = [r20], 32 // sp + 288 (f20)
- ;;
- ldf.fill f21 = [r21], 32 // sp + 304 (f21)
- ldf.fill f22 = [r20], 32 // sp + 320 (f22)
- ;;
- ldf.fill f23 = [r21], 32 // sp + 336 (f23)
- ldf.fill f24 = [r20], 32 // sp + 352 (f24)
- ;;
- ldf.fill f25 = [r21], 32 // sp + 368 (f25)
- ldf.fill f26 = [r20], 32 // sp + 384 (f26)
- ;;
- ldf.fill f27 = [r21], 32 // sp + 400 (f27)
- ldf.fill f28 = [r20], 32 // sp + 416 (f28)
- ;;
- ldf.fill f29 = [r21], 32 // sp + 432 (f29)
- ldf.fill f30 = [r20], 32 // sp + 448 (f30)
- ;;
- ldf.fill f31 = [r21], 32 // sp + 464 (f31)
- mov r12 = r20
- br.ret.sptk.many b0
- ;;
- .endp grt_stack_switch#
- .align 16
- // r32: func, r33: arg
- .global grt_stack_create#
- .proc grt_stack_create#
- .prologue 14, 34
- .save ar.pfs, r35
- alloc r35 = ar.pfs, 2, 3, 0, 0
- .save rp, r34
- // Compute backing store.
- movl r14 = stack_max_size
- ;;
- .body
- {
- ld4 r36 = [r14] // r14: bsp
- mov r34 = b0
- b0 = grt_stack_allocate#
- ;;
- }
- {
- ld8 r22 = [r32], 8 // read ip (-> b1)
- ;;
- ld8 r23 = [r32] // read r1 from func
- adds r21 = -(frame_size + 16) + 32, r8
- ;;
- }
- {
- st8 [r21] = r0, -32 // sp + 32 (ar.rnat = 0)
- ;;
- st8 [r8] = r21 // Save cur_sp
- mov r18 = 0x0f // ar.rsc: LE, PL=3, Eager
- ;;
- }
- {
- st8 [r21] = r18, 40 // sp + 0 (ar.rsc)
- ;;
- st8 [r21] = r23, 64 // sp + 40 (r1 = func.r1)
- mov b0 = r34
- ;;
- }
- {
- st8 [r21] = r22, -96 // sp + 104 (b1 = func.ip)
- movl r15 = grt_stack_loop
- ;;
- }
- sub r14 = r8, r36 // Backing store base
- ;;
- adds r14 = 16, r14 // Add sizeof (stack_context)
- adds r20 = 40, r21
- ;;
- {
- st8 [r21] = r14, 88 // sp + 8 (ar.bsp)
- ;;
- st8 [r21] = r15, -80 // sp + 96 (b0 = grt_stack_loop)
- mov r16 = (0 << 7) | 1 // CFM: sol=0, sof=1
- ;;
- }
- {
- st8 [r21] = r16, 8 // sp + 16 (ar.pfs)
- ;;
- st8 [r21] = r0, 24 // sp + 24 (
- mov ar.pfs = r35
- ;;
- }
- {
- st8 [r20] = r0, 8 // sp + 32 (ar.rnat)
- st8 [r21] = r33 // sp + 48 (r4 = arg)
- br.ret.sptk.many b0
- ;;
- }
- .endp grt_stack_create#
- .ident "GCC: (GNU) 4.0.2"
diff --git a/src/grt/config/linux.c b/src/grt/config/linux.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 43139b8..0000000
--- a/src/grt/config/linux.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,393 +0,0 @@
-/* GRT stacks implementation for linux and other *nix.
- Copyright (C) 2002 - 2014 Tristan Gingold.
- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
- version.
- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
- for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
- 02111-1307, USA.
- As a special exception, if other files instantiate generics from this
- unit, or you link this unit with other files to produce an executable,
- this unit does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be
- covered by the GNU General Public License. This exception does not
- however invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be
- covered by the GNU Public License.
-#define _GNU_SOURCE
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <sys/mman.h>
-#include <signal.h>
-#include <fcntl.h>
-#include <sys/ucontext.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-//#include <stdint.h>
-#ifdef __APPLE__
-/* On x86, the stack growns downward. */
-#ifdef __linux__
-/* If set, SIGSEGV is caught in order to automatically grow the stacks. */
-#define EXTEND_STACK 1
-#if defined (__FreeBSD__) || defined (__DragonFly__)
-/* If set, SIGSEGV is caught in order to automatically grow the stacks. */
-#define EXTEND_STACK 1
-#ifdef __APPLE__
-/* If set, SIGSEGV is caught in order to automatically grow the stacks. */
-#define EXTEND_STACK 1
-/* Defined in Grt.Options. */
-extern unsigned int stack_size;
-extern unsigned int stack_max_size;
-/* Size of a memory page. */
-static size_t page_size;
-extern void grt_stack_error_grow_failed (void);
-extern void grt_stack_error_null_access (void);
-extern void grt_stack_error_memory_access (void);
-extern void grt_overflow_error (void);
-/* Definitions:
- The base of the stack is the address before the first available byte on the
- stack. If the stack grows downward, the base is equal to the high bound.
-/* Per stack context.
- This context is allocated at the top (or bottom if the stack grows
- upward) of the stack.
- Therefore, the base of the stack can be easily deduced from the context. */
-struct stack_context
- /* The current stack pointer. */
- void *cur_sp;
- /* The current stack length. */
- size_t cur_length;
-/* If MAP_ANONYMOUS is not defined, use /dev/zero. */
-#define USE_DEV_ZERO
-static int dev_zero_fd;
-#define MAP_ANONYMOUS 0
-#define MMAP_FILEDES dev_zero_fd
-#define MMAP_FILEDES -1
-/* This is the current process being run. */
-extern struct stack_context *grt_get_current_process (void);
-/* Stack used for signals.
- The stack must be different from the running stack, because we want to be
- able to extend the running stack. When the stack need to be extended, the
- current stack pointer does not point to a valid address. Therefore, the
- stack cannot be used or else a second SIGSEGV is generated while the
- arguments are pushed. */
-static unsigned long sig_stack[SIGSTKSZ / sizeof (long)];
-/* Signal stack descriptor. */
-static stack_t sig_stk;
-static struct sigaction prev_sigsegv_act;
-static struct sigaction sigsegv_act;
-/* The following code assumes stack grows downward. */
-#error "Not implemented"
-#ifdef __APPLE__
-/* Handler for SIGFPE signal, raised in case of overflow (i386). */
-static void grt_overflow_handler (int signo, siginfo_t *info, void *ptr)
- grt_overflow_error ();
-/* Handler for SIGSEGV signal, which grow the stack. */
-static void grt_sigsegv_handler (int signo, siginfo_t *info, void *ptr)
- static int in_handler;
- void *addr;
- struct stack_context *ctxt;
- void *stack_high;
- void *stack_low;
- void *n_low;
- size_t n_len;
- ucontext_t *uctxt = (ucontext_t *)ptr;
- in_handler++;
-#ifdef __linux__
-#ifdef __i386__
- /* Linux generates a SIGSEGV (!) for an overflow exception. */
- if (uctxt->uc_mcontext.gregs[REG_TRAPNO] == 4)
- {
- grt_overflow_error ();
- }
- if (info == NULL || grt_get_current_process () == NULL || in_handler > 1)
- {
- /* We loose. */
- sigaction (STACK_SIGNAL, &prev_sigsegv_act, NULL);
- return;
- }
- addr = info->si_addr;
- /* Check ADDR belong to the stack. */
- ctxt = grt_get_current_process ()->cur_sp;
- stack_high = (void *)(ctxt + 1);
- stack_low = stack_high - stack_max_size;
- if (addr > stack_high || addr < stack_low)
- {
- /* Out of the stack. */
- if (addr < (void *)page_size)
- grt_stack_error_null_access ();
- else
- grt_stack_error_memory_access ();
- }
- /* Compute the address of the faulting page. */
- n_low = (void *)((unsigned long)addr & ~(page_size - 1));
- /* Should not happen. */
- if (n_low < stack_low)
- abort ();
- /* Allocate one more page, if possible. */
- if (n_low != stack_low)
- n_low -= page_size;
- /* Compute the new length. */
- n_len = stack_high - n_low;
- if (mmap (n_low, n_len - ctxt->cur_length, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE,
- != n_low)
- {
- /* Cannot grow the stack. */
- grt_stack_error_grow_failed ();
- }
- ctxt->cur_length = n_len;
- sigaction (STACK_SIGNAL, &sigsegv_act, NULL);
- in_handler--;
- /* Hopes we can resume! */
- return;
-static void grt_signal_setup (void)
- sigsegv_act.sa_sigaction = &grt_sigsegv_handler;
- sigemptyset (&sigsegv_act.sa_mask);
- sigsegv_act.sa_flags = SA_ONSTACK | SA_SIGINFO;
-#ifdef SA_ONESHOT
- sigsegv_act.sa_flags |= SA_ONESHOT;
-#elif defined (SA_RESETHAND)
- sigsegv_act.sa_flags |= SA_RESETHAND;
- /* Use an alternate stack during signals. */
- sig_stk.ss_sp = sig_stack;
- sig_stk.ss_size = sizeof (sig_stack);
- sig_stk.ss_flags = 0;
- sigaltstack (&sig_stk, NULL);
- /* We don't care about the return status.
- If the handler is not installed, then some feature are lost. */
- sigaction (STACK_SIGNAL, &sigsegv_act, &prev_sigsegv_act);
-#ifdef __APPLE__
- {
- struct sigaction sig_ovf_act;
- sig_ovf_act.sa_sigaction = &grt_overflow_handler;
- sigemptyset (&sig_ovf_act.sa_mask);
- sig_ovf_act.sa_flags = SA_SIGINFO;
- sigaction (SIGFPE, &sig_ovf_act, NULL);
- }
-/* Context for the main stack. */
-#define THREAD __thread
-#define THREAD
-static THREAD struct stack_context main_stack_context;
-extern void grt_set_main_stack (struct stack_context *stack);
-grt_stack_new_thread (void)
- main_stack_context.cur_sp = NULL;
- main_stack_context.cur_length = 0;
- grt_set_main_stack (&main_stack_context);
-grt_stack_init (void)
- size_t pg_round;
- page_size = getpagesize ();
- pg_round = page_size - 1;
- /* Align size. */
- stack_size = (stack_size + pg_round) & ~pg_round;
- stack_max_size = (stack_max_size + pg_round) & ~pg_round;
- /* Set mimum values. */
- if (stack_size < 2 * page_size)
- stack_size = 2 * page_size;
- if (stack_max_size < (stack_size + 2 * page_size))
- stack_max_size = stack_size + 2 * page_size;
- /* Initialize the main stack context. */
- main_stack_context.cur_sp = NULL;
- main_stack_context.cur_length = 0;
- grt_set_main_stack (&main_stack_context);
-#ifdef USE_DEV_ZERO
- dev_zero_fd = open ("/dev/zero", O_RDWR);
- if (dev_zero_fd < 0)
- abort ();
- grt_signal_setup ();
-/* Allocate a stack.
- Called by i386.S */
-struct stack_context *
-grt_stack_allocate (void)
- struct stack_context *res;
- void *r;
- void *base;
- /* Allocate the stack, but without any rights. This is a guard. */
- base = (void *)mmap (NULL, stack_max_size, PROT_NONE,
- if (base == (void *)-1)
- return NULL;
- /* Set rights on the allocated stack. */
- r = base + stack_max_size - stack_size;
- r = base;
- if (mmap (r, stack_size, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE,
- != r)
- return NULL;
- res = (struct stack_context *)
- (base + stack_max_size - sizeof (struct stack_context));
- res = (struct stack_context *)(base + sizeof (struct stack_context));
-#ifdef __ia64__
- /* Also allocate BSP. */
- if (mmap (base, page_size, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE,
- return NULL;
- res->cur_sp = (void *)res;
- res->cur_length = stack_size;
- return res;
-/* There is a simple setjmp/longjmp mechanism used to report failures.
- We have the choice between 3 mechanisms:
- * USE_BUITLIN_SJLJ: gcc builtin setjmp/longjmp, very fast but gcc specific.
- * USE__SETJMP: _setjmp/_longjmp
- * USE_SETJMP: setjmp/longjmp, slower because signals mask is saved/restored.
-#if defined (__GNUC__) && !defined(__clang__)
-#define USE__SETJMP
-/* #define USE_SETJMP */
-typedef void *JMP_BUF[5];
-static int sjlj_val;
-# define SETJMP(BUF) (__builtin_setjmp (BUF), sjlj_val)
-# define LONGJMP(BUF, VAL) \
- do { sjlj_val = (VAL); __builtin_longjmp (BUF, 1); } while (0)
-# include <setjmp.h>
-typedef jmp_buf JMP_BUF;
-# ifdef USE__SETJMP
-# define SETJMP _setjmp
-# define LONGJMP _longjmp
-# elif defined (USE_SETJMP)
-# define SETJMP setjmp
-# define LONGJMP longjmp
-# else
-# error "SETJMP/LONGJMP not configued"
-# endif
-static int run_env_en;
-static JMP_BUF run_env;
-__ghdl_maybe_return_via_longjump (int val)
- if (run_env_en)
- LONGJMP (run_env, val);
-__ghdl_run_through_longjump (int (*func)(void))
- int res;
- run_env_en = 1;
- res = SETJMP (run_env);
- if (res == 0)
- res = (*func)();
- run_env_en = 0;
- return res;
diff --git a/src/grt/config/ppc.S b/src/grt/config/ppc.S
deleted file mode 100644
index bedd48a..0000000
--- a/src/grt/config/ppc.S
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,334 +0,0 @@
-/* GRT stack implementation for ppc.
- Copyright (C) 2005 - 2014 Tristan Gingold.
- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
- version.
- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
- for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
- 02111-1307, USA.
- As a special exception, if other files instantiate generics from this
- unit, or you link this unit with other files to produce an executable,
- this unit does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be
- covered by the GNU General Public License. This exception does not
- however invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be
- covered by the GNU Public License.
- .file "ppc.S"
- .section ".text"
-#define OFF 240
-#define GREG(x) x
-#define FREG(x) x
-#define r0 GREG(0)
-#define r1 GREG(1)
-#define r2 GREG(2)
-#define r3 GREG(3)
-#define r4 GREG(4)
-#define r5 GREG(5)
-#define r6 GREG(6)
-#define r7 GREG(7)
-#define r8 GREG(8)
-#define r9 GREG(9)
-#define r10 GREG(10)
-#define r11 GREG(11)
-#define r12 GREG(12)
-#define r13 GREG(13)
-#define r14 GREG(14)
-#define r15 GREG(15)
-#define r16 GREG(16)
-#define r17 GREG(17)
-#define r18 GREG(18)
-#define r19 GREG(19)
-#define r20 GREG(20)
-#define r21 GREG(21)
-#define r22 GREG(22)
-#define r23 GREG(23)
-#define r24 GREG(24)
-#define r25 GREG(25)
-#define r26 GREG(26)
-#define r27 GREG(27)
-#define r28 GREG(28)
-#define r29 GREG(29)
-#define r30 GREG(30)
-#define r31 GREG(31)
-#define f0 FREG(0)
-#define f1 FREG(1)
-#define f2 FREG(2)
-#define f3 FREG(3)
-#define f4 FREG(4)
-#define f5 FREG(5)
-#define f6 FREG(6)
-#define f7 FREG(7)
-#define f8 FREG(8)
-#define f9 FREG(9)
-#define f10 FREG(10)
-#define f11 FREG(11)
-#define f12 FREG(12)
-#define f13 FREG(13)
-#define f14 FREG(14)
-#define f15 FREG(15)
-#define f16 FREG(16)
-#define f17 FREG(17)
-#define f18 FREG(18)
-#define f19 FREG(19)
-#define f20 FREG(20)
-#define f21 FREG(21)
-#define f22 FREG(22)
-#define f23 FREG(23)
-#define f24 FREG(24)
-#define f25 FREG(25)
-#define f26 FREG(26)
-#define f27 FREG(27)
-#define f28 FREG(28)
-#define f29 FREG(29)
-#define f30 FREG(30)
-#define f31 FREG(31)
- /* Stack structure is:
- +4 : cur_length \ Stack
- +0 : cur_sp / Context
- -4 : arg
- -8 : func
- -12: pad
- -16: pad
- -20: LR save word
- -24: Back chain
- -28: fp/gp saved registers.
- -4 : return address
- -8 : process function to be executed
- -12: function argument
- ...
- -72: %sp
- */
- /* Function called to loop on the process. */
- .align 4
- .type grt_stack_loop,@function
- /* Get function. */
- lwz r0,16(r1)
- /* Get argument. */
- lwz r3,20(r1)
- mtlr r0
- blrl
- b grt_stack_loop
- .size grt_stack_loop, . - grt_stack_loop
- /* function Stack_Create (Func : Address; Arg : Address)
- return Stack_Type; */
- .align 4
- .global grt_stack_create
- .type grt_stack_create,@function
- /* Standard prologue. */
- stwu r1,-32(r1)
- mflr r0
- stw r0,36(r1)
- /* Save arguments. */
- stw r3,24(r1)
- stw r4,28(r1)
- /* Allocate the stack, and exit in case of failure */
- bl grt_stack_allocate
- cmpwi 0,r3,0
- beq- .Ldone
- /* Note: r3 contains the address of the stack_context. This is
- also the top of the stack. */
- /* Prepare stack. */
- /* Align the stack. */
- addi r5,r3,-24
- /* Save the parameters. */
- lwz r6,24(r1)
- stw r6,16(r5)
- lwz r7,28(r1)
- stw r7,20(r5)
- /* The return function. */
- lis r4,grt_stack_loop@ha
- la r4,grt_stack_loop@l(r4)
- stw r4,4(r5)
- /* Back-Chain. */
- addi r4,r1,32
- stw r4,0(r5)
- /* Save register.
- They should be considered as garbage. */
- addi r4,r5,-OFF
- stfd f31,(OFF - 8)(r4)
- stfd f30,(OFF - 16)(r4)
- stfd f29,(OFF - 24)(r4)
- stfd f28,(OFF - 32)(r4)
- stfd f27,(OFF - 40)(r4)
- stfd f26,(OFF - 48)(r4)
- stfd f25,(OFF - 56)(r4)
- stfd f24,(OFF - 64)(r4)
- stfd f23,(OFF - 72)(r4)
- stfd f22,(OFF - 80)(r4)
- stfd f21,(OFF - 88)(r4)
- stfd f20,(OFF - 96)(r4)
- stfd f19,(OFF - 104)(r4)
- stfd f18,(OFF - 112)(r4)
- stfd f17,(OFF - 120)(r4)
- stfd f16,(OFF - 128)(r4)
- stfd f15,(OFF - 136)(r4)
- stfd f14,(OFF - 144)(r4)
- stw r31,(OFF - 148)(r4)
- stw r30,(OFF - 152)(r4)
- stw r29,(OFF - 156)(r4)
- stw r28,(OFF - 160)(r4)
- stw r27,(OFF - 164)(r4)
- stw r26,(OFF - 168)(r4)
- stw r25,(OFF - 172)(r4)
- stw r24,(OFF - 176)(r4)
- stw r23,(OFF - 180)(r4)
- stw r22,(OFF - 184)(r4)
- stw r21,(OFF - 188)(r4)
- stw r20,(OFF - 192)(r4)
- stw r19,(OFF - 196)(r4)
- stw r18,(OFF - 200)(r4)
- stw r17,(OFF - 204)(r4)
- stw r16,(OFF - 208)(r4)
- stw r15,(OFF - 212)(r4)
- stw r14,(OFF - 216)(r4)
- mfcr r0
- stw r0, (OFF - 220)(r4)
- /* Save stack pointer. */
- stw r4, 0(r3)
- lwz r0,36(r1)
- mtlr r0
- addi r1,r1,32
- blr
- .size grt_stack_create,. - grt_stack_create
- .align 4
- .global grt_stack_switch
- /* Arguments: TO, FROM.
- Both are pointers to a stack_context. */
- .type grt_stack_switch,@function
- /* Standard prologue, save return address. */
- stwu r1,(-OFF)(r1)
- mflr r0
- stw r0,(OFF + 4)(r1)
- /* Save r14-r31, f14-f31, CR
- This is 18 words + 18 double words, ie 216 bytes. */
- /* Maybe use the savefpr function ? */
- stfd f31,(OFF - 8)(r1)
- stfd f30,(OFF - 16)(r1)
- stfd f29,(OFF - 24)(r1)
- stfd f28,(OFF - 32)(r1)
- stfd f27,(OFF - 40)(r1)
- stfd f26,(OFF - 48)(r1)
- stfd f25,(OFF - 56)(r1)
- stfd f24,(OFF - 64)(r1)
- stfd f23,(OFF - 72)(r1)
- stfd f22,(OFF - 80)(r1)
- stfd f21,(OFF - 88)(r1)
- stfd f20,(OFF - 96)(r1)
- stfd f19,(OFF - 104)(r1)
- stfd f18,(OFF - 112)(r1)
- stfd f17,(OFF - 120)(r1)
- stfd f16,(OFF - 128)(r1)
- stfd f15,(OFF - 136)(r1)
- stfd f14,(OFF - 144)(r1)
- stw r31,(OFF - 148)(r1)
- stw r30,(OFF - 152)(r1)
- stw r29,(OFF - 156)(r1)
- stw r28,(OFF - 160)(r1)
- stw r27,(OFF - 164)(r1)
- stw r26,(OFF - 168)(r1)
- stw r25,(OFF - 172)(r1)
- stw r24,(OFF - 176)(r1)
- stw r23,(OFF - 180)(r1)
- stw r22,(OFF - 184)(r1)
- stw r21,(OFF - 188)(r1)
- stw r20,(OFF - 192)(r1)
- stw r19,(OFF - 196)(r1)
- stw r18,(OFF - 200)(r1)
- stw r17,(OFF - 204)(r1)
- stw r16,(OFF - 208)(r1)
- stw r15,(OFF - 212)(r1)
- stw r14,(OFF - 216)(r1)
- mfcr r0
- stw r0, (OFF - 220)(r1)
- /* Save stack pointer. */
- stw r1, 0(r4)
- /* Load stack pointer. */
- lwz r1, 0(r3)
- lfd f31,(OFF - 8)(r1)
- lfd f30,(OFF - 16)(r1)
- lfd f29,(OFF - 24)(r1)
- lfd f28,(OFF - 32)(r1)
- lfd f27,(OFF - 40)(r1)
- lfd f26,(OFF - 48)(r1)
- lfd f25,(OFF - 56)(r1)
- lfd f24,(OFF - 64)(r1)
- lfd f23,(OFF - 72)(r1)
- lfd f22,(OFF - 80)(r1)
- lfd f21,(OFF - 88)(r1)
- lfd f20,(OFF - 96)(r1)
- lfd f19,(OFF - 104)(r1)
- lfd f18,(OFF - 112)(r1)
- lfd f17,(OFF - 120)(r1)
- lfd f16,(OFF - 128)(r1)
- lfd f15,(OFF - 136)(r1)
- lfd f14,(OFF - 144)(r1)
- lwz r31,(OFF - 148)(r1)
- lwz r30,(OFF - 152)(r1)
- lwz r29,(OFF - 156)(r1)
- lwz r28,(OFF - 160)(r1)
- lwz r27,(OFF - 164)(r1)
- lwz r26,(OFF - 168)(r1)
- lwz r25,(OFF - 172)(r1)
- lwz r24,(OFF - 176)(r1)
- lwz r23,(OFF - 180)(r1)
- lwz r22,(OFF - 184)(r1)
- lwz r21,(OFF - 188)(r1)
- lwz r20,(OFF - 192)(r1)
- lwz r19,(OFF - 196)(r1)
- lwz r18,(OFF - 200)(r1)
- lwz r17,(OFF - 204)(r1)
- lwz r16,(OFF - 208)(r1)
- lwz r15,(OFF - 212)(r1)
- lwz r14,(OFF - 216)(r1)
- lwz r0, (OFF - 220)(r1)
- mtcr r0
- lwz r0,(OFF + 4)(r1)
- mtlr r0
- addi r1,r1,OFF
- blr
- .size grt_stack_switch, . - grt_stack_switch
- .ident "Written by T.Gingold"
diff --git a/src/grt/config/pthread.c b/src/grt/config/pthread.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 189ae90..0000000
--- a/src/grt/config/pthread.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,239 +0,0 @@
-/* GRT stack implementation based on pthreads.
- Copyright (C) 2003 - 2014 Felix Bertram & Tristan Gingold.
- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
- version.
- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
- for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
- 02111-1307, USA.
-// Project: GHDL - VHDL Simulator
-// Description: pthread port of stacks package, for use with MacOSX
-// Note: Tristan's original i386/Linux used assembly-code
-// to manually switch stacks for performance reasons.
-// History: 2003may22, FB, created.
-#include <pthread.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <setjmp.h>
-#include <assert.h>
-//#define INFO printf
-#define INFO (void)
-// GHDL names an endless loop calling FUNC with ARG a 'stack'
-// at a given time, only one stack may be 'executed'
-typedef struct
- pthread_t thread; // stack's thread
- pthread_mutex_t mutex; // mutex to suspend/resume thread
-#if defined(__CYGWIN__)
- pthread_mutexattr_t mxAttr;
- void (*Func)(void*); // stack's FUNC
- void* Arg; // ARG passed to FUNC
-} Stack_Type_t, *Stack_Type;
-static Stack_Type_t main_stack_context;
-static Stack_Type_t *current;
-extern void grt_set_main_stack (Stack_Type_t *stack);
-void grt_stack_init(void)
-// Initialize the stacks package.
-// This may adjust stack sizes.
-// Must be called after grt.options.decode.
-// => procedure Stack_Init;
- int res;
- INFO("grt_stack_init\n");
- INFO(" main_stack_context=0x%08x\n", &main_stack_context);
-#if defined(__CYGWIN__)
- res = pthread_mutexattr_init (&main_stack_context.mxAttr);
- assert (res == 0);
- res = pthread_mutexattr_settype (&main_stack_context.mxAttr,
- assert (res == 0);
- res = pthread_mutex_init (&main_stack_context.mutex,
- &main_stack_context.mxAttr);
- assert (res == 0);
- res = pthread_mutex_init (&main_stack_context.mutex, NULL);
- assert (res == 0);
- // lock the mutex, as we are currently running
- res = pthread_mutex_lock (&main_stack_context.mutex);
- assert (res == 0);
- current = &main_stack_context;
- grt_set_main_stack (&main_stack_context);
-static void* grt_stack_loop(void* pv_myStack)
- Stack_Type myStack= (Stack_Type)pv_myStack;
- INFO("grt_stack_loop\n");
- INFO(" myStack=0x%08x\n", myStack);
- // block until mutex becomes available again.
- // this happens when this stack is enabled for the first time
- pthread_mutex_lock(&(myStack->mutex));
- // run stack's function in endless loop
- while(1)
- {
- INFO(" call 0x%08x with 0x%08x\n", myStack->Func, myStack->Arg);
- myStack->Func(myStack->Arg);
- }
- // we never get here...
- return 0;
-Stack_Type grt_stack_create(void* Func, void* Arg)
-// Create a new stack, which on first execution will call FUNC with
-// an argument ARG.
-// => function Stack_Create (Func : Address; Arg : Address) return Stack_Type;
- Stack_Type newStack;
- int res;
- INFO("grt_stack_create\n");
- INFO(" call 0x%08x with 0x%08x\n", Func, Arg);
- newStack = malloc (sizeof(Stack_Type_t));
- // init function and argument
- newStack->Func = Func;
- newStack->Arg = Arg;
- // create mutex
-#if defined(__CYGWIN__)
- res = pthread_mutexattr_init (&newStack->mxAttr);
- assert (res == 0);
- res = pthread_mutexattr_settype (&newStack->mxAttr, PTHREAD_MUTEX_DEFAULT);
- assert (res == 0);
- res = pthread_mutex_init (&newStack->mutex, &newStack->mxAttr);
- assert (res == 0);
- res = pthread_mutex_init (&newStack->mutex, NULL);
- assert (res == 0);
- // block the mutex, so that thread will blocked in grt_stack_loop
- res = pthread_mutex_lock (&newStack->mutex);
- assert (res == 0);
- INFO(" newStack=0x%08x\n", newStack);
- // create thread, which executes grt_stack_loop
- pthread_create (&newStack->thread, NULL, grt_stack_loop, newStack);
- return newStack;
-static int need_longjmp;
-static int run_env_en;
-static jmp_buf run_env;
-void grt_stack_switch(Stack_Type To, Stack_Type From)
-// Resume stack TO and save the current context to the stack pointed by
-// CUR.
-// => procedure Stack_Switch (To : Stack_Type; From : Stack_Type);
- int res;
- INFO("grt_stack_switch\n");
- INFO(" from 0x%08x to 0x%08x\n", From, To);
- current = To;
- // unlock 'To' mutex. this will make the other thread either
- // - starts for first time in grt_stack_loop
- // - resumes at lock below
- res = pthread_mutex_unlock (&To->mutex);
- assert (res == 0);
- // block until 'From' mutex becomes available again
- // as we are running, our mutex is locked and we block here
- // when stacks are switched, with above unlock, we may proceed
- res = pthread_mutex_lock (&From->mutex);
- assert (res == 0);
- if (From == &main_stack_context && need_longjmp != 0)
- longjmp (run_env, need_longjmp);
-void grt_stack_delete(Stack_Type Stack)
-// Delete stack STACK, which must not be currently executed.
-// => procedure Stack_Delete (Stack : Stack_Type);
- INFO("grt_stack_delete\n");
-__ghdl_maybe_return_via_longjump (int val)
- if (!run_env_en)
- return;
- if (current != &main_stack_context)
- {
- need_longjmp = val;
- grt_stack_switch (&main_stack_context, current);
- }
- else
- longjmp (run_env, val);
-__ghdl_run_through_longjump (int (*func)(void))
- int res;
- run_env_en = 1;
- res = setjmp (run_env);
- if (res == 0)
- res = (*func)();
- run_env_en = 0;
- return res;
-void __gnat_raise_storage_error(void)
- abort ();
-void __gnat_raise_program_error(void)
- abort ();
-#endif /* WITH_GNAT_RUN_TIME */
-// end of file
diff --git a/src/grt/config/sparc.S b/src/grt/config/sparc.S
deleted file mode 100644
index 0ffe412..0000000
--- a/src/grt/config/sparc.S
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,141 +0,0 @@
-/* GRT stack implementation for x86.
- Copyright (C) 2002 - 2014 Tristan Gingold.
- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
- version.
- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
- for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
- 02111-1307, USA.
- As a special exception, if other files instantiate generics from this
- unit, or you link this unit with other files to produce an executable,
- this unit does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be
- covered by the GNU General Public License. This exception does not
- however invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be
- covered by the GNU Public License.
- .file "sparc.S"
- .section ".text"
- /* Stack structure is:
- +4 : cur_length
- +0 : cur_sp
- -4 : return address
- -8 : process function to be executed
- -12: function argument
- ...
- -72: %sp
- */
- /* Function called to loop on the process. */
- .align 4
- .type grt_stack_loop,#function
- ld [%sp + 64], %o1
- jmpl %o1 + 0, %o7
- ld [%sp + 68], %o0
- ba grt_stack_loop
- nop
- .size grt_stack_loop, . - grt_stack_loop
- /* function Stack_Create (Func : Address; Arg : Address)
- return Stack_Type; */
- .align 4
- .global grt_stack_create
- .type grt_stack_create,#function
- /* Standard prologue. */
- save %sp,-80,%sp
- /* Allocate the stack, and exit in case of failure */
- call grt_stack_allocate
- nop
- cmp %o0, 0
- be .Ldone
- nop
- /* Note: %o0 contains the address of the stack_context. This is
- also the top of the stack. */
- /* Prepare stack. */
- /* The return function. */
- sethi %hi(grt_stack_loop - 8), %l2
- or %lo(grt_stack_loop - 8), %l2, %l2
- /* Create a frame for grt_stack_loop. */
- sub %o0, (64 + 8), %l1
- /* The function to be executed. */
- st %i0, [%l1 + 64]
- /* The argument. */
- st %i1, [%l1 + 68]
- /* Create a frame for grt_stack_switch. */
- sub %l1, 64, %l0
- /* Save frame pointer. */
- st %l1, [%l0 + 56]
- /* Save return address. */
- st %l2, [%l0 + 60]
- /* Save stack pointer. */
- st %l0, [%o0]
- ret
- restore %o0, %g0, %o0
- .size grt_stack_create,. - grt_stack_create
- .align 4
- .global grt_stack_switch
- /* Arguments: TO, FROM.
- Both are pointers to a stack_context. */
- .type grt_stack_switch,#function
- /* Standard prologue. */
- save %sp,-80,%sp
- /* Flush and invalidate windows.
- It is not clear wether the current window is saved or not,
- therefore, I assume it is not.
- */
- ta 3
- /* Only IN registers %fp and %i7 (return address) must be saved.
- Of course, I could use std/ldd, but it is not as clear
- */
- /* Save current frame pointer. */
- st %fp, [%sp + 56]
- /* Save return address. */
- st %i7, [%sp + 60]
- /* Save stack pointer. */
- st %sp, [%i1]
- /* Load stack pointer. */
- ld [%i0], %sp
- /* Load return address. */
- ld [%sp + 60], %i7
- /* Load frame pointer. */
- ld [%sp + 56], %fp
- /* Return. */
- ret
- restore
- .size grt_stack_switch, . - grt_stack_switch
- .ident "Written by T.Gingold"
diff --git a/src/grt/config/teststack.c b/src/grt/config/teststack.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 6a6966d..0000000
--- a/src/grt/config/teststack.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,174 +0,0 @@
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-extern void grt_stack_init (void);
-extern void grt_stack_switch (void *from, void *to);
-extern void *grt_stack_create (void (*func)(void *), void *arg);
-int stack_size = 4096;
-int stack_max_size = 8 * 4096;
-static void *stack1;
-static void *stack2;
-void *grt_stack_main_stack;
-void *grt_cur_proc;
-static int step;
-grt_overflow_error (void)
- abort ();
-grt_stack_error_null_access (void)
- abort ();
-grt_stack_error_memory_access (void)
- abort ();
-grt_stack_error_grow_failed (void)
- abort ();
-error (void)
- printf ("Test failure at step %d\n", step);
- fflush (stdout);
- exit (1);
-static void
-func1 (void *ptr)
- if (ptr != (void *)1)
- error ();
- if (step != 0)
- error ();
- step = 1;
- grt_stack_switch (grt_stack_main_stack, stack1);
- if (step != 5)
- error ();
- step = 6;
- grt_stack_switch (grt_stack_main_stack, stack1);
- if (step != 7)
- error ();
- step = 8;
- grt_stack_switch (stack2, stack1);
- if (step != 9)
- error ();
- step = 10;
- grt_stack_switch (grt_stack_main_stack, stack1);
- error ();
-static void
-func2 (void *ptr)
- if (ptr != (void *)2)
- error ();
- if (step == 11)
- {
- step = 12;
- grt_stack_switch (grt_stack_main_stack, stack2);
- error ();
- }
- if (step != 1)
- error ();
- step = 2;
- grt_stack_switch (grt_stack_main_stack, stack2);
- if (step != 3)
- error ();
- step = 4;
- grt_stack_switch (grt_stack_main_stack, stack2);
- if (step != 8)
- error ();
- step = 9;
- grt_stack_switch (stack1, stack2);
-main (void)
- grt_stack_init ();
- stack1 = grt_stack_create (&func1, (void *)1);
- stack2 = grt_stack_create (&func2, (void *)2);
- step = 0;
- grt_stack_switch (stack1, grt_stack_main_stack);
- if (step != 1)
- error ();
- grt_stack_switch (stack2, grt_stack_main_stack);
- if (step != 2)
- error ();
- step = 3;
- grt_stack_switch (stack2, grt_stack_main_stack);
- if (step != 4)
- error ();
- step = 5;
- grt_stack_switch (stack1, grt_stack_main_stack);
- if (step != 6)
- error ();
- step = 7;
- grt_stack_switch (stack1, grt_stack_main_stack);
- if (step != 10)
- error ();
- step = 11;
- grt_stack_switch (stack2, grt_stack_main_stack);
- if (step != 12)
- error ();
- printf ("Test successful\n");
- return 0;