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1 files changed, 100 insertions, 98 deletions
diff --git a/translate/grt/grt-images.adb b/translate/grt/grt-images.adb
index e322f47..fc5d174 100644
--- a/translate/grt/grt-images.adb
+++ b/translate/grt/grt-images.adb
@@ -125,110 +125,112 @@ package body Grt.Images is
end Ghdl_Image_P32;
--- procedure Ghdl_Image_F64 (Res : Std_String_Ptr; Val : Ghdl_F64)
--- is
--- -- Sign (1) + digit (1) + dot (1) + digits (15) + exp (1) + sign (1)
--- -- + exp_digits (4) -> 24.
--- Str : String (1 .. 25);
--- P : Natural;
--- V : Ghdl_F64;
--- Vd : Ghdl_F64;
--- Exp : Integer;
--- D : Integer;
--- B : Boolean;
--- begin
--- -- Handle sign.
--- if Val < 0.0 then
--- Str (1) := '-';
--- P := 1;
--- V := -Val;
--- else
--- P := 0;
--- V := Val;
--- end if;
--- -- Compute the mantissa.
--- -- FIXME: should do a dichotomy.
--- if V = 0.0 then
--- Exp := 0;
--- elsif V < 1.0 then
--- Exp := -1;
--- while V * (10.0 ** (-Exp)) < 1.0 loop
--- Exp := Exp - 1;
--- end loop;
--- else
--- Exp := 0;
--- while V / (10.0 ** Exp) >= 10.0 loop
--- Exp := Exp + 1;
--- end loop;
--- end if;
--- -- Normalize VAL: in [0; 10[
--- if Exp >= 0 then
--- V := V / (10.0 ** Exp);
--- else
--- V := V * 10.0 ** (-Exp);
--- end if;
--- for I in 0 .. 15 loop
--- Vd := Ghdl_F64'Floor (V);
--- P := P + 1;
--- Str (P) := Character'Val (48 + Integer (Vd));
--- V := (V - Vd) * 10.0;
--- if I = 0 then
--- P := P + 1;
--- Str (P) := '.';
--- end if;
--- exit when I > 0 and V < 10.0 ** (I + 1 - 15);
--- end loop;
--- if Exp /= 0 then
--- -- LRM93 14.3
--- -- if the exponent is present, the `e' is written as a lower case
--- -- character.
--- P := P + 1;
--- Str (P) := 'e';
--- if Exp < 0 then
--- P := P + 1;
--- Str (P) := '-';
--- Exp := -Exp;
--- end if;
--- B := False;
--- for I in 0 .. 4 loop
--- D := (Exp / 10000) mod 10;
--- if D /= 0 or B or I = 4 then
--- P := P + 1;
--- Str (P) := Character'Val (48 + D);
--- B := True;
--- end if;
--- Exp := (Exp - D * 10000) * 10;
--- end loop;
--- end if;
--- Return_String (Res, Str (1 .. P));
--- end Ghdl_Image_F64;
procedure Ghdl_Image_F64 (Res : Std_String_Ptr; Val : Ghdl_F64)
+ function Trunc (V : Ghdl_F64) return Ghdl_F64;
+ pragma Import (C, Trunc);
-- Sign (1) + digit (1) + dot (1) + digits (15) + exp (1) + sign (1)
-- + exp_digits (4) -> 24.
Str : String (1 .. 25);
- procedure snprintf (Str : System.Address;
- Size : Integer;
- Template : System.Address;
- Arg : Ghdl_F64);
- pragma Import (C, snprintf);
- function strlen (Str : System.Address) return Integer;
- pragma Import (C, strlen);
- Format : constant String := "%g" & Character'Val (0);
+ P : Natural;
+ V : Ghdl_F64;
+ Vmax : Ghdl_F64;
+ Vd : Ghdl_F64;
+ Exp : Integer;
+ D : Integer;
+ B : Boolean;
- snprintf (Str'Address, Str'Length, Format'Address, Val);
- Return_String (Res, Str (1 .. strlen (Str'Address)));
+ -- Handle sign.
+ if Val < 0.0 then
+ Str (1) := '-';
+ P := 1;
+ V := -Val;
+ else
+ P := 0;
+ V := Val;
+ end if;
+ -- Compute the mantissa.
+ -- and normalize V in [0 .. 10.0[
+ -- FIXME: should do a dichotomy.
+ if V = 0.0 then
+ Exp := 0;
+ elsif V < 1.0 then
+ Exp := -1;
+ loop
+ exit when V >= 1.0;
+ Exp := Exp - 1;
+ V := V / 10.0;
+ end loop;
+ else
+ Exp := 0;
+ loop
+ exit when V < 10.0;
+ Exp := Exp + 1;
+ V := V * 10.0;
+ end loop;
+ end if;
+ Vmax := 10.0 ** (1 - 15);
+ for I in 0 .. 15 loop
+ -- Vd := Ghdl_F64'Truncation (V);
+ Vd := Trunc (V);
+ P := P + 1;
+ Str (P) := Character'Val (48 + Integer (Vd));
+ V := (V - Vd) * 10.0;
+ if I = 0 then
+ P := P + 1;
+ Str (P) := '.';
+ end if;
+ exit when I > 0 and V < Vmax;
+ Vmax := Vmax * 10.0;
+ end loop;
+ if Exp /= 0 then
+ -- LRM93 14.3
+ -- if the exponent is present, the `e' is written as a lower case
+ -- character.
+ P := P + 1;
+ Str (P) := 'e';
+ if Exp < 0 then
+ P := P + 1;
+ Str (P) := '-';
+ Exp := -Exp;
+ end if;
+ B := False;
+ for I in 0 .. 4 loop
+ D := (Exp / 10000) mod 10;
+ if D /= 0 or B or I = 4 then
+ P := P + 1;
+ Str (P) := Character'Val (48 + D);
+ B := True;
+ end if;
+ Exp := (Exp - D * 10000) * 10;
+ end loop;
+ end if;
+ Return_String (Res, Str (1 .. P));
end Ghdl_Image_F64;
+-- procedure Ghdl_Image_F64 (Res : Std_String_Ptr; Val : Ghdl_F64)
+-- is
+-- -- Sign (1) + digit (1) + dot (1) + digits (15) + exp (1) + sign (1)
+-- -- + exp_digits (4) -> 24.
+-- Str : String (1 .. 25);
+-- procedure Snprintf_G (Str : System.Address;
+-- Size : Integer;
+-- Arg : Ghdl_F64);
+-- pragma Import (C, Snprintf_G, "__ghdl_snprintf_g");
+-- function strlen (Str : System.Address) return Integer;
+-- pragma Import (C, strlen);
+-- begin
+-- Snprintf_G (Str'Address, Str'Length, Val);
+-- Return_String (Res, Str (1 .. strlen (Str'Address)));
+-- end Ghdl_Image_F64;
end Grt.Images;