path: root/translate/translation.adb
diff options
authorgingold2006-10-02 04:33:36 +0000
committergingold2006-10-02 04:33:36 +0000
commita81f695b15865268fea6ee062a381ba8e43a02b4 (patch)
tree8bc86734eda054c31b705ceab4f4762e96422750 /translate/translation.adb
parentf51d97cdfbb61a3c1b0456b32b5076d03ba5f8ac (diff)
direct drivers and bugs fix
Diffstat (limited to 'translate/translation.adb')
1 files changed, 913 insertions, 297 deletions
diff --git a/translate/translation.adb b/translate/translation.adb
index b1ed787..90f961f 100644
--- a/translate/translation.adb
+++ b/translate/translation.adb
@@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ with Nodes;
with GNAT.Table;
with Canon;
with Trans_Decls; use Trans_Decls;
+with Trans_Analyzes;
package body Translation is
@@ -132,13 +133,16 @@ package body Translation is
-- Signals.
Ghdl_Scalar_Bytes : O_Tnode;
Ghdl_Signal_Type : O_Tnode;
- Ghdl_Signal_Value_Node : O_Fnode;
- Ghdl_Signal_Driving_Value_Node : O_Fnode;
- Ghdl_Signal_Last_Value_Node : O_Fnode;
- Ghdl_Signal_Last_Event_Node : O_Fnode;
- Ghdl_Signal_Last_Active_Node : O_Fnode;
- Ghdl_Signal_Event_Node : O_Fnode;
- Ghdl_Signal_Active_Node : O_Fnode;
+ Ghdl_Signal_Value_Field : O_Fnode;
+ Ghdl_Signal_Driving_Value_Field : O_Fnode;
+ Ghdl_Signal_Last_Value_Field : O_Fnode;
+ Ghdl_Signal_Last_Event_Field : O_Fnode;
+ Ghdl_Signal_Last_Active_Field : O_Fnode;
+ Ghdl_Signal_Active_Chain_Field : O_Fnode;
+ Ghdl_Signal_Event_Field : O_Fnode;
+ Ghdl_Signal_Active_Field : O_Fnode;
+ Ghdl_Signal_Has_Active_Field : O_Fnode;
Ghdl_Signal_Ptr : O_Tnode;
Ghdl_Signal_Ptr_Ptr : O_Tnode;
@@ -286,10 +290,10 @@ package body Translation is
type Var_Ident_Type is private;
--function Create_Var_Identifier (Id : Name_Id; Str : String)
-- return Var_Ident_Type;
- function Create_Var_Identifier (Id : Iir)
- return Var_Ident_Type;
- function Create_Var_Identifier (Id : String)
- return Var_Ident_Type;
+ function Create_Var_Identifier (Id : Iir) return Var_Ident_Type;
+ function Create_Var_Identifier (Id : String) return Var_Ident_Type;
+ function Create_Var_Identifier (Id : Iir; Str : String; Val : Natural)
+ return Var_Ident_Type;
function Create_Uniq_Identifier return Var_Ident_Type;
type Var_Type (<>) is limited private;
@@ -1033,6 +1037,13 @@ package body Translation is
Record_Ptr_Type : O_Tnode;
end record;
+ type Direct_Driver_Type is record
+ Sig : Iir;
+ Var : Var_Acc;
+ end record;
+ type Direct_Driver_Arr is array (Natural range <>) of Direct_Driver_Type;
+ type Direct_Drivers_Acc is access Direct_Driver_Arr;
type Ortho_Info_Type;
type Ortho_Info_Acc is access Ortho_Info_Type;
@@ -1117,6 +1128,8 @@ package body Translation is
Object_Static : Boolean;
-- The object itself.
Object_Var : Var_Acc;
+ -- Direct driver for signal (if any).
+ Object_Driver : Var_Acc := null;
-- RTI constant for the object.
Object_Rti : O_Dnode := O_Dnode_Null;
-- Function to compute the value of object (used for implicit
@@ -1134,14 +1147,12 @@ package body Translation is
Interface_Field : O_Fnode;
-- Type of the interface.
Interface_Type : O_Tnode;
- -- Ortho node for the interface of the protected subprogram.
- Interface_Protected : O_Dnode;
when Kind_Disconnect =>
-- Variable which contains the time_expression of the
-- disconnection specification
Disconnect_Var : Var_Acc;
when Kind_Process =>
- -- Type of process declarations.
+ -- Type of process declarations record.
Process_Decls_Type : O_Tnode;
-- Field in the parent block for the declarations in the process.
@@ -1150,6 +1161,9 @@ package body Translation is
-- Subprogram for the process.
Process_Subprg : O_Dnode;
+ -- List of drivers if Flag_Direct_Drivers.
+ Process_Drivers : Direct_Drivers_Acc := null;
-- RTI for the process.
Process_Rti_Const : O_Dnode := O_Dnode_Null;
when Kind_Loop =>
@@ -1888,6 +1902,12 @@ package body Translation is
procedure Elab_Signal_Declaration_Object
(Decl : Iir; Parent : Iir; Check_Null : Boolean);
+ -- True of SIG has a direct driver.
+ function Has_Direct_Driver (Sig : Iir) return Boolean;
+ -- Allocate memory for direct driver if necessary.
+ procedure Elab_Direct_Driver_Declaration_Storage (Decl : Iir);
-- Generate code to create object OBJ and initialize it with value VAL.
procedure Elab_Object_Value (Obj : Iir; Value : Iir);
@@ -1930,6 +1950,11 @@ package body Translation is
-- SIG is true if RES is a signal object.
function Translate_Name (Name : Iir) return Mnode;
+ -- Translate signal NAME into its node (SIG) and its direct driver
+ -- node (DRV).
+ procedure Translate_Direct_Driver
+ (Name : Iir; Sig : out Mnode; Drv : out Mnode);
-- Same as Translate_Name, but only for formal names.
-- If SCOPE_TYPE and SCOPE_PARAM are not null, use them for the scope
-- of the base name.
@@ -2167,6 +2192,8 @@ package body Translation is
(Sig : O_Enode; Sig_Type : Iir; Field : O_Fnode)
return O_Lnode;
+ function Get_Signal_Field (Sig : Mnode; Field : O_Fnode) return O_Lnode;
function Translate_Length_Array_Attribute (Expr : Iir; Rtype : Iir)
return O_Enode;
function Translate_Low_Array_Attribute (Expr : Iir) return O_Enode;
@@ -3693,11 +3720,7 @@ package body Translation is
procedure Register_Signal (Targ : Mnode;
Targ_Type : Iir;
Proc : O_Dnode)
- is
- Proc_1 : O_Dnode := Proc;
- begin
- Register_Signal_1 (Targ, Targ_Type, Proc_1);
- end Register_Signal;
+ renames Register_Signal_1;
procedure Register_Signal_List (List : Iir_List; Proc : O_Dnode)
@@ -9722,6 +9745,42 @@ package body Translation is
end Elab_Signal_Declaration_Storage;
+ function Has_Direct_Driver (Sig : Iir) return Boolean
+ is
+ Info : Ortho_Info_Acc;
+ begin
+ Info := Get_Info (Get_Base_Name (Sig));
+ return Info.Kind = Kind_Object
+ and then Info.Object_Driver /= null;
+ end Has_Direct_Driver;
+ procedure Elab_Direct_Driver_Declaration_Storage (Decl : Iir)
+ is
+ Sig_Type : Iir;
+ Type_Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Sig_Info : Ortho_Info_Acc;
+ Name_Node : Mnode;
+ begin
+ Open_Temp;
+ Sig_Type := Get_Type (Decl);
+ Sig_Info := Get_Info (Decl);
+ Type_Info := Get_Info (Sig_Type);
+ if Type_Info.Type_Mode = Type_Mode_Fat_Array then
+ Name_Node := Get_Var (Sig_Info.Object_Driver,
+ Type_Info, Mode_Value);
+ Name_Node := Stabilize (Name_Node);
+ Chap3.Allocate_Fat_Array_Base (Alloc_System, Name_Node, Sig_Type);
+ elsif Type_Info.C /= null then
+ Name_Node := Get_Var (Sig_Info.Object_Driver,
+ Type_Info, Mode_Value);
+ Allocate_Complex_Object (Sig_Type, Alloc_System, Name_Node);
+ end if;
+ Close_Temp;
+ end Elab_Direct_Driver_Declaration_Storage;
-- Create signal object.
-- Note: DECL can be a signal sub-element (used when signals are
-- collapsed).
@@ -10120,7 +10179,7 @@ package body Translation is
(Decl_Type, Get_Identifier (Decl));
Info := Add_Info (Decl, Kind_Alias);
- case Get_Kind (Get_Base_Name (Decl)) is
+ case Get_Kind (Get_Object_Prefix (Decl)) is
when Iir_Kind_Signal_Declaration
| Iir_Kind_Signal_Interface_Declaration
| Iir_Kind_Guard_Signal_Declaration =>
@@ -10176,7 +10235,6 @@ package body Translation is
Chap3.Elab_Object_Subtype (Decl_Type);
Name := Get_Name (Decl);
Name_Type := Get_Type (Name);
- -- Evaluate names.
Name_Node := Chap6.Translate_Name (Name);
Kind := Get_Object_Kind (Name_Node);
N_Info := Get_Info (Name_Type);
@@ -11758,110 +11816,109 @@ package body Translation is
Data : Connect_Data;
Mode : Connect_Mode;
- if Get_Kind (Assoc) = Iir_Kind_Association_Element_By_Expression
- and then Get_Collapse_Signal_Flag (Assoc) = By_Copy
- then
- Open_Temp;
- Formal := Get_Formal (Assoc);
- Actual := Get_Actual (Assoc);
- Formal_Type := Get_Type (Formal);
- Actual_Type := Get_Type (Actual);
- if Get_In_Conversion (Assoc) = Null_Iir
- and then Get_Out_Conversion (Assoc) = Null_Iir
- then
- Formal_Node := Chap6.Translate_Name (Formal);
- if Get_Object_Kind (Formal_Node) /= Mode_Signal then
- raise Internal_Error;
- end if;
- if Is_Signal (Actual) then
- -- LRM93
- -- For a signal of a scalar type, each source
- -- is either a driver or an OUT, INOUT, BUFFER
- -- or LINKAGE port of a component instance or
- -- of a block statement with which the signal
- -- is associated.
- -- LRM93 12.6.2
- -- For a scalar signal S, the effective value of S is
- -- determined in the following manner:
- -- * If S is [...] a port of mode BUFFER or [...],
- -- then the effective value of S is the same as
- -- the driving value of S.
- -- * If S is a connected port of mode IN or INOUT,
- -- then the effective value of S is the same as
- -- the effective value of the actual part of the
- -- association element that associates an actual
- -- with S.
- -- * [...]
- case Get_Mode (Get_Base_Name (Formal)) is
- when Iir_In_Mode =>
- Mode := Connect_Effective;
- when Iir_Inout_Mode =>
- Mode := Connect_Both;
- when Iir_Out_Mode
- | Iir_Buffer_Mode
- | Iir_Linkage_Mode =>
- Mode := Connect_Source;
- when Iir_Unknown_Mode =>
- raise Internal_Error;
- end case;
+ if Get_Kind (Assoc) /= Iir_Kind_Association_Element_By_Expression then
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end if;
- -- translate actual (abort if not a signal).
- Actual_Node := Chap6.Translate_Name (Actual);
- if Get_Object_Kind (Actual_Node) /= Mode_Signal then
+ Open_Temp;
+ Formal := Get_Formal (Assoc);
+ Actual := Get_Actual (Assoc);
+ Formal_Type := Get_Type (Formal);
+ Actual_Type := Get_Type (Actual);
+ if Get_In_Conversion (Assoc) = Null_Iir
+ and then Get_Out_Conversion (Assoc) = Null_Iir
+ then
+ Formal_Node := Chap6.Translate_Name (Formal);
+ if Get_Object_Kind (Formal_Node) /= Mode_Signal then
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end if;
+ if Is_Signal (Actual) then
+ -- LRM93
+ -- For a signal of a scalar type, each source is either
+ -- a driver or an OUT, INOUT, BUFFER or LINKAGE port of
+ -- a component instance or of a block statement with
+ -- which the signalis associated.
+ -- LRM93 12.6.2
+ -- For a scalar signal S, the effective value of S is
+ -- determined in the following manner:
+ -- * If S is [...] a port of mode BUFFER or [...],
+ -- then the effective value of S is the same as
+ -- the driving value of S.
+ -- * If S is a connected port of mode IN or INOUT,
+ -- then the effective value of S is the same as
+ -- the effective value of the actual part of the
+ -- association element that associates an actual
+ -- with S.
+ -- * [...]
+ case Get_Mode (Get_Base_Name (Formal)) is
+ when Iir_In_Mode =>
+ Mode := Connect_Effective;
+ when Iir_Inout_Mode =>
+ Mode := Connect_Both;
+ when Iir_Out_Mode
+ | Iir_Buffer_Mode
+ | Iir_Linkage_Mode =>
+ Mode := Connect_Source;
+ when Iir_Unknown_Mode =>
raise Internal_Error;
- end if;
- else
- declare
- Actual_Val : O_Enode;
- begin
- Actual_Val := Chap7.Translate_Expression
- (Actual, Formal_Type);
- Actual_Node := E2M
- (Actual_Val, Get_Info (Formal_Type), Mode_Value);
- Mode := Connect_Value;
- end;
- end if;
+ end case;
- if Get_Kind (Formal_Type) in Iir_Kinds_Array_Type_Definition
- then
- -- Check length matches.
- Stabilize (Formal_Node);
- Stabilize (Actual_Node);
- Chap3.Check_Array_Match (Formal_Type, Formal_Node,
- Actual_Type, Actual_Node,
- Assoc);
+ -- translate actual (abort if not a signal).
+ Actual_Node := Chap6.Translate_Name (Actual);
+ if Get_Object_Kind (Actual_Node) /= Mode_Signal then
+ raise Internal_Error;
end if;
+ else
+ declare
+ Actual_Val : O_Enode;
+ begin
+ Actual_Val := Chap7.Translate_Expression
+ (Actual, Formal_Type);
+ Actual_Node := E2M
+ (Actual_Val, Get_Info (Formal_Type), Mode_Value);
+ Mode := Connect_Value;
+ end;
+ end if;
+ if Get_Kind (Formal_Type) in Iir_Kinds_Array_Type_Definition
+ then
+ -- Check length matches.
+ Stabilize (Formal_Node);
+ Stabilize (Actual_Node);
+ Chap3.Check_Array_Match (Formal_Type, Formal_Node,
+ Actual_Type, Actual_Node,
+ Assoc);
+ end if;
+ Data := (Actual_Node => Actual_Node,
+ Actual_Type => Actual_Type,
+ Mode => Mode,
+ By_Copy => By_Copy);
+ Connect (Formal_Node, Formal_Type, Data);
+ else
+ if Get_In_Conversion (Assoc) /= Null_Iir then
+ Chap4.Elab_In_Conversion (Assoc, Actual_Node);
+ Formal_Node := Chap6.Translate_Name (Formal);
Data := (Actual_Node => Actual_Node,
- Actual_Type => Actual_Type,
- Mode => Mode,
- By_Copy => By_Copy);
+ Actual_Type => Formal_Type,
+ Mode => Connect_Effective,
+ By_Copy => False);
Connect (Formal_Node, Formal_Type, Data);
- else
- if Get_In_Conversion (Assoc) /= Null_Iir then
- Chap4.Elab_In_Conversion (Assoc, Actual_Node);
- Formal_Node := Chap6.Translate_Name (Formal);
- Data := (Actual_Node => Actual_Node,
- Actual_Type => Formal_Type,
- Mode => Connect_Effective,
- By_Copy => False);
- Connect (Formal_Node, Formal_Type, Data);
- end if;
- if Get_Out_Conversion (Assoc) /= Null_Iir then
- -- flow: FORMAL to ACTUAL
- Chap4.Elab_Out_Conversion (Assoc, Formal_Node);
- Actual_Node := Chap6.Translate_Name (Actual);
- Data := (Actual_Node => Actual_Node,
- Actual_Type => Actual_Type,
- Mode => Connect_Source,
- By_Copy => False);
- Connect (Formal_Node, Actual_Type, Data);
- end if;
end if;
- Close_Temp;
+ if Get_Out_Conversion (Assoc) /= Null_Iir then
+ -- flow: FORMAL to ACTUAL
+ Chap4.Elab_Out_Conversion (Assoc, Formal_Node);
+ Actual_Node := Chap6.Translate_Name (Actual);
+ Data := (Actual_Node => Actual_Node,
+ Actual_Type => Actual_Type,
+ Mode => Connect_Source,
+ By_Copy => False);
+ Connect (Formal_Node, Actual_Type, Data);
+ end if;
end if;
+ Close_Temp;
end Elab_Port_Map_Aspect_Assoc;
-- Return TRUE if the collapse_signal_flag is set for each individual
@@ -12477,8 +12534,13 @@ package body Translation is
end Translate_Thin_Index_Offset;
-- Translate an indexed name.
- function Translate_Indexed_Name (Prefix_Orig : Mnode; Expr : Iir)
- return Mnode
+ type Indexed_Name_Data is record
+ Offset : O_Dnode;
+ Res : Mnode;
+ end record;
+ function Translate_Indexed_Name_Init (Prefix_Orig : Mnode; Expr : Iir)
+ return Indexed_Name_Data
Prefix : Mnode;
Prefix_Type : Iir;
@@ -12571,13 +12633,44 @@ package body Translation is
end loop;
- R := New_Obj_Value (Offset);
- return Chap3.Index_Base
- (Chap3.Get_Array_Base (Prefix), Prefix_Type, R);
+ return (Offset => Offset,
+ Res => Chap3.Index_Base
+ (Chap3.Get_Array_Base (Prefix), Prefix_Type,
+ New_Obj_Value (Offset)));
+ end Translate_Indexed_Name_Init;
+ function Translate_Indexed_Name_Finish
+ (Prefix : Mnode; Expr : Iir; Data : Indexed_Name_Data)
+ return Mnode
+ is
+ begin
+ return Chap3.Index_Base (Chap3.Get_Array_Base (Prefix),
+ Get_Type (Get_Prefix (Expr)),
+ New_Obj_Value (Data.Offset));
+ end Translate_Indexed_Name_Finish;
+ function Translate_Indexed_Name (Prefix : Mnode; Expr : Iir)
+ return Mnode
+ is
+ begin
+ return Translate_Indexed_Name_Init (Prefix, Expr).Res;
end Translate_Indexed_Name;
- function Translate_Slice_Name (Prefix : Mnode; Expr : Iir_Slice_Name)
- return Mnode
+ type Slice_Name_Data is record
+ Off : Unsigned_64;
+ Is_Off : Boolean;
+ Unsigned_Diff : O_Dnode;
+ -- Variable pointing to the prefix.
+ Prefix_Var : Mnode;
+ -- Variable pointing to slice.
+ Slice_Range : Mnode;
+ end record;
+ procedure Translate_Slice_Name_Init
+ (Prefix : Mnode; Expr : Iir_Slice_Name; Data : out Slice_Name_Data)
-- Type of the prefix.
Prefix_Type : Iir;
@@ -12599,9 +12692,6 @@ package body Translation is
-- Suffix of the slice (discrete range).
Expr_Range : Iir;
- -- Object kind of the prefix.
- Kind : Object_Kind_Type;
-- Variable pointing to the prefix.
Prefix_Var : Mnode;
@@ -12612,9 +12702,6 @@ package body Translation is
Slice_Range : Mnode;
Prefix_Range : Mnode;
- Res_L : O_Lnode;
- Res_D : O_Dnode;
Diff : O_Dnode;
Unsigned_Diff : O_Dnode;
If_Blk1 : O_If_Block;
@@ -12626,8 +12713,6 @@ package body Translation is
Index_Type := Get_Nth_Element
(Get_Index_Subtype_List (Prefix_Type), 0);
- Kind := Get_Object_Kind (Prefix);
-- Evaluate slice bounds.
Chap3.Create_Array_Subtype (Slice_Type, True);
@@ -12637,6 +12722,9 @@ package body Translation is
if Slice_Info.Type_Mode = Type_Mode_Array
and then Prefix_Info.Type_Mode = Type_Mode_Array
+ Data.Is_Off := True;
+ Data.Prefix_Var := Prefix;
-- Both prefix and result are constrained array.
Prefix_Left, Slice_Left : Iir_Int64;
@@ -12655,7 +12743,8 @@ package body Translation is
Slice_Length := Eval_Discrete_Range_Length (Slice_Range);
if Slice_Length = 0 then
-- Null slice.
- return Prefix;
+ Data.Off := 0;
+ return;
end if;
if Get_Direction (Index_Range) /= Get_Direction (Slice_Range)
@@ -12681,17 +12770,14 @@ package body Translation is
raise Internal_Error;
end if;
end if;
- return Lv2M
- (New_Slice (M2Lv (Prefix),
- Slice_Info.Ortho_Type (Kind),
- New_Lit (New_Unsigned_Literal
- (Ghdl_Index_Type,
- Unsigned_64 (Off)))),
- Slice_Info,
- Kind);
+ Data.Off := Unsigned_64 (Off);
+ return;
end if;
+ Data.Is_Off := False;
Slice_Binfo := Get_Info (Get_Base_Type (Slice_Type));
-- Save prefix.
@@ -12798,39 +12884,92 @@ package body Translation is
Check_Bound_Error (New_Dyadic_Op (ON_Or, Err_1, Err_2), Expr, 1);
- -- Create the result (fat array) and assign the bounds field.
- case Slice_Info.Type_Mode is
- when Type_Mode_Fat_Array =>
- Res_D := Create_Temp (Slice_Info.Ortho_Type (Kind));
- New_Assign_Stmt
- (New_Selected_Element (New_Obj (Res_D),
- Slice_Info.T.Bounds_Field (Kind)),
- New_Value (M2Lp (Slice_Range)));
- New_Assign_Stmt
- (New_Selected_Element (New_Obj (Res_D),
- Slice_Info.T.Base_Field (Kind)),
- New_Address
- (New_Slice (M2Lv (Chap3.Get_Array_Base (Prefix_Var)),
- Slice_Info.T.Base_Type (Kind),
- New_Obj_Value (Unsigned_Diff)),
- Slice_Info.T.Base_Ptr_Type (Kind)));
- return Dv2M (Res_D, Slice_Info, Kind);
- when Type_Mode_Array
- | Type_Mode_Ptr_Array =>
- Res_L := New_Slice
- (M2Lv (Chap3.Get_Array_Base (Prefix_Var)),
- Slice_Info.T.Base_Type (Kind),
- New_Obj_Value (Unsigned_Diff));
- return Lv2M (Res_L,
- True,
- Slice_Info.T.Base_Type (Kind),
- Slice_Info.T.Base_Ptr_Type (Kind),
- Slice_Info, Kind);
- when others =>
- raise Internal_Error;
- end case;
+ Data.Slice_Range := Slice_Range;
+ Data.Prefix_Var := Prefix_Var;
+ Data.Unsigned_Diff := Unsigned_Diff;
+ Data.Is_Off := False;
+ end Translate_Slice_Name_Init;
+ function Translate_Slice_Name_Finish
+ (Prefix : Mnode; Expr : Iir_Slice_Name; Data : Slice_Name_Data)
+ return Mnode
+ is
+ -- Type of the prefix.
+ Prefix_Type : Iir;
+ -- Type info of the prefix.
+ Prefix_Info : Type_Info_Acc;
- --Finish_If_Stmt (If_Blk);
+ -- Type of the slice.
+ Slice_Type : Iir;
+ Slice_Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ -- Object kind of the prefix.
+ Kind : Object_Kind_Type;
+ Res_L : O_Lnode;
+ Res_D : O_Dnode;
+ begin
+ -- Evaluate the prefix.
+ Slice_Type := Get_Type (Expr);
+ Prefix_Type := Get_Type (Get_Prefix (Expr));
+ Kind := Get_Object_Kind (Prefix);
+ Prefix_Info := Get_Info (Prefix_Type);
+ Slice_Info := Get_Info (Slice_Type);
+ if Data.Is_Off then
+ return Lv2M
+ (New_Slice (M2Lv (Prefix),
+ Slice_Info.Ortho_Type (Kind),
+ New_Lit (New_Unsigned_Literal
+ (Ghdl_Index_Type, Data.Off))),
+ Slice_Info,
+ Kind);
+ else
+ -- Create the result (fat array) and assign the bounds field.
+ case Slice_Info.Type_Mode is
+ when Type_Mode_Fat_Array =>
+ Res_D := Create_Temp (Slice_Info.Ortho_Type (Kind));
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (New_Selected_Element (New_Obj (Res_D),
+ Slice_Info.T.Bounds_Field (Kind)),
+ New_Value (M2Lp (Data.Slice_Range)));
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (New_Selected_Element (New_Obj (Res_D),
+ Slice_Info.T.Base_Field (Kind)),
+ New_Address
+ (New_Slice (M2Lv (Chap3.Get_Array_Base (Prefix)),
+ Slice_Info.T.Base_Type (Kind),
+ New_Obj_Value (Data.Unsigned_Diff)),
+ Slice_Info.T.Base_Ptr_Type (Kind)));
+ return Dv2M (Res_D, Slice_Info, Kind);
+ when Type_Mode_Array
+ | Type_Mode_Ptr_Array =>
+ Res_L := New_Slice
+ (M2Lv (Chap3.Get_Array_Base (Prefix)),
+ Slice_Info.T.Base_Type (Kind),
+ New_Obj_Value (Data.Unsigned_Diff));
+ return Lv2M (Res_L,
+ True,
+ Slice_Info.T.Base_Type (Kind),
+ Slice_Info.T.Base_Ptr_Type (Kind),
+ Slice_Info, Kind);
+ when others =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ end if;
+ end Translate_Slice_Name_Finish;
+ function Translate_Slice_Name
+ (Prefix : Mnode; Expr : Iir_Slice_Name)
+ return Mnode
+ is
+ Data : Slice_Name_Data;
+ begin
+ Translate_Slice_Name_Init (Prefix, Expr, Data);
+ return Translate_Slice_Name_Finish (Data.Prefix_Var, Expr, Data);
end Translate_Slice_Name;
function Translate_Interface_Name
@@ -13079,6 +13218,66 @@ package body Translation is
Error_Kind ("translate_name", Name);
end case;
end Translate_Name;
+ procedure Translate_Direct_Driver
+ (Name : Iir; Sig : out Mnode; Drv : out Mnode)
+ is
+ Name_Type : Iir;
+ Name_Info : Ortho_Info_Acc;
+ Type_Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ begin
+ Name_Type := Get_Type (Name);
+ Name_Info := Get_Info (Name);
+ Type_Info := Get_Info (Name_Type);
+ case Get_Kind (Name) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Signal_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Signal_Interface_Declaration =>
+ Sig := Get_Var (Name_Info.Object_Var, Type_Info, Mode_Signal);
+ Drv := Get_Var (Name_Info.Object_Driver, Type_Info, Mode_Value);
+ when Iir_Kind_Simple_Name
+ | Iir_Kind_Selected_Name =>
+ Translate_Direct_Driver (Get_Named_Entity (Name), Sig, Drv);
+ when Iir_Kind_Slice_Name =>
+ declare
+ Data : Slice_Name_Data;
+ Pfx_Sig : Mnode;
+ Pfx_Drv : Mnode;
+ begin
+ Translate_Direct_Driver
+ (Get_Prefix (Name), Pfx_Sig, Pfx_Drv);
+ Translate_Slice_Name_Init (Pfx_Sig, Name, Data);
+ Sig := Translate_Slice_Name_Finish
+ (Data.Prefix_Var, Name, Data);
+ Drv := Translate_Slice_Name_Finish (Pfx_Drv, Name, Data);
+ end;
+ when Iir_Kind_Indexed_Name =>
+ declare
+ Data : Indexed_Name_Data;
+ Pfx_Sig : Mnode;
+ Pfx_Drv : Mnode;
+ begin
+ Translate_Direct_Driver
+ (Get_Prefix (Name), Pfx_Sig, Pfx_Drv);
+ Data := Translate_Indexed_Name_Init (Pfx_Sig, Name);
+ Sig := Data.Res;
+ Drv := Translate_Indexed_Name_Finish (Pfx_Drv, Name, Data);
+ end;
+ when Iir_Kind_Selected_Element =>
+ declare
+ El : Iir;
+ Pfx_Sig : Mnode;
+ Pfx_Drv : Mnode;
+ begin
+ Translate_Direct_Driver
+ (Get_Prefix (Name), Pfx_Sig, Pfx_Drv);
+ El := Get_Selected_Element (Name);
+ Sig := Translate_Selected_Element (Pfx_Sig, El);
+ Drv := Translate_Selected_Element (Pfx_Drv, El);
+ end;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("translate_direct_driver", Name);
+ end case;
+ end Translate_Direct_Driver;
end Chap6;
package body Chap7 is
@@ -15647,7 +15846,7 @@ package body Translation is
(Chap14.Get_Signal_Value_Field (M2E (Targ), Targ_Type,
- Ghdl_Signal_Driving_Value_Node),
+ Ghdl_Signal_Driving_Value_Field),
M2E (Data));
end Translate_Signal_Assign_Driving_Non_Composite;
@@ -15750,7 +15949,7 @@ package body Translation is
return O_Enode is
return New_Value (Chap14.Get_Signal_Value_Field
- (Sig, Sig_Type, Ghdl_Signal_Driving_Value_Node));
+ (Sig, Sig_Type, Ghdl_Signal_Driving_Value_Field));
end Read_Signal_Driving_Value;
function Translate_Signal_Driving_Value_1 is new Translate_Signal_Value
@@ -16097,10 +16296,10 @@ package body Translation is
when Iir_Kind_Last_Event_Attribute =>
return Chap14.Translate_Last_Time_Attribute
- (Get_Prefix (Expr), Ghdl_Signal_Last_Event_Node);
+ (Get_Prefix (Expr), Ghdl_Signal_Last_Event_Field);
when Iir_Kind_Last_Active_Attribute =>
return Chap14.Translate_Last_Time_Attribute
- (Get_Prefix (Expr), Ghdl_Signal_Last_Active_Node);
+ (Get_Prefix (Expr), Ghdl_Signal_Last_Active_Field);
when Iir_Kind_Driving_Value_Attribute =>
Res := Chap14.Translate_Driving_Value_Attribute (Expr);
@@ -19702,34 +19901,6 @@ package body Translation is
end if;
end Gen_Simple_Signal_Assign_Non_Composite;
--- procedure Gen_Simple_Signal_Prepare_Data_Composite (Val : O_Enode;
--- Targ_Type : Iir) is
--- begin
--- null;
--- end Gen_Simple_Signal_Prepare_Data_Composite;
--- function Gen_Simple_Signal_Update_Data_Array (Val : O_Enode;
--- Targ_Type : Iir;
--- Index : O_Lnode)
--- return O_Enode
--- is
--- Base : O_Lnode;
--- begin
--- Base := Chap3.Get_Array_Base
--- (New_Access_Element (Val), Targ_Type, Mode_Value);
--- return New_Value (New_Indexed_Element (Base, New_Value (Index)));
--- end Gen_Simple_Signal_Update_Data_Array;
--- function Gen_Simple_Signal_Update_Data_Record
--- (Val : O_Enode; Targ_Type : Iir; El : Iir_Element_Declaration)
--- return O_Enode
--- is
--- begin
--- return New_Value (New_Selected_Element
--- (New_Access_Element (Val),
--- Get_Info (El).Field_Node (Mode_Value)));
--- end Gen_Simple_Signal_Update_Data_Record;
procedure Gen_Simple_Signal_Assign is new Foreach_Non_Composite
(Data_Type => O_Enode,
Composite_Data_Type => Mnode,
@@ -20120,6 +20291,152 @@ package body Translation is
end if;
end Translate_Signal_Target_Aggr;
+ type Signal_Direct_Assign_Data is record
+ Drv : Mnode;
+ Expr : Mnode;
+ end record;
+ procedure Gen_Signal_Direct_Assign_Non_Composite
+ (Targ : Mnode; Targ_Type : Iir; Data : Signal_Direct_Assign_Data)
+ is
+ Targ_Sig : Mnode;
+ If_Blk : O_If_Block;
+ Cond : O_Dnode;
+ Drv : Mnode;
+ begin
+ Open_Temp;
+ Targ_Sig := Stabilize (Targ, True);
+ Cond := Create_Temp (Ghdl_Bool_Type);
+ Drv := Stabilize (Data.Drv, False);
+ -- Set driver.
+ Chap7.Translate_Assign
+ (Drv, M2E (Data.Expr), Null_Iir, Targ_Type);
+ -- Test if the signal is active.
+ Start_If_Stmt
+ (If_Blk,
+ New_Value (Chap14.Get_Signal_Field
+ (Targ_Sig, Ghdl_Signal_Has_Active_Field)));
+ -- Either because has_active is true.
+ New_Assign_Stmt (New_Obj (Cond),
+ New_Lit (Ghdl_Bool_True_Node));
+ New_Else_Stmt (If_Blk);
+ -- Or because the value. is different from the current value.
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (New_Obj (Cond),
+ New_Compare_Op (ON_Neq,
+ New_Value (New_Access_Element (M2E (Targ_Sig))),
+ M2E (Drv),
+ Ghdl_Bool_Type));
+ Finish_If_Stmt (If_Blk);
+ -- Put signal into active list.
+ Start_If_Stmt
+ (If_Blk,
+ New_Dyadic_Op
+ (ON_And,
+ New_Obj_Value (Cond),
+ New_Compare_Op
+ (ON_Eq,
+ New_Value (Chap14.Get_Signal_Field
+ (Targ_Sig, Ghdl_Signal_Active_Chain_Field)),
+ New_Lit (New_Null_Access (Ghdl_Signal_Ptr)),
+ Ghdl_Bool_Type)));
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (Chap14.Get_Signal_Field (Targ_Sig, Ghdl_Signal_Active_Chain_Field),
+ New_Obj_Value (Ghdl_Signal_Active_Chain));
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (New_Obj (Ghdl_Signal_Active_Chain),
+ New_Convert_Ov (New_Value (M2Lv (Targ_Sig)),
+ Ghdl_Signal_Ptr));
+ Finish_If_Stmt (If_Blk);
+ Close_Temp;
+ end Gen_Signal_Direct_Assign_Non_Composite;
+ function Gen_Signal_Direct_Prepare_Data_Composite
+ (Targ : Mnode; Targ_Type : Iir; Val : Signal_Direct_Assign_Data)
+ return Signal_Direct_Assign_Data
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Targ, Targ_Type);
+ begin
+ return Val;
+ end Gen_Signal_Direct_Prepare_Data_Composite;
+ function Gen_Signal_Direct_Prepare_Data_Record
+ (Targ : Mnode; Targ_Type : Iir; Val : Signal_Direct_Assign_Data)
+ return Signal_Direct_Assign_Data
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Targ, Targ_Type);
+ begin
+ return Signal_Direct_Assign_Data'
+ (Drv => Stabilize (Val.Drv),
+ Expr => Stabilize (Val.Expr));
+ end Gen_Signal_Direct_Prepare_Data_Record;
+ function Gen_Signal_Direct_Update_Data_Array
+ (Val : Signal_Direct_Assign_Data;
+ Targ_Type : Iir;
+ Index : O_Dnode)
+ return Signal_Direct_Assign_Data
+ is
+ begin
+ return Signal_Direct_Assign_Data'
+ (Drv => Chap3.Index_Base (Chap3.Get_Array_Base (Val.Drv),
+ Targ_Type, New_Obj_Value (Index)),
+ Expr => Chap3.Index_Base (Chap3.Get_Array_Base (Val.Expr),
+ Targ_Type, New_Obj_Value (Index)));
+ end Gen_Signal_Direct_Update_Data_Array;
+ function Gen_Signal_Direct_Update_Data_Record
+ (Val : Signal_Direct_Assign_Data;
+ Targ_Type : Iir;
+ El : Iir_Element_Declaration)
+ return Signal_Direct_Assign_Data
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Targ_Type);
+ begin
+ return Signal_Direct_Assign_Data'
+ (Drv => Chap6.Translate_Selected_Element (Val.Drv, El),
+ Expr => Chap6.Translate_Selected_Element (Val.Expr, El));
+ end Gen_Signal_Direct_Update_Data_Record;
+ procedure Gen_Signal_Direct_Finish_Data_Composite
+ (Data : in out Signal_Direct_Assign_Data)
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Data);
+ begin
+ null;
+ end Gen_Signal_Direct_Finish_Data_Composite;
+ procedure Gen_Signal_Direct_Assign is new Foreach_Non_Composite
+ (Data_Type => Signal_Direct_Assign_Data,
+ Composite_Data_Type => Signal_Direct_Assign_Data,
+ Do_Non_Composite => Gen_Signal_Direct_Assign_Non_Composite,
+ Prepare_Data_Array => Gen_Signal_Direct_Prepare_Data_Composite,
+ Update_Data_Array => Gen_Signal_Direct_Update_Data_Array,
+ Finish_Data_Array => Gen_Signal_Direct_Finish_Data_Composite,
+ Prepare_Data_Record => Gen_Signal_Direct_Prepare_Data_Record,
+ Update_Data_Record => Gen_Signal_Direct_Update_Data_Record,
+ Finish_Data_Record => Gen_Signal_Direct_Finish_Data_Composite);
+ procedure Translate_Direct_Signal_Assignment (Stmt : Iir; We : Iir)
+ is
+ Target : Iir;
+ Target_Type : Iir;
+ Arg : Signal_Direct_Assign_Data;
+ Targ_Sig : Mnode;
+ begin
+ Target := Get_Target (Stmt);
+ Target_Type := Get_Type (Target);
+ Chap6.Translate_Direct_Driver (Target, Targ_Sig, Arg.Drv);
+ Arg.Expr := E2M (Chap7.Translate_Expression (We, Target_Type),
+ Get_Info (Target_Type), Mode_Value);
+ Gen_Signal_Direct_Assign (Targ_Sig, Target_Type, Arg);
+ return;
+ end Translate_Direct_Signal_Assignment;
procedure Translate_Signal_Assignment_Statement (Stmt : Iir)
Target : Iir;
@@ -20128,22 +20445,44 @@ package body Translation is
Targ : Mnode;
Val : O_Enode;
Value : Iir;
+ Is_Simple : Boolean;
Target := Get_Target (Stmt);
Target_Type := Get_Type (Target);
+ We := Get_Waveform_Chain (Stmt);
+ if We /= Null_Iir
+ and then Get_Chain (We) = Null_Iir
+ and then Get_Time (We) = Null_Iir
+ and then Get_Delay_Mechanism (Stmt) = Iir_Inertial_Delay
+ and then Get_Reject_Time_Expression (Stmt) = Null_Iir
+ then
+ -- Simple signal assignment ?
+ Value := Get_We_Value (We);
+ Is_Simple := Get_Kind (Value) /= Iir_Kind_Null_Literal;
+ else
+ Is_Simple := False;
+ end if;
if Get_Kind (Target) = Iir_Kind_Aggregate then
Chap3.Translate_Anonymous_Type_Definition (Target_Type, True);
Targ := Create_Temp (Get_Info (Target_Type), Mode_Signal);
Chap4.Allocate_Complex_Object (Target_Type, Alloc_Stack, Targ);
Translate_Signal_Target_Aggr (Targ, Target, Target_Type);
+ if Is_Simple
+ and then Flag_Direct_Drivers
+ and then Chap4.Has_Direct_Driver (Target)
+ then
+ Translate_Direct_Signal_Assignment (Stmt, Value);
+ return;
+ end if;
Targ := Chap6.Translate_Name (Target);
if Get_Object_Kind (Targ) /= Mode_Signal then
raise Internal_Error;
end if;
end if;
- We := Get_Waveform_Chain (Stmt);
if We = Null_Iir then
-- Implicit disconnect statment.
Register_Signal (Targ, Target_Type, Ghdl_Signal_Disconnect);
@@ -20356,6 +20695,56 @@ package body Translation is
end Chap8;
package body Chap9 is
+ procedure Set_Direct_Drivers (Proc : Iir)
+ is
+ Proc_Info : Proc_Info_Acc := Get_Info (Proc);
+ Drivers : Direct_Drivers_Acc := Proc_Info.Process_Drivers;
+ Info : Ortho_Info_Acc;
+ Var : Var_Acc;
+ Sig : Iir;
+ begin
+ for I in Drivers.all'Range loop
+ Var := Drivers (I).Var;
+ Sig := Get_Base_Name (Drivers (I).Sig);
+ if Var /= null then
+ Info := Get_Info (Sig);
+ case Info.Kind is
+ when Kind_Object =>
+ Info.Object_Driver := Var;
+ when Kind_Alias =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ end Set_Direct_Drivers;
+ procedure Reset_Direct_Drivers (Proc : Iir)
+ is
+ Proc_Info : Proc_Info_Acc := Get_Info (Proc);
+ Drivers : Direct_Drivers_Acc := Proc_Info.Process_Drivers;
+ Info : Ortho_Info_Acc;
+ Var : Var_Acc;
+ Sig : Iir;
+ begin
+ for I in Drivers.all'Range loop
+ Var := Drivers (I).Var;
+ Sig := Get_Base_Name (Drivers (I).Sig);
+ if Var /= null then
+ Info := Get_Info (Sig);
+ case Info.Kind is
+ when Kind_Object =>
+ Info.Object_Driver := null;
+ when Kind_Alias =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ end Reset_Direct_Drivers;
procedure Translate_Process_Statement (Proc : Iir; Base : Block_Info_Acc)
Inter_List : O_Inter_List;
@@ -20373,8 +20762,10 @@ package body Translation is
-- Push scope for architecture declarations.
Push_Scope (Base.Block_Decls_Type, Instance);
(Get_Sequential_Statement_Chain (Proc));
Pop_Scope (Base.Block_Decls_Type);
@@ -20435,6 +20826,62 @@ package body Translation is
end if;
end Translate_Component_Instantiation_Statement;
+ procedure Translate_Process_Declarations (Proc : Iir)
+ is
+ Mark : Id_Mark_Type;
+ Info : Ortho_Info_Acc;
+ Itype : O_Tnode;
+ Field : O_Fnode;
+ Drivers : Iir_List;
+ Nbr_Drivers : Natural;
+ Sig : Iir;
+ begin
+ -- Create process record.
+ Push_Identifier_Prefix (Mark, Get_Identifier (Proc));
+ Push_Instance_Factory (O_Tnode_Null);
+ Info := Add_Info (Proc, Kind_Process);
+ Chap4.Translate_Declaration_Chain (Proc);
+ if Flag_Direct_Drivers then
+ Drivers := Trans_Analyzes.Extract_Drivers (Proc);
+ if Flag_Dump_Drivers then
+ Trans_Analyzes.Dump_Drivers (Proc, Drivers);
+ end if;
+ Nbr_Drivers := Get_Nbr_Elements (Drivers);
+ Info.Process_Drivers := new Direct_Driver_Arr (1 .. Nbr_Drivers);
+ for I in 1 .. Nbr_Drivers loop
+ Sig := Get_Nth_Element (Drivers, I - 1);
+ Info.Process_Drivers (I) := (Sig => Sig, Var => null);
+ Sig := Get_Base_Name (Sig);
+ if Get_Kind (Sig) /= Iir_Kind_Object_Alias_Declaration
+ and then not Get_After_Drivers_Flag (Sig)
+ then
+ Info.Process_Drivers (I).Var :=
+ Create_Var (Create_Var_Identifier (Sig, "_DDRV", I),
+ Chap4.Get_Object_Type
+ (Get_Info (Get_Type (Sig)), Mode_Value));
+ -- Do not create driver severals times.
+ Set_After_Drivers_Flag (Sig, True);
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ Trans_Analyzes.Free_Drivers_List (Drivers);
+ end if;
+ Pop_Instance_Factory (Itype);
+ New_Type_Decl (Create_Identifier ("INSTTYPE"), Itype);
+ Pop_Identifier_Prefix (Mark);
+ -- Create a field in the parent record.
+ Field := Add_Instance_Factory_Field
+ (Create_Identifier_Without_Prefix (Proc), Itype);
+ -- Set info in child record.
+ Info.Process_Decls_Type := Itype;
+ Info.Process_Parent_Field := Field;
+ end Translate_Process_Declarations;
-- Create the instance for block BLOCK.
-- BLOCK can be either an entity, an architecture or a block statement.
procedure Translate_Block_Declarations (Block : Iir; Origin : Iir)
@@ -20448,27 +20895,7 @@ package body Translation is
case Get_Kind (El) is
when Iir_Kind_Process_Statement
| Iir_Kind_Sensitized_Process_Statement =>
- declare
- Mark : Id_Mark_Type;
- Info : Ortho_Info_Acc;
- Itype : O_Tnode;
- Field : O_Fnode;
- begin
- Push_Identifier_Prefix (Mark, Get_Identifier (El));
- -- Start child record.
- Push_Instance_Factory (O_Tnode_Null);
- Info := Add_Info (El, Kind_Process);
- Chap4.Translate_Declaration_Chain (El);
- Pop_Instance_Factory (Itype);
- New_Type_Decl (Create_Identifier ("INSTTYPE"), Itype);
- Pop_Identifier_Prefix (Mark);
- -- Create a field in the parent record.
- Field := Add_Instance_Factory_Field
- (Create_Identifier_Without_Prefix (El), Itype);
- -- Set info in child record.
- Info.Process_Decls_Type := Itype;
- Info.Process_Parent_Field := Field;
- end;
+ Translate_Process_Declarations (El);
when Iir_Kind_Component_Instantiation_Statement =>
Translate_Component_Instantiation_Statement (El);
when Iir_Kind_Block_Statement =>
@@ -20668,9 +21095,17 @@ package body Translation is
Push_Scope (Info.Process_Decls_Type,
+ if Flag_Direct_Drivers then
+ Chap9.Set_Direct_Drivers (Stmt);
+ end if;
(Stmt, Base_Block);
Translate_Process_Statement (Stmt, Base_Info);
+ if Flag_Direct_Drivers then
+ Chap9.Reset_Direct_Drivers (Stmt);
+ end if;
Pop_Scope (Info.Process_Decls_Type);
when Iir_Kind_Component_Instantiation_Statement =>
@@ -20736,54 +21171,149 @@ package body Translation is
-- If the type is referenced again, the variables must be reachable.
-- This is not the case for elaborator subprogram (which may references
-- slices in the sensitivity or driver list) and the process subprg.
- procedure Destroy_Types_In_List (List : Iir_List)
+ procedure Destroy_Types_In_Name (Name : Iir)
El : Iir;
Atype : Iir;
Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ El := Name;
+ loop
+ Atype := Null_Iir;
+ case Get_Kind (El) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Selected_Element
+ | Iir_Kind_Indexed_Name =>
+ El := Get_Prefix (El);
+ when Iir_Kind_Slice_Name =>
+ Atype := Get_Type (El);
+ El := Get_Prefix (El);
+ when Iir_Kind_Object_Alias_Declaration =>
+ El := Get_Name (El);
+ when Iir_Kind_Stable_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Quiet_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Delayed_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Transaction_Attribute =>
+ El := Get_Prefix (El);
+ when Iir_Kind_Signal_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Signal_Interface_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Guard_Signal_Declaration =>
+ exit;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("destroy_types_in_name", El);
+ end case;
+ if Atype /= Null_Iir
+ and then Is_Anonymous_Type_Definition (Atype)
+ then
+ Info := Get_Info (Atype);
+ if Info /= null then
+ Free_Type_Info (Info, False);
+ Clear_Info (Atype);
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ end Destroy_Types_In_Name;
+ procedure Destroy_Types_In_List (List : Iir_List)
+ is
+ El : Iir;
+ begin
if List = Null_Iir_List then
end if;
for I in Natural loop
El := Get_Nth_Element (List, I);
exit when El = Null_Iir;
- loop
- Atype := Null_Iir;
- case Get_Kind (El) is
- when Iir_Kind_Selected_Element
- | Iir_Kind_Indexed_Name =>
- El := Get_Prefix (El);
- when Iir_Kind_Slice_Name =>
- Atype := Get_Type (El);
- El := Get_Prefix (El);
- when Iir_Kind_Object_Alias_Declaration =>
- El := Get_Name (El);
- when Iir_Kind_Stable_Attribute
- | Iir_Kind_Quiet_Attribute
- | Iir_Kind_Delayed_Attribute
- | Iir_Kind_Transaction_Attribute =>
- El := Get_Prefix (El);
- when Iir_Kind_Signal_Declaration
- | Iir_Kind_Signal_Interface_Declaration
- | Iir_Kind_Guard_Signal_Declaration =>
- exit;
- when others =>
- Error_Kind ("destroy_types_in_list", El);
- end case;
- if Atype /= Null_Iir
- and then Is_Anonymous_Type_Definition (Atype)
- then
- Info := Get_Info (Atype);
- if Info /= null then
- Free_Type_Info (Info, False);
- Clear_Info (Atype);
- end if;
- end if;
- end loop;
+ Destroy_Types_In_Name (El);
end loop;
end Destroy_Types_In_List;
+ procedure Gen_Register_Direct_Driver_Non_Composite
+ (Targ : Mnode; Targ_Type : Iir; Drv : Mnode)
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Targ_Type);
+ Constr : O_Assoc_List;
+ begin
+ Start_Association (Constr, Ghdl_Signal_Direct_Driver);
+ New_Association
+ (Constr, New_Convert_Ov (New_Value (M2Lv (Targ)), Ghdl_Signal_Ptr));
+ New_Association
+ (Constr, New_Unchecked_Address (M2Lv (Drv), Ghdl_Ptr_Type));
+ New_Procedure_Call (Constr);
+ end Gen_Register_Direct_Driver_Non_Composite;
+ function Gen_Register_Direct_Driver_Prepare_Data_Composite
+ (Targ : Mnode; Targ_Type : Iir; Val : Mnode)
+ return Mnode
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Targ, Targ_Type);
+ begin
+ return Val;
+ end Gen_Register_Direct_Driver_Prepare_Data_Composite;
+ function Gen_Register_Direct_Driver_Prepare_Data_Record
+ (Targ : Mnode; Targ_Type : Iir; Val : Mnode)
+ return Mnode
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Targ, Targ_Type);
+ begin
+ return Stabilize (Val);
+ end Gen_Register_Direct_Driver_Prepare_Data_Record;
+ function Gen_Register_Direct_Driver_Update_Data_Array
+ (Val : Mnode; Targ_Type : Iir; Index : O_Dnode)
+ return Mnode
+ is
+ begin
+ return Chap3.Index_Base (Chap3.Get_Array_Base (Val),
+ Targ_Type, New_Obj_Value (Index));
+ end Gen_Register_Direct_Driver_Update_Data_Array;
+ function Gen_Register_Direct_Driver_Update_Data_Record
+ (Val : Mnode; Targ_Type : Iir; El : Iir_Element_Declaration)
+ return Mnode
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Targ_Type);
+ begin
+ return Chap6.Translate_Selected_Element (Val, El);
+ end Gen_Register_Direct_Driver_Update_Data_Record;
+ procedure Gen_Register_Direct_Driver_Finish_Data_Composite
+ (Data : in out Mnode)
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Data);
+ begin
+ null;
+ end Gen_Register_Direct_Driver_Finish_Data_Composite;
+ procedure Gen_Register_Direct_Driver is new Foreach_Non_Composite
+ (Data_Type => Mnode,
+ Composite_Data_Type => Mnode,
+ Do_Non_Composite => Gen_Register_Direct_Driver_Non_Composite,
+ Prepare_Data_Array =>
+ Gen_Register_Direct_Driver_Prepare_Data_Composite,
+ Update_Data_Array => Gen_Register_Direct_Driver_Update_Data_Array,
+ Finish_Data_Array => Gen_Register_Direct_Driver_Finish_Data_Composite,
+ Prepare_Data_Record => Gen_Register_Direct_Driver_Prepare_Data_Record,
+ Update_Data_Record => Gen_Register_Direct_Driver_Update_Data_Record,
+ Finish_Data_Record =>
+ Gen_Register_Direct_Driver_Finish_Data_Composite);
+-- procedure Register_Scalar_Direct_Driver (Sig : Mnode;
+-- Sig_Type : Iir;
+-- Drv : Mnode)
+-- is
+-- pragma Unreferenced (Sig_Type);
+-- Constr : O_Assoc_List;
+-- begin
+-- Start_Association (Constr, Ghdl_Signal_Direct_Driver);
+-- New_Association
+-- (Constr, New_Convert_Ov (New_Value (M2Lv (Sig)), Ghdl_Signal_Ptr));
+-- New_Association
+-- (Constr, New_Unchecked_Address (M2Lv (Drv), Ghdl_Ptr_Type));
+-- New_Procedure_Call (Constr);
+-- end Register_Scalar_Direct_Driver;
-- PROC: the process to be elaborated
-- BLOCK_INFO: info for the block containing the process
-- BASE_INFO: info for the global block
@@ -20845,9 +21375,47 @@ package body Translation is
-- an alias declaration.
Chap4.Elab_Declaration_Chain (Proc, Final);
- List := Get_Driver_List (Proc);
- Destroy_Types_In_List (List);
- Register_Signal_List (List, Ghdl_Process_Add_Driver);
+ -- Register drivers.
+ if Flag_Direct_Drivers then
+ Chap9.Set_Direct_Drivers (Proc);
+ declare
+ Sig : Iir;
+ Base : Iir;
+ Sig_Node, Drv_Node : Mnode;
+ begin
+ for I in Info.Process_Drivers.all'Range loop
+ Sig := Info.Process_Drivers (I).Sig;
+ Open_Temp;
+ Base := Get_Base_Name (Sig);
+ if Info.Process_Drivers (I).Var /= null then
+ -- Elaborate direct driver. Done only once.
+ Chap4.Elab_Direct_Driver_Declaration_Storage (Base);
+ end if;
+ if Chap4.Has_Direct_Driver (Base) then
+ -- Signal has a direct driver.
+ Chap6.Translate_Direct_Driver (Sig, Sig_Node, Drv_Node);
+ Gen_Register_Direct_Driver
+ (Sig_Node, Get_Type (Sig), Drv_Node);
+ else
+ Register_Signal (Chap6.Translate_Name (Sig),
+ Get_Type (Sig),
+ Ghdl_Process_Add_Driver);
+ end if;
+ Close_Temp;
+ end loop;
+ end;
+ Chap9.Reset_Direct_Drivers (Proc);
+ else
+ List := Trans_Analyzes.Extract_Drivers (Proc);
+ Destroy_Types_In_List (List);
+ Register_Signal_List (List, Ghdl_Process_Add_Driver);
+ if Flag_Dump_Drivers then
+ Trans_Analyzes.Dump_Drivers (Proc, List);
+ end if;
+ Trans_Analyzes.Free_Drivers_List (List);
+ end if;
if Is_Sensitized then
List := Get_Sensitivity_List (Proc);
@@ -22349,22 +22917,49 @@ package body Translation is
return Get_Identifier (Identifier_Buffer (1 .. Identifier_Len - 2));
end Create_Identifier;
+ function Create_Var_Identifier_From_Buffer (L : Natural)
+ return Var_Ident_Type
+ is
+ Start : Natural;
+ begin
+ if Is_Local_Scope then
+ Start := Identifier_Start;
+ else
+ Start := 1;
+ end if;
+ return (Id => Get_Identifier (Identifier_Buffer (Start .. L)));
+ end Create_Var_Identifier_From_Buffer;
function Create_Var_Identifier (Id : Iir)
return Var_Ident_Type
- Res : Var_Ident_Type;
+ L : Natural := Identifier_Len;
- Res.Id := Create_Id (Get_Identifier (Id), "", Is_Local_Scope);
- return Res;
+ Add_Identifier (L, Get_Identifier (Id));
+ return Create_Var_Identifier_From_Buffer (L);
end Create_Var_Identifier;
function Create_Var_Identifier (Id : String)
return Var_Ident_Type
- Res : Var_Ident_Type;
+ L : Natural := Identifier_Len;
- Res.Id := Create_Id (Null_Identifier, Id, Is_Local_Scope);
- return Res;
+ Add_String (L, Id);
+ return Create_Var_Identifier_From_Buffer (L);
+ end Create_Var_Identifier;
+ function Create_Var_Identifier (Id : Iir; Str : String; Val : Natural)
+ return Var_Ident_Type
+ is
+ L : Natural := Identifier_Len;
+ begin
+ Add_Identifier (L, Get_Identifier (Id));
+ Add_String (L, Str);
+ if Val > 0 then
+ Add_String (L, "O");
+ Add_Nat (L, Val);
+ end if;
+ return Create_Var_Identifier_From_Buffer (L);
end Create_Var_Identifier;
function Create_Uniq_Identifier return Var_Ident_Type
@@ -22728,19 +23323,6 @@ package body Translation is
end case;
end Translate_Succ_Pred_Attribute;
- -- Read the boolean attribute (active or event) FIELD of simple signal
- -- SIG.
- function Read_Bool_Signal_Attribute (Sig : O_Enode; Field : O_Fnode)
- return O_Enode
- is
- S : O_Enode;
- begin
- S := New_Convert_Ov (Sig, Ghdl_Signal_Ptr);
- return New_Value
- (New_Selected_Element (New_Access_Element (S), Field));
- --Ghdl_Signal_Event_Node));
- end Read_Bool_Signal_Attribute;
type Bool_Sigattr_Data_Type is record
Label : O_Snode;
Field : O_Fnode;
@@ -22752,8 +23334,7 @@ package body Translation is
pragma Unreferenced (Targ_Type);
Gen_Exit_When (Data.Label,
- Read_Bool_Signal_Attribute (New_Value (M2Lv (Targ)),
- Data.Field));
+ New_Value (Get_Signal_Field (Targ, Data.Field)));
end Bool_Sigattr_Non_Composite_Signal;
function Bool_Sigattr_Prepare_Data_Composite
@@ -22819,7 +23400,7 @@ package body Translation is
if Get_Kind (Prefix_Type) in Iir_Kinds_Scalar_Type_Definition then
-- Effecient handling for a scalar signal.
Name := Chap6.Translate_Name (Prefix);
- return Read_Bool_Signal_Attribute (New_Value (M2Lv (Name)), Field);
+ return New_Value (Get_Signal_Field (Name, Field));
-- Element per element handling for composite signals.
Res := Create_Temp (Std_Boolean_Type_Node);
@@ -22839,13 +23420,14 @@ package body Translation is
function Translate_Event_Attribute (Attr : Iir) return O_Enode is
- return Translate_Bool_Signal_Attribute (Attr, Ghdl_Signal_Event_Node);
+ return Translate_Bool_Signal_Attribute
+ (Attr, Ghdl_Signal_Event_Field);
end Translate_Event_Attribute;
function Translate_Active_Attribute (Attr : Iir) return O_Enode is
return Translate_Bool_Signal_Attribute
- (Attr, Ghdl_Signal_Active_Node);
+ (Attr, Ghdl_Signal_Active_Field);
end Translate_Active_Attribute;
-- Read signal value FIELD of signal SIG.
@@ -22862,11 +23444,20 @@ package body Translation is
(New_Unchecked_Address (New_Selected_Element (T, Field), S_Type));
end Get_Signal_Value_Field;
+ function Get_Signal_Field (Sig : Mnode; Field : O_Fnode)
+ return O_Lnode
+ is
+ S : O_Enode;
+ begin
+ S := New_Convert_Ov (New_Value (M2Lv (Sig)), Ghdl_Signal_Ptr);
+ return New_Selected_Element (New_Access_Element (S), Field);
+ end Get_Signal_Field;
function Read_Last_Value (Sig : O_Enode; Sig_Type : Iir) return O_Enode
return New_Value (Get_Signal_Value_Field
- (Sig, Sig_Type, Ghdl_Signal_Last_Value_Node));
+ (Sig, Sig_Type, Ghdl_Signal_Last_Value_Field));
end Read_Last_Value;
function Translate_Last_Value is new Chap7.Translate_Signal_Value
@@ -27031,39 +27622,53 @@ package body Translation is
(Chararray_Type, New_Unsigned_Literal (Ghdl_Index_Type, 8));
New_Type_Decl (Get_Identifier ("__ghdl_scalar_bytes"),
+ Ghdl_Signal_Ptr := New_Access_Type (O_Tnode_Null);
+ New_Type_Decl (Get_Identifier ("__ghdl_signal_ptr"), Ghdl_Signal_Ptr);
-- Type __signal_signal is record
Start_Record_Type (Rec);
- New_Record_Field (Rec, Ghdl_Signal_Value_Node,
+ New_Record_Field (Rec, Ghdl_Signal_Value_Field,
Get_Identifier ("value"),
- New_Record_Field (Rec, Ghdl_Signal_Driving_Value_Node,
+ New_Record_Field (Rec, Ghdl_Signal_Driving_Value_Field,
Get_Identifier ("driving_value"),
- New_Record_Field (Rec, Ghdl_Signal_Last_Value_Node,
+ New_Record_Field (Rec, Ghdl_Signal_Last_Value_Field,
Get_Identifier ("last_value"),
- New_Record_Field (Rec, Ghdl_Signal_Last_Event_Node,
+ New_Record_Field (Rec, Ghdl_Signal_Last_Event_Field,
Get_Identifier ("last_event"),
- New_Record_Field (Rec, Ghdl_Signal_Last_Active_Node,
+ New_Record_Field (Rec, Ghdl_Signal_Last_Active_Field,
Get_Identifier ("last_active"),
- New_Record_Field (Rec, Ghdl_Signal_Event_Node,
+ New_Record_Field (Rec, Ghdl_Signal_Active_Chain_Field,
+ Get_Identifier ("active_chain"),
+ Ghdl_Signal_Ptr);
+ New_Record_Field (Rec, Ghdl_Signal_Event_Field,
Get_Identifier ("event"),
- New_Record_Field (Rec, Ghdl_Signal_Active_Node,
+ New_Record_Field (Rec, Ghdl_Signal_Active_Field,
Get_Identifier ("active"),
+ New_Record_Field (Rec, Ghdl_Signal_Has_Active_Field,
+ Get_Identifier ("has_active"),
+ Ghdl_Bool_Type);
Finish_Record_Type (Rec, Ghdl_Signal_Type);
New_Type_Decl (Get_Identifier ("__ghdl_signal"), Ghdl_Signal_Type);
- Ghdl_Signal_Ptr := New_Access_Type (Ghdl_Signal_Type);
- New_Type_Decl (Get_Identifier ("__ghdl_signal_ptr"), Ghdl_Signal_Ptr);
+ Finish_Access_Type (Ghdl_Signal_Ptr, Ghdl_Signal_Type);
Ghdl_Signal_Ptr_Ptr := New_Access_Type (Ghdl_Signal_Ptr);
New_Type_Decl (Get_Identifier ("__ghdl_signal_ptr_ptr"),
+ New_Var_Decl (Ghdl_Signal_Active_Chain,
+ Get_Identifier ("__ghdl_signal_active_chain"),
+ O_Storage_External,
+ Ghdl_Signal_Ptr);
-- procedure __ghdl_signal_merge_rti
-- (sig : ghdl_signal_ptr; rti : ghdl_rti_access)
@@ -27305,6 +27910,17 @@ package body Translation is
New_Interface_Decl (Interfaces, Param, Wki_Sig, Ghdl_Signal_Ptr);
Finish_Subprogram_Decl (Interfaces, Ghdl_Process_Add_Driver);
+ -- procedure __ghdl_signal_direct_driver (sig : __ghdl_signal_ptr;
+ -- Drv : Ghdl_Ptr_type);
+ Start_Procedure_Decl
+ (Interfaces, Get_Identifier ("__ghdl_signal_direct_driver"),
+ O_Storage_External);
+ New_Interface_Decl
+ (Interfaces, Param, Wki_Sig, Ghdl_Signal_Ptr);
+ New_Interface_Decl
+ (Interfaces, Param, Get_Identifier ("drv"), Ghdl_Ptr_Type);
+ Finish_Subprogram_Decl (Interfaces, Ghdl_Signal_Direct_Driver);
procedure Create_Signal_Conversion (Name : String; Res : out O_Dnode)