path: root/translate/mcode/windows
diff options
authorgingold2006-10-05 00:23:04 +0000
committergingold2006-10-05 00:23:04 +0000
commitdad8fb6d64a2b12a7b929f1c63b7dfd6b177b3ea (patch)
treebd019af73d62d78d90c68755f35b6986567c004f /translate/mcode/windows
parent7a57404e5337453db969bf8f51cad9fa7f4c1913 (diff)
add one more underscore to chkstk, use program path for install path (windows)
Diffstat (limited to 'translate/mcode/windows')
2 files changed, 47 insertions, 21 deletions
diff --git a/translate/mcode/windows/complib.bat b/translate/mcode/windows/complib.bat
index 038a80e..88a43ce 100644
--- a/translate/mcode/windows/complib.bat
+++ b/translate/mcode/windows/complib.bat
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ mkdir ieee
cd ieee
echo Base ieee
for %%F in (%IEEE_SRCS%) do %REL%\build\ghdlfilter -v93 < %LIBSRC%\ieee\%%F.vhdl > %%F.v93 && %REL%\build\%GHDL% -a --std=93 -P..\std --work=ieee %%F.v93
-echo Vital 2000
+echo Vital 2000
for %%F in (%VITAL2000_SRCS%) do copy %LIBSRC%\vital2000\%%F.vhdl %%F.vhd && %REL%\build\%GHDL% -a --std=93 -P..\std --work=ieee %%F.vhd
cd ..
@@ -65,4 +65,4 @@ cd ..
cd ..
-cd .. \ No newline at end of file
+cd ..
diff --git a/translate/mcode/windows/windows_default_path.adb b/translate/mcode/windows/windows_default_path.adb
index 8ad27ed..2538e5d 100644
--- a/translate/mcode/windows/windows_default_path.adb
+++ b/translate/mcode/windows/windows_default_path.adb
@@ -1,19 +1,45 @@
-with GNAT.Registry; use GNAT.Registry;
-package body Windows_Default_Path is
- function Get_Windows_Default_Path return String
- is
- Key : HKEY;
- begin
- Key := Open_Key (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, "Software\Ghdl");
- declare
- Res : String := Query_Value (Key, "Install_Dir");
- begin
- return Res & "\lib\";
- end;
- exception
- when Registry_Error =>
- -- Do not write an error message, but return a useful default path.
- return "{missing HKLM\Software\Ghdl\Install_Dir key}\lib\";
- end Get_Windows_Default_Path;
-end Windows_Default_Path;
+with Interfaces.C; use Interfaces.C;
+with System; use System;
+package body Windows_Default_Path is
+ subtype DWORD is Interfaces.C.Unsigned_Long;
+ subtype LPWSTR is String;
+ subtype HINSTANCE is Address;
+ function GetModuleFileName (Inst : HINSTANCE; Buf : Address; Size : DWORD)
+ return DWORD;
+ pragma Import (Stdcall, GetModuleFileName, "GetModuleFileNameA");
+ function Get_Windows_Default_Path return String
+ is
+ File : String (1 .. 256);
+ Size : DWORD;
+ P : Natural;
+ begin
+ -- Get exe file path.
+ Size := GetModuleFileName (Null_Address, File'Address, File'Length);
+ if Size = 0 or Size = File'Length then
+ return "{cannot find install path}\lib";
+ end if;
+ -- Remove Program file.
+ P := Natural (Size);
+ while P > 0 loop
+ exit when File (P) = '\';
+ exit when File (P) = ':' and P = 2;
+ P := P - 1;
+ end loop;
+ if File (P) = '\' and P > 1 then
+ -- Remove directory
+ P := P - 1;
+ while P > 0 loop
+ exit when File (P) = '\';
+ exit when File (P) = ':' and P = 2;
+ P := P - 1;
+ end loop;
+ end if;
+ return File (1 .. P) & "lib";
+ end Get_Windows_Default_Path;
+end Windows_Default_Path;