path: root/std_package.adb
diff options
authorTristan Gingold2013-12-31 19:01:48 +0100
committerTristan Gingold2013-12-31 19:01:48 +0100
commit5f41fdc72fccd7169dc812c8690e82222ae1aca1 (patch)
tree2e2cddb257b071ec30b79c0672e2320f5421468d /std_package.adb
parent2fe0a5359e1bdf6dfdab20bea121db8f4e54ffe9 (diff)
Fix bug21274.
WIP for VHDL08.
Diffstat (limited to 'std_package.adb')
1 files changed, 118 insertions, 22 deletions
diff --git a/std_package.adb b/std_package.adb
index 6d090fd..a0160cb 100644
--- a/std_package.adb
+++ b/std_package.adb
@@ -233,6 +233,81 @@ package body Std_Package is
Set_Subtype_Definition (Type_Decl, Subtype_Definition);
end Create_Integer_Subtype;
+ -- Create an array of EL_TYPE, indexed by Natural.
+ procedure Create_Array_Type
+ (Def : out Iir; Decl : out Iir; El_Type : Iir; Name : Name_Id)
+ is
+ Index_List : Iir_List;
+ begin
+ Def := Create_Std_Iir (Iir_Kind_Array_Type_Definition);
+ Set_Base_Type (Def, Def);
+ Index_List := Create_Iir_List;
+ Set_Index_Subtype_List (Def, Index_List);
+ Append_Element (Index_List, Natural_Subtype_Definition);
+ Set_Element_Subtype (Def, El_Type);
+ Set_Type_Staticness (Def, None);
+ Set_Signal_Type_Flag (Def, True);
+ Set_Has_Signal_Flag (Def, not Flags.Flag_Whole_Analyze);
+ Decl := Create_Std_Decl (Iir_Kind_Type_Declaration);
+ Set_Std_Identifier (Decl, Name);
+ Set_Type (Decl, Def);
+ Add_Decl (Decl);
+ Set_Type_Declarator (Def, Decl);
+ Add_Implicit_Operations (Decl);
+ end Create_Array_Type;
+ -- Create:
+ -- function TO_STRING (VALUE: inter_type) return STRING;
+ procedure Create_To_String (Inter_Type : Iir)
+ is
+ Decl : Iir_Implicit_Function_Declaration;
+ Inter : Iir_Constant_Interface_Declaration;
+ begin
+ Decl := Create_Std_Decl (Iir_Kind_Implicit_Function_Declaration);
+ Set_Std_Identifier (Decl, Std_Names.Name_To_String);
+ Set_Return_Type (Decl, String_Type_Definition);
+ Set_Pure_Flag (Decl, True);
+ -- FIXME!!!
+ Set_Implicit_Definition (Decl, Iir_Predefined_Now_Function);
+ Inter := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Constant_Interface_Declaration);
+ Set_Identifier (Inter, Std_Names.Name_Value);
+ Set_Type (Inter, Inter_Type);
+ Set_Mode (Inter, Iir_In_Mode);
+ Set_Base_Name (Inter, Inter);
+ Set_Interface_Declaration_Chain (Decl, Inter);
+ Sem.Compute_Subprogram_Hash (Decl);
+ Add_Decl (Decl);
+ end Create_To_String;
+ -- Create:
+ -- function NAME (signal S : I inter_type) return BOOLEAN;
+ procedure Create_Edge_Function
+ (Name : Name_Id; Func : Iir_Predefined_Functions; Inter_Type : Iir)
+ is
+ Decl : Iir_Implicit_Function_Declaration;
+ Inter : Iir_Constant_Interface_Declaration;
+ begin
+ Decl := Create_Std_Decl (Iir_Kind_Implicit_Function_Declaration);
+ Set_Std_Identifier (Decl, Name);
+ Set_Return_Type (Decl, Boolean_Type_Definition);
+ Set_Pure_Flag (Decl, True);
+ Set_Implicit_Definition (Decl, Func);
+ Inter := Create_Iir (Iir_Kind_Signal_Interface_Declaration);
+ Set_Identifier (Inter, Std_Names.Name_S);
+ Set_Type (Inter, Inter_Type);
+ Set_Mode (Inter, Iir_In_Mode);
+ Set_Base_Name (Inter, Inter);
+ Set_Interface_Declaration_Chain (Decl, Inter);
+ Sem.Compute_Subprogram_Hash (Decl);
+ Add_Decl (Decl);
+ end Create_Edge_Function;
Std_Standard_File := Create_Std_Iir (Iir_Kind_Design_File);
Set_Parent (Std_Standard_File, Parent);
@@ -298,6 +373,15 @@ package body Std_Package is
Add_Implicit_Operations (Boolean_Type);
+ if Vhdl_Std >= Vhdl_08 then
+ Create_Edge_Function
+ (Std_Names.Name_Rising_Edge, Iir_Predefined_Boolean_Rising_Edge,
+ Boolean_Type_Definition);
+ Create_Edge_Function
+ (Std_Names.Name_Falling_Edge, Iir_Predefined_Boolean_Falling_Edge,
+ Boolean_Type_Definition);
+ end if;
-- bit.
-- ('0', '1')
@@ -328,6 +412,15 @@ package body Std_Package is
Add_Implicit_Operations (Bit_Type);
+ if Vhdl_Std >= Vhdl_08 then
+ Create_Edge_Function
+ (Std_Names.Name_Rising_Edge, Iir_Predefined_Bit_Rising_Edge,
+ Bit_Type_Definition);
+ Create_Edge_Function
+ (Std_Names.Name_Falling_Edge, Iir_Predefined_Bit_Falling_Edge,
+ Bit_Type_Definition);
+ end if;
-- characters.
El: Iir;
@@ -649,28 +742,16 @@ package body Std_Package is
-- bit_vector type.
-- type bit_vector is array (natural range <>) of bit;
- begin
- Bit_Vector_Type_Definition :=
- Create_Std_Iir (Iir_Kind_Array_Type_Definition);
- Set_Base_Type (Bit_Vector_Type_Definition,
- Bit_Vector_Type_Definition);
- Set_Index_Subtype_List (Bit_Vector_Type_Definition, Create_Iir_List);
- Append_Element (Get_Index_Subtype_List (Bit_Vector_Type_Definition),
- Natural_Subtype_Definition);
- Set_Element_Subtype (Bit_Vector_Type_Definition, Bit_Type_Definition);
- Set_Type_Staticness (Bit_Vector_Type_Definition, None);
- Set_Signal_Type_Flag (Bit_Vector_Type_Definition, True);
- Set_Has_Signal_Flag (Bit_Vector_Type_Definition,
- not Flags.Flag_Whole_Analyze);
- Bit_Vector_Type := Create_Std_Decl (Iir_Kind_Type_Declaration);
- Set_Std_Identifier (Bit_Vector_Type, Name_Bit_Vector);
- Set_Type (Bit_Vector_Type, Bit_Vector_Type_Definition);
- Add_Decl (Bit_Vector_Type);
- Set_Type_Declarator (Bit_Vector_Type_Definition, Bit_Vector_Type);
- Add_Implicit_Operations (Bit_Vector_Type);
- end;
+ Create_Array_Type (Bit_Vector_Type_Definition, Bit_Vector_Type,
+ Bit_Type_Definition, Name_Bit_Vector);
+ if Vhdl_Std >= Vhdl_08 then
+ -- integer_vector type.
+ -- type integer_vector is array (natural range <>) of Integer;
+ Create_Array_Type
+ (Integer_Vector_Type_Definition, Integer_Vector_Type,
+ Integer_Type_Definition, Name_Integer_Vector);
+ end if;
-- time definition
@@ -963,5 +1044,20 @@ package body Std_Package is
Foreign_Attribute := Null_Iir;
end if;
+ if Vhdl_Std >= Vhdl_08 then
+ Create_To_String (Boolean_Type_Definition);
+ Create_To_String (Bit_Type_Definition);
+ Create_To_String (Character_Type_Definition);
+ Create_To_String (Severity_Level_Type_Definition);
+ Create_To_String (Universal_Integer_Type_Definition);
+ Create_To_String (Universal_Real_Type_Definition);
+ Create_To_String (Integer_Type_Definition);
+ Create_To_String (Real_Type_Definition);
+ Create_To_String (Time_Type_Definition);
+ Create_To_String (File_Open_Kind_Type_Definition);
+ Create_To_String (File_Open_Status_Type_Definition);
+ end if;
end Create_Std_Standard_Package;
end Std_Package;