path: root/src/vhdl/translate/trans-chap4.adb
diff options
authorTristan Gingold2014-11-09 18:31:54 +0100
committerTristan Gingold2014-11-09 18:31:54 +0100
commitfe94cb3cc3fd4517271faa9046c74b0c455aeb79 (patch)
tree17ba28586cb5eb22d530c568d917931f309d871f /src/vhdl/translate/trans-chap4.adb
parent3c9a77e9e6f3b8047080f7d8c11bb9881cabf968 (diff)
Split translation into child packages.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/vhdl/translate/trans-chap4.adb')
1 files changed, 2735 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/vhdl/translate/trans-chap4.adb b/src/vhdl/translate/trans-chap4.adb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7b18f57
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/vhdl/translate/trans-chap4.adb
@@ -0,0 +1,2735 @@
+-- Iir to ortho translator.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002 - 2014 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+with Errorout; use Errorout;
+with Files_Map;
+with Iirs_Utils; use Iirs_Utils;
+with Std_Package; use Std_Package;
+with Translation; use Translation;
+with Trans.Chap2;
+with Trans.Chap3;
+with Trans.Chap5;
+with Trans.Chap6;
+with Trans.Chap7;
+with Trans.Chap14;
+with Trans.Rtis;
+with Trans.Helpers2; use Trans.Helpers2;
+with Trans_Decls; use Trans_Decls;
+with Trans.Foreach_Non_Composite;
+package body Trans.Chap4 is
+ use Trans.Helpers;
+ -- Get the ortho type for an object of mode MODE.
+ function Get_Object_Type (Tinfo : Type_Info_Acc; Kind : Object_Kind_Type)
+ return O_Tnode is
+ begin
+ if Is_Complex_Type (Tinfo) then
+ case Tinfo.Type_Mode is
+ when Type_Mode_Fat_Array =>
+ return Tinfo.Ortho_Type (Kind);
+ when Type_Mode_Record
+ | Type_Mode_Array
+ | Type_Mode_Protected =>
+ -- For a complex type, use a pointer.
+ return Tinfo.Ortho_Ptr_Type (Kind);
+ when others =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ else
+ return Tinfo.Ortho_Type (Kind);
+ end if;
+ end Get_Object_Type;
+ procedure Create_Object (El : Iir)
+ is
+ Obj_Type : O_Tnode;
+ Info : Object_Info_Acc;
+ Tinfo : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Def : Iir;
+ Val : Iir;
+ Storage : O_Storage;
+ Deferred : Iir;
+ begin
+ Def := Get_Type (El);
+ Val := Get_Default_Value (El);
+ -- Be sure the object type was translated.
+ if Get_Kind (El) = Iir_Kind_Constant_Declaration
+ and then Get_Deferred_Declaration_Flag (El) = False
+ and then Get_Deferred_Declaration (El) /= Null_Iir
+ then
+ -- This is a full constant declaration which complete a previous
+ -- incomplete constant declaration.
+ --
+ -- Do not create the subtype of this full constant declaration,
+ -- since it was already created by the deferred declaration.
+ -- Use the type of the deferred declaration.
+ Deferred := Get_Deferred_Declaration (El);
+ Def := Get_Type (Deferred);
+ Info := Get_Info (Deferred);
+ Set_Info (El, Info);
+ else
+ Chap3.Translate_Object_Subtype (El);
+ Info := Add_Info (El, Kind_Object);
+ end if;
+ Tinfo := Get_Info (Def);
+ Obj_Type := Get_Object_Type (Tinfo, Mode_Value);
+ case Get_Kind (El) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Variable_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Interface_Constant_Declaration =>
+ Info.Object_Var :=
+ Create_Var (Create_Var_Identifier (El), Obj_Type);
+ when Iir_Kind_Constant_Declaration =>
+ if Get_Deferred_Declaration (El) /= Null_Iir then
+ -- This is a full constant declaration (in a body) of a
+ -- deferred constant declaration (in a package).
+ Storage := O_Storage_Public;
+ else
+ Storage := Global_Storage;
+ end if;
+ if Info.Object_Var = Null_Var then
+ -- Not a full constant declaration (ie a value for an
+ -- already declared constant).
+ -- Must create the declaration.
+ if Chap7.Is_Static_Constant (El) then
+ Info.Object_Static := True;
+ Info.Object_Var := Create_Global_Const
+ (Create_Identifier (El), Obj_Type, Global_Storage,
+ O_Cnode_Null);
+ else
+ Info.Object_Static := False;
+ Info.Object_Var := Create_Var
+ (Create_Var_Identifier (El),
+ Obj_Type, Global_Storage);
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ if Get_Deferred_Declaration (El) = Null_Iir
+ and then Info.Object_Static
+ and then Storage /= O_Storage_External
+ then
+ -- Deferred constant are never considered as locally static.
+ -- FIXME: to be improved ?
+ -- open_temp/close_temp only required for transient types.
+ Open_Temp;
+ Define_Global_Const
+ (Info.Object_Var,
+ Chap7.Translate_Static_Expression (Val, Def));
+ Close_Temp;
+ end if;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("create_objet", El);
+ end case;
+ end Create_Object;
+ procedure Create_Signal (Decl : Iir)
+ is
+ Sig_Type_Def : constant Iir := Get_Type (Decl);
+ Sig_Type : O_Tnode;
+ Type_Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Info : Ortho_Info_Acc;
+ begin
+ Chap3.Translate_Object_Subtype (Decl);
+ Type_Info := Get_Info (Sig_Type_Def);
+ Sig_Type := Get_Object_Type (Type_Info, Mode_Signal);
+ pragma Assert (Sig_Type /= O_Tnode_Null);
+ Info := Add_Info (Decl, Kind_Object);
+ Info.Object_Var :=
+ Create_Var (Create_Var_Identifier (Decl), Sig_Type);
+ case Get_Kind (Decl) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Signal_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Interface_Signal_Declaration =>
+ Rtis.Generate_Signal_Rti (Decl);
+ when Iir_Kind_Guard_Signal_Declaration =>
+ -- No name created for guard signal.
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("create_signal", Decl);
+ end case;
+ end Create_Signal;
+ procedure Create_Implicit_Signal (Decl : Iir)
+ is
+ Sig_Type : O_Tnode;
+ Type_Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Info : Ortho_Info_Acc;
+ Sig_Type_Def : Iir;
+ begin
+ Sig_Type_Def := Get_Type (Decl);
+ -- This has been disabled since DECL can have an anonymous subtype,
+ -- and DECL has no identifiers, which causes translate_object_subtype
+ -- to crash.
+ -- Note: DECL can only be a iir_kind_delayed_attribute.
+ --Chap3.Translate_Object_Subtype (Decl);
+ Type_Info := Get_Info (Sig_Type_Def);
+ Sig_Type := Type_Info.Ortho_Type (Mode_Signal);
+ if Sig_Type = O_Tnode_Null then
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end if;
+ Info := Add_Info (Decl, Kind_Object);
+ Info.Object_Var := Create_Var (Create_Uniq_Identifier, Sig_Type);
+ end Create_Implicit_Signal;
+ procedure Create_File_Object (El : Iir_File_Declaration)
+ is
+ Obj_Type : O_Tnode;
+ Info : Ortho_Info_Acc;
+ Obj_Type_Def : Iir;
+ begin
+ Obj_Type_Def := Get_Type (El);
+ Obj_Type := Get_Ortho_Type (Obj_Type_Def, Mode_Value);
+ Info := Add_Info (El, Kind_Object);
+ Info.Object_Var := Create_Var (Create_Var_Identifier (El), Obj_Type);
+ end Create_File_Object;
+ procedure Create_Package_Interface (Inter : Iir)
+ is
+ Info : Ortho_Info_Acc;
+ Pkg : constant Iir := Get_Named_Entity
+ (Get_Uninstantiated_Package_Name (Inter));
+ Pkg_Info : constant Ortho_Info_Acc := Get_Info (Pkg);
+ begin
+ Chap2.Instantiate_Info_Package (Inter);
+ Info := Get_Info (Inter);
+ -- The spec
+ Info.Package_Instance_Spec_Var :=
+ Create_Var (Create_Var_Identifier (Inter, "SPEC", 0),
+ Pkg_Info.Package_Spec_Ptr_Type);
+ Set_Scope_Via_Var_Ptr
+ (Info.Package_Instance_Spec_Scope,
+ Info.Package_Instance_Spec_Var);
+ -- The body
+ Info.Package_Instance_Body_Var :=
+ Create_Var (Create_Var_Identifier (Inter, "BODY", 0),
+ Pkg_Info.Package_Body_Ptr_Type);
+ Set_Scope_Via_Var_Ptr
+ (Info.Package_Instance_Body_Scope,
+ Info.Package_Instance_Body_Var);
+ end Create_Package_Interface;
+ procedure Allocate_Complex_Object (Obj_Type : Iir;
+ Alloc_Kind : Allocation_Kind;
+ Var : in out Mnode)
+ is
+ Type_Info : constant Type_Info_Acc := Get_Type_Info (Var);
+ Kind : constant Object_Kind_Type := Get_Object_Kind (Var);
+ Targ : Mnode;
+ begin
+ if Type_Info.Type_Mode = Type_Mode_Fat_Array then
+ -- Cannot allocate unconstrained object (since size is unknown).
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end if;
+ if not Is_Complex_Type (Type_Info) then
+ -- Object is not complex.
+ return;
+ end if;
+ if Type_Info.C (Kind).Builder_Need_Func
+ and then not Is_Stable (Var)
+ then
+ Targ := Create_Temp (Type_Info, Kind);
+ else
+ Targ := Var;
+ end if;
+ -- Allocate variable.
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (M2Lp (Targ),
+ Gen_Alloc (Alloc_Kind,
+ Chap3.Get_Object_Size (Var, Obj_Type),
+ Type_Info.Ortho_Ptr_Type (Kind)));
+ if Type_Info.C (Kind).Builder_Need_Func then
+ -- Build the type.
+ Chap3.Gen_Call_Type_Builder (Targ, Obj_Type);
+ if not Is_Stable (Var) then
+ New_Assign_Stmt (M2Lp (Var), M2Addr (Targ));
+ Var := Targ;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end Allocate_Complex_Object;
+ -- Note : OBJ can be a tree.
+ -- FIXME: should use translate_aggregate_others.
+ procedure Init_Array_Object (Obj : Mnode; Obj_Type : Iir)
+ is
+ Sobj : Mnode;
+ -- Type of the object.
+ Type_Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ -- Iterator for the elements.
+ Index : O_Dnode;
+ Upper_Limit : O_Enode;
+ Upper_Var : O_Dnode;
+ Label : O_Snode;
+ begin
+ Type_Info := Get_Info (Obj_Type);
+ -- Iterate on all elements of the object.
+ Open_Temp;
+ if Type_Info.Type_Mode = Type_Mode_Fat_Array then
+ Sobj := Stabilize (Obj);
+ else
+ Sobj := Obj;
+ end if;
+ Upper_Limit := Chap3.Get_Array_Length (Sobj, Obj_Type);
+ if Type_Info.Type_Mode /= Type_Mode_Array then
+ Upper_Var := Create_Temp_Init (Ghdl_Index_Type, Upper_Limit);
+ else
+ Upper_Var := O_Dnode_Null;
+ end if;
+ Index := Create_Temp (Ghdl_Index_Type);
+ Init_Var (Index);
+ Start_Loop_Stmt (Label);
+ if Upper_Var /= O_Dnode_Null then
+ Upper_Limit := New_Obj_Value (Upper_Var);
+ end if;
+ Gen_Exit_When (Label,
+ New_Compare_Op (ON_Eq,
+ New_Obj_Value (Index), Upper_Limit,
+ Ghdl_Bool_Type));
+ Init_Object (Chap3.Index_Base (Chap3.Get_Array_Base (Sobj),
+ Obj_Type,
+ New_Obj_Value (Index)),
+ Get_Element_Subtype (Obj_Type));
+ Inc_Var (Index);
+ Finish_Loop_Stmt (Label);
+ Close_Temp;
+ end Init_Array_Object;
+ procedure Init_Protected_Object (Obj : Mnode; Obj_Type : Iir)
+ is
+ Assoc : O_Assoc_List;
+ Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ begin
+ Info := Get_Info (Obj_Type);
+ -- Call the initializer.
+ Start_Association (Assoc, Info.T.Prot_Init_Subprg);
+ Subprgs.Add_Subprg_Instance_Assoc (Assoc, Info.T.Prot_Init_Instance);
+ -- Use of M2Lp is a little bit fragile (not sure we get the
+ -- variable, but should work: we didn't stabilize it).
+ New_Assign_Stmt (M2Lp (Obj), New_Function_Call (Assoc));
+ end Init_Protected_Object;
+ procedure Fini_Protected_Object (Decl : Iir)
+ is
+ Obj : Mnode;
+ Assoc : O_Assoc_List;
+ Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ begin
+ Info := Get_Info (Get_Type (Decl));
+ Obj := Chap6.Translate_Name (Decl);
+ -- Call the Finalizator.
+ Start_Association (Assoc, Info.T.Prot_Final_Subprg);
+ New_Association (Assoc, M2E (Obj));
+ New_Procedure_Call (Assoc);
+ end Fini_Protected_Object;
+ procedure Init_Object (Obj : Mnode; Obj_Type : Iir)
+ is
+ Tinfo : Type_Info_Acc;
+ begin
+ Tinfo := Get_Type_Info (Obj);
+ case Tinfo.Type_Mode is
+ when Type_Mode_Scalar =>
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (M2Lv (Obj), Chap14.Translate_Left_Type_Attribute (Obj_Type));
+ when Type_Mode_Acc =>
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (M2Lv (Obj),
+ New_Lit (New_Null_Access (Tinfo.Ortho_Type (Mode_Value))));
+ when Type_Mode_Fat_Acc =>
+ declare
+ Dinfo : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Sobj : Mnode;
+ begin
+ Open_Temp;
+ Sobj := Stabilize (Obj);
+ Dinfo := Get_Info (Get_Designated_Type (Obj_Type));
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (New_Selected_Element (M2Lv (Sobj),
+ Dinfo.T.Bounds_Field (Mode_Value)),
+ New_Lit (New_Null_Access (Dinfo.T.Bounds_Ptr_Type)));
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (New_Selected_Element (M2Lv (Sobj),
+ Dinfo.T.Base_Field (Mode_Value)),
+ New_Lit (New_Null_Access
+ (Dinfo.T.Base_Ptr_Type (Mode_Value))));
+ Close_Temp;
+ end;
+ when Type_Mode_Arrays =>
+ Init_Array_Object (Obj, Obj_Type);
+ when Type_Mode_Record =>
+ declare
+ Sobj : Mnode;
+ El : Iir_Element_Declaration;
+ List : Iir_List;
+ begin
+ Open_Temp;
+ Sobj := Stabilize (Obj);
+ List := Get_Elements_Declaration_List
+ (Get_Base_Type (Obj_Type));
+ for I in Natural loop
+ El := Get_Nth_Element (List, I);
+ exit when El = Null_Iir;
+ Init_Object (Chap6.Translate_Selected_Element (Sobj, El),
+ Get_Type (El));
+ end loop;
+ Close_Temp;
+ end;
+ when Type_Mode_Protected =>
+ Init_Protected_Object (Obj, Obj_Type);
+ when Type_Mode_Unknown
+ | Type_Mode_File =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ end Init_Object;
+ procedure Elab_Object_Storage (Obj : Iir)
+ is
+ Obj_Type : constant Iir := Get_Type (Obj);
+ Obj_Info : constant Object_Info_Acc := Get_Info (Obj);
+ Name_Node : Mnode;
+ Type_Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Alloc_Kind : Allocation_Kind;
+ begin
+ -- Elaborate subtype.
+ Chap3.Elab_Object_Subtype (Obj_Type);
+ Type_Info := Get_Info (Obj_Type);
+ -- FIXME: the object type may be a fat array!
+ -- FIXME: fat array + aggregate ?
+ if Type_Info.Type_Mode = Type_Mode_Protected then
+ -- Protected object will be created by its INIT function.
+ return;
+ end if;
+ if Is_Complex_Type (Type_Info)
+ and then Type_Info.Type_Mode /= Type_Mode_Fat_Array
+ then
+ -- FIXME: avoid allocation if the value is a string and
+ -- the object is a constant
+ Name_Node := Get_Var (Obj_Info.Object_Var, Type_Info, Mode_Value);
+ Alloc_Kind := Get_Alloc_Kind_For_Var (Obj_Info.Object_Var);
+ Allocate_Complex_Object (Obj_Type, Alloc_Kind, Name_Node);
+ end if;
+ end Elab_Object_Storage;
+ -- Generate code to create object OBJ and initialize it with value VAL.
+ procedure Elab_Object_Init (Name : Mnode; Obj : Iir; Value : Iir)
+ is
+ Obj_Type : constant Iir := Get_Type (Obj);
+ Type_Info : constant Type_Info_Acc := Get_Info (Obj_Type);
+ Obj_Info : constant Object_Info_Acc := Get_Info (Obj);
+ Name_Node : Mnode;
+ Value_Node : O_Enode;
+ Alloc_Kind : Allocation_Kind;
+ begin
+ -- Elaborate subtype.
+ Alloc_Kind := Get_Alloc_Kind_For_Var (Obj_Info.Object_Var);
+ -- Note: no temporary variable region is created, as the allocation
+ -- may be performed on the stack.
+ if Value = Null_Iir then
+ -- Performs default initialization.
+ Open_Temp;
+ Init_Object (Name, Obj_Type);
+ Close_Temp;
+ elsif Get_Kind (Value) = Iir_Kind_Aggregate then
+ if Type_Info.Type_Mode = Type_Mode_Fat_Array then
+ -- Allocate.
+ declare
+ Aggr_Type : Iir;
+ begin
+ Aggr_Type := Get_Type (Value);
+ Chap3.Create_Array_Subtype (Aggr_Type, True);
+ Name_Node := Stabilize (Name);
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (M2Lp (Chap3.Get_Array_Bounds (Name_Node)),
+ M2Addr (Chap3.Get_Array_Type_Bounds (Aggr_Type)));
+ Chap3.Allocate_Fat_Array_Base
+ (Alloc_Kind, Name_Node, Get_Base_Type (Aggr_Type));
+ end;
+ else
+ Name_Node := Name;
+ end if;
+ Chap7.Translate_Aggregate (Name_Node, Obj_Type, Value);
+ else
+ Value_Node := Chap7.Translate_Expression (Value, Obj_Type);
+ if Type_Info.Type_Mode = Type_Mode_Fat_Array then
+ declare
+ S : Mnode;
+ begin
+ Name_Node := Stabilize (Name);
+ S := Stabilize (E2M (Value_Node, Type_Info, Mode_Value));
+ if Get_Kind (Value) = Iir_Kind_String_Literal
+ and then Get_Kind (Obj) = Iir_Kind_Constant_Declaration
+ then
+ -- No need to allocate space for the object.
+ Copy_Fat_Pointer (Name_Node, S);
+ else
+ Chap3.Translate_Object_Allocation
+ (Name_Node, Alloc_Kind, Obj_Type,
+ Chap3.Get_Array_Bounds (S));
+ Chap3.Translate_Object_Copy
+ (Name_Node, M2Addr (S), Obj_Type);
+ end if;
+ end;
+ else
+ Chap3.Translate_Object_Copy (Name, Value_Node, Obj_Type);
+ end if;
+ Destroy_Local_Transient_Types;
+ end if;
+ end Elab_Object_Init;
+ -- Generate code to create object OBJ and initialize it with value VAL.
+ procedure Elab_Object_Value (Obj : Iir; Value : Iir)
+ is
+ Name : Mnode;
+ begin
+ Elab_Object_Storage (Obj);
+ Name := Get_Var (Get_Info (Obj).Object_Var,
+ Get_Info (Get_Type (Obj)), Mode_Value);
+ Elab_Object_Init (Name, Obj, Value);
+ end Elab_Object_Value;
+ -- Create code to elaborate OBJ.
+ procedure Elab_Object (Obj : Iir)
+ is
+ Value : Iir;
+ Obj1 : Iir;
+ begin
+ -- A locally static constant is pre-elaborated.
+ -- (only constant can be locally static).
+ if Get_Expr_Staticness (Obj) = Locally
+ and then Get_Deferred_Declaration (Obj) = Null_Iir
+ then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ -- Set default value.
+ if Get_Kind (Obj) = Iir_Kind_Constant_Declaration then
+ if Get_Info (Obj).Object_Static then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ if Get_Deferred_Declaration_Flag (Obj) then
+ -- No code generation for a deferred constant.
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Obj1 := Get_Deferred_Declaration (Obj);
+ if Obj1 = Null_Iir then
+ Obj1 := Obj;
+ end if;
+ else
+ Obj1 := Obj;
+ end if;
+ New_Debug_Line_Stmt (Get_Line_Number (Obj));
+ -- Still use the default value of the not deferred constant.
+ -- FIXME: what about composite types.
+ Value := Get_Default_Value (Obj);
+ Elab_Object_Value (Obj1, Value);
+ end Elab_Object;
+ procedure Fini_Object (Obj : Iir)
+ is
+ Obj_Type : Iir;
+ Type_Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ begin
+ Obj_Type := Get_Type (Obj);
+ Type_Info := Get_Info (Obj_Type);
+ if Type_Info.Type_Mode = Type_Mode_Fat_Array then
+ declare
+ V : Mnode;
+ begin
+ Open_Temp;
+ V := Chap6.Translate_Name (Obj);
+ Stabilize (V);
+ Chap3.Gen_Deallocate
+ (New_Value (M2Lp (Chap3.Get_Array_Bounds (V))));
+ Chap3.Gen_Deallocate
+ (New_Value (M2Lp (Chap3.Get_Array_Base (V))));
+ Close_Temp;
+ end;
+ elsif Is_Complex_Type (Type_Info) then
+ Chap3.Gen_Deallocate
+ (New_Value (M2Lp (Chap6.Translate_Name (Obj))));
+ end if;
+ end Fini_Object;
+ function Get_Nbr_Signals (Sig : Mnode; Sig_Type : Iir) return O_Enode
+ is
+ Info : constant Type_Info_Acc := Get_Info (Sig_Type);
+ begin
+ case Info.Type_Mode is
+ when Type_Mode_Scalar =>
+ -- Note: here we discard SIG...
+ return New_Lit (Ghdl_Index_1);
+ when Type_Mode_Arrays =>
+ declare
+ Len : O_Dnode;
+ If_Blk : O_If_Block;
+ Ssig : Mnode;
+ begin
+ Ssig := Stabilize (Sig);
+ Len := Create_Temp_Init
+ (Ghdl_Index_Type,
+ Chap3.Get_Array_Length (Ssig, Sig_Type));
+ Start_If_Stmt (If_Blk,
+ New_Compare_Op (ON_Neq,
+ New_Obj_Value (Len),
+ New_Lit (Ghdl_Index_0),
+ Ghdl_Bool_Type));
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (New_Obj (Len),
+ New_Dyadic_Op
+ (ON_Mul_Ov,
+ New_Obj_Value (Len),
+ Get_Nbr_Signals
+ (Chap3.Index_Base
+ (Chap3.Get_Array_Base (Ssig), Sig_Type,
+ New_Lit (Ghdl_Index_0)),
+ Get_Element_Subtype (Sig_Type))));
+ Finish_If_Stmt (If_Blk);
+ return New_Obj_Value (Len);
+ end;
+ when Type_Mode_Record =>
+ declare
+ List : Iir_List;
+ El : Iir;
+ Res : O_Enode;
+ E : O_Enode;
+ Sig_El : Mnode;
+ Ssig : Mnode;
+ begin
+ List :=
+ Get_Elements_Declaration_List (Get_Base_Type (Sig_Type));
+ Ssig := Stabilize (Sig);
+ Res := O_Enode_Null;
+ for I in Natural loop
+ El := Get_Nth_Element (List, I);
+ exit when El = Null_Iir;
+ Sig_El := Chap6.Translate_Selected_Element (Ssig, El);
+ E := Get_Nbr_Signals (Sig_El, Get_Type (El));
+ if Res /= O_Enode_Null then
+ Res := New_Dyadic_Op (ON_Add_Ov, Res, E);
+ else
+ Res := E;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ if Res = O_Enode_Null then
+ -- Empty records.
+ Res := New_Lit (Ghdl_Index_0);
+ end if;
+ return Res;
+ end;
+ when Type_Mode_Unknown
+ | Type_Mode_File
+ | Type_Mode_Acc
+ | Type_Mode_Fat_Acc
+ | Type_Mode_Protected =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ end Get_Nbr_Signals;
+ -- Get the leftest signal of SIG.
+ -- The leftest signal of
+ -- a scalar signal is itself,
+ -- an array signal is the leftest,
+ -- a record signal is the first element.
+ function Get_Leftest_Signal (Sig: Mnode; Sig_Type : Iir)
+ return Mnode
+ is
+ Res : Mnode;
+ Res_Type : Iir;
+ Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ begin
+ Res := Sig;
+ Res_Type := Sig_Type;
+ loop
+ Info := Get_Type_Info (Res);
+ case Info.Type_Mode is
+ when Type_Mode_Scalar =>
+ return Res;
+ when Type_Mode_Arrays =>
+ Res := Chap3.Index_Base
+ (Chap3.Get_Array_Base (Res), Res_Type,
+ New_Lit (Ghdl_Index_0));
+ Res_Type := Get_Element_Subtype (Res_Type);
+ when Type_Mode_Record =>
+ declare
+ Element : Iir;
+ begin
+ Element := Get_First_Element
+ (Get_Elements_Declaration_List
+ (Get_Base_Type (Res_Type)));
+ Res := Chap6.Translate_Selected_Element (Res, Element);
+ Res_Type := Get_Type (Element);
+ end;
+ when Type_Mode_Unknown
+ | Type_Mode_File
+ | Type_Mode_Acc
+ | Type_Mode_Fat_Acc
+ | Type_Mode_Protected =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ end loop;
+ end Get_Leftest_Signal;
+ -- Add func and instance.
+ procedure Add_Associations_For_Resolver
+ (Assoc : in out O_Assoc_List; Func_Decl : Iir)
+ is
+ Func_Info : constant Subprg_Info_Acc := Get_Info (Func_Decl);
+ Resolv_Info : constant Subprg_Resolv_Info_Acc :=
+ Func_Info.Subprg_Resolv;
+ Val : O_Enode;
+ begin
+ New_Association
+ (Assoc, New_Lit (New_Subprogram_Address (Resolv_Info.Resolv_Func,
+ Ghdl_Ptr_Type)));
+ if Subprgs.Has_Subprg_Instance (Resolv_Info.Var_Instance) then
+ Val := New_Convert_Ov
+ (Subprgs.Get_Subprg_Instance (Resolv_Info.Var_Instance),
+ Ghdl_Ptr_Type);
+ else
+ Val := New_Lit (New_Null_Access (Ghdl_Ptr_Type));
+ end if;
+ New_Association (Assoc, Val);
+ end Add_Associations_For_Resolver;
+ type O_If_Block_Acc is access O_If_Block;
+ type Elab_Signal_Data is record
+ -- Default value of the signal.
+ Val : Mnode;
+ -- If statement for a block of signals.
+ If_Stmt : O_If_Block_Acc;
+ -- True if the default value is set.
+ Has_Val : Boolean;
+ -- True if a resolution function was already attached.
+ Already_Resolved : Boolean;
+ -- True if the signal may already have been created.
+ Check_Null : Boolean;
+ end record;
+ procedure Elab_Signal_Non_Composite (Targ : Mnode;
+ Targ_Type : Iir;
+ Data : Elab_Signal_Data)
+ is
+ Type_Info : constant Type_Info_Acc := Get_Info (Targ_Type);
+ Create_Subprg : O_Dnode;
+ Conv : O_Tnode;
+ Res : O_Enode;
+ Assoc : O_Assoc_List;
+ Init_Val : O_Enode;
+ -- For the resolution function (if any).
+ Func : Iir;
+ If_Stmt : O_If_Block;
+ Targ_Ptr : O_Dnode;
+ begin
+ if Data.Check_Null then
+ Targ_Ptr := Create_Temp_Init
+ (Ghdl_Signal_Ptr_Ptr,
+ New_Unchecked_Address (M2Lv (Targ), Ghdl_Signal_Ptr_Ptr));
+ Start_If_Stmt
+ (If_Stmt,
+ New_Compare_Op (ON_Eq,
+ New_Value (New_Acc_Value (New_Obj (Targ_Ptr))),
+ New_Lit (New_Null_Access (Ghdl_Signal_Ptr)),
+ Ghdl_Bool_Type));
+ end if;
+ case Type_Info.Type_Mode is
+ when Type_Mode_B1 =>
+ Create_Subprg := Ghdl_Create_Signal_B1;
+ Conv := Ghdl_Bool_Type;
+ when Type_Mode_E8 =>
+ Create_Subprg := Ghdl_Create_Signal_E8;
+ Conv := Ghdl_I32_Type;
+ when Type_Mode_E32 =>
+ Create_Subprg := Ghdl_Create_Signal_E32;
+ Conv := Ghdl_I32_Type;
+ when Type_Mode_I32
+ | Type_Mode_P32 =>
+ Create_Subprg := Ghdl_Create_Signal_I32;
+ Conv := Ghdl_I32_Type;
+ when Type_Mode_P64
+ | Type_Mode_I64 =>
+ Create_Subprg := Ghdl_Create_Signal_I64;
+ Conv := Ghdl_I64_Type;
+ when Type_Mode_F64 =>
+ Create_Subprg := Ghdl_Create_Signal_F64;
+ Conv := Ghdl_Real_Type;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("elab_signal_non_composite", Targ_Type);
+ end case;
+ if Data.Has_Val then
+ Init_Val := M2E (Data.Val);
+ else
+ Init_Val := Chap14.Translate_Left_Type_Attribute (Targ_Type);
+ end if;
+ Start_Association (Assoc, Create_Subprg);
+ New_Association (Assoc, New_Convert_Ov (Init_Val, Conv));
+ if Get_Kind (Targ_Type) in Iir_Kinds_Subtype_Definition then
+ Func := Has_Resolution_Function (Targ_Type);
+ else
+ Func := Null_Iir;
+ end if;
+ if Func /= Null_Iir and then not Data.Already_Resolved then
+ Add_Associations_For_Resolver (Assoc, Func);
+ else
+ New_Association (Assoc, New_Lit (New_Null_Access (Ghdl_Ptr_Type)));
+ New_Association (Assoc, New_Lit (New_Null_Access (Ghdl_Ptr_Type)));
+ end if;
+ Res := New_Function_Call (Assoc);
+ if Data.Check_Null then
+ New_Assign_Stmt (New_Acc_Value (New_Obj (Targ_Ptr)), Res);
+ Finish_If_Stmt (If_Stmt);
+ else
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (M2Lv (Targ),
+ New_Convert_Ov (Res, Type_Info.Ortho_Type (Mode_Signal)));
+ end if;
+ end Elab_Signal_Non_Composite;
+ function Elab_Signal_Prepare_Composite
+ (Targ : Mnode; Targ_Type : Iir; Data : Elab_Signal_Data)
+ return Elab_Signal_Data
+ is
+ Assoc : O_Assoc_List;
+ Func : Iir;
+ Res : Elab_Signal_Data;
+ begin
+ Res := Data;
+ if Get_Kind (Targ_Type) in Iir_Kinds_Subtype_Definition then
+ Func := Has_Resolution_Function (Targ_Type);
+ if Func /= Null_Iir and then not Data.Already_Resolved then
+ if Data.Check_Null then
+ Res.If_Stmt := new O_If_Block;
+ Start_If_Stmt
+ (Res.If_Stmt.all,
+ New_Compare_Op
+ (ON_Eq,
+ New_Convert_Ov (M2E (Get_Leftest_Signal (Targ,
+ Targ_Type)),
+ Ghdl_Signal_Ptr),
+ New_Lit (New_Null_Access (Ghdl_Signal_Ptr)),
+ Ghdl_Bool_Type));
+ --Res.Check_Null := False;
+ end if;
+ -- Add resolver.
+ Start_Association (Assoc, Ghdl_Signal_Create_Resolution);
+ Add_Associations_For_Resolver (Assoc, Func);
+ New_Association
+ (Assoc, New_Convert_Ov (M2Addr (Targ), Ghdl_Ptr_Type));
+ New_Association (Assoc, Get_Nbr_Signals (Targ, Targ_Type));
+ New_Procedure_Call (Assoc);
+ Res.Already_Resolved := True;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ if Data.Has_Val then
+ if Get_Type_Info (Data.Val).Type_Mode = Type_Mode_Record then
+ Res.Val := Stabilize (Data.Val);
+ else
+ Res.Val := Chap3.Get_Array_Base (Data.Val);
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ return Res;
+ end Elab_Signal_Prepare_Composite;
+ procedure Elab_Signal_Finish_Composite (Data : in out Elab_Signal_Data)
+ is
+ procedure Free is new Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation
+ (Object => O_If_Block, Name => O_If_Block_Acc);
+ begin
+ if Data.If_Stmt /= null then
+ Finish_If_Stmt (Data.If_Stmt.all);
+ Free (Data.If_Stmt);
+ end if;
+ end Elab_Signal_Finish_Composite;
+ function Elab_Signal_Update_Array (Data : Elab_Signal_Data;
+ Targ_Type : Iir;
+ Index : O_Dnode)
+ return Elab_Signal_Data
+ is
+ begin
+ if not Data.Has_Val then
+ return Data;
+ else
+ return Elab_Signal_Data'
+ (Val => Chap3.Index_Base (Data.Val, Targ_Type,
+ New_Obj_Value (Index)),
+ Has_Val => True,
+ If_Stmt => null,
+ Already_Resolved => Data.Already_Resolved,
+ Check_Null => Data.Check_Null);
+ end if;
+ end Elab_Signal_Update_Array;
+ function Elab_Signal_Update_Record (Data : Elab_Signal_Data;
+ Targ_Type : Iir;
+ El : Iir_Element_Declaration)
+ return Elab_Signal_Data
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Targ_Type);
+ begin
+ if not Data.Has_Val then
+ return Data;
+ else
+ return Elab_Signal_Data'
+ (Val => Chap6.Translate_Selected_Element (Data.Val, El),
+ Has_Val => True,
+ If_Stmt => null,
+ Already_Resolved => Data.Already_Resolved,
+ Check_Null => Data.Check_Null);
+ end if;
+ end Elab_Signal_Update_Record;
+ procedure Elab_Signal is new Foreach_Non_Composite
+ (Data_Type => Elab_Signal_Data,
+ Composite_Data_Type => Elab_Signal_Data,
+ Do_Non_Composite => Elab_Signal_Non_Composite,
+ Prepare_Data_Array => Elab_Signal_Prepare_Composite,
+ Update_Data_Array => Elab_Signal_Update_Array,
+ Finish_Data_Array => Elab_Signal_Finish_Composite,
+ Prepare_Data_Record => Elab_Signal_Prepare_Composite,
+ Update_Data_Record => Elab_Signal_Update_Record,
+ Finish_Data_Record => Elab_Signal_Finish_Composite);
+ -- Elaborate signal subtypes and allocate the storage for the object.
+ procedure Elab_Signal_Declaration_Storage (Decl : Iir)
+ is
+ Sig_Type : Iir;
+ Type_Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Name_Node : Mnode;
+ begin
+ New_Debug_Line_Stmt (Get_Line_Number (Decl));
+ Open_Temp;
+ Sig_Type := Get_Type (Decl);
+ Chap3.Elab_Object_Subtype (Sig_Type);
+ Type_Info := Get_Info (Sig_Type);
+ if Type_Info.Type_Mode = Type_Mode_Fat_Array then
+ Name_Node := Chap6.Translate_Name (Decl);
+ Name_Node := Stabilize (Name_Node);
+ Chap3.Allocate_Fat_Array_Base (Alloc_System, Name_Node, Sig_Type);
+ elsif Is_Complex_Type (Type_Info) then
+ Name_Node := Chap6.Translate_Name (Decl);
+ Allocate_Complex_Object (Sig_Type, Alloc_System, Name_Node);
+ end if;
+ Close_Temp;
+ end Elab_Signal_Declaration_Storage;
+ function Has_Direct_Driver (Sig : Iir) return Boolean
+ is
+ Info : Ortho_Info_Acc;
+ begin
+ Info := Get_Info (Get_Object_Prefix (Sig));
+ return Info.Kind = Kind_Object
+ and then Info.Object_Driver /= Null_Var;
+ end Has_Direct_Driver;
+ procedure Elab_Direct_Driver_Declaration_Storage (Decl : Iir)
+ is
+ Sig_Type : constant Iir := Get_Type (Decl);
+ Sig_Info : constant Ortho_Info_Acc := Get_Info (Decl);
+ Type_Info : constant Type_Info_Acc := Get_Info (Sig_Type);
+ Name_Node : Mnode;
+ begin
+ Open_Temp;
+ if Type_Info.Type_Mode = Type_Mode_Fat_Array then
+ Name_Node := Get_Var (Sig_Info.Object_Driver,
+ Type_Info, Mode_Value);
+ Name_Node := Stabilize (Name_Node);
+ -- Copy bounds from signal.
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (M2Lp (Chap3.Get_Array_Bounds (Name_Node)),
+ M2Addr (Chap3.Get_Array_Bounds (Chap6.Translate_Name (Decl))));
+ -- Allocate base.
+ Chap3.Allocate_Fat_Array_Base (Alloc_System, Name_Node, Sig_Type);
+ elsif Is_Complex_Type (Type_Info) then
+ Name_Node := Get_Var (Sig_Info.Object_Driver,
+ Type_Info, Mode_Value);
+ Allocate_Complex_Object (Sig_Type, Alloc_System, Name_Node);
+ end if;
+ Close_Temp;
+ end Elab_Direct_Driver_Declaration_Storage;
+ -- Create signal object.
+ -- Note: SIG can be a signal sub-element (used when signals are
+ -- collapsed).
+ -- If CHECK_NULL is TRUE, create the signal only if it was not yet
+ -- created.
+ procedure Elab_Signal_Declaration_Object
+ (Sig : Iir; Parent : Iir; Check_Null : Boolean)
+ is
+ Decl : constant Iir := Strip_Denoting_Name (Sig);
+ Sig_Type : constant Iir := Get_Type (Sig);
+ Base_Decl : constant Iir := Get_Object_Prefix (Sig);
+ Name_Node : Mnode;
+ Val : Iir;
+ Data : Elab_Signal_Data;
+ begin
+ New_Debug_Line_Stmt (Get_Line_Number (Sig));
+ Open_Temp;
+ -- Set the name of the signal.
+ declare
+ Assoc : O_Assoc_List;
+ begin
+ Start_Association (Assoc, Ghdl_Signal_Name_Rti);
+ New_Association
+ (Assoc,
+ New_Lit (New_Global_Unchecked_Address
+ (Get_Info (Base_Decl).Object_Rti,
+ Rtis.Ghdl_Rti_Access)));
+ Rtis.Associate_Rti_Context (Assoc, Parent);
+ New_Procedure_Call (Assoc);
+ end;
+ Name_Node := Chap6.Translate_Name (Decl);
+ if Get_Object_Kind (Name_Node) /= Mode_Signal then
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end if;
+ if Decl = Base_Decl then
+ Data.Already_Resolved := False;
+ Data.Check_Null := Check_Null;
+ Val := Get_Default_Value (Base_Decl);
+ if Val = Null_Iir then
+ Data.Has_Val := False;
+ else
+ Data.Has_Val := True;
+ Data.Val := E2M (Chap7.Translate_Expression (Val, Sig_Type),
+ Get_Info (Sig_Type),
+ Mode_Value);
+ end if;
+ else
+ -- Sub signal.
+ -- Do not add resolver.
+ -- Do not use default value.
+ Data.Already_Resolved := True;
+ Data.Has_Val := False;
+ Data.Check_Null := False;
+ end if;
+ Elab_Signal (Name_Node, Sig_Type, Data);
+ Close_Temp;
+ end Elab_Signal_Declaration_Object;
+ procedure Elab_Signal_Declaration
+ (Decl : Iir; Parent : Iir; Check_Null : Boolean)
+ is
+ begin
+ Elab_Signal_Declaration_Storage (Decl);
+ Elab_Signal_Declaration_Object (Decl, Parent, Check_Null);
+ end Elab_Signal_Declaration;
+ procedure Elab_Signal_Attribute (Decl : Iir)
+ is
+ Assoc : O_Assoc_List;
+ Dtype : Iir;
+ Type_Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Info : Object_Info_Acc;
+ Prefix : Iir;
+ Prefix_Node : Mnode;
+ Res : O_Enode;
+ Val : O_Enode;
+ Param : Iir;
+ Subprg : O_Dnode;
+ begin
+ New_Debug_Line_Stmt (Get_Line_Number (Decl));
+ Info := Get_Info (Decl);
+ Dtype := Get_Type (Decl);
+ Type_Info := Get_Info (Dtype);
+ -- Create the signal (with the time)
+ case Get_Kind (Decl) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Stable_Attribute =>
+ Subprg := Ghdl_Create_Stable_Signal;
+ when Iir_Kind_Quiet_Attribute =>
+ Subprg := Ghdl_Create_Quiet_Signal;
+ when Iir_Kind_Transaction_Attribute =>
+ Subprg := Ghdl_Create_Transaction_Signal;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("elab_signal_attribute", Decl);
+ end case;
+ Start_Association (Assoc, Subprg);
+ case Get_Kind (Decl) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Stable_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Quiet_Attribute =>
+ Param := Get_Parameter (Decl);
+ if Param = Null_Iir then
+ Val := New_Lit (New_Signed_Literal (Std_Time_Otype, 0));
+ else
+ Val := Chap7.Translate_Expression (Param);
+ end if;
+ New_Association (Assoc, Val);
+ when others =>
+ null;
+ end case;
+ Res := New_Convert_Ov (New_Function_Call (Assoc),
+ Type_Info.Ortho_Type (Mode_Signal));
+ New_Assign_Stmt (Get_Var (Info.Object_Var), Res);
+ -- Register all signals this depends on.
+ Prefix := Get_Prefix (Decl);
+ Prefix_Node := Chap6.Translate_Name (Prefix);
+ Register_Signal (Prefix_Node, Get_Type (Prefix),
+ Ghdl_Signal_Attribute_Register_Prefix);
+ end Elab_Signal_Attribute;
+ type Delayed_Signal_Data is record
+ Pfx : Mnode;
+ Param : Iir;
+ end record;
+ procedure Create_Delayed_Signal_Noncomposite
+ (Targ : Mnode; Targ_Type : Iir; Data : Delayed_Signal_Data)
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Targ_Type);
+ Assoc : O_Assoc_List;
+ Type_Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Val : O_Enode;
+ begin
+ Start_Association (Assoc, Ghdl_Create_Delayed_Signal);
+ New_Association
+ (Assoc,
+ New_Convert_Ov (New_Value (M2Lv (Data.Pfx)), Ghdl_Signal_Ptr));
+ if Data.Param = Null_Iir then
+ Val := New_Lit (New_Signed_Literal (Std_Time_Otype, 0));
+ else
+ Val := Chap7.Translate_Expression (Data.Param);
+ end if;
+ New_Association (Assoc, Val);
+ Type_Info := Get_Type_Info (Targ);
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (M2Lv (Targ),
+ New_Convert_Ov (New_Function_Call (Assoc),
+ Type_Info.Ortho_Type (Mode_Signal)));
+ end Create_Delayed_Signal_Noncomposite;
+ function Create_Delayed_Signal_Prepare_Composite
+ (Targ : Mnode; Targ_Type : Iir; Data : Delayed_Signal_Data)
+ return Delayed_Signal_Data
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Targ_Type);
+ Res : Delayed_Signal_Data;
+ begin
+ Res.Param := Data.Param;
+ if Get_Type_Info (Targ).Type_Mode = Type_Mode_Record then
+ Res.Pfx := Stabilize (Data.Pfx);
+ else
+ Res.Pfx := Chap3.Get_Array_Base (Data.Pfx);
+ end if;
+ return Res;
+ end Create_Delayed_Signal_Prepare_Composite;
+ function Create_Delayed_Signal_Update_Data_Array
+ (Data : Delayed_Signal_Data; Targ_Type : Iir; Index : O_Dnode)
+ return Delayed_Signal_Data
+ is
+ begin
+ return Delayed_Signal_Data'
+ (Pfx => Chap3.Index_Base (Data.Pfx, Targ_Type,
+ New_Obj_Value (Index)),
+ Param => Data.Param);
+ end Create_Delayed_Signal_Update_Data_Array;
+ function Create_Delayed_Signal_Update_Data_Record
+ (Data : Delayed_Signal_Data;
+ Targ_Type : Iir;
+ El : Iir_Element_Declaration)
+ return Delayed_Signal_Data
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Targ_Type);
+ begin
+ return Delayed_Signal_Data'
+ (Pfx => Chap6.Translate_Selected_Element (Data.Pfx, El),
+ Param => Data.Param);
+ end Create_Delayed_Signal_Update_Data_Record;
+ procedure Create_Delayed_Signal_Finish_Data_Composite
+ (Data : in out Delayed_Signal_Data)
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Data);
+ begin
+ null;
+ end Create_Delayed_Signal_Finish_Data_Composite;
+ procedure Create_Delayed_Signal is new Foreach_Non_Composite
+ (Data_Type => Delayed_Signal_Data,
+ Composite_Data_Type => Delayed_Signal_Data,
+ Do_Non_Composite => Create_Delayed_Signal_Noncomposite,
+ Prepare_Data_Array => Create_Delayed_Signal_Prepare_Composite,
+ Update_Data_Array => Create_Delayed_Signal_Update_Data_Array,
+ Finish_Data_Array => Create_Delayed_Signal_Finish_Data_Composite,
+ Prepare_Data_Record => Create_Delayed_Signal_Prepare_Composite,
+ Update_Data_Record => Create_Delayed_Signal_Update_Data_Record,
+ Finish_Data_Record => Create_Delayed_Signal_Finish_Data_Composite);
+ procedure Elab_Signal_Delayed_Attribute (Decl : Iir)
+ is
+ Name_Node : Mnode;
+ Sig_Type : Iir;
+ Type_Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Pfx_Node : Mnode;
+ Data : Delayed_Signal_Data;
+ begin
+ Name_Node := Chap6.Translate_Name (Decl);
+ Sig_Type := Get_Type (Decl);
+ Type_Info := Get_Info (Sig_Type);
+ if Is_Complex_Type (Type_Info) then
+ Allocate_Complex_Object (Sig_Type, Alloc_System, Name_Node);
+ -- We cannot stabilize NAME_NODE, since Allocate_Complex_Object
+ -- assign it.
+ Name_Node := Chap6.Translate_Name (Decl);
+ end if;
+ Pfx_Node := Chap6.Translate_Name (Get_Prefix (Decl));
+ Data := Delayed_Signal_Data'(Pfx => Pfx_Node,
+ Param => Get_Parameter (Decl));
+ Create_Delayed_Signal (Name_Node, Get_Type (Decl), Data);
+ end Elab_Signal_Delayed_Attribute;
+ procedure Elab_File_Declaration (Decl : Iir_File_Declaration)
+ is
+ Constr : O_Assoc_List;
+ Name : Mnode;
+ File_Name : Iir;
+ Open_Kind : Iir;
+ Mode_Val : O_Enode;
+ Str : O_Enode;
+ Is_Text : Boolean;
+ Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ begin
+ -- Elaborate the file.
+ Name := Chap6.Translate_Name (Decl);
+ if Get_Object_Kind (Name) /= Mode_Value then
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end if;
+ Is_Text := Get_Text_File_Flag (Get_Type (Decl));
+ if Is_Text then
+ Start_Association (Constr, Ghdl_Text_File_Elaborate);
+ else
+ Start_Association (Constr, Ghdl_File_Elaborate);
+ Info := Get_Info (Get_Type (Decl));
+ if Info.T.File_Signature /= O_Dnode_Null then
+ New_Association
+ (Constr, New_Address (New_Obj (Info.T.File_Signature),
+ Char_Ptr_Type));
+ else
+ New_Association (Constr,
+ New_Lit (New_Null_Access (Char_Ptr_Type)));
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ New_Assign_Stmt (M2Lv (Name), New_Function_Call (Constr));
+ -- If file_open_information is present, open the file.
+ File_Name := Get_File_Logical_Name (Decl);
+ if File_Name = Null_Iir then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Open_Temp;
+ Name := Chap6.Translate_Name (Decl);
+ Open_Kind := Get_File_Open_Kind (Decl);
+ if Open_Kind /= Null_Iir then
+ Mode_Val := New_Convert_Ov
+ (Chap7.Translate_Expression (Open_Kind), Ghdl_I32_Type);
+ else
+ case Get_Mode (Decl) is
+ when Iir_In_Mode =>
+ Mode_Val := New_Lit (New_Signed_Literal (Ghdl_I32_Type, 0));
+ when Iir_Out_Mode =>
+ Mode_Val := New_Lit (New_Signed_Literal (Ghdl_I32_Type, 1));
+ when others =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ end if;
+ Str := Chap7.Translate_Expression (File_Name, String_Type_Definition);
+ if Is_Text then
+ Start_Association (Constr, Ghdl_Text_File_Open);
+ else
+ Start_Association (Constr, Ghdl_File_Open);
+ end if;
+ New_Association (Constr, M2E (Name));
+ New_Association (Constr, Mode_Val);
+ New_Association (Constr, Str);
+ New_Procedure_Call (Constr);
+ Close_Temp;
+ end Elab_File_Declaration;
+ procedure Final_File_Declaration (Decl : Iir_File_Declaration)
+ is
+ Constr : O_Assoc_List;
+ Name : Mnode;
+ Is_Text : Boolean;
+ begin
+ Is_Text := Get_Text_File_Flag (Get_Type (Decl));
+ Open_Temp;
+ Name := Chap6.Translate_Name (Decl);
+ Stabilize (Name);
+ -- LRM 3.4.1 File Operations
+ -- An implicit call to FILE_CLOSE exists in a subprogram body for
+ -- every file object declared in the corresponding subprogram
+ -- declarative part. Each such call associates a unique file object
+ -- with the formal parameter F and is called whenever the
+ -- corresponding subprogram completes its execution.
+ if Is_Text then
+ Start_Association (Constr, Ghdl_Text_File_Close);
+ else
+ Start_Association (Constr, Ghdl_File_Close);
+ end if;
+ New_Association (Constr, M2E (Name));
+ New_Procedure_Call (Constr);
+ if Is_Text then
+ Start_Association (Constr, Ghdl_Text_File_Finalize);
+ else
+ Start_Association (Constr, Ghdl_File_Finalize);
+ end if;
+ New_Association (Constr, M2E (Name));
+ New_Procedure_Call (Constr);
+ Close_Temp;
+ end Final_File_Declaration;
+ procedure Translate_Type_Declaration (Decl : Iir)
+ is
+ begin
+ Chap3.Translate_Named_Type_Definition (Get_Type_Definition (Decl),
+ Get_Identifier (Decl));
+ end Translate_Type_Declaration;
+ procedure Translate_Anonymous_Type_Declaration (Decl : Iir)
+ is
+ Mark : Id_Mark_Type;
+ Mark1 : Id_Mark_Type;
+ begin
+ Push_Identifier_Prefix (Mark, Get_Identifier (Decl));
+ Push_Identifier_Prefix (Mark1, "BT");
+ Chap3.Translate_Type_Definition (Get_Type_Definition (Decl));
+ Pop_Identifier_Prefix (Mark1);
+ Pop_Identifier_Prefix (Mark);
+ end Translate_Anonymous_Type_Declaration;
+ procedure Translate_Subtype_Declaration (Decl : Iir_Subtype_Declaration)
+ is
+ begin
+ Chap3.Translate_Named_Type_Definition (Get_Type (Decl),
+ Get_Identifier (Decl));
+ end Translate_Subtype_Declaration;
+ procedure Translate_Bool_Type_Declaration (Decl : Iir_Type_Declaration)
+ is
+ Mark : Id_Mark_Type;
+ begin
+ Push_Identifier_Prefix (Mark, Get_Identifier (Decl));
+ Chap3.Translate_Bool_Type_Definition (Get_Type_Definition (Decl));
+ Pop_Identifier_Prefix (Mark);
+ end Translate_Bool_Type_Declaration;
+ procedure Translate_Object_Alias_Declaration
+ (Decl : Iir_Object_Alias_Declaration)
+ is
+ Decl_Type : Iir;
+ Info : Alias_Info_Acc;
+ Tinfo : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Atype : O_Tnode;
+ begin
+ Decl_Type := Get_Type (Decl);
+ Chap3.Translate_Named_Type_Definition
+ (Decl_Type, Get_Identifier (Decl));
+ Info := Add_Info (Decl, Kind_Alias);
+ case Get_Kind (Get_Object_Prefix (Decl)) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Signal_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Interface_Signal_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Guard_Signal_Declaration =>
+ Info.Alias_Kind := Mode_Signal;
+ when others =>
+ Info.Alias_Kind := Mode_Value;
+ end case;
+ Tinfo := Get_Info (Decl_Type);
+ case Tinfo.Type_Mode is
+ when Type_Mode_Fat_Array =>
+ -- create an object.
+ -- At elaboration: copy base from name, copy bounds from type,
+ -- check for matching bounds.
+ Atype := Get_Ortho_Type (Decl_Type, Info.Alias_Kind);
+ when Type_Mode_Array
+ | Type_Mode_Acc
+ | Type_Mode_Fat_Acc =>
+ -- Create an object pointer.
+ -- At elaboration: copy base from name.
+ Atype := Tinfo.Ortho_Ptr_Type (Info.Alias_Kind);
+ when Type_Mode_Scalar =>
+ case Info.Alias_Kind is
+ when Mode_Signal =>
+ Atype := Tinfo.Ortho_Type (Mode_Signal);
+ when Mode_Value =>
+ Atype := Tinfo.Ortho_Ptr_Type (Mode_Value);
+ end case;
+ when Type_Mode_Record =>
+ -- Create an object pointer.
+ -- At elaboration: copy base from name.
+ Atype := Tinfo.Ortho_Ptr_Type (Info.Alias_Kind);
+ when others =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ Info.Alias_Var := Create_Var (Create_Var_Identifier (Decl), Atype);
+ end Translate_Object_Alias_Declaration;
+ procedure Elab_Object_Alias_Declaration
+ (Decl : Iir_Object_Alias_Declaration)
+ is
+ Decl_Type : Iir;
+ Name : Iir;
+ Name_Node : Mnode;
+ Alias_Node : Mnode;
+ Alias_Info : Alias_Info_Acc;
+ Name_Type : Iir;
+ Tinfo : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Kind : Object_Kind_Type;
+ begin
+ New_Debug_Line_Stmt (Get_Line_Number (Decl));
+ Decl_Type := Get_Type (Decl);
+ Tinfo := Get_Info (Decl_Type);
+ Alias_Info := Get_Info (Decl);
+ Chap3.Elab_Object_Subtype (Decl_Type);
+ Name := Get_Name (Decl);
+ Name_Type := Get_Type (Name);
+ Name_Node := Chap6.Translate_Name (Name);
+ Kind := Get_Object_Kind (Name_Node);
+ case Tinfo.Type_Mode is
+ when Type_Mode_Fat_Array =>
+ Open_Temp;
+ Stabilize (Name_Node);
+ Alias_Node := Stabilize
+ (Get_Var (Alias_Info.Alias_Var,
+ Tinfo, Alias_Info.Alias_Kind));
+ Copy_Fat_Pointer (Alias_Node, Name_Node);
+ Close_Temp;
+ when Type_Mode_Array =>
+ Open_Temp;
+ Stabilize (Name_Node);
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (Get_Var (Alias_Info.Alias_Var),
+ M2E (Chap3.Get_Array_Base (Name_Node)));
+ Chap3.Check_Array_Match (Decl_Type, T2M (Decl_Type, Kind),
+ Name_Type, Name_Node,
+ Decl);
+ Close_Temp;
+ when Type_Mode_Acc
+ | Type_Mode_Fat_Acc =>
+ New_Assign_Stmt (Get_Var (Alias_Info.Alias_Var),
+ M2Addr (Name_Node));
+ when Type_Mode_Scalar =>
+ case Alias_Info.Alias_Kind is
+ when Mode_Value =>
+ New_Assign_Stmt (Get_Var (Alias_Info.Alias_Var),
+ M2Addr (Name_Node));
+ when Mode_Signal =>
+ New_Assign_Stmt (Get_Var (Alias_Info.Alias_Var),
+ M2E (Name_Node));
+ end case;
+ when Type_Mode_Record =>
+ Open_Temp;
+ Stabilize (Name_Node);
+ New_Assign_Stmt (Get_Var (Alias_Info.Alias_Var),
+ M2Addr (Name_Node));
+ Close_Temp;
+ when others =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ end Elab_Object_Alias_Declaration;
+ procedure Translate_Port_Chain (Parent : Iir)
+ is
+ Port : Iir;
+ begin
+ Port := Get_Port_Chain (Parent);
+ while Port /= Null_Iir loop
+ Create_Signal (Port);
+ Port := Get_Chain (Port);
+ end loop;
+ end Translate_Port_Chain;
+ procedure Translate_Generic_Chain (Parent : Iir)
+ is
+ Decl : Iir;
+ begin
+ Decl := Get_Generic_Chain (Parent);
+ while Decl /= Null_Iir loop
+ case Get_Kind (Decl) is
+ when Iir_Kinds_Interface_Object_Declaration =>
+ Create_Object (Decl);
+ when Iir_Kind_Interface_Package_Declaration =>
+ Create_Package_Interface (Decl);
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("translate_generic_chain", Decl);
+ end case;
+ Decl := Get_Chain (Decl);
+ end loop;
+ end Translate_Generic_Chain;
+ -- Create instance record for a component.
+ procedure Translate_Component_Declaration (Decl : Iir)
+ is
+ Mark : Id_Mark_Type;
+ Info : Ortho_Info_Acc;
+ begin
+ Info := Add_Info (Decl, Kind_Component);
+ Push_Identifier_Prefix (Mark, Get_Identifier (Decl));
+ Push_Instance_Factory (Info.Comp_Scope'Access);
+ Info.Comp_Link := Add_Instance_Factory_Field
+ (Wki_Instance, Rtis.Ghdl_Component_Link_Type);
+ -- Generic and ports.
+ Translate_Generic_Chain (Decl);
+ Translate_Port_Chain (Decl);
+ Pop_Instance_Factory (Info.Comp_Scope'Access);
+ New_Type_Decl (Create_Identifier ("_COMPTYPE"),
+ Get_Scope_Type (Info.Comp_Scope));
+ Info.Comp_Ptr_Type := New_Access_Type
+ (Get_Scope_Type (Info.Comp_Scope));
+ New_Type_Decl (Create_Identifier ("_COMPPTR"), Info.Comp_Ptr_Type);
+ Pop_Identifier_Prefix (Mark);
+ end Translate_Component_Declaration;
+ procedure Translate_Declaration (Decl : Iir)
+ is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Decl) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Use_Clause =>
+ null;
+ when Iir_Kind_Configuration_Specification =>
+ null;
+ when Iir_Kind_Disconnection_Specification =>
+ null;
+ when Iir_Kind_Component_Declaration =>
+ Chap4.Translate_Component_Declaration (Decl);
+ when Iir_Kind_Type_Declaration =>
+ Chap4.Translate_Type_Declaration (Decl);
+ when Iir_Kind_Anonymous_Type_Declaration =>
+ Chap4.Translate_Anonymous_Type_Declaration (Decl);
+ when Iir_Kind_Subtype_Declaration =>
+ Chap4.Translate_Subtype_Declaration (Decl);
+ when Iir_Kind_Function_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Procedure_Declaration =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ when Iir_Kind_Function_Body
+ | Iir_Kind_Procedure_Body =>
+ null;
+ when Iir_Kind_Protected_Type_Body =>
+ null;
+ --when Iir_Kind_Implicit_Function_Declaration =>
+ --when Iir_Kind_Signal_Declaration
+ -- | Iir_Kind_Interface_Signal_Declaration =>
+ -- Chap4.Create_Object (Decl);
+ when Iir_Kind_Variable_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Constant_Declaration =>
+ Create_Object (Decl);
+ when Iir_Kind_Signal_Declaration =>
+ Create_Signal (Decl);
+ when Iir_Kind_Object_Alias_Declaration =>
+ Translate_Object_Alias_Declaration (Decl);
+ when Iir_Kind_Non_Object_Alias_Declaration =>
+ null;
+ when Iir_Kind_File_Declaration =>
+ Create_File_Object (Decl);
+ when Iir_Kind_Attribute_Declaration =>
+ -- Useless as attribute declarations have a type mark.
+ Chap3.Translate_Object_Subtype (Decl);
+ when Iir_Kind_Attribute_Specification =>
+ Chap5.Translate_Attribute_Specification (Decl);
+ when Iir_Kinds_Signal_Attribute =>
+ Chap4.Create_Implicit_Signal (Decl);
+ when Iir_Kind_Guard_Signal_Declaration =>
+ Create_Signal (Decl);
+ when Iir_Kind_Group_Template_Declaration =>
+ null;
+ when Iir_Kind_Group_Declaration =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("translate_declaration", Decl);
+ end case;
+ end Translate_Declaration;
+ procedure Translate_Resolution_Function (Func : Iir)
+ is
+ -- Type of the resolution function parameter.
+ El_Type : Iir;
+ El_Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Finfo : constant Subprg_Info_Acc := Get_Info (Func);
+ Interface_List : O_Inter_List;
+ Rinfo : constant Subprg_Resolv_Info_Acc := Finfo.Subprg_Resolv;
+ Id : O_Ident;
+ Itype : O_Tnode;
+ Unused_Instance : O_Dnode;
+ begin
+ if Rinfo = null then
+ -- Not a resolution function
+ return;
+ end if;
+ -- Declare the procedure.
+ Id := Create_Identifier (Func, Get_Overload_Number (Func), "_RESOLV");
+ Start_Procedure_Decl (Interface_List, Id, Global_Storage);
+ -- The instance.
+ if Subprgs.Has_Current_Subprg_Instance then
+ Subprgs.Add_Subprg_Instance_Interfaces (Interface_List,
+ Rinfo.Var_Instance);
+ else
+ -- Create a dummy instance parameter
+ New_Interface_Decl (Interface_List, Unused_Instance,
+ Wki_Instance, Ghdl_Ptr_Type);
+ Rinfo.Var_Instance := Subprgs.Null_Subprg_Instance;
+ end if;
+ -- The signal.
+ El_Type := Get_Type (Get_Interface_Declaration_Chain (Func));
+ El_Type := Get_Element_Subtype (El_Type);
+ El_Info := Get_Info (El_Type);
+ -- FIXME: create a function for getting the type of an interface.
+ case El_Info.Type_Mode is
+ when Type_Mode_Thin =>
+ Itype := El_Info.Ortho_Type (Mode_Signal);
+ when Type_Mode_Fat =>
+ Itype := El_Info.Ortho_Ptr_Type (Mode_Signal);
+ when Type_Mode_Unknown =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ New_Interface_Decl
+ (Interface_List, Rinfo.Var_Vals, Get_Identifier ("VALS"), Itype);
+ New_Interface_Decl
+ (Interface_List, Rinfo.Var_Vec, Get_Identifier ("bool_vec"),
+ Ghdl_Bool_Array_Ptr);
+ New_Interface_Decl
+ (Interface_List, Rinfo.Var_Vlen, Get_Identifier ("vec_len"),
+ Ghdl_Index_Type);
+ New_Interface_Decl
+ (Interface_List, Rinfo.Var_Nbr_Drv, Get_Identifier ("nbr_drv"),
+ Ghdl_Index_Type);
+ New_Interface_Decl
+ (Interface_List, Rinfo.Var_Nbr_Ports, Get_Identifier ("nbr_ports"),
+ Ghdl_Index_Type);
+ Finish_Subprogram_Decl (Interface_List, Rinfo.Resolv_Func);
+ end Translate_Resolution_Function;
+ type Read_Source_Kind is (Read_Port, Read_Driver);
+ type Read_Source_Data is record
+ Sig : Mnode;
+ Drv_Index : O_Dnode;
+ Kind : Read_Source_Kind;
+ end record;
+ procedure Read_Source_Non_Composite
+ (Targ : Mnode; Targ_Type : Iir; Data : Read_Source_Data)
+ is
+ Assoc : O_Assoc_List;
+ Targ_Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ E : O_Enode;
+ begin
+ Targ_Info := Get_Info (Targ_Type);
+ case Data.Kind is
+ when Read_Port =>
+ Start_Association (Assoc, Ghdl_Signal_Read_Port);
+ when Read_Driver =>
+ Start_Association (Assoc, Ghdl_Signal_Read_Driver);
+ end case;
+ New_Association
+ (Assoc, New_Convert_Ov (M2E (Data.Sig), Ghdl_Signal_Ptr));
+ New_Association (Assoc, New_Obj_Value (Data.Drv_Index));
+ E := New_Convert_Ov (New_Function_Call (Assoc),
+ Targ_Info.Ortho_Ptr_Type (Mode_Value));
+ New_Assign_Stmt (M2Lv (Targ),
+ New_Value (New_Access_Element (E)));
+ end Read_Source_Non_Composite;
+ function Read_Source_Prepare_Data_Array
+ (Targ: Mnode; Targ_Type : Iir; Data : Read_Source_Data)
+ return Read_Source_Data
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Targ, Targ_Type);
+ begin
+ return Data;
+ end Read_Source_Prepare_Data_Array;
+ function Read_Source_Prepare_Data_Record
+ (Targ : Mnode; Targ_Type : Iir; Data : Read_Source_Data)
+ return Read_Source_Data
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Targ, Targ_Type);
+ begin
+ return Read_Source_Data'(Sig => Stabilize (Data.Sig),
+ Drv_Index => Data.Drv_Index,
+ Kind => Data.Kind);
+ end Read_Source_Prepare_Data_Record;
+ function Read_Source_Update_Data_Array
+ (Data : Read_Source_Data; Targ_Type : Iir; Index : O_Dnode)
+ return Read_Source_Data
+ is
+ begin
+ return Read_Source_Data'
+ (Sig => Chap3.Index_Base (Data.Sig, Targ_Type,
+ New_Obj_Value (Index)),
+ Drv_Index => Data.Drv_Index,
+ Kind => Data.Kind);
+ end Read_Source_Update_Data_Array;
+ function Read_Source_Update_Data_Record
+ (Data : Read_Source_Data;
+ Targ_Type : Iir;
+ El : Iir_Element_Declaration)
+ return Read_Source_Data
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Targ_Type);
+ begin
+ return Read_Source_Data'
+ (Sig => Chap6.Translate_Selected_Element (Data.Sig, El),
+ Drv_Index => Data.Drv_Index,
+ Kind => Data.Kind);
+ end Read_Source_Update_Data_Record;
+ procedure Read_Source_Finish_Data_Composite
+ (Data : in out Read_Source_Data)
+ is
+ pragma Unreferenced (Data);
+ begin
+ null;
+ end Read_Source_Finish_Data_Composite;
+ procedure Read_Signal_Source is new Foreach_Non_Composite
+ (Data_Type => Read_Source_Data,
+ Composite_Data_Type => Read_Source_Data,
+ Do_Non_Composite => Read_Source_Non_Composite,
+ Prepare_Data_Array => Read_Source_Prepare_Data_Array,
+ Update_Data_Array => Read_Source_Update_Data_Array,
+ Finish_Data_Array => Read_Source_Finish_Data_Composite,
+ Prepare_Data_Record => Read_Source_Prepare_Data_Record,
+ Update_Data_Record => Read_Source_Update_Data_Record,
+ Finish_Data_Record => Read_Source_Finish_Data_Composite);
+ procedure Translate_Resolution_Function_Body (Func : Iir)
+ is
+ -- Type of the resolution function parameter.
+ Arr_Type : Iir;
+ Base_Type : Iir;
+ Base_Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Index_Info : Index_Info_Acc;
+ -- Type of parameter element.
+ El_Type : Iir;
+ El_Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ -- Type of the function return value.
+ Ret_Type : Iir;
+ Ret_Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ -- Type and info of the array index.
+ Index_Type : Iir;
+ Index_Tinfo : Type_Info_Acc;
+ -- Local variables.
+ Var_I : O_Dnode;
+ Var_J : O_Dnode;
+ Var_Length : O_Dnode;
+ Var_Res : O_Dnode;
+ Vals : Mnode;
+ Res : Mnode;
+ If_Blk : O_If_Block;
+ Label : O_Snode;
+ V : Mnode;
+ Var_Bound : O_Dnode;
+ Var_Range_Ptr : O_Dnode;
+ Var_Array : O_Dnode;
+ Finfo : constant Subprg_Info_Acc := Get_Info (Func);
+ Rinfo : constant Subprg_Resolv_Info_Acc := Finfo.Subprg_Resolv;
+ Assoc : O_Assoc_List;
+ Data : Read_Source_Data;
+ begin
+ if Rinfo = null then
+ -- No resolver for this function
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Ret_Type := Get_Return_Type (Func);
+ Ret_Info := Get_Info (Ret_Type);
+ Arr_Type := Get_Type (Get_Interface_Declaration_Chain (Func));
+ Base_Type := Get_Base_Type (Arr_Type);
+ Index_Info := Get_Info
+ (Get_First_Element (Get_Index_Subtype_Definition_List (Base_Type)));
+ Base_Info := Get_Info (Base_Type);
+ El_Type := Get_Element_Subtype (Arr_Type);
+ El_Info := Get_Info (El_Type);
+ Index_Type := Get_Index_Type (Arr_Type, 0);
+ Index_Tinfo := Get_Info (Index_Type);
+ Start_Subprogram_Body (Rinfo.Resolv_Func);
+ if Subprgs.Has_Subprg_Instance (Rinfo.Var_Instance) then
+ Subprgs.Start_Subprg_Instance_Use (Rinfo.Var_Instance);
+ end if;
+ Push_Local_Factory;
+ -- A signal.
+ New_Var_Decl
+ (Var_Res, Get_Identifier ("res"),
+ O_Storage_Local, Get_Object_Type (Ret_Info, Mode_Value));
+ -- I, J.
+ New_Var_Decl (Var_I, Wki_I, O_Storage_Local, Ghdl_Index_Type);
+ New_Var_Decl (Var_J, Get_Identifier ("J"),
+ O_Storage_Local, Ghdl_Index_Type);
+ -- Length.
+ New_Var_Decl
+ (Var_Length, Wki_Length, O_Storage_Local, Ghdl_Index_Type);
+ New_Var_Decl (Var_Bound, Get_Identifier ("BOUND"), O_Storage_Local,
+ Base_Info.T.Bounds_Type);
+ New_Var_Decl (Var_Array, Get_Identifier ("ARRAY"), O_Storage_Local,
+ Base_Info.Ortho_Type (Mode_Value));
+ New_Var_Decl (Var_Range_Ptr, Get_Identifier ("RANGE_PTR"),
+ O_Storage_Local, Index_Tinfo.T.Range_Ptr_Type);
+ Open_Temp;
+ case El_Info.Type_Mode is
+ when Type_Mode_Thin =>
+ Vals := Dv2M (Rinfo.Var_Vals, El_Info, Mode_Signal);
+ when Type_Mode_Fat =>
+ Vals := Dp2M (Rinfo.Var_Vals, El_Info, Mode_Signal);
+ when Type_Mode_Unknown =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ -- * length := vec_len + nports;
+ New_Assign_Stmt (New_Obj (Var_Length),
+ New_Dyadic_Op (ON_Add_Ov,
+ New_Obj_Value (Rinfo.Var_Vlen),
+ New_Obj_Value (Rinfo.Var_Nbr_Ports)));
+ -- * range_ptr := BOUND.dim_1'address;
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (New_Obj (Var_Range_Ptr),
+ New_Address (New_Selected_Element (New_Obj (Var_Bound),
+ Index_Info.Index_Field),
+ Index_Tinfo.T.Range_Ptr_Type));
+ -- Create range from length
+ Chap3.Create_Range_From_Length
+ (Index_Type, Var_Length, Var_Range_Ptr, Func);
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (New_Selected_Element (New_Obj (Var_Array),
+ Base_Info.T.Bounds_Field (Mode_Value)),
+ New_Address (New_Obj (Var_Bound), Base_Info.T.Bounds_Ptr_Type));
+ -- Allocate the array.
+ Chap3.Allocate_Fat_Array_Base
+ (Alloc_Stack, Dv2M (Var_Array, Base_Info, Mode_Value), Base_Type);
+ -- Fill the array
+ -- 1. From ports.
+ -- * I := 0;
+ Init_Var (Var_I);
+ -- * loop
+ Start_Loop_Stmt (Label);
+ -- * exit when I = nports;
+ Gen_Exit_When (Label,
+ New_Compare_Op (ON_Eq,
+ New_Obj_Value (Var_I),
+ New_Obj_Value (Rinfo.Var_Nbr_Ports),
+ Ghdl_Bool_Type));
+ -- fill array[i]
+ V := Chap3.Index_Base
+ (Chap3.Get_Array_Base (Dv2M (Var_Array, Base_Info, Mode_Value)),
+ Base_Type, New_Obj_Value (Var_I));
+ Data := Read_Source_Data'(Vals, Var_I, Read_Port);
+ Read_Signal_Source (V, El_Type, Data);
+ -- * I := I + 1;
+ Inc_Var (Var_I);
+ -- * end loop;
+ Finish_Loop_Stmt (Label);
+ -- 2. From drivers.
+ -- * J := 0;
+ -- * loop
+ -- * exit when j = var_max;
+ -- * if vec[j] then
+ --
+ -- * ptr := get_signal_driver (sig, j);
+ -- * array[i].XXX := *ptr
+ --
+ -- * i := i + 1;
+ -- * end if;
+ -- * J := J + 1;
+ -- * end loop;
+ Init_Var (Var_J);
+ Start_Loop_Stmt (Label);
+ Gen_Exit_When (Label,
+ New_Compare_Op (ON_Eq,
+ New_Obj_Value (Var_J),
+ New_Obj_Value (Rinfo.Var_Nbr_Drv),
+ Ghdl_Bool_Type));
+ Start_If_Stmt
+ (If_Blk,
+ New_Value (New_Indexed_Acc_Value (New_Obj (Rinfo.Var_Vec),
+ New_Obj_Value (Var_J))));
+ V := Chap3.Index_Base
+ (Chap3.Get_Array_Base (Dv2M (Var_Array, Base_Info, Mode_Value)),
+ Base_Type, New_Obj_Value (Var_I));
+ Data := Read_Source_Data'(Vals, Var_J, Read_Driver);
+ Read_Signal_Source (V, El_Type, Data);
+ Inc_Var (Var_I);
+ Finish_If_Stmt (If_Blk);
+ Inc_Var (Var_J);
+ Finish_Loop_Stmt (Label);
+ if Finfo.Res_Interface /= O_Dnode_Null then
+ Res := Lo2M (Var_Res, Ret_Info, Mode_Value);
+ if Ret_Info.Type_Mode /= Type_Mode_Fat_Array then
+ Allocate_Complex_Object (Ret_Type, Alloc_Stack, Res);
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ -- Call the resolution function.
+ if Finfo.Use_Stack2 then
+ Create_Temp_Stack2_Mark;
+ end if;
+ Start_Association (Assoc, Finfo.Ortho_Func);
+ if Finfo.Res_Interface /= O_Dnode_Null then
+ New_Association (Assoc, M2E (Res));
+ end if;
+ Subprgs.Add_Subprg_Instance_Assoc (Assoc, Finfo.Subprg_Instance);
+ New_Association
+ (Assoc, New_Address (New_Obj (Var_Array),
+ Base_Info.Ortho_Ptr_Type (Mode_Value)));
+ if Finfo.Res_Interface = O_Dnode_Null then
+ Res := E2M (New_Function_Call (Assoc), Ret_Info, Mode_Value);
+ else
+ New_Procedure_Call (Assoc);
+ end if;
+ if El_Type /= Ret_Type then
+ Res := E2M
+ (Chap7.Translate_Implicit_Conv (M2E (Res), Ret_Type, El_Type,
+ Mode_Value, Func),
+ El_Info, Mode_Value);
+ end if;
+ Chap7.Set_Driving_Value (Vals, El_Type, Res);
+ Close_Temp;
+ Pop_Local_Factory;
+ if Subprgs.Has_Subprg_Instance (Rinfo.Var_Instance) then
+ Subprgs.Finish_Subprg_Instance_Use (Rinfo.Var_Instance);
+ end if;
+ Finish_Subprogram_Body;
+ end Translate_Resolution_Function_Body;
+ procedure Translate_Declaration_Chain (Parent : Iir)
+ is
+ Info : Subprg_Info_Acc;
+ El : Iir;
+ begin
+ El := Get_Declaration_Chain (Parent);
+ while El /= Null_Iir loop
+ case Get_Kind (El) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Procedure_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Function_Declaration =>
+ -- Translate interfaces.
+ if (not Flag_Discard_Unused or else Get_Use_Flag (El))
+ and then not Is_Second_Subprogram_Specification (El)
+ then
+ Info := Add_Info (El, Kind_Subprg);
+ Chap2.Translate_Subprogram_Interfaces (El);
+ if Get_Kind (El) = Iir_Kind_Function_Declaration then
+ if Get_Resolution_Function_Flag (El) then
+ Info.Subprg_Resolv := new Subprg_Resolv_Info;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ when Iir_Kind_Function_Body
+ | Iir_Kind_Procedure_Body =>
+ null;
+ when Iir_Kind_Implicit_Function_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Implicit_Procedure_Declaration =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Translate_Declaration (El);
+ end case;
+ El := Get_Chain (El);
+ end loop;
+ end Translate_Declaration_Chain;
+ procedure Translate_Declaration_Chain_Subprograms (Parent : Iir)
+ is
+ El : Iir;
+ Infos : Chap7.Implicit_Subprogram_Infos;
+ begin
+ El := Get_Declaration_Chain (Parent);
+ while El /= Null_Iir loop
+ case Get_Kind (El) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Procedure_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Function_Declaration =>
+ -- Translate only if used.
+ if Get_Info (El) /= null then
+ Chap2.Translate_Subprogram_Declaration (El);
+ Translate_Resolution_Function (El);
+ end if;
+ when Iir_Kind_Function_Body
+ | Iir_Kind_Procedure_Body =>
+ -- Do not translate body if generating only specs (for
+ -- subprograms in an entity).
+ if Global_Storage /= O_Storage_External
+ and then
+ (not Flag_Discard_Unused
+ or else
+ Get_Use_Flag (Get_Subprogram_Specification (El)))
+ then
+ Chap2.Translate_Subprogram_Body (El);
+ Translate_Resolution_Function_Body
+ (Get_Subprogram_Specification (El));
+ end if;
+ when Iir_Kind_Type_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Anonymous_Type_Declaration =>
+ Chap3.Translate_Type_Subprograms (El);
+ Chap7.Init_Implicit_Subprogram_Infos (Infos);
+ when Iir_Kind_Protected_Type_Body =>
+ Chap3.Translate_Protected_Type_Body (El);
+ Chap3.Translate_Protected_Type_Body_Subprograms (El);
+ when Iir_Kind_Implicit_Function_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Implicit_Procedure_Declaration =>
+ if Flag_Discard_Unused_Implicit
+ and then not Get_Use_Flag (El)
+ then
+ case Get_Implicit_Definition (El) is
+ when Iir_Predefined_Array_Equality
+ | Iir_Predefined_Array_Greater
+ | Iir_Predefined_Record_Equality =>
+ -- Used implicitly in case statement or other
+ -- predefined equality.
+ Chap7.Translate_Implicit_Subprogram (El, Infos);
+ when others =>
+ null;
+ end case;
+ else
+ Chap7.Translate_Implicit_Subprogram (El, Infos);
+ end if;
+ when others =>
+ null;
+ end case;
+ El := Get_Chain (El);
+ end loop;
+ end Translate_Declaration_Chain_Subprograms;
+ procedure Elab_Declaration_Chain (Parent : Iir; Need_Final : out Boolean)
+ is
+ Decl : Iir;
+ begin
+ Decl := Get_Declaration_Chain (Parent);
+ Need_Final := False;
+ while Decl /= Null_Iir loop
+ case Get_Kind (Decl) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Use_Clause =>
+ null;
+ when Iir_Kind_Component_Declaration =>
+ null;
+ when Iir_Kind_Configuration_Specification =>
+ null;
+ when Iir_Kind_Disconnection_Specification =>
+ Chap5.Elab_Disconnection_Specification (Decl);
+ when Iir_Kind_Type_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Anonymous_Type_Declaration =>
+ Chap3.Elab_Type_Declaration (Decl);
+ when Iir_Kind_Subtype_Declaration =>
+ Chap3.Elab_Subtype_Declaration (Decl);
+ when Iir_Kind_Protected_Type_Body =>
+ null;
+ --when Iir_Kind_Signal_Declaration =>
+ -- Chap1.Elab_Signal (Decl);
+ when Iir_Kind_Variable_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Constant_Declaration =>
+ Elab_Object (Decl);
+ if Get_Kind (Get_Type (Decl))
+ = Iir_Kind_Protected_Type_Declaration
+ then
+ Need_Final := True;
+ end if;
+ when Iir_Kind_Signal_Declaration =>
+ Elab_Signal_Declaration (Decl, Parent, False);
+ when Iir_Kind_Object_Alias_Declaration =>
+ Elab_Object_Alias_Declaration (Decl);
+ when Iir_Kind_Non_Object_Alias_Declaration =>
+ null;
+ when Iir_Kind_File_Declaration =>
+ Elab_File_Declaration (Decl);
+ Need_Final := True;
+ when Iir_Kind_Attribute_Declaration =>
+ Chap3.Elab_Object_Subtype (Get_Type (Decl));
+ when Iir_Kind_Attribute_Specification =>
+ Chap5.Elab_Attribute_Specification (Decl);
+ when Iir_Kind_Function_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Procedure_Declaration =>
+ if Get_Info (Decl) /= null then
+ Chap2.Elab_Subprogram_Interfaces (Decl);
+ end if;
+ when Iir_Kind_Function_Body
+ | Iir_Kind_Procedure_Body =>
+ null;
+ when Iir_Kind_Implicit_Function_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Implicit_Procedure_Declaration =>
+ null;
+ when Iir_Kind_Stable_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Quiet_Attribute
+ | Iir_Kind_Transaction_Attribute =>
+ Elab_Signal_Attribute (Decl);
+ when Iir_Kind_Delayed_Attribute =>
+ Elab_Signal_Delayed_Attribute (Decl);
+ when Iir_Kind_Group_Template_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Group_Declaration =>
+ null;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("elab_declaration_chain", Decl);
+ end case;
+ Decl := Get_Chain (Decl);
+ end loop;
+ end Elab_Declaration_Chain;
+ procedure Final_Declaration_Chain (Parent : Iir; Deallocate : Boolean)
+ is
+ Decl : Iir;
+ begin
+ Decl := Get_Declaration_Chain (Parent);
+ while Decl /= Null_Iir loop
+ case Get_Kind (Decl) is
+ when Iir_Kind_File_Declaration =>
+ Final_File_Declaration (Decl);
+ when Iir_Kind_Variable_Declaration =>
+ if Get_Kind (Get_Type (Decl))
+ = Iir_Kind_Protected_Type_Declaration
+ then
+ Fini_Protected_Object (Decl);
+ end if;
+ if Deallocate then
+ Fini_Object (Decl);
+ end if;
+ when Iir_Kind_Constant_Declaration =>
+ if Deallocate then
+ Fini_Object (Decl);
+ end if;
+ when others =>
+ null;
+ end case;
+ Decl := Get_Chain (Decl);
+ end loop;
+ end Final_Declaration_Chain;
+ type Conv_Mode is (Conv_Mode_In, Conv_Mode_Out);
+ -- Create subprogram for an association conversion.
+ -- STMT is the statement/block_header containing the association.
+ -- BLOCK is the architecture/block containing the instance.
+ -- ASSOC is the association and MODE the conversion to work on.
+ -- CONV_INFO is the result place holder.
+ -- BASE_BLOCK is the base architecture/block containing the instance.
+ -- ENTITY is the entity/component instantiated (null for block_stmt)
+ procedure Translate_Association_Subprogram
+ (Stmt : Iir;
+ Block : Iir;
+ Assoc : Iir;
+ Mode : Conv_Mode;
+ Conv_Info : in out Assoc_Conv_Info;
+ Base_Block : Iir;
+ Entity : Iir)
+ is
+ Formal : constant Iir := Get_Formal (Assoc);
+ Actual : constant Iir := Get_Actual (Assoc);
+ Mark2, Mark3 : Id_Mark_Type;
+ Inter_List : O_Inter_List;
+ In_Type, Out_Type : Iir;
+ In_Info, Out_Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Itype : O_Tnode;
+ El_List : O_Element_List;
+ Block_Info : constant Block_Info_Acc := Get_Info (Base_Block);
+ Stmt_Info : Block_Info_Acc;
+ Entity_Info : Ortho_Info_Acc;
+ Var_Data : O_Dnode;
+ -- Variables for body.
+ E : O_Enode;
+ V : O_Dnode;
+ V1 : O_Lnode;
+ V_Out : Mnode;
+ R : O_Enode;
+ Constr : O_Assoc_List;
+ Subprg_Info : Subprg_Info_Acc;
+ Res : Mnode;
+ Imp : Iir;
+ Func : Iir;
+ begin
+ case Mode is
+ when Conv_Mode_In =>
+ -- IN: from actual to formal.
+ Push_Identifier_Prefix (Mark2, "CONVIN");
+ Out_Type := Get_Type (Formal);
+ In_Type := Get_Type (Actual);
+ Imp := Get_In_Conversion (Assoc);
+ when Conv_Mode_Out =>
+ -- OUT: from formal to actual.
+ Push_Identifier_Prefix (Mark2, "CONVOUT");
+ In_Type := Get_Type (Formal);
+ Out_Type := Get_Type (Actual);
+ Imp := Get_Out_Conversion (Assoc);
+ end case;
+ -- FIXME: individual assoc -> overload.
+ Push_Identifier_Prefix
+ (Mark3, Get_Identifier (Get_Association_Interface (Assoc)));
+ -- Handle anonymous subtypes.
+ Chap3.Translate_Anonymous_Type_Definition (Out_Type, False);
+ Chap3.Translate_Anonymous_Type_Definition (In_Type, False);
+ Out_Info := Get_Info (Out_Type);
+ In_Info := Get_Info (In_Type);
+ -- Start record containing data for the conversion function.
+ Start_Record_Type (El_List);
+ -- Add instance field.
+ Conv_Info.Instance_Block := Base_Block;
+ New_Record_Field
+ (El_List, Conv_Info.Instance_Field, Wki_Instance,
+ Block_Info.Block_Decls_Ptr_Type);
+ if Entity /= Null_Iir then
+ Conv_Info.Instantiated_Entity := Entity;
+ Entity_Info := Get_Info (Entity);
+ declare
+ Ptr : O_Tnode;
+ begin
+ if Entity_Info.Kind = Kind_Component then
+ Ptr := Entity_Info.Comp_Ptr_Type;
+ else
+ Ptr := Entity_Info.Block_Decls_Ptr_Type;
+ end if;
+ New_Record_Field
+ (El_List, Conv_Info.Instantiated_Field,
+ Get_Identifier ("instantiated"), Ptr);
+ end;
+ else
+ Conv_Info.Instantiated_Entity := Null_Iir;
+ Conv_Info.Instantiated_Field := O_Fnode_Null;
+ end if;
+ -- Add input.
+ case In_Info.Type_Mode is
+ when Type_Mode_Thin =>
+ Itype := In_Info.Ortho_Type (Mode_Signal);
+ when Type_Mode_Fat =>
+ Itype := In_Info.Ortho_Ptr_Type (Mode_Signal);
+ when Type_Mode_Unknown =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ New_Record_Field
+ (El_List, Conv_Info.In_Field, Get_Identifier ("val_in"), Itype);
+ -- Add output.
+ New_Record_Field
+ (El_List, Conv_Info.Out_Field, Get_Identifier ("val_out"),
+ Get_Object_Type (Out_Info, Mode_Signal));
+ Finish_Record_Type (El_List, Conv_Info.Record_Type);
+ New_Type_Decl (Create_Identifier ("DTYPE"), Conv_Info.Record_Type);
+ Conv_Info.Record_Ptr_Type := New_Access_Type (Conv_Info.Record_Type);
+ New_Type_Decl (Create_Identifier ("DPTR"), Conv_Info.Record_Ptr_Type);
+ -- Declare the subprogram.
+ Start_Procedure_Decl
+ (Inter_List, Create_Identifier, O_Storage_Private);
+ New_Interface_Decl
+ (Inter_List, Var_Data, Get_Identifier ("data"),
+ Conv_Info.Record_Ptr_Type);
+ Finish_Subprogram_Decl (Inter_List, Conv_Info.Subprg);
+ Start_Subprogram_Body (Conv_Info.Subprg);
+ Push_Local_Factory;
+ Open_Temp;
+ -- Add an access to local block.
+ V := Create_Temp_Init
+ (Block_Info.Block_Decls_Ptr_Type,
+ New_Value_Selected_Acc_Value (New_Obj (Var_Data),
+ Conv_Info.Instance_Field));
+ Set_Scope_Via_Param_Ptr (Block_Info.Block_Scope, V);
+ -- Add an access to instantiated entity.
+ -- This may be used to do some type checks.
+ if Conv_Info.Instantiated_Entity /= Null_Iir then
+ declare
+ Ptr_Type : O_Tnode;
+ begin
+ if Entity_Info.Kind = Kind_Component then
+ Ptr_Type := Entity_Info.Comp_Ptr_Type;
+ else
+ Ptr_Type := Entity_Info.Block_Decls_Ptr_Type;
+ end if;
+ V := Create_Temp_Init
+ (Ptr_Type,
+ New_Value_Selected_Acc_Value (New_Obj (Var_Data),
+ Conv_Info.Instantiated_Field));
+ if Entity_Info.Kind = Kind_Component then
+ Set_Scope_Via_Param_Ptr (Entity_Info.Comp_Scope, V);
+ else
+ Set_Scope_Via_Param_Ptr (Entity_Info.Block_Scope, V);
+ end if;
+ end;
+ end if;
+ -- Add access to the instantiation-specific data.
+ -- This is used only for anonymous subtype variables.
+ -- FIXME: what if STMT is a binding_indication ?
+ Stmt_Info := Get_Info (Stmt);
+ if Stmt_Info /= null
+ and then Has_Scope_Type (Stmt_Info.Block_Scope)
+ then
+ Set_Scope_Via_Field (Stmt_Info.Block_Scope,
+ Stmt_Info.Block_Parent_Field,
+ Get_Info (Block).Block_Scope'Access);
+ end if;
+ -- Read signal value.
+ E := New_Value_Selected_Acc_Value (New_Obj (Var_Data),
+ Conv_Info.In_Field);
+ case Mode is
+ when Conv_Mode_In =>
+ R := Chap7.Translate_Signal_Effective_Value (E, In_Type);
+ when Conv_Mode_Out =>
+ R := Chap7.Translate_Signal_Driving_Value (E, In_Type);
+ end case;
+ case Get_Kind (Imp) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Function_Call =>
+ Func := Get_Implementation (Imp);
+ R := Chap7.Translate_Implicit_Conv
+ (R, In_Type,
+ Get_Type (Get_Interface_Declaration_Chain (Func)),
+ Mode_Value, Assoc);
+ -- Create result value.
+ Subprg_Info := Get_Info (Func);
+ if Subprg_Info.Use_Stack2 then
+ Create_Temp_Stack2_Mark;
+ end if;
+ if Subprg_Info.Res_Interface /= O_Dnode_Null then
+ -- Composite result.
+ -- If we need to allocate, do it before starting the call!
+ declare
+ Res_Type : constant Iir := Get_Return_Type (Func);
+ Res_Info : constant Type_Info_Acc := Get_Info (Res_Type);
+ begin
+ Res := Create_Temp (Res_Info);
+ if Res_Info.Type_Mode /= Type_Mode_Fat_Array then
+ Chap4.Allocate_Complex_Object
+ (Res_Type, Alloc_Stack, Res);
+ end if;
+ end;
+ end if;
+ -- Call conversion function.
+ Start_Association (Constr, Subprg_Info.Ortho_Func);
+ if Subprg_Info.Res_Interface /= O_Dnode_Null then
+ -- Composite result.
+ New_Association (Constr, M2E (Res));
+ end if;
+ Subprgs.Add_Subprg_Instance_Assoc
+ (Constr, Subprg_Info.Subprg_Instance);
+ New_Association (Constr, R);
+ if Subprg_Info.Res_Interface /= O_Dnode_Null then
+ -- Composite result.
+ New_Procedure_Call (Constr);
+ E := M2E (Res);
+ else
+ E := New_Function_Call (Constr);
+ end if;
+ Res := E2M
+ (Chap7.Translate_Implicit_Conv
+ (E, Get_Return_Type (Func),
+ Out_Type, Mode_Value, Imp),
+ Get_Info (Out_Type), Mode_Value);
+ when Iir_Kind_Type_Conversion =>
+ declare
+ Conv_Type : Iir;
+ begin
+ Conv_Type := Get_Type (Imp);
+ E := Chap7.Translate_Type_Conversion
+ (R, In_Type, Conv_Type, Assoc);
+ E := Chap7.Translate_Implicit_Conv
+ (E, Conv_Type, Out_Type, Mode_Value, Imp);
+ Res := E2M (E, Get_Info (Out_Type), Mode_Value);
+ end;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("Translate_Association_Subprogram", Imp);
+ end case;
+ -- Assign signals.
+ V1 := New_Selected_Acc_Value (New_Obj (Var_Data),
+ Conv_Info.Out_Field);
+ V_Out := Lo2M (V1, Out_Info, Mode_Signal);
+ case Mode is
+ when Conv_Mode_In =>
+ Chap7.Set_Effective_Value (V_Out, Out_Type, Res);
+ when Conv_Mode_Out =>
+ Chap7.Set_Driving_Value (V_Out, Out_Type, Res);
+ end case;
+ Close_Temp;
+ if Stmt_Info /= null
+ and then Has_Scope_Type (Stmt_Info.Block_Scope)
+ then
+ Clear_Scope (Stmt_Info.Block_Scope);
+ end if;
+ if Conv_Info.Instantiated_Entity /= Null_Iir then
+ if Entity_Info.Kind = Kind_Component then
+ Clear_Scope (Entity_Info.Comp_Scope);
+ else
+ Clear_Scope (Entity_Info.Block_Scope);
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ Clear_Scope (Block_Info.Block_Scope);
+ Pop_Local_Factory;
+ Finish_Subprogram_Body;
+ Pop_Identifier_Prefix (Mark3);
+ Pop_Identifier_Prefix (Mark2);
+ end Translate_Association_Subprogram;
+ -- ENTITY is null for block_statement.
+ procedure Translate_Association_Subprograms
+ (Stmt : Iir; Block : Iir; Base_Block : Iir; Entity : Iir)
+ is
+ Assoc : Iir;
+ Info : Assoc_Info_Acc;
+ begin
+ Assoc := Get_Port_Map_Aspect_Chain (Stmt);
+ while Assoc /= Null_Iir loop
+ if Get_Kind (Assoc) = Iir_Kind_Association_Element_By_Expression
+ then
+ Info := null;
+ if Get_In_Conversion (Assoc) /= Null_Iir then
+ Info := Add_Info (Assoc, Kind_Assoc);
+ Translate_Association_Subprogram
+ (Stmt, Block, Assoc, Conv_Mode_In, Info.Assoc_In,
+ Base_Block, Entity);
+ end if;
+ if Get_Out_Conversion (Assoc) /= Null_Iir then
+ if Info = null then
+ Info := Add_Info (Assoc, Kind_Assoc);
+ end if;
+ Translate_Association_Subprogram
+ (Stmt, Block, Assoc, Conv_Mode_Out, Info.Assoc_Out,
+ Base_Block, Entity);
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ Assoc := Get_Chain (Assoc);
+ end loop;
+ end Translate_Association_Subprograms;
+ procedure Elab_Conversion (Sig_In : Iir;
+ Sig_Out : Iir;
+ Reg_Subprg : O_Dnode;
+ Info : Assoc_Conv_Info;
+ Ndest : out Mnode)
+ is
+ Out_Type : Iir;
+ Out_Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Ssig : Mnode;
+ Constr : O_Assoc_List;
+ Var_Data : O_Dnode;
+ Data : Elab_Signal_Data;
+ begin
+ Out_Type := Get_Type (Sig_Out);
+ Out_Info := Get_Info (Out_Type);
+ -- Allocate data for the subprogram.
+ Var_Data := Create_Temp (Info.Record_Ptr_Type);
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (New_Obj (Var_Data),
+ Gen_Alloc (Alloc_System,
+ New_Lit (New_Sizeof (Info.Record_Type,
+ Ghdl_Index_Type)),
+ Info.Record_Ptr_Type));
+ -- Set instance.
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (New_Selected_Acc_Value (New_Obj (Var_Data), Info.Instance_Field),
+ Get_Instance_Access (Info.Instance_Block));
+ -- Set instantiated unit instance (if any).
+ if Info.Instantiated_Entity /= Null_Iir then
+ declare
+ Inst_Addr : O_Enode;
+ Inst_Info : Ortho_Info_Acc;
+ begin
+ if Get_Kind (Info.Instantiated_Entity)
+ = Iir_Kind_Component_Declaration
+ then
+ Inst_Info := Get_Info (Info.Instantiated_Entity);
+ Inst_Addr := New_Address
+ (Get_Instance_Ref (Inst_Info.Comp_Scope),
+ Inst_Info.Comp_Ptr_Type);
+ else
+ Inst_Addr := Get_Instance_Access (Info.Instantiated_Entity);
+ end if;
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (New_Selected_Acc_Value (New_Obj (Var_Data),
+ Info.Instantiated_Field),
+ Inst_Addr);
+ end;
+ end if;
+ -- Set input.
+ Ssig := Chap6.Translate_Name (Sig_In);
+ Ssig := Stabilize (Ssig, True);
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (New_Selected_Acc_Value (New_Obj (Var_Data), Info.In_Field),
+ M2E (Ssig));
+ -- Create a copy of SIG_OUT.
+ Ndest := Lo2M (New_Selected_Acc_Value (New_Obj (Var_Data),
+ Info.Out_Field),
+ Out_Info, Mode_Signal);
+ Chap4.Allocate_Complex_Object (Out_Type, Alloc_System, Ndest);
+ -- Note: NDEST will be assigned by ELAB_SIGNAL.
+ Ndest := Lo2M (New_Selected_Acc_Value (New_Obj (Var_Data),
+ Info.Out_Field),
+ Out_Info, Mode_Signal);
+ Data := Elab_Signal_Data'(Has_Val => False,
+ Already_Resolved => True,
+ Val => Mnode_Null,
+ Check_Null => False,
+ If_Stmt => null);
+ Elab_Signal (Ndest, Out_Type, Data);
+ Ndest := Lo2M (New_Selected_Acc_Value (New_Obj (Var_Data),
+ Info.Out_Field),
+ Out_Info, Mode_Signal);
+ Ndest := Stabilize (Ndest, True);
+ -- Register.
+ Start_Association (Constr, Reg_Subprg);
+ New_Association
+ (Constr, New_Lit (New_Subprogram_Address (Info.Subprg,
+ Ghdl_Ptr_Type)));
+ New_Association
+ (Constr, New_Convert_Ov (New_Obj_Value (Var_Data), Ghdl_Ptr_Type));
+ New_Association
+ (Constr,
+ New_Convert_Ov (M2E (Get_Leftest_Signal (Ssig, Get_Type (Sig_In))),
+ Ghdl_Signal_Ptr));
+ New_Association (Constr, Get_Nbr_Signals (Ssig, Get_Type (Sig_In)));
+ New_Association
+ (Constr,
+ New_Convert_Ov
+ (M2E (Get_Leftest_Signal (Ndest, Get_Type (Sig_Out))),
+ Ghdl_Signal_Ptr));
+ New_Association (Constr, Get_Nbr_Signals (Ndest, Get_Type (Sig_Out)));
+ New_Procedure_Call (Constr);
+ end Elab_Conversion;
+ -- In conversion: from actual to formal.
+ procedure Elab_In_Conversion (Assoc : Iir; Ndest : out Mnode)
+ is
+ Assoc_Info : Assoc_Info_Acc;
+ begin
+ Assoc_Info := Get_Info (Assoc);
+ Elab_Conversion
+ (Get_Actual (Assoc), Get_Formal (Assoc),
+ Ghdl_Signal_In_Conversion, Assoc_Info.Assoc_In, Ndest);
+ end Elab_In_Conversion;
+ -- Out conversion: from formal to actual.
+ procedure Elab_Out_Conversion (Assoc : Iir; Ndest : out Mnode)
+ is
+ Assoc_Info : Assoc_Info_Acc;
+ begin
+ Assoc_Info := Get_Info (Assoc);
+ Elab_Conversion
+ (Get_Formal (Assoc), Get_Actual (Assoc),
+ Ghdl_Signal_Out_Conversion, Assoc_Info.Assoc_Out, Ndest);
+ end Elab_Out_Conversion;
+ -- Create a record that describe thes location of an IIR node and
+ -- returns the address of it.
+ function Get_Location (N : Iir) return O_Dnode
+ is
+ Constr : O_Record_Aggr_List;
+ Aggr : O_Cnode;
+ Name : Name_Id;
+ Line : Natural;
+ Col : Natural;
+ C : O_Dnode;
+ begin
+ Files_Map.Location_To_Position (Get_Location (N), Name, Line, Col);
+ New_Const_Decl (C, Create_Uniq_Identifier, O_Storage_Private,
+ Ghdl_Location_Type_Node);
+ Start_Const_Value (C);
+ Start_Record_Aggr (Constr, Ghdl_Location_Type_Node);
+ New_Record_Aggr_El
+ (Constr, New_Global_Address (Current_Filename_Node, Char_Ptr_Type));
+ New_Record_Aggr_El (Constr, New_Signed_Literal (Ghdl_I32_Type,
+ Integer_64 (Line)));
+ New_Record_Aggr_El (Constr, New_Signed_Literal (Ghdl_I32_Type,
+ Integer_64 (Col)));
+ Finish_Record_Aggr (Constr, Aggr);
+ Finish_Const_Value (C, Aggr);
+ return C;
+ --return New_Global_Address (C, Ghdl_Location_Ptr_Node);
+ end Get_Location;
+end Trans.Chap4;