path: root/src/vhdl/translate/trans-chap3.adb
diff options
authorTristan Gingold2014-11-09 18:31:54 +0100
committerTristan Gingold2014-11-09 18:31:54 +0100
commitfe94cb3cc3fd4517271faa9046c74b0c455aeb79 (patch)
tree17ba28586cb5eb22d530c568d917931f309d871f /src/vhdl/translate/trans-chap3.adb
parent3c9a77e9e6f3b8047080f7d8c11bb9881cabf968 (diff)
Split translation into child packages.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/vhdl/translate/trans-chap3.adb')
1 files changed, 3362 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/vhdl/translate/trans-chap3.adb b/src/vhdl/translate/trans-chap3.adb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..30ea1fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/vhdl/translate/trans-chap3.adb
@@ -0,0 +1,3362 @@
+-- Iir to ortho translator.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002 - 2014 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+with Name_Table;
+with Errorout; use Errorout;
+with Iirs_Utils; use Iirs_Utils;
+with Evaluation; use Evaluation;
+with Trans.Chap2;
+with Trans.Chap4;
+with Trans.Chap6;
+with Trans.Chap7;
+with Trans.Chap14;
+with Trans_Decls; use Trans_Decls;
+with Trans.Helpers2; use Trans.Helpers2;
+with Translation;
+package body Trans.Chap3 is
+ use Trans.Helpers;
+ function Create_Static_Type_Definition_Type_Range (Def : Iir)
+ return O_Cnode;
+ procedure Create_Scalar_Type_Range (Def : Iir; Target : O_Lnode);
+ -- For scalar subtypes: creates info from the base type.
+ procedure Create_Subtype_Info_From_Type (Def : Iir;
+ Subtype_Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Base_Info : Type_Info_Acc);
+ -- Finish a type definition: declare the type, define and declare a
+ -- pointer to the type.
+ procedure Finish_Type_Definition
+ (Info : Type_Info_Acc; Completion : Boolean := False)
+ is
+ begin
+ -- Declare the type.
+ if not Completion then
+ New_Type_Decl (Create_Identifier, Info.Ortho_Type (Mode_Value));
+ end if;
+ -- Create an access to the type and declare it.
+ Info.Ortho_Ptr_Type (Mode_Value) :=
+ New_Access_Type (Info.Ortho_Type (Mode_Value));
+ New_Type_Decl (Create_Identifier ("PTR"),
+ Info.Ortho_Ptr_Type (Mode_Value));
+ -- Signal type.
+ if Info.Type_Mode in Type_Mode_Scalar then
+ Info.Ortho_Type (Mode_Signal) :=
+ New_Access_Type (Info.Ortho_Type (Mode_Value));
+ end if;
+ if Info.Ortho_Type (Mode_Signal) /= O_Tnode_Null then
+ New_Type_Decl (Create_Identifier ("SIG"),
+ Info.Ortho_Type (Mode_Signal));
+ end if;
+ -- Signal pointer type.
+ if Info.Type_Mode in Type_Mode_Composite
+ and then Info.Ortho_Type (Mode_Signal) /= O_Tnode_Null
+ then
+ Info.Ortho_Ptr_Type (Mode_Signal) :=
+ New_Access_Type (Info.Ortho_Type (Mode_Signal));
+ New_Type_Decl (Create_Identifier ("SIGPTR"),
+ Info.Ortho_Ptr_Type (Mode_Signal));
+ else
+ Info.Ortho_Ptr_Type (Mode_Signal) := O_Tnode_Null;
+ end if;
+ end Finish_Type_Definition;
+ procedure Create_Size_Var (Def : Iir)
+ is
+ Info : constant Type_Info_Acc := Get_Info (Def);
+ begin
+ Info.C := new Complex_Type_Arr_Info;
+ Info.C (Mode_Value).Size_Var := Create_Var
+ (Create_Var_Identifier ("SIZE"), Ghdl_Index_Type);
+ if Get_Has_Signal_Flag (Def) then
+ Info.C (Mode_Signal).Size_Var := Create_Var
+ (Create_Var_Identifier ("SIGSIZE"), Ghdl_Index_Type);
+ end if;
+ end Create_Size_Var;
+ -- A builder set internal fields of object pointed by BASE_PTR, using
+ -- memory from BASE_PTR and returns a pointer to the next memory byte
+ -- to be used.
+ procedure Create_Builder_Subprogram_Decl (Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Name : Name_Id;
+ Kind : Object_Kind_Type)
+ is
+ Interface_List : O_Inter_List;
+ Ident : O_Ident;
+ Ptype : O_Tnode;
+ begin
+ case Kind is
+ when Mode_Value =>
+ Ident := Create_Identifier (Name, "_BUILDER");
+ when Mode_Signal =>
+ Ident := Create_Identifier (Name, "_SIGBUILDER");
+ end case;
+ -- FIXME: return the same type as its first parameter ???
+ Start_Function_Decl
+ (Interface_List, Ident, Global_Storage, Ghdl_Index_Type);
+ Subprgs.Add_Subprg_Instance_Interfaces
+ (Interface_List, Info.C (Kind).Builder_Instance);
+ case Info.Type_Mode is
+ when Type_Mode_Fat_Array =>
+ Ptype := Info.T.Base_Ptr_Type (Kind);
+ when Type_Mode_Record =>
+ Ptype := Info.Ortho_Ptr_Type (Kind);
+ when others =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ New_Interface_Decl
+ (Interface_List, Info.C (Kind).Builder_Base_Param,
+ Get_Identifier ("base_ptr"), Ptype);
+ -- Add parameter for array bounds.
+ if Info.Type_Mode = Type_Mode_Fat_Array then
+ New_Interface_Decl
+ (Interface_List, Info.C (Kind).Builder_Bound_Param,
+ Get_Identifier ("bound"), Info.T.Bounds_Ptr_Type);
+ end if;
+ Finish_Subprogram_Decl (Interface_List, Info.C (Kind).Builder_Func);
+ end Create_Builder_Subprogram_Decl;
+ function Gen_Call_Type_Builder (Var_Ptr : O_Dnode;
+ Var_Type : Iir;
+ Kind : Object_Kind_Type)
+ return O_Enode
+ is
+ Tinfo : constant Type_Info_Acc := Get_Info (Var_Type);
+ Binfo : constant Type_Info_Acc := Get_Info (Get_Base_Type (Var_Type));
+ Assoc : O_Assoc_List;
+ begin
+ -- Build the field
+ Start_Association (Assoc, Binfo.C (Kind).Builder_Func);
+ Subprgs.Add_Subprg_Instance_Assoc
+ (Assoc, Binfo.C (Kind).Builder_Instance);
+ case Tinfo.Type_Mode is
+ when Type_Mode_Record
+ | Type_Mode_Array =>
+ New_Association (Assoc, New_Obj_Value (Var_Ptr));
+ when Type_Mode_Fat_Array =>
+ -- Note: a fat array can only be at the top of a complex type;
+ -- the bounds must have been set.
+ New_Association
+ (Assoc, New_Value_Selected_Acc_Value
+ (New_Obj (Var_Ptr), Tinfo.T.Base_Field (Kind)));
+ when others =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ if Tinfo.Type_Mode in Type_Mode_Arrays then
+ declare
+ Arr : Mnode;
+ begin
+ case Type_Mode_Arrays (Tinfo.Type_Mode) is
+ when Type_Mode_Array =>
+ Arr := T2M (Var_Type, Kind);
+ when Type_Mode_Fat_Array =>
+ Arr := Dp2M (Var_Ptr, Tinfo, Kind);
+ end case;
+ New_Association
+ (Assoc, M2Addr (Chap3.Get_Array_Bounds (Arr)));
+ end;
+ end if;
+ return New_Function_Call (Assoc);
+ end Gen_Call_Type_Builder;
+ procedure Gen_Call_Type_Builder (Var : Mnode; Var_Type : Iir)
+ is
+ Mem : O_Dnode;
+ V : Mnode;
+ begin
+ Open_Temp;
+ V := Stabilize (Var);
+ Mem := Create_Temp (Ghdl_Index_Type);
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (New_Obj (Mem),
+ Gen_Call_Type_Builder (M2Dp (V), Var_Type, Get_Object_Kind (Var)));
+ Close_Temp;
+ end Gen_Call_Type_Builder;
+ ------------------
+ -- Enumeration --
+ ------------------
+ function Translate_Enumeration_Literal (Lit : Iir_Enumeration_Literal)
+ return O_Ident
+ is
+ El_Str : String (1 .. 4);
+ Id : Name_Id;
+ N : Integer;
+ C : Character;
+ begin
+ Id := Get_Identifier (Lit);
+ if Name_Table.Is_Character (Id) then
+ C := Name_Table.Get_Character (Id);
+ El_Str (1) := 'C';
+ case C is
+ when 'A' .. 'Z'
+ | 'a' .. 'z'
+ | '0' .. '9' =>
+ El_Str (2) := '_';
+ El_Str (3) := C;
+ when others =>
+ N := Character'Pos (Name_Table.Get_Character (Id));
+ El_Str (2) := N2hex (N / 16);
+ El_Str (3) := N2hex (N mod 16);
+ end case;
+ return Get_Identifier (El_Str (1 .. 3));
+ else
+ return Create_Identifier_Without_Prefix (Lit);
+ end if;
+ end Translate_Enumeration_Literal;
+ procedure Translate_Enumeration_Type
+ (Def : Iir_Enumeration_Type_Definition)
+ is
+ El_List : Iir_List;
+ El : Iir_Enumeration_Literal;
+ Constr : O_Enum_List;
+ Lit_Name : O_Ident;
+ Val : O_Cnode;
+ Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Nbr : Natural;
+ Size : Natural;
+ begin
+ El_List := Get_Enumeration_Literal_List (Def);
+ Nbr := Get_Nbr_Elements (El_List);
+ if Nbr <= 256 then
+ Size := 8;
+ else
+ Size := 32;
+ end if;
+ Start_Enum_Type (Constr, Size);
+ for I in Natural loop
+ El := Get_Nth_Element (El_List, I);
+ exit when El = Null_Iir;
+ Lit_Name := Translate_Enumeration_Literal (El);
+ New_Enum_Literal (Constr, Lit_Name, Val);
+ Set_Ortho_Expr (El, Val);
+ end loop;
+ Info := Get_Info (Def);
+ Finish_Enum_Type (Constr, Info.Ortho_Type (Mode_Value));
+ if Nbr <= 256 then
+ Info.Type_Mode := Type_Mode_E8;
+ else
+ Info.Type_Mode := Type_Mode_E32;
+ end if;
+ -- Enumerations are always in their range.
+ Info.T.Nocheck_Low := True;
+ Info.T.Nocheck_Hi := True;
+ Finish_Type_Definition (Info);
+ end Translate_Enumeration_Type;
+ procedure Translate_Bool_Type (Def : Iir_Enumeration_Type_Definition)
+ is
+ Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ El_List : Iir_List;
+ True_Lit, False_Lit : Iir_Enumeration_Literal;
+ False_Node, True_Node : O_Cnode;
+ begin
+ Info := Get_Info (Def);
+ El_List := Get_Enumeration_Literal_List (Def);
+ if Get_Nbr_Elements (El_List) /= 2 then
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end if;
+ False_Lit := Get_Nth_Element (El_List, 0);
+ True_Lit := Get_Nth_Element (El_List, 1);
+ New_Boolean_Type
+ (Info.Ortho_Type (Mode_Value),
+ Translate_Enumeration_Literal (False_Lit), False_Node,
+ Translate_Enumeration_Literal (True_Lit), True_Node);
+ Info.Type_Mode := Type_Mode_B1;
+ Set_Ortho_Expr (False_Lit, False_Node);
+ Set_Ortho_Expr (True_Lit, True_Node);
+ Info.T.Nocheck_Low := True;
+ Info.T.Nocheck_Hi := True;
+ Finish_Type_Definition (Info);
+ end Translate_Bool_Type;
+ ---------------
+ -- Integer --
+ ---------------
+ -- Return the number of bits (32 or 64) required to represent the
+ -- (integer or physical) type definition DEF.
+ type Type_Precision is (Precision_32, Precision_64);
+ function Get_Type_Precision (Def : Iir) return Type_Precision
+ is
+ St : Iir;
+ L, H : Iir;
+ Lv, Hv : Iir_Int64;
+ begin
+ St := Get_Subtype_Definition (Get_Type_Declarator (Def));
+ Get_Low_High_Limit (Get_Range_Constraint (St), L, H);
+ Lv := Get_Value (L);
+ Hv := Get_Value (H);
+ if Lv >= -(2 ** 31) and then Hv <= (2 ** 31 - 1) then
+ return Precision_32;
+ else
+ if Translation.Flag_Only_32b then
+ Error_Msg_Sem
+ ("range of " & Disp_Node (Get_Type_Declarator (St))
+ & " is too large", St);
+ return Precision_32;
+ end if;
+ return Precision_64;
+ end if;
+ end Get_Type_Precision;
+ procedure Translate_Integer_Type
+ (Def : Iir_Integer_Type_Definition)
+ is
+ Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ begin
+ Info := Get_Info (Def);
+ case Get_Type_Precision (Def) is
+ when Precision_32 =>
+ Info.Ortho_Type (Mode_Value) := New_Signed_Type (32);
+ Info.Type_Mode := Type_Mode_I32;
+ when Precision_64 =>
+ Info.Ortho_Type (Mode_Value) := New_Signed_Type (64);
+ Info.Type_Mode := Type_Mode_I64;
+ end case;
+ -- Integers are always in their ranges.
+ Info.T.Nocheck_Low := True;
+ Info.T.Nocheck_Hi := True;
+ Finish_Type_Definition (Info);
+ end Translate_Integer_Type;
+ ----------------------
+ -- Floating types --
+ ----------------------
+ procedure Translate_Floating_Type (Def : Iir_Floating_Type_Definition)
+ is
+ Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ begin
+ -- FIXME: should check precision
+ Info := Get_Info (Def);
+ Info.Type_Mode := Type_Mode_F64;
+ Info.Ortho_Type (Mode_Value) := New_Float_Type;
+ -- Reals are always in their ranges.
+ Info.T.Nocheck_Low := True;
+ Info.T.Nocheck_Hi := True;
+ Finish_Type_Definition (Info);
+ end Translate_Floating_Type;
+ ----------------
+ -- Physical --
+ ----------------
+ procedure Translate_Physical_Type (Def : Iir_Physical_Type_Definition)
+ is
+ Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ begin
+ Info := Get_Info (Def);
+ case Get_Type_Precision (Def) is
+ when Precision_32 =>
+ Info.Ortho_Type (Mode_Value) := New_Signed_Type (32);
+ Info.Type_Mode := Type_Mode_P32;
+ when Precision_64 =>
+ Info.Ortho_Type (Mode_Value) := New_Signed_Type (64);
+ Info.Type_Mode := Type_Mode_P64;
+ end case;
+ -- Phyiscals are always in their ranges.
+ Info.T.Nocheck_Low := True;
+ Info.T.Nocheck_Hi := True;
+ Finish_Type_Definition (Info);
+ end Translate_Physical_Type;
+ procedure Translate_Physical_Units (Def : Iir_Physical_Type_Definition)
+ is
+ Phy_Type : constant O_Tnode := Get_Ortho_Type (Def, Mode_Value);
+ Unit : Iir;
+ Info : Object_Info_Acc;
+ begin
+ Unit := Get_Unit_Chain (Def);
+ while Unit /= Null_Iir loop
+ Info := Add_Info (Unit, Kind_Object);
+ Info.Object_Var :=
+ Create_Var (Create_Var_Identifier (Unit), Phy_Type);
+ Unit := Get_Chain (Unit);
+ end loop;
+ end Translate_Physical_Units;
+ ------------
+ -- File --
+ ------------
+ procedure Translate_File_Type (Def : Iir_File_Type_Definition)
+ is
+ Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ begin
+ Info := Get_Info (Def);
+ Info.Ortho_Type (Mode_Value) := Ghdl_File_Index_Type;
+ Info.Ortho_Ptr_Type (Mode_Value) := Ghdl_File_Index_Ptr_Type;
+ Info.Type_Mode := Type_Mode_File;
+ end Translate_File_Type;
+ function Get_File_Signature_Length (Def : Iir) return Natural is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Def) is
+ when Iir_Kinds_Scalar_Type_Definition =>
+ return 1;
+ when Iir_Kind_Array_Type_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Array_Subtype_Definition =>
+ return 2
+ + Get_File_Signature_Length (Get_Element_Subtype (Def));
+ when Iir_Kind_Record_Type_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Record_Subtype_Definition =>
+ declare
+ El : Iir;
+ Res : Natural;
+ List : Iir_List;
+ begin
+ Res := 2;
+ List := Get_Elements_Declaration_List (Get_Base_Type (Def));
+ for I in Natural loop
+ El := Get_Nth_Element (List, I);
+ exit when El = Null_Iir;
+ Res := Res + Get_File_Signature_Length (Get_Type (El));
+ end loop;
+ return Res;
+ end;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("get_file_signature_length", Def);
+ end case;
+ end Get_File_Signature_Length;
+ procedure Get_File_Signature (Def : Iir;
+ Res : in out String;
+ Off : in out Natural)
+ is
+ Scalar_Map : constant array (Type_Mode_Scalar) of Character
+ := "beEiIpPF";
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Def) is
+ when Iir_Kinds_Scalar_Type_Definition =>
+ Res (Off) := Scalar_Map (Get_Info (Def).Type_Mode);
+ Off := Off + 1;
+ when Iir_Kind_Array_Type_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Array_Subtype_Definition =>
+ Res (Off) := '[';
+ Off := Off + 1;
+ Get_File_Signature (Get_Element_Subtype (Def), Res, Off);
+ Res (Off) := ']';
+ Off := Off + 1;
+ when Iir_Kind_Record_Type_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Record_Subtype_Definition =>
+ declare
+ El : Iir;
+ List : Iir_List;
+ begin
+ Res (Off) := '<';
+ Off := Off + 1;
+ List := Get_Elements_Declaration_List (Get_Base_Type (Def));
+ for I in Natural loop
+ El := Get_Nth_Element (List, I);
+ exit when El = Null_Iir;
+ Get_File_Signature (Get_Type (El), Res, Off);
+ end loop;
+ Res (Off) := '>';
+ Off := Off + 1;
+ end;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("get_file_signature", Def);
+ end case;
+ end Get_File_Signature;
+ procedure Create_File_Type_Var (Def : Iir_File_Type_Definition)
+ is
+ Type_Name : constant Iir := Get_Type (Get_File_Type_Mark (Def));
+ Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ begin
+ if Get_Kind (Type_Name) in Iir_Kinds_Scalar_Type_Definition then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ declare
+ Len : constant Natural := Get_File_Signature_Length (Type_Name);
+ Sig : String (1 .. Len + 2);
+ Off : Natural := Sig'First;
+ begin
+ Get_File_Signature (Type_Name, Sig, Off);
+ Sig (Len + 1) := '.';
+ Sig (Len + 2) := Character'Val (10);
+ Info := Get_Info (Def);
+ Info.T.File_Signature := Create_String
+ (Sig, Create_Identifier ("FILESIG"), Global_Storage);
+ end;
+ end Create_File_Type_Var;
+ -------------
+ -- Array --
+ -------------
+ function Type_To_Last_Object_Kind (Def : Iir) return Object_Kind_Type is
+ begin
+ if Get_Has_Signal_Flag (Def) then
+ return Mode_Signal;
+ else
+ return Mode_Value;
+ end if;
+ end Type_To_Last_Object_Kind;
+ procedure Create_Array_Fat_Pointer
+ (Info : Type_Info_Acc; Kind : Object_Kind_Type)
+ is
+ Constr : O_Element_List;
+ begin
+ Start_Record_Type (Constr);
+ New_Record_Field
+ (Constr, Info.T.Base_Field (Kind), Get_Identifier ("BASE"),
+ Info.T.Base_Ptr_Type (Kind));
+ New_Record_Field
+ (Constr, Info.T.Bounds_Field (Kind), Get_Identifier ("BOUNDS"),
+ Info.T.Bounds_Ptr_Type);
+ Finish_Record_Type (Constr, Info.Ortho_Type (Kind));
+ end Create_Array_Fat_Pointer;
+ procedure Translate_Incomplete_Array_Type
+ (Def : Iir_Array_Type_Definition)
+ is
+ Arr_Info : Incomplete_Type_Info_Acc;
+ Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ begin
+ Arr_Info := Get_Info (Def);
+ if Arr_Info.Incomplete_Array /= null then
+ -- This (incomplete) array type was already translated.
+ -- This is the case for a second access type definition to this
+ -- still incomplete array type.
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Info := new Ortho_Info_Type (Kind_Type);
+ Info.Type_Mode := Type_Mode_Fat_Array;
+ Info.Type_Incomplete := True;
+ Arr_Info.Incomplete_Array := Info;
+ Info.T := Ortho_Info_Type_Array_Init;
+ Info.T.Bounds_Type := O_Tnode_Null;
+ Info.T.Bounds_Ptr_Type := New_Access_Type (Info.T.Bounds_Type);
+ New_Type_Decl (Create_Identifier ("BOUNDP"),
+ Info.T.Bounds_Ptr_Type);
+ Info.T.Base_Ptr_Type (Mode_Value) := New_Access_Type (O_Tnode_Null);
+ New_Type_Decl (Create_Identifier ("BASEP"),
+ Info.T.Base_Ptr_Type (Mode_Value));
+ Create_Array_Fat_Pointer (Info, Mode_Value);
+ New_Type_Decl
+ (Create_Identifier, Info.Ortho_Type (Mode_Value));
+ end Translate_Incomplete_Array_Type;
+ -- Declare the bounds types for DEF.
+ procedure Translate_Array_Type_Bounds
+ (Def : Iir_Array_Type_Definition;
+ Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Complete : Boolean)
+ is
+ Indexes_List : constant Iir_List :=
+ Get_Index_Subtype_Definition_List (Def);
+ Constr : O_Element_List;
+ Dim : String (1 .. 8);
+ N : Natural;
+ P : Natural;
+ Index : Iir;
+ Index_Info : Index_Info_Acc;
+ Index_Type_Mark : Iir;
+ begin
+ Start_Record_Type (Constr);
+ for I in Natural loop
+ Index_Type_Mark := Get_Nth_Element (Indexes_List, I);
+ exit when Index_Type_Mark = Null_Iir;
+ Index := Get_Index_Type (Index_Type_Mark);
+ -- Index comes from a type mark.
+ pragma Assert (not Is_Anonymous_Type_Definition (Index));
+ Index_Info := Add_Info (Index_Type_Mark, Kind_Index);
+ -- Build the name
+ N := I + 1;
+ P := Dim'Last;
+ loop
+ Dim (P) := Character'Val (Character'Pos ('0') + N mod 10);
+ P := P - 1;
+ N := N / 10;
+ exit when N = 0;
+ end loop;
+ P := P - 3;
+ Dim (P .. P + 3) := "dim_";
+ New_Record_Field (Constr, Index_Info.Index_Field,
+ Get_Identifier (Dim (P .. Dim'Last)),
+ Get_Info (Get_Base_Type (Index)).T.Range_Type);
+ end loop;
+ Finish_Record_Type (Constr, Info.T.Bounds_Type);
+ New_Type_Decl (Create_Identifier ("BOUND"),
+ Info.T.Bounds_Type);
+ if Complete then
+ Finish_Access_Type (Info.T.Bounds_Ptr_Type, Info.T.Bounds_Type);
+ else
+ Info.T.Bounds_Ptr_Type := New_Access_Type (Info.T.Bounds_Type);
+ New_Type_Decl (Create_Identifier ("BOUNDP"),
+ Info.T.Bounds_Ptr_Type);
+ end if;
+ end Translate_Array_Type_Bounds;
+ procedure Translate_Array_Type_Base
+ (Def : Iir_Array_Type_Definition;
+ Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Complete : Boolean)
+ is
+ El_Type : Iir;
+ El_Tinfo : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Id, Idptr : O_Ident;
+ begin
+ El_Type := Get_Element_Subtype (Def);
+ Translate_Type_Definition (El_Type, True);
+ El_Tinfo := Get_Info (El_Type);
+ if Is_Complex_Type (El_Tinfo) then
+ if El_Tinfo.Type_Mode = Type_Mode_Array then
+ Info.T.Base_Type := El_Tinfo.T.Base_Ptr_Type;
+ Info.T.Base_Ptr_Type := El_Tinfo.T.Base_Ptr_Type;
+ else
+ Info.T.Base_Type := El_Tinfo.Ortho_Ptr_Type;
+ Info.T.Base_Ptr_Type := El_Tinfo.Ortho_Ptr_Type;
+ end if;
+ else
+ for Kind in Mode_Value .. Type_To_Last_Object_Kind (Def) loop
+ case Kind is
+ when Mode_Value =>
+ -- For the values.
+ Id := Create_Identifier ("BASE");
+ if not Complete then
+ Idptr := Create_Identifier ("BASEP");
+ else
+ Idptr := O_Ident_Nul;
+ end if;
+ when Mode_Signal =>
+ -- For the signals
+ Id := Create_Identifier ("SIGBASE");
+ Idptr := Create_Identifier ("SIGBASEP");
+ end case;
+ Info.T.Base_Type (Kind) :=
+ New_Array_Type (El_Tinfo.Ortho_Type (Kind),
+ Ghdl_Index_Type);
+ New_Type_Decl (Id, Info.T.Base_Type (Kind));
+ if Is_Equal (Idptr, O_Ident_Nul) then
+ Finish_Access_Type (Info.T.Base_Ptr_Type (Kind),
+ Info.T.Base_Type (Kind));
+ else
+ Info.T.Base_Ptr_Type (Kind) :=
+ New_Access_Type (Info.T.Base_Type (Kind));
+ New_Type_Decl (Idptr, Info.T.Base_Ptr_Type (Kind));
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ end if;
+ end Translate_Array_Type_Base;
+ -- For unidimensional arrays: create a constant bounds whose length
+ -- is 1, for concatenation with element.
+ procedure Translate_Static_Unidimensional_Array_Length_One
+ (Def : Iir_Array_Type_Definition)
+ is
+ Indexes : constant Iir_List := Get_Index_Subtype_List (Def);
+ Index_Type : Iir;
+ Index_Base_Type : Iir;
+ Constr : O_Record_Aggr_List;
+ Constr1 : O_Record_Aggr_List;
+ Arr_Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Tinfo : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Irange : Iir;
+ Res1 : O_Cnode;
+ Res : O_Cnode;
+ begin
+ if Get_Nbr_Elements (Indexes) /= 1 then
+ -- Not a one-dimensional array.
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Index_Type := Get_Index_Type (Indexes, 0);
+ Arr_Info := Get_Info (Def);
+ if Get_Type_Staticness (Index_Type) = Locally then
+ if Global_Storage /= O_Storage_External then
+ Index_Base_Type := Get_Base_Type (Index_Type);
+ Tinfo := Get_Info (Index_Base_Type);
+ Irange := Get_Range_Constraint (Index_Type);
+ Start_Record_Aggr (Constr, Arr_Info.T.Bounds_Type);
+ Start_Record_Aggr (Constr1, Tinfo.T.Range_Type);
+ New_Record_Aggr_El
+ (Constr1,
+ Chap7.Translate_Static_Range_Left (Irange, Index_Base_Type));
+ New_Record_Aggr_El
+ (Constr1,
+ Chap7.Translate_Static_Range_Left (Irange, Index_Base_Type));
+ New_Record_Aggr_El
+ (Constr1, Chap7.Translate_Static_Range_Dir (Irange));
+ New_Record_Aggr_El
+ (Constr1, Ghdl_Index_1);
+ Finish_Record_Aggr (Constr1, Res1);
+ New_Record_Aggr_El (Constr, Res1);
+ Finish_Record_Aggr (Constr, Res);
+ else
+ Res := O_Cnode_Null;
+ end if;
+ Arr_Info.T.Array_1bound := Create_Global_Const
+ (Create_Identifier ("BR1"),
+ Arr_Info.T.Bounds_Type, Global_Storage, Res);
+ else
+ Arr_Info.T.Array_1bound := Create_Var
+ (Create_Var_Identifier ("BR1"),
+ Arr_Info.T.Bounds_Type, Global_Storage);
+ end if;
+ end Translate_Static_Unidimensional_Array_Length_One;
+ procedure Translate_Dynamic_Unidimensional_Array_Length_One
+ (Def : Iir_Array_Type_Definition)
+ is
+ Indexes : constant Iir_List := Get_Index_Subtype_List (Def);
+ Index_Type : Iir;
+ Arr_Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Bound1, Rng : Mnode;
+ begin
+ if Get_Nbr_Elements (Indexes) /= 1 then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Index_Type := Get_Index_Type (Indexes, 0);
+ if Get_Type_Staticness (Index_Type) = Locally then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Arr_Info := Get_Info (Def);
+ Open_Temp;
+ Bound1 := Varv2M (Arr_Info.T.Array_1bound, Arr_Info, Mode_Value,
+ Arr_Info.T.Bounds_Type, Arr_Info.T.Bounds_Ptr_Type);
+ Bound1 := Bounds_To_Range (Bound1, Def, 1);
+ Stabilize (Bound1);
+ Rng := Type_To_Range (Index_Type);
+ Stabilize (Rng);
+ New_Assign_Stmt (M2Lv (Range_To_Dir (Bound1)),
+ M2E (Range_To_Dir (Rng)));
+ New_Assign_Stmt (M2Lv (Range_To_Left (Bound1)),
+ M2E (Range_To_Left (Rng)));
+ New_Assign_Stmt (M2Lv (Range_To_Right (Bound1)),
+ M2E (Range_To_Left (Rng)));
+ New_Assign_Stmt (M2Lv (Range_To_Length (Bound1)),
+ New_Lit (Ghdl_Index_1));
+ Close_Temp;
+ end Translate_Dynamic_Unidimensional_Array_Length_One;
+ procedure Translate_Array_Type_Definition
+ (Def : Iir_Array_Type_Definition)
+ is
+ Info : constant Type_Info_Acc := Get_Info (Def);
+ -- If true, INFO was already partially filled, by a previous access
+ -- type definition to this incomplete array type.
+ Completion : constant Boolean := Info.Type_Mode = Type_Mode_Fat_Array;
+ El_Tinfo : Type_Info_Acc;
+ begin
+ if not Completion then
+ Info.Type_Mode := Type_Mode_Fat_Array;
+ Info.T := Ortho_Info_Type_Array_Init;
+ end if;
+ Translate_Array_Type_Base (Def, Info, Completion);
+ Translate_Array_Type_Bounds (Def, Info, Completion);
+ Info.Ortho_Type (Mode_Signal) := O_Tnode_Null;
+ if not Completion then
+ Create_Array_Fat_Pointer (Info, Mode_Value);
+ end if;
+ if Get_Has_Signal_Flag (Def) then
+ Create_Array_Fat_Pointer (Info, Mode_Signal);
+ end if;
+ Finish_Type_Definition (Info, Completion);
+ Translate_Static_Unidimensional_Array_Length_One (Def);
+ El_Tinfo := Get_Info (Get_Element_Subtype (Def));
+ if Is_Complex_Type (El_Tinfo) then
+ -- This is a complex type.
+ Info.C := new Complex_Type_Arr_Info;
+ -- No size variable for unconstrained array type.
+ for Mode in Object_Kind_Type loop
+ Info.C (Mode).Size_Var := Null_Var;
+ Info.C (Mode).Builder_Need_Func :=
+ El_Tinfo.C (Mode).Builder_Need_Func;
+ end loop;
+ end if;
+ Info.Type_Incomplete := False;
+ end Translate_Array_Type_Definition;
+ -- Get the length of DEF, ie the number of elements.
+ -- If the length is not statically defined, returns -1.
+ function Get_Array_Subtype_Length (Def : Iir_Array_Subtype_Definition)
+ return Iir_Int64
+ is
+ Indexes_List : constant Iir_List := Get_Index_Subtype_List (Def);
+ Index : Iir;
+ Len : Iir_Int64;
+ begin
+ -- Check if the bounds of the array are locally static.
+ Len := 1;
+ for I in Natural loop
+ Index := Get_Index_Type (Indexes_List, I);
+ exit when Index = Null_Iir;
+ if Get_Type_Staticness (Index) /= Locally then
+ return -1;
+ end if;
+ Len := Len * Eval_Discrete_Type_Length (Index);
+ end loop;
+ return Len;
+ end Get_Array_Subtype_Length;
+ procedure Translate_Array_Subtype_Definition
+ (Def : Iir_Array_Subtype_Definition)
+ is
+ Info : constant Type_Info_Acc := Get_Info (Def);
+ Base_Type : constant Iir := Get_Base_Type (Def);
+ Binfo : constant Type_Info_Acc := Get_Info (Base_Type);
+ Len : Iir_Int64;
+ Id : O_Ident;
+ begin
+ -- Note: info of indexes subtype are not created!
+ Len := Get_Array_Subtype_Length (Def);
+ Info.Type_Mode := Type_Mode_Array;
+ Info.Type_Locally_Constrained := (Len >= 0);
+ if Is_Complex_Type (Binfo)
+ or else not Info.Type_Locally_Constrained
+ then
+ -- This is a complex type as the size is not known at compile
+ -- time.
+ Info.Ortho_Type := Binfo.T.Base_Ptr_Type;
+ Info.Ortho_Ptr_Type := Binfo.T.Base_Ptr_Type;
+ Create_Size_Var (Def);
+ for Mode in Object_Kind_Type loop
+ Info.C (Mode).Builder_Need_Func :=
+ Is_Complex_Type (Binfo)
+ and then Binfo.C (Mode).Builder_Need_Func;
+ end loop;
+ else
+ -- Length is known. Create a constrained array.
+ Info.Ortho_Type (Mode_Signal) := O_Tnode_Null;
+ Info.Ortho_Ptr_Type := Binfo.T.Base_Ptr_Type;
+ for I in Mode_Value .. Type_To_Last_Object_Kind (Def) loop
+ case I is
+ when Mode_Value =>
+ Id := Create_Identifier;
+ when Mode_Signal =>
+ Id := Create_Identifier ("SIG");
+ end case;
+ Info.Ortho_Type (I) := New_Constrained_Array_Type
+ (Binfo.T.Base_Type (I),
+ New_Unsigned_Literal (Ghdl_Index_Type, Unsigned_64 (Len)));
+ New_Type_Decl (Id, Info.Ortho_Type (I));
+ end loop;
+ end if;
+ end Translate_Array_Subtype_Definition;
+ procedure Translate_Array_Subtype_Element_Subtype
+ (Def : Iir_Array_Subtype_Definition)
+ is
+ El_Type : constant Iir := Get_Element_Subtype (Def);
+ Type_Mark : constant Iir := Get_Denoted_Type_Mark (Def);
+ Tm_El_Type : Iir;
+ begin
+ if Type_Mark = Null_Iir then
+ -- Array subtype for constained array definition. Same element
+ -- subtype as the base type.
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Tm_El_Type := Get_Element_Subtype (Type_Mark);
+ if El_Type = Tm_El_Type then
+ -- Same element subtype as the type mark.
+ return;
+ end if;
+ case Get_Kind (El_Type) is
+ when Iir_Kinds_Scalar_Subtype_Definition =>
+ declare
+ El_Info : Ortho_Info_Acc;
+ begin
+ El_Info := Add_Info (El_Type, Kind_Type);
+ Create_Subtype_Info_From_Type
+ (El_Type, El_Info, Get_Info (Tm_El_Type));
+ end;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("translate_array_subtype_element_subtype", El_Type);
+ end case;
+ end Translate_Array_Subtype_Element_Subtype;
+ function Create_Static_Array_Subtype_Bounds
+ (Def : Iir_Array_Subtype_Definition)
+ return O_Cnode
+ is
+ Indexes_List : constant Iir_List := Get_Index_Subtype_List (Def);
+ Baseinfo : constant Type_Info_Acc := Get_Info (Get_Base_Type (Def));
+ Index : Iir;
+ List : O_Record_Aggr_List;
+ Res : O_Cnode;
+ begin
+ Start_Record_Aggr (List, Baseinfo.T.Bounds_Type);
+ for I in Natural loop
+ Index := Get_Index_Type (Indexes_List, I);
+ exit when Index = Null_Iir;
+ New_Record_Aggr_El
+ (List, Create_Static_Type_Definition_Type_Range (Index));
+ end loop;
+ Finish_Record_Aggr (List, Res);
+ return Res;
+ end Create_Static_Array_Subtype_Bounds;
+ procedure Create_Array_Subtype_Bounds
+ (Def : Iir_Array_Subtype_Definition; Target : O_Lnode)
+ is
+ Base_Type : constant Iir := Get_Base_Type (Def);
+ Baseinfo : constant Type_Info_Acc := Get_Info (Base_Type);
+ Indexes_List : constant Iir_List := Get_Index_Subtype_List (Def);
+ Indexes_Def_List : constant Iir_List :=
+ Get_Index_Subtype_Definition_List (Base_Type);
+ Index : Iir;
+ Targ : Mnode;
+ begin
+ Targ := Lv2M (Target, True,
+ Baseinfo.T.Bounds_Type,
+ Baseinfo.T.Bounds_Ptr_Type,
+ null, Mode_Value);
+ Open_Temp;
+ if Get_Nbr_Elements (Indexes_List) > 1 then
+ Targ := Stabilize (Targ);
+ end if;
+ for I in Natural loop
+ Index := Get_Index_Type (Indexes_List, I);
+ exit when Index = Null_Iir;
+ declare
+ Index_Type : constant Iir := Get_Base_Type (Index);
+ Index_Info : constant Type_Info_Acc := Get_Info (Index_Type);
+ Base_Index_Info : constant Index_Info_Acc :=
+ Get_Info (Get_Nth_Element (Indexes_Def_List, I));
+ D : O_Dnode;
+ begin
+ Open_Temp;
+ D := Create_Temp_Ptr
+ (Index_Info.T.Range_Ptr_Type,
+ New_Selected_Element (M2Lv (Targ),
+ Base_Index_Info.Index_Field));
+ Chap7.Translate_Discrete_Range_Ptr (D, Index);
+ Close_Temp;
+ end;
+ end loop;
+ Close_Temp;
+ end Create_Array_Subtype_Bounds;
+ -- Get staticness of the array bounds.
+ function Get_Array_Bounds_Staticness (Def : Iir) return Iir_Staticness
+ is
+ List : constant Iir_List := Get_Index_Subtype_List (Def);
+ Idx_Type : Iir;
+ begin
+ for I in Natural loop
+ Idx_Type := Get_Index_Type (List, I);
+ exit when Idx_Type = Null_Iir;
+ if Get_Type_Staticness (Idx_Type) /= Locally then
+ return Globally;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ return Locally;
+ end Get_Array_Bounds_Staticness;
+ -- Create a variable containing the bounds for array subtype DEF.
+ procedure Create_Array_Subtype_Bounds_Var
+ (Def : Iir; Elab_Now : Boolean)
+ is
+ Info : constant Type_Info_Acc := Get_Info (Def);
+ Base_Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Val : O_Cnode;
+ begin
+ if Info.T.Array_Bounds /= Null_Var then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Base_Info := Get_Info (Get_Base_Type (Def));
+ case Get_Array_Bounds_Staticness (Def) is
+ when None
+ | Globally =>
+ Info.T.Static_Bounds := False;
+ Info.T.Array_Bounds := Create_Var
+ (Create_Var_Identifier ("STB"), Base_Info.T.Bounds_Type);
+ if Elab_Now then
+ Create_Array_Subtype_Bounds
+ (Def, Get_Var (Info.T.Array_Bounds));
+ end if;
+ when Locally =>
+ Info.T.Static_Bounds := True;
+ if Global_Storage = O_Storage_External then
+ -- Do not create the value of the type desc, since it
+ -- is never dereferenced in a static type desc.
+ Val := O_Cnode_Null;
+ else
+ Val := Create_Static_Array_Subtype_Bounds (Def);
+ end if;
+ Info.T.Array_Bounds := Create_Global_Const
+ (Create_Identifier ("STB"),
+ Base_Info.T.Bounds_Type, Global_Storage, Val);
+ when Unknown =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ end Create_Array_Subtype_Bounds_Var;
+ procedure Create_Array_Type_Builder
+ (Def : Iir_Array_Type_Definition; Kind : Object_Kind_Type)
+ is
+ Info : constant Type_Info_Acc := Get_Info (Def);
+ Base : constant O_Dnode := Info.C (Kind).Builder_Base_Param;
+ Bound : constant O_Dnode := Info.C (Kind).Builder_Bound_Param;
+ Var_Off : O_Dnode;
+ Var_Mem : O_Dnode;
+ Var_Length : O_Dnode;
+ El_Type : Iir;
+ El_Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Label : O_Snode;
+ begin
+ Start_Subprogram_Body (Info.C (Kind).Builder_Func);
+ Subprgs.Start_Subprg_Instance_Use (Info.C (Kind).Builder_Instance);
+ -- Compute length of the array.
+ New_Var_Decl (Var_Length, Wki_Length, O_Storage_Local,
+ Ghdl_Index_Type);
+ New_Var_Decl (Var_Mem, Get_Identifier ("mem"), O_Storage_Local,
+ Info.T.Base_Ptr_Type (Kind));
+ New_Var_Decl (Var_Off, Get_Identifier ("off"), O_Storage_Local,
+ Ghdl_Index_Type);
+ El_Type := Get_Element_Subtype (Def);
+ El_Info := Get_Info (El_Type);
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (New_Obj (Var_Length),
+ New_Dyadic_Op (ON_Mul_Ov,
+ New_Value (Get_Var (El_Info.C (Kind).Size_Var)),
+ Get_Bounds_Length (Dp2M (Bound, Info,
+ Mode_Value,
+ Info.T.Bounds_Type,
+ Info.T.Bounds_Ptr_Type),
+ Def)));
+ -- Find the innermost non-array element.
+ while El_Info.Type_Mode = Type_Mode_Array loop
+ El_Type := Get_Element_Subtype (El_Type);
+ El_Info := Get_Info (El_Type);
+ end loop;
+ -- Set each index of the array.
+ Init_Var (Var_Off);
+ Start_Loop_Stmt (Label);
+ Gen_Exit_When (Label,
+ New_Compare_Op (ON_Eq,
+ New_Obj_Value (Var_Off),
+ New_Obj_Value (Var_Length),
+ Ghdl_Bool_Type));
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (New_Obj (Var_Mem),
+ New_Unchecked_Address
+ (New_Slice (New_Access_Element
+ (New_Convert_Ov (New_Obj_Value (Base),
+ Char_Ptr_Type)),
+ Chararray_Type,
+ New_Obj_Value (Var_Off)),
+ Info.T.Base_Ptr_Type (Kind)));
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (New_Obj (Var_Off),
+ New_Dyadic_Op (ON_Add_Ov,
+ New_Obj_Value (Var_Off),
+ Gen_Call_Type_Builder (Var_Mem, El_Type, Kind)));
+ Finish_Loop_Stmt (Label);
+ New_Return_Stmt (New_Obj_Value (Var_Off));
+ Subprgs.Finish_Subprg_Instance_Use (Info.C (Kind).Builder_Instance);
+ Finish_Subprogram_Body;
+ end Create_Array_Type_Builder;
+ --------------
+ -- record --
+ --------------
+ -- Get the alignment mask for *ortho* type ATYPE.
+ function Get_Type_Alignmask (Atype : O_Tnode) return O_Enode is
+ begin
+ return New_Dyadic_Op
+ (ON_Sub_Ov,
+ New_Lit (New_Alignof (Atype, Ghdl_Index_Type)),
+ New_Lit (Ghdl_Index_1));
+ end Get_Type_Alignmask;
+ -- Get the alignment mask for type INFO (Mode_Value).
+ function Get_Type_Alignmask (Info : Type_Info_Acc) return O_Enode is
+ begin
+ if Is_Complex_Type (Info) then
+ if Info.Type_Mode /= Type_Mode_Record then
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end if;
+ return New_Value (Get_Var (Info.C (Mode_Value).Align_Var));
+ else
+ return Get_Type_Alignmask (Info.Ortho_Type (Mode_Value));
+ end if;
+ end Get_Type_Alignmask;
+ -- Align VALUE (of unsigned type) for type ATYPE.
+ -- The formulae is: (V + (A - 1)) and not (A - 1), where A is the
+ -- alignment for ATYPE in bytes.
+ function Realign (Value : O_Enode; Atype : Iir) return O_Enode
+ is
+ Tinfo : constant Type_Info_Acc := Get_Info (Atype);
+ begin
+ return New_Dyadic_Op
+ (ON_And,
+ New_Dyadic_Op (ON_Add_Ov, Value, Get_Type_Alignmask (Tinfo)),
+ New_Monadic_Op (ON_Not, Get_Type_Alignmask (Tinfo)));
+ end Realign;
+ function Realign (Value : O_Enode; Mask : O_Dnode) return O_Enode is
+ begin
+ return New_Dyadic_Op
+ (ON_And,
+ New_Dyadic_Op (ON_Add_Ov, Value, New_Obj_Value (Mask)),
+ New_Monadic_Op (ON_Not, New_Obj_Value (Mask)));
+ end Realign;
+ -- Find the innermost non-array element.
+ function Get_Innermost_Non_Array_Element (Atype : Iir) return Iir
+ is
+ Res : Iir := Atype;
+ begin
+ while Get_Kind (Res) in Iir_Kinds_Array_Type_Definition loop
+ Res := Get_Element_Subtype (Res);
+ end loop;
+ return Res;
+ end Get_Innermost_Non_Array_Element;
+ procedure Translate_Record_Type (Def : Iir_Record_Type_Definition)
+ is
+ El_List : O_Element_List;
+ List : Iir_List;
+ El : Iir_Element_Declaration;
+ Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Field_Info : Ortho_Info_Acc;
+ El_Type : Iir;
+ El_Tinfo : Type_Info_Acc;
+ El_Tnode : O_Tnode;
+ -- True if a size variable will be created since the size of
+ -- the record is not known at compile-time.
+ Need_Size : Boolean;
+ Mark : Id_Mark_Type;
+ begin
+ Info := Get_Info (Def);
+ Need_Size := False;
+ List := Get_Elements_Declaration_List (Def);
+ -- First, translate the anonymous type of the elements.
+ for I in Natural loop
+ El := Get_Nth_Element (List, I);
+ exit when El = Null_Iir;
+ El_Type := Get_Type (El);
+ if Get_Info (El_Type) = null then
+ Push_Identifier_Prefix (Mark, Get_Identifier (El));
+ Translate_Type_Definition (El_Type);
+ Pop_Identifier_Prefix (Mark);
+ end if;
+ if not Need_Size and then Is_Complex_Type (Get_Info (El_Type)) then
+ Need_Size := True;
+ end if;
+ Field_Info := Add_Info (El, Kind_Field);
+ end loop;
+ -- Then create the record type.
+ Info.Ortho_Type (Mode_Signal) := O_Tnode_Null;
+ for Kind in Mode_Value .. Type_To_Last_Object_Kind (Def) loop
+ Start_Record_Type (El_List);
+ for I in Natural loop
+ El := Get_Nth_Element (List, I);
+ exit when El = Null_Iir;
+ Field_Info := Get_Info (El);
+ El_Tinfo := Get_Info (Get_Type (El));
+ if Is_Complex_Type (El_Tinfo) then
+ -- Always use an offset for a complex type.
+ El_Tnode := Ghdl_Index_Type;
+ else
+ El_Tnode := El_Tinfo.Ortho_Type (Kind);
+ end if;
+ New_Record_Field (El_List, Field_Info.Field_Node (Kind),
+ Create_Identifier_Without_Prefix (El),
+ El_Tnode);
+ end loop;
+ Finish_Record_Type (El_List, Info.Ortho_Type (Kind));
+ end loop;
+ Info.Type_Mode := Type_Mode_Record;
+ Finish_Type_Definition (Info);
+ if Need_Size then
+ Create_Size_Var (Def);
+ Info.C (Mode_Value).Align_Var := Create_Var
+ (Create_Var_Identifier ("ALIGNMSK"), Ghdl_Index_Type);
+ Info.C (Mode_Value).Builder_Need_Func := True;
+ Info.C (Mode_Signal).Builder_Need_Func := True;
+ end if;
+ end Translate_Record_Type;
+ procedure Create_Record_Type_Builder
+ (Def : Iir_Record_Type_Definition; Kind : Object_Kind_Type)
+ is
+ Info : constant Type_Info_Acc := Get_Info (Def);
+ Base : constant O_Dnode := Info.C (Kind).Builder_Base_Param;
+ List : Iir_List;
+ El : Iir_Element_Declaration;
+ Off_Var : O_Dnode;
+ Ptr_Var : O_Dnode;
+ Off_Val : O_Enode;
+ El_Type : Iir;
+ Inner_Type : Iir;
+ El_Tinfo : Type_Info_Acc;
+ begin
+ Start_Subprogram_Body (Info.C (Kind).Builder_Func);
+ Subprgs.Start_Subprg_Instance_Use (Info.C (Kind).Builder_Instance);
+ New_Var_Decl (Off_Var, Get_Identifier ("off"), O_Storage_Local,
+ Ghdl_Index_Type);
+ -- Reserve memory for the record, ie:
+ -- OFF = SIZEOF (record).
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (New_Obj (Off_Var),
+ New_Lit (New_Sizeof (Info.Ortho_Type (Kind),
+ Ghdl_Index_Type)));
+ -- Set memory for each complex element.
+ List := Get_Elements_Declaration_List (Def);
+ for I in Natural loop
+ El := Get_Nth_Element (List, I);
+ exit when El = Null_Iir;
+ El_Type := Get_Type (El);
+ El_Tinfo := Get_Info (El_Type);
+ if Is_Complex_Type (El_Tinfo) then
+ -- Complex type.
+ -- Align on the innermost array element (which should be
+ -- a record) for Mode_Value. No need to align for signals,
+ -- as all non-composite elements are accesses.
+ Inner_Type := Get_Innermost_Non_Array_Element (El_Type);
+ Off_Val := New_Obj_Value (Off_Var);
+ if Kind = Mode_Value then
+ Off_Val := Realign (Off_Val, Inner_Type);
+ end if;
+ New_Assign_Stmt (New_Obj (Off_Var), Off_Val);
+ -- Set the offset.
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (New_Selected_Element (New_Acc_Value (New_Obj (Base)),
+ Get_Info (El).Field_Node (Kind)),
+ New_Obj_Value (Off_Var));
+ if El_Tinfo.C (Kind).Builder_Need_Func then
+ -- This type needs a builder, call it.
+ Start_Declare_Stmt;
+ New_Var_Decl
+ (Ptr_Var, Get_Identifier ("var_ptr"),
+ O_Storage_Local, El_Tinfo.Ortho_Ptr_Type (Kind));
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (New_Obj (Ptr_Var),
+ M2E (Chap6.Translate_Selected_Element
+ (Dp2M (Base, Info, Kind), El)));
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (New_Obj (Off_Var),
+ New_Dyadic_Op (ON_Add_Ov,
+ New_Obj_Value (Off_Var),
+ Gen_Call_Type_Builder
+ (Ptr_Var, El_Type, Kind)));
+ Finish_Declare_Stmt;
+ else
+ -- Allocate memory.
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (New_Obj (Off_Var),
+ New_Dyadic_Op
+ (ON_Add_Ov,
+ New_Obj_Value (Off_Var),
+ New_Value (Get_Var (El_Tinfo.C (Kind).Size_Var))));
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ New_Return_Stmt (New_Value (Get_Var (Info.C (Kind).Size_Var)));
+ Subprgs.Finish_Subprg_Instance_Use (Info.C (Kind).Builder_Instance);
+ Finish_Subprogram_Body;
+ end Create_Record_Type_Builder;
+ --------------
+ -- Access --
+ --------------
+ procedure Translate_Access_Type (Def : Iir_Access_Type_Definition)
+ is
+ D_Type : constant Iir := Get_Designated_Type (Def);
+ D_Info : constant Ortho_Info_Acc := Get_Info (D_Type);
+ Def_Info : constant Type_Info_Acc := Get_Info (Def);
+ Dtype : O_Tnode;
+ Arr_Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ begin
+ if not Is_Fully_Constrained_Type (D_Type) then
+ -- An access type to an unconstrained type definition is a fat
+ -- pointer.
+ Def_Info.Type_Mode := Type_Mode_Fat_Acc;
+ if D_Info.Kind = Kind_Incomplete_Type then
+ Translate_Incomplete_Array_Type (D_Type);
+ Arr_Info := D_Info.Incomplete_Array;
+ Def_Info.Ortho_Type := Arr_Info.Ortho_Type;
+ Def_Info.T := Arr_Info.T;
+ else
+ Def_Info.Ortho_Type := D_Info.Ortho_Type;
+ Def_Info.T := D_Info.T;
+ end if;
+ Def_Info.Ortho_Ptr_Type (Mode_Value) :=
+ New_Access_Type (Def_Info.Ortho_Type (Mode_Value));
+ New_Type_Decl (Create_Identifier ("PTR"),
+ Def_Info.Ortho_Ptr_Type (Mode_Value));
+ else
+ -- Otherwise, it is a thin pointer.
+ Def_Info.Type_Mode := Type_Mode_Acc;
+ -- No access types for signals.
+ Def_Info.Ortho_Type (Mode_Signal) := O_Tnode_Null;
+ if D_Info.Kind = Kind_Incomplete_Type then
+ Dtype := O_Tnode_Null;
+ elsif Is_Complex_Type (D_Info) then
+ -- FIXME: clean here when the ortho_type of a array
+ -- complex_type is correctly set (not a pointer).
+ Def_Info.Ortho_Type (Mode_Value) :=
+ D_Info.Ortho_Ptr_Type (Mode_Value);
+ Finish_Type_Definition (Def_Info, True);
+ return;
+ elsif D_Info.Type_Mode in Type_Mode_Arrays then
+ -- The designated type cannot be a sub array inside ortho.
+ -- FIXME: lift this restriction.
+ Dtype := D_Info.T.Base_Type (Mode_Value);
+ else
+ Dtype := D_Info.Ortho_Type (Mode_Value);
+ end if;
+ Def_Info.Ortho_Type (Mode_Value) := New_Access_Type (Dtype);
+ Finish_Type_Definition (Def_Info);
+ end if;
+ end Translate_Access_Type;
+ ------------------------
+ -- Incomplete types --
+ ------------------------
+ procedure Translate_Incomplete_Type (Def : Iir)
+ is
+ -- Ftype : Iir;
+ -- Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Info : Incomplete_Type_Info_Acc;
+ Ctype : Iir;
+ begin
+ if Get_Nbr_Elements (Get_Incomplete_Type_List (Def)) = 0 then
+ -- FIXME:
+ -- This is a work-around for dummy incomplete type (ie incomplete
+ -- types not used before the full type declaration).
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Ctype := Get_Type (Get_Type_Declarator (Def));
+ Info := Add_Info (Ctype, Kind_Incomplete_Type);
+ Info.Incomplete_Type := Def;
+ Info.Incomplete_Array := null;
+ end Translate_Incomplete_Type;
+ -- CTYPE is the type which has been completed.
+ procedure Translate_Complete_Type
+ (Incomplete_Info : in out Incomplete_Type_Info_Acc; Ctype : Iir)
+ is
+ List : Iir_List;
+ Atype : Iir;
+ Def_Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ C_Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Dtype : O_Tnode;
+ begin
+ C_Info := Get_Info (Ctype);
+ List := Get_Incomplete_Type_List (Incomplete_Info.Incomplete_Type);
+ for I in Natural loop
+ Atype := Get_Nth_Element (List, I);
+ exit when Atype = Null_Iir;
+ if Get_Kind (Atype) /= Iir_Kind_Access_Type_Definition then
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end if;
+ Def_Info := Get_Info (Atype);
+ case C_Info.Type_Mode is
+ when Type_Mode_Arrays =>
+ Dtype := C_Info.T.Base_Type (Mode_Value);
+ when others =>
+ Dtype := C_Info.Ortho_Type (Mode_Value);
+ end case;
+ Finish_Access_Type (Def_Info.Ortho_Type (Mode_Value), Dtype);
+ end loop;
+ Unchecked_Deallocation (Incomplete_Info);
+ end Translate_Complete_Type;
+ -----------------
+ -- protected --
+ -----------------
+ procedure Translate_Protected_Type (Def : Iir_Protected_Type_Declaration)
+ is
+ Info : constant Type_Info_Acc := Get_Info (Def);
+ Mark : Id_Mark_Type;
+ begin
+ New_Uncomplete_Record_Type (Info.Ortho_Type (Mode_Value));
+ New_Type_Decl (Create_Identifier, Info.Ortho_Type (Mode_Value));
+ Info.Ortho_Ptr_Type (Mode_Value) :=
+ New_Access_Type (Info.Ortho_Type (Mode_Value));
+ New_Type_Decl (Create_Identifier ("PTR"),
+ Info.Ortho_Ptr_Type (Mode_Value));
+ Info.Ortho_Type (Mode_Signal) := O_Tnode_Null;
+ Info.Ortho_Ptr_Type (Mode_Signal) := O_Tnode_Null;
+ Info.Type_Mode := Type_Mode_Protected;
+ -- A protected type is a complex type, as its size is not known
+ -- at definition point (will be known at body declaration).
+ Info.C := new Complex_Type_Arr_Info;
+ Info.C (Mode_Value).Builder_Need_Func := False;
+ -- This is just use to set overload number on subprograms, and to
+ -- translate interfaces.
+ Push_Identifier_Prefix
+ (Mark, Get_Identifier (Get_Type_Declarator (Def)));
+ Chap4.Translate_Declaration_Chain (Def);
+ Pop_Identifier_Prefix (Mark);
+ end Translate_Protected_Type;
+ procedure Translate_Protected_Type_Subprograms
+ (Def : Iir_Protected_Type_Declaration)
+ is
+ Info : constant Type_Info_Acc := Get_Info (Def);
+ El : Iir;
+ Inter_List : O_Inter_List;
+ Mark : Id_Mark_Type;
+ Prev_Subprg_Instance : Subprgs.Subprg_Instance_Stack;
+ begin
+ Push_Identifier_Prefix
+ (Mark, Get_Identifier (Get_Type_Declarator (Def)));
+ -- Init.
+ Start_Function_Decl
+ (Inter_List, Create_Identifier ("INIT"), Global_Storage,
+ Info.Ortho_Ptr_Type (Mode_Value));
+ Subprgs.Add_Subprg_Instance_Interfaces
+ (Inter_List, Info.T.Prot_Init_Instance);
+ Finish_Subprogram_Decl (Inter_List, Info.T.Prot_Init_Subprg);
+ -- Use the object as instance.
+ Subprgs.Push_Subprg_Instance (Info.T.Prot_Scope'Unrestricted_Access,
+ Info.Ortho_Ptr_Type (Mode_Value),
+ Wki_Obj,
+ Prev_Subprg_Instance);
+ -- Final.
+ Start_Procedure_Decl
+ (Inter_List, Create_Identifier ("FINI"), Global_Storage);
+ Subprgs.Add_Subprg_Instance_Interfaces
+ (Inter_List, Info.T.Prot_Final_Instance);
+ Finish_Subprogram_Decl (Inter_List, Info.T.Prot_Final_Subprg);
+ -- Methods.
+ El := Get_Declaration_Chain (Def);
+ while El /= Null_Iir loop
+ case Get_Kind (El) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Function_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Procedure_Declaration =>
+ -- Translate only if used.
+ if Get_Info (El) /= null then
+ Chap2.Translate_Subprogram_Declaration (El);
+ end if;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("translate_protected_type_subprograms", El);
+ end case;
+ El := Get_Chain (El);
+ end loop;
+ Subprgs.Pop_Subprg_Instance (Wki_Obj, Prev_Subprg_Instance);
+ Pop_Identifier_Prefix (Mark);
+ end Translate_Protected_Type_Subprograms;
+ procedure Translate_Protected_Type_Body (Bod : Iir)
+ is
+ Decl : constant Iir_Protected_Type_Declaration :=
+ Get_Protected_Type_Declaration (Bod);
+ Info : constant Type_Info_Acc := Get_Info (Decl);
+ Mark : Id_Mark_Type;
+ begin
+ Push_Identifier_Prefix (Mark, Get_Identifier (Bod));
+ -- Create the object type
+ Push_Instance_Factory (Info.T.Prot_Scope'Unrestricted_Access);
+ -- First, the previous instance.
+ Subprgs.Add_Subprg_Instance_Field (Info.T.Prot_Subprg_Instance_Field);
+ -- Then the object lock
+ Info.T.Prot_Lock_Field := Add_Instance_Factory_Field
+ (Get_Identifier ("LOCK"), Ghdl_Ptr_Type);
+ -- Translate declarations.
+ Chap4.Translate_Declaration_Chain (Bod);
+ Pop_Instance_Factory (Info.T.Prot_Scope'Unrestricted_Access);
+ Info.Ortho_Type (Mode_Value) := Get_Scope_Type (Info.T.Prot_Scope);
+ Pop_Identifier_Prefix (Mark);
+ end Translate_Protected_Type_Body;
+ procedure Call_Ghdl_Protected_Procedure (Type_Def : Iir; Proc : O_Dnode)
+ is
+ Info : constant Type_Info_Acc := Get_Info (Type_Def);
+ Assoc : O_Assoc_List;
+ begin
+ Start_Association (Assoc, Proc);
+ New_Association
+ (Assoc,
+ New_Unchecked_Address
+ (New_Selected_Element
+ (Get_Instance_Ref (Info.T.Prot_Scope),
+ Info.T.Prot_Lock_Field),
+ Ghdl_Ptr_Type));
+ New_Procedure_Call (Assoc);
+ end Call_Ghdl_Protected_Procedure;
+ procedure Translate_Protected_Type_Body_Subprograms (Bod : Iir)
+ is
+ Mark : Id_Mark_Type;
+ Decl : constant Iir := Get_Protected_Type_Declaration (Bod);
+ Info : constant Type_Info_Acc := Get_Info (Decl);
+ Final : Boolean;
+ Prev_Subprg_Instance : Subprgs.Subprg_Instance_Stack;
+ begin
+ Push_Identifier_Prefix (Mark, Get_Identifier (Bod));
+ -- Subprograms of BOD.
+ Subprgs.Push_Subprg_Instance (Info.T.Prot_Scope'Unrestricted_Access,
+ Info.Ortho_Ptr_Type (Mode_Value),
+ Wki_Obj,
+ Prev_Subprg_Instance);
+ Subprgs.Start_Prev_Subprg_Instance_Use_Via_Field
+ (Prev_Subprg_Instance, Info.T.Prot_Subprg_Instance_Field);
+ Chap4.Translate_Declaration_Chain_Subprograms (Bod);
+ Subprgs.Finish_Prev_Subprg_Instance_Use_Via_Field
+ (Prev_Subprg_Instance, Info.T.Prot_Subprg_Instance_Field);
+ Subprgs.Pop_Subprg_Instance (Wki_Obj, Prev_Subprg_Instance);
+ Pop_Identifier_Prefix (Mark);
+ if Global_Storage = O_Storage_External then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ -- Init subprogram
+ declare
+ Var_Obj : O_Dnode;
+ begin
+ Start_Subprogram_Body (Info.T.Prot_Init_Subprg);
+ Subprgs.Start_Subprg_Instance_Use (Info.T.Prot_Init_Instance);
+ New_Var_Decl (Var_Obj, Wki_Obj, O_Storage_Local,
+ Info.Ortho_Ptr_Type (Mode_Value));
+ -- Allocate the object
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (New_Obj (Var_Obj),
+ Gen_Alloc (Alloc_System,
+ New_Lit (New_Sizeof (Info.Ortho_Type (Mode_Value),
+ Ghdl_Index_Type)),
+ Info.Ortho_Ptr_Type (Mode_Value)));
+ Subprgs.Set_Subprg_Instance_Field
+ (Var_Obj, Info.T.Prot_Subprg_Instance_Field,
+ Info.T.Prot_Init_Instance);
+ Set_Scope_Via_Param_Ptr (Info.T.Prot_Scope, Var_Obj);
+ -- Create lock.
+ Call_Ghdl_Protected_Procedure (Decl, Ghdl_Protected_Init);
+ -- Elaborate fields.
+ Open_Temp;
+ Chap4.Elab_Declaration_Chain (Bod, Final);
+ Close_Temp;
+ Clear_Scope (Info.T.Prot_Scope);
+ New_Return_Stmt (New_Obj_Value (Var_Obj));
+ Subprgs.Finish_Subprg_Instance_Use (Info.T.Prot_Init_Instance);
+ Finish_Subprogram_Body;
+ end;
+ -- Fini subprogram
+ begin
+ Start_Subprogram_Body (Info.T.Prot_Final_Subprg);
+ Subprgs.Start_Subprg_Instance_Use (Info.T.Prot_Final_Instance);
+ -- Deallocate fields.
+ if Final or True then
+ Chap4.Final_Declaration_Chain (Bod, True);
+ end if;
+ -- Destroy lock.
+ Call_Ghdl_Protected_Procedure (Decl, Ghdl_Protected_Fini);
+ Subprgs.Finish_Subprg_Instance_Use (Info.T.Prot_Final_Instance);
+ Finish_Subprogram_Body;
+ end;
+ end Translate_Protected_Type_Body_Subprograms;
+ ---------------
+ -- Scalars --
+ ---------------
+ -- Create a type_range structure.
+ procedure Create_Scalar_Type_Range (Def : Iir; Target : O_Lnode)
+ is
+ T_Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Base_Type : Iir;
+ Expr : Iir;
+ V : O_Dnode;
+ begin
+ Base_Type := Get_Base_Type (Def);
+ T_Info := Get_Info (Base_Type);
+ Expr := Get_Range_Constraint (Def);
+ Open_Temp;
+ V := Create_Temp_Ptr (T_Info.T.Range_Ptr_Type, Target);
+ Chap7.Translate_Range_Ptr (V, Expr, Def);
+ Close_Temp;
+ end Create_Scalar_Type_Range;
+ function Create_Static_Scalar_Type_Range (Def : Iir) return O_Cnode is
+ begin
+ return Chap7.Translate_Static_Range (Get_Range_Constraint (Def),
+ Get_Base_Type (Def));
+ end Create_Static_Scalar_Type_Range;
+ procedure Create_Scalar_Type_Range_Type
+ (Def : Iir; With_Length : Boolean)
+ is
+ Constr : O_Element_List;
+ Info : Ortho_Info_Acc;
+ begin
+ Info := Get_Info (Def);
+ Start_Record_Type (Constr);
+ New_Record_Field
+ (Constr, Info.T.Range_Left, Wki_Left,
+ Info.Ortho_Type (Mode_Value));
+ New_Record_Field
+ (Constr, Info.T.Range_Right, Wki_Right,
+ Info.Ortho_Type (Mode_Value));
+ New_Record_Field
+ (Constr, Info.T.Range_Dir, Wki_Dir, Ghdl_Dir_Type_Node);
+ if With_Length then
+ New_Record_Field
+ (Constr, Info.T.Range_Length, Wki_Length, Ghdl_Index_Type);
+ else
+ Info.T.Range_Length := O_Fnode_Null;
+ end if;
+ Finish_Record_Type (Constr, Info.T.Range_Type);
+ New_Type_Decl (Create_Identifier ("TRT"), Info.T.Range_Type);
+ Info.T.Range_Ptr_Type := New_Access_Type (Info.T.Range_Type);
+ New_Type_Decl (Create_Identifier ("TRPTR"),
+ Info.T.Range_Ptr_Type);
+ end Create_Scalar_Type_Range_Type;
+ function Create_Static_Type_Definition_Type_Range (Def : Iir)
+ return O_Cnode
+ is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Def) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Type_Definition
+ | Iir_Kinds_Scalar_Subtype_Definition =>
+ return Create_Static_Scalar_Type_Range (Def);
+ when Iir_Kind_Array_Subtype_Definition =>
+ return Create_Static_Array_Subtype_Bounds (Def);
+ when Iir_Kind_Array_Type_Definition =>
+ return O_Cnode_Null;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("create_static_type_definition_type_range", Def);
+ end case;
+ end Create_Static_Type_Definition_Type_Range;
+ procedure Create_Type_Definition_Type_Range (Def : Iir)
+ is
+ Target : O_Lnode;
+ Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Def) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Type_Definition
+ | Iir_Kinds_Scalar_Subtype_Definition =>
+ Target := Get_Var (Get_Info (Def).T.Range_Var);
+ Create_Scalar_Type_Range (Def, Target);
+ when Iir_Kind_Array_Subtype_Definition =>
+ if Get_Constraint_State (Def) = Fully_Constrained then
+ Info := Get_Info (Def);
+ if not Info.T.Static_Bounds then
+ Target := Get_Var (Info.T.Array_Bounds);
+ Create_Array_Subtype_Bounds (Def, Target);
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ when Iir_Kind_Array_Type_Definition =>
+ declare
+ Index_List : constant Iir_List :=
+ Get_Index_Subtype_List (Def);
+ Index : Iir;
+ begin
+ for I in Natural loop
+ Index := Get_Index_Type (Index_List, I);
+ exit when Index = Null_Iir;
+ if Is_Anonymous_Type_Definition (Index) then
+ Create_Type_Definition_Type_Range (Index);
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ end;
+ Translate_Dynamic_Unidimensional_Array_Length_One (Def);
+ return;
+ when Iir_Kind_Access_Type_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Access_Subtype_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_File_Type_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Record_Type_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Record_Subtype_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Protected_Type_Declaration =>
+ return;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("create_type_definition_type_range", Def);
+ end case;
+ end Create_Type_Definition_Type_Range;
+ -- Return TRUE iff LIT is equal to the high (IS_HI=TRUE) or low
+ -- (IS_HI=false) limit of the base type of DEF. MODE is the mode of
+ -- DEF.
+ function Is_Equal_Limit (Lit : Iir;
+ Is_Hi : Boolean;
+ Def : Iir;
+ Mode : Type_Mode_Type) return Boolean
+ is
+ begin
+ case Mode is
+ when Type_Mode_B1 =>
+ declare
+ V : Iir_Int32;
+ begin
+ V := Iir_Int32 (Eval_Pos (Lit));
+ if Is_Hi then
+ return V = 1;
+ else
+ return V = 0;
+ end if;
+ end;
+ when Type_Mode_E8 =>
+ declare
+ V : Iir_Int32;
+ Base_Type : Iir;
+ begin
+ V := Iir_Int32 (Eval_Pos (Lit));
+ if Is_Hi then
+ Base_Type := Get_Base_Type (Def);
+ return V = Iir_Int32
+ (Get_Nbr_Elements
+ (Get_Enumeration_Literal_List (Base_Type))) - 1;
+ else
+ return V = 0;
+ end if;
+ end;
+ when Type_Mode_I32 =>
+ declare
+ V : Iir_Int32;
+ begin
+ V := Iir_Int32 (Get_Value (Lit));
+ if Is_Hi then
+ return V = Iir_Int32'Last;
+ else
+ return V = Iir_Int32'First;
+ end if;
+ end;
+ when Type_Mode_P32 =>
+ declare
+ V : Iir_Int32;
+ begin
+ V := Iir_Int32 (Get_Physical_Value (Lit));
+ if Is_Hi then
+ return V = Iir_Int32'Last;
+ else
+ return V = Iir_Int32'First;
+ end if;
+ end;
+ when Type_Mode_I64 =>
+ declare
+ V : Iir_Int64;
+ begin
+ V := Get_Value (Lit);
+ if Is_Hi then
+ return V = Iir_Int64'Last;
+ else
+ return V = Iir_Int64'First;
+ end if;
+ end;
+ when Type_Mode_P64 =>
+ declare
+ V : Iir_Int64;
+ begin
+ V := Get_Physical_Value (Lit);
+ if Is_Hi then
+ return V = Iir_Int64'Last;
+ else
+ return V = Iir_Int64'First;
+ end if;
+ end;
+ when Type_Mode_F64 =>
+ declare
+ V : Iir_Fp64;
+ begin
+ V := Get_Fp_Value (Lit);
+ if Is_Hi then
+ return V = Iir_Fp64'Last;
+ else
+ return V = Iir_Fp64'First;
+ end if;
+ end;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("is_equal_limit " & Type_Mode_Type'Image (Mode),
+ Lit);
+ end case;
+ end Is_Equal_Limit;
+ -- For scalar subtypes: creates info from the base type.
+ procedure Create_Subtype_Info_From_Type (Def : Iir;
+ Subtype_Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Base_Info : Type_Info_Acc)
+ is
+ Rng : Iir;
+ Lo, Hi : Iir;
+ begin
+ Subtype_Info.Ortho_Type := Base_Info.Ortho_Type;
+ Subtype_Info.Ortho_Ptr_Type := Base_Info.Ortho_Ptr_Type;
+ Subtype_Info.Type_Mode := Base_Info.Type_Mode;
+ Subtype_Info.T := Base_Info.T;
+ Rng := Get_Range_Constraint (Def);
+ if Get_Expr_Staticness (Rng) /= Locally then
+ -- Bounds are not known.
+ -- Do the checks.
+ Subtype_Info.T.Nocheck_Hi := False;
+ Subtype_Info.T.Nocheck_Low := False;
+ else
+ -- Bounds are locally static.
+ Get_Low_High_Limit (Rng, Lo, Hi);
+ Subtype_Info.T.Nocheck_Hi :=
+ Is_Equal_Limit (Hi, True, Def, Base_Info.Type_Mode);
+ Subtype_Info.T.Nocheck_Low :=
+ Is_Equal_Limit (Lo, False, Def, Base_Info.Type_Mode);
+ end if;
+ end Create_Subtype_Info_From_Type;
+ procedure Create_Record_Size_Var (Def : Iir; Kind : Object_Kind_Type)
+ is
+ Info : constant Type_Info_Acc := Get_Info (Def);
+ List : constant Iir_List :=
+ Get_Elements_Declaration_List (Get_Base_Type (Def));
+ El : Iir_Element_Declaration;
+ El_Type : Iir;
+ El_Tinfo : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Inner_Type : Iir;
+ Inner_Tinfo : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Res : O_Enode;
+ Align_Var : O_Dnode;
+ If_Blk : O_If_Block;
+ begin
+ Open_Temp;
+ -- Start with the size of the 'base' record, that
+ -- contains all non-complex types and an offset for
+ -- each complex types.
+ Res := New_Lit (New_Sizeof (Info.Ortho_Type (Kind), Ghdl_Index_Type));
+ -- Start with alignment of the record.
+ -- ALIGN = ALIGNOF (record)
+ if Kind = Mode_Value then
+ Align_Var := Create_Temp (Ghdl_Index_Type);
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (New_Obj (Align_Var),
+ Get_Type_Alignmask (Info.Ortho_Type (Kind)));
+ end if;
+ for I in Natural loop
+ El := Get_Nth_Element (List, I);
+ exit when El = Null_Iir;
+ El_Type := Get_Type (El);
+ El_Tinfo := Get_Info (El_Type);
+ if Is_Complex_Type (El_Tinfo) then
+ Inner_Type := Get_Innermost_Non_Array_Element (El_Type);
+ -- Align (only for Mode_Value) the size,
+ -- and add the size of the element.
+ if Kind = Mode_Value then
+ Inner_Tinfo := Get_Info (Inner_Type);
+ -- If alignmask (Inner_Type) > alignmask then
+ -- alignmask = alignmask (Inner_type);
+ -- end if;
+ Start_If_Stmt
+ (If_Blk,
+ New_Compare_Op (ON_Gt,
+ Get_Type_Alignmask (Inner_Tinfo),
+ New_Obj_Value (Align_Var),
+ Ghdl_Bool_Type));
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (New_Obj (Align_Var), Get_Type_Alignmask (Inner_Tinfo));
+ Finish_If_Stmt (If_Blk);
+ Res := Realign (Res, Inner_Type);
+ end if;
+ Res := New_Dyadic_Op
+ (ON_Add_Ov,
+ New_Value (Get_Var (El_Tinfo.C (Kind).Size_Var)),
+ Res);
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ if Kind = Mode_Value then
+ Res := Realign (Res, Align_Var);
+ end if;
+ New_Assign_Stmt (Get_Var (Info.C (Kind).Size_Var), Res);
+ Close_Temp;
+ end Create_Record_Size_Var;
+ procedure Create_Array_Size_Var (Def : Iir; Kind : Object_Kind_Type)
+ is
+ Info : constant Type_Info_Acc := Get_Info (Def);
+ El_Type : constant Iir := Get_Element_Subtype (Def);
+ Res : O_Enode;
+ begin
+ Res := New_Dyadic_Op
+ (ON_Mul_Ov,
+ Get_Array_Type_Length (Def),
+ Chap3.Get_Object_Size (T2M (El_Type, Kind), El_Type));
+ New_Assign_Stmt (Get_Var (Info.C (Kind).Size_Var), Res);
+ end Create_Array_Size_Var;
+ procedure Create_Type_Definition_Size_Var (Def : Iir)
+ is
+ Info : constant Type_Info_Acc := Get_Info (Def);
+ begin
+ if not Is_Complex_Type (Info) then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ for Kind in Mode_Value .. Type_To_Last_Object_Kind (Def) loop
+ if Info.C (Kind).Size_Var /= Null_Var then
+ case Info.Type_Mode is
+ when Type_Mode_Non_Composite
+ | Type_Mode_Fat_Array
+ | Type_Mode_Unknown
+ | Type_Mode_Protected =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ when Type_Mode_Record =>
+ Create_Record_Size_Var (Def, Kind);
+ when Type_Mode_Array =>
+ Create_Array_Size_Var (Def, Kind);
+ end case;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ end Create_Type_Definition_Size_Var;
+ procedure Create_Type_Range_Var (Def : Iir)
+ is
+ Info : constant Type_Info_Acc := Get_Info (Def);
+ Base_Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Val : O_Cnode;
+ Suffix : String (1 .. 3) := "xTR";
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Def) is
+ when Iir_Kinds_Subtype_Definition =>
+ Suffix (1) := 'S'; -- "STR";
+ when Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Type_Definition =>
+ Suffix (1) := 'B'; -- "BTR";
+ when others =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ Base_Info := Get_Info (Get_Base_Type (Def));
+ case Get_Type_Staticness (Def) is
+ when None
+ | Globally =>
+ Info.T.Range_Var := Create_Var
+ (Create_Var_Identifier (Suffix), Base_Info.T.Range_Type);
+ when Locally =>
+ if Global_Storage = O_Storage_External then
+ -- Do not create the value of the type desc, since it
+ -- is never dereferenced in a static type desc.
+ Val := O_Cnode_Null;
+ else
+ Val := Create_Static_Type_Definition_Type_Range (Def);
+ end if;
+ Info.T.Range_Var := Create_Global_Const
+ (Create_Identifier (Suffix),
+ Base_Info.T.Range_Type, Global_Storage, Val);
+ when Unknown =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ end Create_Type_Range_Var;
+ -- Call HANDLE_A_SUBTYPE for all type/subtypes declared with DEF
+ -- (of course, this is a noop if DEF is not a composite type).
+ generic
+ with procedure Handle_A_Subtype (Atype : Iir);
+ procedure Handle_Anonymous_Subtypes (Def : Iir);
+ procedure Handle_Anonymous_Subtypes (Def : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Def) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Array_Type_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Array_Subtype_Definition =>
+ declare
+ Asub : Iir;
+ begin
+ Asub := Get_Element_Subtype (Def);
+ if Is_Anonymous_Type_Definition (Asub) then
+ Handle_A_Subtype (Asub);
+ end if;
+ end;
+ when Iir_Kind_Record_Type_Definition =>
+ declare
+ El : Iir;
+ Asub : Iir;
+ List : Iir_List;
+ begin
+ List := Get_Elements_Declaration_List (Def);
+ for I in Natural loop
+ El := Get_Nth_Element (List, I);
+ exit when El = Null_Iir;
+ Asub := Get_Type (El);
+ if Is_Anonymous_Type_Definition (Asub) then
+ Handle_A_Subtype (Asub);
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ end;
+ when others =>
+ null;
+ end case;
+ end Handle_Anonymous_Subtypes;
+ -- Note: boolean types are translated by translate_bool_type_definition!
+ procedure Translate_Type_Definition
+ (Def : Iir; With_Vars : Boolean := True)
+ is
+ Info : Ortho_Info_Acc;
+ Base_Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Base_Type : Iir;
+ Complete_Info : Incomplete_Type_Info_Acc;
+ begin
+ -- Handle the special case of incomplete type.
+ if Get_Kind (Def) = Iir_Kind_Incomplete_Type_Definition then
+ Translate_Incomplete_Type (Def);
+ return;
+ end if;
+ -- If the definition is already translated, return now.
+ Info := Get_Info (Def);
+ if Info /= null then
+ if Info.Kind = Kind_Type then
+ -- The subtype was already translated.
+ return;
+ end if;
+ if Info.Kind = Kind_Incomplete_Type then
+ -- Type is being completed.
+ Complete_Info := Info;
+ Clear_Info (Def);
+ if Complete_Info.Incomplete_Array /= null then
+ Info := Complete_Info.Incomplete_Array;
+ Set_Info (Def, Info);
+ Unchecked_Deallocation (Complete_Info);
+ else
+ Info := Add_Info (Def, Kind_Type);
+ end if;
+ else
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end if;
+ else
+ Complete_Info := null;
+ Info := Add_Info (Def, Kind_Type);
+ end if;
+ Base_Type := Get_Base_Type (Def);
+ Base_Info := Get_Info (Base_Type);
+ case Get_Kind (Def) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Type_Definition =>
+ Translate_Enumeration_Type (Def);
+ Create_Scalar_Type_Range_Type (Def, True);
+ Create_Type_Range_Var (Def);
+ --Create_Type_Desc_Var (Def);
+ when Iir_Kind_Integer_Type_Definition =>
+ Translate_Integer_Type (Def);
+ Create_Scalar_Type_Range_Type (Def, True);
+ when Iir_Kind_Physical_Type_Definition =>
+ Translate_Physical_Type (Def);
+ Create_Scalar_Type_Range_Type (Def, False);
+ if With_Vars and Get_Type_Staticness (Def) /= Locally then
+ Translate_Physical_Units (Def);
+ else
+ Info.T.Range_Var := Null_Var;
+ end if;
+ when Iir_Kind_Floating_Type_Definition =>
+ Translate_Floating_Type (Def);
+ Create_Scalar_Type_Range_Type (Def, False);
+ when Iir_Kinds_Scalar_Subtype_Definition =>
+ Create_Subtype_Info_From_Type (Def, Info, Base_Info);
+ if With_Vars then
+ Create_Type_Range_Var (Def);
+ else
+ Info.T.Range_Var := Null_Var;
+ end if;
+ when Iir_Kind_Array_Type_Definition =>
+ declare
+ El_Type : Iir;
+ Mark : Id_Mark_Type;
+ begin
+ El_Type := Get_Element_Subtype (Def);
+ if Get_Info (El_Type) = null then
+ Push_Identifier_Prefix (Mark, "ET");
+ Translate_Type_Definition (El_Type);
+ Pop_Identifier_Prefix (Mark);
+ end if;
+ end;
+ Translate_Array_Type_Definition (Def);
+ when Iir_Kind_Array_Subtype_Definition =>
+ if Get_Index_Constraint_Flag (Def) then
+ if Base_Info = null or else Base_Info.Type_Incomplete then
+ declare
+ Mark : Id_Mark_Type;
+ begin
+ Push_Identifier_Prefix (Mark, "BT");
+ Translate_Type_Definition (Base_Type);
+ Pop_Identifier_Prefix (Mark);
+ Base_Info := Get_Info (Base_Type);
+ end;
+ end if;
+ Translate_Array_Subtype_Definition (Def);
+ Info.T := Base_Info.T;
+ --Info.Type_Range_Type := Base_Info.Type_Range_Type;
+ if With_Vars then
+ Create_Array_Subtype_Bounds_Var (Def, False);
+ end if;
+ else
+ -- An unconstrained array subtype. Use same infos as base
+ -- type.
+ Free_Info (Def);
+ Set_Info (Def, Base_Info);
+ end if;
+ Translate_Array_Subtype_Element_Subtype (Def);
+ when Iir_Kind_Record_Type_Definition =>
+ Translate_Record_Type (Def);
+ Info.T := Ortho_Info_Type_Record_Init;
+ when Iir_Kind_Record_Subtype_Definition
+ | Iir_Kind_Access_Subtype_Definition =>
+ Free_Info (Def);
+ Set_Info (Def, Base_Info);
+ when Iir_Kind_Access_Type_Definition =>
+ declare
+ Dtype : constant Iir := Get_Designated_Type (Def);
+ begin
+ -- Translate the subtype
+ if Is_Anonymous_Type_Definition (Dtype) then
+ Translate_Type_Definition (Dtype);
+ end if;
+ Translate_Access_Type (Def);
+ end;
+ when Iir_Kind_File_Type_Definition =>
+ Translate_File_Type (Def);
+ Info.T := Ortho_Info_Type_File_Init;
+ if With_Vars then
+ Create_File_Type_Var (Def);
+ end if;
+ when Iir_Kind_Protected_Type_Declaration =>
+ Translate_Protected_Type (Def);
+ Info.T := Ortho_Info_Type_Prot_Init;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("translate_type_definition", Def);
+ end case;
+ if Complete_Info /= null then
+ Translate_Complete_Type (Complete_Info, Def);
+ end if;
+ end Translate_Type_Definition;
+ procedure Translate_Bool_Type_Definition (Def : Iir)
+ is
+ Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ begin
+ -- If the definition is already translated, return now.
+ Info := Get_Info (Def);
+ if Info /= null then
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end if;
+ Info := Add_Info (Def, Kind_Type);
+ if Get_Kind (Def) /= Iir_Kind_Enumeration_Type_Definition then
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end if;
+ Translate_Bool_Type (Def);
+ -- This is usually done in translate_type_definition, but boolean
+ -- types are not handled by translate_type_definition.
+ Create_Scalar_Type_Range_Type (Def, True);
+ end Translate_Bool_Type_Definition;
+ procedure Translate_Type_Subprograms (Decl : Iir)
+ is
+ Def : Iir;
+ Tinfo : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Id : Name_Id;
+ begin
+ Def := Get_Type_Definition (Decl);
+ if Get_Kind (Def) in Iir_Kinds_Subtype_Definition then
+ -- Also elaborate the base type, iff DEF and its BASE_TYPE have
+ -- been declared by the same type declarator. This avoids several
+ -- elaboration of the same type.
+ Def := Get_Base_Type (Def);
+ if Get_Type_Declarator (Def) /= Decl then
+ -- Can this happen ??
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end if;
+ elsif Get_Kind (Def) = Iir_Kind_Incomplete_Type_Definition then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ if Get_Kind (Def) = Iir_Kind_Protected_Type_Declaration then
+ Translate_Protected_Type_Subprograms (Def);
+ end if;
+ Tinfo := Get_Info (Def);
+ if not Is_Complex_Type (Tinfo)
+ or else Tinfo.C (Mode_Value).Builder_Need_Func = False
+ then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ -- Declare subprograms.
+ Id := Get_Identifier (Decl);
+ Create_Builder_Subprogram_Decl (Tinfo, Id, Mode_Value);
+ if Get_Has_Signal_Flag (Def) then
+ Create_Builder_Subprogram_Decl (Tinfo, Id, Mode_Signal);
+ end if;
+ if Global_Storage = O_Storage_External then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ -- Define subprograms.
+ case Get_Kind (Def) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Array_Type_Definition =>
+ Create_Array_Type_Builder (Def, Mode_Value);
+ if Get_Has_Signal_Flag (Def) then
+ Create_Array_Type_Builder (Def, Mode_Signal);
+ end if;
+ when Iir_Kind_Record_Type_Definition =>
+ Create_Record_Type_Builder (Def, Mode_Value);
+ if Get_Has_Signal_Flag (Def) then
+ Create_Record_Type_Builder (Def, Mode_Signal);
+ end if;
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("translate_type_subprograms", Def);
+ end case;
+ end Translate_Type_Subprograms;
+ -- Initialize the objects related to a type (type range and type
+ -- descriptor).
+ procedure Elab_Type_Definition (Def : Iir);
+ procedure Elab_Type_Definition_Depend is new Handle_Anonymous_Subtypes
+ (Handle_A_Subtype => Elab_Type_Definition);
+ procedure Elab_Type_Definition (Def : Iir) is
+ begin
+ case Get_Kind (Def) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Incomplete_Type_Definition =>
+ -- Nothing to do.
+ return;
+ when Iir_Kind_Protected_Type_Declaration =>
+ -- Elaboration subprograms interfaces.
+ declare
+ Final : Boolean;
+ begin
+ Chap4.Elab_Declaration_Chain (Def, Final);
+ if Final then
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end if;
+ end;
+ return;
+ when others =>
+ null;
+ end case;
+ if Get_Type_Staticness (Def) = Locally then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Elab_Type_Definition_Depend (Def);
+ Create_Type_Definition_Type_Range (Def);
+ Create_Type_Definition_Size_Var (Def);
+ end Elab_Type_Definition;
+ procedure Translate_Named_Type_Definition (Def : Iir; Id : Name_Id)
+ is
+ Mark : Id_Mark_Type;
+ begin
+ Push_Identifier_Prefix (Mark, Id);
+ Chap3.Translate_Type_Definition (Def);
+ Pop_Identifier_Prefix (Mark);
+ end Translate_Named_Type_Definition;
+ procedure Translate_Anonymous_Type_Definition
+ (Def : Iir; Transient : Boolean)
+ is
+ Mark : Id_Mark_Type;
+ Type_Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ begin
+ Type_Info := Get_Info (Def);
+ if Type_Info /= null then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Push_Identifier_Prefix_Uniq (Mark);
+ Chap3.Translate_Type_Definition (Def, False);
+ if Transient then
+ Add_Transient_Type_In_Temp (Def);
+ end if;
+ Pop_Identifier_Prefix (Mark);
+ end Translate_Anonymous_Type_Definition;
+ procedure Translate_Object_Subtype (Decl : Iir;
+ With_Vars : Boolean := True)
+ is
+ Mark : Id_Mark_Type;
+ Mark2 : Id_Mark_Type;
+ Def : Iir;
+ begin
+ Def := Get_Type (Decl);
+ if Is_Anonymous_Type_Definition (Def) then
+ Push_Identifier_Prefix (Mark, Get_Identifier (Decl));
+ Push_Identifier_Prefix (Mark2, "OT");
+ Chap3.Translate_Type_Definition (Def, With_Vars);
+ Pop_Identifier_Prefix (Mark2);
+ Pop_Identifier_Prefix (Mark);
+ end if;
+ end Translate_Object_Subtype;
+ procedure Elab_Object_Subtype (Def : Iir) is
+ begin
+ if Is_Anonymous_Type_Definition (Def) then
+ Elab_Type_Definition (Def);
+ end if;
+ end Elab_Object_Subtype;
+ procedure Elab_Type_Declaration (Decl : Iir)
+ is
+ begin
+ Elab_Type_Definition (Get_Type_Definition (Decl));
+ end Elab_Type_Declaration;
+ procedure Elab_Subtype_Declaration (Decl : Iir_Subtype_Declaration)
+ is
+ begin
+ Elab_Type_Definition (Get_Type (Decl));
+ end Elab_Subtype_Declaration;
+ function Get_Thin_Array_Length (Atype : Iir) return O_Cnode
+ is
+ Indexes_List : constant Iir_List := Get_Index_Subtype_List (Atype);
+ Nbr_Dim : constant Natural := Get_Nbr_Elements (Indexes_List);
+ Index : Iir;
+ Val : Iir_Int64;
+ Rng : Iir;
+ begin
+ Val := 1;
+ for I in 0 .. Nbr_Dim - 1 loop
+ Index := Get_Index_Type (Indexes_List, I);
+ Rng := Get_Range_Constraint (Index);
+ Val := Val * Eval_Discrete_Range_Length (Rng);
+ end loop;
+ return New_Unsigned_Literal (Ghdl_Index_Type, Unsigned_64 (Val));
+ end Get_Thin_Array_Length;
+ function Bounds_To_Range (B : Mnode; Atype : Iir; Dim : Positive)
+ return Mnode
+ is
+ Indexes_List : constant Iir_List :=
+ Get_Index_Subtype_Definition_List (Get_Base_Type (Atype));
+ Index_Type_Mark : constant Iir :=
+ Get_Nth_Element (Indexes_List, Dim - 1);
+ Index_Type : constant Iir := Get_Index_Type (Index_Type_Mark);
+ Base_Index_Info : constant Index_Info_Acc :=
+ Get_Info (Index_Type_Mark);
+ Iinfo : constant Type_Info_Acc :=
+ Get_Info (Get_Base_Type (Index_Type));
+ begin
+ return Lv2M (New_Selected_Element (M2Lv (B),
+ Base_Index_Info.Index_Field),
+ Iinfo,
+ Get_Object_Kind (B),
+ Iinfo.T.Range_Type,
+ Iinfo.T.Range_Ptr_Type);
+ end Bounds_To_Range;
+ function Type_To_Range (Atype : Iir) return Mnode
+ is
+ Info : constant Type_Info_Acc := Get_Info (Atype);
+ begin
+ return Varv2M (Info.T.Range_Var, Info, Mode_Value,
+ Info.T.Range_Type, Info.T.Range_Ptr_Type);
+ end Type_To_Range;
+ function Range_To_Length (R : Mnode) return Mnode
+ is
+ Tinfo : constant Type_Info_Acc := Get_Type_Info (R);
+ begin
+ return Lv2M (New_Selected_Element (M2Lv (R),
+ Tinfo.T.Range_Length),
+ Tinfo,
+ Mode_Value);
+ end Range_To_Length;
+ function Range_To_Dir (R : Mnode) return Mnode
+ is
+ Tinfo : Type_Info_Acc;
+ begin
+ Tinfo := Get_Type_Info (R);
+ return Lv2M (New_Selected_Element (M2Lv (R),
+ Tinfo.T.Range_Dir),
+ Tinfo,
+ Mode_Value);
+ end Range_To_Dir;
+ function Range_To_Left (R : Mnode) return Mnode
+ is
+ Tinfo : Type_Info_Acc;
+ begin
+ Tinfo := Get_Type_Info (R);
+ return Lv2M (New_Selected_Element (M2Lv (R),
+ Tinfo.T.Range_Left),
+ Tinfo,
+ Mode_Value);
+ end Range_To_Left;
+ function Range_To_Right (R : Mnode) return Mnode
+ is
+ Tinfo : Type_Info_Acc;
+ begin
+ Tinfo := Get_Type_Info (R);
+ return Lv2M (New_Selected_Element (M2Lv (R),
+ Tinfo.T.Range_Right),
+ Tinfo,
+ Mode_Value);
+ end Range_To_Right;
+ function Get_Array_Type_Bounds (Info : Type_Info_Acc) return Mnode
+ is
+ begin
+ case Info.Type_Mode is
+ when Type_Mode_Fat_Array =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ when Type_Mode_Array =>
+ return Varv2M (Info.T.Array_Bounds,
+ Info, Mode_Value,
+ Info.T.Bounds_Type,
+ Info.T.Bounds_Ptr_Type);
+ when others =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ end Get_Array_Type_Bounds;
+ function Get_Array_Type_Bounds (Atype : Iir) return Mnode is
+ begin
+ return Get_Array_Type_Bounds (Get_Info (Atype));
+ end Get_Array_Type_Bounds;
+ function Get_Array_Bounds (Arr : Mnode) return Mnode
+ is
+ Info : constant Type_Info_Acc := Get_Type_Info (Arr);
+ begin
+ case Info.Type_Mode is
+ when Type_Mode_Fat_Array
+ | Type_Mode_Fat_Acc =>
+ declare
+ Kind : Object_Kind_Type;
+ begin
+ Kind := Get_Object_Kind (Arr);
+ return Lp2M
+ (New_Selected_Element (M2Lv (Arr),
+ Info.T.Bounds_Field (Kind)),
+ Info,
+ Mode_Value,
+ Info.T.Bounds_Type,
+ Info.T.Bounds_Ptr_Type);
+ end;
+ when Type_Mode_Array =>
+ return Get_Array_Type_Bounds (Info);
+ when others =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ end Get_Array_Bounds;
+ function Get_Array_Range (Arr : Mnode; Atype : Iir; Dim : Positive)
+ return Mnode is
+ begin
+ return Bounds_To_Range (Get_Array_Bounds (Arr), Atype, Dim);
+ end Get_Array_Range;
+ function Get_Bounds_Length (Bounds : Mnode; Atype : Iir) return O_Enode
+ is
+ Type_Info : constant Type_Info_Acc := Get_Info (Atype);
+ Index_List : constant Iir_List := Get_Index_Subtype_List (Atype);
+ Nbr_Dim : constant Natural := Get_Nbr_Elements (Index_List);
+ Dim_Length : O_Enode;
+ Res : O_Enode;
+ Bounds_Stable : Mnode;
+ begin
+ if Type_Info.Type_Locally_Constrained then
+ return New_Lit (Get_Thin_Array_Length (Atype));
+ end if;
+ if Nbr_Dim > 1 then
+ Bounds_Stable := Stabilize (Bounds);
+ else
+ Bounds_Stable := Bounds;
+ end if;
+ for Dim in 1 .. Nbr_Dim loop
+ Dim_Length :=
+ M2E (Range_To_Length
+ (Bounds_To_Range (Bounds_Stable, Atype, Dim)));
+ if Dim = 1 then
+ Res := Dim_Length;
+ else
+ Res := New_Dyadic_Op (ON_Mul_Ov, Res, Dim_Length);
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ return Res;
+ end Get_Bounds_Length;
+ function Get_Array_Type_Length (Atype : Iir) return O_Enode
+ is
+ Type_Info : constant Type_Info_Acc := Get_Info (Atype);
+ begin
+ if Type_Info.Type_Locally_Constrained then
+ return New_Lit (Get_Thin_Array_Length (Atype));
+ else
+ return Get_Bounds_Length (Get_Array_Type_Bounds (Atype), Atype);
+ end if;
+ end Get_Array_Type_Length;
+ function Get_Array_Length (Arr : Mnode; Atype : Iir) return O_Enode
+ is
+ Type_Info : constant Type_Info_Acc := Get_Info (Atype);
+ begin
+ if Type_Info.Type_Locally_Constrained then
+ return New_Lit (Get_Thin_Array_Length (Atype));
+ else
+ return Get_Bounds_Length (Get_Array_Bounds (Arr), Atype);
+ end if;
+ end Get_Array_Length;
+ function Get_Array_Base (Arr : Mnode) return Mnode
+ is
+ Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ begin
+ Info := Get_Type_Info (Arr);
+ case Info.Type_Mode is
+ when Type_Mode_Fat_Array
+ | Type_Mode_Fat_Acc =>
+ declare
+ Kind : Object_Kind_Type;
+ begin
+ Kind := Get_Object_Kind (Arr);
+ return Lp2M
+ (New_Selected_Element (M2Lv (Arr),
+ Info.T.Base_Field (Kind)),
+ Info,
+ Get_Object_Kind (Arr),
+ Info.T.Base_Type (Kind),
+ Info.T.Base_Ptr_Type (Kind));
+ end;
+ when Type_Mode_Array =>
+ return Arr;
+ when others =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ end Get_Array_Base;
+ function Reindex_Complex_Array
+ (Base : Mnode; Atype : Iir; Index : O_Enode; Res_Info : Type_Info_Acc)
+ return Mnode
+ is
+ El_Type : constant Iir := Get_Element_Subtype (Atype);
+ El_Tinfo : constant Type_Info_Acc := Get_Info (El_Type);
+ Kind : constant Object_Kind_Type := Get_Object_Kind (Base);
+ begin
+ pragma Assert (Is_Complex_Type (El_Tinfo));
+ return
+ E2M
+ (New_Unchecked_Address
+ (New_Slice
+ (New_Access_Element
+ (New_Convert_Ov (M2E (Base), Char_Ptr_Type)),
+ Chararray_Type,
+ New_Dyadic_Op (ON_Mul_Ov,
+ New_Value
+ (Get_Var (El_Tinfo.C (Kind).Size_Var)),
+ Index)),
+ El_Tinfo.Ortho_Ptr_Type (Kind)),
+ Res_Info, Kind);
+ end Reindex_Complex_Array;
+ function Index_Base (Base : Mnode; Atype : Iir; Index : O_Enode)
+ return Mnode
+ is
+ El_Type : constant Iir := Get_Element_Subtype (Atype);
+ El_Tinfo : constant Type_Info_Acc := Get_Info (El_Type);
+ Kind : constant Object_Kind_Type := Get_Object_Kind (Base);
+ begin
+ if Is_Complex_Type (El_Tinfo) then
+ return Reindex_Complex_Array (Base, Atype, Index, El_Tinfo);
+ else
+ return Lv2M (New_Indexed_Element (M2Lv (Base), Index),
+ El_Tinfo, Kind);
+ end if;
+ end Index_Base;
+ function Slice_Base (Base : Mnode; Atype : Iir; Index : O_Enode)
+ return Mnode
+ is
+ T_Info : constant Type_Info_Acc := Get_Info (Atype);
+ El_Type : constant Iir := Get_Element_Subtype (Atype);
+ El_Tinfo : constant Type_Info_Acc := Get_Info (El_Type);
+ Kind : constant Object_Kind_Type := Get_Object_Kind (Base);
+ begin
+ if Is_Complex_Type (El_Tinfo) then
+ return Reindex_Complex_Array (Base, Atype, Index, T_Info);
+ else
+ return Lv2M (New_Slice (M2Lv (Base),
+ T_Info.T.Base_Type (Kind),
+ Index),
+ False,
+ T_Info.T.Base_Type (Kind),
+ T_Info.T.Base_Ptr_Type (Kind),
+ T_Info, Kind);
+ end if;
+ end Slice_Base;
+ procedure Allocate_Fat_Array_Base (Alloc_Kind : Allocation_Kind;
+ Res : Mnode;
+ Arr_Type : Iir)
+ is
+ Dinfo : constant Type_Info_Acc :=
+ Get_Info (Get_Base_Type (Arr_Type));
+ Kind : constant Object_Kind_Type := Get_Object_Kind (Res);
+ Length : O_Enode;
+ begin
+ -- Compute array size.
+ Length := Get_Object_Size (Res, Arr_Type);
+ -- Allocate the storage for the elements.
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (M2Lp (Chap3.Get_Array_Base (Res)),
+ Gen_Alloc (Alloc_Kind, Length, Dinfo.T.Base_Ptr_Type (Kind)));
+ if Is_Complex_Type (Dinfo)
+ and then Dinfo.C (Kind).Builder_Need_Func
+ then
+ Open_Temp;
+ -- Build the type.
+ Chap3.Gen_Call_Type_Builder (Res, Arr_Type);
+ Close_Temp;
+ end if;
+ end Allocate_Fat_Array_Base;
+ procedure Create_Array_Subtype (Sub_Type : Iir; Transient : Boolean)
+ is
+ Mark : Id_Mark_Type;
+ begin
+ Push_Identifier_Prefix_Uniq (Mark);
+ if Get_Info (Sub_Type) = null then
+ -- Minimal subtype creation.
+ Translate_Type_Definition (Sub_Type, False);
+ if Transient then
+ Add_Transient_Type_In_Temp (Sub_Type);
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ -- Force creation of variables.
+ Chap3.Create_Array_Subtype_Bounds_Var (Sub_Type, True);
+ Chap3.Create_Type_Definition_Size_Var (Sub_Type);
+ Pop_Identifier_Prefix (Mark);
+ end Create_Array_Subtype;
+ -- Copy SRC to DEST.
+ -- Both have the same type, OTYPE.
+ procedure Translate_Object_Copy (Dest : Mnode;
+ Src : O_Enode;
+ Obj_Type : Iir)
+ is
+ Info : constant Type_Info_Acc := Get_Info (Obj_Type);
+ Kind : constant Object_Kind_Type := Get_Object_Kind (Dest);
+ D : Mnode;
+ begin
+ case Info.Type_Mode is
+ when Type_Mode_Scalar
+ | Type_Mode_Acc
+ | Type_Mode_File =>
+ -- Scalar or thin pointer.
+ New_Assign_Stmt (M2Lv (Dest), Src);
+ when Type_Mode_Fat_Acc =>
+ -- a fat pointer.
+ D := Stabilize (Dest);
+ Copy_Fat_Pointer (D, Stabilize (E2M (Src, Info, Kind)));
+ when Type_Mode_Fat_Array =>
+ -- a fat array.
+ D := Stabilize (Dest);
+ Gen_Memcpy (M2Addr (Get_Array_Base (D)),
+ M2Addr (Get_Array_Base (E2M (Src, Info, Kind))),
+ Get_Object_Size (D, Obj_Type));
+ when Type_Mode_Array
+ | Type_Mode_Record =>
+ D := Stabilize (Dest);
+ Gen_Memcpy (M2Addr (D), Src, Get_Object_Size (D, Obj_Type));
+ when Type_Mode_Unknown
+ | Type_Mode_Protected =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ end Translate_Object_Copy;
+ function Get_Object_Size (Obj : Mnode; Obj_Type : Iir)
+ return O_Enode
+ is
+ Type_Info : constant Type_Info_Acc := Get_Type_Info (Obj);
+ Kind : constant Object_Kind_Type := Get_Object_Kind (Obj);
+ begin
+ if Is_Complex_Type (Type_Info)
+ and then Type_Info.C (Kind).Size_Var /= Null_Var
+ then
+ return New_Value (Get_Var (Type_Info.C (Kind).Size_Var));
+ end if;
+ case Type_Info.Type_Mode is
+ when Type_Mode_Non_Composite
+ | Type_Mode_Array
+ | Type_Mode_Record =>
+ return New_Lit (New_Sizeof (Type_Info.Ortho_Type (Kind),
+ Ghdl_Index_Type));
+ when Type_Mode_Fat_Array =>
+ declare
+ El_Type : Iir;
+ El_Tinfo : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Obj_Bt : Iir;
+ Sz : O_Enode;
+ begin
+ Obj_Bt := Get_Base_Type (Obj_Type);
+ El_Type := Get_Element_Subtype (Obj_Bt);
+ El_Tinfo := Get_Info (El_Type);
+ -- See create_type_definition_size_var.
+ Sz := Get_Object_Size (T2M (El_Type, Kind), El_Type);
+ if Is_Complex_Type (El_Tinfo) then
+ Sz := New_Dyadic_Op
+ (ON_Add_Ov,
+ Sz,
+ New_Lit (New_Sizeof (El_Tinfo.Ortho_Ptr_Type (Kind),
+ Ghdl_Index_Type)));
+ end if;
+ return New_Dyadic_Op
+ (ON_Mul_Ov, Chap3.Get_Array_Length (Obj, Obj_Bt), Sz);
+ end;
+ when others =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ end Get_Object_Size;
+ procedure Translate_Object_Allocation
+ (Res : in out Mnode;
+ Alloc_Kind : Allocation_Kind;
+ Obj_Type : Iir;
+ Bounds : Mnode)
+ is
+ Dinfo : constant Type_Info_Acc := Get_Info (Obj_Type);
+ Kind : constant Object_Kind_Type := Get_Object_Kind (Res);
+ begin
+ if Dinfo.Type_Mode = Type_Mode_Fat_Array then
+ -- Allocate memory for bounds.
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (M2Lp (Chap3.Get_Array_Bounds (Res)),
+ Gen_Alloc (Alloc_Kind,
+ New_Lit (New_Sizeof (Dinfo.T.Bounds_Type,
+ Ghdl_Index_Type)),
+ Dinfo.T.Bounds_Ptr_Type));
+ -- Copy bounds to the allocated area.
+ Gen_Memcpy
+ (M2Addr (Chap3.Get_Array_Bounds (Res)),
+ M2Addr (Bounds),
+ New_Lit (New_Sizeof (Dinfo.T.Bounds_Type, Ghdl_Index_Type)));
+ -- Allocate base.
+ Allocate_Fat_Array_Base (Alloc_Kind, Res, Obj_Type);
+ else
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (M2Lp (Res),
+ Gen_Alloc
+ (Alloc_Kind,
+ Chap3.Get_Object_Size (T2M (Obj_Type, Kind),
+ Obj_Type),
+ Dinfo.Ortho_Ptr_Type (Kind)));
+ if Is_Complex_Type (Dinfo)
+ and then Dinfo.C (Kind).Builder_Need_Func
+ then
+ Open_Temp;
+ -- Build the type.
+ Chap3.Gen_Call_Type_Builder (Res, Obj_Type);
+ Close_Temp;
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end Translate_Object_Allocation;
+ procedure Gen_Deallocate (Obj : O_Enode)
+ is
+ Assocs : O_Assoc_List;
+ begin
+ Start_Association (Assocs, Ghdl_Deallocate);
+ New_Association (Assocs, New_Convert_Ov (Obj, Ghdl_Ptr_Type));
+ New_Procedure_Call (Assocs);
+ end Gen_Deallocate;
+ -- Performs deallocation of PARAM (the parameter of a deallocate call).
+ procedure Translate_Object_Deallocation (Param : Iir)
+ is
+ -- Performs deallocation of field FIELD of type FTYPE of PTR.
+ -- If FIELD is O_FNODE_NULL, deallocate PTR (of type FTYPE).
+ -- Here, deallocate means freeing memory and clearing to null.
+ procedure Deallocate_1
+ (Ptr : Mnode; Field : O_Fnode; Ftype : O_Tnode)
+ is
+ L : O_Lnode;
+ begin
+ for I in 0 .. 1 loop
+ L := M2Lv (Ptr);
+ if Field /= O_Fnode_Null then
+ L := New_Selected_Element (L, Field);
+ end if;
+ case I is
+ when 0 =>
+ -- Call deallocator.
+ Gen_Deallocate (New_Value (L));
+ when 1 =>
+ -- set the value to 0.
+ New_Assign_Stmt (L, New_Lit (New_Null_Access (Ftype)));
+ end case;
+ end loop;
+ end Deallocate_1;
+ Param_Type : Iir;
+ Val : Mnode;
+ Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Binfo : Type_Info_Acc;
+ begin
+ -- Compute parameter
+ Val := Chap6.Translate_Name (Param);
+ if Get_Object_Kind (Val) = Mode_Signal then
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end if;
+ Stabilize (Val);
+ Param_Type := Get_Type (Param);
+ Info := Get_Info (Param_Type);
+ case Info.Type_Mode is
+ when Type_Mode_Fat_Acc =>
+ -- This is a fat pointer.
+ -- Deallocate base and bounds.
+ Binfo := Get_Info (Get_Designated_Type (Param_Type));
+ Deallocate_1 (Val, Binfo.T.Base_Field (Mode_Value),
+ Binfo.T.Base_Ptr_Type (Mode_Value));
+ Deallocate_1 (Val, Binfo.T.Bounds_Field (Mode_Value),
+ Binfo.T.Bounds_Ptr_Type);
+ when Type_Mode_Acc =>
+ -- This is a thin pointer.
+ Deallocate_1 (Val, O_Fnode_Null,
+ Info.Ortho_Type (Mode_Value));
+ when others =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ end Translate_Object_Deallocation;
+ function Not_In_Range (Value : O_Dnode; Atype : Iir) return O_Enode
+ is
+ Constr : Iir;
+ Info : Type_Info_Acc;
+ function Gen_Compare (Low : O_Enode; Hi : O_Enode) return O_Enode
+ is
+ L, H : O_Enode;
+ begin
+ if not Info.T.Nocheck_Low then
+ L := New_Compare_Op
+ (ON_Lt, New_Obj_Value (Value), Low, Ghdl_Bool_Type);
+ end if;
+ if not Info.T.Nocheck_Hi then
+ H := New_Compare_Op
+ (ON_Gt, New_Obj_Value (Value), Hi, Ghdl_Bool_Type);
+ end if;
+ if Info.T.Nocheck_Hi then
+ if Info.T.Nocheck_Low then
+ -- Should not happen!
+ return New_Lit (Ghdl_Bool_False_Node);
+ else
+ return L;
+ end if;
+ else
+ if Info.T.Nocheck_Low then
+ return H;
+ else
+ return New_Dyadic_Op (ON_Or, L, H);
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ end Gen_Compare;
+ function Gen_Compare_To return O_Enode is
+ begin
+ return Gen_Compare
+ (Chap14.Translate_Left_Type_Attribute (Atype),
+ Chap14.Translate_Right_Type_Attribute (Atype));
+ end Gen_Compare_To;
+ function Gen_Compare_Downto return O_Enode is
+ begin
+ return Gen_Compare
+ (Chap14.Translate_Right_Type_Attribute (Atype),
+ Chap14.Translate_Left_Type_Attribute (Atype));
+ end Gen_Compare_Downto;
+ --Low, High : Iir;
+ Var_Res : O_Dnode;
+ If_Blk : O_If_Block;
+ begin
+ Constr := Get_Range_Constraint (Atype);
+ Info := Get_Info (Atype);
+ if Get_Kind (Constr) = Iir_Kind_Range_Expression then
+ -- Constraint is a range expression, therefore, direction is
+ -- known.
+ if Get_Expr_Staticness (Constr) = Locally then
+ -- Range constraint is locally static
+ -- FIXME: check low and high if they are not limits...
+ --Low := Get_Low_Limit (Constr);
+ --High := Get_High_Limit (Constr);
+ null;
+ end if;
+ case Get_Direction (Constr) is
+ when Iir_To =>
+ return Gen_Compare_To;
+ when Iir_Downto =>
+ return Gen_Compare_Downto;
+ end case;
+ end if;
+ -- Range constraint is not static
+ -- full check (lot's of code ?).
+ Var_Res := Create_Temp (Ghdl_Bool_Type);
+ Start_If_Stmt
+ (If_Blk,
+ New_Compare_Op (ON_Eq,
+ Chap14.Translate_Dir_Type_Attribute (Atype),
+ New_Lit (Ghdl_Dir_To_Node),
+ Ghdl_Bool_Type));
+ -- To.
+ New_Assign_Stmt (New_Obj (Var_Res), Gen_Compare_To);
+ New_Else_Stmt (If_Blk);
+ -- Downto
+ New_Assign_Stmt (New_Obj (Var_Res), Gen_Compare_Downto);
+ Finish_If_Stmt (If_Blk);
+ return New_Obj_Value (Var_Res);
+ end Not_In_Range;
+ function Need_Range_Check (Expr : Iir; Atype : Iir) return Boolean
+ is
+ Info : constant Type_Info_Acc := Get_Info (Atype);
+ begin
+ if Info.T.Nocheck_Low and Info.T.Nocheck_Hi then
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ if Expr /= Null_Iir and then Get_Type (Expr) = Atype then
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ return True;
+ end Need_Range_Check;
+ procedure Check_Range
+ (Value : O_Dnode; Expr : Iir; Atype : Iir; Loc : Iir)
+ is
+ If_Blk : O_If_Block;
+ begin
+ if not Need_Range_Check (Expr, Atype) then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ if Expr /= Null_Iir
+ and then Get_Expr_Staticness (Expr) = Locally
+ and then Get_Type_Staticness (Atype) = Locally
+ then
+ if not Eval_Is_In_Bound (Eval_Static_Expr (Expr), Atype) then
+ Chap6.Gen_Bound_Error (Loc);
+ end if;
+ else
+ Open_Temp;
+ Start_If_Stmt (If_Blk, Not_In_Range (Value, Atype));
+ Chap6.Gen_Bound_Error (Loc);
+ Finish_If_Stmt (If_Blk);
+ Close_Temp;
+ end if;
+ end Check_Range;
+ function Insert_Scalar_Check
+ (Value : O_Enode; Expr : Iir; Atype : Iir; Loc : Iir)
+ return O_Enode
+ is
+ Var : O_Dnode;
+ begin
+ Var := Create_Temp_Init
+ (Get_Ortho_Type (Get_Base_Type (Atype), Mode_Value), Value);
+ Check_Range (Var, Expr, Atype, Loc);
+ return New_Obj_Value (Var);
+ end Insert_Scalar_Check;
+ function Maybe_Insert_Scalar_Check
+ (Value : O_Enode; Expr : Iir; Atype : Iir)
+ return O_Enode
+ is
+ Expr_Type : constant Iir := Get_Type (Expr);
+ begin
+ -- pragma Assert (Base_Type = Get_Base_Type (Atype));
+ if Get_Kind (Expr_Type) in Iir_Kinds_Scalar_Type_Definition
+ and then Need_Range_Check (Expr, Atype)
+ then
+ return Insert_Scalar_Check (Value, Expr, Atype, Expr);
+ else
+ return Value;
+ end if;
+ end Maybe_Insert_Scalar_Check;
+ function Locally_Array_Match (L_Type, R_Type : Iir) return Boolean
+ is
+ L_Indexes : constant Iir_List := Get_Index_Subtype_List (L_Type);
+ R_Indexes : constant Iir_List := Get_Index_Subtype_List (R_Type);
+ L_El : Iir;
+ R_El : Iir;
+ begin
+ for I in Natural loop
+ L_El := Get_Index_Type (L_Indexes, I);
+ R_El := Get_Index_Type (R_Indexes, I);
+ exit when L_El = Null_Iir and R_El = Null_Iir;
+ if Eval_Discrete_Type_Length (L_El)
+ /= Eval_Discrete_Type_Length (R_El)
+ then
+ return False;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ return True;
+ end Locally_Array_Match;
+ procedure Check_Array_Match (L_Type : Iir;
+ L_Node : Mnode;
+ R_Type : Iir;
+ R_Node : Mnode;
+ Loc : Iir)
+ is
+ L_Tinfo, R_Tinfo : Type_Info_Acc;
+ begin
+ L_Tinfo := Get_Info (L_Type);
+ R_Tinfo := Get_Info (R_Type);
+ -- FIXME: optimize for a statically bounded array of a complex type.
+ if L_Tinfo.Type_Mode = Type_Mode_Array
+ and then L_Tinfo.Type_Locally_Constrained
+ and then R_Tinfo.Type_Mode = Type_Mode_Array
+ and then R_Tinfo.Type_Locally_Constrained
+ then
+ -- Both left and right are thin array.
+ -- Check here the length are the same.
+ if not Locally_Array_Match (L_Type, R_Type) then
+ Chap6.Gen_Bound_Error (Loc);
+ end if;
+ else
+ -- Check length match.
+ declare
+ Index_List : constant Iir_List :=
+ Get_Index_Subtype_List (L_Type);
+ Index : Iir;
+ Cond : O_Enode;
+ Sub_Cond : O_Enode;
+ begin
+ for I in Natural loop
+ Index := Get_Nth_Element (Index_List, I);
+ exit when Index = Null_Iir;
+ Sub_Cond := New_Compare_Op
+ (ON_Neq,
+ M2E (Range_To_Length
+ (Get_Array_Range (L_Node, L_Type, I + 1))),
+ M2E (Range_To_Length
+ (Get_Array_Range (R_Node, R_Type, I + 1))),
+ Ghdl_Bool_Type);
+ if I = 0 then
+ Cond := Sub_Cond;
+ else
+ Cond := New_Dyadic_Op (ON_Or, Cond, Sub_Cond);
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ Chap6.Check_Bound_Error (Cond, Loc, 0);
+ end;
+ end if;
+ end Check_Array_Match;
+ procedure Create_Range_From_Array_Attribute_And_Length
+ (Array_Attr : Iir; Length : O_Dnode; Range_Ptr : O_Dnode)
+ is
+ Attr_Kind : Iir_Kind;
+ Arr_Rng : Mnode;
+ Iinfo : Type_Info_Acc;
+ Res : Mnode;
+ Dir : O_Enode;
+ Diff : O_Dnode;
+ Left_Bound : Mnode;
+ If_Blk : O_If_Block;
+ If_Blk1 : O_If_Block;
+ begin
+ Open_Temp;
+ Arr_Rng := Chap14.Translate_Array_Attribute_To_Range (Array_Attr);
+ Iinfo := Get_Type_Info (Arr_Rng);
+ Stabilize (Arr_Rng);
+ Res := Dp2M (Range_Ptr, Iinfo, Mode_Value);
+ -- Length.
+ New_Assign_Stmt (M2Lv (Range_To_Length (Arr_Rng)),
+ New_Obj_Value (Length));
+ -- Direction.
+ Attr_Kind := Get_Kind (Array_Attr);
+ Dir := M2E (Range_To_Dir (Arr_Rng));
+ case Attr_Kind is
+ when Iir_Kind_Range_Array_Attribute =>
+ New_Assign_Stmt (M2Lv (Range_To_Dir (Res)), Dir);
+ when Iir_Kind_Reverse_Range_Array_Attribute =>
+ Start_If_Stmt (If_Blk,
+ New_Compare_Op (ON_Eq,
+ Dir,
+ New_Lit (Ghdl_Dir_To_Node),
+ Ghdl_Bool_Type));
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (M2Lv (Range_To_Dir (Res)), New_Lit (Ghdl_Dir_Downto_Node));
+ New_Else_Stmt (If_Blk);
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (M2Lv (Range_To_Dir (Res)), New_Lit (Ghdl_Dir_To_Node));
+ Finish_If_Stmt (If_Blk);
+ when others =>
+ Error_Kind ("Create_Range_From_Array_Attribute_And_Length",
+ Array_Attr);
+ end case;
+ Start_If_Stmt
+ (If_Blk,
+ New_Compare_Op (ON_Eq,
+ New_Obj_Value (Length),
+ New_Lit (Ghdl_Index_0),
+ Ghdl_Bool_Type));
+ -- Null range.
+ case Attr_Kind is
+ when Iir_Kind_Range_Array_Attribute =>
+ New_Assign_Stmt (M2Lv (Range_To_Left (Res)),
+ M2E (Range_To_Right (Arr_Rng)));
+ New_Assign_Stmt (M2Lv (Range_To_Right (Res)),
+ M2E (Range_To_Left (Arr_Rng)));
+ when Iir_Kind_Reverse_Range_Array_Attribute =>
+ New_Assign_Stmt (M2Lv (Range_To_Left (Res)),
+ M2E (Range_To_Left (Arr_Rng)));
+ New_Assign_Stmt (M2Lv (Range_To_Right (Res)),
+ M2E (Range_To_Right (Arr_Rng)));
+ when others =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ New_Else_Stmt (If_Blk);
+ -- LEFT.
+ case Attr_Kind is
+ when Iir_Kind_Range_Array_Attribute =>
+ Left_Bound := Range_To_Left (Arr_Rng);
+ when Iir_Kind_Reverse_Range_Array_Attribute =>
+ Left_Bound := Range_To_Right (Arr_Rng);
+ when others =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ Stabilize (Left_Bound);
+ New_Assign_Stmt (M2Lv (Range_To_Left (Res)), M2E (Left_Bound));
+ -- RIGHT.
+ Diff := Create_Temp_Init
+ (Iinfo.Ortho_Type (Mode_Value),
+ New_Convert_Ov
+ (New_Dyadic_Op (ON_Sub_Ov,
+ New_Obj_Value (Length),
+ New_Lit (Ghdl_Index_1)),
+ Iinfo.Ortho_Type (Mode_Value)));
+ Start_If_Stmt (If_Blk1, New_Compare_Op (ON_Eq,
+ M2E (Range_To_Dir (Res)),
+ New_Lit (Ghdl_Dir_To_Node),
+ Ghdl_Bool_Type));
+ New_Assign_Stmt (M2Lv (Range_To_Right (Res)),
+ New_Dyadic_Op (ON_Add_Ov,
+ M2E (Left_Bound),
+ New_Obj_Value (Diff)));
+ New_Else_Stmt (If_Blk1);
+ New_Assign_Stmt (M2Lv (Range_To_Right (Res)),
+ New_Dyadic_Op (ON_Sub_Ov,
+ M2E (Left_Bound),
+ New_Obj_Value (Diff)));
+ Finish_If_Stmt (If_Blk1);
+ -- FIXME: check right bounds is inside bounds.
+ Finish_If_Stmt (If_Blk);
+ Close_Temp;
+ end Create_Range_From_Array_Attribute_And_Length;
+ procedure Create_Range_From_Length
+ (Index_Type : Iir; Length : O_Dnode; Range_Ptr : O_Dnode; Loc : Iir)
+ is
+ Iinfo : constant Type_Info_Acc := Get_Info (Index_Type);
+ Range_Constr : constant Iir := Get_Range_Constraint (Index_Type);
+ Op : ON_Op_Kind;
+ Diff : O_Enode;
+ Left_Bound : O_Enode;
+ Var_Right : O_Dnode;
+ If_Blk : O_If_Block;
+ begin
+ if Get_Kind (Range_Constr) /= Iir_Kind_Range_Expression then
+ Create_Range_From_Array_Attribute_And_Length
+ (Range_Constr, Length, Range_Ptr);
+ return;
+ end if;
+ Start_Declare_Stmt;
+ New_Var_Decl (Var_Right, Get_Identifier ("right_bound"),
+ O_Storage_Local, Iinfo.Ortho_Type (Mode_Value));
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (New_Selected_Acc_Value (New_Obj (Range_Ptr), Iinfo.T.Range_Length),
+ New_Obj_Value (Length));
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (New_Selected_Acc_Value (New_Obj (Range_Ptr), Iinfo.T.Range_Dir),
+ New_Lit (Chap7.Translate_Static_Range_Dir (Range_Constr)));
+ case Get_Direction (Range_Constr) is
+ when Iir_To =>
+ Op := ON_Add_Ov;
+ when Iir_Downto =>
+ Op := ON_Sub_Ov;
+ end case;
+ Start_If_Stmt
+ (If_Blk,
+ New_Compare_Op (ON_Eq,
+ New_Obj_Value (Length),
+ New_Lit (Ghdl_Index_0),
+ Ghdl_Bool_Type));
+ -- Null range.
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (New_Selected_Acc_Value (New_Obj (Range_Ptr), Iinfo.T.Range_Left),
+ Chap7.Translate_Range_Expression_Right (Range_Constr, Index_Type));
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (New_Selected_Acc_Value (New_Obj (Range_Ptr), Iinfo.T.Range_Right),
+ Chap7.Translate_Range_Expression_Left (Range_Constr, Index_Type));
+ New_Else_Stmt (If_Blk);
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (New_Selected_Acc_Value (New_Obj (Range_Ptr), Iinfo.T.Range_Left),
+ Chap7.Translate_Range_Expression_Left (Range_Constr, Index_Type));
+ Left_Bound := Chap7.Translate_Range_Expression_Left
+ (Range_Constr, Index_Type);
+ Diff := New_Convert_Ov
+ (New_Dyadic_Op (ON_Sub_Ov,
+ New_Obj_Value (Length),
+ New_Lit (Ghdl_Index_1)),
+ Iinfo.Ortho_Type (Mode_Value));
+ New_Assign_Stmt (New_Obj (Var_Right),
+ New_Dyadic_Op (Op, Left_Bound, Diff));
+ -- Check the right bounds is inside the bounds of the index type.
+ Chap3.Check_Range (Var_Right, Null_Iir, Index_Type, Loc);
+ New_Assign_Stmt
+ (New_Selected_Acc_Value (New_Obj (Range_Ptr), Iinfo.T.Range_Right),
+ New_Obj_Value (Var_Right));
+ Finish_If_Stmt (If_Blk);
+ Finish_Declare_Stmt;
+ end Create_Range_From_Length;
+end Trans.Chap3;