path: root/simulate/debugger.adb
diff options
authorTristan Gingold2014-06-21 02:55:01 +0200
committerTristan Gingold2014-06-21 02:55:01 +0200
commit1d211b6d4d30ec206d865ba68890505f040fd04f (patch)
treec17af31f1c6fee4a0361acecae0c3de77a9dc6a8 /simulate/debugger.adb
parent5ca17f7e5385385c5094338c4fe368136d6fd336 (diff)
simulate: rework configuration, add stats.
Diffstat (limited to 'simulate/debugger.adb')
1 files changed, 295 insertions, 83 deletions
diff --git a/simulate/debugger.adb b/simulate/debugger.adb
index f669b09..b20c4e7 100644
--- a/simulate/debugger.adb
+++ b/simulate/debugger.adb
@@ -134,29 +134,35 @@ package body Debugger is
function Get_Instance_Local_Name (Instance : Block_Instance_Acc;
Short : Boolean := False)
- return String is
+ return String
+ is
+ Name : constant Iir := Instance.Label;
- if Instance.Name = Null_Iir then
+ if Name = Null_Iir then
return "<anon>";
end if;
- case Get_Kind (Instance.Name) is
+ case Get_Kind (Name) is
when Iir_Kind_Block_Statement
| Iir_Kind_Generate_Statement
- | Iir_Kind_Iterator_Declaration
| Iir_Kind_Component_Instantiation_Statement
| Iir_Kind_Procedure_Declaration
| Iir_Kinds_Process_Statement =>
- return Image_Identifier (Instance.Name);
+ return Image_Identifier (Name);
+ when Iir_Kind_Iterator_Declaration =>
+ return Image_Identifier (Get_Parent (Name)) & '('
+ & Execute_Image_Attribute
+ (Instance.Objects (Get_Info (Name).Slot), Get_Type (Name))
+ & ')';
when Iir_Kind_Architecture_Declaration =>
if Short then
- return Image_Identifier (Get_Entity (Instance.Name));
+ return Image_Identifier (Get_Entity (Name));
- return Image_Identifier (Get_Entity (Instance.Name))
- & '(' & Image_Identifier (Instance.Name) & ')';
+ return Image_Identifier (Get_Entity (Name))
+ & '(' & Image_Identifier (Name) & ')';
end if;
when others =>
- Error_Kind ("disp_instance_local_name", Instance.Name);
+ Error_Kind ("disp_instance_local_name", Name);
end case;
end Get_Instance_Local_Name;
@@ -185,30 +191,9 @@ package body Debugger is
return Parent_Name & Get_Instance_Local_Name (Instance);
end Get_Instance_Name;
- procedure Disp_All_Instances1 (Inst : Block_Instance_Acc) is
+ procedure Disp_Instances_Tree_Name (Inst : Block_Instance_Acc) is
if Inst = null then
- return;
- end if;
- Put (Get_Instance_Local_Name (Inst));
- New_Line;
- if Inst.Instances /= null then
- for I in Inst.Instances'Range loop
- Disp_All_Instances1 (Inst.Instances (I));
- end loop;
- end if;
- end Disp_All_Instances1;
- procedure Disp_All_Instances is
- begin
- Disp_All_Instances1 (Top_Instance);
- end Disp_All_Instances;
- procedure Disp_Instances_Tree1 (Inst : Block_Instance_Acc; Pfx : String) is
- begin
- Put (Pfx);
- if Inst = null then
Put ("*null*");
@@ -216,7 +201,7 @@ package body Debugger is
Put (Get_Instance_Local_Name (Inst));
Put (" ");
- case Get_Kind (Inst.Name) is
+ case Get_Kind (Inst.Label) is
when Iir_Kind_Block_Statement =>
Put ("[block]");
when Iir_Kind_Generate_Statement =>
@@ -230,20 +215,40 @@ package body Debugger is
when Iir_Kind_Architecture_Declaration =>
Put ("[entity]");
when others =>
- Error_Kind ("disp_instances_tree1", Inst.Name);
+ Error_Kind ("disp_instances_tree1", Inst.Label);
end case;
+ end Disp_Instances_Tree_Name;
- if Inst.Instances /= null then
- for I in Inst.Instances'Range loop
- Disp_Instances_Tree1
- (Inst.Instances (I), Pfx & Iir_Index32'Image (I) & ": ");
- end loop;
+ procedure Disp_Instances_Tree1 (Inst : Block_Instance_Acc; Pfx : String)
+ is
+ Child : Block_Instance_Acc;
+ begin
+ Child := Inst.Children;
+ if Child = null then
+ return;
end if;
+ loop
+ if Child.Brother /= null then
+ Put (Pfx & "+-");
+ Disp_Instances_Tree_Name (Child);
+ Disp_Instances_Tree1 (Child, Pfx & "| ");
+ Child := Child.Brother;
+ else
+ Put (Pfx & "`-");
+ Disp_Instances_Tree_Name (Child);
+ Disp_Instances_Tree1 (Child, Pfx & " ");
+ exit;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
end Disp_Instances_Tree1;
procedure Disp_Instances_Tree is
+ Disp_Instances_Tree_Name (Top_Instance);
Disp_Instances_Tree1 (Top_Instance, "");
end Disp_Instances_Tree;
@@ -255,7 +260,7 @@ package body Debugger is
& Scope_Level_Type'Image (Instance.Scope_Level));
Put_Line ("Objects:");
for I in Instance.Objects'Range loop
- Put (Iir_Index32'Image (I) & ": ");
+ Put (Object_Slot_Type'Image (I) & ": ");
Disp_Value_Tab (Instance.Objects (I), 3);
end loop;
@@ -316,7 +321,6 @@ package body Debugger is
| Iir_Value_B2
| Iir_Value_Access =>
Disp_Iir_Value (Value, A_Type);
- --Disp_Signal_Status (Signals.Table (Indirect.Index), Status);
when Iir_Value_Array =>
Disp_Signal_Array (Value, A_Type, 1);
when Iir_Value_Record =>
@@ -338,48 +342,76 @@ package body Debugger is
Info : constant Sim_Info_Acc := Get_Info (Decl);
+ Put (" ");
Put (Name_Table.Image (Get_Identifier (Decl)));
Put (" = ");
Disp_Signal (Instance.Objects (Info.Slot), Get_Type (Decl));
- New_Line;
end Disp_Instance_Signal;
+ procedure Disp_Instance_Signals_Of_Chain (Instance: Block_Instance_Acc;
+ Chain : Iir)
+ is
+ El : Iir;
+ begin
+ El := Chain;
+ while El /= Null_Iir loop
+ case Get_Kind (El) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Signal_Declaration
+ | Iir_Kind_Signal_Interface_Declaration =>
+ Disp_Instance_Signal (Instance, El);
+ when others =>
+ null;
+ end case;
+ El := Get_Chain (El);
+ end loop;
+ end Disp_Instance_Signals_Of_Chain;
procedure Disp_Instance_Signals (Instance: Block_Instance_Acc)
- Blk : constant Iir := Instance.Name;
+ Blk : constant Iir := Instance.Label;
Child: Block_Instance_Acc;
case Get_Kind (Blk) is
when Iir_Kind_Architecture_Declaration =>
Ent : constant Iir := Get_Entity (Blk);
- El : Iir;
- El := Get_Port_Chain (Ent);
- while El /= Null_Iir loop
- Disp_Instance_Signal (Instance, El);
- El := Get_Chain (El);
- end loop;
- El := Get_Declaration_Chain (Blk);
- while El /= Null_Iir loop
- if Get_Kind (El) = Iir_Kind_Signal_Declaration then
- Disp_Instance_Signal (Instance, El);
- end if;
- El := Get_Chain (El);
- end loop;
+ Disp_Instance_Name (Instance);
+ Put_Line (" [architecture]:");
+ Disp_Instance_Signals_Of_Chain
+ (Instance, Get_Port_Chain (Ent));
+ Disp_Instance_Signals_Of_Chain
+ (Instance, Get_Declaration_Chain (Ent));
+ when Iir_Kind_Block_Statement =>
+ Disp_Instance_Name (Instance);
+ Put_Line (" [block]:");
+ -- FIXME: ports.
+ Disp_Instance_Signals_Of_Chain
+ (Instance, Get_Declaration_Chain (Blk));
+ when Iir_Kind_Generate_Statement =>
+ Disp_Instance_Name (Instance);
+ Put_Line (" [generate]:");
+ Disp_Instance_Signals_Of_Chain
+ (Instance, Get_Declaration_Chain (Blk));
+ when Iir_Kind_Component_Instantiation_Statement =>
+ null;
+ when Iir_Kinds_Process_Statement =>
+ null;
+ when Iir_Kind_Iterator_Declaration =>
+ null;
when others =>
- Error_Kind ("disp_instance_signals", Instance.Name);
+ Error_Kind ("disp_instance_signals", Instance.Label);
end case;
- if Trace_All_Signals then
- Child := Instance.Children;
- while Child /= null loop
- Disp_Instance_Signals (Child);
- Child := Child.Brother;
- end loop;
- end if;
+ Child := Instance.Children;
+ while Child /= null loop
+ Disp_Instance_Signals (Child);
+ Child := Child.Brother;
+ end loop;
end Disp_Instance_Signals;
-- Disp all signals name and values.
@@ -464,7 +496,7 @@ package body Debugger is
procedure Disp_Objects (Instance : Block_Instance_Acc)
- Decl : constant Iir := Instance.Name;
+ Decl : constant Iir := Instance.Label;
Disp_Instance_Name (Instance);
@@ -498,6 +530,138 @@ package body Debugger is
end Disp_Objects;
pragma Unreferenced (Disp_Objects);
+ procedure Disp_Process_Stats
+ is
+ Proc : Iir;
+ Stmt : Iir;
+ Nbr_User_Sensitized_Processes : Natural := 0;
+ Nbr_User_If_Sensitized_Processes : Natural := 0;
+ Nbr_Conc_Sensitized_Processes : Natural := 0;
+ Nbr_User_Non_Sensitized_Processes : Natural := 0;
+ Nbr_Conc_Non_Sensitized_Processes : Natural := 0;
+ begin
+ for I in Processes_Table.First .. Processes_Table.Last loop
+ Proc := Processes_Table.Table (I).Label;
+ case Get_Kind (Proc) is
+ when Iir_Kind_Sensitized_Process_Statement =>
+ if Get_Process_Origin (Proc) = Null_Iir then
+ Stmt := Get_Sequential_Statement_Chain (Proc);
+ if Stmt /= Null_Iir
+ and then Get_Kind (Stmt) = Iir_Kind_If_Statement
+ and then Get_Chain (Stmt) = Null_Iir
+ then
+ Nbr_User_If_Sensitized_Processes :=
+ Nbr_User_If_Sensitized_Processes + 1;
+ else
+ Nbr_User_Sensitized_Processes :=
+ Nbr_User_Sensitized_Processes + 1;
+ end if;
+ else
+ Nbr_Conc_Sensitized_Processes :=
+ Nbr_Conc_Sensitized_Processes + 1;
+ end if;
+ when Iir_Kind_Process_Statement =>
+ if Get_Process_Origin (Proc) = Null_Iir then
+ Nbr_User_Non_Sensitized_Processes :=
+ Nbr_User_Non_Sensitized_Processes + 1;
+ else
+ Nbr_Conc_Non_Sensitized_Processes :=
+ Nbr_Conc_Non_Sensitized_Processes + 1;
+ end if;
+ when others =>
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end case;
+ end loop;
+ Put (Natural'Image (Nbr_User_If_Sensitized_Processes));
+ Put_Line (" user sensitized processes with only a if stmt");
+ Put (Natural'Image (Nbr_User_Sensitized_Processes));
+ Put_Line (" user sensitized processes (others)");
+ Put (Natural'Image (Nbr_User_Non_Sensitized_Processes));
+ Put_Line (" user non sensitized processes");
+ Put (Natural'Image (Nbr_Conc_Sensitized_Processes));
+ Put_Line (" sensitized concurrent statements");
+ Put (Natural'Image (Nbr_Conc_Non_Sensitized_Processes));
+ Put_Line (" non sensitized concurrent statements");
+ Put (Process_Index_Type'Image (Processes_Table.Last));
+ Put_Line (" processes (total)");
+ end Disp_Process_Stats;
+ procedure Disp_Signals_Stats
+ is
+ type Counters_Type is array (Signal_Type_Kind) of Natural;
+ Counters : Counters_Type := (others => 0);
+ Nbr_Signal_Elements : Natural := 0;
+ begin
+ for I in Signals_Table.First .. Signals_Table.Last loop
+ declare
+ Ent : Signal_Entry renames Signals_Table.Table (I);
+ begin
+ if Ent.Kind = User_Signal then
+ Nbr_Signal_Elements := Nbr_Signal_Elements +
+ Get_Nbr_Of_Scalars (Signals_Table.Table (I).Sig);
+ end if;
+ Counters (Ent.Kind) := Counters (Ent.Kind) + 1;
+ end;
+ end loop;
+ Put (Integer'Image (Counters (User_Signal)));
+ Put_Line (" declared user signals or ports");
+ Put (Integer'Image (Nbr_Signal_Elements));
+ Put_Line (" user signals sub-elements");
+ Put (Integer'Image (Counters (Implicit_Quiet)));
+ Put_Line (" 'quiet implicit signals");
+ Put (Integer'Image (Counters (Implicit_Stable)));
+ Put_Line (" 'stable implicit signals");
+ Put (Integer'Image (Counters (Implicit_Delayed)));
+ Put_Line (" 'delayed implicit signals");
+ Put (Integer'Image (Counters (Implicit_Transaction)));
+ Put_Line (" 'transaction implicit signals");
+ Put (Integer'Image (Counters (Guard_Signal)));
+ Put_Line (" guard signals");
+ end Disp_Signals_Stats;
+ procedure Disp_Design_Stats is
+ begin
+ Disp_Process_Stats;
+ New_Line;
+ Disp_Signals_Stats;
+ New_Line;
+ Put (Integer'Image (Connect_Table.Last));
+ Put_Line (" connections");
+ end Disp_Design_Stats;
+ procedure Disp_Design_Non_Sensitized
+ is
+ Instance : Block_Instance_Acc;
+ Proc : Iir;
+ begin
+ for I in Processes_Table.First .. Processes_Table.Last loop
+ Instance := Processes_Table.Table (I);
+ Proc := Processes_Table.Table (I).Label;
+ if Get_Kind (Proc) = Iir_Kind_Process_Statement then
+ Disp_Instance_Name (Instance);
+ New_Line;
+ Put_Line (" at " & Disp_Location (Proc));
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ end Disp_Design_Non_Sensitized;
+ procedure Disp_Design_Connections is
+ begin
+ for I in Connect_Table.First .. Connect_Table.Last loop
+ declare
+ Conn : Connect_Entry renames Connect_Table.Table (I);
+ begin
+ Disp_Iir_Location (Conn.Assoc);
+ New_Line;
+ end;
+ end loop;
+ end Disp_Design_Connections;
function Walk_Files (Cb : Walk_Cb) return Walk_Status
Lib : Iir_Library_Declaration := Libraries.Get_Libraries_Chain;
@@ -649,6 +813,8 @@ package body Debugger is
return P;
end Skip_Blanks;
+ -- Return the position of the last character of the word (the last
+ -- non-blank character).
function Get_Word (S : String) return Positive
P : Positive := S'First;
@@ -656,15 +822,15 @@ package body Debugger is
while P <= S'Last and then not Is_Blank (S (P)) loop
P := P + 1;
end loop;
- return P;
+ return P - 1;
end Get_Word;
procedure Disp_A_Frame (Instance: Block_Instance_Acc) is
- Put (Disp_Node (Instance.Name));
- if Instance.Cur_Stmt /= Null_Iir then
+ Put (Disp_Node (Instance.Label));
+ if Instance.Stmt /= Null_Iir then
Put (" at ");
- Put (Get_Location_Str (Get_Location (Instance.Cur_Stmt)));
+ Put (Get_Location_Str (Get_Location (Instance.Stmt)));
end if;
end Disp_A_Frame;
@@ -842,7 +1008,7 @@ package body Debugger is
if Top_Instance = null then
Put_Line ("design not yet fully elaborated");
- Disp_All_Instances;
+ Disp_Instances_Tree;
end if;
end Info_Tree_Proc;
@@ -853,7 +1019,7 @@ package body Debugger is
Params : Iir;
- Decl := Dbg_Cur_Frame.Name;
+ Decl := Dbg_Cur_Frame.Label;
if Decl = Null_Iir
or else Get_Kind (Decl) not in Iir_Kinds_Subprogram_Declaration
@@ -930,6 +1096,32 @@ package body Debugger is
return Walk_Continue;
end Cb_Disp_File;
+ procedure Info_Stats_Proc (Line : String) is
+ P : Natural := Line'First;
+ E : Natural;
+ begin
+ P := Skip_Blanks (Line (P .. Line'Last));
+ if P > Line'Last then
+ -- No parameters.
+ Disp_Design_Stats;
+ return;
+ end if;
+ E := Get_Word (Line (P .. Line'Last));
+ if Line (P .. E) = "global" then
+ Disp_Design_Stats;
+ elsif Line (P .. E) = "non-sensitized" then
+ Disp_Design_Non_Sensitized;
+ null;
+ elsif Line (P .. E) = "connections" then
+ Disp_Design_Connections;
+ -- TODO: nbr of conversions
+ else
+ Put_Line ("options are: global, non-sensitized, connections");
+ -- TODO: signals: nbr of scalars, nbr of non-user...
+ end if;
+ end Info_Stats_Proc;
procedure Info_Files_Proc (Line : String) is
pragma Unreferenced (Line);
Status : Walk_Status;
@@ -1048,7 +1240,9 @@ package body Debugger is
| Iir_Kind_While_Loop_Statement =>
Foreach_Scopes (Get_Parent (N), Handler);
- when Iir_Kind_For_Loop_Statement =>
+ when Iir_Kind_For_Loop_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Block_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Generate_Statement =>
Foreach_Scopes (Get_Parent (N), Handler);
Handler.all (N);
@@ -1104,6 +1298,14 @@ package body Debugger is
when Iir_Kind_For_Loop_Statement =>
Add_Name (Get_Iterator_Scheme (N));
+ when Iir_Kind_Block_Statement =>
+ Open_Declarative_Region;
+ Add_Declarations (Get_Declaration_Chain (N), False);
+ Add_Declarations_Of_Concurrent_Statement (N);
+ when Iir_Kind_Generate_Statement =>
+ Open_Declarative_Region;
+ Add_Declarations (Get_Declaration_Chain (N), False);
+ Add_Declarations_Of_Concurrent_Statement (N);
when others =>
Error_Kind ("enter_scope(2)", N);
end case;
@@ -1137,10 +1339,12 @@ package body Debugger is
| Iir_Kind_Package_Body
| Iir_Kind_Procedure_Body
| Iir_Kind_Function_Body
- | Iir_Kind_For_Loop_Statement =>
+ | Iir_Kind_For_Loop_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Block_Statement
+ | Iir_Kind_Generate_Statement =>
when others =>
- Error_Kind ("Leave_scope(2)", N);
+ Error_Kind ("Decl_Decls_For", N);
end case;
end Del_Decls_For;
@@ -1197,9 +1401,9 @@ package body Debugger is
end if;
- Enter_Scope (Dbg_Cur_Frame.Cur_Stmt);
+ Enter_Scope (Dbg_Cur_Frame.Stmt);
Expr := Sem_Expr.Sem_Expression_Universal (Expr);
- Leave_Scope (Dbg_Cur_Frame.Cur_Stmt);
+ Leave_Scope (Dbg_Cur_Frame.Stmt);
if Expr = Null_Iir
or else Nbr_Errors /= 0
@@ -1212,13 +1416,15 @@ package body Debugger is
Disp_Vhdl.Disp_Expression (Expr);
+ Annotate_Expand_Table;
Mark (Marker, Expr_Pool);
Res := Execute_Expression (Dbg_Cur_Frame, Expr);
if Opt_Value then
Disp_Value (Res);
- Disp_Signal (Res, Get_Type (Expr));
+ Disp_Iir_Value (Res, Get_Type (Expr));
end if;
@@ -1246,10 +1452,16 @@ package body Debugger is
end loop;
end Cont_Proc;
+ Menu_Info_Stats : aliased Menu_Entry :=
+ (Kind => Menu_Command,
+ Name => new String'("stats"),
+ Next => null,
+ Proc => Info_Stats_Proc'Access);
Menu_Info_Tree : aliased Menu_Entry :=
(Kind => Menu_Command,
Name => new String'("tree"),
- Next => null,
+ Next => Menu_Info_Stats'Access,
Proc => Info_Tree_Proc'Access);
Menu_Info_Params : aliased Menu_Entry :=
@@ -1441,11 +1653,11 @@ package body Debugger is
end if;
E := Get_Word (Line (P .. Line'Last));
- Menu := Find_Menu (Menu, Line (P .. E - 1));
+ Menu := Find_Menu (Menu, Line (P .. E));
if Menu = null then
- Put_Line ("command '" & Line (P .. E - 1) & "' not found");
+ Put_Line ("command '" & Line (P .. E) & "' not found");
end if;
- P := E;
+ P := E + 1;
end Parse_Command;
procedure Help_Proc (Line : String) is
@@ -1494,7 +1706,7 @@ package body Debugger is
function Breakpoint_Hit return Natural
- Stmt : constant Iir := Current_Process.Instance.Cur_Stmt;
+ Stmt : constant Iir := Current_Process.Instance.Stmt;
for I in Breakpoints.First .. Breakpoints.Last loop
if Stmt = Breakpoints.Table (I).Stmt then
@@ -1556,7 +1768,7 @@ package body Debugger is
end case;
Set_Top_Frame (Current_Process.Instance);
- Stmt : constant Iir := Dbg_Cur_Frame.Cur_Stmt;
+ Stmt : constant Iir := Dbg_Cur_Frame.Stmt;
Put ("stopped at: ");
Disp_Iir_Location (Stmt);