path: root/psl/psl-qm.adb
diff options
authorTristan Gingold2014-11-04 20:14:19 +0100
committerTristan Gingold2014-11-04 20:14:19 +0100
commit9c195bf5d86d67ea5eb419ccf6e48dc153e57c68 (patch)
tree575346e529b99e26382b4a06f6ff2caa0b391ab2 /psl/psl-qm.adb
parent184a123f91e07c927292d67462561dc84f3a920d (diff)
Move sources to src/ subdirectory.
Diffstat (limited to 'psl/psl-qm.adb')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 318 deletions
diff --git a/psl/psl-qm.adb b/psl/psl-qm.adb
deleted file mode 100644
index f5b5e1d..0000000
--- a/psl/psl-qm.adb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,318 +0,0 @@
-with Ada.Text_IO;
-with Types; use Types;
-with PSL.Errors; use PSL.Errors;
-with PSL.Prints;
-with PSL.CSE;
-package body PSL.QM is
- procedure Reset is
- begin
- for I in 1 .. Nbr_Terms loop
- Set_HDL_Index (Term_Assoc (I), 0);
- end loop;
- Nbr_Terms := 0;
- Term_Assoc := (others => Null_Node);
- end Reset;
- function Term (P : Natural) return Vector_Type is
- begin
- return Shift_Left (1, P - 1);
- end Term;
- procedure Disp_Primes_Set (Ps : Primes_Set)
- is
- use Ada.Text_IO;
- use PSL.Prints;
- Prime : Prime_Type;
- T : Vector_Type;
- First_Term : Boolean;
- begin
- if Ps.Nbr = 0 then
- Put ("FALSE");
- return;
- end if;
- for I in 1 .. Ps.Nbr loop
- Prime := Ps.Set (I);
- if I /= 1 then
- Put (" | ");
- end if;
- if Prime.Set = 0 then
- Put ("TRUE");
- else
- First_Term := True;
- for J in 1 .. Max_Terms loop
- T := Term (J);
- if (Prime.Set and T) /= 0 then
- if First_Term then
- First_Term := False;
- else
- Put ('.');
- end if;
- if (Prime.Val and T) = 0 then
- Put ('!');
- end if;
- Print_Expr (Term_Assoc (J));
- end if;
- end loop;
- end if;
- end loop;
- end Disp_Primes_Set;
- -- Return TRUE iff L includes R, ie
- -- for all x, x in L => x in R.
- function Included (L, R : Prime_Type) return Boolean is
- begin
- return ((L.Set or R.Set) = L.Set)
- and then ((L.Val and R.Set) = (R.Val and R.Set));
- end Included;
- -- Return TRUE iff L and R have the same don't care set
- -- and L and R can be merged into a new prime with a new don't care.
- function Is_One_Change_Same (L, R : Prime_Type) return Boolean
- is
- V : Vector_Type;
- begin
- if L.Set /= R.Set then
- return False;
- end if;
- V := L.Val xor R.Val;
- return (V and -V) = V;
- end Is_One_Change_Same;
- -- Return true iff L can add a new DC in R.
- function Is_One_Change (L, R : Prime_Type) return Boolean
- is
- V : Vector_Type;
- begin
- if (L.Set or R.Set) /= R.Set then
- return False;
- end if;
- V := (L.Val xor R.Val) and L.Set;
- return (V and -V) = V;
- end Is_One_Change;
- procedure Merge (Ps : in out Primes_Set; P : Prime_Type)
- is
- Do_Append : Boolean := True;
- T : Prime_Type;
- begin
- for I in 1 .. Ps.Nbr loop
- T := Ps.Set (I);
- if Included (P, T) then
- -- Already in the set.
- return;
- end if;
- if Included (T, P) then
- Ps.Set (I) := P;
- Do_Append := False;
- else
- if Is_One_Change_Same (P, T) then
- declare
- V : constant Vector_Type := T.Val xor P.Val;
- begin
- Ps.Set (I).Set := T.Set and not V;
- Ps.Set (I).Val := T.Val and not V;
- end;
- Do_Append := False;
- end if;
- if Is_One_Change (P, T) then
- declare
- V : constant Vector_Type := (T.Val xor P.Val) and P.Set;
- begin
- Ps.Set (I).Set := T.Set and not V;
- Ps.Set (I).Val := T.Val and not V;
- end;
- -- continue.
- end if;
- end if;
- end loop;
- if Do_Append then
- Ps.Nbr := Ps.Nbr + 1;
- Ps.Set (Ps.Nbr) := P;
- end if;
- end Merge;
- function Build_Primes_And (L, R : Primes_Set) return Primes_Set
- is
- Res : Primes_Set (L.Nbr * R.Nbr);
- L_P, R_P : Prime_Type;
- P : Prime_Type;
- begin
- for I in 1 .. L.Nbr loop
- L_P := L.Set (I);
- for J in 1 .. R.Nbr loop
- R_P := R.Set (J);
- -- In case of conflict, discard.
- if ((L_P.Val xor R_P.Val) and (L_P.Set and R_P.Set)) /= 0 then
- null;
- else
- P.Set := L_P.Set or R_P.Set;
- P.Val := (R_P.Set and R_P.Val)
- or ((L_P.Set and not R_P.Set) and L_P.Val);
- Merge (Res, P);
- end if;
- end loop;
- end loop;
- return Res;
- end Build_Primes_And;
- function Build_Primes_Or (L, R : Primes_Set) return Primes_Set
- is
- Res : Primes_Set (L.Nbr + R.Nbr);
- L_P, R_P : Prime_Type;
- begin
- for I in 1 .. L.Nbr loop
- L_P := L.Set (I);
- Merge (Res, L_P);
- end loop;
- for J in 1 .. R.Nbr loop
- R_P := R.Set (J);
- Merge (Res, R_P);
- end loop;
- return Res;
- end Build_Primes_Or;
- function Build_Primes (N : Node; Negate : Boolean) return Primes_Set is
- begin
- case Get_Kind (N) is
- when N_HDL_Expr
- | N_EOS =>
- declare
- Res : Primes_Set (1);
- Index : Int32;
- T : Vector_Type;
- begin
- Index := Get_HDL_Index (N);
- if Index = 0 then
- Nbr_Terms := Nbr_Terms + 1;
- if Nbr_Terms > Max_Terms then
- raise Program_Error;
- end if;
- Term_Assoc (Nbr_Terms) := N;
- Index := Int32 (Nbr_Terms);
- Set_HDL_Index (N, Index);
- else
- if Index not in 1 .. Int32 (Nbr_Terms)
- or else Term_Assoc (Natural (Index)) /= N
- then
- raise Internal_Error;
- end if;
- end if;
- T := Term (Natural (Index));
- Res.Nbr := 1;
- Res.Set (1).Set := T;
- if Negate then
- Res.Set (1).Val := 0;
- else
- Res.Set (1).Val := T;
- end if;
- return Res;
- end;
- when N_False =>
- declare
- Res : Primes_Set (0);
- begin
- return Res;
- end;
- when N_True =>
- declare
- Res : Primes_Set (1);
- begin
- Res.Nbr := 1;
- Res.Set (1).Set := 0;
- Res.Set (1).Val := 0;
- return Res;
- end;
- when N_Not_Bool =>
- return Build_Primes (Get_Boolean (N), not Negate);
- when N_And_Bool =>
- if Negate then
- -- !(a & b) <-> !a || !b
- return Build_Primes_Or (Build_Primes (Get_Left (N), True),
- Build_Primes (Get_Right (N), True));
- else
- return Build_Primes_And (Build_Primes (Get_Left (N), False),
- Build_Primes (Get_Right (N), False));
- end if;
- when N_Or_Bool =>
- if Negate then
- -- !(a || b) <-> !a && !b
- return Build_Primes_And (Build_Primes (Get_Left (N), True),
- Build_Primes (Get_Right (N), True));
- else
- return Build_Primes_Or (Build_Primes (Get_Left (N), False),
- Build_Primes (Get_Right (N), False));
- end if;
- when N_Imp_Bool =>
- if not Negate then
- -- a -> b <-> !a || b
- return Build_Primes_Or (Build_Primes (Get_Left (N), True),
- Build_Primes (Get_Right (N), False));
- else
- -- !(a -> b) <-> a && !b
- return Build_Primes_And (Build_Primes (Get_Left (N), False),
- Build_Primes (Get_Right (N), True));
- end if;
- when others =>
- Error_Kind ("build_primes", N);
- end case;
- end Build_Primes;
- function Build_Primes (N : Node) return Primes_Set is
- begin
- return Build_Primes (N, False);
- end Build_Primes;
- function Build_Node (P : Prime_Type) return Node
- is
- Res : Node := Null_Node;
- N : Node;
- S : Vector_Type := P.Set;
- T : Vector_Type;
- begin
- if S = 0 then
- return True_Node;
- end if;
- for I in Natural range 1 .. Vector_Type'Modulus loop
- T := Term (I);
- if (S and T) /= 0 then
- N := Term_Assoc (I);
- if (P.Val and T) = 0 then
- N := PSL.CSE.Build_Bool_Not (N);
- end if;
- if Res = Null_Node then
- Res := N;
- else
- Res := PSL.CSE.Build_Bool_And (Res, N);
- end if;
- S := S and not T;
- exit when S = 0;
- end if;
- end loop;
- return Res;
- end Build_Node;
- function Build_Node (Ps : Primes_Set) return Node
- is
- Res : Node;
- begin
- if Ps.Nbr = 0 then
- return False_Node;
- else
- Res := Build_Node (Ps.Set (1));
- for I in 2 .. Ps.Nbr loop
- Res := PSL.CSE.Build_Bool_Or (Res, Build_Node (Ps.Set (I)));
- end loop;
- return Res;
- end if;
- end Build_Node;
- -- FIXME: finish the work: do a real Quine-McKluskey minimization.
- function Reduce (N : Node) return Node is
- begin
- return Build_Node (Build_Primes (N));
- end Reduce;
-end PSL.QM;