path: root/ortho/mcode/ortho_code-x86-insns.adb
diff options
authorTristan Gingold2014-11-04 20:14:19 +0100
committerTristan Gingold2014-11-04 20:14:19 +0100
commit9c195bf5d86d67ea5eb419ccf6e48dc153e57c68 (patch)
tree575346e529b99e26382b4a06f6ff2caa0b391ab2 /ortho/mcode/ortho_code-x86-insns.adb
parent184a123f91e07c927292d67462561dc84f3a920d (diff)
Move sources to src/ subdirectory.
Diffstat (limited to 'ortho/mcode/ortho_code-x86-insns.adb')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 2068 deletions
diff --git a/ortho/mcode/ortho_code-x86-insns.adb b/ortho/mcode/ortho_code-x86-insns.adb
deleted file mode 100644
index c218a9a..0000000
--- a/ortho/mcode/ortho_code-x86-insns.adb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2068 +0,0 @@
--- Mcode back-end for ortho - mcode to X86 instructions.
--- Copyright (C) 2006 Tristan Gingold
--- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
--- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
--- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
--- version.
--- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
--- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
--- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
--- for more details.
--- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
--- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
--- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
--- 02111-1307, USA.
-with Interfaces;
-with Ada.Text_IO;
-with Ortho_Code.Abi;
-with Ortho_Code.Decls; use Ortho_Code.Decls;
-with Ortho_Code.Types; use Ortho_Code.Types;
-with Ortho_Code.Debug;
-with Ortho_Code.X86.Flags;
-package body Ortho_Code.X86.Insns is
- procedure Link_Stmt (Stmt : O_Enode)
- is
- use Ortho_Code.Abi;
- begin
- Set_Stmt_Link (Last_Link, Stmt);
- Last_Link := Stmt;
- if Debug.Flag_Debug_Insn then
- Disp_Stmt (Stmt);
- end if;
- end Link_Stmt;
- function Get_Reg_Any (Mode : Mode_Type) return O_Reg is
- begin
- case Mode is
- when Mode_I16 .. Mode_I32
- | Mode_U16 .. Mode_U32
- | Mode_P32 =>
- return R_Any32;
- when Mode_I8
- | Mode_U8
- | Mode_B2 =>
- return R_Any8;
- when Mode_U64
- | Mode_I64 =>
- return R_Any64;
- when Mode_F32
- | Mode_F64 =>
- if Abi.Flag_Sse2 then
- return R_Any_Xmm;
- else
- return R_St0;
- end if;
- when Mode_P64
- | Mode_X1
- | Mode_Nil
- | Mode_Blk =>
- raise Program_Error;
- end case;
- end Get_Reg_Any;
- function Get_Reg_Any (Stmt : O_Enode) return O_Reg is
- begin
- return Get_Reg_Any (Get_Expr_Mode (Stmt));
- end Get_Reg_Any;
- -- Stack slot management.
- Stack_Offset : Uns32 := 0;
- Stack_Max : Uns32 := 0;
- -- Count how many bytes have been pushed on the stack, during a call. This
- -- is used to correctly align the stack for nested calls.
- Push_Offset : Uns32 := 0;
- -- STMT is an OE_END statement.
- -- Swap Stack_Offset with Max_Stack of STMT.
- procedure Swap_Stack_Offset (Blk : O_Dnode)
- is
- Prev_Offset : Uns32;
- begin
- Prev_Offset := Get_Block_Max_Stack (Blk);
- Set_Block_Max_Stack (Blk, Stack_Offset);
- Stack_Offset := Prev_Offset;
- end Swap_Stack_Offset;
- procedure Expand_Decls (Block : O_Dnode)
- is
- Last : O_Dnode;
- Decl : O_Dnode;
- Decl_Type : O_Tnode;
- begin
- if Get_Decl_Kind (Block) /= OD_Block then
- raise Program_Error;
- end if;
- Last := Get_Block_Last (Block);
- Decl := Block + 1;
- while Decl <= Last loop
- case Get_Decl_Kind (Decl) is
- when OD_Local =>
- Decl_Type := Get_Decl_Type (Decl);
- Stack_Offset := Do_Align (Stack_Offset, Decl_Type);
- Stack_Offset := Stack_Offset + Get_Type_Size (Decl_Type);
- Set_Local_Offset (Decl, -Int32 (Stack_Offset));
- if Stack_Offset > Stack_Max then
- Stack_Max := Stack_Offset;
- end if;
- when OD_Type
- | OD_Const
- | OD_Const_Val
- | OD_Var
- | OD_Function
- | OD_Procedure
- | OD_Interface
- | OD_Body
- | OD_Subprg_Ext =>
- null;
- when OD_Block =>
- Decl := Get_Block_Last (Decl);
- end case;
- Decl := Decl + 1;
- end loop;
- end Expand_Decls;
- function Ekind_To_Cc (Stmt : O_Enode; Mode : Mode_Type) return O_Reg
- is
- Kind : OE_Kind;
- begin
- Kind := Get_Expr_Kind (Stmt);
- case Mode is
- when Mode_U8 .. Mode_U64
- | Mode_F32 .. Mode_F64
- | Mode_P32
- | Mode_P64
- | Mode_B2 =>
- return Ekind_Unsigned_To_Cc (Kind);
- when Mode_I8 .. Mode_I64 =>
- return Ekind_Signed_To_Cc (Kind);
- when others =>
- raise Program_Error;
- end case;
- end Ekind_To_Cc;
- -- CC is the result of A CMP B.
- -- Returns the condition for B CMP A.
- function Reverse_Cc (Cc : O_Reg) return O_Reg is
- begin
- case Cc is
- when R_Ult =>
- return R_Ugt;
- when R_Uge =>
- return R_Ule;
- when R_Eq =>
- return R_Eq;
- when R_Ne =>
- return R_Ne;
- when R_Ule =>
- return R_Uge;
- when R_Ugt =>
- return R_Ult;
- when R_Slt =>
- return R_Sgt;
- when R_Sge =>
- return R_Sle;
- when R_Sle =>
- return R_Sge;
- when R_Sgt =>
- return R_Slt;
- when others =>
- raise Program_Error;
- end case;
- end Reverse_Cc;
- -- Get the register in which a result of MODE is returned.
- function Get_Call_Register (Mode : Mode_Type) return O_Reg is
- begin
- case Mode is
- when Mode_U8 .. Mode_U32
- | Mode_I8 .. Mode_I32
- | Mode_P32
- | Mode_B2 =>
- return R_Ax;
- when Mode_U64
- | Mode_I64 =>
- return R_Edx_Eax;
- when Mode_F32
- | Mode_F64 =>
- if Abi.Flag_Sse2 and True then
- -- Note: this shouldn't be enabled as the svr4 ABI specifies
- -- ST0.
- return R_Xmm0;
- else
- return R_St0;
- end if;
- when Mode_Nil =>
- return R_None;
- when Mode_X1
- | Mode_Blk
- | Mode_P64 =>
- raise Program_Error;
- end case;
- end Get_Call_Register;
--- function Ensure_Rm (Stmt : O_Enode) return O_Enode
--- is
--- begin
--- case Get_Expr_Reg (Stmt) is
--- when R_Mem
--- | Regs_Any32 =>
--- return Stmt;
--- when others =>
--- raise Program_Error;
--- end case;
--- end Ensure_Rm;
--- function Ensure_Ireg (Stmt : O_Enode) return O_Enode
--- is
--- Reg : O_Reg;
--- begin
--- Reg := Get_Expr_Reg (Stmt);
--- case Reg is
--- when Regs_Any32
--- | R_Imm =>
--- return Stmt;
--- when others =>
--- raise Program_Error;
--- end case;
--- end Ensure_Ireg;
- function Insert_Move (Expr : O_Enode; Dest : O_Reg) return O_Enode
- is
- N : O_Enode;
- begin
- N := New_Enode (OE_Move, Get_Expr_Mode (Expr), O_Tnode_Null,
- Expr, O_Enode_Null);
- Set_Expr_Reg (N, Dest);
- Link_Stmt (N);
- return N;
- end Insert_Move;
--- function Insert_Spill (Expr : O_Enode) return O_Enode
--- is
--- N : O_Enode;
--- begin
--- N := New_Enode (OE_Spill, Get_Expr_Mode (Expr), O_Tnode_Null,
--- Expr, O_Enode_Null);
--- Set_Expr_Reg (N, R_Spill);
--- Link_Stmt (N);
--- return N;
--- end Insert_Spill;
- procedure Error_Gen_Insn (Stmt : O_Enode; Reg : O_Reg)
- is
- use Ada.Text_IO;
- begin
- Put_Line ("gen_insn error: cannot match reg " & Abi.Image_Reg (Reg)
- & " with stmt " & OE_Kind'Image (Get_Expr_Kind (Stmt)));
- raise Program_Error;
- end Error_Gen_Insn;
- procedure Error_Gen_Insn (Stmt : O_Enode; Mode : Mode_Type)
- is
- use Ada.Text_IO;
- begin
- Put_Line ("gen_insn error: cannot match mode " & Mode_Type'Image (Mode)
- & " with stmt " & OE_Kind'Image (Get_Expr_Kind (Stmt))
- & " of mode " & Mode_Type'Image (Get_Expr_Mode (Stmt)));
- raise Program_Error;
- end Error_Gen_Insn;
- pragma No_Return (Error_Gen_Insn);
- Cur_Block : O_Enode;
- type O_Inum is new Int32;
- O_Free : constant O_Inum := 0;
- O_Iroot : constant O_Inum := 1;
- Insn_Num : O_Inum;
- function Get_Insn_Num return O_Inum is
- begin
- Insn_Num := Insn_Num + 1;
- return Insn_Num;
- end Get_Insn_Num;
- type Reg_Info_Type is record
- -- Statement number which use this register.
- -- This is a distance.
- Num : O_Inum;
- -- Statement which produces this value.
- -- Used to have more info on this register (such as mode to allocate
- -- a spill location).
- Stmt : O_Enode;
- -- If set, this register has been used.
- -- All callee-saved registers marked must be saved.
- Used : Boolean;
- end record;
- Init_Reg_Info : constant Reg_Info_Type := (Num => O_Free,
- Stmt => O_Enode_Null,
- Used => False);
- type Reg32_Info_Array is array (Regs_R32) of Reg_Info_Type;
- Regs : Reg32_Info_Array := (others => Init_Reg_Info);
- Reg_Cc : Reg_Info_Type := Init_Reg_Info;
- type Fp_Stack_Type is mod 8;
- type RegFp_Info_Array is array (Fp_Stack_Type) of Reg_Info_Type;
- Fp_Top : Fp_Stack_Type := 0;
- Fp_Regs : RegFp_Info_Array;
- type Reg_Xmm_Info_Array is array (Regs_Xmm) of Reg_Info_Type;
- Info_Regs_Xmm : Reg_Xmm_Info_Array := (others => Init_Reg_Info);
- function Reg_Used (Reg : Regs_R32) return Boolean is
- begin
- return Regs (Reg).Used;
- end Reg_Used;
- procedure Dump_Reg32_Info (Reg : Regs_R32)
- is
- use Ada.Text_IO;
- use Ortho_Code.Debug.Int32_IO;
- use Abi;
- begin
- Put (Image_Reg (Reg));
- Put (": ");
- Put (Int32 (Regs (Reg).Stmt), 0);
- Put (", num: ");
- Put (Int32 (Regs (Reg).Num), 0);
- --Put (", twin: ");
- --Put (Image_Reg (Regs (Reg).Twin_Reg));
- --Put (", link: ");
- --Put (Image_Reg (Regs (Reg).Link));
- New_Line;
- end Dump_Reg32_Info;
- procedure Dump_Regs
- is
- use Ada.Text_IO;
- use Debug.Int32_IO;
- begin
--- Put ("free_regs: ");
--- Put (Image_Reg (Free_Regs));
--- Put (", to_free_regs: ");
--- Put (Image_Reg (To_Free_Regs));
--- New_Line;
- for I in Regs_R32 loop
- Dump_Reg32_Info (I);
- end loop;
- for I in Fp_Stack_Type loop
- Put ("fp" & Fp_Stack_Type'Image (I));
- Put (": ");
- Put (Int32 (Fp_Regs (I).Stmt), 0);
- New_Line;
- end loop;
- end Dump_Regs;
- pragma Unreferenced (Dump_Regs);
- procedure Error_Reg (Msg : String; Stmt : O_Enode; Reg : O_Reg)
- is
- use Ada.Text_IO;
- use Ortho_Code.Debug.Int32_IO;
- begin
- Put ("error reg: ");
- Put (Msg);
- New_Line;
- Put (" stmt: ");
- Put (Int32 (Stmt), 0);
- Put (", reg: ");
- Put (Abi.Image_Reg (Reg));
- New_Line;
- --Dump_Regs;
- raise Program_Error;
- end Error_Reg;
- pragma No_Return (Error_Reg);
- -- Free_XX
- -- Mark a register as unused.
- procedure Free_R32 (Reg : O_Reg) is
- begin
- if Regs (Reg).Num = O_Free then
- raise Program_Error;
- end if;
- Regs (Reg).Num := O_Free;
- end Free_R32;
- procedure Free_Fp is
- begin
- if Fp_Regs (Fp_Top).Stmt = O_Enode_Null then
- raise Program_Error;
- end if;
- Fp_Regs (Fp_Top).Stmt := O_Enode_Null;
- Fp_Top := Fp_Top + 1;
- end Free_Fp;
- procedure Free_Cc is
- begin
- if Reg_Cc.Num = O_Free then
- raise Program_Error;
- end if;
- Reg_Cc.Num := O_Free;
- end Free_Cc;
- procedure Free_Xmm (Reg : O_Reg) is
- begin
- if Info_Regs_Xmm (Reg).Num = O_Free then
- raise Program_Error;
- end if;
- Info_Regs_Xmm (Reg).Num := O_Free;
- end Free_Xmm;
- -- Allocate a stack slot for spilling.
- procedure Alloc_Spill (N : O_Enode)
- is
- Mode : Mode_Type;
- begin
- Mode := Get_Expr_Mode (N);
- -- Allocate on the stack.
- Stack_Offset := Types.Do_Align (Stack_Offset, Mode);
- Stack_Offset := Stack_Offset + Types.Get_Mode_Size (Mode);
- if Stack_Offset > Stack_Max then
- Stack_Max := Stack_Offset;
- end if;
- Set_Spill_Info (N, -Int32 (Stack_Offset));
- end Alloc_Spill;
- -- Insert a spill statement after ORIG: will save register(s) allocated by
- -- ORIG.
- -- Return the register(s) spilt (There might be several registers if
- -- ORIG uses a R64 register).
- function Insert_Spill (Orig : O_Enode) return O_Reg
- is
- N : O_Enode;
- Mode : Mode_Type;
- Reg_Orig : O_Reg;
- begin
- -- Add a spill statement.
- Mode := Get_Expr_Mode (Orig);
- N := New_Enode (OE_Spill, Mode, O_Tnode_Null, Orig, O_Enode_Null);
- Alloc_Spill (N);
- -- Insert the statement after the one that set the register
- -- being spilled.
- -- That's very important to be able to easily find the spill location,
- -- when it will be reloaded.
- if Orig = Abi.Last_Link then
- Link_Stmt (N);
- else
- Set_Stmt_Link (N, Get_Stmt_Link (Orig));
- Set_Stmt_Link (Orig, N);
- end if;
- Reg_Orig := Get_Expr_Reg (Orig);
- Set_Expr_Reg (N, Reg_Orig);
- Set_Expr_Reg (Orig, R_Spill);
- return Reg_Orig;
- end Insert_Spill;
- procedure Spill_R32 (Reg : Regs_R32)
- is
- Reg_Orig : O_Reg;
- begin
- if Regs (Reg).Num = O_Free then
- -- This register was not allocated.
- raise Program_Error;
- end if;
- Reg_Orig := Insert_Spill (Regs (Reg).Stmt);
- -- Free the register.
- case Reg_Orig is
- when Regs_R32 =>
- if Reg_Orig /= Reg then
- raise Program_Error;
- end if;
- Free_R32 (Reg);
- when Regs_R64 =>
- Free_R32 (Get_R64_High (Reg_Orig));
- Free_R32 (Get_R64_Low (Reg_Orig));
- when others =>
- raise Program_Error;
- end case;
- end Spill_R32;
- procedure Alloc_R32 (Reg : O_Reg; Stmt : O_Enode; Num : O_Inum) is
- begin
- if Regs (Reg).Num /= O_Free then
- Spill_R32 (Reg);
- end if;
- Regs (Reg) := (Num => Num, Stmt => Stmt, Used => True);
- end Alloc_R32;
- procedure Clobber_R32 (Reg : O_Reg) is
- begin
- if Regs (Reg).Num /= O_Free then
- Spill_R32 (Reg);
- end if;
- end Clobber_R32;
- procedure Alloc_Fp (Stmt : O_Enode)
- is
- begin
- Fp_Top := Fp_Top - 1;
- if Fp_Regs (Fp_Top).Stmt /= O_Enode_Null then
- -- Must spill-out.
- raise Program_Error;
- end if;
- Fp_Regs (Fp_Top).Stmt := Stmt;
- end Alloc_Fp;
- procedure Alloc_R64 (Reg : O_Reg; Stmt : O_Enode; Num : O_Inum)
- is
- Rh, Rl : O_Reg;
- begin
- Rl := Get_R64_Low (Reg);
- Rh := Get_R64_High (Reg);
- if Regs (Rl).Num /= O_Free
- or Regs (Rh).Num /= O_Free
- then
- Spill_R32 (Rl);
- end if;
- Regs (Rh) := (Num => Num, Stmt => Stmt, Used => True);
- Regs (Rl) := (Num => Num, Stmt => Stmt, Used => True);
- end Alloc_R64;
- procedure Alloc_Cc (Stmt : O_Enode; Num : O_Inum) is
- begin
- if Reg_Cc.Num /= O_Free then
- raise Program_Error;
- end if;
- Reg_Cc := (Num => Num, Stmt => Stmt, Used => True);
- end Alloc_Cc;
- procedure Spill_Xmm (Reg : Regs_Xmm)
- is
- Reg_Orig : O_Reg;
- begin
- if Info_Regs_Xmm (Reg).Num = O_Free then
- -- This register was not allocated.
- raise Program_Error;
- end if;
- Reg_Orig := Insert_Spill (Info_Regs_Xmm (Reg).Stmt);
- -- Free the register.
- if Reg_Orig /= Reg then
- raise Program_Error;
- end if;
- Free_Xmm (Reg);
- end Spill_Xmm;
- procedure Alloc_Xmm (Reg : Regs_Xmm; Stmt : O_Enode; Num : O_Inum) is
- begin
- if Info_Regs_Xmm (Reg).Num /= O_Free then
- Spill_Xmm (Reg);
- end if;
- Info_Regs_Xmm (Reg) := (Num => Num, Stmt => Stmt, Used => True);
- end Alloc_Xmm;
- procedure Clobber_Xmm (Reg : Regs_Xmm) is
- begin
- if Info_Regs_Xmm (Reg).Num /= O_Free then
- Spill_Xmm (Reg);
- end if;
- end Clobber_Xmm;
- pragma Unreferenced (Clobber_Xmm);
- function Alloc_Reg (Reg : O_Reg; Stmt : O_Enode; Num : O_Inum) return O_Reg
- is
- Best_Reg : O_Reg;
- Best_Num : O_Inum;
- begin
- case Reg is
- when Regs_R32 =>
- Alloc_R32 (Reg, Stmt, Num);
- return Reg;
- when Regs_R64 =>
- Alloc_R64 (Reg, Stmt, Num);
- return Reg;
- when R_St0 =>
- Alloc_Fp (Stmt);
- return Reg;
- when Regs_Xmm =>
- Alloc_Xmm (Reg, Stmt, Num);
- return Reg;
- when R_Any32 =>
- Best_Num := O_Inum'Last;
- Best_Reg := R_None;
- for I in Regs_R32 loop
- if I not in R_Sp .. R_Bp then
- if Regs (I).Num = O_Free then
- Alloc_R32 (I, Stmt, Num);
- return I;
- elsif Regs (I).Num <= Best_Num then
- Best_Reg := I;
- Best_Num := Regs (I).Num;
- end if;
- end if;
- end loop;
- Alloc_R32 (Best_Reg, Stmt, Num);
- return Best_Reg;
- when R_Any8 =>
- Best_Num := O_Inum'Last;
- Best_Reg := R_None;
- for I in Regs_R8 loop
- if Regs (I).Num = O_Free then
- Alloc_R32 (I, Stmt, Num);
- return I;
- elsif Regs (I).Num <= Best_Num then
- Best_Reg := I;
- Best_Num := Regs (I).Num;
- end if;
- end loop;
- Alloc_R32 (Best_Reg, Stmt, Num);
- return Best_Reg;
- when R_Any64 =>
- declare
- Rh, Rl : O_Reg;
- begin
- Best_Num := O_Inum'Last;
- Best_Reg := R_None;
- for I in Regs_R64 loop
- Rh := Get_R64_High (I);
- Rl := Get_R64_Low (I);
- if Regs (Rh).Num = O_Free
- and then Regs (Rl).Num = O_Free
- then
- Alloc_R64 (I, Stmt, Num);
- return I;
- elsif Regs (Rh).Num <= Best_Num
- and Regs (Rl).Num <= Best_Num
- then
- Best_Reg := I;
- Best_Num := O_Inum'Max (Regs (Rh).Num,
- Regs (Rl).Num);
- end if;
- end loop;
- Alloc_R64 (Best_Reg, Stmt, Num);
- return Best_Reg;
- end;
- when R_Any_Xmm =>
- Best_Num := O_Inum'Last;
- Best_Reg := R_None;
- for I in Regs_X86_Xmm loop
- if Info_Regs_Xmm (I).Num = O_Free then
- Alloc_Xmm (I, Stmt, Num);
- return I;
- elsif Info_Regs_Xmm (I).Num <= Best_Num then
- Best_Reg := I;
- Best_Num := Info_Regs_Xmm (I).Num;
- end if;
- end loop;
- Alloc_Xmm (Best_Reg, Stmt, Num);
- return Best_Reg;
- when others =>
- Error_Reg ("alloc_reg: unknown reg", O_Enode_Null, Reg);
- raise Program_Error;
- end case;
- end Alloc_Reg;
- function Gen_Reload (Spill : O_Enode; Reg : O_Reg; Num : O_Inum)
- return O_Enode
- is
- N : O_Enode;
- Mode : Mode_Type;
- begin
- -- Add a reload node.
- Mode := Get_Expr_Mode (Spill);
- N := New_Enode (OE_Reload, Mode, O_Tnode_Null, Spill, O_Enode_Null);
- -- Note: this does not use a just-freed register, since
- -- this case only occurs at the first call.
- Set_Expr_Reg (N, Alloc_Reg (Reg, N, Num));
- Link_Stmt (N);
- return N;
- end Gen_Reload;
- function Reload (Expr : O_Enode; Dest : O_Reg; Num : O_Inum) return O_Enode
- is
- Reg : O_Reg;
- Spill : O_Enode;
- begin
- Reg := Get_Expr_Reg (Expr);
- case Reg is
- when R_Spill =>
- -- Restore the register between the statement and the spill.
- Spill := Get_Stmt_Link (Expr);
- Set_Expr_Reg (Expr, Get_Expr_Reg (Spill));
- Set_Expr_Reg (Spill, R_Spill);
- case Dest is
- when R_Mem
- | R_Irm
- | R_Rm =>
- return Spill;
- when Regs_R32
- | R_Any32
- | Regs_R64
- | R_Any64
- | R_Any8 =>
- return Gen_Reload (Spill, Dest, Num);
- when R_Sib =>
- return Gen_Reload (Spill, R_Any32, Num);
- when R_Ir =>
- return Gen_Reload (Spill, Get_Reg_Any (Expr), Num);
- when others =>
- Error_Reg ("reload: unhandled dest in spill", Expr, Dest);
- end case;
- when Regs_R32 =>
- case Dest is
- when R_Irm
- | R_Rm
- | R_Ir
- | R_Any32
- | R_Any8
- | R_Sib =>
- return Expr;
- when Regs_R32 =>
- if Dest = Reg then
- return Expr;
- end if;
- Free_R32 (Reg);
- Spill := Insert_Move (Expr, Dest);
- Alloc_R32 (Dest, Spill, Num);
- return Spill;
- when others =>
- Error_Reg ("reload: unhandled dest in R32", Expr, Dest);
- end case;
- when Regs_R64 =>
- return Expr;
- when R_St0 =>
- return Expr;
- when Regs_Xmm =>
- return Expr;
- when R_Mem =>
- if Get_Expr_Kind (Expr) = OE_Indir then
- Set_Expr_Operand (Expr,
- Reload (Get_Expr_Operand (Expr), R_Sib, Num));
- return Expr;
- else
- raise Program_Error;
- end if;
- when R_B_Off
- | R_B_I
- | R_I_Off
- | R_Sib =>
- case Get_Expr_Kind (Expr) is
- when OE_Add =>
- Set_Expr_Left
- (Expr, Reload (Get_Expr_Left (Expr), R_Any32, Num));
- Set_Expr_Right
- (Expr, Reload (Get_Expr_Right (Expr), R_Any32, Num));
- return Expr;
- when OE_Addrl =>
- Spill := Get_Addrl_Frame (Expr);
- if Spill /= O_Enode_Null then
- Set_Addrl_Frame (Expr, Reload (Spill, R_Any32, Num));
- end if;
- return Expr;
- when others =>
- Error_Reg ("reload: unhandle expr in b_off", Expr, Dest);
- end case;
- when R_I =>
- Set_Expr_Left (Expr, Reload (Get_Expr_Left (Expr), R_Any32, Num));
- return Expr;
- when R_Imm =>
- return Expr;
- when others =>
- Error_Reg ("reload: unhandled reg", Expr, Reg);
- end case;
- end Reload;
- procedure Renum_Reg (Reg : O_Reg; Stmt : O_Enode; Num : O_Inum) is
- begin
- case Reg is
- when Regs_R32 =>
- Regs (Reg).Num := Num;
- Regs (Reg).Stmt := Stmt;
- when Regs_Cc =>
- Reg_Cc.Num := Num;
- Reg_Cc.Stmt := Stmt;
- when R_St0 =>
- null;
- when Regs_R64 =>
- declare
- L, H : O_Reg;
- begin
- L := Get_R64_Low (Reg);
- Regs (L).Num := Num;
- Regs (L).Stmt := Stmt;
- H := Get_R64_High (Reg);
- Regs (H).Num := Num;
- Regs (H).Stmt := Stmt;
- end;
- when others =>
- Error_Reg ("renum_reg", Stmt, Reg);
- end case;
- end Renum_Reg;
- procedure Free_Insn_Regs (Insn : O_Enode)
- is
- R : O_Reg;
- begin
- R := Get_Expr_Reg (Insn);
- case R is
- when R_Ax
- | R_Bx
- | R_Cx
- | R_Dx
- | R_Si
- | R_Di =>
- Free_R32 (R);
- when R_Sp
- | R_Bp =>
- null;
- when R_St0 =>
- Free_Fp;
- when Regs_Xmm =>
- Free_Xmm (R);
- when Regs_R64 =>
- Free_R32 (Get_R64_High (R));
- Free_R32 (Get_R64_Low (R));
- when R_Mem =>
- if Get_Expr_Kind (Insn) = OE_Indir then
- Free_Insn_Regs (Get_Expr_Operand (Insn));
- else
- raise Program_Error;
- end if;
- when R_B_Off
- | R_B_I
- | R_I_Off
- | R_Sib =>
- case Get_Expr_Kind (Insn) is
- when OE_Add =>
- Free_Insn_Regs (Get_Expr_Left (Insn));
- Free_Insn_Regs (Get_Expr_Right (Insn));
- when OE_Addrl =>
- if Get_Addrl_Frame (Insn) /= O_Enode_Null then
- Free_Insn_Regs (Get_Addrl_Frame (Insn));
- end if;
- when others =>
- raise Program_Error;
- end case;
- when R_I =>
- Free_Insn_Regs (Get_Expr_Left (Insn));
- when R_Imm =>
- null;
- when R_Spill =>
- null;
- when others =>
- Error_Reg ("free_insn_regs: unknown reg", Insn, R);
- end case;
- end Free_Insn_Regs;
- procedure Insert_Reg (Mode : Mode_Type)
- is
- N : O_Enode;
- Num : O_Inum;
- begin
- Num := Get_Insn_Num;
- N := New_Enode (OE_Reg, Mode, O_Tnode_Null,
- O_Enode_Null, O_Enode_Null);
- Set_Expr_Reg (N, Alloc_Reg (Get_Reg_Any (Mode), N, Num));
- Link_Stmt (N);
- Free_Insn_Regs (N);
- end Insert_Reg;
- procedure Insert_Arg (Expr : O_Enode)
- is
- N : O_Enode;
- begin
- Free_Insn_Regs (Expr);
- N := New_Enode (OE_Arg, Get_Expr_Mode (Expr), O_Tnode_Null,
- Expr, O_Enode_Null);
- Set_Expr_Reg (N, R_None);
- Link_Stmt (N);
- end Insert_Arg;
- function Insert_Intrinsic (Stmt : O_Enode; Reg : O_Reg; Num : O_Inum)
- return O_Enode
- is
- N : O_Enode;
- Op : Int32;
- Mode : Mode_Type;
- begin
- Mode := Get_Expr_Mode (Stmt);
- case Get_Expr_Kind (Stmt) is
- when OE_Mul_Ov =>
- case Mode is
- when Mode_U64 =>
- Op := Intrinsic_Mul_Ov_U64;
- when Mode_I64 =>
- Op := Intrinsic_Mul_Ov_I64;
- when others =>
- raise Program_Error;
- end case;
- when OE_Div_Ov =>
- case Mode is
- when Mode_U64 =>
- Op := Intrinsic_Div_Ov_U64;
- when Mode_I64 =>
- Op := Intrinsic_Div_Ov_I64;
- when others =>
- raise Program_Error;
- end case;
- when OE_Mod =>
- case Mode is
- when Mode_U64 =>
- Op := Intrinsic_Mod_Ov_U64;
- when Mode_I64 =>
- Op := Intrinsic_Mod_Ov_I64;
- when others =>
- raise Program_Error;
- end case;
- when OE_Rem =>
- case Mode is
- when Mode_U64 =>
- -- For unsigned, MOD == REM.
- Op := Intrinsic_Mod_Ov_U64;
- when Mode_I64 =>
- Op := Intrinsic_Rem_Ov_I64;
- when others =>
- raise Program_Error;
- end case;
- when others =>
- raise Program_Error;
- end case;
- -- Save caller-saved registers.
- Clobber_R32 (R_Ax);
- Clobber_R32 (R_Dx);
- Clobber_R32 (R_Cx);
- N := New_Enode (OE_Intrinsic, Mode, O_Tnode_Null,
- O_Enode (Op), O_Enode_Null);
- Set_Expr_Reg (N, Alloc_Reg (Reg, N, Num));
- Link_Stmt (N);
- return N;
- end Insert_Intrinsic;
- -- REG is mandatory: the result of STMT must satisfy the REG constraint.
- function Gen_Insn (Stmt : O_Enode; Reg : O_Reg; Pnum : O_Inum)
- return O_Enode;
- function Gen_Conv_From_Fp_Insn (Stmt : O_Enode;
- Reg : O_Reg;
- Pnum : O_Inum)
- return O_Enode
- is
- Num : O_Inum;
- Left : O_Enode;
- begin
- Left := Get_Expr_Operand (Stmt);
- Num := Get_Insn_Num;
- Left := Gen_Insn (Left, R_St0, Num);
- Free_Insn_Regs (Left);
- Set_Expr_Operand (Stmt, Left);
- case Reg is
- when Regs_R32
- | R_Any32
- | Regs_R64
- | R_Any64 =>
- Set_Expr_Reg (Stmt, Alloc_Reg (Reg, Stmt, Pnum));
- when R_Rm
- | R_Irm
- | R_Ir =>
- Set_Expr_Reg (Stmt, Alloc_Reg (Get_Reg_Any (Stmt), Stmt, Pnum));
- when others =>
- raise Program_Error;
- end case;
- Link_Stmt (Stmt);
- return Stmt;
--- declare
--- Spill : O_Enode;
--- begin
--- Num := Get_Insn_Num;
--- Left := Gen_Insn (Left, R_St0, Num);
--- Set_Expr_Operand (Stmt, Left);
--- Set_Expr_Reg (Stmt, R_Spill);
--- Free_Insn_Regs (Left);
--- Link_Stmt (Stmt);
--- Spill := Insert_Spill (Stmt);
--- case Reg is
--- when R_Any32
--- | Regs_R32 =>
--- return Gen_Reload (Spill, Reg, Pnum);
--- when R_Ir =>
--- return Gen_Reload (Spill, R_Any32, Pnum);
--- when R_Rm
--- | R_Irm =>
--- return Spill;
--- when others =>
--- Error_Reg
--- ("gen_insn:oe_conv(fp)", Stmt, Reg);
--- end case;
--- end;
- end Gen_Conv_From_Fp_Insn;
- function Gen_Call (Stmt : O_Enode; Reg : O_Reg; Pnum : O_Inum)
- return O_Enode
- is
- use Interfaces;
- Left : O_Enode;
- Reg_Res : O_Reg;
- Subprg : O_Dnode;
- Push_Size : Uns32;
- Pad : Uns32;
- Res_Stmt : O_Enode;
- begin
- -- Emit Setup_Frame (to align stack).
- Subprg := Get_Call_Subprg (Stmt);
- Push_Size := Uns32 (Get_Subprg_Stack (Subprg));
- -- Pad the stack if necessary.
- Pad := (Push_Size + Push_Offset) and Uns32 (Flags.Stack_Boundary - 1);
- if Pad /= 0 then
- Pad := Uns32 (Flags.Stack_Boundary) - Pad;
- Link_Stmt (New_Enode (OE_Stack_Adjust, Mode_Nil, O_Tnode_Null,
- O_Enode (Pad), O_Enode_Null));
- end if;
- -- The stack has been adjusted by Pad bytes.
- Push_Offset := Push_Offset + Pad;
- -- Generate code for arguments (if any).
- Left := Get_Arg_Link (Stmt);
- if Left /= O_Enode_Null then
- Left := Gen_Insn (Left, R_None, Pnum);
- end if;
- -- Clobber registers.
- Clobber_R32 (R_Ax);
- Clobber_R32 (R_Dx);
- Clobber_R32 (R_Cx);
- -- FIXME: fp regs.
- -- Add the call.
- Reg_Res := Get_Call_Register (Get_Expr_Mode (Stmt));
- Set_Expr_Reg (Stmt, Reg_Res);
- Link_Stmt (Stmt);
- Res_Stmt := Stmt;
- if Push_Size + Pad /= 0 then
- Res_Stmt :=
- New_Enode (OE_Stack_Adjust, Get_Expr_Mode (Stmt), O_Tnode_Null,
- O_Enode (-Int32 (Push_Size + Pad)), O_Enode_Null);
- Set_Expr_Reg (Res_Stmt, Reg_Res);
- Link_Stmt (Res_Stmt);
- end if;
- -- The stack has been restored (just after the call).
- Push_Offset := Push_Offset - (Push_Size + Pad);
- case Reg is
- when R_Any32
- | R_Any64
- | R_Any8
- | R_Irm
- | R_Rm
- | R_Ir
- | R_Sib
- | R_Ax
- | R_St0
- | R_Edx_Eax =>
- Reg_Res := Alloc_Reg (Reg_Res, Res_Stmt, Pnum);
- return Res_Stmt;
- when R_Any_Cc =>
- -- Move to register.
- -- (use the 'test' instruction).
- Alloc_Cc (Res_Stmt, Pnum);
- return Insert_Move (Res_Stmt, R_Ne);
- when R_None =>
- if Reg_Res /= R_None then
- raise Program_Error;
- end if;
- return Res_Stmt;
- when others =>
- Error_Gen_Insn (Stmt, Reg);
- end case;
- end Gen_Call;
- function Gen_Insn (Stmt : O_Enode; Reg : O_Reg; Pnum : O_Inum)
- return O_Enode
- is
- Kind : OE_Kind;
- Left : O_Enode;
- Right : O_Enode;
- Reg1 : O_Reg;
- -- P_Reg : O_Reg;
- Reg_L : O_Reg;
- Reg_Res : O_Reg;
- Num : O_Inum;
- begin
- Kind := Get_Expr_Kind (Stmt);
- case Kind is
- when OE_Addrl =>
- Right := Get_Addrl_Frame (Stmt);
- if Right /= O_Enode_Null then
- Num := Get_Insn_Num;
- Right := Gen_Insn (Right, R_Any32, Num);
- Set_Addrl_Frame (Stmt, Right);
- else
- Num := O_Free;
- end if;
- case Reg is
- when R_Sib =>
- Set_Expr_Reg (Stmt, R_B_Off);
- return Stmt;
- when R_Irm
- | R_Ir =>
- if Right /= O_Enode_Null then
- Free_Insn_Regs (Right);
- end if;
- Set_Expr_Reg (Stmt, Alloc_Reg (R_Any32, Stmt, Pnum));
- Link_Stmt (Stmt);
- return Stmt;
- when others =>
- Error_Gen_Insn (Stmt, Reg);
- end case;
- when OE_Addrg =>
- case Reg is
- when R_Sib
- | R_Irm
- | R_Ir =>
- Set_Expr_Reg (Stmt, R_Imm);
- return Stmt;
- when R_Any32
- | Regs_R32 =>
- Set_Expr_Reg (Stmt, Reg);
- Link_Stmt (Stmt);
- return Stmt;
- when others =>
- Error_Gen_Insn (Stmt, Reg);
- end case;
- when OE_Indir =>
- Left := Get_Expr_Operand (Stmt);
- case Reg is
- when R_Irm
- | R_Rm =>
- Left := Gen_Insn (Left, R_Sib, Pnum);
- Set_Expr_Reg (Stmt, R_Mem);
- Set_Expr_Operand (Stmt, Left);
- when R_Ir
- | R_Sib
- | R_I_Off =>
- Num := Get_Insn_Num;
- Left := Gen_Insn (Left, R_Sib, Num);
- Reg1 := Get_Reg_Any (Stmt);
- if Reg1 = R_Any64 then
- Reg1 := Alloc_Reg (Reg1, Stmt, Pnum);
- Free_Insn_Regs (Left);
- else
- Free_Insn_Regs (Left);
- Reg1 := Alloc_Reg (Reg1, Stmt, Pnum);
- end if;
- Set_Expr_Reg (Stmt, Reg1);
- Set_Expr_Operand (Stmt, Left);
- Link_Stmt (Stmt);
- when Regs_R32
- | R_Any32
- | R_Any8
- | Regs_Fp =>
- Num := Get_Insn_Num;
- Left := Gen_Insn (Left, R_Sib, Num);
- Free_Insn_Regs (Left);
- Set_Expr_Reg (Stmt, Alloc_Reg (Reg, Stmt, Pnum));
- Set_Expr_Operand (Stmt, Left);
- Link_Stmt (Stmt);
- when Regs_R64
- | R_Any64 =>
- -- Avoid overwritting:
- -- Eg: axdx = indir (ax)
- -- axdx = indir (ax+dx)
- Num := Get_Insn_Num;
- Left := Gen_Insn (Left, R_Sib, Num);
- Set_Expr_Reg (Stmt, Alloc_Reg (Reg, Stmt, Pnum));
- Left := Reload (Left, R_Sib, Num);
- Free_Insn_Regs (Left);
- Set_Expr_Operand (Stmt, Left);
- Link_Stmt (Stmt);
- when R_Any_Cc =>
- Num := Get_Insn_Num;
- Left := Gen_Insn (Left, R_Sib, Num);
- -- Generate a cmp $1, XX
- Set_Expr_Reg (Stmt, R_Eq);
- Set_Expr_Operand (Stmt, Left);
- Free_Insn_Regs (Left);
- Link_Stmt (Stmt);
- Alloc_Cc (Stmt, Pnum);
- when others =>
- Error_Gen_Insn (Stmt, Reg);
- end case;
- return Stmt;
- when OE_Conv_Ptr =>
- -- Delete nops.
- return Gen_Insn (Get_Expr_Operand (Stmt), Reg, Pnum);
- when OE_Const =>
- case Get_Expr_Mode (Stmt) is
- when Mode_U8 .. Mode_U32
- | Mode_I8 .. Mode_I32
- | Mode_P32
- | Mode_B2 =>
- case Reg is
- when R_Imm
- | Regs_Imm32 =>
- Set_Expr_Reg (Stmt, R_Imm);
- when Regs_R32
- | R_Any32
- | R_Any8 =>
- Set_Expr_Reg (Stmt, Alloc_Reg (Reg, Stmt, Pnum));
- Link_Stmt (Stmt);
- when R_Rm =>
- Set_Expr_Reg
- (Stmt, Alloc_Reg (Get_Reg_Any (Stmt), Stmt, Pnum));
- Link_Stmt (Stmt);
- when R_Any_Cc =>
- Num := Get_Insn_Num;
- Set_Expr_Reg (Stmt, Alloc_Reg (R_Any8, Stmt, Num));
- Link_Stmt (Stmt);
- Free_Insn_Regs (Stmt);
- Right := Insert_Move (Stmt, R_Ne);
- Alloc_Cc (Right, Pnum);
- return Right;
- when others =>
- Error_Gen_Insn (Stmt, Reg);
- end case;
- when Mode_F32
- | Mode_F64 =>
- case Reg is
- when R_Ir
- | R_Irm
- | R_Rm
- | R_St0 =>
- Num := Get_Insn_Num;
- if Reg = R_St0 or not Abi.Flag_Sse2 then
- Reg1 := R_St0;
- else
- Reg1 := R_Any_Xmm;
- end if;
- Set_Expr_Reg (Stmt, Alloc_Reg (Reg1, Stmt, Num));
- Link_Stmt (Stmt);
- when others =>
- raise Program_Error;
- end case;
- when Mode_U64
- | Mode_I64 =>
- case Reg is
- when R_Irm
- | R_Ir
- | R_Rm =>
- Set_Expr_Reg (Stmt, R_Imm);
- when R_Mem =>
- Set_Expr_Reg (Stmt, R_Mem);
- when Regs_R64
- | R_Any64 =>
- Set_Expr_Reg (Stmt, Alloc_Reg (Reg, Stmt, Pnum));
- Link_Stmt (Stmt);
- when others =>
- raise Program_Error;
- end case;
- when others =>
- raise Program_Error;
- end case;
- return Stmt;
- when OE_Alloca =>
- -- Roughly speaking, emited code is: (MASK is a constant).
- -- VAL := (VAL + MASK) & ~MASK
- -- SP := SP - VAL
- -- res <- SP
- Left := Get_Expr_Operand (Stmt);
- case Reg is
- when R_Ir
- | R_Irm
- | R_Any32 =>
- Num := Get_Insn_Num;
- if X86.Flags.Flag_Alloca_Call then
- Reg_L := R_Ax;
- else
- Reg_L := R_Any32;
- end if;
- Left := Gen_Insn (Left, Reg_L, Num);
- Set_Expr_Operand (Stmt, Left);
- Link_Stmt (Left);
- Free_Insn_Regs (Left);
- Set_Expr_Reg (Stmt, Alloc_Reg (Reg_L, Stmt, Pnum));
- Link_Stmt (Stmt);
- when others =>
- Error_Gen_Insn (Stmt, Reg);
- end case;
- return Stmt;
- when OE_Kind_Cmp =>
- -- Return LEFT cmp RIGHT, ie compute RIGHT - LEFT
- Num := Get_Insn_Num;
- Left := Get_Expr_Left (Stmt);
- Reg_L := Get_Reg_Any (Left);
- Left := Gen_Insn (Left, Reg_L, Num);
- Right := Get_Expr_Right (Stmt);
- case Get_Expr_Mode (Right) is
- when Mode_F32
- | Mode_F64 =>
- Reg1 := R_St0;
- when others =>
- Reg1 := R_Irm;
- end case;
- Right := Gen_Insn (Right, Reg1, Num);
- -- FIXME: what about if right was spilled out of FP regs ?
- -- (it is reloaded in reverse).
- Left := Reload (Left, Reg_L, Num);
- Set_Expr_Right (Stmt, Right);
- Set_Expr_Left (Stmt, Left);
- Link_Stmt (Stmt);
- Reg_Res := Ekind_To_Cc (Stmt, Get_Expr_Mode (Left));
- case Get_Expr_Mode (Left) is
- when Mode_F32
- | Mode_F64 =>
- Reg_Res := Reverse_Cc (Reg_Res);
- when Mode_I64 =>
- -- I64 is a little bit special...
- Reg_Res := Get_R64_High (Get_Expr_Reg (Left));
- if Reg_Res not in Regs_R8 then
- Reg_Res := R_Nil;
- for I in Regs_R8 loop
- if Regs (I).Num = O_Free then
- Reg_Res := I;
- exit;
- end if;
- end loop;
- if Reg_Res = R_Nil then
- -- FIXME: to be handled.
- -- Can this happen ?
- raise Program_Error;
- end if;
- end if;
- Free_Insn_Regs (Left);
- Free_Insn_Regs (Right);
- Set_Expr_Reg (Stmt, Reg_Res);
- case Reg is
- when R_Any_Cc =>
- Right := Insert_Move (Stmt, R_Ne);
- Alloc_Cc (Right, Pnum);
- return Right;
- when R_Any8
- | Regs_R8
- | R_Irm
- | R_Ir
- | R_Rm =>
- Reg_Res := Alloc_Reg (Reg_Res, Stmt, Pnum);
- return Stmt;
- when others =>
- Error_Gen_Insn (Stmt, Reg);
- end case;
- when others =>
- null;
- end case;
- Set_Expr_Reg (Stmt, Reg_Res);
- Free_Insn_Regs (Left);
- Free_Insn_Regs (Right);
- case Reg is
- when R_Any_Cc =>
- Alloc_Cc (Stmt, Pnum);
- return Stmt;
- when R_Any8
- | Regs_R8 =>
- Reg_Res := Alloc_Reg (Reg, Stmt, Pnum);
- return Insert_Move (Stmt, Reg_Res);
- when R_Irm
- | R_Ir
- | R_Rm =>
- Reg_Res := Alloc_Reg (R_Any8, Stmt, Pnum);
- return Insert_Move (Stmt, Reg_Res);
- when others =>
- Error_Gen_Insn (Stmt, Reg);
- end case;
- when OE_Add =>
- declare
- R_L : O_Reg;
- R_R : O_Reg;
- begin
- Left := Gen_Insn (Get_Expr_Left (Stmt), R_Sib, Pnum);
- Right := Gen_Insn (Get_Expr_Right (Stmt), R_Sib, Pnum);
- Left := Reload (Left, R_Sib, Pnum);
- Set_Expr_Right (Stmt, Right);
- Set_Expr_Left (Stmt, Left);
- R_L := Get_Expr_Reg (Left);
- R_R := Get_Expr_Reg (Right);
- -- Results can be: Reg, R_B_Off, R_Sib, R_Imm, R_B_I
- case R_L is
- when R_Any32
- | Regs_R32 =>
- case R_R is
- when R_Imm =>
- Set_Expr_Reg (Stmt, R_B_Off);
- when R_B_Off
- | R_I
- | R_I_Off =>
- Set_Expr_Reg (Stmt, R_Sib);
- when R_Any32
- | Regs_R32 =>
- Set_Expr_Reg (Stmt, R_B_I);
- when others =>
- Error_Gen_Insn (Stmt, R_R);
- end case;
- when R_Imm =>
- case R_R is
- when R_Imm =>
- Set_Expr_Reg (Stmt, R_Imm);
- when R_Any32
- | Regs_R32
- | R_B_Off =>
- Set_Expr_Reg (Stmt, R_B_Off);
- when R_I
- | R_I_Off =>
- Set_Expr_Reg (Stmt, R_I_Off);
- when others =>
- Error_Gen_Insn (Stmt, R_R);
- end case;
- when R_B_Off =>
- case R_R is
- when R_Imm =>
- Set_Expr_Reg (Stmt, R_B_Off);
- when R_Any32
- | Regs_R32
- | R_I =>
- Set_Expr_Reg (Stmt, R_Sib);
- when others =>
- Error_Gen_Insn (Stmt, R_R);
- end case;
- when R_I_Off =>
- case R_R is
- when R_Imm =>
- Set_Expr_Reg (Stmt, R_I_Off);
- when R_Any32
- | Regs_R32 =>
- Set_Expr_Reg (Stmt, R_Sib);
- when others =>
- Error_Gen_Insn (Stmt, R_R);
- end case;
- when R_I =>
- case R_R is
- when R_Imm
- | Regs_R32
- | R_B_Off =>
- Set_Expr_Reg (Stmt, R_Sib);
- when others =>
- Error_Gen_Insn (Stmt, R_R);
- end case;
- when R_Sib
- | R_B_I =>
- if R_R = R_Imm then
- Set_Expr_Reg (Stmt, R_Sib);
- else
- Num := Get_Insn_Num;
- Free_Insn_Regs (Left);
- Set_Expr_Reg (Left, Alloc_Reg (R_Any32, Left, Num));
- Link_Stmt (Left);
- case R_R is
- when R_Any32
- | Regs_R32
- | R_I =>
- Set_Expr_Reg (Stmt, R_B_I);
- when others =>
- Error_Gen_Insn (Stmt, R_R);
- end case;
- end if;
- when others =>
- Error_Gen_Insn (Stmt, R_L);
- end case;
- case Reg is
- when R_Sib =>
- null;
- when R_Ir
- | R_Irm =>
- if Get_Expr_Reg (Stmt) /= R_Imm then
- Set_Expr_Reg (Stmt, Alloc_Reg (R_Any32, Stmt, Pnum));
- Free_Insn_Regs (Left);
- Free_Insn_Regs (Right);
- Link_Stmt (Stmt);
- end if;
- when R_Any32
- | Regs_R32 =>
- Set_Expr_Reg (Stmt, Alloc_Reg (Reg, Stmt, Pnum));
- Link_Stmt (Stmt);
- when others =>
- Error_Gen_Insn (Stmt, Reg);
- end case;
- end;
- return Stmt;
- when OE_Mul =>
- Num := Get_Insn_Num;
- Left := Gen_Insn (Get_Expr_Left (Stmt), R_Ax, Num);
- Set_Expr_Left (Stmt, Left);
- Right := Gen_Insn (Get_Expr_Right (Stmt), R_Any32, Num);
- if Get_Expr_Kind (Right) /= OE_Const then
- raise Program_Error;
- end if;
- Set_Expr_Right (Stmt, Right);
- Free_Insn_Regs (Left);
- Free_Insn_Regs (Right);
- Clobber_R32 (R_Dx);
- Set_Expr_Reg (Stmt, Alloc_Reg (R_Ax, Stmt, Pnum));
- case Reg is
- when R_Sib
- | R_B_Off =>
- null;
- when others =>
- Error_Gen_Insn (Stmt, Reg);
- end case;
- Link_Stmt (Stmt);
- return Stmt;
- when OE_Shl =>
- Num := Get_Insn_Num;
- Right := Get_Expr_Right (Stmt);
- if Get_Expr_Kind (Right) /= OE_Const then
- Right := Gen_Insn (Right, R_Cx, Num);
- else
- Right := Gen_Insn (Right, R_Imm, Num);
- end if;
- Left := Get_Expr_Left (Stmt);
- Reg1 := Get_Reg_Any (Stmt);
- Left := Gen_Insn (Left, Reg1, Pnum);
- if Get_Expr_Kind (Right) /= OE_Const then
- Right := Reload (Right, R_Cx, Num);
- end if;
- Left := Reload (Left, Reg1, Pnum);
- Set_Expr_Left (Stmt, Left);
- Set_Expr_Right (Stmt, Right);
- if Reg = R_Sib
- and then Get_Expr_Kind (Right) = OE_Const
- and then Get_Expr_Low (Right) in 0 .. 3
- then
- Set_Expr_Reg (Stmt, R_I);
- else
- Link_Stmt (Stmt);
- Set_Expr_Reg (Stmt, Get_Expr_Reg (Left));
- Free_Insn_Regs (Right);
- end if;
- return Stmt;
- when OE_Add_Ov
- | OE_Sub_Ov
- | OE_And
- | OE_Xor
- | OE_Or =>
- -- Accepted is: R with IMM or R/M
- Num := Get_Insn_Num;
- Right := Get_Expr_Right (Stmt);
- Left := Get_Expr_Left (Stmt);
- case Reg is
- when R_Irm
- | R_Rm
- | R_Ir
- | R_Sib =>
- Right := Gen_Insn (Right, R_Irm, Num);
- Reg1 := Get_Reg_Any (Stmt);
- Left := Gen_Insn (Left, Reg1, Num);
- Right := Reload (Right, R_Irm, Num);
- Left := Reload (Left, Reg1, Num);
- Reg_Res := Get_Expr_Reg (Left);
- when R_Any_Cc =>
- Right := Gen_Insn (Right, R_Irm, Num);
- Left := Gen_Insn (Left, R_Any8, Num);
- Reg_Res := R_Ne;
- Alloc_Cc (Stmt, Num);
- Free_Insn_Regs (Left);
- when R_Any32
- | Regs_R32
- | R_Any8
- | R_Any64
- | Regs_R64
- | Regs_Fp =>
- Right := Gen_Insn (Right, R_Irm, Num);
- Left := Gen_Insn (Left, Reg, Num);
- Right := Reload (Right, R_Irm, Num);
- Left := Reload (Left, Reg, Num);
- Reg_Res := Get_Expr_Reg (Left);
- when others =>
- Error_Gen_Insn (Stmt, Reg);
- end case;
- Set_Expr_Right (Stmt, Right);
- Set_Expr_Left (Stmt, Left);
- Set_Expr_Reg (Stmt, Reg_Res);
- Renum_Reg (Reg_Res, Stmt, Pnum);
- Link_Stmt (Stmt);
- Free_Insn_Regs (Right);
- return Stmt;
- when OE_Mod
- | OE_Rem
- | OE_Mul_Ov
- | OE_Div_Ov =>
- declare
- Mode : Mode_Type;
- begin
- Num := Get_Insn_Num;
- Mode := Get_Expr_Mode (Stmt);
- Left := Get_Expr_Left (Stmt);
- Right := Get_Expr_Right (Stmt);
- case Mode is
- when Mode_I32
- | Mode_U32
- | Mode_I16
- | Mode_U16 =>
- Left := Gen_Insn (Left, R_Ax, Num);
- Right := Gen_Insn (Right, R_Rm, Num);
- Left := Reload (Left, R_Ax, Num);
- case Kind is
- when OE_Div_Ov
- | OE_Rem
- | OE_Mod =>
- -- Be sure EDX is free.
- Reg_Res := Alloc_Reg (R_Dx, Stmt, Pnum);
- when others =>
- Reg_Res := R_Nil;
- end case;
- Right := Reload (Right, R_Rm, Num);
- Set_Expr_Right (Stmt, Right);
- Set_Expr_Left (Stmt, Left);
- Free_Insn_Regs (Left);
- Free_Insn_Regs (Right);
- if Reg_Res /= R_Nil then
- Free_R32 (Reg_Res);
- end if;
- if Kind = OE_Div_Ov or Kind = OE_Mul_Ov then
- Reg_Res := R_Ax;
- Clobber_R32 (R_Dx);
- else
- Reg_Res := R_Dx;
- Clobber_R32 (R_Ax);
- end if;
- Set_Expr_Reg (Stmt, Alloc_Reg (Reg_Res, Stmt, Pnum));
- Link_Stmt (Stmt);
- return Reload (Stmt, Reg, Pnum);
- when Mode_U64
- | Mode_I64 =>
- -- FIXME: align stack
- Insert_Arg (Gen_Insn (Right, R_Irm, Num));
- Insert_Arg (Gen_Insn (Left, R_Irm, Num));
- return Insert_Intrinsic (Stmt, R_Edx_Eax, Pnum);
- when Mode_F32
- | Mode_F64 =>
- Left := Gen_Insn (Left, R_St0, Num);
- Right := Gen_Insn (Right, R_Rm, Num);
- Set_Expr_Left (Stmt, Left);
- Set_Expr_Right (Stmt, Right);
- Free_Insn_Regs (Right);
- Free_Insn_Regs (Left);
- Set_Expr_Reg (Stmt, Alloc_Reg (R_St0, Stmt, Pnum));
- Link_Stmt (Stmt);
- return Stmt;
- when others =>
- Error_Gen_Insn (Stmt, Mode);
- end case;
- end;
- when OE_Not
- | OE_Abs_Ov
- | OE_Neg_Ov =>
- Left := Get_Expr_Operand (Stmt);
- case Reg is
- when R_Any32
- | Regs_R32
- | R_Any64
- | Regs_R64
- | R_Any8
- | R_St0 =>
- Reg_Res := Reg;
- when R_Any_Cc =>
- if Kind /= OE_Not then
- raise Program_Error;
- end if;
- Left := Gen_Insn (Left, R_Any_Cc, Pnum);
- Set_Expr_Operand (Stmt, Left);
- Reg_Res := Inverse_Cc (Get_Expr_Reg (Left));
- Free_Cc;
- Set_Expr_Reg (Stmt, Reg_Res);
- Alloc_Cc (Stmt, Pnum);
- return Stmt;
- when R_Irm
- | R_Rm
- | R_Ir =>
- Reg_Res := Get_Reg_Any (Get_Expr_Mode (Left));
- when others =>
- Error_Gen_Insn (Stmt, Reg);
- end case;
- Left := Gen_Insn (Left, Reg_Res, Pnum);
- Set_Expr_Operand (Stmt, Left);
- Reg_Res := Get_Expr_Reg (Left);
- Free_Insn_Regs (Left);
- Set_Expr_Reg (Stmt, Alloc_Reg (Reg_Res, Stmt, Pnum));
- Link_Stmt (Stmt);
- return Stmt;
- when OE_Conv =>
- declare
- O_Mode : Mode_Type; -- Operand mode
- R_Mode : Mode_Type; -- Result mode
- begin
- Left := Get_Expr_Operand (Stmt);
- O_Mode := Get_Expr_Mode (Left);
- R_Mode := Get_Expr_Mode (Stmt);
- -- Simple case: no conversion.
- -- FIXME: should be handled by EXPR and convert to NOP.
- if Get_Expr_Mode (Left) = Get_Expr_Mode (Stmt) then
- -- A no-op.
- return Gen_Insn (Left, Reg, Pnum);
- end if;
- case R_Mode is
- when Mode_B2 =>
- case O_Mode is
- when Mode_U32
- | Mode_I32 =>
- -- Detect for bound.
- null;
- when others =>
- Error_Gen_Insn (Stmt, O_Mode);
- end case;
- when Mode_U8 =>
- case O_Mode is
- when Mode_U16
- | Mode_U32
- | Mode_I32 =>
- -- Detect for bound.
- null;
- when others =>
- Error_Gen_Insn (Stmt, O_Mode);
- end case;
- when Mode_U32 =>
- case O_Mode is
- when Mode_I32 =>
- -- Detect for bound.
- null;
- when Mode_B2
- | Mode_U8
- | Mode_U16 =>
- -- Zero extend.
- null;
- when others =>
- Error_Gen_Insn (Stmt, O_Mode);
- end case;
- when Mode_I32 =>
- case O_Mode is
- when Mode_U8
- | Mode_I8
- | Mode_B2
- | Mode_U16
- | Mode_U32 =>
- -- Zero extend
- -- Detect for bound (U32).
- null;
- when Mode_I64 =>
- -- Detect for bound (U32)
- Num := Get_Insn_Num;
- Left := Gen_Insn (Left, R_Edx_Eax, Num);
- Free_Insn_Regs (Left);
- Set_Expr_Operand (Stmt, Left);
- case Reg is
- when R_Ax
- | R_Any32
- | R_Rm
- | R_Irm
- | R_Ir =>
- Set_Expr_Reg
- (Stmt, Alloc_Reg (R_Ax, Stmt, Num));
- when others =>
- raise Program_Error;
- end case;
- Insert_Reg (Mode_U32);
- Link_Stmt (Stmt);
- return Stmt;
- when Mode_F64
- | Mode_F32 =>
- return Gen_Conv_From_Fp_Insn (Stmt, Reg, Pnum);
- when others =>
- Error_Gen_Insn (Stmt, O_Mode);
- end case;
- when Mode_I64 =>
- case O_Mode is
- when Mode_I32 =>
- -- Sign extend.
- Num := Get_Insn_Num;
- Left := Gen_Insn (Left, R_Ax, Num);
- Set_Expr_Operand (Stmt, Left);
- Free_Insn_Regs (Left);
- case Reg is
- when R_Edx_Eax
- | R_Any64
- | R_Rm
- | R_Irm
- | R_Ir =>
- Set_Expr_Reg
- (Stmt, Alloc_Reg (R_Edx_Eax, Stmt, Pnum));
- when others =>
- raise Program_Error;
- end case;
- Link_Stmt (Stmt);
- return Stmt;
- when Mode_F64
- | Mode_F32 =>
- return Gen_Conv_From_Fp_Insn (Stmt, Reg, Pnum);
- when others =>
- Error_Gen_Insn (Stmt, O_Mode);
- end case;
- when Mode_F64 =>
- case O_Mode is
- when Mode_I32
- | Mode_I64 =>
- null;
- when others =>
- Error_Gen_Insn (Stmt, O_Mode);
- end case;
- when others =>
- Error_Gen_Insn (Stmt, O_Mode);
- end case;
- Left := Gen_Insn (Left, R_Rm, Pnum);
- Set_Expr_Operand (Stmt, Left);
- case Reg is
- when R_Irm
- | R_Rm
- | R_Ir
- | R_Sib
- | R_Any32
- | Regs_R32
- | R_Any64
- | R_Any8
- | Regs_R64
- | Regs_Fp =>
- Free_Insn_Regs (Left);
- Set_Expr_Reg
- (Stmt, Alloc_Reg (Get_Reg_Any (Stmt), Stmt, Pnum));
- when others =>
- Error_Gen_Insn (Stmt, Reg);
- end case;
- Link_Stmt (Stmt);
- return Stmt;
- end;
- when OE_Arg =>
- if Reg /= R_None then
- raise Program_Error;
- end if;
- Left := Get_Arg_Link (Stmt);
- if Left /= O_Enode_Null then
- -- Recurse on next argument, so the first argument is pushed
- -- the last one.
- Left := Gen_Insn (Left, R_None, Pnum);
- end if;
- Left := Get_Expr_Operand (Stmt);
- case Get_Expr_Mode (Left) is
- when Mode_F32 .. Mode_F64 =>
- -- fstp instruction.
- Reg_Res := R_St0;
- when others =>
- -- Push instruction.
- Reg_Res := R_Irm;
- end case;
- Left := Gen_Insn (Left, Reg_Res, Pnum);
- Set_Expr_Operand (Stmt, Left);
- Push_Offset := Push_Offset +
- Do_Align (Get_Mode_Size (Get_Expr_Mode (Left)), Mode_U32);
- Link_Stmt (Stmt);
- Free_Insn_Regs (Left);
- return Stmt;
- when OE_Call =>
- return Gen_Call (Stmt, Reg, Pnum);
- when OE_Case_Expr =>
- Left := Get_Expr_Operand (Stmt);
- Set_Expr_Reg (Stmt, Alloc_Reg (Get_Expr_Reg (Left), Stmt, Pnum));
- return Stmt;
- when OE_Get_Stack =>
- Set_Expr_Reg (Stmt, R_Sp);
- return Stmt;
- when OE_Get_Frame =>
- Set_Expr_Reg (Stmt, R_Bp);
- return Stmt;
- when others =>
- Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line
- ("gen_insn: unhandled enode " & OE_Kind'Image (Kind));
- raise Program_Error;
- end case;
- end Gen_Insn;
- procedure Assert_Free_Regs (Stmt : O_Enode) is
- begin
- for I in Regs_R32 loop
- if Regs (I).Num /= O_Free then
- Error_Reg ("gen_insn_stmt: reg is not free", Stmt, I);
- end if;
- end loop;
- for I in Fp_Stack_Type loop
- if Fp_Regs (I).Stmt /= O_Enode_Null then
- Error_Reg ("gen_insn_stmt: reg is not free", Stmt, R_St0);
- end if;
- end loop;
- end Assert_Free_Regs;
- procedure Gen_Insn_Stmt (Stmt : O_Enode)
- is
- Kind : OE_Kind;
- Left : O_Enode;
- Right : O_Enode;
- P_Reg : O_Reg;
- Num : O_Inum;
- Prev_Stack_Offset : Uns32;
- begin
- Insn_Num := O_Iroot;
- Num := Get_Insn_Num;
- Prev_Stack_Offset := Stack_Offset;
- Kind := Get_Expr_Kind (Stmt);
- case Kind is
- when OE_Asgn =>
- Left := Gen_Insn (Get_Expr_Operand (Stmt), R_Ir, Num);
- Right := Gen_Insn (Get_Assign_Target (Stmt), R_Sib, Num);
- Left := Reload (Left, R_Ir, Num);
- --Right := Reload (Right, R_Sib, Num);
- Set_Expr_Operand (Stmt, Left);
- Set_Assign_Target (Stmt, Right);
- Link_Stmt (Stmt);
- Free_Insn_Regs (Left);
- Free_Insn_Regs (Right);
- when OE_Set_Stack =>
- Left := Gen_Insn (Get_Expr_Operand (Stmt), R_Rm, Num);
- Set_Expr_Operand (Stmt, Left);
- Set_Expr_Reg (Stmt, R_Sp);
- Link_Stmt (Stmt);
- when OE_Jump_F
- | OE_Jump_T =>
- Left := Gen_Insn (Get_Expr_Operand (Stmt), R_Any_Cc, Num);
- Set_Expr_Operand (Stmt, Left);
- Link_Stmt (Stmt);
- Free_Cc;
- when OE_Beg =>
- declare
- Block_Decl : O_Dnode;
- begin
- Cur_Block := Stmt;
- Block_Decl := Get_Block_Decls (Cur_Block);
- Set_Block_Max_Stack (Block_Decl, Stack_Offset);
- Expand_Decls (Block_Decl);
- end;
- Link_Stmt (Stmt);
- when OE_End =>
- Swap_Stack_Offset (Get_Block_Decls (Cur_Block));
- Cur_Block := Get_Block_Parent (Cur_Block);
- Link_Stmt (Stmt);
- when OE_Jump
- | OE_Label =>
- Link_Stmt (Stmt);
- when OE_Leave =>
- Link_Stmt (Stmt);
- when OE_Call =>
- Link_Stmt (Gen_Call (Stmt, R_None, Num));
- when OE_Ret =>
- Left := Get_Expr_Operand (Stmt);
- P_Reg := Get_Call_Register (Get_Expr_Mode (Stmt));
- Left := Gen_Insn (Left, P_Reg, Num);
- Set_Expr_Operand (Stmt, Left);
- Link_Stmt (Stmt);
- Free_Insn_Regs (Left);
- when OE_Case =>
- Left := Gen_Insn (Get_Expr_Operand (Stmt),
- Get_Reg_Any (Get_Expr_Mode (Stmt)),
- Num);
- Set_Expr_Operand (Stmt, Left);
- Set_Expr_Reg (Stmt, Get_Expr_Reg (Left));
- Link_Stmt (Stmt);
- Free_Insn_Regs (Left);
- when OE_Line =>
- Set_Expr_Reg (Stmt, R_None);
- Link_Stmt (Stmt);
- when OE_BB =>
- -- Keep BB.
- Link_Stmt (Stmt);
- when others =>
- Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line
- ("gen_insn_stmt: unhandled enode " & OE_Kind'Image (Kind));
- raise Program_Error;
- end case;
- -- Free any spill stack slots.
- case Kind is
- when OE_Beg
- | OE_End =>
- null;
- when others =>
- Stack_Offset := Prev_Stack_Offset;
- end case;
- -- Check all registers are free.
- if Debug.Flag_Debug_Assert then
- Assert_Free_Regs (Stmt);
- end if;
- end Gen_Insn_Stmt;
- procedure Gen_Subprg_Insns (Subprg : Subprogram_Data_Acc)
- is
- First : O_Enode;
- Stmt : O_Enode;
- N_Stmt : O_Enode;
- begin
- if Debug.Flag_Debug_Insn then
- declare
- Inter : O_Dnode;
- begin
- Disp_Decl (1, Subprg.D_Decl);
- Inter := Get_Subprg_Interfaces (Subprg.D_Decl);
- while Inter /= O_Dnode_Null loop
- Disp_Decl (2, Inter);
- Inter := Get_Interface_Chain (Inter);
- end loop;
- end;
- end if;
- for I in Regs_R32 loop
- Regs (I).Used := False;
- end loop;
- Stack_Max := 0;
- Stack_Offset := 0;
- First := Subprg.E_Entry;
- Expand_Decls (Subprg.D_Body + 1);
- Abi.Last_Link := First;
- -- Generate instructions.
- -- Skip OE_Entry.
- Stmt := Get_Stmt_Link (First);
- loop
- N_Stmt := Get_Stmt_Link (Stmt);
- Gen_Insn_Stmt (Stmt);
- exit when Get_Expr_Kind (Stmt) = OE_Leave;
- Stmt := N_Stmt;
- end loop;
- -- Keep stack depth for this subprogram.
- Subprg.Stack_Max := Stack_Max;
- -- Sanity check: there must be no remaining pushed bytes.
- if Push_Offset /= 0 then
- raise Program_Error with "gen_subprg_insn: push_offset not 0";
- end if;
- end Gen_Subprg_Insns;
-end Ortho_Code.X86.Insns;