path: root/libraries/std
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authorgingold2005-09-24 05:10:24 +0000
committergingold2005-09-24 05:10:24 +0000
commit977ff5e02c6d2f9bfdabcf8b4e98b81e2d83e849 (patch)
tree7bcf8e7aff40a8b54d4af83e90cccd73568e77bb /libraries/std
First import from sources
Diffstat (limited to 'libraries/std')
2 files changed, 1450 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/libraries/std/textio.vhdl b/libraries/std/textio.vhdl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..71b3ca7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libraries/std/textio.vhdl
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+-- Std.Textio package declaration. This file is part of GHDL.
+-- This file was written from the clause 14.3 of the VHDL LRM.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+package textio is
+-- type definitions for text i/o
+ -- a LINE is a pointer to a string value.
+ type line is access string;
+ -- A file of variable-length ASCII records.
+ -- Note: in order to work correctly, the TEXT file type must be declared in
+ -- the textio package of library std. Otherwise, a file of string has a
+ -- non-ASCII format.
+ type text is file of string;
+ type side is (right, left); -- For justifying ouput data within fields.
+ subtype width is natural; -- For specifying widths of output fields.
+-- standard text files
+ file input: text is in "STD_INPUT"; --V87
+ file output: text is out "STD_OUTPUT"; --V87
+ file input : text open read_mode is "STD_INPUT"; --V93
+ file output : text open write_mode is "STD_OUTPUT"; --V93
+-- input routines for standard types
+ procedure readline (variable f: in text; l: inout line); --V87
+ procedure readline (file f: text; l: inout line); --V93
+ -- For READ procedures:
+ -- In this implementation, any L is accepted (ie, there is no constraints
+ -- on direction, or left bound). Therefore, even variable of type LINE
+ -- not initialized by READLINE are accepted. Strictly speaking, this is
+ -- not required by LRM, nor prevented. However, other implementations may
+ -- fail at parsing such strings.
+ --
+ -- Also, in case of error (GOOD is false), this implementation do not
+ -- modify L (as specified by the LRM) nor VALUE.
+ --
+ -- For READ procedures without a GOOD argument, an assertion fails in case
+ -- of error.
+ --
+ -- In case of overflow (ie, if the number is out of the bounds of the type),
+ -- the procedure will fail with an execution error.
+ -- FIXME: this should not occur for a bad string.
+ procedure read (l: inout line; value: out bit; good: out boolean);
+ procedure read (l: inout line; value: out bit);
+ procedure read (l: inout line; value: out bit_vector; good: out boolean);
+ procedure read (l: inout line; value: out bit_vector);
+ procedure read (l: inout line; value: out boolean; good: out boolean);
+ procedure read (l: inout line; value: out boolean);
+ procedure read (l: inout line; value: out character; good: out boolean);
+ procedure read (l: inout line; value: out character);
+ procedure read (l: inout line; value: out integer; good: out boolean);
+ procedure read (l: inout line; value: out integer);
+ procedure read (l: inout line; value: out real; good: out boolean);
+ procedure read (l: inout line; value: out real);
+ procedure read (l: inout line; value: out string; good: out boolean);
+ procedure read (l: inout line; value: out string);
+ -- This implementation requires no space after the unit identifier,
+ -- ie "7.5 nsv" is parsed as 7.5 ns.
+ -- The unit identifier can be in lower case, upper case or mixed case.
+ procedure read (l: inout line; value: out time; good: out boolean);
+ procedure read (l: inout line; value: out time);
+-- output routines for standard types
+ procedure writeline (variable f: out text; l: inout line); --V87
+ procedure writeline (file f: text; l: inout line); --V93
+ -- This implementation accept any value for all the types.
+ procedure write
+ (l: inout line; value: in bit;
+ justified: in side := right; field: in width := 0);
+ procedure write
+ (l: inout line; value: in bit_vector;
+ justified: in side := right; field: in width := 0);
+ procedure write
+ (l: inout line; value: in boolean;
+ justified: in side := right; field: in width := 0);
+ procedure write
+ (l: inout line; value: in character;
+ justified: in side := right; field: in width := 0);
+ procedure write
+ (l: inout line; value: in integer;
+ justified: in side := right; field: in width := 0);
+ procedure write
+ (L: inout line; value: in real;
+ justified: in side := right; field: in width := 0;
+ digits: in natural := 0);
+ procedure write
+ (l: inout line; value: in string;
+ justified: in side := right; field: in width := 0);
+ -- UNIT must be a unit name declared in std.standard. Of course, no rules
+ -- in the core VHDL language prevent you from using a value that is not a
+ -- unit (eg: 10 ns or even 5 fs).
+ -- An assertion error message is generated in this case, and question mark
+ -- (?) is written at the place of the unit name.
+ procedure write
+ (l: inout line; value : in time;
+ justified: in side := right; field: in width := 0; unit : in TIME := ns);
+end textio;
diff --git a/libraries/std/textio_body.vhdl b/libraries/std/textio_body.vhdl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0362ef6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libraries/std/textio_body.vhdl
@@ -0,0 +1,1320 @@
+-- Std.Textio package body. This file is part of GHDL.
+-- Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 Tristan Gingold
+-- GHDL is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+-- the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+-- Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
+-- version.
+-- GHDL is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+-- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
+-- FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
+-- for more details.
+-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+-- along with GCC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
+-- Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
+-- 02111-1307, USA.
+package body textio is
+ -- output routines for standard types
+ -- TIME_NAMES associates time units with textual names.
+ -- Textual names are in lower cases, since according to LRM93 14.3:
+ -- when written, the identifier is expressed in lowercase characters.
+ -- The length of the names are 3 characters, the last one may be a space
+ -- for 2 characters long names.
+ type time_unit is
+ record
+ val : time;
+ name : string (1 to 3);
+ end record;
+ type time_names_type is array (1 to 8) of time_unit;
+ constant time_names : time_names_type :=
+ ((fs, "fs "), (ps, "ps "), (ns, "ns "), (us, "us "),
+ (ms, "ms "), (sec, "sec"), (min, "min"), (hr, "hr "));
+ -- Non breaking space character. --V93
+ constant nbsp : character := character'val (160); --V93
+ procedure writeline (f: out text; l: inout line) is --V87
+ procedure writeline (file f: text; l: inout line) is --V93
+ begin
+ if l = null then
+ -- LRM93 14.3
+ -- If parameter L contains a null access value at the start of the call,
+ -- the a null string is written to the file.
+ write (f, "");
+ else
+ -- LRM93 14.3
+ -- Procedure WRITELINE causes the current line designated by parameter L
+ -- to be written to the file and returns with the value of parameter L
+ -- designating a null string.
+ write (f, l.all);
+ deallocate (l);
+ l := new string'("");
+ end if;
+ end writeline;
+ procedure write
+ (l: inout line; value: in string;
+ justified: in side := right; field: in width := 0)
+ is
+ variable length: natural;
+ variable nl: line;
+ begin
+ -- l can be null.
+ if l = null then
+ length := 0;
+ else
+ length := l.all'length;
+ end if;
+ if value'length < field then
+ nl := new string (1 to length + field);
+ if length /= 0 then
+ nl (1 to length) := l.all;
+ end if;
+ if justified = right then
+ nl (length + 1 to length + field - value'length) := (others => ' ');
+ nl (nl.all'high - value'length + 1 to nl.all'high) := value;
+ else
+ nl (length + 1 to length + value'length) := value;
+ nl (length + value'length + 1 to nl.all'high) := (others => ' ');
+ end if;
+ else
+ nl := new string (1 to length + value'length);
+ if length /= 0 then
+ nl (1 to length) := l.all;
+ end if;
+ nl (length + 1 to nl.all'high) := value;
+ end if;
+ deallocate (l);
+ l := nl;
+ end write;
+ procedure write
+ (l: inout line; value: in integer;
+ justified: in side := right; field: in width := 0)
+ is
+ variable str: string (11 downto 1);
+ variable val: integer := value;
+ variable digit: natural;
+ variable index: natural := 0;
+ begin
+ -- Note: the absolute value of VAL cannot be directly taken, since
+ -- it may be greather that the maximum value of an INTEGER.
+ loop
+ -- LRM93 7.2.6
+ -- (A rem B) has the sign of A and an absolute value less then
+ -- the absoulte value of B.
+ digit := abs (val rem 10);
+ val := val / 10;
+ index := index + 1;
+ str (index) := character'val(48 + digit);
+ exit when val = 0;
+ end loop;
+ if value < 0 then
+ index := index + 1;
+ str(index) := '-';
+ end if;
+ write (l, str (index downto 1), justified, field);
+ end write;
+ procedure write
+ (l: inout line; value: in boolean;
+ justified: in side := right; field: in width := 0)
+ is
+ begin
+ if value then
+ write (l, string'("TRUE"), justified, field);
+ else
+ write (l, string'("FALSE"), justified, field);
+ end if;
+ end write;
+ procedure write
+ (l: inout line; value: in character;
+ justified: in side := right; field: in width := 0)
+ is
+ variable str: string (1 to 1);
+ begin
+ str (1) := value;
+ write (l, str, justified, field);
+ end write;
+ function bit_to_char (value : in bit) return character is
+ begin
+ case value is
+ when '0' =>
+ return '0';
+ when '1' =>
+ return '1';
+ end case;
+ end bit_to_char;
+ procedure write
+ (l: inout line; value: in bit;
+ justified: in side := right; field: in width := 0)
+ is
+ variable str : string (1 to 1);
+ begin
+ str (1) := bit_to_char (value);
+ write (l, str, justified, field);
+ end write;
+ procedure write
+ (l: inout line; value: in bit_vector;
+ justified: in side := right; field: in width := 0)
+ is
+ constant length : natural := value'length;
+ alias n_value : bit_vector (1 to value'length) is value;
+ variable str : string (1 to length);
+ begin
+ for i in str'range loop
+ str (i) := bit_to_char (n_value (i));
+ end loop;
+ write (l, str, justified, field);
+ end write;
+ procedure write
+ (l: inout line; value : in time;
+ justified: in side := right; field: in width := 0; unit : in TIME := ns)
+ is
+ -- Copy of VALUE on which we are working.
+ variable val : time := value;
+ -- Copy of UNIT on which we are working.
+ variable un : time := unit;
+ -- Digit extract from VAL/UN.
+ variable d : integer; -- natural range 0 to 9;
+ -- Index for unit name.
+ variable n : integer;
+ -- Result.
+ variable str : string (1 to 28);
+ -- Current character in RES.
+ variable pos : natural := 1;
+ -- Add a character to STR.
+ procedure add_char (c : character) is
+ begin
+ str (pos) := c;
+ pos := pos + 1;
+ end add_char;
+ begin
+ -- Note:
+ -- Care is taken to avoid overflow. Time may be 64 bits while integer
+ -- may be only 32 bits.
+ -- Handle sign.
+ -- Note: VAL cannot be negated since its range may be not symetric
+ -- around 0.
+ if val < 0 ns then
+ add_char ('-');
+ end if;
+ -- Search for the first digit.
+ -- Note: we must start from unit, since all units are not a power of 10.
+ -- Note: UN can be multiplied only after we know it is possible. This
+ -- is a to avoid overflow.
+ if un <= 0 fs then
+ assert false report "UNIT argument is not positive" severity error;
+ un := 1 ns;
+ end if;
+ while val / 10 >= un or val / 10 <= -un loop
+ un := un * 10;
+ end loop;
+ -- Extract digits one per one.
+ loop
+ d := val / un;
+ add_char (character'val (abs d + character'pos ('0')));
+ val := val - d * un;
+ exit when val = 0 ns and un <= unit;
+ if un = unit then
+ add_char ('.');
+ end if;
+ -- Stop as soon as precision will be lost.
+ -- This can happen only for hr and min.
+ -- FIXME: change the algorithm to display all the digits.
+ exit when (un / 10) * 10 /= un;
+ un := un / 10;
+ end loop;
+ add_char (' ');
+ -- Search the time unit name in the time table.
+ n := 0;
+ for i in time_names'range loop
+ if time_names (i).val = unit then
+ n := i;
+ exit;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ assert n /= 0 report "UNIT argument is not a unit name" severity error;
+ if n = 0 then
+ add_char ('?');
+ else
+ add_char (time_names (n).name (1));
+ add_char (time_names (n).name (2));
+ if time_names (n).name (3) /= ' ' then
+ add_char (time_names (n).name (3));
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ -- Write the result.
+ write (l, str (1 to pos - 1), justified, field);
+ end write;
+ -- Parameter DIGITS specifies how many digits to the right of the decimal
+ -- point are to be output when writing a real number; the default value 0
+ -- indicates that the number should be output in standard form, consisting
+ -- of a normalized mantissa plus exponent (e.g., 1.079236E23). If DIGITS is
+ -- nonzero, then the real number is output as an integer part followed by
+ -- '.' followed by the fractional part, using the specified number of digits
+ -- (e.g., 3.14159).
+ -- Note: Nan, +Inf, -Inf are not to be considered, since these numbers are
+ -- not in the bounds defined by any real range.
+ procedure write (L: inout line; value: in real;
+ justified: in side := right; field: in width := 0;
+ digits: in natural := 0)
+ is
+ -- STR contains the result of the conversion.
+ variable str : string (1 to 320);
+ -- POS is the index of the next character to be put in STR.
+ variable pos : positive := str'left;
+ -- VAL contains the value to be converted.
+ variable val : real;
+ -- The exponent or mantissa computed is stored in MANTISSA. This is
+ -- a signed number.
+ variable mantissa : integer;
+ variable b : boolean;
+ variable d : natural;
+ -- Append character C in STR.
+ procedure add_char (c : character) is
+ begin
+ str (pos) := c;
+ pos := pos + 1;
+ end add_char;
+ -- Add digit V in STR.
+ procedure add_digit (v : natural) is
+ begin
+ add_char (character'val (character'pos ('0') + v));
+ end add_digit;
+ -- Add leading digit and substract it.
+ procedure extract_leading_digit is
+ variable d : natural range 0 to 10;
+ begin
+ -- Note: We need truncation but type conversion does rounding.
+ -- FIXME: should consider precision.
+ d := natural (val);
+ if real (d) > val then
+ d := d - 1;
+ end if;
+ val := (val - real (d)) * 10.0;
+ add_digit (d);
+ end extract_leading_digit;
+ begin
+ -- Handle sign.
+ -- There is no overflow here, since with IEEE implementations, sign is
+ -- independant of the mantissa.
+ -- LRM93 14.3
+ -- The sign is never written if the value is non-negative.
+ if value < 0.0 then
+ add_char ('-');
+ val := -value;
+ else
+ val := value;
+ end if;
+ -- Compute the mantissa.
+ -- FIXME: should do a dichotomy.
+ if val = 0.0 then
+ mantissa := 0;
+ elsif val < 1.0 then
+ mantissa := -1;
+ while val * (10.0 ** (-mantissa)) < 1.0 loop
+ mantissa := mantissa - 1;
+ end loop;
+ else
+ mantissa := 0;
+ while val / (10.0 ** mantissa) >= 10.0 loop
+ mantissa := mantissa + 1;
+ end loop;
+ end if;
+ -- Normalize VAL: in [0; 10[
+ if mantissa >= 0 then
+ val := val / (10.0 ** mantissa);
+ else
+ val := val * 10.0 ** (-mantissa);
+ end if;
+ if digits = 0 then
+ for i in 0 to 15 loop
+ extract_leading_digit;
+ if i = 0 then
+ add_char ('.');
+ end if;
+ exit when i > 0 and val < 10.0 ** (i + 1 - 15);
+ end loop;
+ -- LRM93 14.3
+ -- if the exponent is present, the `e' is written as a lower case
+ -- character.
+ add_char ('e');
+ if mantissa < 0 then
+ add_char ('-');
+ mantissa := -mantissa;
+ end if;
+ b := false;
+ for i in 4 downto 0 loop
+ d := (mantissa / 10000) mod 10;
+ if d /= 0 or b or i = 0 then
+ add_digit (d);
+ b := true;
+ end if;
+ mantissa := (mantissa - d * 10000) * 10;
+ end loop;
+ else
+ if mantissa < 0 then
+ add_char ('0');
+ mantissa := mantissa + 1;
+ else
+ loop
+ extract_leading_digit;
+ exit when mantissa = 0;
+ mantissa := mantissa - 1;
+ end loop;
+ end if;
+ add_char ('.');
+ for i in 1 to digits loop
+ if mantissa = 0 then
+ extract_leading_digit;
+ else
+ add_char ('0');
+ mantissa := mantissa + 1;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ end if;
+ write (l, str (1 to pos - 1), justified, field);
+ end write;
+ procedure untruncated_text_read --V87
+ (variable f : text; str : out string; len : out natural); --V87
+ procedure untruncated_text_read --V93
+ (file f : text; str : out string; len : out natural); --V93
+ attribute foreign : string; --V87
+ attribute foreign of untruncated_text_read : procedure is "GHDL intrinsic";
+ procedure untruncated_text_read
+ (variable f : text; str : out string; len : out natural) is --V87
+ (file f : text; str : out string; len : out natural) is --V93
+ begin
+ assert false report "must not be called" severity failure;
+ end untruncated_text_read;
+ procedure readline (variable f: in text; l: inout line) --V87
+ procedure readline (file f: text; l: inout line) --V93
+ is
+ variable len, nlen, posn : natural;
+ variable nl, old_l : line;
+ variable str : string (1 to 128);
+ variable is_eol : boolean;
+ begin
+ -- LRM93 14.3
+ -- If parameter L contains a non-null access value at the start of the
+ -- call, the object designated by that value is deallocated before the
+ -- new object is created.
+ if l /= null then
+ deallocate (l);
+ end if;
+ -- We read the input in 128-byte chunks.
+ -- We keep reading until we reach a newline or there is no more input.
+ -- The loop invariant is that old_l is allocated and contains the
+ -- previous chunks read, and posn = old_l.all'length.
+ posn := 0;
+ loop
+ untruncated_text_read (f, str, len);
+ exit when len = 0;
+ if str (len) = LF then
+ -- LRM 14.3
+ -- The representation of the line does not contain the representation
+ -- of the end of the line.
+ is_eol := true;
+ len := len - 1;
+ else
+ is_eol := false;
+ end if;
+ l := new string (1 to posn + len);
+ if old_l /= null then
+ l (1 to posn) := old_l (1 to posn);
+ deallocate (old_l);
+ end if;
+ l (posn + 1 to posn + len) := str (1 to len);
+ exit when is_eol;
+ posn := posn + len;
+ old_l := l;
+ end loop;
+ end readline;
+ -- Replaces L with L (LEFT to/downto L'RIGHT)
+ procedure trim (l : inout line; left : natural)
+ is
+ variable nl : line;
+ begin
+ if l = null then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ if l'left < l'right then
+ -- Ascending.
+ if left > l'right then
+ nl := new string'("");
+ else
+ nl := new string (left to l'right);
+-- nl := new string (1 to l'right + 1 - left);
+ nl.all := l (left to l'right);
+ end if;
+ else
+ -- Descending
+ if left < l'right then
+ nl := new string'("");
+ else
+ nl := new string (left downto l'right);
+-- nl := new string (left - l'right + 1 downto 1);
+ nl.all := l (left downto l'right);
+ end if;
+ end if;
+ deallocate (l);
+ l := nl;
+ end trim;
+ -- Replaces L with L (LEFT + 1 to L'RIGHT or LEFT - 1 downto L'RIGHT)
+ procedure trim_next (l : inout line; left : natural)
+ is
+ variable nl : line;
+ begin
+ if l = null then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ if l'left < l'right then
+ -- Ascending.
+ trim (l, left + 1);
+ else
+ -- Descending
+ trim (l, left - 1);
+ end if;
+ end trim_next;
+ function to_lower (c : character) return character is
+ begin
+ if c >= 'A' and c <= 'Z' then
+ return character'val (character'pos (c) + 32);
+ else
+ return c;
+ end if;
+ end to_lower;
+ procedure read (l: inout line; value: out character; good: out boolean)
+ is
+ variable nl : line;
+ begin
+ if l'length = 0 then
+ good := false;
+ else
+ value := l (l'left);
+ trim_next (l, l'left);
+ good := true;
+ end if;
+ end read;
+ procedure read (l: inout line; value: out character)
+ is
+ variable res : boolean;
+ begin
+ read (l, value, res);
+ assert res = true
+ report "character read failure"
+ severity failure;
+ end read;
+ procedure read (l: inout line; value: out bit; good: out boolean)
+ is
+ begin
+ good := false;
+ for i in l'range loop
+ case l(i) is
+ when ' '
+ | NBSP --V93
+ | HT =>
+ null;
+ when '1' =>
+ value := '1';
+ good := true;
+ trim_next (l, i);
+ return;
+ when '0' =>
+ value := '0';
+ good := true;
+ trim_next (l, i);
+ return;
+ when others =>
+ return;
+ end case;
+ end loop;
+ return;
+ end read;
+ procedure read (l: inout line; value: out bit)
+ is
+ variable res : boolean;
+ begin
+ read (l, value, res);
+ assert res = true
+ report "bit read failure"
+ severity failure;
+ end read;
+ procedure read (l: inout line; value: out bit_vector; good: out boolean)
+ is
+ -- Number of bit to parse.
+ variable len : natural;
+ variable pos, last : natural;
+ variable res : bit_vector (1 to value'length);
+ -- State of the previous byte:
+ -- LEADING: blank before the bit vector.
+ -- FOUND: bit of the vector.
+ type state_type is (leading, found);
+ variable state : state_type;
+ begin
+ -- Initialization.
+ len := value'length;
+ if len = 0 then
+ -- If VALUE is a nul array, return now.
+ -- L stay unchanged.
+ -- FIXME: should blanks be removed ?
+ good := true;
+ return;
+ end if;
+ good := false;
+ state := leading;
+ pos := res'left;
+ for i in l'range loop
+ case l(i) is
+ when ' '
+ | NBSP --V93
+ | HT =>
+ case state is
+ when leading =>
+ null;
+ when found =>
+ return;
+ end case;
+ when '1' | '0' =>
+ case state is
+ when leading =>
+ state := found;
+ when found =>
+ null;
+ end case;
+ if l(i) = '0' then
+ res (pos) := '0';
+ else
+ res (pos) := '1';
+ end if;
+ pos := pos + 1;
+ len := len - 1;
+ last := i;
+ exit when len = 0;
+ when others =>
+ return;
+ end case;
+ end loop;
+ if len /= 0 then
+ -- Not enough bits.
+ return;
+ end if;
+ -- Note: if LEN = 0, then FIRST and LAST have been set.
+ good := true;
+ value := res;
+ trim_next (l, last);
+ return;
+ end read;
+ procedure read (l: inout line; value: out bit_vector)
+ is
+ variable res : boolean;
+ begin
+ read (l, value, res);
+ assert res = true
+ report "bit_vector read failure"
+ severity failure;
+ end read;
+ procedure read (l: inout line; value: out boolean; good: out boolean)
+ is
+ -- State:
+ -- BLANK: space are being scaned.
+ -- L_TF : T(rue) or F(alse) has been scanned.
+ -- L_RA : (t)R(ue) or (f)A(lse) has been scanned.
+ -- L_UL : (tr)U(e) or (fa)L(se) has been scanned.
+ -- L_ES : (tru)E or (fal)S(e) has been scanned.
+ type state_type is (blank, l_tf, l_ra, l_ul, l_es);
+ variable state : state_type;
+ -- Set to TRUE if T has been scanned, to FALSE if F has been scanned.
+ variable res : boolean;
+ begin
+ -- By default, it is a failure.
+ good := false;
+ state := blank;
+ for i in l'range loop
+ case state is
+ when blank =>
+ if l (i) = ' '
+ or l (i) = nbsp --V93
+ or l (i) = HT
+ then
+ null;
+ elsif to_lower (l (i)) = 't' then
+ res := true;
+ state := l_tf;
+ elsif to_lower (l (i)) = 'f' then
+ res := false;
+ state := l_tf;
+ else
+ return;
+ end if;
+ when l_tf =>
+ if res = true and to_lower (l (i)) = 'r' then
+ state := l_ra;
+ elsif res = false and to_lower (l (i)) = 'a' then
+ state := l_ra;
+ else
+ return;
+ end if;
+ when l_ra =>
+ if res = true and to_lower (l (i)) = 'u' then
+ state := l_ul;
+ elsif res = false and to_lower (l (i)) = 'l' then
+ state := l_ul;
+ else
+ return;
+ end if;
+ when l_ul =>
+ if res = true and to_lower (l (i)) = 'e' then
+ trim_next (l, i);
+ good := true;
+ value := true;
+ return;
+ elsif res = false and to_lower (l (i)) = 's' then
+ state := l_es;
+ else
+ return;
+ end if;
+ when l_es =>
+ if res = false and to_lower (l (i)) = 'e' then
+ trim_next (l, i);
+ good := true;
+ value := false;
+ return;
+ else
+ return;
+ end if;
+ end case;
+ end loop;
+ return;
+ end read;
+ procedure read (l: inout line; value: out boolean)
+ is
+ variable res : boolean;
+ begin
+ read (l, value, res);
+ assert res = true
+ report "boolean read failure"
+ severity failure;
+ end read;
+ function char_to_nat (c : character) return natural
+ is
+ begin
+ return character'pos (c) - character'pos ('0');
+ end char_to_nat;
+ procedure read (l: inout line; value: out integer; good: out boolean)
+ is
+ variable val : integer;
+ variable d : natural;
+ type state_t is (leading, sign, digits);
+ variable cur_state : state_t := leading;
+ begin
+ val := 1;
+ for i in l'range loop
+ case cur_state is
+ when leading =>
+ case l(i) is
+ when ' '
+ | NBSP --V93
+ | ht =>
+ null;
+ when '+' =>
+ cur_state := sign;
+ when '-' =>
+ val := -1;
+ cur_state := sign;
+ when '0' to '9' =>
+ val := char_to_nat (l(i));
+ cur_state := digits;
+ when others =>
+ good := false;
+ return;
+ end case;
+ when sign =>
+ case l(i) is
+ when '0' to '9' =>
+ val := val * char_to_nat (l(i));
+ cur_state := digits;
+ when others =>
+ good := false;
+ return;
+ end case;
+ when digits =>
+ case l(i) is
+ when '0' to '9' =>
+ d := char_to_nat (l(i));
+ val := val * 10;
+ if val < 0 then
+ val := val - d;
+ else
+ val := val + d;
+ end if;
+ when others =>
+ trim (l, i);
+ good := true;
+ value := val;
+ return;
+ end case;
+ end case;
+ end loop;
+ deallocate (l);
+ l := new string'("");
+ if cur_state /= leading then
+ good := true;
+ value := val;
+ else
+ good := false;
+ end if;
+ end read;
+ procedure read (l: inout line; value: out integer)
+ is
+ variable res : boolean;
+ begin
+ read (l, value, res);
+ assert res = true
+ report "integer read failure"
+ severity failure;
+ end read;
+ procedure read (l: inout line; value: out real; good: out boolean)
+ is
+ -- The result.
+ variable val : real;
+ -- True if the result is negative.
+ variable val_neg : boolean;
+ -- Number of digits after the dot.
+ variable nbr_dec : natural;
+ -- Value of the exponent.
+ variable exp : integer;
+ -- True if the exponent is negative.
+ variable exp_neg : boolean;
+ -- The parsing is done with a state machine.
+ -- LEADING: leading blank suppression.
+ -- SIGN: a sign has been found.
+ -- DIGITS: integer parts
+ -- DECIMALS: digits after the dot.
+ -- EXPONENT_SIGN: sign after "E"
+ -- EXPONENT_1: first digit of the exponent.
+ -- EXPONENT: digits of the exponent.
+ type state_t is (leading, sign, digits, decimals,
+ exponent_sign, exponent_1, exponent);
+ variable cur_state : state_t := leading;
+ -- Set VALUE to the result, and set GOOD to TRUE.
+ procedure set_value is
+ begin
+ good := true;
+ if exp_neg then
+ val := val * 10.0 ** (-exp);
+ else
+ val := val * 10.0 ** exp;
+ end if;
+ if val_neg then
+ value := -val;
+ else
+ value := val;
+ end if;
+ end set_value;
+ begin
+ -- Initialization.
+ val_neg := false;
+ nbr_dec := 1;
+ exp := 0;
+ exp_neg := false;
+ -- By default, parsing has failed.
+ good := false;
+ -- Iterate over all characters of the string.
+ -- Return immediatly in case of parse error.
+ -- Trim L and call SET_VALUE and return in case of success.
+ for i in l'range loop
+ case cur_state is
+ when leading =>
+ case l(i) is
+ when ' '
+ | NBSP --V93
+ | ht =>
+ null;
+ when '+' =>
+ cur_state := sign;
+ when '-' =>
+ val_neg := true;
+ cur_state := sign;
+ when '0' to '9' =>
+ val := real (char_to_nat (l(i)));
+ cur_state := digits;
+ when others =>
+ return;
+ end case;
+ when sign =>
+ case l(i) is
+ when '0' to '9' =>
+ val := real (char_to_nat (l(i)));
+ cur_state := digits;
+ when others =>
+ return;
+ end case;
+ when digits =>
+ case l(i) is
+ when '0' to '9' =>
+ val := val * 10.0 + real (char_to_nat (l(i)));
+ when '.' =>
+ cur_state := decimals;
+ when others =>
+ -- A "." (dot) is required in the string.
+ return;
+ end case;
+ when decimals =>
+ case l(i) is
+ when '0' to '9' =>
+ val := val + real (char_to_nat (l(i))) / (10.0 ** nbr_dec);
+ nbr_dec := nbr_dec + 1;
+ when 'e' | 'E' =>
+ -- "nnn.E" is erroneous.
+ if nbr_dec = 1 then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ cur_state := exponent_sign;
+ when others =>
+ -- "nnn.XX" is erroneous.
+ if nbr_dec = 1 then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ trim (l, i);
+ set_value;
+ return;
+ end case;
+ when exponent_sign =>
+ case l(i) is
+ when '+' =>
+ cur_state := exponent_1;
+ when '-' =>
+ exp_neg := true;
+ cur_state := exponent_1;
+ when '0' to '9' =>
+ exp := char_to_nat (l(i));
+ cur_state := exponent;
+ when others =>
+ -- Error.
+ return;
+ end case;
+ when exponent_1 | exponent =>
+ case l(i) is
+ when '0' to '9' =>
+ exp := exp * 10 + char_to_nat (l(i));
+ cur_state := exponent;
+ when others =>
+ trim (l, i);
+ set_value;
+ return;
+ end case;
+ end case;
+ end loop;
+ -- End of string.
+ case cur_state is
+ when leading | sign | digits =>
+ -- Erroneous.
+ return;
+ when decimals =>
+ -- "nnn.XX" is erroneous.
+ if nbr_dec = 1 then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ when exponent_sign =>
+ -- Erroneous ("NNN.NNNE")
+ return;
+ when exponent_1 =>
+ -- "NNN.NNNE-"
+ return;
+ when exponent =>
+ null;
+ end case;
+ deallocate (l);
+ l := new string'("");
+ set_value;
+ end read;
+ procedure read (l: inout line; value: out real)
+ is
+ variable res : boolean;
+ begin
+ read (l, value, res);
+ assert res = true
+ report "real read failure"
+ severity failure;
+ end read;
+ procedure read (l: inout line; value: out time; good: out boolean)
+ is
+ -- The result.
+ variable res : time;
+ -- UNIT is computed from the unit name, the exponent and the number of
+ -- digits before the dot. UNIT is the weight of the current digit.
+ variable unit : time;
+ -- Number of digits before the dot.
+ variable nbr_digits : integer;
+ -- True if a unit name has been found. Used temporaly to know the status
+ -- at the end of the search loop.
+ variable unit_found : boolean;
+ -- True if the number is negative.
+ variable is_neg : boolean;
+ -- Value of the exponent.
+ variable exp : integer;
+ -- True if the exponent is negative.
+ variable exp_neg : boolean;
+ -- Unit name extracted from the string.
+ variable unit_name : string (1 to 3);
+ -- state is the kind of the previous character parsed.
+ -- LEADING: leading blanks
+ -- SIGN: + or - as the first character of the number.
+ -- DIGITS: digit of the integer part of the number.
+ -- DOT: dot (.) after the integer part and before the decimal part.
+ -- DECIMALS: digit of the decimal part.
+ -- EXPONENT_MARK: e or E.
+ -- EXPONENT_SIGN: + or - just after the exponent mark (E).
+ -- EXPONENT: digit of the exponent.
+ -- UNIT_BLANK: blank after the exponent.
+ -- UNIT_1, UNIT_2, UNIT_3: first, second, third character of the unit.
+ type state_type is (leading, sign, digits, dot, decimals,
+ exponent_mark, exponent_sign, exponent,
+ unit_blank, unit_1, unit_2, unit_3);
+ variable state : state_type;
+ -- Used during the second scan of the string, TRUE is digits is being
+ -- scaned.
+ variable has_digits : boolean;
+ -- Position at the end of the string.
+ variable pos : integer;
+ -- Used to compute POS.
+ variable length : integer;
+ begin
+ -- Initialization.
+ -- Fail by default; therefore, in case of error, a return statement is
+ -- ok.
+ good := false;
+ nbr_digits := 0;
+ is_neg := false;
+ exp := 0;
+ exp_neg := false;
+ res := 0 fs;
+ -- Look for exponent and unit name.
+ -- Parse the string: this loop checks the correctness of the format, and
+ -- must return (GOOD has been set to FALSE) in case of error.
+ state := leading;
+ for i in l'range loop
+ case l (i) is
+ when ' '
+ | NBSP --V93
+ | HT =>
+ case state is
+ when leading | unit_blank =>
+ null;
+ when sign | dot | exponent_mark | exponent_sign =>
+ return;
+ when digits | decimals | exponent =>
+ state := unit_blank;
+ when unit_1 | unit_2 =>
+ exit;
+ when unit_3 =>
+ -- Cannot happen, since an exit is performed at unit_3.
+ assert false report "internal error" severity failure;
+ end case;
+ when '+' | '-' =>
+ case state is
+ when leading =>
+ if l(i) = '-' then
+ is_neg := true;
+ end if;
+ state := sign;
+ when exponent_mark =>
+ if l(i) = '-' then
+ exp_neg := true;
+ end if;
+ state := exponent_sign;
+ when others =>
+ return;
+ end case;
+ when '0' to '9' =>
+ case state is
+ when exponent_mark | exponent_sign | exponent =>
+ exp := exp * 10 + char_to_nat (l (i));
+ state := exponent;
+ when leading | sign | digits =>
+ -- Leading "0" are not significant.
+ if nbr_digits > 0 or l (i) /= '0' then
+ nbr_digits := nbr_digits + 1;
+ end if;
+ state := digits;
+ when decimals =>
+ null;
+ when dot =>
+ state := decimals;
+ when others =>
+ return;
+ end case;
+ when 'a' to 'z' | 'A' to 'Z' =>
+ case state is
+ when digits | decimals =>
+ -- "E" has exponent mark.
+ if l (i) = 'e' or l(i) = 'E' then
+ state := exponent_mark;
+ else
+ return;
+ end if;
+ when unit_blank =>
+ unit_name (1) := to_lower (l(i));
+ state := unit_1;
+ when unit_1 =>
+ unit_name (2) := to_lower (l(i));
+ state := unit_2;
+ pos := i;
+ when unit_2 =>
+ unit_name (3) := to_lower (l(i));
+ state := unit_3;
+ exit;
+ when others =>
+ return;
+ end case;
+ when '.' =>
+ case state is
+ when digits =>
+ state := decimals;
+ when others =>
+ return;
+ end case;
+ when others =>
+ return;
+ end case;
+ end loop;
+ -- A unit name (2 or 3 letters) must have been found.
+ -- The string may end anywhere.
+ if state /= unit_2 and state /= unit_3 then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ -- Compute EXP with the sign.
+ if exp_neg then
+ exp := -exp;
+ end if;
+ -- Search the unit name in the list of time names.
+ unit_found := false;
+ for i in time_names'range loop
+ -- The first two characters must match (case insensitive).
+ -- The third character must match if:
+ -- * the unit name is a three characters identifier (ie, not a blank).
+ -- * there is a third character in STR.
+ if time_names (i).name (1) = unit_name (1)
+ and time_names (i).name (2) = unit_name (2)
+ and (time_names (i).name (3) = ' '
+ or time_names (i).name (3) = unit_name (3))
+ then
+ unit := time_names (i).val;
+ unit_found := true;
+ -- POS is set to the position of the first invalid character.
+ if time_names (i).name (3) = ' ' then
+ length := 1;
+ else
+ length := 2;
+ end if;
+ if l'left < l'right then
+ pos := pos + length;
+ else
+ pos := pos - length;
+ end if;
+ exit;
+ end if;
+ end loop;
+ if not unit_found then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ -- Compute UNIT, the weight of the first non-significant character.
+ nbr_digits := nbr_digits + exp - 1;
+ if nbr_digits < 0 then
+ unit := unit / 10 ** (-nbr_digits);
+ else
+ unit := unit * 10 ** nbr_digits;
+ end if;
+ -- HAS_DIGITS will be set as soon as a digit is found.
+ -- No error is expected here (this has been checked during the first
+ -- pass).
+ has_digits := false;
+ for i in l'range loop
+ case l (i) is
+ when ' '
+ | NBSP --V93
+ | HT =>
+ if has_digits then
+ exit;
+ end if;
+ when '+' | '-' =>
+ if not has_digits then
+ has_digits := true;
+ else
+ assert false report "internal error" severity failure;
+ return;
+ end if;
+ when '0' to '9' =>
+ -- Leading "0" are not significant.
+ if l (i) /= '0' or res /= 0 fs then
+ res := res + char_to_nat (l (i)) * unit;
+ unit := unit / 10;
+ end if;
+ has_digits := true;
+ when 'a' to 'z' | 'A' to 'Z' =>
+ if has_digits then
+ exit;
+ else
+ assert false report "internal error" severity failure;
+ return;
+ end if;
+ when '.' =>
+ if not has_digits then
+ assert false report "internal error" severity failure;
+ return;
+ end if;
+ when others =>
+ assert false report "internal error" severity failure;
+ return;
+ end case;
+ end loop;
+ -- Set VALUE.
+ if is_neg then
+ value := -res;
+ else
+ value := res;
+ end if;
+ good := true;
+ trim (l, pos);
+ return;
+ end read;
+ procedure read (l: inout line; value: out time)
+ is
+ variable res : boolean;
+ begin
+ read (l, value, res);
+ assert res = true
+ report "time read failure"
+ severity failure;
+ end read;
+ procedure read (l: inout line; value: out string; good: out boolean)
+ is
+ constant len : natural := value'length;
+ begin
+ if l'length < len then
+ good := false;
+ return;
+ end if;
+ good := true;
+ if len = 0 then
+ return;
+ end if;
+ if l'left < l'right then
+ value := l (l'left to l'left + len - 1);
+ trim (l, l'left + len);
+ else
+ value := l (l'left downto l'left - len + 1);
+ trim (l, l'left - len);
+ end if;
+ end read;
+ procedure read (l: inout line; value: out string)
+ is
+ variable res : boolean;
+ begin
+ read (l, value, res);
+ assert res = true
+ report "string read failure"
+ severity failure;
+ end read;
+end textio;