diff options
authorTristan Gingold2014-01-29 06:32:18 +0100
committerTristan Gingold2014-01-29 06:32:18 +0100
commit0200b9f5fb614e3d0dfa614887dafccb237f145b (patch)
parent77d6d3330049b7c2d5ffbea966ed22e933f6827c (diff)
translation: avoid useless 'address(INSTANCE.all).
1 files changed, 56 insertions, 23 deletions
diff --git a/translate/translation.adb b/translate/translation.adb
index e9049c9..ddb8a5a 100644
--- a/translate/translation.adb
+++ b/translate/translation.adb
@@ -330,11 +330,9 @@ package body Translation is
-- Return the (real) reference to a variable created by Create_Var.
function Get_Var (Var : Var_Acc) return O_Lnode;
- --function Get_Var (Var : Var_Acc) return O_Dnode;
procedure Free_Var (Var : in out Var_Acc);
-- Return a reference to the instance of type ITYPE.
function Get_Instance_Ref (Itype : O_Tnode) return O_Lnode;
@@ -23711,18 +23709,33 @@ package body Translation is
type Scope_Type;
type Scope_Acc is access Scope_Type;
type Scope_Type is record
+ -- True if the instance is a pointer.
Is_Ptr : Boolean;
+ -- Type of the scope.
Stype : O_Tnode;
+ -- Scope is within FIELD of scope PARENT.
Field : O_Fnode;
Parent : O_Tnode;
+ -- Previous scope in the stack.
Prev : Scope_Acc;
end record;
type Scope_Var_Type;
type Scope_Var_Acc is access Scope_Var_Type;
type Scope_Var_Type is record
+ -- Type of the scope.
Svtype : O_Tnode;
+ -- Variable containing the reference of the scope.
Var : O_Dnode;
+ -- Previous variable in the stack.
Prev : Scope_Var_Acc;
end record;
@@ -23887,16 +23900,24 @@ package body Translation is
end case;
end Create_Var;
- function Find_Scope_Type (Stype : O_Tnode) return O_Lnode
+ -- Get a reference to scope STYPE. If IS_PTR is set, RES is an access
+ -- to the scope, otherwise RES directly designates the scope.
+ procedure Find_Scope_Type (Stype : O_Tnode;
+ Res : out O_Lnode;
+ Is_Ptr : out Boolean)
S : Scope_Acc;
Sv : Scope_Var_Acc;
+ Prev_Res : O_Lnode;
+ Prev_Ptr : Boolean;
-- Find in var.
Sv := Scopes_Var;
while Sv /= null loop
if Sv.Svtype = Stype then
- return New_Acc_Value (New_Obj (Sv.Var));
+ Res := New_Obj (Sv.Var);
+ Is_Ptr := True;
+ return;
end if;
Sv := Sv.Prev;
end loop;
@@ -23905,15 +23926,13 @@ package body Translation is
S := Scopes;
while S /= null loop
if S.Stype = Stype then
- if S.Is_Ptr then
- return New_Access_Element
- (New_Value
- (New_Selected_Element (Find_Scope_Type (S.Parent),
- S.Field)));
- else
- return New_Selected_Element
- (Find_Scope_Type (S.Parent), S.Field);
+ Find_Scope_Type (S.Parent, Prev_Res, Prev_Ptr);
+ if Prev_Ptr then
+ Prev_Res := New_Acc_Value (Prev_Res);
end if;
+ Res := New_Selected_Element (Prev_Res, S.Field);
+ Is_Ptr := S.Is_Ptr;
+ return;
end if;
S := S.Prev;
end loop;
@@ -23922,28 +23941,42 @@ package body Translation is
raise Internal_Error;
end Find_Scope_Type;
+ procedure Check_Not_Building is
+ begin
+ -- Variables cannot be referenced if there is an instance being
+ -- built.
+ if Inst_Build /= null and then Inst_Build.Kind = Instance then
+ raise Internal_Error;
+ end if;
+ end Check_Not_Building;
function Get_Instance_Access (Block : Iir) return O_Enode
- Info : Block_Info_Acc;
+ Info : constant Block_Info_Acc := Get_Info (Block);
+ Res : O_Lnode;
+ Is_Ptr : Boolean;
- Info := Get_Info (Block);
- if Info.Block_Decls_Type = Scopes_Var.Svtype then
- return New_Value (New_Obj (Scopes_Var.Var));
+ Check_Not_Building;
+ Find_Scope_Type (Info.Block_Decls_Type, Res, Is_Ptr);
+ if Is_Ptr then
+ return New_Value (Res);
- return New_Address (Get_Instance_Ref (Info.Block_Decls_Type),
- Info.Block_Decls_Ptr_Type);
+ return New_Address (Res, Info.Block_Decls_Ptr_Type);
end if;
end Get_Instance_Access;
function Get_Instance_Ref (Itype : O_Tnode) return O_Lnode
+ Res : O_Lnode;
+ Is_Ptr : Boolean;
- -- Variables cannot be referenced if there is an instance being
- -- built.
- if Inst_Build /= null and then Inst_Build.Kind = Instance then
- raise Internal_Error;
+ Check_Not_Building;
+ Find_Scope_Type (Itype, Res, Is_Ptr);
+ if Is_Ptr then
+ return New_Acc_Value (Res);
+ else
+ return Res;
end if;
- return Find_Scope_Type (Itype);
end Get_Instance_Ref;
function Get_Var (Var : Var_Acc) return O_Lnode