diff options
authorSashi202023-01-06 18:54:48 +0530
committerSashi202023-01-06 18:54:48 +0530
commit4501a215fbc6139fcb84cabe157aa560cd597d82 (patch)
parent09bac1a648ae5e1573a89d06f64b2505c90f7c0e (diff)
Add page to download participant details
2 files changed, 136 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/fellowship_testimonials.module b/fellowship_testimonials.module
index 93210b1..5ba25b1 100755
--- a/fellowship_testimonials.module
+++ b/fellowship_testimonials.module
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
ini_set('display_errors', TRUE);
-ini_set('display_startup_errors', TRUE);*/
+ini_set('display_startup_errors', TRUE);
function fellowship_testimonials_menu() {
$items = array();
/*$items["fellowship-testimonials"] = array(
@@ -56,6 +56,24 @@ ini_set('display_startup_errors', TRUE);*/
"file" => ''
+ $items["animation-hackathon/view/registrations"] = array(
+ "title" => "All India 2D Animation Hackathon Registered particpants",
+ "page callback" => "view_animation_hackathon_vle_registrations",
+ /*"page arguments" => "",**/
+ "access arguments" => array("Manage Animation Hackathon registration"),
+ "type" => MENU_NORMAL_ITEM,
+ "file" => ''
+ );
+ $items["animation-hackathon/view/registrations/download"] = array(
+ "title" => "All India 2D Animation Hackathon Registered particpants",
+ "page callback" => "download_registration_details",
+ /*"page arguments" => "",**/
+ "access arguments" => array("Manage Animation Hackathon registration"),
+ "type" => MENU_NORMAL_ITEM,
+ "file" => ''
+ );
return $items;
@@ -72,6 +90,10 @@ ini_set('display_startup_errors', TRUE);*/
"Animation Hackathon registration" => array(
"title" => t("Animation Hackathon registration"),
'restrict access' => TRUE
+ ),
+ "Manage Animation Hackathon registration" => array(
+ "title" => t("Manage Animation Hackathon registration"),
+ 'restrict access' => TRUE
@@ -214,4 +236,10 @@ function _hackathon_list_of_cities($state=Null, $district=NULL)
return $csc_block_name;
+function vle_registration_csv_path()
+ return $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . base_path() . 'data/';
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ b/
index 55cd4d8..6c076af 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -463,4 +463,110 @@ function animation_hackathon_vle_registration_form_submit($form, &$form_state){
drupal_set_message('Registration successful', 'status');
+function view_animation_hackathon_vle_registrations() {
+ $page_content = "";
+ $query = db_select('animation_hackathon_vle_registration');
+ $query->fields('animation_hackathon_vle_registration');
+ $result = $query->execute();
+ $page_content .= "Total number of registrations: " . $result->rowCount() . "<br>Click <a href='registrations/download'>here</a> to download the CSV with participant details";
+ return $page_content;
+ }
+ function download_registration_details(){
+ global $user;
+ /* get pending submissions to be approved */
+ if ($user->uid == 0)
+ {
+ $msg = drupal_set_message(t('It is mandatory to login on this website to download the email IDs of the participants. If you are new user please create a new account first.'), 'error');
+ //drupal_goto('/pssp');
+ drupal_goto('user/login', array('query' => drupal_get_destination()));
+ return $msg;
+ }
+ $root_path = vle_registration_csv_path();
+ $my_submission_rows = array();
+ $query = db_select('animation_hackathon_vle_registration');
+ $query->fields('animation_hackathon_vle_registration');
+ $all_submissions_q = $query->execute();
+ $participants_email_id_file = $root_path . "participants.csv";
+ $fp = fopen($participants_email_id_file, "w");
+ /* making the first row */
+ $item = array(
+ "Country",
+ "State",
+ "District",
+ "Block",
+ "CSC ID",
+ "Team size",
+ "Team member 1 Name",
+ "Team member 1 Email",
+ "Team member 1 Contact",
+ "Team member 1 Gender",
+ "Team member 1 Category",
+ "Team member 1 Institution",
+ "Team member 2 Name",
+ "Team member 2 Email",
+ "Team member 2 Contact",
+ "Team member 2 Gender",
+ "Team member 2 Category",
+ "Team member 2 Institution",
+ "Know Synfig",
+ "Other Softwares used",
+ "How did you come to know about the event?",
+ "About team",
+ "Date of registration"
+ );
+ fputcsv($fp, $item);
+ while($row = $all_submissions_q->fetchObject()) {
+ $item = array(
+ $row->country,
+ $row->state,
+ $row->district,
+ $row->block_name,
+ $row->csc_id,
+ $row->team_size,
+ $row->team_member_1_name,
+ $row->team_member_1_email,
+ $row->team_member_1_contact,
+ $row->team_member_1_gender,
+ $row->team_member_1_category,
+ $row->team_member_1_institution,
+ $row->team_member_2_name,
+ $row->team_member_2_email,
+ $row->team_member_2_contact,
+ $row->team_member_2_gender,
+ $row->team_member_2_category,
+ $row->team_member_2_institution,
+ $row->know_synfig,
+ $row->other_softwares_used,
+ $row->information_about_event,
+ $row->about_team,
+ date("d-m-Y", $row->registration_timestamp)
+ );
+ fputcsv($fp, $item);
+ }
+ fclose($fp);
+ if($participants_email_id_file){
+ ob_clean();
+ header("Pragma: public");
+ header("Expires: 0");
+ header("Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0");
+ header("Cache-Control: public");
+ header("Content-Description: File Transfer");
+ header('Content-Type: application/csv');
+ header('Content-disposition: attachment; filename=participant-details.csv');
+ header('Content-Length:' . filesize($participants_email_id_file));
+ header("Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary");
+ header('Expires: 0');
+ header('Pragma: no-cache');
+ readfile($participants_email_id_file);
+ /*ob_end_flush();
+ ob_clean();
+ flush();*/
+ }
} \ No newline at end of file