path: root/src
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2022-09-02Merge pull request #203 from PatelVatsalB21/path_disabledRahul P
File path readonly for KicadtoNgspice Tabs
2022-09-01File Path Disabled for KicadToNgspice TabsPatelVatsalB21
2022-09-01Added Multiple Instance Functionality And Updated GUIPatelVatsalB21
2022-08-29Added the .spiceinit generation commandsEyantra698Sumanto
2022-08-28Corrected the spelling of SKY130Eyantra698Sumanto
2022-08-26Fixed Pep8 issuesEyantra698Sumanto
2022-08-26Fixed Pep8 issuesEyantra698Sumanto
2022-08-26Added more Sky130 LibrariesEyantra698Sumanto
2022-08-26Fixed path_name undefined and out of bound index errorsEyantra698Sumanto
2022-08-11This includes transmission lines & switch model files in device modelling windowdilipboidya
2022-08-11Added the Device Modelsdilipboidya
2022-08-06Fixed pep8 issuesEyantra698Sumanto
2022-08-06Fixed pep8 issuesEyantra698Sumanto
2022-08-06Fixed pep8 issuesEyantra698Sumanto
2022-08-06Added include library and designator commands for Sky130_fd_pr PDK componentsEyantra698Sumanto
2022-08-06Added options for Sky130_fd_pr PDK componentsEyantra698Sumanto
2022-07-05Resolved Project Files Refresh ProblemPatelVatsalB21
2022-05-26Added Functionality of add_HexPatelVatsalB21
2022-05-19Merge pull request #168 from mistryjay/masterRahul P
Hex upload GUI for microcontroller
2022-05-02Merge pull request #201 from Eyantra698Sumanto/masterSumanto Kar
Removed two Ngspice threads
2022-05-02Fixed Pep8 issuesSumanto Kar
2022-05-02Fixed Pep8 issuesSumanto Kar
2022-05-02Fixed Pep8 issuesSumanto Kar
2022-05-02Update NgspiceWidget.pySumanto Kar
2022-02-28Refactored display names in NgVeri UIrahulp13
2022-02-22Fix incorrect status reporting on NgVeri UI terminalrahulp13
2022-02-22Updated version details to v2.2rahulp13
2022-02-22Fixed typos and resolved flake8 issuesrahulp13
2022-02-22Added a note and tooltip for Makerchip requirementsrahulp13
2022-02-22Fixed saving empty file crash issuerahulp13
2022-02-22Fix empty line lint_off crash issuesrahulp13
2022-02-22Fix crash issue due to recursive file/directory accessrahulp13
2022-02-22Check for ToS using defined functionrahulp13
2022-02-22Fixed crash issue due to NGHDL invoked without any projectrahulp13
2022-02-22Updated Ngspice 'make' commands for Windows OSrahulp13
2022-02-22Prompt ToS if Sandpiper-SaaS directly invokedrahulp13
2022-02-22Fixed crash due to Appconfig attribute errorrahulp13
2022-02-22Updated Verilator and Sandpiper-SaaS commands to work on Windows OSrahulp13
2022-02-22Restructured config paths and other path issuesrahulp13
2022-02-22Replaced SafeConfigParser alias with ConfigParserrahulp13
2022-02-22Ignore 'xterm' process checking on Windows OSrahulp13
2022-02-22Updated MSYS pathsrahulp13
2022-02-22Restructured Verilator librariesrahulp13
2022-02-10Updated version details to v2.2 pre-releaserahulp13
2022-02-10Resolves extern issue with gcc version > 9rahulp13
2022-02-10Cleaned up merge conflict messagesrahulp13
2022-02-08Update NgVeri.pyrohinthram
2022-02-08Update NgVeri.pyrohinthram
2022-02-08Update NgVeri.pyrohinthram
2022-02-08Update NgVeri.pyrohinthram