path: root/src/frontEnd
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2019-06-24Resolves #93nilshah98
2019-06-13projectExplorer made pep8 compliantnilshah98
2019-06-13made pep8 compliant using autopep8 toolnilshah98
2019-06-13Rename feature portednilshah98
2019-06-13treeWidget UI bug fixednilshah98
2019-06-13Minor changesanjalijaiswal08
2019-06-13gitignore updated, .py.bak files removednilshah98
2019-06-13ProjectExplorer, pythonPlotting documentation addedmaddy-2
2019-06-13browser, frontEnd changesanjalijaiswal08
2019-06-13pep8 fixes and list models bug fixednilshah98
2019-06-13python calls updated to python3 callsnilshah98
2019-06-13frontEnd/Application documentation addedanjalijaiswal08
2019-06-11Removed noqanilshah98
2019-06-07frontEnd made pep8 compliantmaddy-2
2019-06-07initialise pep8 compliance, using autopep8maddy-2
2019-03-31port to python3nilshah98
2016-11-23Bug in line 51 ProjectExplorer fixedathulappadan
2016-05-25DockWidget added in UI for ngspice to modelica conversionathulappadan
2016-04-05Bug fixing: Modified code for closing external window from close project buttonfahim-oscad
2016-03-22Closes all the dock areas while exiting a projectathulappadan
2016-03-17Standard plotting functions labels changedathulappadan
2016-03-17Closes all external windows while closing a selected projectathulappadan
2016-03-03Updated name from Exit Project to Close ProjectFahim
2016-03-01Remove all unwanted print commandFahim
2016-02-23Subject: Added Multimeter in Python PlotFahim
2016-02-19Subject: Added Confirmation message while exit eSimFahim
2016-02-11Subject: Remove Pspice to Kicad Converter Code.Fahim
2016-01-22Commented PCB and Footprint editor related code as it will open directly from...Fahim
2015-10-19Subject: Modified Kicad import Library codeFahim
2015-10-16Subject: Modification for Pspice to Kicad converterFahim
2015-10-15Added XML for NghdlFahim
2015-10-15Modify the calling method of nghdlFahim
2015-10-15Subject: Changes to include PSPICE to Kicad parserFahim
2015-10-01Subject: Changes in, andFahim
2015-09-22Nghdl Processes Terminatedkomalsheth236
2015-09-22Subject: Integrated OpemModelica Changes into develop branchFahim
2015-09-10Nghdl icon addedathulappadan
2015-08-04Subject: Added installation script.fahim
2015-07-31Subject: Added module for user manualfahim
2015-07-31Subject: Updated Welcome page of eSim.fahim
2015-07-29Subject: Set Welcome and Note area ReadOnlyfahim
2015-07-28Kicad to NgSpice conversion opens in dock areaxoher
2015-07-28Kicad to NgSpice conversion opens in dock areaxoher
2015-06-29Logo bug fixed,and Splash screen waits for one second after workspace windowxoher
2015-06-29Splash screen closes on closing workspace windowxoher
2015-06-29Code cleanup for Application and Workspace filesxoher
2015-06-29Workspace window appears before the main window with splash screen in the bac...xoher
2015-06-25GUI changes for Dock Area, added FOSSEE logoTanay Mathur
2015-06-23Added subcircuit functionalityTanay Mathur
2015-06-17Subject: Changes location of image directory just to make it easy duringfahim