path: root/nghdl/src/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'nghdl/src/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 845 deletions
diff --git a/nghdl/src/ b/nghdl/src/
deleted file mode 100644
index 772cbb52..00000000
--- a/nghdl/src/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,845 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-"""#!/usr/bin/python """
-import re
-import sys
-import os
-#######Script start from here
-print "Arguement is :", sys.argv[1]
-fname = os.path.basename(sys.argv[1])
-print "VHDL filename is :",fname
-home = os.path.expanduser("~")
-###########Creating connection_info.txt file from vhdl file#####################
-read_vhdl = open(sys.argv[1],'r')
-vhdl_data = read_vhdl.readlines()
-start_flag = -1 #Used for scaning part of data
-for item in vhdl_data:
- if'port',item,re.I):
- start_flag = 1
- elif"end",item,re.I):
- start_flag = 0
- else:
- pass
- if start_flag == 1:
- item=re.sub("port", " ", item, flags=re.I)
- item=re.sub("\(", " ", item, flags=re.I)
- item=re.sub("\)", " ", item, flags=re.I)
- item=re.sub(";"," ",item,flags=re.I)
- scan_data.append(item.rstrip())
- scan_data=filter(None, scan_data)
- elif start_flag == 0:
- break
-#print "Scan Data",scan_data
-port_vector_info = []
-for item in scan_data:
- print "Scan Data :",item
- if"in",item,flags=re.I):
- if"std_logic_vector",item,flags=re.I):
- temp=re.compile(r"\s*std_logic_vector\s*",flags=re.I)
- elif"std_logic",item,flags=re.I):
- temp=re.compile(r"\s*std_logic\s*",flags=re.I)
- else:
- print "Please check your vhdl code for datatype of input port"
- sys.exit()
- elif"out",item,flags=re.I):
- if"std_logic_vector",item,flags=re.I):
- temp=re.compile(r"\s*std_logic_vector\s*",flags=re.I)
- elif"std_logic",item,flags=re.I):
- temp=re.compile(r"\s*std_logic\s*",flags=re.I)
- else:
- print "Please check your vhdl code for datatype of output port"
- sys.exit()
- else:
- print "Please check the in/out direction of your port"
- sys.exit()
- lhs=temp.split(item)[0]
- rhs=temp.split(item)[1]
- bit_info=re.compile(r"\s*downto\s*",flags=re.I).split(rhs)[0]
- if bit_info:
- port_info.append(lhs+":"+str(int(bit_info)+int(1)))
- port_vector_info.append(1)
- else:
- port_info.append(lhs+":"+str(int(1)))
- port_vector_info.append(0)
-print "Port Info :",port_info
-#Open connection_info.txt file
-for item in port_info:
- word=item.split(':')
- con_ifo.write(word[0].strip()+' '+word[1].strip()+' '+word[2].strip())
- con_ifo.write("\n")
-############### Reading connection/port information#############################
-#Declaring input and output list
-#Reading connection_info.txt file for port infomation
-#Extracting input and output port list from data
-print "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
-for line in data:
- print line
- if re.match(r'^\s*$', line):
- pass
- #print "Blank Line"
- else:
- in_items=re.findall("IN",line,re.MULTILINE|re.IGNORECASE)
- out_items=re.findall("OUT",line,re.MULTILINE|re.IGNORECASE)
- #print "Line",line
- if in_items:
- input_list.append(line.split())
- #print "Found IN"
- else:
- pass
- #print "Not Found"
- if out_items:
- output_list.append(line.split())
- #print "Found Out"
- else:
- pass
-print "Inout List :",input_list
-print "Output list",output_list
-#creating list of input and output port with its weight
-for input in input_list:
- input_port.append(input[0]+":"+input[2])
- #print "Input List: ",input
-for output in output_list:
- output_port.append(output[0]+":"+output[2])
- #print "Output List: ",output
-print "Output Port List : ",output_port
-print "Input Port List : ",input_port
-######################Creating content for cfunc.mod file#######################
-print "Starting With cfunc.mod file"
-print "Building content for cfunc.mod file"
-comment='''/* This is cfunc.mod file auto generated by
-Developed by Fahim at IIT Bombay */ \n
- '''
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <math.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <time.h>
-#include <sys/socket.h>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <netinet/in.h>
-#include <netdb.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-function_open='''void cm_'''+fname.split('.')[0]+'''(ARGS) \n{'''
-for item in output_port:
- digital_state_output.append("Digital_State_t *_op_"+item.split(':')[0]+", *_op_"+item.split(':')[0]+"_old;")
- // Declaring components of Client
- static int flag=0;
- FILE *log_client = NULL;
- log_client=fopen("client.log","a");
- int socket_fd, bytes_recieved;
- char send_data[1024];
- char recv_data[1024];
- char *key_iter;
- struct hostent *host;
- struct sockaddr_in server_addr;
- double time_limit = PARAM(stop_time);
- int sock_port = 5000+PARAM(instance_id);
-for item in input_port:
- temp_input_var.append("char temp_"+item.split(':')[0]+"[1024];")
-#Start of INIT function
- if(INIT)
- {
- /* Allocate storage for output ports.And set the load for input ports */
-for item in output_port:
- cm_event_alloc.append("cm_event_alloc("+str(cm_count_output)+","+item.split(':')[1]+"*sizeof(Digital_State_t));")
- cm_count_output=cm_count_output+1
-for item in input_port:
- load_in_port.append("for(Ii=0;Ii<PORT_SIZE("+item.split(':')[0]+");Ii++)\n\t\t{\n\t\t\tLOAD("+item.split(':')[0]+"[Ii])=PARAM(input_load); \n\t\t}")
-for item in output_port:
- cm_event_get_ptr.append("_op_"+item.split(':')[0]+" = _op_"+item.split(':')[0]+"_old = (Digital_State_t *) cm_event_get_ptr("+str(cm_count_ptr)+",0);")
- cm_count_ptr=cm_count_ptr+1
- /*Taking system time info for log */
- time_t systime;
- systime = time(NULL);
- printf(ctime(&systime));
- printf("Client-Initialising ngspice \\n");
- fprintf(log_client,"Setup Client Server Connection at %s \\n",ctime(&systime));
- printf("Client-Inside else of INIT \\n");
- fprintf(log_client,"Inside else of INIT \\n");
- /* retrieve storage for output ports. */
-for item in output_port:
- els_evt_ptr.append("_op_"+item.split(":")[0]+" = cm_event_get_ptr("+str(els_evt_count1)+","+str(els_evt_count2)+");")
- els_evt_count2=els_evt_count2+1
- els_evt_ptr.append("_op_"+item.split(":")[0]+"_old"+" = cm_event_get_ptr("+str(els_evt_count1)+","+str(els_evt_count2)+");")
- els_evt_count1=els_evt_count1+1
- /* Client setup */
- //Default hostname assignment
- host = gethostbyname("");
- printf("Client-Creating Client Socket \\n");
- fprintf(log_client,"Creating client socket \\n");
- //Creating socket for client
- if ((socket_fd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) == -1)
- {
- perror("Client-Error while creating client Socket \\n");
- fprintf(log_client,"Error while creating client sockte \\n");
- exit(1);
- }
- printf("Client-Client Socket created successfully \\n");
- printf("Client- Socket Id : %d \\n",socket_fd);
- fprintf(log_client,"Client-Client Socket created successfully \\n");
- fprintf(log_client,"Client- Socket Id : %d \\n",socket_fd);
- // memset(&server_addr, 0, sizeof(server_addr));
- server_addr.sin_family = AF_INET;
- server_addr.sin_port = htons(sock_port);
- server_addr.sin_addr = *((struct in_addr *)host->h_addr);
- bzero(&(server_addr.sin_zero),8);
- printf("Client-Connecting to server \\n");
- fprintf(log_client,"Client-Connecting to server \\n");
- //Conneting to server
- int try_limit=10;
- while(try_limit>0)
- {
- if (connect(socket_fd, (struct sockaddr*)&server_addr,sizeof(struct sockaddr)) == -1)
- {
- sleep(1);
- try_limit--;
- if(try_limit==0)
- {
- fprintf(stderr,"Connect- Error:Tried to connect server on port , up \\n");
- fprintf(log_client,"Connect- Error:Tried to connect server on port , up \\n");
- exit(1);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- printf("Client-Connected to server \\n");
- fprintf(log_client,"Client-Connected to server \\n");
- break;
- }
- }
-time_limit ='''
- if(TIME < time_limit)
- {
- //Formating data for sending it to client
- int Ii;
-#Assign bit value to every input
-for item in input_port:
- assign_data_to_input.append("\t\t\tfor(Ii=0;Ii<PORT_SIZE("+item.split(':')[0]+");Ii++)\n\
-\t\t\t{\n\t\t\t\tif( INPUT_STATE("+item.split(':')[0]+"[Ii])==ZERO )\n\
-snprintf_stmt.append("\t\t\t//Sending and receiving data to-from server \n")
-for item in input_port:
- snprintf_count=snprintf_count+1
- snprintf_stmt.append(item.split(':')[0]+":%s")
- if snprintf_count == len(input_port):
- snprintf_stmt.append('",')
- internal_count=0
- for item1 in input_port:
- if internal_count == len(input_port):
- pass
- else:
- snprintf_stmt.append("temp_"+item1.split(':')[0])
- internal_count=internal_count+1
- if internal_count == len(input_port):
- pass
- else:
- snprintf_stmt.append(",")
- snprintf_stmt.append(");")
- else:
- snprintf_stmt.append(",")
-snprintf_stmt.append('\n\t\t\tprintf("Client-Value of buffer string is %s \\n",send_data);')
-snprintf_stmt.append('\n\t\t\tprintf("Client-Sending data to server from client \\n");')
- if ( send(socket_fd,send_data,sizeof(send_data),0)==-1)
- {
- fprintf(stderr, "Client-Failure Sending Message \\n");
- close(socket_fd);
- exit(1);
- }
- else
- {
- printf("Client-Message being sent: %s \\n",send_data);
- fprintf(log_client,"Socket Id : %d & Message sent : %s \\n",socket_fd,send_data);
- }
- bytes_recieved=recv(socket_fd,recv_data,sizeof(recv_data),0);
- if ( bytes_recieved <= 0 )
- {
- printf("Client-Either Connection Closed or Error \\n");
- exit(1);
- }
- recv_data[bytes_recieved] = '\\0';
- printf("Client-Message Received From Server - %s\\n",recv_data);
- fprintf(log_client,"Message Received From Server- %s\\n",recv_data);
-#Scheduling output event
-for item in output_port:
- sch_output_event.append("\t\t\t/* Scheduling event and processing them */\n\
-\t\t\tif((key_iter=strstr(recv_data, "+'"'+item.split(':')[0]+':"'")) != NULL)\n\
-\t\t\twhile(*key_iter++ != ':');\n\
-\t\t\tfor(Ii=0;*key_iter != ';';Ii++,key_iter++)\n\
-\t\t\t\tprintf(\"Client- Bit val is %c \\n\",*key_iter);\n\
-\t\t\t\tfprintf(log_client,\"Client-Bit val is %c \\n\",*key_iter);\n\
-\t\t\t\t\tprintf(\"Client-Zero Received \");\n\
-\t\t\t\telse if(*key_iter=='1')\n\t\t\t\t{\n\
-\t\t\t\t\tprintf(\"Client-One Received \\n\");\n\
-\t\t\t\t\tfprintf(log_client,\"Unknow value return from server \\n\");\n\
-\t\t\t\t\tprintf(\"Client-Unknown value return \\n\");\n\t\t\t\t}\n\
-\t\t\t\tif(ANALYSIS == DC)\n\t\t\t\t{\n\
-\t\t\t\t\tOUTPUT_STATE("+item.split(':')[0]+"[Ii]) = _op_"+item.split(':')[0]+"[Ii];\n\
-\t\t\t\t\tif(_op_"+item.split(':')[0]+"[Ii] != _op_"+item.split(':')[0]+"_old[Ii])\n\
-\t\t\t\t\t\tOUTPUT_STATE("+item.split(':')[0]+"[Ii]) = _op_"+item.split(':')[0]+"[Ii];\n\
-\t\t\t\t\t\tOUTPUT_DELAY("+item.split(':')[0]+"[Ii]) = ((_op_"+item.split(':')[0]+"[Ii] == ZERO) ? PARAM(fall_delay) : PARAM(rise_delay));\n\
-\t\t\t\t\t\tOUTPUT_CHANGED("+item.split(':')[0]+"[Ii]) = FALSE;\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\
-\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\tOUTPUT_STRENGTH("+item.split(':')[0]+"[Ii]) = STRONG;\n\
- else
- {
- char *end_signal="END";
- printf("Closing Ngspice Simulation \\n");
- printf("current time = %g\\n",TIME);
- fprintf(log_client,"Times : Closing Socket \\n");
- snprintf(send_data,sizeof(send_data),"%s",end_signal);
- printf("Client-Value of buffer string is for END signal is %s \\n",send_data);
- printf("Client-Sending data to server from client for end signal \\n");
- if ( send(socket_fd,send_data,sizeof(send_data),0)==-1)
- {
- printf("Client-Failure Sending Message for END signal \\n");
- close(socket_fd);
- exit(1);
- }
- else
- {
- printf("Client-Message being sent for END signal : %s\\n",send_data);
- fprintf(log_client,"Socket Id : %d & Message sent : %s for END signal \\n",socket_fd,send_data);
- }
- flag++;
- close(socket_fd);
- }
-#Writing content in cfunc.mod file
-#Adding digital state Variable
-for item in digital_state_output:
- cfunc.write("\t"+item+"\n")
-#Adding variable declaration section
-for item in temp_input_var:
- cfunc.write("\t"+item+"\n")
-#Adding INIT portion
-for item in cm_event_alloc:
- cfunc.write(2*"\t"+item)
- cfunc.write("\n")
-cfunc.write(2*"\t"+"/* set the load for input ports. */")
-cfunc.write(2*"\t"+"int Ii;")
-for item in load_in_port:
- cfunc.write(2*"\t"+item)
- cfunc.write("\n")
-cfunc.write(2*"\t"+"/*Retrieve Storage for output*/")
-for item in cm_event_get_ptr:
- cfunc.write(2*"\t"+item)
- cfunc.write("\n")
-cfunc.write("\t\tchar command[1024];")
-cfunc.write('\t\tsnprintf(command,1024,"'+home+'/ngspice-nghdl/src/xspice/icm/ghdl/'+fname.split('.')[0]+'/DUTghdl/ %d &",sock_port);\n')
-for item in els_evt_ptr:
- cfunc.write(2*"\t"+item)
- cfunc.write("\n")
-for item in assign_data_to_input:
- cfunc.write(item)
-for item in snprintf_stmt:
- cfunc.write(item)
-for item in sch_output_event:
- cfunc.write(item)
-#End of if statement of time limit
-#Else part of time limit -sending END signal
-#Close if of flag==0
-#close log_client file
-#Close cm_ function
-################Creating ifspec.ifs file########################################
-print "Starting with ifspec.ifs file"
-print "Gathering Al the content for ifspec file"
-SUMMARY: This file is auto generated and it contains the interface specification for the
-code model. */\n
-C_Function_Name: cm_'+fname.split('.')[0]+'\n\
-Spice_Model_Name: '+fname.split('.')[0]+'\n\
-Description: "Model generated from ghdl code '+fname+'" \n'
-#Input and Output Port Table
-for item in input_port:
- port_table = 'PORT_TABLE:\n'
- port_name = 'Port_Name:\t'+item.split(':')[0]+'\n'
- description = 'Description:\t"input port '+item.split(':')[0]+'"\n'
- direction = 'Direction:\tin\n'
- default_type = 'Default_Type:\td\n'
- allowed_type = 'Allowed_Types:\t[d]\n'
- vector = 'Vector:\tyes\n'
- vector_bounds = 'Vector_Bounds:\t['+item.split(':')[1]+' '+item.split(":")[1]+']\n'
- null_allowed = 'Null_Allowed:\tno\n'
- #Insert detail in the list
- in_port_table.append(port_table+port_name+description+direction+default_type+allowed_type+vector+vector_bounds+null_allowed)
-for item in output_port:
- port_table = 'PORT_TABLE:\n'
- port_name = 'Port_Name:\t'+item.split(':')[0]+'\n'
- description = 'Description:\t"output port '+item.split(':')[0]+'"\n'
- direction = 'Direction:\tout\n'
- default_type = 'Default_Type:\td\n'
- allowed_type = 'Allowed_Types:\t[d]\n'
- vector = 'Vector:\tyes\n'
- vector_bounds = 'Vector_Bounds:\t['+item.split(':')[1]+' '+item.split(":")[1]+']\n'
- null_allowed = 'Null_Allowed:\tno\n'
- #Insert detail in the list
- in_port_table.append(port_table+port_name+description+direction+default_type+allowed_type+vector+vector_bounds+null_allowed)
-Parameter_Name: instance_id
-Description: "instance_id"
-Data_Type: real
-Default_Value: 0
-Limits: -
-Vector: no
-Vector_Bounds: -
-Null_Allowed: yes
-Parameter_Name: rise_delay fall_delay
-Description: "rise delay" "fall delay"
-Data_Type: real real
-Default_Value: 1.0e-9 1.0e-9
-Limits: [1e-12 -] [1e-12 -]
-Vector: no no
-Vector_Bounds: - -
-Null_Allowed: yes yes
-Parameter_Name: input_load stop_time
-Description: "input load value (F)" "time at which to shut-down (seconds)"
-Data_Type: real real
-Default_Value: 1.0e-12 1.0
-Limits: - [0.0 -]
-Vector: no no
-Vector_Bounds: - -
-Null_Allowed: yes no
-#Writing all the content in ifspec file
-for item in in_port_table:
- ifspec.write(item+"\n")
-for item in out_port_table:
- ifspec.write(item+"\n")
-########Creating testbench file ################################################
-print "Starting with testbench file"
-print fname.split('.')[0] + '_tb.vhdl'
-comment_vhdl="--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n--This testbench has been created by Ambikeshwar Srivastava, FOSSEE, IIT Bombay\n-------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
-#Adding header, entity and architecture statement
-library ieee;
-use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
-use ieee.numeric_std.all;
-library work;
-use work.Vhpi_Foreign.all;
-use work.Utility_Package.all;
-use work.sock_pkg.all;
-tb_entity="entity "+fname.split('.')[0]+"_tb is\nend entity;\n\n"
-arch="architecture "+fname.split('.')[0]+"_tb_beh of "+fname.split('.')[0]+"_tb is\n"
-#Adding components
-components.append("\tcomponent "+fname.split('.')[0]+" is\n\t\tport(\n\t\t\t\t")
-port_vector_count = 0
-for item in input_port:
- if port_vector_info[port_vector_count]:
- components.append(item.split(':')[0]+": in std_logic_vector("+str(int(item.split(':')[1])-int(1))+" downto 0);\n\t\t\t\t")
- else:
- components.append(item.split(':')[0]+": in std_logic;\n\t\t\t\t")
- port_vector_count += 1
- #if item.split(":")[1] != '1':
- # components.append(item.split(':')[0]+": in std_logic_vector("+str(int(item.split(':')[1])-int(1))+" downto 0);\n\t\t\t\t")
- #else:
- # components.append(item.split(':')[0]+": in std_logic_vector("+str(int(item.split(':')[1])-int(1))+" downto 0);\n\t\t\t\t")
-for item in output_port[:-1]:
- if port_vector_info[port_vector_count]:
- components.append(item.split(':')[0]+": out std_logic_vector("+str(int(item.split(':')[1])-int(1))+" downto 0);\n\t\t\t\t")
- else:
- components.append(item.split(':')[0]+": out std_logic;\n\t\t\t\t")
- port_vector_count += 1
-if port_vector_info[port_vector_count]:
- components.append(output_port[-1].split(':')[0]+": out std_logic_vector("+str(int(output_port[-1].split(':')[1])-int(1))+" downto 0)\n\t\t\t\t")
- components.append(output_port[-1].split(':')[0]+": out std_logic\n\t\t\t\t")
- #if item.split(":")[1] != '1':
- # components.append(item.split(':')[0]+": out std_logic_vector("+str(int(item.split(':')[1])-int(1))+" downto 0)\n\t\t\t\t")
- #else:
- # components.append(item.split(':')[0]+": out std_logic_vector("+str(int(item.split(':')[1])-int(1))+" downto 0)\n\t\t\t\t")
-components.append("\tend component;\n\n")
-#Adding signals
-signals.append("\tsignal clk_s : std_logic := '0';\n")
-port_vector_count = 0
-for item in input_port:
- if port_vector_info[port_vector_count]:
- signals.append("\tsignal "+item.split(':')[0]+": std_logic_vector("+str(int(item.split(':')[1])-int(1))+" downto 0);\n")
- else:
- signals.append("\tsignal "+item.split(':')[0]+": std_logic;\n")
- port_vector_count += 1
- #if item.split(":")[1] != '1':
- # signals.append("\tsignal "+item.split(':')[0]+": std_logic_vector("+str(int(item.split(':')[1])-int(1))+" downto 0);\n")
- #else:
- # signals.append("\tsignal "+item.split(':')[0]+": std_logic_vector("+str(int(item.split(':')[1])-int(1))+" downto 0);\n")
-for item in output_port:
- if port_vector_info[port_vector_count]:
- signals.append("\tsignal "+item.split(':')[0]+": std_logic_vector("+str(int(item.split(':')[1])-int(1))+" downto 0);\n")
- else:
- signals.append("\tsignal "+item.split(':')[0]+": std_logic;\n")
- port_vector_count += 1
- #if item.split(":")[1] != '1':
- # signals.append("\tsignal "+item.split(':')[0]+": std_logic_vector("+str(int(item.split(':')[1])-int(1))+" downto 0);\n")
- #else:
- # signals.append("\tsignal "+item.split(':')[0]+": std_logic_vector("+str(int(item.split(':')[1])-int(1))+" downto 0);\n")
-#Adding mapping part
-map.append("\tu1 : "+fname.split('.')[0]+" port map(\n")
-for item in input_port:
- map.append("\t\t\t\t"+item.split(':')[0]+" => "+item.split(':')[0]+",\n")
-for item in output_port:
- if output_port.index(item) == len(output_port) - 1:
- map.append("\t\t\t\t"+item.split(':')[0]+" => "+item.split(':')[0]+"\n")
- else:
- map.append("\t\t\t\t"+item.split(':')[0]+" => "+item.split(':')[0]+",\n")
-#testbench Clock
-tb_clk= "clk_s <= not clk_s after 5 us;\n\n"
-#Adding Process block for Vhpi
-process_Vhpi.append("\tprocess\n\t\tvariable sock_port : integer;\n\t\tbegin\n\t\tsock_port := sock_pkg_fun;\n\t\tVhpi_Initialize(sock_port);\n\t\twait until clk_s = '1';\n\t\twhile true loop\n\t\t\twait until clk_s = '0';\n\t\t\tVhpi_Listen;\n\t\t\twait for 1 us;\n\t\t\tVhpi_Send;\n\t\tend loop;\n\t\twait;\n\tend process;\n\n")
-#Adding process block
-for item in input_port:
- process.append("\t\tvariable "+item.split(':')[0]+"_v : VhpiString;\n")
-for item in output_port:
- process.append("\t\tvariable "+item.split(':')[0]+"_v : VhpiString;\n")
-process.append("\t\tvariable obj_ref : VhpiString;\n")
-process.append("\t\twhile true loop\n")
-process.append("\t\t\twait until clk_s = '0';\n\n")
-port_vector_count = 0
-for item in input_port:
- process.append('\t\t\tobj_ref := Pack_String_To_Vhpi_String("'+item.split(':')[0]+'");\n')
- process.append('\t\t\tVhpi_Get_Port_Value(obj_ref,'+item.split(':')[0]+'_v,'+item.split(':')[1]+');\n')
- process.append('\t\t\tassert false report "Get port value '+item.split(':')[0]+' returns " &'+item.split(':')[0]+'_v severity note;\n')
- if port_vector_info[port_vector_count]:
- process.append('\t\t\t'+item.split(':')[0]+' <= Unpack_String('+item.split(':')[0]+'_v,'+item.split(':')[1]+');\n')
- else:
- process.append('\t\t\t'+item.split(':')[0]+' <= To_Std_Logic('+item.split(':')[0]+'_v'+');\n')
- port_vector_count += 1
- process.append("\n")
-process.append('\t\t\twait for 1 us;\n')
-for item in output_port:
- if port_vector_info[port_vector_count]:
- process.append('\t\t\t'+item.split(':')[0]+'_v := Pack_String_To_Vhpi_String(Convert_SLV_To_String('+item.split(':')[0]+'));\n')
- else:
- process.append('\t\t\t'+item.split(':')[0]+'_v := Pack_String_To_Vhpi_String(To_String('+item.split(':')[0]+'));\n')
- port_vector_count += 1
- process.append('\t\t\tobj_ref := Pack_String_To_Vhpi_String("'+item.split(':')[0]+'");\n')
- process.append('\t\t\tVhpi_Set_Port_Value(obj_ref,'+item.split(':')[0]+'_v,'+item.split(':')[1]+');\n')
- process.append('\t\t\tassert false report "Set port value '+item.split(':')[0]+' returns " &'+item.split(':')[0]+'_v severity note;\n')
- process.append("\n")
-process.append("\t\tend loop;\n")
-process.append("\tend process;\n\n")
-process.append("end architecture;")
-#Writing all the components to testbench file
-for item in components:
- testbench.write(item)
-for item in signals:
- testbench.write(item)
-for item in map:
- testbench.write(item)
-for item in process_Vhpi:
- testbench.write(item)
-for item in process:
- testbench.write(item)
-##################################### Creating and writing components in ################################
-start_server = open('','w')
-start_server.write("###This server run ghdl testebench for infinite time till ngspice send END signal to stop it\n\n")
-start_server.write("#gcc -c ghdlserver.c\n")
-start_server.write("#ghdl -a Utility_Package.vhdl &&\n")
-start_server.write("#ghdl -a Vhpi_Package.vhdl &&\n")
-start_server.write("cd "+home+"/ngspice-nghdl/src/xspice/icm/ghdl/"+fname.split('.')[0]+"/DUTghdl/\n")
-start_server.write("chmod 775 &&\n")
-start_server.write("./ $1 &&\n")
-start_server.write("ghdl -a sock_pkg.vhdl &&\n")
-start_server.write("ghdl -a "+fname+" &&\n")
-start_server.write("ghdl -a "+fname.split('.')[0]+"_tb.vhdl &&\n")
-start_server.write("ghdl -e -Wl,ghdlserver.o "+fname.split('.')[0]+"_tb &&\n")
-##################################### Creating and writing in ########################################
-sock_pkg_create = open('','w')
-sock_pkg_create.write("##This file create sock_pkg_create.vhdl file and set the instance id from parameter based on parameter\n\n")
-sock_pkg_create.write("echo \"library ieee;\n")
-sock_pkg_create.write("package sock_pkg is\n")
-sock_pkg_create.write("\tfunction sock_pkg_fun return integer;\n")
-sock_pkg_create.write("\tpackage body sock_pkg is\n")
-sock_pkg_create.write("\t function sock_pkg_fun return integer is")
-sock_pkg_create.write("\t\tvariable sock_id : integer;\n")
-sock_pkg_create.write("\t\t\t\tsock_id := $1;\n")
-sock_pkg_create.write("\t\t\t\treturn sock_id;\n")
-sock_pkg_create.write("\t\t\tend function;\n")
-sock_pkg_create.write("\t\tend package body;\" > sock_pkg.vhdl") \ No newline at end of file