path: root/Windows/spice/examples/xspice/original-examples/analog_models2_dc.deck
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Diffstat (limited to 'Windows/spice/examples/xspice/original-examples/analog_models2_dc.deck')
1 files changed, 63 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/xspice/original-examples/analog_models2_dc.deck b/Windows/spice/examples/xspice/original-examples/analog_models2_dc.deck
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..66a612e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Windows/spice/examples/xspice/original-examples/analog_models2_dc.deck
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+Code Model Test - DC: int, d_dt, s_xfer, core, lcouple
+*** analysis type ***
+*** input sources ***
+v1 1 0 DC 1.0
+*** integrator block ***
+a1 1 10 int1
+.model int1 int (in_offset=0.0 gain=2.0 out_lower_limit=-1.0e6
++ out_upper_limit=1.0e6 limit_range=1.0e-6 out_ic=0.0)
+*** differentiator block ***
+a2 1 20 d_dt1
+.model d_dt1 d_dt (out_offset=0.0 gain=1.0 out_lower_limit=-1.0e6
++ out_upper_limit=1.0e6 limit_range=1.0e-6)
+*** s_xfer block ***
+a3 1 30 filter1
+.model filter1 s_xfer (in_offset=0.0 gain=1.0 num_coeff=[1.0]
++ den_coeff=[1.0 1.425625 1.516203] int_ic=[0.0 0.0]
++ denormalized_freq=6283.2)
+*** magnetic core & inductive coupling ***
+a4 40 45 core1
+.model core1 core (H_array=[-2.0 -1.0 1.0 2.0]
++ B_array=[-2.0 -1.0 1.0 2.0]
++ area=1.0 length=1.0 input_domain=1.0e-6
++ fraction=TRUE mode=1
++ in_low=-1.0 in_high=1.0 hyst=0.5
++ out_lower_limit=-1.0 out_upper_limit=1.0)
+r5 1 50 100.0
+a5 (50 0) (40 45) inductor1
+.model inductor1 lcouple (num_turns=10)
+*** resistors to ground ***
+r1 1 0 1k
+r10 10 0 1k
+r20 20 0 1k
+r30 30 0 1k
+r40 40 0 1k
+r50 50 0 1k