path: root/Windows/spice/examples/Monte_Carlo/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Windows/spice/examples/Monte_Carlo/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 56 deletions
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/Monte_Carlo/ b/Windows/spice/examples/Monte_Carlo/
deleted file mode 100644
index cd058a5e..00000000
--- a/Windows/spice/examples/Monte_Carlo/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-Perform Monte Carlo simulation in ngspice
-* 25 stage Ring-Osc. BSIM3 or 4 with statistical variation of model parameters
-* Model parameters are varied according to the PDK selection.
-* Tested with 3 different commercial HSPICE libraries from 2 vendors.
-* To be started with script MC_ring_ts.sp
-.options noacct seedinfo
-vin in out dc 0.5 pulse 0.5 0 0.1n 5n 1 1 1
-vdd dd 0 dc 3.3
-vss ss 0 dc 0
-ve sub 0 dc 0
-vpe well 0 dc 3.3
-* transistors to be selected according to the library (here: p33ll and n33ll or pch_5_mac and nch_5_mac
-* or pe3 and ne3 or p1 and n1 (these models see below))
-.subckt inv1 dd ss sub well in out
-*XMP1 out in dd well p33ll w=5u l=800n m=3 nf=1 ad=1.35p as=1.35p pd=9.6u ps=9.6u mosmis_mod=1
-*XMN1 out in ss sub n33ll w=5u l=800n m=1 nf=3 ad=0.9p as=0.9p pd=6.6u ps=6.6u mosmis_mod=1
-*XMP1 out in dd well pch_5_mac w=5u l=800n m=3 nf=1 ad=1.35p as=1.35p pd=9.6u ps=9.6u mosmis_mod=1
-*XMN1 out in ss sub nch_5_mac w=5u l=800n m=1 nf=3 ad=0.9p as=0.9p pd=6.6u ps=6.6u mosmis_mod=1
-*XMP1 out in dd well pe3 w=5u l=800n m=3 nf=1 ad=1.35p as=1.35p pd=9.6u ps=9.6u mosmis_mod=1
-*XMN1 out in ss sub ne3 w=5u l=800n m=1 nf=3 ad=0.9p as=0.9p pd=6.6u ps=6.6u mosmis_mod=1
-MP1 out in dd well p1 w=5u l=800n m=3 ad=1.35p as=1.35p pd=9.6u ps=9.6u
-MN1 out in ss sub n1 w=5u l=800n m=1 ad=0.9p as=0.9p pd=6.6u ps=6.6u
-.ends inv1
-.subckt inv5 dd ss sub well in out
-xinv1 dd ss sub well in 1 inv1
-xinv2 dd ss sub well 1 2 inv1
-xinv3 dd ss sub well 2 3 inv1
-xinv4 dd ss sub well 3 4 inv1
-xinv5 dd ss sub well 4 out inv1
-.ends inv5
-xinv1 dd ss sub well in out5 inv5
-xinv2 dd ss sub well out5 out10 inv5
-xinv3 dd ss sub well out10 out15 inv5
-xinv4 dd ss sub well out15 out20 inv5
-xinv5 dd ss sub well out20 out inv5
-xinv11 dd 0 sub well out buf inv1
-cout buf ss 0.2pF
- *** Model library files.
-* Add your library here
-* Chose the transistors for XMP1 and XMN1 accordingly
-*.lib "jc_usage.l" MC_LIB
-*.lib "my_ts_usage.l" MC_LIB
-*.lib "x_usage.l" MC_LIB
-* or use the BSIM3 model with internal parameters except Vth0
-* that varies the threshold voltage +-3 sigma around a mean of +-0.6V
-.model p1 PMOS version=3.3.0 Level=8 Vth0=agauss(-0.6, 0.1, 3)
-.model n1 NMOS version=3.3.0 Level=8 Vth0=agauss(0.6, 0.1, 3)