path: root/Windows/spice/examples/Monte_Carlo/MC_ring_ts.sp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Windows/spice/examples/Monte_Carlo/MC_ring_ts.sp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 180 deletions
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/Monte_Carlo/MC_ring_ts.sp b/Windows/spice/examples/Monte_Carlo/MC_ring_ts.sp
deleted file mode 100644
index ee88c329..00000000
--- a/Windows/spice/examples/Monte_Carlo/MC_ring_ts.sp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,180 +0,0 @@
-* Example script for Monte Carlo with commercial HSPICE-compatible libraries
-* The circuit in is a 25-stage inverter ring oscillator.
-* Add your library to and choose transistors accordingly.
-* Add the source file and the library path.
-* A simple BSIM3 inverter R.O. serves as an MC example wtihout need for a library.
- let mc_runs = 30 $ number of runs for monte carlo
- let run = 0 $ number of actual run
- set curplot = new $ create a new plot
- set curplottitle = "Transient outputs"
- set plot_out = $curplot $ store its name to 'plot_out'
- set curplot = new $ create a new plot
- set curplottitle = "FFT outputs"
- set plot_fft = $curplot $ store its name to 'plot_fft'
- set curplot = new $ create a new plot
- set curplottitle = "Oscillation frequency"
- set max_fft = $curplot $ store its name to 'max_fft'
- let mc_runsp = mc_runs + 1
- let maxffts = unitvec(mc_runsp) $ vector for storing max measure results
- let halfffts = unitvec(mc_runsp)$ vector for storing measure results at -40dB rising
- unlet mc_runsp
- set mc_runs = $&mc_runs $ create a variable from the vector
- let seeds = mc_runs + 2
- setseed $&seeds
- unlet seeds
- echo source the input file
-* Path of your circuit file and library file here
-* Will be added to the already existing sourcepath
- setcs sourcepath = ( $inputdir $sourcepath ./ngspice/examples/Monte_Carlo )
-* source with file name of your circuit file
- source
- save buf $ we just need buf, save memory by more than 10x
-* Output path (directory has already to be there)
-* set outputpath = 'D:\Spice_general\ngspice\examples\Monte_Carlo\out'
-* If your current directory is the 'ngspice' directory
-* set outputpath = './examples/Monte_Carlo/out' $ LINUX alternative
-* run the simulation loop
-* We have to figure out what to do if a single simulation will not converge.
-* There is now the variable sim_status, that is 0 if simulation ended regularly,
-* and 1 if the simulation has been aborted with error message '...simulation(s) aborted'.
-* Then we skip the rest of the run and continue with a new run.
- dowhile run <= mc_runs
- set run = $&run $ create a variable from the vector
- * run=0 simulates with nominal parameters
- if run > 0
- echo
- echo * * * * * *
- echo Source the circuit again internally for run no. $run
- echo * * * * * *
- setseed $run
- mc_source $ re-source the input file
- else
- echo run no. $run
- end
- echo simulation run no. $run of $mc_runs
- tran 100p 1000n 0
- echo Simulation status $sim_status
- let simstat = $sim_status
- if simstat = 1
- if run = mc_runs
- echo go to end
- else
- echo go to next run
- end
- destroy $curplot
- goto next
- end
-* select stop and step so that number of data points after linearization is not too
-* close to 8192, which would yield varying number of line length and thus scale for fft.
- set dt0 = $curplot
- * save the linearized data for having equal time scales for all runs
- linearize buf $ linearize only buf, no other vectors needed
- set dt1 = $curplot $ store the current plot to dt (tran i+1)
- setplot $plot_out $ make 'plt_out' the active plot
- * firstly save the time scale once to become the default scale
- if run=0
- let time={$dt1}.time
- end
- let vout{$run}={$dt1}.buf $ store the output vector to plot 'plot_out'
- setplot $dt1 $ go back to the previous plot (tran i+1)
- fft buf $ run fft on vector buf
- let buf2=db(mag(buf))
- * find the frequency where buf has its maximum of the fft signal
- meas sp fft_max MAX_AT buf2 from=0.05G to=0.7G
- * find the frequency where buf is -40dB at rising fft signal
- meas sp fft_40 WHEN buf2=-40 RISE=1 from=0.05G to=0.7G
- * store the fft vector
- set dt2 = $curplot $ store the current plot to dt (spec i)
- setplot $plot_fft $ make 'plot_fft' the active plot
- if run=0
- let frequency={$dt2}.frequency
- end
- let fft{$run}={$dt2}.buf $ store the output vector to plot 'plot_fft'
- settype decibel fft{$run}
- * store the measured value
- setplot $max_fft $ make 'max_fft' the active plot
- let maxffts[{$run}]={$dt2}.fft_max
- let halfffts[{$run}]={$dt2}.fft_40
- destroy $dt0 $dt1 $dt2 $ save memory, we don't need this plot (spec) any more
- label next
- remcirc
- let run = run + 1
- end
-***** plotting **********************************************************
-if $?batchmode
- echo
- echo Plotting not available in batch mode
- echo Write linearized vout0 to vout{$mc_runs} to rawfile $rawfile
- echo
- write $rawfile {$plot_out}.allv
- rusage
- quit
- if $?sharedmode or $?win_console
- gnuplot xnp_pl1 {$plot_out}.vout0 $ just plot the tran output with nominal parameters
- else
- plot {$plot_out}.vout0 $ just plot the tran output with nominal parameters
- end
- setplot $plot_fft
- if $?sharedmode or $?win_console
- gnuplot xnp_pl2 db(mag(ally)) xlimit 0 1G ylimit -80 10
- else
- plot db(mag(ally)) xlimit 0 1G ylimit -80 10
- end
-* create a histogram from vector maxffts
- setplot $max_fft $ make 'max_fft' the active plot
- set startfreq=50MEG
- set bin_size=1MEG
- set bin_count=100
- compose osc_frequ start=$startfreq step=$bin_size lin=$bin_count $ requires variables as parameters
- settype frequency osc_frequ
- let bin_count=$bin_count $ create a vector from the variable
- let yvec=unitvec(bin_count) $ requires vector as parameter
- let startfreq=$startfreq
- let bin_size=$bin_size
- * put data into the correct bins
- let run = 0
- dowhile run < mc_runs
- set run = $&run $ create a variable from the vector
- let val = maxffts[{$run}]
- let part = 0
- * Check if val fits into a bin. If yes, raise bin by 1
- dowhile part < bin_count
- if ((val < (startfreq + (part+1)*bin_size)) & (val >= (startfreq + part*bin_size)))
- let yvec[part] = yvec[part] + 1
- break
- end
- let part = part + 1
- end
- let run = run + 1
- end
- * plot the histogram
- let count = yvec - 1 $ subtract 1 because we started with unitvec containing ones
- if $?sharedmode or $?win_console
- gnuplot np_pl3 count vs osc_frequ combplot
- else
- plot count vs osc_frequ combplot
- end
-* calculate jitter
- let diff40 = (vecmax(halfffts) - vecmin(halfffts))*1e-6
- echo
- echo Max. jitter is "$&diff40" MHz
- rusage
-* quit