path: root/Windows/spice/examples/measure/inv-meas-tran.sp
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authorrahulp132021-01-07 18:22:29 +0530
committerrahulp132021-01-07 18:22:29 +0530
commitd4fd47ecf77597595d3f4fa72fd5334a5fe7417b (patch)
tree28095229ec3035d15c569fbedac83cf5876aa196 /Windows/spice/examples/measure/inv-meas-tran.sp
parent376e748df438933088721286402462dffd6367c0 (diff)
parent63e3156454f39732a3101c29d42b473a89ca68d2 (diff)
Merge windows installer updates with linux installer
Diffstat (limited to 'Windows/spice/examples/measure/inv-meas-tran.sp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 104 deletions
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/measure/inv-meas-tran.sp b/Windows/spice/examples/measure/inv-meas-tran.sp
deleted file mode 100644
index 6ac5fd76..00000000
--- a/Windows/spice/examples/measure/inv-meas-tran.sp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,104 +0,0 @@
-Inverter example circuit
-* This netlist demonstrates the following:
-* global nodes (vdd, gnd)
-* autostop (.tran defines simulation end as 4ns but simulation stops at
-* 142.5ps when .measure statements are evaluated)
-* scale (all device units are in microns)
-* model binning (look in device.values file for which bin chosen)
-* model = nch.2
-* model = pch.2
-* parameters
-* parameterized subckt
-* vsrc with repeat
-* .measure statements for delay and an example ternary operator
-* device listing and parameter listing
-* You can run the example circuit with this command:
-* ngspice inverter3.sp
-* global nodes vdd gnd
-* autostop -- stop simulation early if .measure statements done
-* scale -- define scale factor for mosfet device parameters (l,w,area,perimeter)
-*.option autostop
-.option scale = 1e-6
-* model binning
-.model nch.1 nmos ( version=4.7 level=54 lmin=0.1u lmax=20u wmin=0.1u wmax=10u )
-.model nch.2 nmos ( version=4.7 level=54 lmin=0.1u lmax=20u wmin=10u wmax=100u )
-.model pch.1 pmos ( version=4.7 level=54 lmin=0.1u lmax=20u wmin=0.1u wmax=10u )
-.model pch.2 pmos ( version=4.7 level=54 lmin=0.1u lmax=20u wmin=10u wmax=100u )
-* parameters
-.param vp = 1.0v
-.param lmin = 0.10
-.param wmin = 0.12
-.param plmin = 'lmin'
-.param nlmin = 'lmin'
-.param wpmin = 'wmin'
-.param wnmin = 'wmin'
-.param drise = 400ps
-.param dfall = 100ps
-.param trise = 100ps
-.param tfall = 100ps
-.param period = 1ns
-.param skew_meas = 'vp/2'
-* parameterized subckt
-.subckt inv in out pw='wpmin' pl='plmin' nw='wnmin' nl='nlmin'
-mp out in vdd vdd pch w='pw' l='pl'
-mn out in gnd gnd nch w='nw' l='nl'
-v0 vdd gnd 'vp'
-* vsrc with repeat
-v1 in gnd pwl
-+ 0ns 'vp'
-+ 'dfall-0.8*tfall' 'vp'
-+ 'dfall-0.4*tfall' '0.9*vp'
-+ 'dfall+0.4*tfall' '0.1*vp'
-+ 'dfall+0.8*tfall' 0v
-+ 'drise-0.8*trise' 0v
-+ 'drise-0.4*trise' '0.1*vp'
-+ 'drise+0.4*trise' '0.9*vp'
-+ 'drise+0.8*trise' 'vp'
-+ 'period+dfall-0.8*tfall' 'vp'
-+ r='dfall-0.8*tfall'
-x1 in out inv pw=60 nw=20
-c1 out gnd 220fF
-.tran 1ps 4ns
-.meas tran inv_delay trig v(in) val='vp/2' fall=1 targ v(out) val='vp/2' rise=1
-.meas tran inv_delay2 trig v(in) val='vp/2' td=1n fall=1 targ v(out) val='vp/2' rise=1
-.meas tran test_data1 trig AT = 1n targ v(out) val='vp/2' rise=3
-.meas tran out_slew trig v(out) val='0.2*vp' rise=2 targ v(out) val='0.8*vp' rise=2
-.meas tran delay_chk param='(inv_delay < 100ps) ? 1 : 0'
-.meas tran skew when v(out)=0.6
-.meas tran skew2 when v(out)=skew_meas
-.meas tran skew3 when v(out)=skew_meas fall=2
-.meas tran skew4 when v(out)=skew_meas fall=LAST
-.meas tran skew5 FIND v(out) AT=2n
-.meas tran v0_min min i(v0) from='dfall' to='dfall+period'
-.meas tran i_v0_min min_at i(v0) from='dfall' to='dfall+period'
-.meas tran v0_avg avg i(v0) from='dfall' to='dfall+period'
-.meas tran v0_integ integ i(v0) from='dfall' to='dfall+period'
-.meas tran v0_rms rms i(v0) from='dfall' to='dfall+period'
-rusage all
-plot v(in) v(out)