path: root/Windows/spice/examples/TransmissionLines
diff options
authorRahul Paknikar2021-01-08 12:47:23 +0530
committerGitHub2021-01-08 12:47:23 +0530
commite6f48f5b1bf22a1d048b44ed4416b4315a461306 (patch)
treefd357549a236cdc652f0b6d2919beee0cee7faa5 /Windows/spice/examples/TransmissionLines
parentac223c4a69c701ad0a247401acdc48b8b6b6dba6 (diff)
parent6b512cbf954273b0f21d3800d10a7ad42a759425 (diff)
Merge pull request #161 from rahulp13/installersi2.1
fixed key issue for ubuntu 20+; updated installers for windows os
Diffstat (limited to 'Windows/spice/examples/TransmissionLines')
19 files changed, 0 insertions, 3062 deletions
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/TransmissionLines/cpl1_4_line.sp b/Windows/spice/examples/TransmissionLines/cpl1_4_line.sp
deleted file mode 100644
index 7c46b655..00000000
--- a/Windows/spice/examples/TransmissionLines/cpl1_4_line.sp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +0,0 @@
-MOSdriver -- 6.3inch 4 lossy line CPL model -- C load
-m1 1 2 6 1 mp1p0 w = 36.0u l=1.0u
-m2 1 3 7 1 mp1p0 w = 36.0u l=1.0u
-m3 1 4 8 1 mp1p0 w = 36.0u l=1.0u
-m4 1 10 5 1 mp1p0 w = 36.0u l=1.0u
-m5 1 11 13 1 mp1p0 w = 36.0u l=1.0u
-m6 1 12 13 1 mp1p0 w = 36.0u l=1.0u
-m7 0 2 6 0 mn0p9 w = 18.0u l=0.9u
-m8 0 3 7 0 mn0p9 w = 18.0u l=0.9u
-m9 0 4 8 0 mn0p9 w = 18.0u l=0.9u
-m10 0 10 5 0 mn0p9 w = 18.0u l=0.9u
-m11 14 11 13 0 mn0p9 w = 18.0u l=0.9u
-m12 0 12 14 0 mn0p9 w = 18.0u l=0.9u
-CN5 5 0 0.025398e-12
-CN6 6 0 0.007398e-12
-CN7 7 0 0.007398e-12
-CN8 8 0 0.007398e-12
-CN9 9 0 0.097398e-12
-CN10 10 0 0.007398e-12
-CN11 11 0 0.003398e-12
-CN12 12 0 0.004398e-12
-CN13 13 0 0.008398e-12
-CN14 14 0 0.005398e-12
-P1 5 6 7 8 0 9 10 11 12 0 pline
-vdd 1 0 DC 5.0
-v3 3 0 DC 5.0
-VS1 2 0 PULSE ( 0 5 15.9NS 0.2NS 0.2NS 15.8NS 32NS)
-VS2 4 0 PULSE (0 5 15.9NS 0.2NS 0.2NS 15.8NS 32NS )
-TRAN 0.2N 47.9N 0 0.05N
-plot V(5) V(6) V(7) V(8) V(9) V(10) V(11) V(12)
-.MODEL mn0p9 NMOS VTO=0.8 KP=48U GAMMA=0.30 PHI=0.55 LAMBDA=0.00 CGSO=0 CGDO=0
-+CJ=0 CJSW=0 TOX=18000N LD=0.0U
-.MODEL mp1p0 PMOS VTO=-0.8 KP=21U GAMMA=0.45 PHI=0.61 LAMBDA=0.00 CGSO=0 CGDO=0
-+CJ=0 CJSW=0 TOX=18000N LD=0.0U
-+R=0.03 0 0 0
-+ 0.03 0 0
-+ 0.03 0
-+ 0.03
-+L=9e-9 5.4e-9 0 0
-+ 9e-9 5.4e-9 0
-+ 9e-9 5.4e-9
-+ 9e-9
-+G=0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
-+C=3.5e-13 -3e-14 0 0
-+ 3.5e-13 -3e-14 0
-+ 3.5e-13 -3e-14
-+ 3.5e-13
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/TransmissionLines/cpl2_2_line.sp b/Windows/spice/examples/TransmissionLines/cpl2_2_line.sp
deleted file mode 100644
index 713e3334..00000000
--- a/Windows/spice/examples/TransmissionLines/cpl2_2_line.sp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-MOSdriver -- 24inch 2 lossy lines CPL model -- C load
-m1 0 268 299 0 mn0p9 w = 18.0u l=1.0u
-m2 299 267 748 0 mn0p9 w = 18.0u l=1.0u
-m3 0 168 648 0 mn0p9 w = 18.0u l=0.9u
-m4 1 268 748 1 mp1p0 w = 36.0u l=1.0u
-m5 1 267 748 1 mp1p0 w = 36.0u l=1.0u
-m6 1 168 648 1 mp1p0 w = 36.0u l=1.0u
-CN648 648 0 0.025398e-12
-CN651 651 0 0.007398e-12
-CN748 748 0 0.025398e-12
-CN751 751 0 0.009398e-12
-CN299 299 0 0.005398e-12
-P1 648 748 0 651 751 0 PLINE
-vdd 1 0 DC 5.0
-VK 267 0 DC 5.0
-*VS 168 0 PWL 4 15.9N 0.0 16.1n 5.0 31.9n 5.0 32.1n 0.0
-*VS 268 0 PWL 4 15.9N 0.0 16.1n 5.0 31.9n 5.0 32.1n 0.0
-VS1 168 0 PULSE (0 5 15.9N 0.2N 0.2N 15.8N 60N)
-VS2 268 0 PULSE (0 5 15.9N 0.2N 0.2N 15.8N 60N)
-TRAN 0.2N 47.9NS 0 1N
-plot v(648) v(651) v(751)
-+R=0.2 0
-+ 0.2
-+L=9.13e-9 3.3e-9
-+ 9.13e-9
-+G=0 0 0
-+C=3.65e-13 -9e-14
-+ 3.65e-13
-******************* MODEL SPECIFICATION **********************
-.MODEL mn0p9 NMOS VTO=0.8 KP=48U GAMMA=0.30 PHI=0.55 LAMBDA=0.00 CGSO=0 CGDO=0
-+ CJ=0 CJSW=0 TOX=18000N LD=0.0U
-.MODEL mp1p0 PMOS VTO=-0.8 KP=21U GAMMA=0.45 PHI=0.61 LAMBDA=0.00 CGSO=0 CGDO=0
-+ CJ=0 CJSW=0 TOX=18000N LD=0.0U
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/TransmissionLines/cpl3_4_line.sp b/Windows/spice/examples/TransmissionLines/cpl3_4_line.sp
deleted file mode 100644
index d5715481..00000000
--- a/Windows/spice/examples/TransmissionLines/cpl3_4_line.sp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-6.3inch 4 lossy lines CPL model -- R load
-Ra 1 2 1K
-Rb 0 3 1K
-Rc 0 4 1K
-Rd 0 5 1K
-Re 6 0 1Meg
-Rf 7 0 1Meg
-Rg 8 0 1Meg
-Rh 9 0 1Meg
-P1 2 3 4 5 0 6 7 8 9 0 LOSSYMODE
-VS1 1 0 PWL(15.9NS 0.0 16.1Ns 5.0 31.9Ns 5.0 32.1Ns 0.0)
-TRAN 0.2NS 50NS 0 0.05N
-PLOT V(1) V(2) V(6) V(7) V(8) V(9)
-+R=0.3 0 0 0
-+ 0.3 0 0
-+ 0.3 0
-+ 0.3
-+L=9e-9 5.4e-9 0 0
-+ 9e-9 5.4e-9 0
-+ 9e-9 5.4e-9
-+ 9e-9
-+G=0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
-+C=3.5e-13 -3e-14 0 0
-+ 3.5e-13 -3e-14 0
-+ 3.5e-13 -3e-14
-+ 3.5e-13
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/TransmissionLines/cpl4_txl_2_line.sp b/Windows/spice/examples/TransmissionLines/cpl4_txl_2_line.sp
deleted file mode 100644
index 986c9b63..00000000
--- a/Windows/spice/examples/TransmissionLines/cpl4_txl_2_line.sp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,378 +0,0 @@
-BJTdriver -- 2in st. lin -- 20in coupled line CPL -- 2in st line -- DiodeCircuit
-* This unclassified circuit is from Raytheon, courtesy Gerry Marino.
-* _______
-* -------- 2in _________________ 2in | |
-* | BJT |______| |______|Diode|
-* | |------| |------| |
-* | Drvr | line | 2-wire | line |rcvr.|
-* -------- | coupled | |_____|
-* | transmission |
-* |-/\/\/\/\----| line |-------\/\/\/\/\----|
-* | 50ohms | | 50ohms |
-* | | | |
-* Ground ----------------- Ground
-* Each inch of the lossy line is modelled by 10 LRC lumps in the
-* Raytheon model.
-* The line parameters (derived from the Raytheon input file) are:
-* L = 9.13nH per inch
-* C = 3.65pF per inch
-* R = 0.2 ohms per inch
-* K = 0.482 [coupling coefficient; K = M/sqrt(L1*L2)]
-* Cc = 1.8pF per inch
-* coupled ltra model generated using the standalone program
-* multi_decomp
-* the circuit
-*tran 0.1ns 60ns
-v1 1 0 0v pulse(0 4 1ns 1ns 1ns 20ns 40ns)
-*v1 1 0 4v pulse(4 0 1ns 1ns 1ns 20ns 40ns)
-vcc 10 0 5v
-* series termination
-*x1 1 oof 10 bjtdrvr
-*rseries oof 2 50
-x1 1 2 10 bjtdrvr
-rt1 3 0 50
-* convolution model
-x2 2 3 4 5 conv2wetcmodel
-* rlc segments model
-*x2 2 3 4 5 rlc2wetcmodel
-x3 4 dioload
-rt2 5 0 50
-.model qmodn npn(bf=100 rb=100 cje=0.09375pF cjc=0.28125pF is=1e-12
-+pe=0.5 pc=0.5)
-.model qmodpd npn(bf=100 rb=100 cje=0.08187pF cjc=0.2525pF is=1e-12
-+pe=0.5 pc=0.5)
-.model qmodpdmine npn(bf=100 rb=100 cje=0.08187pF cjc=0.05pF is=1e-12
-+pe=0.5 pc=0.5)
-.model dmod1 d(n=2.25 is=1.6399e-4 bv=10)
-.model dmod2 d
-.model dmod d(vj=0.3v)
-.model diod1 d(tt=0.75ns vj=0.6 rs=909 bv=10)
-.model diod2 d(tt=0.5ns vj=0.3 rs=100 bv=10)
-.options acct reltol=1e-3 abstol=1e-12
-tran 0.1ns 60ns 0 0.35N
-plot v(2) v(4) v(5)
-* bjt driver - 19=input, 268=output, 20=vcc; wierd node numbers from
-* the Raytheon file
-.subckt bjtdrvr 19 268 20
-q1 22 18 13 qmodn
-q2 18 16 13 qmodn
-qd2 21 9 0 qmodn
-q4 14 14 0 qmodn
-q3 16 15 14 qmodpd
-q5 8 13 17 qmodn
-q6 25 12 0 qmodn
-q7 6 17 0 qmodpd
-qd1 26 10 0 qmodn
-q8 7 11 10 qmodn
-*q10 268 17 0 qmodpd
-q10 268 17 0 qmodpdmine
-q9 7 10 268 qmodn
-d1 0 19 dmod1
-d2 18 19 dmod2
-d3 13 19 dmod
-dq1 18 22 dmod
-dq2 16 18 dmod
-d502 9 21 dmod
-dq3 15 16 dmod
-d10 24 8 dmod
-d4 15 6 dmod
-dq6 12 25 dmod
-dq7 17 6 dmod
-dd1 17 10 dmod
-d7 11 6 dmod
-dd2 17 26 dmod
-d9 23 6 dmod
-dq8 11 7 dmod
-d501 17 268 dmod
-dq9 10 7 dmod
-d14 20 27 dmod
-d8 0 268 dmod
-r1 18 20 6k
-r2 22 20 2.2k
-r4 0 13 7k
-rd1 9 13 2k
-rd2 21 13 3k
-r3 16 20 10k
-r5 15 20 15k
-r9 0 17 4k
-r6 24 20 750
-r10 12 17 2k
-r12 24 11 1.5k
-r11 25 17 3k
-r15 23 20 10k
-r13 0 10 15k
-r14 7 27 12
-.ends bjtdrvr
-* subckt dioload - diode load: input=28, output=4, vcc=5
-.subckt dioload 28
-*comment out everything in dioload except d5 and r503, and watch
-* the difference in results obtained between a tran 0.1ns 20ns and
-* a tran 0.01ns 20ns
-vccint 5 0 5v
-c1 28 0 5pF
-r503 0 4 5.55
-r4 0 28 120k
-r5 1 5 7.5k
-d5 4 28 diod2
-d1 1 28 diod1
-d4 2 0 diod1
-d3 3 2 diod1
-d2 1 3 diod1
-.ends dioload
-* subckt rlclump - one RLC lump of the lossy line
-.subckt rlclump 1 2
-*r1 1 3 0.02
-*c1 3 0 0.365pF
-*l1 3 2 0.913nH
-l1 1 3 0.913nH
-c1 2 0 0.365pF
-r1 3 2 0.02
-*r1 1 3 0.01
-*c1 3 0 0.1825pF
-*l1 3 4 0.4565nH
-*r2 4 5 0.01
-*c2 5 0 0.1825pF
-*l2 5 2 0.4565nH
-*c1 1 0 0.365pF
-*l1 1 2 0.913nH
-.ends lump
-.subckt rlconeinch 1 2
-x1 1 3 rlclump
-x2 3 4 rlclump
-x3 4 5 rlclump
-x4 5 6 rlclump
-x5 6 7 rlclump
-x6 7 8 rlclump
-x7 8 9 rlclump
-x8 9 10 rlclump
-x9 10 11 rlclump
-x10 11 2 rlclump
-.ends rlconeinch
-.subckt rlctwoinch 1 2
-x1 1 3 rlconeinch
-x2 3 2 rlconeinch
-.ends rlctwoinch
-.subckt rlcfourinch 1 2
-x1 1 3 rlconeinch
-x2 3 4 rlconeinch
-x3 4 5 rlconeinch
-x4 5 2 rlconeinch
-.ends rlcfourinch
-.subckt rlcfiveinch 1 2
-x1 1 3 rlconeinch
-x2 3 4 rlconeinch
-x3 4 5 rlconeinch
-x4 5 6 rlconeinch
-x5 6 2 rlconeinch
-.ends rlcfiveinch
-.subckt rlctwentyrlcfourinch 1 2
-x1 1 3 rlcfiveinch
-x2 3 4 rlcfiveinch
-x3 4 5 rlcfiveinch
-x4 5 6 rlcfiveinch
-x5 6 2 rlcfourinch
-.ends rlctwentyrlcfourinch
-.subckt rlclumpstub A B C D
-x1 A int1 rlcfiveinch
-x2 int1 int2 rlcfiveinch
-x3 int2 1 rlcfiveinch
-x4 1 2 rlcfourinch
-x5 1 int3 rlcfiveinch
-x6 int3 B rlconeinch
-x7 2 C rlcfiveinch
-x8 2 D rlcfourinch
-.ends rlclumpstub
-.subckt ltrastub A B C D
-yy1 A 0 1 0 ylline15in
-yy2 1 0 B 0 ylline6in
-yy3 1 0 2 0 ylline4in
-yy4 2 0 C 0 ylline5in
-yy5 2 0 D 0 ylline4in
-.ends ltrastub
-*modelling using R and lossless lines
-*5 segments per inch
-.model yllfifth txl r=0 g=0 l=9.13e-9 c=3.65e-12 length=0.2
-.subckt xlump 1 2
-y1 1 0 3 0 yllfifth
-r1 2 3 0.04
-.ends xlump
-.subckt xoneinch 1 2
-x1 1 3 xlump
-x2 3 4 xlump
-x3 4 5 xlump
-x4 5 6 xlump
-x5 6 2 xlump
-*x5 6 7 xlump
-*x6 7 8 xlump
-*x7 8 9 xlump
-*x8 9 10 xlump
-*x9 10 11 xlump
-*x10 11 2 xlump
-.ends xoneinch
-.subckt xFourinch 1 2
-x1 1 3 xoneinch
-x2 3 4 xoneinch
-x3 4 5 xoneinch
-x4 5 2 xoneinch
-.ends xfourinch
-.subckt xfiveinch 1 2
-x1 1 3 xoneinch
-x2 3 4 xoneinch
-x3 4 5 xoneinch
-x4 5 6 xoneinch
-x5 6 2 xoneinch
-.ends xfiveinch
-.subckt xlumpstub A B C D
-x1 A int1 xfiveinch
-x2 int1 int2 xfiveinch
-x3 int2 1 xfiveinch
-x4 1 2 xfourinch
-x5 1 int3 xfiveinch
-x6 int3 B xoneinch
-x7 2 C xfiveinch
-x8 2 D xfourinch
-.ends xlumpstub
-* modelling a 2 wire coupled system using RLC lumps
-* 10 segments per inch
-* 1---xxxxx----2
-* 3---xxxxx----4
-.subckt rlc2wlump 1 3 2 4
-l1 1 5 0.913nH
-c1 2 0 0.365pF
-r1 5 2 0.02
-l2 3 6 0.913nH
-c2 4 0 0.365pF
-r2 6 4 0.02
-cmut 2 4 0.18pF
-k12 l1 l2 0.482
-.ends rlc2wlump
-.subckt rlc2woneinch 1 2 3 4
-x1 1 2 5 6 rlc2wlump
-x2 5 6 7 8 rlc2wlump
-x3 7 8 9 10 rlc2wlump
-x4 9 10 11 12 rlc2wlump
-x5 11 12 13 14 rlc2wlump
-x6 13 14 15 16 rlc2wlump
-x7 15 16 17 18 rlc2wlump
-x8 17 18 19 20 rlc2wlump
-x9 19 20 21 22 rlc2wlump
-x10 21 22 3 4 rlc2wlump
-.ends rlc2woneinch
-.subckt rlc2wfiveinch 1 2 3 4
-x1 1 2 5 6 rlc2woneinch
-x2 5 6 7 8 rlc2woneinch
-x3 7 8 9 10 rlc2woneinch
-x4 9 10 11 12 rlc2woneinch
-x5 11 12 3 4 rlc2woneinch
-.ends rlc2wfiveinch
-.subckt rlc2wtwentyinch 1 2 3 4
-x1 1 2 5 6 rlc2wfiveinch
-x2 5 6 7 8 rlc2wfiveinch
-x3 7 8 9 10 rlc2wfiveinch
-x4 9 10 3 4 rlc2wfiveinch
-.ends rlc2wtwentyinch
-.subckt rlc2wetcmodel 1 2 3 4
-x1 1 5 rlctwoinch
-x2 5 2 6 4 rlc2wtwentyinch
-x3 6 3 rlctwoinch
-.ends rlc2wetcmodel
-* Subcircuit conv2wtwentyinch
-* conv2wtwentyinch is a subcircuit that models a 2-conductor transmission line with
-* the following parameters: l=9.13e-09, c=3.65e-12, r=0.2, g=0,
-* inductive_coeff_of_coupling k=0.482, inter-line capacitance cm=1.8e-12,
-* length=20. Derived parameters are: lm=4.40066e-09, ctot=5.45e-12.
-* It is important to note that the model is a simplified one - the
-* following assumptions are made: 1. The self-inductance l, the
-* self-capacitance ctot (note: not c), the series resistance r and the
-* parallel capacitance g are the same for all lines, and 2. Each line
-* is coupled only to the two lines adjacent to it, with the same
-* coupling parameters cm and lm. The first assumption imply that edge
-* effects have to be neglected. The utility of these assumptions is
-* that they make the sL+R and sC+G matrices symmetric, tridiagonal and
-* Toeplitz, with useful consequences.
-* It may be noted that a symmetric two-conductor line will be
-* accurately represented by this model.
-* swec model
-.model plines cpl
-+R=0.2 0
-+ 0.2
-+L=9.13e-9 4.4e-9
-+ 9.13e-9
-+G=0 0 0
-+C=5.45e-12 -1.8e-12
-+ 5.45e-12
-.model yconvtwoinch txl r=0.2 g=0 l=9.13e-9 c=3.65e-12 length=2.0
-.subckt conv2wetcmodel 1 2 3 4
-y1 1 0 5 0 yconvtwoinch
-p2 5 2 0 6 4 0 plines
-y2 6 0 3 0 yconvtwoinch
-.ends conv2wetcmodel
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/TransmissionLines/cpl_ibm1.sp b/Windows/spice/examples/TransmissionLines/cpl_ibm1.sp
deleted file mode 100644
index 1077d00e..00000000
--- a/Windows/spice/examples/TransmissionLines/cpl_ibm1.sp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
-6-line coupled multiconductor with ECL drivers
-vemm mm 0 DC -0.4
-vepp pp 0 DC 0.4
-vein_left lin 0 PULSE (-0.4 0.4 0N 1N 1N 7N 200N)
-vein_right rin 0 PULSE (-0.4 0.4 2N 1N 1N 7N 200N)
-* upper 2 lines
-x1 lin 0 1 1outn ECL
-x2 mm 0 2 2outn ECL
-x7 7 0 7r 7routn ECL
-x8 8 0 8r 8routn ECL
-c7r 7r 0 0.1P
-c8r 8r 0 0.1P
-* lower 2 lines
-x11 pp 0 11 11outn ECL
-x12 rin 0 12 12outn ECL
-x5 5 0 5l 5loutn ECL
-x6 6 0 6l 6loutn ECL
-c5l 5l 0 0.1P
-c6l 6l 0 0.1P
-p1 1 2 3 4 5 6 0 7 8 9 10 11 12 0 pline
-.model pline cpl
-+C = 0.900000P -0.657947P -0.0767356P -0.0536544P -0.0386514P -0.0523990P
-+ 1.388730P -0.607034P -0.0597635P -0.0258851P -0.0273442P
-+ 1.39328P -0.625675P -0.0425551P -0.0319791P
-+ 1.07821P -0.255048P -0.0715824P
-+ 1.06882P -0.692091P
-+ 0.900000P
-+L = 0.868493E-7 0.781712E-7 0.748428E-7 0.728358E-7 0.700915E-7 0.692178E-7
-+ 0.866074E-7 0.780613E-7 0.748122E-7 0.711591E-7 0.701023E-7
-+ 0.865789E-7 0.781095E-7 0.725431E-7 0.711986E-7
-+ 0.867480E-7 0.744242E-7 0.725826E-7
-+ 0.868022E-7 0.782377E-7
-+ 0.868437E-7
-+R = 0.2 0 0 0 0 0
-+ 0.2 0 0 0 0
-+ 0.2 0 0 0
-+ 0.2 0 0
-+ 0.2 0
-+ 0.2
-+G = 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
-+length = 2
-RIN 1 2 0.077K
-REF 5 6 0.077K
-R1 7 N 1.0K
-R2 P 3 0.4555K
-R3 P 4 0.4555K
-R4 8 N 0.615K
-R5 9 N 0.615K
-RL1 8 GND 0.093K
-RL2 9 GND 0.093K
-LIN EIN 1 0.01U
-LREF 5 GND 0.01U
-CIN 1 GND 0.68P
-CL1 8 GND 1P
-CL2 9 GND 1P
-Q1 3 2 7 JCTRAN
-Q2 4 6 7 JCTRAN
-Q3 P 3 8 JCTRAN
-Q4 P 4 9 JCTRAN
-VEP P GND DC 1.25
-TRAN 0.1N 20N
-plot V(3) V(5) V(8) V(11) V(12)
-.MODEL JCTRAN NPN BF=150 VAF=20 IS=4E-17 RB=300 RC=100 CJE=30F CJC=30F
-+ CJS=40F VJE=0.6 VJC=0.6 VJS=0.6 MJE=0.5 MJC=0.5
-+ MJS=0.5 TF=16P TR=1N
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/TransmissionLines/cpl_ibm2.sp b/Windows/spice/examples/TransmissionLines/cpl_ibm2.sp
deleted file mode 100644
index 8aeff85d..00000000
--- a/Windows/spice/examples/TransmissionLines/cpl_ibm2.sp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-Simple coupled transmissionlines
-VES IN 0 PULSE (0 1 0N 1.5N 1.5N 4.5N 200N)
-R1 IN V1 50
-R2 V2 0 10
-p1 V1 V2 0 V3 V4 0 cpl1
-.model cpl1 cpl
-+R = 0.5 0
-+ 0.5
-+L = 247.3e-9 31.65e-9
-+ 247.3e-9
-+C = 31.4e-12 -2.45e-12
-+ 31.4e-12
-+G = 0 0 0
-+length = 0.3048
-*length = 0.6096
-R3 V3 0 100
-R4 V4 0 100
-TRAN 0.1N 20N
-plot v(in) v(v1) v(v3)
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/TransmissionLines/cpl_ibm3.sp b/Windows/spice/examples/TransmissionLines/cpl_ibm3.sp
deleted file mode 100644
index 0a0d5e22..00000000
--- a/Windows/spice/examples/TransmissionLines/cpl_ibm3.sp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
-Mixed single and coupled transmission lines
-c1g 1 0 1P
-l11a 1 1a 6e-9
-r1a7 1a 7 0.025K
-rin6 in 6 0.075K
-l67 6 7 10e-9
-c7g 7 0 1P
-P2 1 7 0 2 8 0 PLINE
-+R = 2.25 0
-+ 2.25
-+L = 0.6e-6 0.05e-6
-+ 0.6e-6
-+G = 0 0 0
-+C = 1.2e-9 -0.11e-9
-+ 1.2e-9
-+length = 0.03
-c2g 2 0 0.5P
-r2g 2 0 0.05K
-r23 2 3 0.025K
-l34 3 4 5e-9
-c4g 4 0 2P
-l89 8 9 10e-9
-c9g 9 0 1P
-Y1 9 0 10 0 txline
-.model txline txl R = 1 L =0.6e-6 G = 0 C= 1.0e-9 length=0.04
-l1011 10 11 10e-9
-c11g 11 0 0.5P
-r11g 11 0 0.05K
-r1112 11 12 0.025K
-l1213 12 13 5e-9
-c13g 13 0 2P
-r1116 11 16 0.025K
-l1617 16 17 5e-9
-c17g 17 0 2P
-P1 4 2 13 17 0 5 14 15 18 0 PLINE1
-+R = 3.5 0 0 0
-+ 3.5 0 0
-+ 3.5 0
-+ 3.5
-+L =
-+1e-6 0.11e-6 0.03e-6 0
-+ 1e-6 0.11e-6 0.03e-6
-+ 1e-6 0.11e-6
-+ 1e-6
-+G = 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
-+C =
-+1.5e-9 -0.17e-9 -0.03e-9 0
-+ 1.5e-9 -0.17e-9 -0.03e-9
-+ 1.5e-9 -0.17e-9
-+ 1.5e-9
-+length = 0.02
-D1 5 0 dmod
-D2 14 0 dmod
-D3 15 0 dmod
-D4 18 0 dmod
-.model dmod d
-VES in 0 PULSE (0 5 0 1.1ns 0.1ns 0.9ns 200ns)
-TRAN 0.2N 10.0N
-plot v(3) v(6) v(7) v(8) v(11) v(15)
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/TransmissionLines/ltra1_1_line.sp b/Windows/spice/examples/TransmissionLines/ltra1_1_line.sp
deleted file mode 100644
index 2d9c93bb..00000000
--- a/Windows/spice/examples/TransmissionLines/ltra1_1_line.sp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-MOSdriver -- lossy line LTRA model -- C load
-m5 0 168 2 0 mn0p9 w = 18.0u l=0.9u
-m6 1 168 2 1 mp1p0 w = 36.0u l=1.0u
-CN2 2 0 0.025398e-12
-CN3 3 0 0.007398e-12
-o1 2 0 3 0 lline
-vdd 1 0 dc 5.0
-VS 168 0 PULSE (0 5 15.9NS 0.2NS 0.2NS 15.8NS 32NS )
-TRAN 0.2N 47N 0 0.1N
-plot v(2) v(3) ylimit -0.5 5
-.MODEL mn0p9 NMOS VTO=0.8 KP=48U GAMMA=0.30 PHI=0.55
-+LAMBDA=0.00 CGSO=0 CGDO=0 CJ=0 CJSW=0 TOX=18000N LD=0.0U
-.MODEL mp1p0 PMOS VTO=-0.8 KP=21U GAMMA=0.45 PHI=0.61
-+LAMBDA=0.00 CGSO=0 CGDO=0 CJ=0 CJSW=0 TOX=18000N LD=0.0U
-.model lline ltra rel=1 r=12.45 g=0 l=8.972e-9 c=0.468e-12
-+len=16 steplimit compactrel=1.0e-3 compactabs=1.0e-14
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/TransmissionLines/ltra1_4_line.sp b/Windows/spice/examples/TransmissionLines/ltra1_4_line.sp
deleted file mode 100644
index 8d30a757..00000000
--- a/Windows/spice/examples/TransmissionLines/ltra1_4_line.sp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,144 +0,0 @@
-MOSdriver -- 6.3inch 4 lossy line LTRA model -- C load
-m1 1 2 6 1 mp1p0 w = 36.0u l=1.0u
-m2 1 3 7 1 mp1p0 w = 36.0u l=1.0u
-m3 1 4 8 1 mp1p0 w = 36.0u l=1.0u
-m4 1 10 5 1 mp1p0 w = 36.0u l=1.0u
-m5 1 11 13 1 mp1p0 w = 36.0u l=1.0u
-m6 1 12 13 1 mp1p0 w = 36.0u l=1.0u
-m7 0 2 6 0 mn0p9 w = 18.0u l=0.9u
-m8 0 3 7 0 mn0p9 w = 18.0u l=0.9u
-m9 0 4 8 0 mn0p9 w = 18.0u l=0.9u
-m10 0 10 5 0 mn0p9 w = 18.0u l=0.9u
-m11 14 11 13 0 mn0p9 w = 18.0u l=0.9u
-m12 0 12 14 0 mn0p9 w = 18.0u l=0.9u
-CN5 5 0 0.025398e-12
-CN6 6 0 0.007398e-12
-CN7 7 0 0.007398e-12
-CN8 8 0 0.007398e-12
-CN9 9 0 0.097398e-12
-CN10 10 0 0.007398e-12
-CN11 11 0 0.003398e-12
-CN12 12 0 0.004398e-12
-CN13 13 0 0.008398e-12
-CN14 14 0 0.005398e-12
-* Subcircuit test
-* test is a subcircuit that models a 4-conductor transmission line with
-* the following parameters: l=9e-09, c=2.9e-13, r=0.3, g=0,
-* inductive_coeff_of_coupling k=0.6, inter-line capacitance cm=3e-14,
-* length=6.3. Derived parameters are: lm=5.4e-09, ctot=3.5e-13.
-* It is important to note that the model is a simplified one - the
-* following assumptions are made: 1. The self-inductance l, the
-* self-capacitance ctot (note: not c), the series resistance r and the
-* parallel capacitance g are the same for all lines, and 2. Each line
-* is coupled only to the two lines adjacent to it, with the same
-* coupling parameters cm and lm. The first assumption implies that edge
-* effects have to be neglected. The utility of these assumptions is
-* that they make the sL+R and sC+G matrices symmetric, tridiagonal and
-* Toeplitz, with useful consequences (see "Efficient Transient
-* Simulation of Lossy Interconnect", by J.S. Roychowdhury and
-* D.O Pederson, Proc. DAC 91).
-* It may be noted that a symmetric two-conductor line is
-* represented accurately by this model.
-* Subckt node convention:
-* |--------------------------|
-* 1-----| |-----n+1
-* 2-----| |-----n+2
-* : | n-wire multiconductor | :
-* : | line | :
-* n-1-----|(node 0=common gnd plane) |-----2n-1
-* n-----| |-----2n
-* |--------------------------|
-* Lossy line models
-.model mod1_test ltra rel=1.2 nocontrol r=0.3 l=2.62616456193e-10 g=0 c=3.98541019688e-13 len=6.3
-.model mod2_test ltra rel=1.2 nocontrol r=0.3 l=5.662616446e-09 g=0 c=3.68541019744e-13 len=6.3
-.model mod3_test ltra rel=1.2 nocontrol r=0.3 l=1.23373835171e-08 g=0 c=3.3145898046e-13 len=6.3
-.model mod4_test ltra rel=1.2 nocontrol r=0.3 l=1.7737383521e-08 g=0 c=3.01458980439e-13 len=6.3
-* subcircuit m_test - modal transformation network for test
-.subckt m_test 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
-v1 9 0 0v
-v2 10 0 0v
-v3 11 0 0v
-v4 12 0 0v
-f1 0 5 v1 0.371748033738
-f2 0 5 v2 -0.601500954587
-f3 0 5 v3 0.601500954587
-f4 0 5 v4 -0.371748036544
-f5 0 6 v1 0.60150095443
-f6 0 6 v2 -0.371748035044
-f7 0 6 v3 -0.371748030937
-f8 0 6 v4 0.601500957402
-f9 0 7 v1 0.601500954079
-f10 0 7 v2 0.37174803072
-f11 0 7 v3 -0.371748038935
-f12 0 7 v4 -0.601500955482
-f13 0 8 v1 0.371748035626
-f14 0 8 v2 0.601500956073
-f15 0 8 v3 0.601500954504
-f16 0 8 v4 0.371748032386
-e1 13 9 5 0 0.371748033909
-e2 14 13 6 0 0.601500954587
-e3 15 14 7 0 0.601500955639
-e4 1 15 8 0 0.371748036664
-e5 16 10 5 0 -0.60150095443
-e6 17 16 6 0 -0.371748035843
-e7 18 17 7 0 0.371748032386
-e8 2 18 8 0 0.601500957319
-e9 19 11 5 0 0.601500955131
-e10 20 19 6 0 -0.371748032169
-e11 21 20 7 0 -0.371748037896
-e12 3 21 8 0 0.601500954513
-e13 22 12 5 0 -0.371748035746
-e14 23 22 6 0 0.60150095599
-e15 24 23 7 0 -0.601500953534
-e16 4 24 8 0 0.371748029317
-.ends m_test
-* Subckt test
-.subckt test 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
-x1 1 2 3 4 9 10 11 12 m_test
-o1 9 0 13 0 mod1_test
-o2 10 0 14 0 mod2_test
-o3 11 0 15 0 mod3_test
-o4 12 0 16 0 mod4_test
-x2 5 6 7 8 13 14 15 16 m_test
-.ends test
-x1 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 test
-vdd 1 0 PULSE (0 5 0Ns 0.1Ns 0.1Ns 600Ns 800Ns)
-v3 3 0 PULSE (0 5 0Ns 0.1Ns 0.1Ns 600Ns 800Ns)
-.model mn0p9 nmos LEVEL=1 vto=0.8V kp=48u gamma=0.3 phi=0.55 lambda=0.00
-+ PHI=0.55 LAMBDA=0.00 CGSO=0 CGDO=0 CGBO=0
-+ CJ=0 CJSW=0 TOX=18000N NSUB=1E16 LD=0.0U
-.model mp1p0 pmos vto=-0.8V kp=21u gamma=0.45 phi=0.61 lambda=0.00
-+ PHI=0.61 LAMBDA=0.00 CGSO=0 CGDO=0 CGBO=0
-+ CJ=0 CJSW=0 TOX=18000N NSUB=3E16 LD=0.0U
-VS1 2 0 PULSE (0 5 15.9Ns 0.2Ns 0.2Ns 15.8Ns 32Ns)
-VS2 4 0 PULSE (0 5 15.9Ns 0.2Ns 0.2Ns 15.8Ns 32Ns)
-TRAN 0.1N 47.9N
-plot v(5) v(6) v(7) v(8) v(9) v(10) v(11) v(12)
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/TransmissionLines/ltra2_2_line.sp b/Windows/spice/examples/TransmissionLines/ltra2_2_line.sp
deleted file mode 100644
index 2a4ceaa7..00000000
--- a/Windows/spice/examples/TransmissionLines/ltra2_2_line.sp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-MOSdriver -- 2 lossy lines LTRA model -- C load
-m5 0 168 2 0 mn0p9 w = 18.0u l=0.9u
-m6 1 168 2 1 mp1p0 w = 36.0u l=1.0u
-m1 0 3 4 0 mn0p9 w = 18.0u l=0.9u
-m2 1 3 4 1 mp1p0 w = 36.0u l=1.0u
-CN2 2 0 0.025398e-12
-CN3 3 0 0.007398e-12
-CN4 4 0 0.025398e-12
-CN5 5 0 0.007398e-12
-o1 2 0 3 0 lline
-o2 4 0 5 0 lline
-vdd 1 0 dc 5.0
-VS 168 0 PULSE (0 5 15.9NS 0.2NS 0.2NS 15.8NS 32NS )
-TRAN 0.2N 47N 0 0.1N
-plot v(2) v(3) v(4) v(5)
-.MODEL mn0p9 NMOS VTO=0.8 KP=48U GAMMA=0.30 PHI=0.55
-+LAMBDA=0.00 CGSO=0 CGDO=0 CJ=0 CJSW=0 TOX=18000N LD=0.0U
-.MODEL mp1p0 PMOS VTO=-0.8 KP=21U GAMMA=0.45 PHI=0.61
-+LAMBDA=0.00 CGSO=0 CGDO=0 CJ=0 CJSW=0 TOX=18000N LD=0.0U
-.model lline ltra rel=1 r=12.45 g=0 l=8.972e-9 c=0.468e-12
-+len=16 steplimit compactrel=1.0e-3 compactabs=1.0e-14
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/TransmissionLines/ltra3_2_line.sp b/Windows/spice/examples/TransmissionLines/ltra3_2_line.sp
deleted file mode 100644
index 1a756520..00000000
--- a/Windows/spice/examples/TransmissionLines/ltra3_2_line.sp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
-MOSdriver -- 24inch 2 lossy lines LTRA model -- C load
-m1 0 268 299 0 mn0p9 w = 18.0u l=1.0u
-m2 299 267 748 0 mn0p9 w = 18.0u l=1.0u
-m3 0 168 648 0 mn0p9 w = 18.0u l=0.9u
-m4 1 268 748 1 mp1p0 w = 36.0u l=1.0u
-m5 1 267 748 1 mp1p0 w = 36.0u l=1.0u
-m6 1 168 648 1 mp1p0 w = 36.0u l=1.0u
-CN648 648 0 0.025398e-12
-CN651 651 0 0.007398e-12
-CN748 748 0 0.025398e-12
-CN751 751 0 0.009398e-12
-CN299 299 0 0.005398e-12
-* Subcircuit test
-* test is a subcircuit that models a 2-conductor transmission line with
-* the following parameters: l=9.13e-09, c=2.75e-13, r=0.2, g=0,
-* inductive_coeff_of_coupling k=0.36144, inter-line capacitance cm=9e-14,
-* length=24. Derived parameters are: lm=3.29995e-09, ctot=3.65e-13.
-* It is important to note that the model is a simplified one - the
-* following assumptions are made: 1. The self-inductance l, the
-* self-capacitance ctot (note: not c), the series resistance r and the
-* parallel capacitance g are the same for all lines, and 2. Each line
-* is coupled only to the two lines adjacent to it, with the same
-* coupling parameters cm and lm. The first assumption implies that edge
-* effects have to be neglected. The utility of these assumptions is
-* that they make the sL+R and sC+G matrices symmetric, tridiagonal and
-* Toeplitz, with useful consequences (see "Efficient Transient
-* Simulation of Lossy Interconnect", by J.S. Roychowdhury and
-* D.O Pederson, Proc. DAC 91).
-* It may be noted that a symmetric two-conductor line is
-* represented accurately by this model.
-* Subckt node convention:
-* |--------------------------|
-* 1-----| |-----n+1
-* 2-----| |-----n+2
-* : | n-wire multiconductor | :
-* : | line | :
-* n-1-----|(node 0=common gnd plane) |-----2n-1
-* n-----| |-----2n
-* |--------------------------|
-* Lossy line models
-.model mod1_test ltra rel=1.2 nocontrol r=0.2 l=5.83005279316e-09 g=0 c=4.55000000187e-13 len=24
-.model mod2_test ltra rel=1.2 nocontrol r=0.2 l=1.24299471863e-08 g=0 c=2.75000000373e-13 len=24
-* subcircuit m_test - modal transformation network for test
-.subckt m_test 1 2 3 4
-v1 5 0 0v
-v2 6 0 0v
-f1 0 3 v1 0.707106779721
-f2 0 3 v2 -0.707106782652
-f3 0 4 v1 0.707106781919
-f4 0 4 v2 0.707106780454
-e1 7 5 3 0 0.707106780454
-e2 1 7 4 0 0.707106782652
-e3 8 6 3 0 -0.707106781919
-e4 2 8 4 0 0.707106779721
-.ends m_test
-* Subckt test
-.subckt test 1 2 3 4
-x1 1 2 5 6 m_test
-o1 5 0 7 0 mod1_test
-o2 6 0 8 0 mod2_test
-x2 3 4 7 8 m_test
-.ends test
-x1 648 748 651 751 test
-vdd 1 0 DC 5.0
-VK 267 0 DC 5.0
-VS1 168 0 PULSE (0 5 15.9N 0.2N 0.2N 15.8N 60N)
-VS2 268 0 PULSE (0 5 15.9N 0.2N 0.2N 15.8N 60N)
-TRAN 0.2N 47.9NS
-PLOT v(648) v(651) v(751)
-.model mn0p9 nmos LEVEL=1 vto=0.8V kp=48u gamma=0.3 phi=0.55 lambda=0.0
-+ PHI=0.55 LAMBDA=0.00 CGSO=0 CGDO=0 CGBO=0
-+ CJ=0 CJSW=0 TOX=18000N NSUB=1E16 LD=0.0U
-.model mp1p0 pmos LEVEL=1 vto=-0.8V kp=21u gamma=0.45 phi=0.61 lambda=0.0
-+ PHI=0.61 LAMBDA=0.00 CGSO=0 CGDO=0 CGBO=0
-+ CJ=0 CJSW=0 TOX=18000N NSUB=3E16 LD=0.0U
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/TransmissionLines/ltra4_1_line.sp b/Windows/spice/examples/TransmissionLines/ltra4_1_line.sp
deleted file mode 100644
index 8dc8ada6..00000000
--- a/Windows/spice/examples/TransmissionLines/ltra4_1_line.sp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,239 +0,0 @@
- BJTdriver -- 24inch lossy line LTRA model -- DiodeCircuit
-* This unclassified circuit is from Raytheon, courtesy Gerry Marino.
-* It consists of a BJT driver connected by a 24 inch lossy line to a
-* passive load consisting mostly of diodes. Each inch
-* of the lossy line is modelled by 10 LRC lumps in the Raytheon
-* model.
-* The line parameters (derived from the Raytheon input file) are:
-* L = 9.13nH per inch
-* C = 3.65pF per inch
-* R = 0.2 ohms per inch
-* the circuit
-v1 1 0 0v pulse(0 4 1ns 1ns 1ns 20ns 40ns)
-vcc 10 0 5v
-*rseries 1 2 5
-x1 1 2 10 bjtdrvr
-*t1 2 0 3 0 z0=50.0136 td=4.38119ns rel=10
-o2 2 0 3 0 lline1
-*x2 2 3 oneinch
-*x2 100 101 twentyfourinch
-*x2 100 101 xtwentyfourinch
-vtest1 2 100 0
-vtest2 101 3 0
-x3 3 4 10 dioload
-*rl 3 0 5
-*dl 0 3 diod2
-.model lline1 ltra rel=1 r=0.2 g=0 l=9.13e-9 c=3.65e-12 len=24 steplimit
-.model qmodn npn(bf=100 rb=100 cje=0.09375pF cjc=0.28125pF is=1e-12
-+pe=0.5 pc=0.5)
-.model qmodpd npn(bf=100 rb=100 cje=0.08187pF cjc=0.2525pF is=1e-12
-+pe=0.5 pc=0.5)
-.model qmodpdmine npn(bf=100 rb=100 cje=0.08187pF cjc=0.05pF is=1e-12
-+pe=0.5 pc=0.5)
-.model dmod1 d(n=2.25 is=1.6399e-4 bv=10)
-.model dmod2 d
-.model dmod d(vj=0.3v)
-.model diod1 d(tt=0.75ns vj=0.6 rs=909 bv=10)
-.model diod2 d(tt=0.5ns vj=0.3 rs=100 bv=10)
-.options acct
-+reltol=1e-3 abstol=1e-14
-tran 0.1ns 60ns
-plot v(1) v(2) v(3)
-* bjt driver - 19=input, 268=output, 20=vcc; wierd node numbers from
-* the Raytheon file
-.subckt bjtdrvr 19 268 20
-q1 22 18 13 qmodn
-q2 18 16 13 qmodn
-qd2 21 9 0 qmodn
-q4 14 14 0 qmodn
-q3 16 15 14 qmodpd
-q5 8 13 17 qmodn
-q6 25 12 0 qmodn
-q7 6 17 0 qmodpd
-qd1 26 10 0 qmodn
-q8 7 11 10 qmodn
-q10 268 17 0 qmodpdmine
-*q10 268 17 0 qmodpd
-q9 7 10 268 qmodn
-d1 0 19 dmod1
-d2 18 19 dmod2
-d3 13 19 dmod
-dq1 18 22 dmod
-dq2 16 18 dmod
-d502 9 21 dmod
-dq3 15 16 dmod
-d10 24 8 dmod
-d4 15 6 dmod
-dq6 12 25 dmod
-dq7 17 6 dmod
-dd1 17 10 dmod
-d7 11 6 dmod
-dd2 17 26 dmod
-d9 23 6 dmod
-dq8 11 7 dmod
-d501 17 268 dmod
-dq9 10 7 dmod
-d14 20 27 dmod
-d8 0 268 dmod
-r1 18 20 6k
-r2 22 20 2.2k
-r4 0 13 7k
-rd1 9 13 2k
-rd2 21 13 3k
-r3 16 20 10k
-r5 15 20 15k
-r9 0 17 4k
-r6 24 20 750
-r10 12 17 2k
-r12 24 11 1.5k
-r11 25 17 3k
-r15 23 20 10k
-r13 0 10 15k
-r14 7 27 12
-.ends bjtdrvr
-* subckt dioload - diode load: input=28, output=4, vcc=5
-.subckt dioload 28 4 5
-*comment out everything in dioload except d5 and r503, and watch
-* the difference in results obtained between a tran 0.1ns 20ns and
-* a tran 0.01ns 20ns
-c1 28 0 5pF
-r503 0 4 5.55
-r4 0 28 120k
-r5 1 5 7.5k
-d5 4 28 diod2
-d1 1 28 diod1
-d4 2 0 diod1
-d3 3 2 diod1
-d2 1 3 diod1
-.ends dioload
-* subckt lump - one RLC lump of the lossy line
-*10 segments per inch
-.subckt lump 1 2
-*r1 1 3 0.02
-*c1 3 0 0.365pF
-*l1 3 2 0.913nH
-l1 1 3 0.913nH
-c1 2 0 0.365pF
-r1 3 2 0.02
-*r1 1 3 0.01
-*c1 3 0 0.1825pF
-*l1 3 4 0.4565nH
-*r2 4 5 0.01
-*c2 5 0 0.1825pF
-*l2 5 2 0.4565nH
-*c1 1 0 0.365pF
-*l1 1 2 0.913nH
-.ends lump
-.subckt oneinch 1 2
-x1 1 3 lump
-x2 3 4 lump
-x3 4 5 lump
-x4 5 6 lump
-x5 6 7 lump
-x6 7 8 lump
-x7 8 9 lump
-x8 9 10 lump
-x9 10 11 lump
-x10 11 2 lump
-.ends oneinch
-.subckt fourinch 1 2
-x1 1 3 oneinch
-x2 3 4 oneinch
-x3 4 5 oneinch
-x4 5 2 oneinch
-.ends fourinch
-.subckt fiveinch 1 2
-x1 1 3 oneinch
-x2 3 4 oneinch
-x3 4 5 oneinch
-x4 5 6 oneinch
-x5 6 2 oneinch
-.ends fiveinch
-.subckt twentyfourinch 1 2
-x1 1 3 fiveinch
-x2 3 4 fiveinch
-x3 4 5 fiveinch
-x4 5 6 fiveinch
-x5 6 2 fourinch
-.ends twentyfourinch
-*modelling using R and lossless lines
-*5 segments per inch
-.model llfifth ltra nocontrol noprint rel=10 r=0 g=0 l=9.13e-9
-+c=3.65e-12 len=0.2 steplimit quadinterp
-.subckt xlump 1 2
-o1 1 0 3 0 llfifth
-r1 2 3 0.04
-.ends xlump
-.subckt xoneinch 1 2
-x1 1 3 xlump
-x2 3 4 xlump
-x3 4 5 xlump
-x4 5 6 xlump
-x5 6 2 xlump
-*x5 6 7 xlump
-*x6 7 8 xlump
-*x7 8 9 xlump
-*x8 9 10 xlump
-*x9 10 11 xlump
-*x10 11 2 xlump
-.ends xoneinch
-.subckt xfourinch 1 2
-x1 1 3 xoneinch
-x2 3 4 xoneinch
-x3 4 5 xoneinch
-x4 5 2 xoneinch
-.ends xfourinch
-.subckt xfiveinch 1 2
-x1 1 3 xoneinch
-x2 3 4 xoneinch
-x3 4 5 xoneinch
-x4 5 6 xoneinch
-x5 6 2 xoneinch
-.ends xfiveinch
-.subckt xtwentyfourinch 1 2
-x1 1 3 xfiveinch
-x2 3 4 xfiveinch
-x3 4 5 xfiveinch
-x4 5 6 xfiveinch
-x5 6 2 xfourinch
-.ends xtwentyfourinch
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/TransmissionLines/ltra5_1_line.sp b/Windows/spice/examples/TransmissionLines/ltra5_1_line.sp
deleted file mode 100644
index 35459404..00000000
--- a/Windows/spice/examples/TransmissionLines/ltra5_1_line.sp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,530 +0,0 @@
- Example 3 for interconnect simulation
-* From neug1, Mosaic aluminum lines. 2um thick, 11um wide. Assuming
-* 10um above the ground.
-* Material: aluminum; resistivity (sigma) = 2.74uohm-cm = 2.74e-8 ohm-m
-* Dielectric: SiO2, dielectric constant (epsilon) =3.7
-* epsilon0 = 8.85e-12 MKS units
-* mu0 = 4e-7*PI
-* speed of light in free space = 1/sqrt(mu0*epsilon0) = 2.9986e8 MKS units
-* Line parameter calculations:
-* capacitance: parallel plate
-* C = epsilon*epsilon0 * A / l
-* C = 3.7*8.85e-12 * 11e-6 * 1(metre) / 10e-6 = 36.02e-12 F/m
-* + 30% = 46.8e-12 F/m = 0.468pF/cm
-* C_freespace = 46.8e-12/epsilon = 12.65e-12 F/m
-* speed of light in free space v0 = 2.9986e8 = 1/sqrt(L0*C0)
-* => L0 = 1/C0*v0^2
-* L0 = 1/(12.65e-12 * 8.9916e16) = 1/113.74e4 = 0.008792e-4 H/m
-* = 0.8792 uH/m = 8.792nH/cm
-* R = rho * l / A = 2.74e-8 * 1 / (11e-6*2e-6) = 1245.45 ohms/m
-* = 12.45ohms/cm
-* transmission line parameters:
-* nominal z0 = sqrt(L/C) = 137 ohms
-* td = sqrt(LC) = 64.14e-12 secs/cm = 0.064ns/cm
-vcc vcc 0 5
-v1 1 0 0v pulse(0 5 0.1ns 0.1ns 0.1ns 1ns 100ns)
-rs 1 2 10
-xdrv 1 2 vcc bjtdrvr
-xrcv 3 4 vcc bjtdrvr
-xrcv 3 4 vcc dioload
-d1 3 vcc diod
-d2 0 3 diod
-cl 3 0 1pF
-o1 2 0 3 0 lline
-*x1 2 3 sixteencm
-x1 2 3 xonecm
-.model diod d
-.model lline ltra rel=1.8 r=12.45 g=0 l=8.792e-9 c=0.468e-12 len=16 steplimit
-* 1cm
-* 2cm
-* 4cm
-* 6cm
-* 8cm
-* 10cm
-* 12cm
-*tran 0.001ns 15ns 0 0.1ns
-* 24cm
-tran 0.001ns 10ns 0 0.1ns
-* onecm10
-*tran 0.001ns 10ns 0 0.01ns
-plot v(1) v(2) v(3)
-* 1. define the subckt r10 to be one tenth of the resistance per cm.
-* 2. define the subckt onecm to be one of onecm10 (modelled using
-* 10 segments), onecm8, onecm4, onecm2 and lump1. Then use
-* the subckts onecm, fourcm, fivecm, tencm, twelvecm,
-* twentyfourcm in the circuit. The line is modelled as rlc segments.
-* 3. define the subckt xonecm to be one of xonecm10, xonecm8,
-* xonecm4, xonecm2 and xlump1. Use the subckts xonecm,
-* xfourcm, xfivecm, xtencm, xtwelvecm, xtwentyfourcm in the
-* circuit. The line will be modelled as r-lossless lumps.
-.subckt xonecm 1 2
-*x1 1 2 xlump1
-x1 1 2 xonecm4
-.ends xonecm
-.subckt onecm 1 2
-*x1 1 2 lump1
-x1 1 2 onecm4
-.ends onecm
-.subckt r10 1 2
-r1 1 2 1.245
-.ends r10
-* ECL driver and diode receiver models - from Raytheon
-.model qmodn npn(bf=100 rb=100 cje=0.09375pF cjc=0.28125pF is=1e-12
-+pe=0.5 pc=0.5)
-.model qmodpd npn(bf=100 rb=100 cje=0.08187pF cjc=0.2525pF is=1e-12
-+pe=0.5 pc=0.5)
-.model qmodpdmine npn(bf=100 rb=100 cje=0.08187pF cjc=0.05pF is=1e-12
-+pe=0.5 pc=0.5)
-.model dmod1 d(n=2.25 is=1.6399e-4 bv=10)
-.model dmod2 d
-.model dmod d(vj=0.3v)
-.model diod1 d(tt=0.75ns vj=0.6 rs=909 bv=10)
-.model diod2 d(tt=0.5ns vj=0.3 rs=100 bv=10)
-* bjt driver - 19=input, 268=output, 20=vcc; wierd node numbers from
-* the Raytheon file
-.subckt bjtdrvr 19 268 20
-q1 22 18 13 qmodn
-q2 18 16 13 qmodn
-qd2 21 9 0 qmodn
-q4 14 14 0 qmodn
-q3 16 15 14 qmodpd
-q5 8 13 17 qmodn
-q6 25 12 0 qmodn
-q7 6 17 0 qmodpd
-qd1 26 10 0 qmodn
-q8 7 11 10 qmodn
-q10 268 17 0 qmodpdmine
-*q10 268 17 0 qmodpd
-q9 7 10 268 qmodn
-d1 0 19 dmod1
-d2 18 19 dmod2
-d3 13 19 dmod
-dq1 18 22 dmod
-dq2 16 18 dmod
-d502 9 21 dmod
-dq3 15 16 dmod
-d10 24 8 dmod
-d4 15 6 dmod
-dq6 12 25 dmod
-dq7 17 6 dmod
-dd1 17 10 dmod
-d7 11 6 dmod
-dd2 17 26 dmod
-d9 23 6 dmod
-dq8 11 7 dmod
-d501 17 268 dmod
-dq9 10 7 dmod
-d14 20 27 dmod
-d8 0 268 dmod
-r1 18 20 6k
-r2 22 20 2.2k
-r4 0 13 7k
-rd1 9 13 2k
-rd2 21 13 3k
-r3 16 20 10k
-r5 15 20 15k
-r9 0 17 4k
-r6 24 20 750
-r10 12 17 2k
-r12 24 11 1.5k
-r11 25 17 3k
-r15 23 20 10k
-r13 0 10 15k
-r14 7 27 12
-.ends bjtdrvr
-* subckt dioload - diode load: input=28, output=4, vcc=5
-.subckt dioload 28 4 5
-c1 28 0 5pF
-r503 0 4 5.55
-r400 0 28 120k
-r500 1 5 7.5k
-d5 4 28 diod2
-d1 1 28 diod1
-d4 2 0 diod1
-d3 3 2 diod1
-d2 1 3 diod1
-.ends dioload
-* End ECL driver and Diode receiver models from Raytheon
-*10 segments per cm
-.subckt lump10 1 2
-l1 1 3 0.0.8792nH
-c1 2 0 0.0468pF
-x1 3 2 r10
-.ends lump10
-*1 segment per cm
-.subckt lump1 1 2
-l1 1 3 8.792nH
-c1 2 0 0.468pF
-x1 3 4 r10
-x2 4 5 r10
-x3 5 6 r10
-x4 6 7 r10
-x5 7 8 r10
-x6 8 9 r10
-x7 9 10 r10
-x8 10 11 r10
-x9 11 12 r10
-x10 12 2 r10
-.ends lump1
-*2 segments per cm
-.subckt lump2 1 2
-l1 1 3 4.396nH
-c1 2 0 0.234pF
-x1 3 4 r10
-x2 4 5 r10
-x3 5 6 r10
-x4 6 7 r10
-x5 7 2 r10
-.ends lump2
-*4 segments per cm
-.subckt lump4 1 2
-l1 1 3 2.198nH
-c1 2 0 0.117pF
-x1 3 4 r10
-x2 4 5 r10
-x3 5 2 r10
-x4 5 2 r10
-.ends lump4
-*8 segments per cm
-.subckt lump8 1 2
-l1 1 3 1.099nH
-c1 2 0 0.0585pF
-x1 3 4 r10
-x2 4 2 r10
-x3 4 2 r10
-x4 4 2 r10
-x5 4 2 r10
-.ends lump8
-.subckt onecm10 1 2
-x1 1 3 lump10
-x2 3 4 lump10
-x3 4 5 lump10
-x4 5 6 lump10
-x5 6 7 lump10
-x6 7 8 lump10
-x7 8 9 lump10
-x8 9 10 lump10
-x9 10 11 lump10
-x10 11 2 lump10
-.ends onecm10
-.subckt onecm8 1 2
-x1 1 3 lump8
-x2 3 4 lump8
-x3 4 5 lump8
-x4 5 6 lump8
-x5 6 7 lump8
-x6 7 8 lump8
-x7 8 9 lump8
-x8 9 2 lump8
-.ends onecm8
-.subckt onecm4 1 2
-x1 1 3 lump4
-x2 3 4 lump4
-x3 4 5 lump4
-x4 5 2 lump4
-.ends onecm4
-.subckt onecm2 1 2
-x1 1 3 lump2
-x2 3 2 lump2
-.ends onecm2
-.subckt twocm 1 2
-x1 1 3 onecm
-x2 3 2 onecm
-.ends twocm
-.subckt threecm 1 2
-x1 1 3 onecm
-x2 3 4 onecm
-x3 4 2 onecm
-.ends threecm
-.subckt fourcm 1 2
-x1 1 3 onecm
-x2 3 4 onecm
-x3 4 5 onecm
-x4 5 2 onecm
-.ends fourcm
-.subckt fivecm 1 2
-x1 1 3 onecm
-x2 3 4 onecm
-x3 4 5 onecm
-x4 5 6 onecm
-x5 6 2 onecm
-.ends fivecm
-.subckt sixcm 1 2
-x1 1 3 fivecm
-x2 3 2 onecm
-.ends sixcm
-.subckt sevencm 1 2
-x1 1 3 sixcm
-x2 3 2 onecm
-.ends sevencm
-.subckt eightcm 1 2
-x1 1 3 sevencm
-x2 3 2 onecm
-.ends eightcm
-.subckt ninecm 1 2
-x1 1 3 eightcm
-x2 3 2 onecm
-.ends ninecm
-.subckt tencm 1 2
-x1 1 3 fivecm
-x2 3 2 fivecm
-.ends tencm
-.subckt elevencm 1 2
-x1 1 3 tencm
-x2 3 2 onecm
-.ends elevencm
-.subckt twelvecm 1 2
-x1 1 3 tencm
-x2 3 4 onecm
-x3 4 2 onecm
-.ends twelvecm
-.subckt sixteencm 1 2
-x1 1 3 eightcm
-x2 3 2 eightcm
-.ends sixteencm
-.subckt twentyfourcm 1 2
-x1 1 3 twelvecm
-x2 3 2 twelvecm
-.ends twentyfourcm
-*modelling using R and lossless lines
-* 10 segments per cm
-.model lless10 ltra nocontrol rel=10 r=0 g=0 l=8.792e-9
-+c=0.468e-12 len=0.1 steplimit quadinterp
-* 8 segments per cm
-.model lless8 ltra nocontrol rel=10 r=0 g=0 l=8.792e-9
-+c=0.468e-12 len=0.125 steplimit quadinterp
-* 4 segments per cm
-.model lless4 ltra nocontrol rel=10 r=0 g=0 l=8.792e-9
-+c=0.468e-12 len=0.25 steplimit quadinterp
-* 2 segments per cm
-.model lless2 ltra nocontrol rel=10 r=0 g=0 l=8.792e-9
-+c=0.468e-12 len=0.5 steplimit quadinterp
-* 1 segment per cm
-.model lless1 ltra nocontrol rel=10 r=0 g=0 l=8.792e-9
-+c=0.468e-12 len=1 steplimit quadinterp
-*10 segments per cm
-.subckt xlump10 1 2
-o1 1 0 3 0 lless10
-x1 3 2 r10
-.ends xlump10
-*1 segment per cm
-.subckt xlump1 1 2
-o1 1 0 3 0 lless1
-x1 3 4 r10
-x2 4 5 r10
-x3 5 6 r10
-x4 6 7 r10
-x5 7 8 r10
-x6 8 9 r10
-x7 9 10 r10
-x8 10 11 r10
-x9 11 12 r10
-x10 12 2 r10
-.ends xlump1
-*2 segments per cm
-.subckt xlump2 1 2
-o1 1 0 3 0 lless2
-x1 3 4 r10
-x2 4 5 r10
-x3 5 6 r10
-x4 6 7 r10
-x5 7 2 r10
-.ends xlump2
-*4 segments per cm
-.subckt xlump4 1 2
-o1 1 0 3 0 lless4
-x1 3 4 r10
-x2 4 5 r10
-x3 5 2 r10
-x4 5 2 r10
-.ends xlump4
-*8 segments per cm
-.subckt xlump8 1 2
-o1 1 0 3 0 lless8
-x1 3 4 r10
-x2 4 2 r10
-x3 4 2 r10
-x4 4 2 r10
-x5 4 2 r10
-.ends xlump8
-.subckt xonecm10 1 2
-x1 1 3 xlump10
-x2 3 4 xlump10
-x3 4 5 xlump10
-x4 5 6 xlump10
-x5 6 7 xlump10
-x6 7 8 xlump10
-x7 8 9 xlump10
-x8 9 10 xlump10
-x9 10 11 xlump10
-x10 11 2 xlump10
-.ends xonecm10
-.subckt xonecm8 1 2
-x1 1 3 xlump8
-x2 3 4 xlump8
-x3 4 5 xlump8
-x4 5 6 xlump8
-x5 6 7 xlump8
-x6 7 8 xlump8
-x7 8 9 xlump8
-x8 9 2 xlump8
-.ends xonecm8
-.subckt xonecm4 1 2
-x1 1 3 xlump4
-x2 3 4 xlump4
-x3 4 5 xlump4
-x4 5 2 xlump4
-.ends xonecm4
-.subckt xonecm2 1 2
-x1 1 3 xlump2
-x2 3 2 xlump2
-.ends xonecm2
-.subckt xtwocm 1 2
-x1 1 3 xonecm
-x2 3 2 xonecm
-.ends xtwocm
-.subckt xthreecm 1 2
-x1 1 3 xonecm
-x2 3 4 xonecm
-x3 4 2 xonecm
-.ends xthreecm
-.subckt xfourcm 1 2
-x1 1 3 xonecm
-x2 3 4 xonecm
-x3 4 5 xonecm
-x4 5 2 xonecm
-.ends xfourcm
-.subckt xfivecm 1 2
-x1 1 3 xonecm
-x2 3 4 xonecm
-x3 4 5 xonecm
-x4 5 6 xonecm
-x5 6 2 xonecm
-.ends xfivecm
-.subckt xsixcm 1 2
-x1 1 3 xfivecm
-x2 3 2 xonecm
-.ends xsixcm
-.subckt xsevencm 1 2
-x1 1 3 xsixcm
-x2 3 2 xonecm
-.ends xsevencm
-.subckt xeightcm 1 2
-x1 1 3 xsevencm
-x2 3 2 xonecm
-.ends xeightcm
-.subckt xninecm 1 2
-x1 1 3 xeightcm
-x2 3 2 xonecm
-.ends xninecm
-.subckt xtencm 1 2
-x1 1 3 xfivecm
-x2 3 2 xfivecm
-.ends xtencm
-.subckt xelevencm 1 2
-x1 1 3 xtencm
-x2 3 2 xonecm
-.ends xelevencm
-.subckt xtwelvecm 1 2
-x1 1 3 xtencm
-x2 3 4 xonecm
-x3 4 2 xonecm
-.ends xtwelvecm
-.subckt xsixteencm 1 2
-x1 1 3 xeightcm
-x2 3 2 xeightcm
-.ends xsixteencm
-.subckt xtwentyfourcm 1 2
-x1 1 3 xtwelvecm
-x2 3 2 xtwelvecm
-.ends xtwentyfourcm
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/TransmissionLines/ltra6_2_line.sp b/Windows/spice/examples/TransmissionLines/ltra6_2_line.sp
deleted file mode 100644
index 45279129..00000000
--- a/Windows/spice/examples/TransmissionLines/ltra6_2_line.sp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,394 +0,0 @@
-BJTdriver -- 2in st. lin -- 20in coupled line LTRA -- 2in st line -- DiodeCircuit
-* This unclassified circuit is from Raytheon, courtesy Gerry Marino.
-* _______
-* -------- 2in _________________ 2in | |
-* | BJT |______| |______|Diode|
-* | |------| |------| |
-* | Drvr | line | 2-wire | line |rcvr.|
-* -------- | coupled | |_____|
-* | transmission |
-* |-/\/\/\/\----| line |-------\/\/\/\/\----|
-* | 50ohms | | 50ohms |
-* | | | |
-* Ground ----------------- Ground
-* Each inch of the lossy line is modelled by 10 LRC lumps in the
-* Raytheon model.
-* The line parameters (derived from the Raytheon input file) are:
-* L = 9.13nH per inch
-* C = 3.65pF per inch
-* R = 0.2 ohms per inch
-* K = 0.482 [coupling coefficient; K = M/sqrt(L1*L2)]
-* Cc = 1.8pF per inch
-* coupled ltra model generated using the standalone program
-* multi_decomp
-* the circuit
-v1 1 0 0v pulse(0 4 1ns 1ns 1ns 20ns 40ns)
-vcc 10 0 5v
-* series termination
-*x1 1 oof 10 bjtdrvr
-*rseries oof 2 50
-x1 1 2 10 bjtdrvr
-rt1 3 0 50
-* convolution model
-x2 2 3 4 5 conv2wetcmodel
-* rlc segments model
-*x2 2 3 4 5 rlc2wetcmodel
-x3 4 dioload
-rt2 5 0 50
-.model qmodn npn(bf=100 rb=100 cje=0.09375pF cjc=0.28125pF is=1e-12
-+pe=0.5 pc=0.5)
-.model qmodpd npn(bf=100 rb=100 cje=0.08187pF cjc=0.2525pF is=1e-12
-+pe=0.5 pc=0.5)
-.model qmodpdmine npn(bf=100 rb=100 cje=0.08187pF cjc=0.05pF is=1e-12
-+pe=0.5 pc=0.5)
-.model dmod1 d(n=2.25 is=1.6399e-4 bv=10)
-.model dmod2 d
-.model dmod d(vj=0.3v)
-.model diod1 d(tt=0.75ns vj=0.6 rs=909 bv=10)
-.model diod2 d(tt=0.5ns vj=0.3 rs=100 bv=10)
-.options acct reltol=1e-3 abstol=1e-12
-tran 0.1ns 60ns
-plot v(2) v(4) v(5)
-* bjt driver - 19=input, 268=output, 20=vcc; wierd node numbers from
-* the Raytheon file
-.subckt bjtdrvr 19 268 20
-q1 22 18 13 qmodn
-q2 18 16 13 qmodn
-qd2 21 9 0 qmodn
-q4 14 14 0 qmodn
-q3 16 15 14 qmodpd
-q5 8 13 17 qmodn
-q6 25 12 0 qmodn
-q7 6 17 0 qmodpd
-qd1 26 10 0 qmodn
-q8 7 11 10 qmodn
-*q10 268 17 0 qmodpd
-q10 268 17 0 qmodpdmine
-q9 7 10 268 qmodn
-d1 0 19 dmod1
-d2 18 19 dmod2
-d3 13 19 dmod
-dq1 18 22 dmod
-dq2 16 18 dmod
-d502 9 21 dmod
-dq3 15 16 dmod
-d10 24 8 dmod
-d4 15 6 dmod
-dq6 12 25 dmod
-dq7 17 6 dmod
-dd1 17 10 dmod
-d7 11 6 dmod
-dd2 17 26 dmod
-d9 23 6 dmod
-dq8 11 7 dmod
-d501 17 268 dmod
-dq9 10 7 dmod
-d14 20 27 dmod
-d8 0 268 dmod
-r1 18 20 6k
-r2 22 20 2.2k
-r4 0 13 7k
-rd1 9 13 2k
-rd2 21 13 3k
-r3 16 20 10k
-r5 15 20 15k
-r9 0 17 4k
-r6 24 20 750
-r10 12 17 2k
-r12 24 11 1.5k
-r11 25 17 3k
-r15 23 20 10k
-r13 0 10 15k
-r14 7 27 12
-.ends bjtdrvr
-* subckt dioload - diode load: input=28, output=4, vcc=5
-.subckt dioload 28
-*comment out everything in dioload except d5 and r503, and watch
-* the difference in results obtained between a tran 0.1ns 20ns and
-* a tran 0.01ns 20ns
-vccint 5 0 5v
-c1 28 0 5pF
-r503 0 4 5.55
-r4 0 28 120k
-r5 1 5 7.5k
-d5 4 28 diod2
-d1 1 28 diod1
-d4 2 0 diod1
-d3 3 2 diod1
-d2 1 3 diod1
-.ends dioload
-* subckt rlclump - one RLC lump of the lossy line
-.subckt rlclump 1 2
-*r1 1 3 0.02
-*c1 3 0 0.365pF
-*l1 3 2 0.913nH
-l1 1 3 0.913nH
-c1 2 0 0.365pF
-r1 3 2 0.02
-*r1 1 3 0.01
-*c1 3 0 0.1825pF
-*l1 3 4 0.4565nH
-*r2 4 5 0.01
-*c2 5 0 0.1825pF
-*l2 5 2 0.4565nH
-*c1 1 0 0.365pF
-*l1 1 2 0.913nH
-.ends lump
-.subckt rlconeinch 1 2
-x1 1 3 rlclump
-x2 3 4 rlclump
-x3 4 5 rlclump
-x4 5 6 rlclump
-x5 6 7 rlclump
-x6 7 8 rlclump
-x7 8 9 rlclump
-x8 9 10 rlclump
-x9 10 11 rlclump
-x10 11 2 rlclump
-.ends rlconeinch
-.subckt rlctwoinch 1 2
-x1 1 3 rlconeinch
-x2 3 2 rlconeinch
-.ends rlctwoinch
-.subckt rlcfourinch 1 2
-x1 1 3 rlconeinch
-x2 3 4 rlconeinch
-x3 4 5 rlconeinch
-x4 5 2 rlconeinch
-.ends rlcfourinch
-.subckt rlcfiveinch 1 2
-x1 1 3 rlconeinch
-x2 3 4 rlconeinch
-x3 4 5 rlconeinch
-x4 5 6 rlconeinch
-x5 6 2 rlconeinch
-.ends rlcfiveinch
-.subckt rlctwentyrlcfourinch 1 2
-x1 1 3 rlcfiveinch
-x2 3 4 rlcfiveinch
-x3 4 5 rlcfiveinch
-x4 5 6 rlcfiveinch
-x5 6 2 rlcfourinch
-.ends rlctwentyrlcfourinch
-.subckt rlclumpstub A B C D
-x1 A int1 rlcfiveinch
-x2 int1 int2 rlcfiveinch
-x3 int2 1 rlcfiveinch
-x4 1 2 rlcfourinch
-x5 1 int3 rlcfiveinch
-x6 int3 B rlconeinch
-x7 2 C rlcfiveinch
-x8 2 D rlcfourinch
-.ends rlclumpstub
-.subckt ltrastub A B C D
-o1 A 0 1 0 lline15in
-o2 1 0 B 0 lline6in
-o3 1 0 2 0 lline4in
-o4 2 0 C 0 lline5in
-o5 2 0 D 0 lline4in
-.ends ltrastub
-*modelling using R and lossless lines
-*5 segments per inch
-.model llfifth ltra nocontrol rel=10 r=0 g=0 l=9.13e-9
-+c=3.65e-12 len=0.2 steplimit quadinterp
-.subckt xlump 1 2
-o1 1 0 3 0 llfifth
-r1 2 3 0.04
-.ends xlump
-.subckt xoneinch 1 2
-x1 1 3 xlump
-x2 3 4 xlump
-x3 4 5 xlump
-x4 5 6 xlump
-x5 6 2 xlump
-*x5 6 7 xlump
-*x6 7 8 xlump
-*x7 8 9 xlump
-*x8 9 10 xlump
-*x9 10 11 xlump
-*x10 11 2 xlump
-.ends xoneinch
-.subckt xFourinch 1 2
-x1 1 3 xoneinch
-x2 3 4 xoneinch
-x3 4 5 xoneinch
-x4 5 2 xoneinch
-.ends xfourinch
-.subckt xfiveinch 1 2
-x1 1 3 xoneinch
-x2 3 4 xoneinch
-x3 4 5 xoneinch
-x4 5 6 xoneinch
-x5 6 2 xoneinch
-.ends xfiveinch
-.subckt xlumpstub A B C D
-x1 A int1 xfiveinch
-x2 int1 int2 xfiveinch
-x3 int2 1 xfiveinch
-x4 1 2 xfourinch
-x5 1 int3 xfiveinch
-x6 int3 B xoneinch
-x7 2 C xfiveinch
-x8 2 D xfourinch
-.ends xlumpstub
-* modelling a 2 wire coupled system using RLC lumps
-* 10 segments per inch
-* 1---xxxxx----2
-* 3---xxxxx----4
-.subckt rlc2wlump 1 3 2 4
-l1 1 5 0.913nH
-c1 2 0 0.365pF
-r1 5 2 0.02
-l2 3 6 0.913nH
-c2 4 0 0.365pF
-r2 6 4 0.02
-cmut 2 4 0.18pF
-k12 l1 l2 0.482
-.ends rlc2wlump
-.subckt rlc2woneinch 1 2 3 4
-x1 1 2 5 6 rlc2wlump
-x2 5 6 7 8 rlc2wlump
-x3 7 8 9 10 rlc2wlump
-x4 9 10 11 12 rlc2wlump
-x5 11 12 13 14 rlc2wlump
-x6 13 14 15 16 rlc2wlump
-x7 15 16 17 18 rlc2wlump
-x8 17 18 19 20 rlc2wlump
-x9 19 20 21 22 rlc2wlump
-x10 21 22 3 4 rlc2wlump
-.ends rlc2woneinch
-.subckt rlc2wfiveinch 1 2 3 4
-x1 1 2 5 6 rlc2woneinch
-x2 5 6 7 8 rlc2woneinch
-x3 7 8 9 10 rlc2woneinch
-x4 9 10 11 12 rlc2woneinch
-x5 11 12 3 4 rlc2woneinch
-.ends rlc2wfiveinch
-.subckt rlc2wtwentyinch 1 2 3 4
-x1 1 2 5 6 rlc2wfiveinch
-x2 5 6 7 8 rlc2wfiveinch
-x3 7 8 9 10 rlc2wfiveinch
-x4 9 10 3 4 rlc2wfiveinch
-.ends rlc2wtwentyinch
-.subckt rlc2wetcmodel 1 2 3 4
-x1 1 5 rlctwoinch
-x2 5 2 6 4 rlc2wtwentyinch
-x3 6 3 rlctwoinch
-.ends rlc2wetcmodel
-* Subcircuit conv2wtwentyinch
-* conv2wtwentyinch is a subcircuit that models a 2-conductor transmission line with
-* the following parameters: l=9.13e-09, c=3.65e-12, r=0.2, g=0,
-* inductive_coeff_of_coupling k=0.482, inter-line capacitance cm=1.8e-12,
-* length=20. Derived parameters are: lm=4.40066e-09, ctot=5.45e-12.
-* It is important to note that the model is a simplified one - the
-* following assumptions are made: 1. The self-inductance l, the
-* self-capacitance ctot (note: not c), the series resistance r and the
-* parallel capacitance g are the same for all lines, and 2. Each line
-* is coupled only to the two lines adjacent to it, with the same
-* coupling parameters cm and lm. The first assumption imply that edge
-* effects have to be neglected. The utility of these assumptions is
-* that they make the sL+R and sC+G matrices symmetric, tridiagonal and
-* Toeplitz, with useful consequences.
-* It may be noted that a symmetric two-conductor line will be
-* accurately represented by this model.
-* Lossy line models
-.model mod1_conv2wtwentyinch ltra rel=1.2 nocontrol r=0.2 l=4.72933999088e-09 g=0 c=7.25000000373e-12 len=20
-.model mod2_conv2wtwentyinch ltra rel=1.2 nocontrol r=0.2 l=1.35306599818e-08 g=0 c=3.65000000746e-12 len=20
-* subcircuit m_conv2wtwentyinch - modal transformation network for conv2wtwentyinch
-.subckt m_conv2wtwentyinch 1 2 3 4
-v1 5 0 0v
-v2 6 0 0v
-f1 0 3 v1 0.707106779721
-f2 0 3 v2 -0.707106782652
-f3 0 4 v1 0.707106781919
-f4 0 4 v2 0.707106780454
-e1 7 5 3 0 0.707106780454
-e2 1 7 4 0 0.707106782652
-e3 8 6 3 0 -0.707106781919
-e4 2 8 4 0 0.707106779721
-.ends m_conv2wtwentyinch
-* Subckt conv2wtwentyinch
-.subckt conv2wtwentyinch 1 2 3 4
-x1 1 2 5 6 m_conv2wtwentyinch
-o1 5 0 7 0 mod1_conv2wtwentyinch
-o2 6 0 8 0 mod2_conv2wtwentyinch
-x2 3 4 7 8 m_conv2wtwentyinch
-.ends conv2wtwentyinch
-.model convtwoinch ltra r=0.2 l=9.13e-9 c=3.65e-12 len=2.0 rel=1.2 nocontrol
-.subckt conv2wetcmodel 1 2 3 4
-o1 1 0 5 0 convtwoinch
-x1 5 2 6 4 conv2wtwentyinch
-o2 6 0 3 0 convtwoinch
-.ends conv2wetcmodel
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/TransmissionLines/ltra7_4_line.sp b/Windows/spice/examples/TransmissionLines/ltra7_4_line.sp
deleted file mode 100644
index 7be4615a..00000000
--- a/Windows/spice/examples/TransmissionLines/ltra7_4_line.sp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,113 +0,0 @@
-6.3inch 4 lossy lines LTRA model -- R load
-Ra 1 2 1K
-Rb 0 3 1K
-Rc 0 4 1K
-Rd 0 5 1K
-Re 6 0 1Meg
-Rf 7 0 1Meg
-Rg 8 0 1Meg
-Rh 9 0 1Meg
-* Subcircuit test
-* test is a subcircuit that models a 4-conductor transmission line with
-* the following parameters: l=9e-09, c=2.9e-13, r=0.3, g=0,
-* inductive_coeff_of_coupling k=0.6, inter-line capacitance cm=3e-14,
-* length=6.3. Derived parameters are: lm=5.4e-09, ctot=3.5e-13.
-* It is important to note that the model is a simplified one - the
-* following assumptions are made: 1. The self-inductance l, the
-* self-capacitance ctot (note: not c), the series resistance r and the
-* parallel capacitance g are the same for all lines, and 2. Each line
-* is coupled only to the two lines adjacent to it, with the same
-* coupling parameters cm and lm. The first assumption implies that edge
-* effects have to be neglected. The utility of these assumptions is
-* that they make the sL+R and sC+G matrices symmetric, tridiagonal and
-* Toeplitz, with useful consequences (see "Efficient Transient
-* Simulation of Lossy Interconnect", by J.S. Roychowdhury and
-* D.O Pederson, Proc. DAC 91).
-* It may be noted that a symmetric two-conductor line is
-* represented accurately by this model.
-* Subckt node convention:
-* |--------------------------|
-* 1-----| |-----n+1
-* 2-----| |-----n+2
-* : | n-wire multiconductor | :
-* : | line | :
-* n-1-----|(node 0=common gnd plane) |-----2n-1
-* n-----| |-----2n
-* |--------------------------|
-* Lossy line models
-.model mod1_test ltra rel=1.2 nocontrol r=0.3 l=2.62616456193e-10 g=0 c=3.98541019688e-13 len=6.3
-.model mod2_test ltra rel=1.2 nocontrol r=0.3 l=5.662616446e-09 g=0 c=3.68541019744e-13 len=6.3
-.model mod3_test ltra rel=1.2 nocontrol r=0.3 l=1.23373835171e-08 g=0 c=3.3145898046e-13 len=6.3
-.model mod4_test ltra rel=1.2 nocontrol r=0.3 l=1.7737383521e-08 g=0 c=3.01458980439e-13 len=6.3
-* subcircuit m_test - modal transformation network for test
-.subckt m_test 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
-v1 9 0 0v
-v2 10 0 0v
-v3 11 0 0v
-v4 12 0 0v
-f1 0 5 v1 0.371748033738
-f2 0 5 v2 -0.601500954587
-f3 0 5 v3 0.601500954587
-f4 0 5 v4 -0.371748036544
-f5 0 6 v1 0.60150095443
-f6 0 6 v2 -0.371748035044
-f7 0 6 v3 -0.371748030937
-f8 0 6 v4 0.601500957402
-f9 0 7 v1 0.601500954079
-f10 0 7 v2 0.37174803072
-f11 0 7 v3 -0.371748038935
-f12 0 7 v4 -0.601500955482
-f13 0 8 v1 0.371748035626
-f14 0 8 v2 0.601500956073
-f15 0 8 v3 0.601500954504
-f16 0 8 v4 0.371748032386
-e1 13 9 5 0 0.371748033909
-e2 14 13 6 0 0.601500954587
-e3 15 14 7 0 0.601500955639
-e4 1 15 8 0 0.371748036664
-e5 16 10 5 0 -0.60150095443
-e6 17 16 6 0 -0.371748035843
-e7 18 17 7 0 0.371748032386
-e8 2 18 8 0 0.601500957319
-e9 19 11 5 0 0.601500955131
-e10 20 19 6 0 -0.371748032169
-e11 21 20 7 0 -0.371748037896
-e12 3 21 8 0 0.601500954513
-e13 22 12 5 0 -0.371748035746
-e14 23 22 6 0 0.60150095599
-e15 24 23 7 0 -0.601500953534
-e16 4 24 8 0 0.371748029317
-.ends m_test
-* Subckt test
-.subckt test 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
-x1 1 2 3 4 9 10 11 12 m_test
-o1 9 0 13 0 mod1_test
-o2 10 0 14 0 mod2_test
-o3 11 0 15 0 mod3_test
-o4 12 0 16 0 mod4_test
-x2 5 6 7 8 13 14 15 16 m_test
-.ends test
-x1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 test
-VS1 1 0 PWL(15.9NS 0.0 16.1Ns 5.0 31.9Ns 5.0 32.1Ns 0.0)
-TRAN 0.2NS 50NS
-plot v(1) v(2) v(6) v(7) v(8) v(9)
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/TransmissionLines/txl1_1_line.sp b/Windows/spice/examples/TransmissionLines/txl1_1_line.sp
deleted file mode 100644
index fdbec1ae..00000000
--- a/Windows/spice/examples/TransmissionLines/txl1_1_line.sp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-MOSdriver -- lossy line TXL model -- C load
-m5 0 168 2 0 mn0p9 w = 18.0u l=0.9u
-m6 1 168 2 1 mp1p0 w = 36.0u l=1.0u
-CN2 2 0 0.025398e-12
-CN3 3 0 0.007398e-12
-y1 2 0 3 0 ymod
-vdd 1 0 dc 5.0
-VS 168 0 PULSE (0 5 15.9NS 0.2NS 0.2NS 15.8NS 32NS )
-TRAN 0.2N 47N 0 0.1N
-plot v(2) v(3) ylimit -0.5 5
-.MODEL mn0p9 NMOS VTO=0.8 KP=48U GAMMA=0.30 PHI=0.55
-+LAMBDA=0.00 CGSO=0 CGDO=0 CJ=0 CJSW=0 TOX=18000N LD=0.0U
-.MODEL mp1p0 PMOS VTO=-0.8 KP=21U GAMMA=0.45 PHI=0.61
-+LAMBDA=0.00 CGSO=0 CGDO=0 CJ=0 CJSW=0 TOX=18000N LD=0.0U
-.MODEL ymod txl R=12.45 L=8.972e-9 G=0 C=0.468e-12 length=16
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/TransmissionLines/txl2_3_line.sp b/Windows/spice/examples/TransmissionLines/txl2_3_line.sp
deleted file mode 100644
index 41b54996..00000000
--- a/Windows/spice/examples/TransmissionLines/txl2_3_line.sp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-MOSdriver -- 3 lossy lines TXL model -- C load
-m5 0 168 2 0 mn0p9 w = 18.0u l=0.9u
-m6 1 168 2 1 mp1p0 w = 36.0u l=1.0u
-m1 0 3 4 0 mn0p9 w = 18.0u l=0.9u
-m2 1 3 4 1 mp1p0 w = 36.0u l=1.0u
-CN2 2 0 0.025398e-12
-CN3 3 0 0.007398e-12
-CN4 4 0 0.025398e-12
-CN5 5 0 0.007398e-12
-CN6 6 0 0.007398e-12
-CN7 168 0 0.007398e-12
-y1 2 0 3 0 ymod
-y2 4 0 5 0 ymod
-y3 6 0 168 0 ymod
-vdd 1 0 dc 5.0
-VS 168 0 PULSE (0 5 15.9NS 0.2NS 0.2NS 15.8NS 32NS )
-TRAN 0.2N 47N 0 0.1N
-plot v(2) v(3) v(4) v(5) v(6)
-.MODEL mn0p9 NMOS VTO=0.8 KP=48U GAMMA=0.30 PHI=0.55
-+LAMBDA=0.00 CGSO=0 CGDO=0 CJ=0 CJSW=0 TOX=18000N LD=0.0U
-.MODEL mp1p0 PMOS VTO=-0.8 KP=21U GAMMA=0.45 PHI=0.61
-+LAMBDA=0.00 CGSO=0 CGDO=0 CJ=0 CJSW=0 TOX=18000N LD=0.0U
-.MODEL ymod txl R=12.45 L=8.972e-9 G=0 C=0.468e-12 length=16
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/TransmissionLines/txl3_1_line.sp b/Windows/spice/examples/TransmissionLines/txl3_1_line.sp
deleted file mode 100644
index 466c2591..00000000
--- a/Windows/spice/examples/TransmissionLines/txl3_1_line.sp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,236 +0,0 @@
- BJTdriver -- 24inch lossy line TXL model -- DiodeCircuit
-* This unclassified circuit is from Raytheon, courtesy Gerry Marino.
-* It consists of a BJT driver connected by a 24 inch lossy line to a
-* passive load consisting mostly of diodes. Each inch
-* of the lossy line is modelled by 10 LRC lumps in the Raytheon
-* model.
-* The line parameters (derived from the Raytheon input file) are:
-* L = 9.13nH per inch
-* C = 3.65pF per inch
-* R = 0.2 ohms per inch
-* the circuit
-v1 1 0 0v pulse(0 4 1ns 1ns 1ns 20ns 40ns)
-vcc 10 0 5v
-*rseries 1 2 5
-x1 1 2 10 bjtdrvr
-*t1 2 0 3 0 z0=50.0136 td=4.38119ns rel=10
-y2 2 0 3 0 ymod1
-*x2 2 3 oneinch
-*x2 100 101 twentyfourinch
-*x2 100 101 xtwentyfourinch
-vtest1 2 100 0
-vtest2 101 3 0
-x3 3 4 10 dioload
-*rl 3 0 5
-*dl 0 3 diod2
-.model ymod1 txl r=0.2 g=0 l=9.13e-9 c=3.65e-12 length=24
-.model qmodn npn(bf=100 rb=100 cje=0.09375pF cjc=0.28125pF is=1e-12
-+pe=0.5 pc=0.5)
-.model qmodpd npn(bf=100 rb=100 cje=0.08187pF cjc=0.2525pF is=1e-12
-+pe=0.5 pc=0.5)
-.model qmodpdmine npn(bf=100 rb=100 cje=0.08187pF cjc=0.05pF is=1e-12
-+pe=0.5 pc=0.5)
-.model dmod1 d(n=2.25 is=1.6399e-4 bv=10)
-.model dmod2 d
-.model dmod d(vj=0.3v)
-.model diod1 d(tt=0.75ns vj=0.6 rs=909 bv=10)
-.model diod2 d(tt=0.5ns vj=0.3 rs=100 bv=10)
-.options acct
-+reltol=1e-3 abstol=1e-14
-tran 0.1ns 60ns 0 0.5ns
-plot v(1) v(2) v(3)
-* bjt driver - 19=input, 268=output, 20=vcc; wierd node numbers from
-* the Raytheon file
-.subckt bjtdrvr 19 268 20
-q1 22 18 13 qmodn
-q2 18 16 13 qmodn
-qd2 21 9 0 qmodn
-q4 14 14 0 qmodn
-q3 16 15 14 qmodpd
-q5 8 13 17 qmodn
-q6 25 12 0 qmodn
-q7 6 17 0 qmodpd
-qd1 26 10 0 qmodn
-q8 7 11 10 qmodn
-q10 268 17 0 qmodpdmine
-*q10 268 17 0 qmodpd
-q9 7 10 268 qmodn
-d1 0 19 dmod1
-d2 18 19 dmod2
-d3 13 19 dmod
-dq1 18 22 dmod
-dq2 16 18 dmod
-d502 9 21 dmod
-dq3 15 16 dmod
-d10 24 8 dmod
-d4 15 6 dmod
-dq6 12 25 dmod
-dq7 17 6 dmod
-dd1 17 10 dmod
-d7 11 6 dmod
-dd2 17 26 dmod
-d9 23 6 dmod
-dq8 11 7 dmod
-d501 17 268 dmod
-dq9 10 7 dmod
-d14 20 27 dmod
-d8 0 268 dmod
-r1 18 20 6k
-r2 22 20 2.2k
-r4 0 13 7k
-rd1 9 13 2k
-rd2 21 13 3k
-r3 16 20 10k
-r5 15 20 15k
-r9 0 17 4k
-r6 24 20 750
-r10 12 17 2k
-r12 24 11 1.5k
-r11 25 17 3k
-r15 23 20 10k
-r13 0 10 15k
-r14 7 27 12
-.ends bjtdrvr
-* subckt dioload - diode load: input=28, output=4, vcc=5
-.subckt dioload 28 4 5
-*comment out everything in dioload except d5 and r503, and watch
-* the difference in results obtained between a tran 0.1ns 20ns and
-* a tran 0.01ns 20ns
-c1 28 0 5pF
-r503 0 4 5.55
-r4 0 28 120k
-r5 1 5 7.5k
-d5 4 28 diod2
-d1 1 28 diod1
-d4 2 0 diod1
-d3 3 2 diod1
-d2 1 3 diod1
-.ends dioload
-* subckt lump - one RLC lump of the lossy line
-*10 segments per inch
-.subckt lump 1 2
-*r1 1 3 0.02
-*c1 3 0 0.365pF
-*l1 3 2 0.913nH
-l1 1 3 0.913nH
-c1 2 0 0.365pF
-r1 3 2 0.02
-*r1 1 3 0.01
-*c1 3 0 0.1825pF
-*l1 3 4 0.4565nH
-*r2 4 5 0.01
-*c2 5 0 0.1825pF
-*l2 5 2 0.4565nH
-*c1 1 0 0.365pF
-*l1 1 2 0.913nH
-.ends lump
-.subckt oneinch 1 2
-x1 1 3 lump
-x2 3 4 lump
-x3 4 5 lump
-x4 5 6 lump
-x5 6 7 lump
-x6 7 8 lump
-x7 8 9 lump
-x8 9 10 lump
-x9 10 11 lump
-x10 11 2 lump
-.ends oneinch
-.subckt fourinch 1 2
-x1 1 3 oneinch
-x2 3 4 oneinch
-x3 4 5 oneinch
-x4 5 2 oneinch
-.ends fourinch
-.subckt fiveinch 1 2
-x1 1 3 oneinch
-x2 3 4 oneinch
-x3 4 5 oneinch
-x4 5 6 oneinch
-x5 6 2 oneinch
-.ends fiveinch
-.subckt twentyfourinch 1 2
-x1 1 3 fiveinch
-x2 3 4 fiveinch
-x3 4 5 fiveinch
-x4 5 6 fiveinch
-x5 6 2 fourinch
-.ends twentyfourinch
-*modelling using R and lossless lines
-*5 segments per inch
-.model ymod2 txl r=0 g=0 l=9.13e-9 c=3.65e-12 length=0.2
-.subckt xlump 1 2
-y1 1 0 3 0 ymod2
-r1 2 3 0.04
-.ends xlump
-.subckt xoneinch 1 2
-x1 1 3 xlump
-x2 3 4 xlump
-x3 4 5 xlump
-x4 5 6 xlump
-x5 6 2 xlump
-*x5 6 7 xlump
-*x6 7 8 xlump
-*x7 8 9 xlump
-*x8 9 10 xlump
-*x9 10 11 xlump
-*x10 11 2 xlump
-.ends xoneinch
-.subckt xfourinch 1 2
-x1 1 3 xoneinch
-x2 3 4 xoneinch
-x3 4 5 xoneinch
-x4 5 2 xoneinch
-.ends xfourinch
-.subckt xfiveinch 1 2
-x1 1 3 xoneinch
-x2 3 4 xoneinch
-x3 4 5 xoneinch
-x4 5 6 xoneinch
-x5 6 2 xoneinch
-.ends xfiveinch
-.subckt xtwentyfourinch 1 2
-x1 1 3 xfiveinch
-x2 3 4 xfiveinch
-x3 4 5 xfiveinch
-x4 5 6 xfiveinch
-x5 6 2 xfourinch
-.ends xtwentyfourinch
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/TransmissionLines/txl4_1_line.sp b/Windows/spice/examples/TransmissionLines/txl4_1_line.sp
deleted file mode 100644
index 91586479..00000000
--- a/Windows/spice/examples/TransmissionLines/txl4_1_line.sp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,523 +0,0 @@
- Example 3 for interconnect simulation
-* From neug1, Mosaic aluminum lines. 2um thick, 11um wide. Assuming
-* 10um above the ground.
-* Material: aluminum; resistivity (sigma) = 2.74uohm-cm = 2.74e-8 ohm-m
-* Dielectric: SiO2, dielectric constant (epsilon) =3.7
-* epsilon0 = 8.85e-12 MKS units
-* mu0 = 4e-7*PI
-* speed of light in free space = 1/sqrt(mu0*epsilon0) = 2.9986e8 MKS units
-* Line parameter calculations:
-* capacitance: parallel plate
-* C = epsilon*epsilon0 * A / l
-* C = 3.7*8.85e-12 * 11e-6 * 1(metre) / 10e-6 = 36.02e-12 F/m
-* + 30% = 46.8e-12 F/m = 0.468pF/cm
-* C_freespace = 46.8e-12/epsilon = 12.65e-12 F/m
-* speed of light in free space v0 = 2.9986e8 = 1/sqrt(L0*C0)
-* => L0 = 1/C0*v0^2
-* L0 = 1/(12.65e-12 * 8.9916e16) = 1/113.74e4 = 0.008792e-4 H/m
-* = 0.8792 uH/m = 8.792nH/cm
-* R = rho * l / A = 2.74e-8 * 1 / (11e-6*2e-6) = 1245.45 ohms/m
-* = 12.45ohms/cm
-* transmission line parameters:
-* nominal z0 = sqrt(L/C) = 137 ohms
-* td = sqrt(LC) = 64.14e-12 secs/cm = 0.064ns/cm
-vcc vcc 0 5
-v1 1 0 0v pulse(0 5 0.1ns 0.1ns 0.1ns 1ns 100ns)
-rs 1 2 10
-xdrv 1 2 vcc bjtdrvr
-xrcv 3 4 vcc bjtdrvr
-xrcv 3 4 vcc dioload
-d1 3 vcc diod
-d2 0 3 diod
-cl 3 0 1pF
-y1 2 0 3 0 yline
-*x1 2 3 sixteencm
-x1 2 3 xonecm
-.model diod d
-.model yline txl r=12.45 g=0 l=8.792e-9 c=0.468e-12 length=16
-* 1cm
-* 2cm
-* 4cm
-* 6cm
-* 8cm
-* 10cm
-* 12cm
-*tran 0.001ns 15ns 0 0.1ns
-* 24cm
-tran 0.001ns 10ns 0 0.1ns
-* onecm10
-*tran 0.001ns 10ns 0 0.01ns
-plot v(1) v(2) v(3)
-* 1. define the subckt r10 to be one tenth of the resistance per cm.
-* 2. define the subckt onecm to be one of onecm10 (modelled using
-* 10 segments), onecm8, onecm4, onecm2 and lump1. Then use
-* the subckts onecm, fourcm, fivecm, tencm, twelvecm,
-* twentyfourcm in the circuit. The line is modelled as rlc segments.
-* 3. define the subckt xonecm to be one of xonecm10, xonecm8,
-* xonecm4, xonecm2 and xlump1. Use the subckts xonecm,
-* xfourcm, xfivecm, xtencm, xtwelvecm, xtwentyfourcm in the
-* circuit. The line will be modelled as r-lossless lumps.
-.subckt xonecm 1 2
-*x1 1 2 xlump1
-x1 1 2 xonecm4
-.ends xonecm
-.subckt onecm 1 2
-*x1 1 2 lump1
-x1 1 2 onecm4
-.ends onecm
-.subckt r10 1 2
-r1 1 2 1.245
-.ends r10
-* ECL driver and diode receiver models - from Raytheon
-.model qmodn npn(bf=100 rb=100 cje=0.09375pF cjc=0.28125pF is=1e-12
-+pe=0.5 pc=0.5)
-.model qmodpd npn(bf=100 rb=100 cje=0.08187pF cjc=0.2525pF is=1e-12
-+pe=0.5 pc=0.5)
-.model qmodpdmine npn(bf=100 rb=100 cje=0.08187pF cjc=0.05pF is=1e-12
-+pe=0.5 pc=0.5)
-.model dmod1 d(n=2.25 is=1.6399e-4 bv=10)
-.model dmod2 d
-.model dmod d(vj=0.3v)
-.model diod1 d(tt=0.75ns vj=0.6 rs=909 bv=10)
-.model diod2 d(tt=0.5ns vj=0.3 rs=100 bv=10)
-* bjt driver - 19=input, 268=output, 20=vcc; wierd node numbers from
-* the Raytheon file
-.subckt bjtdrvr 19 268 20
-q1 22 18 13 qmodn
-q2 18 16 13 qmodn
-qd2 21 9 0 qmodn
-q4 14 14 0 qmodn
-q3 16 15 14 qmodpd
-q5 8 13 17 qmodn
-q6 25 12 0 qmodn
-q7 6 17 0 qmodpd
-qd1 26 10 0 qmodn
-q8 7 11 10 qmodn
-q10 268 17 0 qmodpdmine
-*q10 268 17 0 qmodpd
-q9 7 10 268 qmodn
-d1 0 19 dmod1
-d2 18 19 dmod2
-d3 13 19 dmod
-dq1 18 22 dmod
-dq2 16 18 dmod
-d502 9 21 dmod
-dq3 15 16 dmod
-d10 24 8 dmod
-d4 15 6 dmod
-dq6 12 25 dmod
-dq7 17 6 dmod
-dd1 17 10 dmod
-d7 11 6 dmod
-dd2 17 26 dmod
-d9 23 6 dmod
-dq8 11 7 dmod
-d501 17 268 dmod
-dq9 10 7 dmod
-d14 20 27 dmod
-d8 0 268 dmod
-r1 18 20 6k
-r2 22 20 2.2k
-r4 0 13 7k
-rd1 9 13 2k
-rd2 21 13 3k
-r3 16 20 10k
-r5 15 20 15k
-r9 0 17 4k
-r6 24 20 750
-r10 12 17 2k
-r12 24 11 1.5k
-r11 25 17 3k
-r15 23 20 10k
-r13 0 10 15k
-r14 7 27 12
-.ends bjtdrvr
-* subckt dioload - diode load: input=28, output=4, vcc=5
-.subckt dioload 28 4 5
-c1 28 0 5pF
-r503 0 4 5.55
-r400 0 28 120k
-r500 1 5 7.5k
-d5 4 28 diod2
-d1 1 28 diod1
-d4 2 0 diod1
-d3 3 2 diod1
-d2 1 3 diod1
-.ends dioload
-* End ECL driver and Diode receiver models from Raytheon
-*10 segments per cm
-.subckt lump10 1 2
-l1 1 3 0.0.8792nH
-c1 2 0 0.0468pF
-x1 3 2 r10
-.ends lump10
-*1 segment per cm
-.subckt lump1 1 2
-l1 1 3 8.792nH
-c1 2 0 0.468pF
-x1 3 4 r10
-x2 4 5 r10
-x3 5 6 r10
-x4 6 7 r10
-x5 7 8 r10
-x6 8 9 r10
-x7 9 10 r10
-x8 10 11 r10
-x9 11 12 r10
-x10 12 2 r10
-.ends lump1
-*2 segments per cm
-.subckt lump2 1 2
-l1 1 3 4.396nH
-c1 2 0 0.234pF
-x1 3 4 r10
-x2 4 5 r10
-x3 5 6 r10
-x4 6 7 r10
-x5 7 2 r10
-.ends lump2
-*4 segments per cm
-.subckt lump4 1 2
-l1 1 3 2.198nH
-c1 2 0 0.117pF
-x1 3 4 r10
-x2 4 5 r10
-x3 5 2 r10
-x4 5 2 r10
-.ends lump4
-*8 segments per cm
-.subckt lump8 1 2
-l1 1 3 1.099nH
-c1 2 0 0.0585pF
-x1 3 4 r10
-x2 4 2 r10
-x3 4 2 r10
-x4 4 2 r10
-x5 4 2 r10
-.ends lump8
-.subckt onecm10 1 2
-x1 1 3 lump10
-x2 3 4 lump10
-x3 4 5 lump10
-x4 5 6 lump10
-x5 6 7 lump10
-x6 7 8 lump10
-x7 8 9 lump10
-x8 9 10 lump10
-x9 10 11 lump10
-x10 11 2 lump10
-.ends onecm10
-.subckt onecm8 1 2
-x1 1 3 lump8
-x2 3 4 lump8
-x3 4 5 lump8
-x4 5 6 lump8
-x5 6 7 lump8
-x6 7 8 lump8
-x7 8 9 lump8
-x8 9 2 lump8
-.ends onecm8
-.subckt onecm4 1 2
-x1 1 3 lump4
-x2 3 4 lump4
-x3 4 5 lump4
-x4 5 2 lump4
-.ends onecm4
-.subckt onecm2 1 2
-x1 1 3 lump2
-x2 3 2 lump2
-.ends onecm2
-.subckt twocm 1 2
-x1 1 3 onecm
-x2 3 2 onecm
-.ends twocm
-.subckt threecm 1 2
-x1 1 3 onecm
-x2 3 4 onecm
-x3 4 2 onecm
-.ends threecm
-.subckt fourcm 1 2
-x1 1 3 onecm
-x2 3 4 onecm
-x3 4 5 onecm
-x4 5 2 onecm
-.ends fourcm
-.subckt fivecm 1 2
-x1 1 3 onecm
-x2 3 4 onecm
-x3 4 5 onecm
-x4 5 6 onecm
-x5 6 2 onecm
-.ends fivecm
-.subckt sixcm 1 2
-x1 1 3 fivecm
-x2 3 2 onecm
-.ends sixcm
-.subckt sevencm 1 2
-x1 1 3 sixcm
-x2 3 2 onecm
-.ends sevencm
-.subckt eightcm 1 2
-x1 1 3 sevencm
-x2 3 2 onecm
-.ends eightcm
-.subckt ninecm 1 2
-x1 1 3 eightcm
-x2 3 2 onecm
-.ends ninecm
-.subckt tencm 1 2
-x1 1 3 fivecm
-x2 3 2 fivecm
-.ends tencm
-.subckt elevencm 1 2
-x1 1 3 tencm
-x2 3 2 onecm
-.ends elevencm
-.subckt twelvecm 1 2
-x1 1 3 tencm
-x2 3 4 onecm
-x3 4 2 onecm
-.ends twelvecm
-.subckt sixteencm 1 2
-x1 1 3 eightcm
-x2 3 2 eightcm
-.ends sixteencm
-.subckt twentyfourcm 1 2
-x1 1 3 twelvecm
-x2 3 2 twelvecm
-.ends twentyfourcm
-*modelling using R and lossless lines
-* 10 segments per cm
-.model yless10 txl r=0 g=0 l=8.792e-9 c=0.468e-12 length=0.1
-* 8 segments per cm
-.model yless8 txl r=0 g=0 l=8.792e-9 c=0.468e-12 length=0.125
-* 4 segments per cm
-.model yless4 txl r=0 g=0 l=8.792e-9 c=0.468e-12 length=0.25
-* 2 segments per cm
-.model yless2 txl r=0 g=0 l=8.792e-9 c=0.468e-12 length=0.5
-* 1 segment per cm
-.model yless1 txl r=0 g=0 l=8.792e-9 c=0.468e-12 length=1
-*10 segments per cm
-.subckt xlump10 1 2
-y1 1 0 3 0 yless10
-x1 3 2 r10
-.ends xlump10
-*1 segment per cm
-.subckt xlump1 1 2
-y1 1 0 3 0 yless1
-x1 3 4 r10
-x2 4 5 r10
-x3 5 6 r10
-x4 6 7 r10
-x5 7 8 r10
-x6 8 9 r10
-x7 9 10 r10
-x8 10 11 r10
-x9 11 12 r10
-x10 12 2 r10
-.ends xlump1
-*2 segments per cm
-.subckt xlump2 1 2
-y1 1 0 3 0 yless2
-x1 3 4 r10
-x2 4 5 r10
-x3 5 6 r10
-x4 6 7 r10
-x5 7 2 r10
-.ends xlump2
-*4 segments per cm
-.subckt xlump4 1 2
-y1 1 0 3 0 yless4
-x1 3 4 r10
-x2 4 5 r10
-x3 5 2 r10
-x4 5 2 r10
-.ends xlump4
-*8 segments per cm
-.subckt xlump8 1 2
-y1 1 0 3 0 yless8
-x1 3 4 r10
-x2 4 2 r10
-x3 4 2 r10
-x4 4 2 r10
-x5 4 2 r10
-.ends xlump8
-.subckt xonecm10 1 2
-x1 1 3 xlump10
-x2 3 4 xlump10
-x3 4 5 xlump10
-x4 5 6 xlump10
-x5 6 7 xlump10
-x6 7 8 xlump10
-x7 8 9 xlump10
-x8 9 10 xlump10
-x9 10 11 xlump10
-x10 11 2 xlump10
-.ends xonecm10
-.subckt xonecm8 1 2
-x1 1 3 xlump8
-x2 3 4 xlump8
-x3 4 5 xlump8
-x4 5 6 xlump8
-x5 6 7 xlump8
-x6 7 8 xlump8
-x7 8 9 xlump8
-x8 9 2 xlump8
-.ends xonecm8
-.subckt xonecm4 1 2
-x1 1 3 xlump4
-x2 3 4 xlump4
-x3 4 5 xlump4
-x4 5 2 xlump4
-.ends xonecm4
-.subckt xonecm2 1 2
-x1 1 3 xlump2
-x2 3 2 xlump2
-.ends xonecm2
-.subckt xtwocm 1 2
-x1 1 3 xonecm
-x2 3 2 xonecm
-.ends xtwocm
-.subckt xthreecm 1 2
-x1 1 3 xonecm
-x2 3 4 xonecm
-x3 4 2 xonecm
-.ends xthreecm
-.subckt xfourcm 1 2
-x1 1 3 xonecm
-x2 3 4 xonecm
-x3 4 5 xonecm
-x4 5 2 xonecm
-.ends xfourcm
-.subckt xfivecm 1 2
-x1 1 3 xonecm
-x2 3 4 xonecm
-x3 4 5 xonecm
-x4 5 6 xonecm
-x5 6 2 xonecm
-.ends xfivecm
-.subckt xsixcm 1 2
-x1 1 3 xfivecm
-x2 3 2 xonecm
-.ends xsixcm
-.subckt xsevencm 1 2
-x1 1 3 xsixcm
-x2 3 2 xonecm
-.ends xsevencm
-.subckt xeightcm 1 2
-x1 1 3 xsevencm
-x2 3 2 xonecm
-.ends xeightcm
-.subckt xninecm 1 2
-x1 1 3 xeightcm
-x2 3 2 xonecm
-.ends xninecm
-.subckt xtencm 1 2
-x1 1 3 xfivecm
-x2 3 2 xfivecm
-.ends xtencm
-.subckt xelevencm 1 2
-x1 1 3 xtencm
-x2 3 2 xonecm
-.ends xelevencm
-.subckt xtwelvecm 1 2
-x1 1 3 xtencm
-x2 3 4 xonecm
-x3 4 2 xonecm
-.ends xtwelvecm
-.subckt xsixteencm 1 2
-x1 1 3 xeightcm
-x2 3 2 xeightcm
-.ends xsixteencm
-.subckt xtwentyfourcm 1 2
-x1 1 3 xtwelvecm
-x2 3 2 xtwelvecm
-.ends xtwentyfourcm