path: root/Windows/spice/examples/TransImpedanceAmp
diff options
authorRahul Paknikar2021-01-08 12:47:23 +0530
committerGitHub2021-01-08 12:47:23 +0530
commite6f48f5b1bf22a1d048b44ed4416b4315a461306 (patch)
treefd357549a236cdc652f0b6d2919beee0cee7faa5 /Windows/spice/examples/TransImpedanceAmp
parentac223c4a69c701ad0a247401acdc48b8b6b6dba6 (diff)
parent6b512cbf954273b0f21d3800d10a7ad42a759425 (diff)
Merge pull request #161 from rahulp13/installersi2.1
fixed key issue for ubuntu 20+; updated installers for windows os
Diffstat (limited to 'Windows/spice/examples/TransImpedanceAmp')
2 files changed, 0 insertions, 505 deletions
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/TransImpedanceAmp/README b/Windows/spice/examples/TransImpedanceAmp/README
deleted file mode 100644
index ea5c249d..00000000
--- a/Windows/spice/examples/TransImpedanceAmp/README
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-This directory holds a SPICE netlist with SPICE2 POLY constructs in
-controlled sources as typically found in vendor models. The circuit
-is just a two-stage transimpedance amp using an AD8009,
-along with some slow components (AD780 and OP177A) to set bias
-points. Vendor models are used for all active components.
-Successfully running this test shows that you have successfully built
-the XSpice stuff with the POLY codemodel, and that you should be able
-to simulate SPICE netlists with embedded vendor models.
-To run this netlist, just do the following:
-[localhost]# ngspice
-ngspice 1 -> source
-ngspice 2 -> run
-ngspice 3 -> plot Vout2
-(Note that when you read in the netlist, you will get a bunch of
-warnings saying stuff like:
-Warning -- Level not specified on line "()"
-Using level 1.
-Also, ngspice will complain about:
-Error on line 50 : r:u101:1 u101:40 0 1e3 tc=7e-6
- unknown parameter (tc)
-Error on line 283 : .temp 0 25 50 75 100
- Warning: .TEMP card obsolete - use .options TEMP and TNOM
-You can ignore all this stuff . . . .)
-You should get a pop-up window showing two square pulses (the second
-smaller than the first) with a little bit of overshoot on the rising
-and falling edges.
-This stuff was done as an adjunct to work on the gEDA project.
-Information about gEDA is available at .
-Please direct all questions/suggestions/bugs/complaints about XSpice
-extensions to ngspice to Stuart Brorson --
-6.23.2002 -- SDB.
diff --git a/Windows/spice/examples/TransImpedanceAmp/ b/Windows/spice/examples/TransImpedanceAmp/
deleted file mode 100644
index c56f3206..00000000
--- a/Windows/spice/examples/TransImpedanceAmp/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,464 +0,0 @@
-* Spice file generated by gnetlist *
-* spice-SDB version 3.30.2003 by SDB -- *
-* provides advanced spice netlisting capability. *
-* Documentation at *
-* Batch command
-* ngspice -b -o output.log
-* will generate a nice printer plot in output.log
-* (remember the old times !)
-* Interactive commands for usage:
-* run
-* plot vout1 vout2
-* Command stuff
-.options gmin=1e-9
-.options method=gear
-.options abstol=1e-11
-* .ac dec 10 10MegHz 10 Ghz
-* Remainder of file
-R112 0 6 1Meg
-R111 0 8 10Meg
-R110 0 7 1Meg
-Rref2in 11 VU780out 25000
-Rref2fb VU2bias+ 11 33
-C201 0 9 1uF
-C202 10 0 1uF
-XU200 0 11 10 9 VU2bias+ OP177A
-R202 10 +5V 22
-R201 -5V 9 22
-Rref1in VU100in- VU780out 9130
-Rref1fb VU1bias+ VU100in- 33
-XU101 +5V 7 0 6 VU780out 8 AD780A
-* AD780A SPICE Macromodel 5/93, Rev. A
-* AAG / PMI
-* This version of the AD780 voltage reference model simulates the worst case
-* parameters of the 'A' grade. The worst case parameters used
-* correspond to those in the data sheet.
-* Copyright 1993 by Analog Devices, Inc.
-* Refer to "README.DOC" file for License Statement. Use of this model
-* indicates your acceptance with the terms and provisions in the License Statement.
-* VIN
-* | TEMP
-* | | GND
-* | | | TRIM
-* | | | | VOUT
-* | | | | | RANGE
-* | | | | | |
-.SUBCKT AD780A 2 3 4 5 6 8
-I1 4 40 DC 1.21174E-3
-R1 40 4 1E3 TC=7E-6
-EN 10 40 42 0 1
-G1 4 10 2 4 4.85668E-9
-F1 4 10 POLY(2) VS1 VS2 (0,2.42834E-5,3.8E-5)
-Q1 2 10 11 QT
-I2 11 4 DC 12.84E-6
-R2 11 3 1E3
-I3 3 4 DC 0
-VN1 41 0 DC 2
-DN1 41 42 DEN
-DN2 42 43 DEN
-VN2 0 43 DC 2
-G2 4 12 10 20 1.93522E-4
-R3 12 4 2.5837E9
-C1 12 4 6.8444E-11
-D1 12 13 DX
-V1 2 13 DC 1.2
-G3 4 14 12 4 1E-6
-R4 14 4 1E6
-C2 14 4 3.1831E-13
-ISY 2 4 6.8282E-4
-FSY 2 4 V1 -1
-RSY 2 4 500E3
-G4 4 15 14 4 25E-6
-R5 15 4 40E3
-Q2 4 15 16 QP
-I4 2 16 DC 100E-6
-Q3 4 16 18 QP
-R6 18 23 15
-R7 16 21 150E3
-R8 2 17 34.6
-Q4 17 16 19 QN
-R9 21 20 6.46E3
-R10 20 4 6.1E3
-R11 20 5 53E3
-R12 20 8 15.6E3
-I5 5 4 DC 0
-I6 8 4 DC 0
-VS1 21 19 DC 0
-VS2 23 21 DC 0
-L1 21 6 1E-7
-FSC 15 4 VSC 1
-VSC 2 22 DC 0
-QSC 22 2 17 QN
-.MODEL QT NPN(level=1 IS=1.68E-16 BF=1E4)
-.MODEL QN NPN(level=1 IS=1E-15 BF=1E3)
-.MODEL QP PNP(level=1 IS=1E-15 BF=1E3)
-.MODEL DX D(IS=1E-15)
-.MODEL DEN D(IS=1E-12 RS=2.425E+05 AF=1 KF=6.969E-16)
-C101 0 U100V- 1uF
-C102 U100V+ 0 1uF
-XU100 0 VU100in- U100V+ U100V- VU1bias+ OP177A
-* OP177A SPICE Macro-model 12/90, Rev. B
-* JCB / PMI
-* Revision History:
-* REV. B
-* Re-ordered subcircuit call out nodes to put the
-* output node last.
-* Changed Ios from 1E-9 to 0.5E-9
-* Added F1 and F2 to fix short circuit current limit.
-* This version of the OP-177 model simulates the worst case
-* parameters of the 'A' grade. The worst case parameters
-* used correspond to those in the data book.
-* Copyright 1990 by Analog Devices, Inc.
-* Refer to "README.DOC" file for License Statement. Use of this model
-* indicates your acceptance with the terms and provisions in the License Statement.
-* Node assignments
-* non-inverting input
-* | inverting input
-* | | positive supply
-* | | | negative supply
-* | | | | output
-* | | | | |
-.SUBCKT OP177A 1 2 99 50 39
-R1 2 3 5E11
-R2 1 3 5E11
-R3 5 97 0.0606
-R4 6 97 0.0606
-CIN 1 2 4E-12
-C2 5 6 218.9E-9
-I1 4 51 1
-IOS 1 2 0.5E-9
-EOS 9 10 POLY(1) 30 33 10E-6 1
-Q1 5 2 7 QX
-Q2 6 9 8 QX
-R5 7 4 0.009
-R6 8 4 0.009
-D1 2 1 DX
-D2 1 2 DX
-EN 10 1 12 0 1
-GN1 0 2 15 0 1
-GN2 0 1 18 0 1
-EREF 98 0 33 0 1
-EPLUS 97 0 99 0 1
-ENEG 51 0 50 0 1
-DN1 11 12 DEN
-DN2 12 13 DEN
-VN1 11 0 DC 2
-VN2 0 13 DC 2
-DN3 14 15 DIN
-DN4 15 16 DIN
-VN3 14 0 DC 2
-VN4 0 16 DC 2
-DN5 17 18 DIN
-DN6 18 19 DIN
-VN5 17 0 DC 2
-VN6 0 19 DC 2
-R7 20 98 1
-G1 98 20 5 6 119.8
-D3 20 21 DX
-D4 22 20 DX
-E1 97 21 POLY(1) 97 33 -2.4 1
-E2 22 51 POLY(1) 33 51 -2.4 1
-R8 23 98 1.253E9
-C3 23 98 1E-9
-G2 98 23 20 33 33.3E-6
-V1 97 24 1.8
-V2 25 51 1.8
-D5 23 24 DX
-D6 25 23 DX
-R9 26 27 1
-C4 26 27 -39.75E-9
-R10 27 98 1E-6
-E3 26 98 23 33 1E6
-R13 30 31 1
-L2 31 98 2.52E-3
-G4 98 30 3 33 0.316E-6
-D7 30 97 DX
-D8 51 30 DX
-R14 32 98 1
-C5 32 98 79.5E-9
-G5 98 32 27 33 1
-R15 33 97 1
-R16 33 51 1
-GSY 99 50 POLY(1) 99 50 0.725E-3 0.0425E-3
-F1 34 0 V3 1
-F2 0 34 V4 1
-R17 34 99 400
-R18 34 50 400
-L3 34 39 2E-7
-G6 37 50 32 34 2.5E-3
-G7 38 50 34 32 2.5E-3
-G8 34 99 99 32 2.5E-3
-G9 50 34 32 50 2.5E-3
-V3 35 34 6.8
-V4 34 36 4.4
-D9 32 35 DX
-D10 36 32 DX
-D11 99 37 DX
-D12 99 38 DX
-D13 50 37 DY
-D14 50 38 DY
-.MODEL QX NPN(level=1 BF=333.3E6)
-.MODEL DX D(IS=1E-15)
-.MODEL DY D(IS=1E-15 BV=50)
-.MODEL DEN D(IS=1E-12, RS=14.61K, KF=2E-17, AF=1)
-.MODEL DIN D(IS=1E-12, RS=7.55E-6, KF=3E-15, AF=1)
-R102 U100V+ +5V 22
-R101 -5V U100V- 22
-R98 0 VU2bias+ 1K
-R99 0 VU1bias+ 1K
-C95 VU2bias+ 0 100pF
-* C96 0 5 1uF
-* C97 4 0 1uF
-Cphotodiode 0 Vinput 0.9pF
-C99 0 VU1bias+ 100pF
-R25 Vout2 2 250
-C24 Vout1 VU1in- 1pF
-R24 VU1in- 1 150
-* C21 0 3 1uF
-Cc Vout2 VU2in- 1pF
-Rc Vout1 VU2in- 10
-RL 0 Vout2 50
-.TEMP 0 25 50 75 100
-C12 2 0 1.5pF
-C11 0 V2- .01uF
-C10 V2+ 0 .01uF
-R13 +5V V2+ 5
-R12 V2- -5V 5
-R26 2 VU2in- 150
-R11 Vout2 VU2in- 180
-XU2 VU2bias+ VU2in- V2+ V2- Vout2 AD8009an
-XU1 VU1bias+ VU1in- V1+ V1- Vout1 AD8009an
-***** AD8009 SPICE model Rev B SMR/ADI 8-21-97
-* Copyright 1997 by Analog Devices, Inc.
-* Refer to "README.DOC" file for License Statement. Use of this model
-* indicates your acceptance with the terms and provisions in the License Statement.
-* rev B of this model corrects a problem in the output stage that would not
-* correctly reflect the output current to the voltage supplies
-* This model will give typical performance characteristics
-* for the following parameters;
-* closed loop gain and phase vs bandwidth
-* output current and voltage limiting
-* offset voltage (is static, will not vary with vcm)
-* ibias (again, is static, will not vary with vcm)
-* slew rate and step response performance
-* (slew rate is based on 10-90% of step response)
-* current on output will be reflected to the supplies
-* vnoise, referred to the input
-* inoise, referred to the input
-* distortion is not characterized
-* Node assignments
-* non-inverting input
-* | inverting input
-* | | positive supply
-* | | | negative supply
-* | | | | output
-* | | | | |
-.SUBCKT AD8009an 1 2 99 50 28
-* input stage *
-q1 50 3 5 qp1
-q2 99 5 4 qn1
-q3 99 3 6 qn2
-q4 50 6 4 qp2
-i1 99 5 1.625e-3
-i2 6 50 1.625e-3
-cin1 1 98 2.6e-12
-cin2 2 98 1e-12
-v1 4 2 0
-* input error sources *
-eos 3 1 poly(1) 20 98 2e-3 1
-fbn 2 98 poly(1) vnoise3 50e-6 1e-3
-fbp 1 98 poly(1) vnoise3 50e-6 1e-3
-* slew limiting stage *
-fsl 98 16 v1 1
-dsl1 98 16 d1
-dsl2 16 98 d1
-dsl3 16 17 d1
-dsl4 17 16 d1
-rsl 17 18 0.22
-vsl 18 98 0
-* gain stage *
-f1 98 7 vsl 2
-rgain 7 98 2.5e5
-cgain 7 98 1.25e-12
-dcl1 7 8 d1
-dcl2 9 7 d1
-vcl1 99 8 1.83
-vcl2 9 50 1.83
-gcm 98 7 poly(2) 98 0 30 0 0 1e-5 1e-5
-* second pole *
-epole 14 98 7 98 1
-rpole 14 15 1
-cpole 15 98 2e-10
-* reference stage *
-eref 98 0 poly(2) 99 0 50 0 0 0.5 0.5
-ecmref 30 0 poly(2) 1 0 2 0 0 0.5 0.5
-* vnoise stage *
-rnoise1 19 98 4.6e-3
-vnoise1 19 98 0
-vnoise2 21 98 0.53
-dnoise1 21 19 dn
-fnoise1 20 98 vnoise1 1
-rnoise2 20 98 1
-* inoise stage *
-rnoise3 22 98 8.18e-6
-vnoise3 22 98 0
-vnoise4 24 98 0.575
-dnoise2 24 22 dn
-fnoise2 23 98 vnoise3 1
-rnoise4 23 98 1
-* buffer stage *
-gbuf 98 13 15 98 1e-2
-rbuf 98 13 1e2
-* output current reflected to supplies *
-fcurr 98 40 voc 1
-vcur1 26 98 0
-vcur2 98 27 0
-dcur1 40 26 d1
-dcur2 27 40 d1
-* output stage *
-vo1 99 90 0
-vo2 91 50 0
-fout1 0 99 poly(2) vo1 vcur1 -9.27e-3 1 -1
-fout2 50 0 poly(2) vo2 vcur2 -9.27e-3 1 -1
-gout1 90 10 13 99 0.5
-gout2 91 10 13 50 0.5
-rout1 10 90 2
-rout2 10 91 2
-voc 10 28 0
-rout3 28 98 1e6
-dcl3 13 11 d1
-dcl4 12 13 d1
-vcl3 11 10 -0.445
-vcl4 10 12 -0.445
-.model qp1 pnp(level=1)
-.model qp2 pnp(level=1)
-.model qn1 npn(level=1)
-.model qn2 npn(level=1)
-.model d1 d()
-.model dn d(af=1 kf=1e-8)
-R6 1 Vout1 250
-C3 1 0 1.5pF
-V3 VU1in- Vinput DC 0V
-* .INCLUDE /home/sdb/OpticalReceiver/Simulation.cmd
-R5 -5V Vout1 1K
-I1 0 Vinput AC 1 PWL (0ns 0mA 1nS 0mA 1.01nS 1mA 10nS 1mA 10.01nS 0mA 20nS 0mA 20.01nS .1mA 30nS .1mA 30.01nS 0mA)
-R4 V1- -5V 5
-C2 0 V1- .01uF
-V2 -5V 0 DC -5V
-R2 VU1in- Vout1 180
-V1 +5V 0 DC 5V
-C1 V1+ 0 .01uF
-R1 +5V V1+ 5
-* When run, this SPICE file should output a square waveform
-* with a little overshoot
-.tran 0.05ns 40ns
-.plot tran Vout2