path: root/
diff options
authorSashi202024-07-25 16:23:34 +0530
committerSashi202024-07-25 16:23:34 +0530
commit060ae0aab14b523afaef9065410d648e404f8898 (patch)
treeb29755d0f5c17424106dd13a90017b3bf3862999 /
parent5dcd3c041774adf03b91def20a52f5ddc42d49dc (diff)
Add field for problem statement in proposal, display list of expirements from completed labs page
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 77 insertions, 4 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
index 720d1a7..0bed1bf 100755
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -232,12 +232,13 @@ function lab_migration_proposal_form($form, &$form_state)
$first_experiemnt = TRUE;
for ($counter = 1; $counter <= 15; $counter++)
- if ($counter <= 5)
+ if ($counter <= 1)
$form['lab_experiment-' . $counter] = array(
'#type' => 'textfield',
'#title' => t('Title of the Experiment ') . $counter,
'#size' => 50,
+ '#required' => TRUE
$namefield = "lab_experiment-" . $counter;
$form['lab_experiment_description-' . $counter] = array(
@@ -308,6 +309,19 @@ function lab_migration_proposal_form($form, &$form_state)
'#description' => 'If yes, solutions will be made available to everyone for downloading.',
'#disabled' => FALSE
+ $form['problem_statement'] = array(
+ '#type' => 'fieldset',
+ '#title' => t('Problem statement for the proposed lab<span style="color:red">*</span>'),
+ '#collapsible' => FALSE,
+ '#collapsed' => FALSE,
+ );
+ $form['problem_statement']['ps_file'] = array(
+ '#type' => 'file',
+ '#title' => t('<span style="color:red;font-weight:bold">NOTE: </span>Please upload a Problem Statement for each experiment proposed in a document format. To view the template of the document please click <a href="" target="_blank">here</a>'),
+ '#size' => 48,
+ '#description' => t('Only alphabets and numbers are allowed as a valid filename.') . '<br />' .
+ t('Allowed file extensions: ') . variable_get('lab_migration_problem_statement_extensions', ''),
+ );
$form['submit'] = array(
'#type' => 'submit',
'#value' => t('Submit')
@@ -387,10 +401,35 @@ function lab_migration_proposal_form_validate($form, &$form_state)
form_set_error('older', t('Please provide valid version'));
+ if (isset($_FILES['files']))
+ {
+ /* check if atleast one source or result file is uploaded */
+ if (!($_FILES['files']['name']['ps_file']))
+ form_set_error('ps_file', t('Please upload file with the problem statement.'));
+ /* check for valid filename extensions */
+ foreach ($_FILES['files']['name'] as $file_form_name => $file_name)
+ {
+ if ($file_name)
+ {
+ $allowed_extensions_str = variable_get('lab_migration_problem_statement_extensions', '');
+ $allowed_extensions = explode(',', $allowed_extensions_str);
+ $fnames = explode('.', strtolower($_FILES['files']['name'][$file_form_name]));
+ $temp_extension = end($fnames);
+ if (!in_array($temp_extension, $allowed_extensions))
+ form_set_error($file_form_name, t('Only file with ' . $allowed_extensions_str . ' extensions can be uploaded.'));
+ if ($_FILES['files']['size'][$file_form_name] <= 0)
+ form_set_error($file_form_name, t('File size cannot be zero.'));
+ /* check if valid file name */
+ if (!lab_migration_check_valid_filename($_FILES['files']['name'][$file_form_name]))
+ form_set_error($file_form_name, t('Invalid file name specified. Only alphabets and numbers are allowed as a valid filename.'));
+ } //$file_name
+ } //$_FILES['files']['name'] as $file_form_name => $file_name
+ }
function lab_migration_proposal_form_submit($form, &$form_state)
+ $root_path = lab_migration_path();
global $user;
if (!$user->uid)
@@ -442,11 +481,11 @@ function lab_migration_proposal_form_submit($form, &$form_state)
$university = $v['university'];
$directory_name = _lm_dir_name($lab_title, $proposar_name, $university);
$result = "INSERT INTO {lab_migration_proposal}
- (uid, approver_uid, name_title, name, contact_ph, department, university, city, pincode, state, country, version, lab_title, approval_status, solution_status, solution_provider_uid, solution_display, creation_date, approval_date, solution_date, solution_provider_name_title, solution_provider_name, solution_provider_contact_ph, solution_provider_department, solution_provider_university, solution_provider_city, solution_provider_country, solution_provider_state, solution_provider_pincode, directory_name) VALUES
+ (uid, approver_uid, name_title, name, contact_ph, department, university, city, pincode, state, country, version, lab_title, approval_status, solution_status, solution_provider_uid, solution_display, creation_date, approval_date, solution_date, solution_provider_name_title, solution_provider_name, solution_provider_contact_ph, solution_provider_department, solution_provider_university, solution_provider_city, solution_provider_country, solution_provider_state, solution_provider_pincode, directory_name,problem_statement_file) VALUES
(:uid, :approver_uid, :name_title, :name, :contact_ph, :department, :university, :city, :pincode, :state, :country,
:version, :lab_title, :approval_status, :solution_status, :solution_provider_uid, :solution_display, :creation_date,
:approval_date, :solution_date, :solution_provider_name_title, :solution_provider_name,
- :solution_provider_contact_ph, :solution_provider_department, :solution_provider_university, :solution_provider_city, :solution_provider_country, :solution_provider_state, :solution_provider_pincode, :directory_name)";
+ :solution_provider_contact_ph, :solution_provider_department, :solution_provider_university, :solution_provider_city, :solution_provider_country, :solution_provider_state, :solution_provider_pincode, :directory_name, :problem_statement_file)";
$args = array(
":uid" => $user->uid,
":approver_uid" => 0,
@@ -477,11 +516,45 @@ function lab_migration_proposal_form_submit($form, &$form_state)
":solution_provider_country" => $solution_provider_country,
":solution_provider_state" => $solution_provider_state,
":solution_provider_pincode" => $solution_provider_pincode,
- ":directory_name" => $directory_name
+ ":directory_name" => $directory_name,
+ ":problem_statement_file" => ""
$proposal_id = db_query($result, $args, array(
'return' => Database::RETURN_INSERT_ID
+ $dest_path = $directory_name . '/';
+ if (!is_dir($root_path . $dest_path))
+ mkdir($root_path . $dest_path);
+ /* uploading files */
+ foreach ($_FILES['files']['name'] as $file_form_name => $file_name)
+ {
+ if ($file_name)
+ {
+ /* checking file type */
+ //$file_type = 'S';
+ if (file_exists($root_path . $dest_path . $_FILES['files']['name'][$file_form_name]))
+ {
+ drupal_set_message(t("Error uploading file. File !filename already exists.", array('!filename' => $_FILES['files']['name'][$file_form_name])), 'error');
+ //unlink($root_path . $dest_path . $_FILES['files']['name'][$file_form_name]);
+ } //file_exists($root_path . $dest_path . $_FILES['files']['name'][$file_form_name])
+ /* uploading file */
+ if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES['files']['tmp_name'][$file_form_name], $root_path . $dest_path . $_FILES['files']['name'][$file_form_name]))
+ {
+ $query = "UPDATE lab_migration_proposal SET problem_statement_file = :problem_statement_file WHERE id = :id";
+ $args = array(
+ ":problem_statement_file" => $_FILES['files']['name'][$file_form_name],
+ ":id" => $proposal_id
+ );
+ $updateresult = db_query($query, $args);
+ drupal_set_message($file_name . ' uploaded successfully.', 'status');
+ } //move_uploaded_file($_FILES['files']['tmp_name'][$file_form_name], $root_path . $dest_path . $_FILES['files']['name'][$file_form_name])
+ else
+ {
+ drupal_set_message('Error uploading file : ' . $dest_path . $file_name, 'error');
+ }
+ } //$file_name
+ }
if (!$proposal_id)
drupal_set_message(t('Error receiving your proposal. Please try again.'), 'error');