path: root/
diff options
authorSashi202020-04-09 17:46:45 +0530
committerSashi202020-04-09 17:46:45 +0530
commit6a4784cd6611bc3bc0a40445ea6f56b1bb46856c (patch)
treef483e0eecdf6d48a9dc99cc4b25e8ae63ed7007c /
parentc26aba203bc67d38719fcae85882cd82fe54be54 (diff)
Add code for proposal form and edit own proposal
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 102 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..9f9aea9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+// $Id$
+function arduino_projects_blog_download_reference_images()
+ global $user;
+ $id = arg(3);
+ $root_path = arduino_projects_blog_files_path();
+ //var_dump($root_path);die;
+ $query = db_select('arduino_projects_blog_proposal');
+ $query->fields('arduino_projects_blog_proposal');
+ $query->condition('id', $id);
+ $arduino_projects_q = $query->execute();
+ $arduino_projects_data = $arduino_projects_q->fetchObject();
+ $arduino_projects_directory_path = $arduino_projects_data->directory_name . '/';
+ /* zip filename */
+ $zip_filename = $root_path . 'zip-' . time() . '-' . rand(0, 999999) . '.zip';
+ /* creating zip archive on the server */
+ $zip = new ZipArchive();
+ $zip->open($zip_filename, ZipArchive::CREATE);
+ /*$query = db_select('om_pssp_proposal');
+ $query->fields('om_pssp_proposal');
+ $query->condition('id', $id);
+ $om_pssp_udc_q = $query->execute();
+ $query = db_select('om_pssp_proposal');
+ $query->fields('om_pssp_proposal');
+ $query->condition('id', $id);*/
+ $query = db_select('arduino_projects_blog_proposal_images');
+ $query->fields('arduino_projects_blog_proposal_images');
+ $query->condition('proposal_id', $id);
+ $reference_images = $query->execute();
+ while ($reference_images_files = $reference_images->fetchObject()) {
+ $zip->addFile($root_path . $reference_images_files->path, $arduino_projects_directory_path . str_replace(' ', '_', basename($reference_images_files->name)));
+ }
+ $zip_file_count = $zip->numFiles;
+ //var_dump($zip_file_count);die;
+ $zip->close();
+ if ($zip_file_count > 0) {
+ if ($user->uid) {
+ /* download zip file */
+ header('Content-Type: application/zip');
+ header('Content-disposition: attachment; filename="' . str_replace(' ', '_', $arduino_projects_data->project_title) . '.zip"');
+ header('Content-Length: ' . filesize($zip_filename));
+ ob_end_flush();
+ ob_clean();
+ flush();
+ readfile($zip_filename);
+ unlink($zip_filename);
+ } //$user->uid
+ else {
+ header('Content-Type: application/zip');
+ header('Content-disposition: attachment; filename="' . str_replace(' ', '_', $arduino_projects_data->project_title) . '.zip"');
+ header('Content-Length: ' . filesize($zip_filename));
+ header("Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary");
+ header('Expires: 0');
+ header('Pragma: no-cache');
+ ob_end_flush();
+ ob_clean();
+ flush();
+ readfile($zip_filename);
+ unlink($zip_filename);
+ }
+ } //$zip_file_count > 0
+ else {
+ drupal_set_message("There are no power system simulation project in this proposal to download", 'error');
+ drupal_goto('powersystems');
+ }
+function arduino_projects_blog_download_reference_images() {
+ $proposal_id = arg(3);
+ $root_path = arduino_projects_blog_files_path();
+ $query = db_select('arduino_projects_blog_proposal_images');
+ $query->fields('arduino_projects_blog_proposal_images');
+ $query->condition('proposal_id', $proposal_id);
+ $result = $query->execute();
+ while($arduino_projects_blog_project_files = $result->fetchObject()){
+ //var_dump($arduino_projects_blog_project_files);die;
+ $query1 = db_select('arduino_projects_blog_proposal');
+ $query1->fields('arduino_projects_blog_proposal');
+ $query1->condition('id', $proposal_id);
+ $result1 = $query1->execute();
+ $arduino_projects_blog = $result1->fetchObject();
+ $directory_name = $arduino_projects_blog->directory_name . '/project_files/';
+ $samplecodename = $arduino_projects_blog_project_files->path;
+ ob_clean();
+ header("Pragma: public");
+ header("Expires: 0");
+ header("Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0");
+ header("Cache-Control: public");
+ header("Content-Description: File Transfer");
+ header("Content-Type: application/zip");
+ header('Content-disposition: attachment; filename="' . $samplecodename . '"');
+ header("Content-Length: " . filesize($root_path . $samplecodename));
+ header("Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary");
+ header("Expires: 0");
+ header("Pragma: no-cache");
+ readfile($root_path . $samplecodename);
+ ob_end_flush();
+ ob_clean();
+*/ \ No newline at end of file