path: root/.gitignore
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2012-04-02ignored csv and txt filesPrimal Pappachan
2012-04-02removed .png from ignoreparth
2012-03-28merged branchesparth
2012-03-28added docs folder with demo csv filesparth
2012-03-27ignored generated buildout filesPrimal Pappachan
2012-03-27ignored the buildout generated filesPrimal Pappachan
2012-03-26removed from gitignorePrimal Pappachan
2012-03-16ignored migrations and other test filesPrimal Pappachan
2012-03-09ignored .project filesPrimal Pappachan
2012-02-23modified to track migrationsPrimal Pappachan
2012-02-16ignored migrations folderPrimal Pappachan
2012-02-16added ignore filePrimal Pappachan