path: root/Thermal_Engineering_by_A_V_Arasu/7-Air_Conditioning.ipynb
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Thermal_Engineering_by_A_V_Arasu/7-Air_Conditioning.ipynb')
1 files changed, 187 insertions, 0 deletions
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+ "# Chapter 7: Air Conditioning"
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+ "## Example 7.1: Heating_capacity_of_coil_and_Surface_temperature_and_Capacity.sce"
+ ]
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+ "metadata": {
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+"source": [
+"//Chapter-7, Illustration 1, Page 345\n",
+"//Title: Air Conditioning\n",
+"//INPUT DATA\n",
+"DBTo=10;//Out door Dry bulb temperature in oC\n",
+"WBTo=8;//Out door Wet bulb temperature in oC\n",
+"DBTi=20;//In door Dry bulb temperature in oC\n",
+"RH=0.6;//Re-Heat factor\n",
+"a=0.3;//amount of air circulated in (m^3)/min/person\n",
+"S=50;//Seating capacity of office\n",
+"BPF=0.32;//ByPass factor\n",
+"ha=25;//Enthalpy at point a from Psychrometric chart shown in Page 346 in kJ/kg\n",
+"hb=42.5;//Enthalpy at point b from Psychrometric chart shown in Page 346 in kJ/kg\n",
+"hc=42.5;//Enthalpy at point c from Psychrometric chart shown in Page 346 in kJ/kg\n",
+"Wa=0.006;//Specific humidity at point a from Psychrometric chart shown in Page 346 in kg/kg dry air\n",
+"Wc=0.009;//Specific humidity at point c from Psychrometric chart shown in Page 346 in kg/kg dry air\n",
+"Tb=27;//Temperature at point b in oC\n",
+"na=0.81;//Specific Volume from Psychrometric chart shown in page 346 in (m^3)/kg\n",
+"ma=(a*S)/(na*60);//mass of air circulated per second in kg/s\n",
+"Hc=ma*(hb-ha);//Heating capacity of coil in kW\n",
+"Ts=(Tb-(BPF*DBTo))/(1-BPF);//Heating coil surface temperature in oC\n",
+"C=(ma*3600)*(Wc-Wa);//Capacity of humidifier in kg/hr\n",
+"mprintf('Heating capacity of coil is %3.2f kW \n Surface temperature of coil is %3.0f oC \n Capacity of humidifier is %3.2f kg/hr',Hc,Ts,C)"
+ ]
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+ "## Example 7.2: Capacity_of_coils_and_Amount_of_water_vapour_removed_and_by_pass_factor.sce"
+ ]
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+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
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+"source": [
+"//Chapter-7, Illustration 2, Page 346\n",
+"//Title: Air Conditioning\n",
+"//INPUT DATA\n",
+"S=60;//No. of staff\n",
+"DBTo=30;//Out door Dry bulb temperature in oC\n",
+"RHo=0.7;//Re-Heat factor at out-door\n",
+"a=0.4;//amount of air circulated in (m^3)/min/person\n",
+"DBTi=20;//In door Dry bulb temperature in oC\n",
+"RHi=0.6;//Re-Heat factor at indoor\n",
+"Td=25;//Heating coil surface temperature in oC\n",
+"ha=82.5;//Enthalpy at point a from Psychrometric chart shown in Page 347 in kJ/kg\n",
+"hb=34.5;//Enthalpy at point b from Psychrometric chart shown in Page 347 in kJ/kg\n",
+"hc=42.5;//Enthalpy at point c from Psychrometric chart shown in Page 347 in kJ/kg\n",
+"Wa=0.020;//Specific humidity at point a from Psychrometric chart shown in Page 347 in kg/kg dry air\n",
+"Wb=0.009;//Specific humidity at point b from Psychrometric chart shown in Page 347 in kg/kg dry air\n",
+"Tb=12;//Temperature at point b in oC\n",
+"na=0.89;//Specific Volume from Psychrometric chart shown in page 346 in (m^3)/kg\n",
+"ma=(a*S)/(na*60);//mass of air circulated per second in kg/s\n",
+"Hc=(ma*(ha-hb))/3.5;//Heating capacity of cooling coil in tonnes\n",
+"Hh=ma*(hc-hb);//Heating capacity of heating coil in kW\n",
+"W=(ma*3600)*(Wa-Wb);//Amount of water vapour removed per hour in kg/hr\n",
+"BPF=(Td-DBTi)/(Td-Tb);//By-Pass factor\n",
+"mprintf('Capacity of cooling coil is %3.2f tonnes \n Capacity of heating coil is %3.1f kW \n Amount of water vapour removed per hour is %3.2f kg/hr \n Bypass factor is %3.3f',Hc,Hh,W,BPF)"
+ ]
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+ "source": [
+ "## Example 7.3: EX7_3.sce"
+ ]
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+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//Chapter-7, Illustration 3, Page 347\n",
+"//Title: Air Conditioning\n",
+"//INPUT DATA\n",
+"RSH=10;//Room sensible heat in kW\n",
+"RLH=10;//Room latent heat in kW\n",
+"td1=25;//Inside temperature in oC\n",
+"RH1=0.5;//Inside Re-Heat factor\n",
+"h1=50.4;//Enthalpy at point 1 in kJ/kg\n",
+"td2=35;//Out door Dry bulb temperature in oC\n",
+"tw2=28;//Out door Wet bulb temperature in oC\n",
+"CR=4;//Cooling coil ratio\n",
+"BPF=0.1;//Cooling coil bypass factor\n",
+"tADP=10;//Apparatus dew point temperature in oC\n",
+"RH3=0.55;//Re-Heat factor at point 3\n",
+"h3=58.2;//Enthalpy at point 3 in kJ/kg\n",
+"RH4=0.95;//Re-Heat factor at point 4\n",
+"h4=32.2;//Enthalpy at point 4 in kJ/kg\n",
+"RH5=0.81;//Re-Heat factor at point 5\n",
+"h5=36.8;//Enthalpy at point 5 in kJ/kg\n",
+"RH6=0.54;//Re-Heat factor at point 6\n",
+"h6=43.1;//Enthalpy at point 5 in kJ/kg\n",
+"td6=22;//Temperature at point 6 in oC\n",
+"td3=((td2-td1)/5)+td1;//Temperature at point 3 from Psychrometric chart shown in Page 348 in oC\n",
+"td4=(BPF*(td3-tADP))+tADP;//Temperature at point 4 from Psychrometric chart shown in Page 348 in oC\n",
+"td5=td4+((td1-td4)/5);//Temperature at point 5 from Psychrometric chart shown in Page 348 in oC\n",
+"RSHF=RSH/(RSH+RLH);//Room Sensible Heat Factor\n",
+"QR=h1-h6;//Total heat removed in kJ/kg\n",
+"S=(RSH+RLH)/QR;//Supply air quantity in kg/s\n",
+"R=(S*(h6-h5))/3.5;//Refrigeration load due to reheat in ton\n",
+"D=(S*4)/5;//Dehumidified air quantity in kg/s\n",
+"T=(D*(h3-h4))/3.5;//Total refrigerating capacity in ton\n",
+"Q=(D/5)/1.2;//Quantity of fresh air supplied in (m^3)/s\n",
+"mprintf('Supply air condition to the room is %3.2f kg/s \n Refrigeration load due to reheat is %3.2f ton \n Total refrigerating capacity is %3.2f ton \n Quantity of fresh air supplied is %3.3f (m^3)/s',S,R,T,Q)"
+ ]
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