path: root/Process_Heat_Transfer_by_D_Q_Kern/16-Extended_Surfaces.ipynb
diff options
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+ "# Chapter 16: Extended Surfaces"
+ ]
+ },
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "## Example 16.1: Calculation_of_the_Fin_Efficiency_and_a_Weighted_Efficiency_Curve.sce"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+"cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"printf('\t example 16.1 \n');\n",
+"printf('\t approximate values are mentioned in the book \n');\n",
+"printf('\t fin surface is : %.1f ft^2/lin ft \n',Af);\n",
+"printf('\t bare tube surface is : %.3f ft^2/lin ft \n',Ao);\n",
+"printf('\t total outside surface : %.2f ft^2/lin ft \n',A);\n",
+"printf('\t total inside surface : %.3f ft^2/lin ft \n',Ai);\n",
+"printf('\t fin efficiencies \n');\n",
+"b=0.0625; // ft\n",
+"hf=4; // from table in solution\n",
+"m=(5.24*(hf^(1/2))); // m=((hf*P)/(Kax))^(1/2), eq 16.8\n",
+"n=(tanh(m*b))/(m*b); // efficiency , eq 16.26\n",
+"printf('\n hf m n \n '+string(hf)+' '+string(m)+' '+string(n)+' \n');\n",
+"// similarly efficiencies values are calculated at different hf values\n",
+"printf('\t weighted efficiency curve \n');\n",
+"hfi=((n*Af)+(Ao))*(hf/Ai); // eq 16.34\n",
+"printf('\n hf hfi \n '+string(hf)+' '+string(hfi)+' \n');\n",
+"// similarly efficiencies values are calculated at different hf values\n",
+"hf=[4 16 36 100 400 625 900]; // from 2nd table in the solution\n",
+"hfi=[35.4 110.8 193.5 370 935 1295 1700]; // from 2nd table in the solution\n",
+"xtitle('weighted fin efficiency curve','heat transfer coefficient to fin,Btu/(ft^2)*(hr)','coefficient hf referred to the tube ID');\n",
+ ]
+ }
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "## Example 16.2: Calculation_of_a_Heat_transfer_Curve_from_Experimental_Data.sce"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+"cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"printf('\t example 16.2 \n');\n",
+"printf('\t approximate values are mentioned in the book \n');\n",
+"Ts=302; // F\n",
+"w=15200; // lb/hr\n",
+"// The dropwise condensation of steam was promoted with oil.\n",
+"printf('\t annulus flow area : %.4f ft^2 \n',aa);\n",
+"printf('\t wetted perimeter : %.2f ft \n',p);\n",
+"printf('\t equivalent diameter : %.3f ft \n',De);\n",
+"printf('\t heat load : %.2e Btu/hr \n',Q);\n",
+"delt1=Ts-t1; //F\n",
+"delt2=Ts-t2; // F\n",
+"printf('\t delt1 is : %.0f F \n',delt1);\n",
+"printf('\t delt2 is : %.0f F \n',delt2);\n",
+"printf('\t LMTD is :%.0f F \n',LMTD);\n",
+"Ai=0.277; // ft^2/ft\n",
+"n=20; // number of fins\n",
+"printf('\t Ui : %.0f Btu/(hr)*(ft^2)*(F) \n',Ui);\n",
+"hi=3000; // assumed value for dropwise condensation of steam\n",
+"printf('\t hfi : %.0f Btu/(hr)*(ft^2)*(F) \n',hfi);\n",
+"hf=120; // from fig 16.7 for hfi=418\n",
+"mu=1.94; // lb/(ft*hr)\n",
+"Z=2.34; // Z=((c*mu)/k)^(1/3)\n",
+"jf=(hf*De/(Z*k)); // eq 16.36\n",
+"printf('\t jf : %.0f \n',jf);\n",
+"printf('\t Ga : %.2e lb/(hr)*(ft^2) \n',Ga);\n",
+"printf('\t Rea : %.2e \n',Rea);\n",
+"// end\n",
+ ]
+ }
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "## Example 16.3: Calculation_of_a_Double_Pipe_Extended_surface_Gas_Oil_Cooler.sce"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+"cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"printf('\t example 16.3 \n');\n",
+"printf('\t approximate values are mentioned in the book \n');\n",
+"T1=250; // inlet hot fluid,F\n",
+"T2=200; // outlet hot fluid,F\n",
+"t1=80; // inlet cold fluid,F\n",
+"t2=120; // outlet cold fluid,F\n",
+"W=18000; // lb/hr\n",
+"w=11950; // lb/hr\n",
+"printf('\t 1.for heat balance \n')\n",
+"C=0.53; // Btu/(lb)*(F)\n",
+"Q=((W)*(C)*(T1-T2)); // Btu/hr\n",
+"printf('\t total heat required for gas oil is : %.2e Btu/hr \n',Q);\n",
+"c=1; // Btu/(lb)*(F)\n",
+"Q=((w)*(c)*(t2-t1)); // Btu/hr\n",
+"printf('\t total heat required for water is : %.2e Btu/hr \n',Q);\n",
+"delt1=T2-t1; //F\n",
+"delt2=T1-t2; // F\n",
+"printf('\t delt1 is : %.0f F \n',delt1);\n",
+"printf('\t delt2 is : %.0f F \n',delt2);\n",
+"printf('\t LMTD is :%.0f F \n',LMTD);\n",
+"printf('\t ratio of two local temperature difference is : %.2f \n',X);\n",
+"Fc=0.47; // from fig.17\n",
+"Kc=0.27; \n",
+"Tc=((T2)+((Fc)*(T1-T2))); // caloric temperature of hot fluid,F\n",
+"printf('\t caloric temperature of hot fluid is : %.0f F \n',Tc);\n",
+"tc=((t1)+((Fc)*(t2-t1))); // caloric temperature of cold fluid,F\n",
+"printf('\t caloric temperature of cold fluid is : %.0f F \n',tc);\n",
+"printf('\t hot fluid:shell side,gas oil \n');\n",
+"ID=3.068; // in, table 11\n",
+"OD=1.9; // in, table 11\n",
+"af=0.0175; // fin cross section,table 10\n",
+"printf('\t flow area is : %.4f ft^2 \n',aa);\n",
+"printf('\t wetted perimeter : %.2f in \n',p);\n",
+"printf('\t De : %.4f ft \n',De);\n",
+"Ga=(W/aa); // mass velocity,lb/(hr)*(ft^2)\n",
+"printf('\t mass velocity is : %.2e lb/(hr)*(ft^2) \n',Ga);\n",
+"mu1=2.5*2.42; // at 224F,lb/(ft)*(hr), from fig.14\n",
+"Rea=((De)*(Ga)/mu1); // reynolds number\n",
+"printf('\t reynolds number is : %.2e \n',Rea);\n",
+"jf=18.4; // from fig.16.10\n",
+"Z=0.25; // Z=k*((c)*(mu1)/k)^(1/3), fig 16\n",
+"Hf=((jf)*(1/De)*(Z)); // Hf=(hf/phya),using eq.6.15,Btu/(hr)*(ft^2)*(F)\n",
+"printf('\t individual heat transfer coefficient is : %.1f Btu/(hr)*(ft^2)*(F) \n',Hf);\n",
+"printf('\t cold fluid:inner tube side,water \n');\n",
+"D=0.134; // ft\n",
+"printf('\t flow area is : %.4f ft^2 \n',at);\n",
+"Gt=(w/(at)); // mass velocity,lb/(hr)*(ft^2)\n",
+"printf('\t mass velocity is : %.2e lb/(hr)*(ft^2) \n',Gt);\n",
+"printf('\t V is : %.2f fps \n',V);\n",
+"mu2=0.72*2.42; // at 99F,lb/(ft)*(hr)\n",
+"Ret=((D)*(Gt)/mu2); // reynolds number\n",
+"printf('\t reynolds number is : %.1e \n',Ret);\n",
+"hi=(970*0.82); // fig 25\n",
+"printf('\t hi : %.0f Btu/(hr)*(ft^2)*(F) \n',hi);\n",
+"printf('\t calculation of tfw \n');\n",
+"// Tc-tfw=40F assumption from fig 14\n",
+"mufw=3.5; // cp, at 184F\n",
+"printf('\t phya is : %.2f \n',phya); // from fig.24\n",
+"hf=(Hf)*(phya); // from eq.6.36\n",
+"printf('\t Correct hf to the surface at the OD is : %.1f Btu/(hr)*(ft^2)*(F) \n',hf);\n",
+"printf('\t Rf : %.4f \n',Rf);\n",
+"hf1=(1/(Rdo+Rf)); // eq 16.37\n",
+"printf('\t hf1 : %.1f \n',hf1);\n",
+"hfi1=255; // fig 16.9\n",
+"hfi2=(hf1*5.76); // eq 16.38 and fig 16.9,((Af+Ao)/(Ai))=5.76 from previous prblm\n",
+"printf('\t hfi2 : %.0f \n',hfi2);\n",
+"Rmetal=(hfi2-hfi1)/(hfi2*hfi1); // eq 16.39\n",
+"printf('\t Rmetal : %.5f \n',Rmetal);\n",
+"phyt=1; // for cooling water\n",
+"printf('\t Ri : %.5f \n',Ri);\n",
+"hi1=(1/(Rdi+Ri)); // eq 16.40\n",
+"printf('\t hi1 : %.1f \n',hi1);\n",
+"UDi=(hi1*hfi1)/(hi1+hfi1); // eq 16.41\n",
+"printf('\t UDi : %.0f \n',UDi);\n",
+"// To obtain the true flux the heat load must be divided by the actual heat-transfer surface.For a 1}2-in. IPS pipe there are 0.422 ft2/lin foot, from table 11\n",
+"// trial\n",
+"Ai=(Q/(UDi*LMTD)); // LMTD=delt\n",
+"printf('\t Ai : %.1f ft^2 \n',Ai);\n",
+"printf('\t length of pipe required : %.1f lin ft \n',L);\n",
+"// Use two 20-ft hairpins = 80 lin ft\n",
+"Ai1=(80*0.422); // ft^2\n",
+"printf('\t Q/Ai1 : %.2e Btu/(hr)*(ft^2) \n',r);\n",
+"printf('\t annulus film : %.1f \n',deltf);\n",
+"printf('\t annulus dirt : %.1f \n',deltdo);\n",
+"d=deltf+deltdo; // d=Tc-tfw\n",
+"printf('\t Tc-tfw : %.1f \n',d);\n",
+"printf('\t fin and tube metal : %.1f \n',deltmetal);\n",
+"printf('\t tube side dirt : %.1f \n',deltdi);\n",
+"printf('\t tubeside film : %.1f \n',delti);\n",
+"printf('\t total temperature drop : %.1f F \n',Td);\n",
+"printf('\t pressure drop for annulus \n');\n",
+"De1=0.0359; // ft\n",
+"printf('\t reynolds number : %.2e \n',Rea1);\n",
+"f=0.00036; // fig 16.10\n",
+"s=0.82; //using fig.6\n",
+"delPs=((f*(Ga^2)*(80))/(5.22*(10^10)*(De1)*(s)*(phya))); // using eq.7.44,psi\n",
+"printf('\t delPs is : %.1f psi \n',delPs);\n",
+"printf('\t allowable delPa is 10 psi \n');\n",
+"printf('\t pressure drop for inner pipe \n');\n",
+"f=0.000192; // friction factor for reynolds number 65000, using fig.26\n",
+"delPt=((f*(Gt^2)*(80))/(5.22*(10^10)*(0.134)*(s)*(1))); // using eq.7.45,psi\n",
+"printf('\t delPt is : %.1f psi \n',delPt);\n",
+"printf('\t allowable delPa is 10 psi \n');\n",
+ ]
+ }
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "## Example 16.4: Calculation_of_a_Longitudinal_Fin_Shell_and_tube_Exchanger.sce"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+"cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"printf('\t example 16.4 \n');\n",
+"printf('\t approximate values are mentioned in the book \n');\n",
+"T1=250; // inlet hot fluid,F\n",
+"T2=100; // outlet hot fluid,F\n",
+"t1=80; // inlet cold fluid,F\n",
+"t2=100; // outlet cold fluid,F\n",
+"W=30000; // lb/hr\n",
+"w=50500; // lb/hr\n",
+"printf('\t 1.for heat balance \n')\n",
+"C=0.225; // Btu/(lb)*(F)\n",
+"Q=((W)*(C)*(T1-T2)); // Btu/hr\n",
+"printf('\t total heat required for oxygwn is : %.2e Btu/hr \n',Q);\n",
+"c=1; // Btu/(lb)*(F)\n",
+"Q=((w)*(c)*(t2-t1)); // Btu/hr\n",
+"printf('\t total heat required for water is : %.2e Btu/hr \n',Q);\n",
+"delt1=T2-t1; //F\n",
+"delt2=T1-t2; // F\n",
+"printf('\t delt1 is : %.0f F \n',delt1);\n",
+"printf('\t delt2 is : %.0f F \n',delt2);\n",
+"printf('\t LMTD is :%.1f F \n',LMTD);\n",
+"printf('\t R is : %.1f \n',R);\n",
+"printf('\t S is : %.4f \n',S);\n",
+"printf('\t FT is 0.87 \n'); // from fig 18\n",
+"delt=(0.87*LMTD); // F\n",
+"printf('\t delt is : %.1f F \n',delt);\n",
+"Tc=(T2+T1)/(2); // caloric temperature of hot fluid,F\n",
+"printf('\t caloric temperature of hot fluid is : %.0f F \n',Tc);\n",
+"tc=((t1)+(t2))/(2); // caloric temperature of cold fluid,F\n",
+"printf('\t caloric temperature of cold fluid is : %.0f F \n',tc);\n",
+"printf('\t hot fluid:shell side,oxygen \n');\n",
+"ID=19.25; // in, table 11\n",
+"OD=1; // in, table 11\n",
+"printf('\t flow area is : %.2f ft^2 \n',as);\n",
+"printf('\t wetted perimeter : %.2e in \n',p);\n",
+"printf('\t De : %.3f ft \n',De);\n",
+"Gs=(W/as); // mass velocity,lb/(hr)*(ft^2)\n",
+"printf('\t mass velocity is : %.2e lb/(hr)*(ft^2) \n',Gs);\n",
+"mu1=0.0545; // at 175F,lb/(ft)*(hr), from fig.15\n",
+"Res=((De)*(Gs)/mu1); // reynolds number\n",
+"printf('\t reynolds number is : %.3e \n',Res);\n",
+"jH=59.5; // from fig.16.10a\n",
+"Z=0.89; // Z=((c)*(mu1)/k)^(1/3), fig\n",
+"hf=((jH)*(k/De)*(Z)); //using eq.6.15,Btu/(hr)*(ft^2)*(F)\n",
+"printf('\t individual heat transfer coefficient is : %.1f Btu/(hr)*(ft^2)*(F) \n',hf);\n",
+"hf1=(hdo*hf)/(hdo+hf); // eq 16.37\n",
+"printf('\t hf1 : %.1f \n',hf1);\n",
+"hfi1=142; // fig 16.9\n",
+"printf('\t cold fluid:inner tube side,water \n');\n",
+"at1=0.479; // table 10\n",
+"at=((Nt*at1)/(144*n)); // total area,ft^2,from eq.7.48\n",
+"printf('\t flow area is : %.4f ft^2 \n',at);\n",
+"D=0.0652; // ft\n",
+"Gt=(w/(at)); // mass velocity,lb/(hr)*(ft^2)\n",
+"printf('\t mass velocity is : %.2e lb/(hr)*(ft^2) \n',Gt);\n",
+"printf('\t V is : %.2f fps \n',V);\n",
+"mu2=1.94; // at 90F,lb/(ft)*(hr)\n",
+"Ret=((D)*(Gt)/mu2); // reynolds number\n",
+"printf('\t reynolds number is : %.2e \n',Ret);\n",
+"hi=(940*0.96); // fig 25\n",
+"printf('\t hi : %.0f Btu/(hr)*(ft^2)*(F) \n',hi);\n",
+"printf('\t hi1 : %.0f Btu/(hr)*(ft^2)*(F) \n',hi1);\n",
+"UDi=((hfi1)*(hi1)/(hi1+hfi1)); // eq 16.41,Btu/(hr)*(ft^2)*(F)\n",
+"printf('\t overall coefficient is : %.1f Btu/(hr)*(ft^2)*(F) \n',UDi);\n",
+"A2=0.2048; // actual surface supplied for each tube,ft^2,from table 10\n",
+"A=(Nt*L*A2); // ft^2\n",
+"printf('\t total surface area is : %.0f ft^2 \n',A);\n",
+"printf('\t design overall coefficient is : %.1f Btu/(hr)*(ft^2)*(F) \n',UDi1);\n",
+"printf('\t excess fouling factor : %.5f \n',Re);\n",
+"Ro=9.27; //Adding to the outside fouling factor\n",
+"printf('\t Rdo : %.4f \n',Rdo1);\n",
+"printf('\t hf2 : %.1f \n',hf2);\n",
+"UDi2=((hfi2)*(hi1)/(hi1+hfi2)); // eq 16.41,Btu/(hr)*(ft^2)*(F)\n",
+"printf('\t overall coefficient is : %.1f Btu/(hr)*(ft^2)*(F) \n',UDi2);\n",
+"printf('\t pressure drop for annulus \n');\n",
+"De1=0.0433; // ft\n",
+"printf('\t reynolds number : %.2e \n',Res1);\n",
+"f=0.00025; // fig 16.10\n",
+"delPs=((f*(Gs^2)*(L))/(5.22*(10^10)*(De1)*(s)*(1))); // using eq.7.44,psi\n",
+"printf('\t delPs is : %.1f psi \n',delPs);\n",
+"printf('\t allowable delPa is 2 psi \n');\n",
+"printf('\t pressure drop for inner pipe \n');\n",
+"f=0.00021; // friction factor for reynolds number 29100, using fig.26\n",
+"delPt=((f*(Gt^2)*(L)*(n))/(5.22*(10^10)*(0.0625)*(s)*(1))); // using eq.7.45,psi\n",
+"printf('\t delPt is : %.0f psi \n',delPt);\n",
+"printf('\t allowable delPa is 10 psi \n');\n",
+ ]
+ }
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "## Example 16.5: Calculation_of_a_Transverse_fin_Air_Cooler.sce"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+"cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"printf('\t example 16.5 \n');\n",
+"printf('\t approximate values are mentioned in the book \n');\n",
+"T1=250; // inlet hot fluid,F\n",
+"T2=200; // outlet hot fluid,F\n",
+"t1=150; // inlet cold fluid,F\n",
+"t2=190; // outlet cold fluid,F\n",
+"W=100000; // lb/hr\n",
+"w=31200; // lb/hr\n",
+"printf('\t 1.for heat balance \n')\n",
+"C=0.25; // Btu/(lb)*(F)\n",
+"Q=((W)*(C)*(T1-T2)); // Btu/hr\n",
+"printf('\t total heat required for air is : %.2e Btu/hr \n',Q);\n",
+"c=1; // Btu/(lb)*(F)\n",
+"Q=((w)*(c)*(t2-t1)); // Btu/hr\n",
+"printf('\t total heat required for water is : %.2e Btu/hr \n',Q);\n",
+"delt1=T2-t1; //F\n",
+"delt2=T1-t2; // F\n",
+"printf('\t delt1 is : %.0f F \n',delt1);\n",
+"printf('\t delt2 is : %.0f F \n',delt2);\n",
+"printf('\t LMTD is :%.1f F \n',LMTD);\n",
+"printf('\t R is : %.1f \n',R);\n",
+"printf('\t S is : %.4f \n',S);\n",
+"printf('\t FT is 0.985 \n'); // from fig 18\n",
+"delt=(0.985*LMTD); // F\n",
+"printf('\t delt is : %.1f F \n',delt);\n",
+"Tc=(T2+T1)/(2); // caloric temperature of hot fluid,F\n",
+"printf('\t caloric temperature of hot fluid is : %.0f F \n',Tc);\n",
+"tc=((t1)+(t2))/(2); // caloric temperature of cold fluid,F\n",
+"printf('\t caloric temperature of cold fluid is : %.0f F \n',tc);\n",
+"printf('\t fin surface is : %.0f in^2/lin ft \n',Af);\n",
+"printf('\t bare tube surface is : %.1f in^2/lin ft \n',Ao);\n",
+"printf('\t total outside surface : %.1f ft^2/lin ft \n',A);\n",
+"printf('\t projected perimeter : %.1f in/ft \n',p);\n",
+"De=(2*A/(3.14*p*12)); // eq 16.104\n",
+"printf('\t De : %.3f ft \n',De);\n",
+"// 21 tubes may be fit in one :vertical bank (Fig. 16.19b) ,20 tubes in alternating banks for triangular pitch\n",
+"as=((4^2*12^2)-(21*1*48)-((21)*(2*0.035*3*8*48/8)))/(144); // fig 16.19\n",
+"printf('\t flow area : %.1f ft^2 \n',as);\n",
+"printf('\t hot fluid:shell side,oxygen \n');\n",
+"Gs=(W/as); // mass velocity,lb/(hr)*(ft^2)\n",
+"printf('\t mass velocity is : %.2e lb/(hr)*(ft^2) \n',Gs);\n",
+"mu1=0.052; // at 225F,lb/(ft)*(hr), from fig.15\n",
+"Res=((De)*(Gs)/mu1); // reynolds number\n",
+"printf('\t reynolds number is : %.2e \n',Res);\n",
+"jf=157; // from fig.16.18a\n",
+"Z=0.89; // Z=((c)*(mu1)/k)^(1/3), fig\n",
+"hf=((jf)*(k/De)*(Z)); //using eq.6.15,Btu/(hr)*(ft^2)*(F)\n",
+"printf('\t individual heat transfer coefficient is : %.1f Btu/(hr)*(ft^2)*(F) \n',hf);\n",
+"hf1=(hdo*hf)/(hdo+hf); // eq 16.37\n",
+"printf('\t hf1 : %.1f \n',hf1);\n",
+"hfi1=142; // fig 16.9\n",
+"printf('\t cold fluid:inner tube side,water \n');\n",
+"at1=0.546; // table 10\n",
+"at=((Nt*at1)/(144*n)); // total area,ft^2,from eq.7.48\n",
+"printf('\t flow area is : %.4f ft^2 \n',at);\n",
+"D=0.0695; // ft\n",
+"Gt=(w/(at)); // mass velocity,lb/(hr)*(ft^2)\n",
+"printf('\t mass velocity is : %.2e lb/(hr)*(ft^2) \n',Gt);\n",
+"printf('\t V is : %.2f fps \n',V);\n",
+"mu2=0.895; // at 170F,lb/(ft)*(hr)\n",
+"Ret=((D)*(Gt)/mu2); // reynolds number\n",
+"printf('\t reynolds number is : %.2e \n',Ret);\n",
+"hi=(710*0.94); // fig 25\n",
+"printf('\t hi : %.0f Btu/(hr)*(ft^2)*(F) \n',hi);\n",
+"hi1=(hdi*hi)/(hdi+hi); // 16.40\n",
+"printf('\t hi1 : %.0f Btu/(hr)*(ft^2)*(F) \n',hi1);\n",
+"k1=60; // table 3 , for brass\n",
+"// yb=0.00146 ft\n",
+"printf('\t X :%.2f \n',X);\n",
+"nf=0.91; // from fig 16.13a , by comparing X value\n",
+"Ai=0.218; // ft^2/ft\n",
+"hfi2=((nf*Af/144)+(Ao/144))*(hf1/Ai); // eq 16.34\n",
+"printf('\t hfi2 : %.0f \n',hfi2);\n",
+"UDi=((hfi2)*(hi1)/(hi1+hfi2)); // eq 16.41,Btu/(hr)*(ft^2)*(F)\n",
+"printf('\t overall coefficient is : %.0f Btu/(hr)*(ft^2)*(F) \n',UDi);\n",
+"A=(21*4*Ai); // ft^2\n",
+"printf('\t inside surface per bank is : %.1f ft^2 \n',A);\n",
+"printf('\t Ai1 : %.0f ft^2 \n',Ai1);\n",
+"printf('\t number of banks : %.0f \n',Nb);\n",
+"Vn=(4*4*1.95/12)-(41*3.14*1*4/(2*4*144))-((41*3.14*0.035*8*4/(144*2*4))*(1.75^2-1^2)); // fig 16.19b\n",
+"printf('\t net free volume : %.2f ft^3 \n',Vn);\n",
+"printf('\t frictional surface : %.0f ft^2 \n',Af1);\n",
+"printf('\t pressure drop for annulus \n');\n",
+"De1=(4*Vn/Af1); // ft\n",
+"printf('\t De1 : %.2f ft \n',De1);\n",
+"printf('\t reynolds number : %.2e \n',Res1);\n",
+"f=0.0024; // fig 16.18b\n",
+"R1=0.538; // R1=(De1/ST)^(0.4)\n",
+"R2=1; // R2=(SL/ST)^0.6\n",
+"printf('\t delPs is : %.2f psi \n',delPs);\n",
+"printf('\t pressure drop for inner pipe \n');\n",
+"f=0.0002; // friction factor for reynolds number 30400, using fig.26\n",
+"delPt=((f*(Gt^2)*(L)*(Nb))/(5.22*(10^10)*(0.0695)*(s)*(1))); // using eq.7.45,psi\n",
+"printf('\t delPt is : %.2f psi \n',delPt);\n",
+ ]
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