path: root/Process_Dynamics_And_Controls_by_D_E_Seborg
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Process_Dynamics_And_Controls_by_D_E_Seborg')
16 files changed, 5040 insertions, 0 deletions
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new file mode 100644
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+ "# Chapter 10: Dynamic behavior"
+ ]
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+ "source": [
+ "## Example 10.10: Routh_Array_1.sce"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
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+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//Example 10.10\n",
+"disp('Example 10.10')\n",
+"Routh=routh_t(Ys,poly(0,'Kc')); // produces routh table for polynomial 1+Kc*Ys\n",
+"mprintf('K lies between %f and %f for system to be stable', K2,K1)"
+ ]
+ }
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "## Example 10.11: Routh_Array_2.sce"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+"cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//Example 10.11\n",
+"disp('Example 10.11')\n",
+"Kc=poly(0,'Kc');//defining a polynomial variable\n",
+"a2=2.5;a1=5.5-Kc;a0=1+2*Kc;//a# are coefficients\n",
+"mprintf('Routh Array is')\n",
+"A=[a2 a0;a1 0;b1 0]\n",
+"mprintf('\n All entries in first column should be positive')\n",
+"Kc_up=roots(a1);//upper limit for Kc by solving third row column 1 of array\n",
+"b1=numer(b1);//This is done to extract the numerator from rational c1\n",
+"//without extracting numerator we cannot find roots using 'roots' function\n",
+"Kc_ul=roots(b1);//lower limit for Kc\n",
+"mprintf('\n\nThe values of Kc for system to be stable are \n %f<Kc<%f',Kc_ul,Kc_up);"
+ ]
+ }
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "## Example 10.12: Direct_substitution_to_find_stability.sce"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+"cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//Example 10.12\n",
+"disp('Example 10.12')\n",
+"s=%i*w; //j or iota is i\n",
+"G=10*s^3+17*s^2+8*s+1;//Kc has been removed here because in a single expression\n",
+"//two polynomials are not allowed\n",
+"p=-real(G)//Real part of G\n",
+"mprintf('The values outside which system is unstable \nare %f and %f',Kc(1),Kc(3))"
+ ]
+ }
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "## Example 10.13: Root_Locus.sce"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+"cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//Example 10.13\n",
+"disp('Example 10.13')\n",
+"evans(G,ki*1.5); // plots for until K = 1.5*ki\n",
+"//disp(G,'For G=');disp(ki,'K=')\n",
+"disp(ki,'Max value of k for which we have closed loop stability',G,'For G=')\n",
+ ]
+ }
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "## Example 10.14: Transient_response_from_root_locus.sce"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+"cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//Example 10.14\n",
+"disp('Example 10.14')\n",
+"K=10; //given in question\n",
+"p=1+K*G;//characteristic equation\n",
+"psi=%pi-acos(q_real./q_abs);//angle in radians\n",
+"mprintf('\nd=%f\npsi=%f degrees\ntau=%f time units\neta=%f',d,psi(2)*180/%pi,tau,eta(2))\n",
+"mprintf('\n\nPlease note that the answers given in book are wrong')"
+ ]
+ }
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "## Example 10.2: Set_point_response_of_level_control_system.sce"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+"cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//Example 10.2\n",
+"disp('Example 10.2')\n",
+"A=%pi*0.5^2; //Square meters\n",
+"Km=100/2; //% per meter\n",
+"dq_dl=0.2*log(30)*30^(l-1); //cu.meter/min Eqn 10-48\n",
+"dl_dpt=(1-0)/(15-3); //psi^-1\n",
+"Kv=dq_dl*dl_dpt //Eqn 10-50\n",
+"Kc=[4 8 20]'; //different values of Kc that we have to try\n",
+"K_OL=Kc*Kv*Kp*Km*Kip;//Open loop gain Eqn 10-40\n",
+"K1=K_OL./(1+K_OL);//Eqn 10-38\n",
+"tau1=tau./(1+K_OL); //Eqn 10-39\n",
+"//Now we simulate the close loop process for these different values of K1 and tau1\n",
+"t=[0:0.1:10]'; //time in minutes\n",
+"hdash=csim('step',t,G)'; \n",
+ ]
+ }
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "## Example 10.3: Disturbance_response_of_level_control_system.sce"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+"cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//Example 10.3\n",
+"disp('Example 10.3')\n",
+"//This example draws upon the calculations of Ex 10.2 and hence it has been \n",
+"A=%pi*0.5^2; //Square meters\n",
+"Km=100/2 //% per meter\n",
+"dq_dl=0.2*log(30)*30^(l-1); //cu.meter/min Eqn 10-48\n",
+"dl_dpt=(1-0)/(15-3); //psi^-1\n",
+"Kv=dq_dl*dl_dpt //Eqn 10-50\n",
+"Kc=[4 8 20]'; //different values of Kc that we have to try\n",
+"K_OL=Kc*Kip*Kv*Kp*Km;//Open loop gain Eqn 10-40\n",
+"K1=K_OL./(1+K_OL);//Eqn 10-38\n",
+"tau1=tau./(1+K_OL); //Eqn 10-39\n",
+"//========Example 11.3 now starts here========//\n",
+"//Now we simulate the close loop process for these different values of K2 and tau1\n",
+"M=0.05;//Magnitude of step\n",
+"t=[0:0.1:10]'; //time in minutes\n",
+"hdash=M*csim('step',t,G)'; \n",
+"mprintf(' Kc Offset')\n",
+"mprintf('\n%f %f',[Kc offset])\n",
+"mprintf('\n\nNote that the book has a mistake in the question and legend of fig 10.19\n...\n",
+"the values of Kc should be 4,8,20 and not 1,2,5\n...\n",
+"this mistake is there because in the second edition of the book\n...\n",
+"Kc has values 1 2 5 but then level transmitter span is 0.5 instead of 2')"
+ ]
+ }
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "## Example 10.4: Stability_of_feedback_control_system.sce"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+"cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//Example 10.4\n",
+"disp('Example 10.4')\n",
+"Km=1; //We take set point gain as 1 for illustrative purposes\n",
+"Kc=[15 6 2]'; //different values of Kc for which we will simulate\n",
+"G=Km*Gc*Gv*Gp./(1+Km*Gc*Gv*Gp*Gm); //Eqn 10-75 G=Y/Ysp\n",
+"//Now we simulate the close loop process for these different values of Kc\n",
+"t=[0:0.1:20]'; //time in minutes\n",
+"Y=csim('step',t,G)'; \n",
+ ]
+ }
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+++ b/Process_Dynamics_And_Controls_by_D_E_Seborg/11-PID_Controller_Design_Tuning_and_Troubleshooting.ipynb
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+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "# Chapter 11: PID Controller Design Tuning and Troubleshooting"
+ ]
+ },
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "## Example 11.1: Direct_synthesis_for_PID.sce"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+"cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//Example 11.1\n",
+"disp('Example 11.1')\n",
+"//(a) Desired closed loop gain=1 and tau=[1 3 10]\n",
+"tauc=[1 3 10]';\n",
+"tau1=10;tau2=5;K=2;theta=1; //Time delay\n",
+"Y_Ysp=(1)./(tauc*s+1); //Y/Ysp=delay/(tau*s+1) Eqn 11-6\n",
+"//delay=(1-theta/2*s+theta^2/10*s^2-theta^3/120*s^3)/(1+theta/2*s+theta^2/10*s^2+theta^3/120*s^3);//Third order pade approx\n",
+"delay=(1-theta/2*s)/(1+theta*s/2);//first order Pade approx\n",
+"G_tilda=G//Model transfer function\n",
+"Gc=Kc*(1+1/tauI/s+tauD*s); //PID without derivative filtering\n",
+"G_CL=syslin('c',Gc/delay*G./(1+Gc*G));//closed loop transfer function\n",
+"G_CL_dist=syslin('c',G/delay./(1+Gc*G));//closed loop wrt disturbance\n",
+"u_d=[0 ones(1,length(t_d)-1)]\n",
+"xtitle('Ex-11.1 Correct Model','Time(min)','y(t)');\n",
+"mprintf('\n tauc=1 tauc=3 tauc=10')\n",
+"mprintf('\n Kc(K_tilda=2) %10f %f %f',Kc');\n",
+"//Simulation for model with incorrect gain\n",
+"Gc=Kc*(1+1/tauI/s+tauD*s) \n",
+"mprintf('\n Kc(K_tilda=0.9) %10f %f %f',Kc');\n",
+"mprintf('\n tauI %20f %f %f',tauI*ones(1,3));\n",
+"mprintf('\n tauD %20f %f %f',tauD*ones(1,3));\n",
+"G_CL=syslin('c',Gc*G./(1+Gc*G));//closed loop transfer function\n",
+"G_CL_dist=syslin('c',G./(1+Gc*G));//closed loop wrt disturbance\n",
+"xtitle('Ex-11.1 Model with incorrect gain','Time(min)','y(t)');\n",
+"mprintf('\n \nThere is a slight mis-match between graphs from scilab code\n...\n",
+"and those given in the book because of Pade approx which is very bad\n...\n",
+"for delay being 1. It works only for small delays. Scilab does \n...\n",
+"not handle continuous delays and hence this problem cannot \n...\n",
+"be circumvented' )"
+ ]
+ }
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "## Example 11.3: PI_and_PID_control_of_liquid_storage_tank.sce"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+"cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//Example 11.3\n",
+"disp('Example 11.3')\n",
+"K=0.2;theta=7.4;tauc=[8 15]';\n",
+"Kc1=1/K*(2*tauc+theta)./(tauc+theta).^2; //Row M\n",
+"Kc2=1/K*(2*tauc+theta)./(tauc+theta/2).^2; //Row N\n",
+"mprintf(' Kc tauI tauD')\n",
+"mprintf('\nPI(tauC=8) %f %f %f',Kc1(1),tauI(1),0)\n",
+"mprintf('\nPI(tauC=15) %f %f %f',Kc1(2),tauI(2),0)\n",
+"mprintf('\nPID(tauC=8) %f %f %f',Kc2(1),tauI(1),tauD(1))\n",
+"mprintf('\nPID(tauC=15) %f %f %f',Kc2(2),tauI(2),tauD(2))\n",
+"//delay=(1-theta/2*s+theta^2/10*s^2-theta^3/120*s^3)/(1+theta/2*s+theta^2/10*s^2+theta^3/120*s^3);//Third order pade approx\n",
+"delay=(1-theta/2*s+theta^2/10*s^2)/(1+theta/2*s+theta^2/10*s^2);//second order pade approx\n",
+"//delay=(1-theta/2*s)/(1+theta/2*s);//first order pade approx\n",
+"Gc2=Kc2.*(1+(1)./tauI/s+tauD*s./(0.1*tauD*s+1));//PID with derivative filtering\n",
+"y1(:,1:theta)=0;//accounting for time delay--this is required otherwise\n",
+"//an unrealistic inverse response is seen due to the pade approx\n",
+"G_CL_dist1=syslin('c',G./(1+Gc1*G));//closed loop wrt disturbance\n",
+"G_CL_dist2=syslin('c',G./(1+Gc2*G));//closed loop wrt disturbance\n",
+"y_d1(:,1:theta)=0;//accounting for time delay\n",
+"y_d2(:,1:theta)=0;//accounting for time delay\n",
+"//xtitle('Ex-11.3 PI control','Time(min)','y(t)');\n",
+"//xtitle('Ex-11.3 PID control','Time(min)','y(t)');\n",
+"mprintf('\n\nThere is uncertainty as to whether PID with derivative filtering\n...\n",
+"to be used or not. Since one gets results by using PID with filtering\n...\n",
+"it has been used here. Note that pade approx for delay=7.4\n...\n",
+"is totally wrong because it is too gross an approx but we have no\n...\n",
+"other way of making delay approx so we have to live with it.\n\n...')\n",
+"//Part (b) Routh Array testing\n",
+"//For frequency response refer to ch-13 for Bode Plots\n",
+"poly_PI=Gc1*G;//denom(G_CL1);//G*Gc for PI controller\n",
+"poly_PID=Gc2*G;//G*Gc for PID controller\n",
+"Routh1=routh_t(poly_PI(1,1)/1,poly(0,'K')); // produces routh table for polynomial 1+Kc*poly\n",
+"Routh2=routh_t(poly_PI(2,1)/1,poly(0,'K')); // produces routh table for polynomial 1+Kc*poly\n",
+"Routh3=routh_t(poly_PID(1,1)/1,poly(0,'K')); // produces routh table for polynomial 1+Kc*poly\n",
+"Routh4=routh_t(poly_PID(2,1)/1,poly(0,'K')); // produces routh table for polynomial 1+Kc*poly\n",
+"mprintf('\n Kmax should be less than %f and %f \n for tauc=8 and 15 respectively for PI system to be stable',Kmax1,Kmax2)\n",
+"mprintf('\n\nAnswers to Kmax for PID controller using \n...\n",
+"Routh Array in the book are wrong. This can be easily \n...\n",
+"checked from Routh3 and Routh4 which are displayed\n')\n",
+"mprintf('\n\nFor frequency response refer to ch-13 for Bode Plots\n')"
+ ]
+ }
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "## Example 11.4: IMC_for_lag_dominant_model.sce"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+"cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//Example 11.4\n",
+"disp('Example 11.4')\n",
+"delay=(1-theta/2*s+theta^2/10*s^2-theta^3/120*s^3)/(1+theta/2*s+theta^2/10*s^2+theta^3/120*s^3);//Third order pade approx\n",
+"Kc2=1/Kstar*(2*taucb+theta)./(taucb+theta).^2; //Row M\n",
+"//Chen and Seborg settings given in Second Edition of book\n",
+"mprintf(' Kc tauI')\n",
+"mprintf('\nIMC %20f %f',Kc1,taui1)\n",
+"mprintf('\nIntegrator approx %-5f %f',Kc2,taui2)\n",
+"mprintf('\nSkogestad %15f %f',Kc3,taui3)\n",
+"//mprintf('\nDS-d %20f %f',Kc4,taui4) \n",
+"Gc=[Kc1 Kc2 Kc3]'.*(1+(1)./([taui1 taui2 taui3]'*s))\n",
+"y(:,1:theta/0.1)=0;//accounting for time delay--this is required otherwise\n",
+"//an unrealistic inverse response is seen due to the pade/taylor approx\n",
+"xtitle('Ex-11.4 Tracking problem','Time(min)','y(t)');\n",
+"a=legend('IMC','Integrator approx','Skogestad',position=4);\n",
+"G_CL_dist=syslin('c',G./(1+Gc*G));//closed loop wrt disturbance\n",
+"yd(:,1:theta/0.1)=0;//accounting for time delay--this is required otherwise\n",
+"//an unrealistic inverse response is seen due to the pade/taylor approx\n",
+"xtitle('Ex-11.4 Disturbance rejection','Time(min)','y(t)');\n",
+"a=legend('IMC','Integrator approx','Skogestad',position=4);\n",
+ ]
+ }
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "## Example 11.5: PI_controller_IMC_ITAE.sce"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+"cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//Example 11.5\n",
+"disp('Example 11.5')\n",
+"Kc1=1/K*tau/(tauca+theta);taui1=tau; //Table 11.1\n",
+"Kc2=1/K*tau/(taucb+theta);taui2=tau; //Table 11.1\n",
+"//Table 11.3\n",
+"taui3=tau*inv(0.674*(theta/tau)^-0.680); \n",
+"//Table 11.3\n",
+"Kc4=1/K*0.586*(theta/tau)^-0.916;taui4=tau*inv(1.03-0.165*(theta/tau)); \n",
+"mprintf(' Kc tauI')\n",
+"mprintf('\nIMC(tauC=tau/3) %f %f',Kc1,taui1)\n",
+"mprintf('\nIMC(tauC=theta) %-5f %f',Kc2,taui2)\n",
+"mprintf('\nITAE(disturbance) %f %f',Kc3,taui3)\n",
+"mprintf('\nITAE(set point) %10f %f',Kc4,taui4)"
+ ]
+ }
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "## Example 11.6: Controller_with_two_degrees_of_freedom.sce"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+"cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//Example 11.6\n",
+"disp('Example 11.6')\n",
+"//Drawing on example 11.4\n",
+"delay=(1-theta/2*s+theta^2/10*s^2-theta^3/120*s^3)/(1+theta/2*s+theta^2/10*s^2+theta^3/120*s^3);//Third order pade approx\n",
+"y1(:,1:theta/0.1)=0;//accounting for time delay--this is required otherwise\n",
+"//an unrealistic inverse response is seen due to the pade/taylor approx\n",
+"G_CL2=syslin('c',(Gc+beta-1)*G./(1+Gc*G));//This can be obtained on taking\n",
+"//laplace transform of eqn 11-39 and making a block diagram \n",
+"//In Eqn 11-39 p refers to input to the process\n",
+"y2(:,1:theta/0.1)=0;//accounting for time delay--this is required otherwise\n",
+"//an unrealistic inverse response is seen due to the pade/taylor approx\n",
+"plot(t,[y1; y2]);\n",
+"xtitle('Ex-11.3 Tracking problem','Time(min)','y(t)');\n",
+"//Note that there is a slight mis-match between the plots obtained from scilab code\n",
+"//and that of the book because of third order pade approximation\n",
+"//The plots in the book have been produced using advanced proprietary software\n",
+"//which supports using exact delays while scilab does not have that functionality"
+ ]
+ }
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "## Example 11.7: Continuous_cycling_method.sce"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+"cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//Example 11.7\n",
+"disp('Example 11.7')\n",
+"K=2;theta=1;tau1=10;tau2=5; //Model parameters\n",
+"delay=(1-theta/2*s+theta^2/10*s^2-theta^3/120*s^3)/(1+theta/2*s+theta^2/10*s^2+theta^3/120*s^3);//Third order pade approx\n",
+"Ku=[8.01]';//Trials for various values of Ku can be done by changing Ku\n",
+"xtitle('Ex-11.7 Finding ultimate gain Ku','Time(min)','y(t)');\n",
+"a=legend('Closed loop test',position=4);\n",
+"//There isnot a sustained oscillation for Ku=7.88, in our simulation because\n",
+"//we are using a third order Pade Approx for delay. But still we go ahead with it\n",
+"//so that it matches with the example values. Our simulations give Ku=8\n",
+"//(a) Table 11.4 ZN\n",
+"//(b) Table 11.4 TL\n",
+"//(c) DS method\n",
+"mprintf(' Kc tauI tauD')\n",
+"mprintf('\nZN %f %f %f',Kc1,taui1,tauD1)\n",
+"mprintf('\nTL %f %f %f',Kc2,taui2,tauD2)\n",
+"mprintf('\nDS %f %f %f',Kc3,taui3,tauD3)\n",
+"// Now we compare the performance of each controller setting\n",
+"Gc=[Gc1 Gc2 Gc3]';\n",
+"y(:,1:theta)=0;//accounting for time delay--this is required otherwise\n",
+"//an unrealistic inverse response is seen due to the pade/taylor approx\n",
+"G_CL_dist=syslin('c',G./(1+Gc*G));//closed loop wrt disturbance\n",
+"yd(:,1:theta)=0;//accounting for time delay\n",
+"xtitle('Ex-11.7 Comparison of 3 controllers','Time(min)','y(t)');\n",
+"a=legend('Ziegler-Nichols','Tyerus-Luyben','Direct Synthesis',position=4);\n",
+"mprintf('\n\nThere is slight mismatch between scilab simulation\n...\n",
+"and book simulation due to Pade approx\n')"
+ ]
+ }
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "## Example 11.8: Reaction_curve_method.sce"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+"cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//Example 11.8\n",
+"disp('Example 11.8')\n",
+"mprintf('\nThe resulting process model is with delay of 1.07 min\n')\n",
+ ]
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+ "# Chapter 12: Control Strategies at the Process Unit Level"
+ ]
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+ "source": [
+ "## Example 12.1: Degrees_of_freedom.sce"
+ ]
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+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//Example 12.1\n",
+"disp('Example 12.1')\n",
+"mprintf(' NF=%i\n NFC=%i',NF,NFC)"
+ ]
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+ "# Chapter 13: Frequency response analysis and control system design"
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+ "## Example 13.3: Bode_Plot.sce"
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+"//Example 13.3\n",
+"disp('Example 13.3')\n",
+"function bodegen(num,den,w,lf,delay)\n",
+"//Bode plot\n",
+"//Numerator and denominator are passed as input arguments\n",
+"//Both are polynomials in powers of s(say)\n",
+"//This function has been modified from the original one \n",
+"//written by Prof Kannan Moudgalya, Dept of ChemE, IIT-B\n",
+"G = num/den;\n",
+"G1 = horner(G,%i*w);\n",
+"G1p = phasemag(G1)-delay*w*180/%pi;\n",
+"if LF == 'normal' then \n",
+" xset('window',0); clf();\n",
+" subplot(2,1,1)\n",
+" plot2d(w,abs(G1),logflag='nn',style = 2); \n",
+" xtitle('Normal scale','','Magnitude'); xgrid();\n",
+" subplot(2,1,2)\n",
+" plot2d1(w,G1p,logflag='nn',style = 2);\n",
+" xgrid();\n",
+" xtitle('w(rad/sec)','','Phase(deg)');\n",
+"elseif LF == 'semilog' then \n",
+" xset('window',1); clf();\n",
+" subplot(2,1,1)\n",
+" plot2d(w,20*log10(abs(G1)),logflag='ln',style = 2);\n",
+" xgrid(); \n",
+" xtitle('Semilog','','Magnitude (dB)');\n",
+" subplot(2,1,2)\n",
+" plot2d1(w,G1p,logflag='ln',style = 2);\n",
+" xgrid();\n",
+" xtitle('w(rad/sec)','','Phase(deg)');\n",
+"elseif LF == 'loglog' then \n",
+" xset('window',2); clf();\n",
+" subplot(2,1,1)\n",
+" plot2d(w,abs(G1),logflag='ll',style = 2); \n",
+" xgrid();\n",
+" xtitle('Loglog','','Magnitude');\n",
+" subplot(2,1,2)\n",
+" plot2d1(w,G1p,logflag='ln',style = 2,rect=[0.01,-270,100,0]);//note the usage of rect for this particular example\n",
+" xgrid();\n",
+" xtitle('w(rad/sec)','','Phase(deg)');\n",
+"s = %s;\n",
+"num = 5*(0.5*s+1);\n",
+"den = (20*s+1)*(4*s+1);\n",
+"w = 0.001:0.002:10*%pi;\n",
+"LF = 'loglog' // Warning: Change this as necessary\n",
+"//Checking using iodelay toolbox in scilab\n",
+ ]
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+ "source": [
+ "## Example 13.4: Bode.sce"
+ ]
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+ "collapsed": true
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+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//Example 13.4\n",
+"disp('Example 13.4')\n",
+"s = %s;\n",
+"num = 2;\n",
+"den = (0.5*s+1)^3;\n",
+"w = 0.001:0.002:100*%pi;\n",
+"LF = 'loglog' // Warning: Change this as necessary\n",
+"G1 = num/den;\n",
+"G1m = horner(G1,%i*w); //G1m denotes magnitude\n",
+"G1p = phasemag(G1m)-delay*w*180/%pi; //G1p denotes phase\n",
+"G2 = 4*num/den;\n",
+"G2m = horner(G2,%i*w);\n",
+"G2p = phasemag(G2m)-delay*w*180/%pi;\n",
+"G3 = 20*num/den;\n",
+"G3m = horner(G3,%i*w);\n",
+"G3p = phasemag(G3m)-delay*w*180/%pi;\n",
+" xset('window',0); \n",
+" subplot(2,1,1)\n",
+" plot2d(w,abs(G3m),logflag='ll',style = 4);\n",
+" plot2d(w,abs(G2m),logflag='ll',style = 3);\n",
+" plot2d(w,abs(G1m),logflag='ll',style = 2); \n",
+" \n",
+" xgrid();\n",
+" xtitle('Loglog','','Magnitude'); \n",
+" legend('Kc=20','Kc=4','Kc=1')\n",
+" subplot(2,1,2)\n",
+" plot2d1(w,G1p,logflag='ln',style = 2);\n",
+" xgrid();\n",
+" xtitle('w(rad/sec)','','Phase(deg)');"
+ ]
+ }
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+ "source": [
+ "## Example 13.5: PI_control_of_overdamped_second_order_process.sce"
+ ]
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+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//Example 14.5\n",
+"disp('Example 14.5')\n",
+"s = %s;\n",
+"num = 1;\n",
+"den = (9*s+1)*(11*s+1);\n",
+"w = 0.001:0.002:5*%pi;\n",
+"LF = 'loglog' // Warning: Change this as necessary\n",
+"G1 = num/den*Gc;\n",
+"G1m = horner(G1,%i*w); //G1m denotes magnitude\n",
+"G1p = phasemag(G1m)-delay*w*180/%pi; //G1p denotes phase\n",
+" xset('window',0); \n",
+" subplot(2,1,1)\n",
+" plot2d(w,abs(G1m),logflag='ll',style = 3);\n",
+" xgrid();\n",
+" xtitle('Loglog','','Magnitude'); \n",
+" subplot(2,1,2)\n",
+" plot2d1(w,G1p,logflag='ln',style = 1);\n",
+" xgrid();\n",
+" xtitle('w(rad/sec)','','Phase(deg)');"
+ ]
+ }
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "## Example 13.6: Bode_plot.sce"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
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+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//Example 13.6\n",
+"disp('Example 13.6')\n",
+"s = %s;\n",
+"num = 1;\n",
+"den = (9*s+1)*(11*s+1);\n",
+"w = 0.001:0.002:5*%pi;\n",
+"LF = 'loglog' // Warning: Change this as necessary\n",
+"G1 = num/den*Gc;\n",
+"G1m = horner(G1,%i*w); //G1m denotes magnitude\n",
+"G1p = phasemag(G1m)-delay*w*180/%pi; //G1p denotes phase\n",
+" xset('window',0); \n",
+" subplot(2,1,1)\n",
+" plot2d(w,abs(G1m),logflag='ll',style = 3);\n",
+" xgrid();\n",
+" xtitle('Loglog','','Magnitude'); \n",
+" subplot(2,1,2)\n",
+" plot2d1(w,G1p,logflag='ln',style = 1);\n",
+" xgrid();\n",
+" xtitle('w(rad/sec)','','Phase(deg)');"
+ ]
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+ "source": [
+ "## Example 13.7: Bode_Plot.sce"
+ ]
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+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//Example 13.7\n",
+"disp('Example 13.7')\n",
+"s = %s;\n",
+"num = 4;\n",
+"den = (5*s+1);\n",
+"w = 0.001:0.002:10*%pi;\n",
+"LF = 'loglog' // Warning: Change this as necessary\n",
+"G1 = num/den*Gc*Gm*Gv;\n",
+"G1m = horner(G1,%i*w); //G1m denotes magnitude\n",
+"G1p = phasemag(G1m)-delay*w*180/%pi; //G1p denotes phase\n",
+" xset('window',0); \n",
+" subplot(2,1,1)\n",
+" plot2d(w,abs(G1m),logflag='ll',style = 3,rect=[0.01,0.1,100,10]);\n",
+" xgrid();\n",
+" xtitle('Loglog','','Magnitude'); \n",
+" subplot(2,1,2)\n",
+" plot2d1(w,G1p,logflag='ln',style = 1,rect=[0.01,-400,100,100]);\n",
+" xgrid();\n",
+" xtitle('w(rad/sec)','','Phase(deg)');\n",
+" \n",
+"//Example ends\n",
+" \n",
+"//In the SECOND EDITION of the book, this example also asks for drawing Nyquist plot\n",
+"//In case you want to learn how to do it, Uncomment the code below\n",
+" \n",
+"////Please install IODELAY toolbox from Modeling and Control tools in ATOMS\n",
+"////There is no inbuilt toolbox in scilab for introducing time delays other than\n",
+"////above mentioned. The output of iodelay toolbox however does not work\n",
+"////with csim and syslin commands\n",
+"////The output of iodelay however can be used for frequency related analyses\n",
+"////like bode and nyquist\n",
+"//nyquist(G,%f); //%f => asymmetric, see help nyquist\n",
+ ]
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+ "source": [
+ "## Example 13.8: Maximum_permissible_time_delay_for_stability.sce"
+ ]
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+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//Example 13.8\n",
+"disp('Example 13.8')\n",
+"s = %s;\n",
+"num = 4;\n",
+"den = (5*s+1);\n",
+"w = 0.001:0.002:10*%pi;\n",
+"LF = 'loglog' // Warning: Change this as necessary\n",
+"//Ziegler Nichols\n",
+"//Tyreus Luyben\n",
+"mprintf(' Kc tauI tauD')\n",
+"mprintf('\nZN %f %f %f',Kc1,taui1,tauD1)\n",
+"mprintf('\nTL %f %f %f',Kc2,taui2,tauD2)\n",
+"Gc_TL=Kc2*(1+1/taui2/s+s*tauD2/(0.1*s*tauD2+1)); //Filtered Controllers with filter constant as 0.1\n",
+"G1 = num/den*Gc_ZN*Gm*Gv;\n",
+"G1m = horner(G1,%i*w); //G1m denotes magnitude\n",
+"G1p = phasemag(G1m)-delay*w*180/%pi; //G1p denotes phase\n",
+"G2 = num/den*Gc_TL*Gm*Gv;\n",
+"G2m = horner(G2,%i*w); //G1m denotes magnitude\n",
+"G2p = phasemag(G2m)-delay*w*180/%pi; //G1p denotes phase\n",
+" xset('window',0); \n",
+" subplot(2,1,1)\n",
+" plot2d(w,Abs_G1m,logflag='ll',style = 1,rect=[0.01,0.1,10,1000]);\n",
+" plot2d(w,Abs_G2m,logflag='ll',style = 2,rect=[0.01,0.1,10,1000]);\n",
+" legend('Ziegler-Nichols','Tyreus Luyben')\n",
+" xgrid();\n",
+" xtitle('Loglog','','Magnitude'); \n",
+" subplot(2,1,2)\n",
+" plot2d1(w,G1p,logflag='ln',style = 1,rect=[0.01,-300,10,-50]);\n",
+" plot2d1(w,G2p,logflag='ln',style = 2,rect=[0.01,-300,10,-50]);\n",
+"// legend('Ziegler-Nichols','Tyreus Luyben')\n",
+" xgrid();\n",
+" xtitle('w(rad/sec)','','Phase(deg)');\n",
+" \n",
+"//g_maring and p_margin do not support iodelay toolbox, hence we \n",
+"//cannot use these so we try a workaround\n",
+"//We can find w for which magnitude(AR) is 1 and \n",
+"//and calculate phase corresponding to it which gives us phase margin\n",
+"//Also we can find crossover frequency and thus find Gain Margin\n",
+" indices1=find(abs(Abs_G1m-1)<0.01) //We find those values of indices of Abs_G1m for which it is almost 1\n",
+" indices2=find(abs(Abs_G2m-1)<0.01)\n",
+" //size(indices)\n",
+" PM1=mean(G1p(indices1))+180\n",
+" PM2=mean(G2p(indices2))+180\n",
+" \n",
+" indices1_p=find(abs(G1p+180)<0.05) //We find those values of indices of G1p for which it is almost -180\n",
+" indices2_p=find(abs(G2p+180)<0.05)\n",
+" //size(indices)\n",
+" GM1=1/mean(Abs_G1m(indices1_p))\n",
+" GM2=1/mean(Abs_G2m(indices2_p))\n",
+" \n",
+" wc1=mean(w(indices1_p)); \n",
+" wc2=mean(w(indices2_p));\n",
+"mprintf('\n\n\n GM PM wc')\n",
+"mprintf('\nZN %f %f %f',GM1,PM1,wc1)\n",
+"mprintf('\nTL %f %f %f\n',GM2,PM2,wc2)\n",
+ ]
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+ "# Chapter 14: Feedforward and Ratio Control"
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+ "source": [
+ "## Example 14.1: Ratio_control.sce"
+ ]
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+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
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+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//Example 14.1\n",
+"disp('Example 14.1')\n",
+"K_R=Rd*Sd/Su; //Eqn 14-3\n",
+"mprintf(' K_R=%f',K_R)"
+ ]
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+ "source": [
+ "## Example 14.5: Feedforward_control_in_blending_process.sce"
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+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//Example 14.5\n",
+"disp('Example 14.5')\n",
+"mprintf('\n\nThere are many errors in this example\n...\n",
+"1.In Eqn 14-17 the value of w2_o is not zero. It is 50kg/min.\n...\n",
+"This is so because otherwise current signal from p(t) ie ...\n",
+"\n eqn 14-30 is more than 20mA which is not possible\n\n....\n",
+"2.The step change in x1 is from 0.2 to 0.3 and not 0.2 to 0.4\n...\n",
+"If there is a step change to x1=0.4, then with x2=0.6\n...\n",
+"one cannot achieve output xsp=0.34 because it is less\n...\n",
+"both x1 and x2.\n\n...\n",
+"3.The gain of Gd is 0.65 which is correct because V\n...\n",
+"has to be calculated using height=1.5meter ie\n...\n",
+"how much the CSTR is filled and not h=3m, ie\n...\n",
+"the capacity of CSTR. This is important because\n...\n",
+"the person who has made solutions for the book has taken h=3m\n...\n",
+"for generating graphs and hence the gain is twice. \n...\n",
+"the graphs generated from this code are correct\n\n' )\n",
+"//part(a) //========Static feedforward controller==========//\n",
+"w2_o=50;x1_o=0;//Zero of the instrument\n",
+"C1=4-w2_o/Kv/K_IP; //Eqn 14-16 to 14-19\n",
+"mprintf('\nThe values of C1, C2, C3 in Eqns 14-16 to 14-19 are\n %f, %f, %f',C1,C2,C3)\n",
+"//part(b) //=======Dynamic feedforward controller=======//\n",
+"V=%pi*1^2*1.5; //pi*r^2*h finding volume\n",
+"Gf=-Gd/Gv/Gt/Gp/K_IP; //Equation 14-33 without exp(+s)\n",
+"//Gt=32*(1-theta/2*s+theta^2/12*s^2)/(1+theta/2*s+theta^2/12*s^2);//second order Pade approx.\n",
+"Gt=32*(1-theta/2*s)/(1+theta/2*s);//first order Pade approx.\n",
+"Gf=horner(Gf,0)*(1.0833*s+1)/(alpha*1.0833*s+1);//Eqn 14-34\n",
+"//========Static feedforward controller simulation==========//\n",
+"Ts=0.01;//sampling time in minutes\n",
+"xsp=0.34;//set point for conc. output of blender\n",
+"x1step=0.2+[zeros(1,length(t)/5) 0.1*ones(1,length(t)*4/5)];//disturbance\n",
+"//There is a one second lag in the measurement of the disturbance by Gt\n",
+"d=[0.2*ones(1,delay/Ts) x1step(1,1:$-delay/Ts)];//measurement of disturbance with lag\n",
+"x1m=4+Kt*d; //Eqn 14-12 where d=x1(t)-x1_o\n",
+"//plot(t,[x1step' x1m'])\n",
+"//Now the values calculated by the above controller needs to be passed to the process \n",
+"G_static=syslin('c',[Gd K_IP*Gv*Gp]);\n",
+"//we take disturbance and control action in deviation variables\n",
+"xtitle('Fig 14.13(a)','Time(min)','x(mass fraction)')\n",
+"//========Dynamic feedforward controller simulation======//\n",
+"Ys_Ds=[Gd K_IP*32*Gf*Gv*Gp]; //Gt=32 without delay\n",
+"d=[zeros(1,length(t)/5) 0.1*ones(1,length(t)*4/5)];//disturbance\n",
+"d_shift=[zeros(1,1.1*length(t)/5) 0.1*ones(1,length(t)*3.9/5)];\n",
+"//we delay the disturbance by one minute for the feedforward controller\n",
+"//We do this because Pade approx is not good for delay of 1 minute\n",
+"legend('Static Gain','Dynamic Compensation')\n",
+"//part(c) //=======PI controller for Feedback======//\n",
+"//==========Feedforward and feedback control with dynamic compensation======//\n",
+"Ys_Ds=[Gd K_IP*32*Gf*Gv*Gp]/(1+K_IP*Gc*Gv*Gp*Gm);//32 is magnitude of Gt\n",
+"d=[zeros(1,length(t)/5) 0.1*ones(1,length(t)*4/5)];//disturbance\n",
+"//This shifting is better because Pade approx is not accurate. Note that there is \n",
+"//pade approx in the denominator also(Gm) which we cant help.\n",
+"xtitle('Fig 14.13(b)','Time(min)','x(mass fraction)')\n",
+"//==========Feedback control only with dynamic compensation======//\n",
+"d=[zeros(1,length(t)/5) 0.1*ones(1,length(t)*4/5)];//disturbance\n",
+"legend('FB+FF with dynamic compensation','FB only')\n",
+"mprintf('\n\nNote the slight mismatch between response \n...\n",
+"times due to pade approx the gain is half of that in the\n...\n",
+"book. Please see the heigh explanation above to understand.')"
+ ]
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+ "# Chapter 15: Enhanced Single Loop Control Strategies"
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+ "source": [
+ "## Example 15.1: Stability_limits_for_proportional_cascade_controller.sce"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+"cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//Example 15.1\n",
+"disp('Example 15.1')\n",
+"Routh=routh_t(Ys,poly(0,'Kc1')); // produces routh table for polynomial 1+Kc*Ys\n",
+"mprintf('\n Kc1 lies between %f and %f \n for cascade system to be stable', K2,K1)\n",
+"Routh2=routh_t(Ys2,poly(0,'Kc1')); // produces routh table for polynomial 1+Kc*Ys\n",
+"mprintf('\n Kc1 lies between %f and %f \n for conventional system to be stable', K2_2,K1_2)\n",
+"//We cannot find offset symbolically in Scilab because scilab does not support\n",
+"//handling of two variables in single polynomial\n",
+"//To find this limit one can use Sage\n",
+"//However in this case the calculations can be done in a very easy way by hand\n",
+"//and hence do not require to be computed from Sage"
+ ]
+ }
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "## Example 15.2: Set_point_response_for_second_order_transfer_function.sce"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+"cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//Example 15.2\n",
+"disp('Example 15.2')\n",
+"s = %s;\n",
+"theta=1 //delay\n",
+"delay=(1-theta/2*s+theta^2/12*s^2)/(1+theta/2*s+theta^2/12*s^2);//Second order pade approx\n",
+"Gp=[G;delay*G];//Both models with and without delay\n",
+"plot2d(t',yt') //For plotting multiple graphs in one command make sure time is n*1 vector \n",
+"//while yt is n*p vector where p are the no. of plots\n",
+"xgrid(); \n",
+ ]
+ }
+"metadata": {
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+ "source": [
+ "# Chapter 16: Multiloop and Multivariable Control"
+ ]
+ },
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "## Example 16.1: Pilot_scale_distillation_column.sce"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+"cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//Example 16.1\n",
+"disp('Example 16.1')\n",
+"K=[12.8 -18.9;6.6 -19.4];\n",
+"tau=[16.7 21;10.9 14.4];\n",
+"//ITAE settings from Table 11.3\n",
+"Kc1=1/K1*0.586*(theta1/tau1)^-0.916;taui1=tau1*inv(1.03-0.165*(theta1/tau1)); \n",
+"Kc2=1/K2*0.586*(theta2/tau2)^-0.916;taui2=tau2*inv(1.03-0.165*(theta2/tau2)); \n",
+"mprintf(' Kc tauI')\n",
+"mprintf('\nx_D-R %f %f',Kc1,taui1)\n",
+"mprintf('\nx_B-R %f %f',Kc2,taui2)\n",
+"//====Making step response models of the continuos transfer functions====//\n",
+"Ts=0.1;//Sampling time ie delta_T\n",
+"N=100/Ts;//Model Order\n",
+"G=syslin('c',diag(matrix(G,1,4)));//Transfer function\n",
+"//Modeling Output delays through input delay in steps\n",
+"u_sim(1,1:(delay1))=zeros(1,delay1); \n",
+"u_sim(3,1:(delay7))=zeros(1,delay7); \n",
+"u_sim([2 4],1:(delay3))=zeros(2,delay3);\n",
+"S=csim(u_sim,t,G)';//generating step response model for real plant\n",
+"//Now we have these step response models for each of the transfer functions\n",
+"//[S1 S3\n",
+"//S2 S4 \n",
+"T=120;//Simulation Run Time in minutes\n",
+"n=T/Ts*2+1; //no. of discrete points in our domain of analysis\n",
+"//========Set point as +1 in X-D==X-B loop in manual=============//\n",
+"//p is the controller output\n",
+"e=zeros(n,2); //errors=(ysp-y) on which PI acts\n",
+"for k=(n-1)/2+1:n\n",
+" \n",
+" //Error e\n",
+" e(k,:)=ysp(k-1,:)-y(k-1,:);\n",
+" delta_e(k,:)=e(k,:)-e(k-1,:);\n",
+" //Controller calculation----Digital PID----Eqn 7-28 Pg 136 (Velocity form)\n",
+" p(k,1)=p(k-1,1)+([delta_e(k,1)+e(k,1)*diag(Ts/taui1)]*diag(Kc1));\n",
+" //1-1/2-2 pairing\n",
+" \n",
+" delta_p(k,:)=p(k,:)-p(k-1,:);\n",
+" \n",
+" //Output\n",
+" y(k,1)=[S(1:N-1,1);S(1:N-1,3)]'...\n",
+" *[flipdim(delta_p(k-N+1:k-1,1),1);flipdim(delta_p(k-N+1:k-1,2),1)]...\n",
+" +[S(N,1) S(N,3)]*[p(k-N,1);p(k-N,2)];\n",
+" y(k,2)=[S(1:N-1,2);S(1:N-1,4)]'...\n",
+" *[flipdim(delta_p(k-N+1:k-1,1),1);flipdim(delta_p(k-N+1:k-1,2),1);]...\n",
+" +[S(N,2) S(N,4)]*[p(k-N,1);p(k-N,2)];\n",
+"set(gca(),'data_bounds',[0 40 0 1.4]); //putting bounds on display\n",
+"l=legend('$x_B\text{ loop in manual}$',position=1);\n",
+"//========Set point as +1 in X-B==X-D loop in manual=============//\n",
+"//p is the controller output\n",
+"e=zeros(n,2); //errors=(ysp-y) on which PI acts\n",
+"for k=(n-1)/2+1:n\n",
+" \n",
+" //Error e\n",
+" e(k,:)=ysp(k-1,:)-y(k-1,:);\n",
+" delta_e(k,:)=e(k,:)-e(k-1,:);\n",
+" //Controller calculation----Digital PID----Eqn 7-28 Pg 136 (Velocity form)\n",
+" p(k,2)=p(k-1,2)+([delta_e(k,2)+e(k,2)*diag(Ts/taui2)]*diag(Kc2));\n",
+" //1-1/2-2 pairing\n",
+" \n",
+" delta_p(k,:)=p(k,:)-p(k-1,:);\n",
+" \n",
+" //Output\n",
+" y(k,1)=[S(1:N-1,1);S(1:N-1,3)]'...\n",
+" *[flipdim(delta_p(k-N+1:k-1,1),1);flipdim(delta_p(k-N+1:k-1,2),1)]...\n",
+" +[S(N,1) S(N,3)]*[p(k-N,1);p(k-N,2)];\n",
+" y(k,2)=[S(1:N-1,2);S(1:N-1,4)]'...\n",
+" *[flipdim(delta_p(k-N+1:k-1,1),1);flipdim(delta_p(k-N+1:k-1,2),1);]...\n",
+" +[S(N,2) S(N,4)]*[p(k-N,1);p(k-N,2)];\n",
+"set(gca(),'data_bounds',[0 40 0 1.4]); //putting bounds on display\n",
+"l=legend('$x_D\text{ loop in manual}$',position=1);\n",
+"//========Set point as +1 in X-D==Both loops Automatic===========//\n",
+"//p is the controller output\n",
+"e=zeros(n,2); //errors=(ysp-y) on which PI acts\n",
+"for k=(n-1)/2+1:n\n",
+" \n",
+" //Error e\n",
+" e(k,:)=ysp(k-1,:)-y(k-1,:);\n",
+" delta_e(k,:)=e(k,:)-e(k-1,:);\n",
+" //Controller calculation----Digital PID----Eqn 7-28 Pg 136 (Velocity form)\n",
+"// p(k,:)=p(k-1,:)+flipdim([delta_e(k,:)+e(k,:)*diag(Ts./tauI)]*diag(Kc),2);\n",
+" p(k,:)=p(k-1,:)+([delta_e(k,:)+e(k,:)*diag(Ts./tauI)]*diag(Kc));\n",
+" //1-1/2-2 pairing\n",
+" \n",
+" delta_p(k,:)=p(k,:)-p(k-1,:);\n",
+" \n",
+" //Output\n",
+" y(k,1)=[S(1:N-1,1);S(1:N-1,3)]'...\n",
+" *[flipdim(delta_p(k-N+1:k-1,1),1);flipdim(delta_p(k-N+1:k-1,2),1)]...\n",
+" +[S(N,1) S(N,3)]*[p(k-N,1);p(k-N,2)];\n",
+" y(k,2)=[S(1:N-1,2);S(1:N-1,4)]'...\n",
+" *[flipdim(delta_p(k-N+1:k-1,1),1);flipdim(delta_p(k-N+1:k-1,2),1);]...\n",
+" +[S(N,2) S(N,4)]*[p(k-N,1);p(k-N,2)];\n",
+"set(gca(),'data_bounds',[0 40 0 1.4]); //putting bounds on display\n",
+"l=legend('$x_B\text{ loop in manual}$','$\text{Both loops in automatic}$',position=1);\n",
+"//========Set point as +1 in X-B==Both loops Automatic===========//\n",
+"//p is the controller output\n",
+"e=zeros(n,2); //errors=(ysp-y) on which PI acts\n",
+"for k=(n-1)/2+1:n\n",
+" \n",
+" //Error e\n",
+" e(k,:)=ysp(k-1,:)-y(k-1,:);\n",
+" delta_e(k,:)=e(k,:)-e(k-1,:);\n",
+" //Controller calculation----Digital PID----Eqn 7-28 Pg 136 (Velocity form)\n",
+"// p(k,:)=p(k-1,:)+flipdim([delta_e(k,:)+e(k,:)*diag(Ts./tauI)]*diag(Kc),2);\n",
+" p(k,:)=p(k-1,:)+([delta_e(k,:)+e(k,:)*diag(Ts./tauI)]*diag(Kc));\n",
+" //1-1/2-2 pairing\n",
+" \n",
+" delta_p(k,:)=p(k,:)-p(k-1,:);\n",
+" \n",
+" //Output\n",
+" y(k,1)=[S(1:N-1,1);S(1:N-1,3)]'...\n",
+" *[flipdim(delta_p(k-N+1:k-1,1),1);flipdim(delta_p(k-N+1:k-1,2),1)]...\n",
+" +[S(N,1) S(N,3)]*[p(k-N,1);p(k-N,2)];\n",
+" y(k,2)=[S(1:N-1,2);S(1:N-1,4)]'...\n",
+" *[flipdim(delta_p(k-N+1:k-1,1),1);flipdim(delta_p(k-N+1:k-1,2),1);]...\n",
+" +[S(N,2) S(N,4)]*[p(k-N,1);p(k-N,2)];\n",
+"set(gca(),'data_bounds',[0 40 0 1.4]); //putting bounds on display\n",
+"l=legend('$x_D\text{ loop in manual}$','$\text{Both loops in automatic}$',position=1);\n",
+"//Also refer to Example 22.4 for similar application of algorithm of multiploop PID"
+ ]
+ }
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "## Example 16.6: Sensitivity_of_steady_state_gain_matrix.sce"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+"cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//Example 16.6\n",
+"disp('Example 16.6')\n",
+"K1=[1 0;10 1];//K with K12=0\n",
+"mprintf('\nEigenvalues of K1 are %f and %f\n and CN is %f',eig1',CN1)\n",
+"K2=[1 0.1;10 1];//K with K12=0.1\n",
+"mprintf('\nEigenvalues of K2 are %f and %f\n and CN is %f',eig2',CN2)"
+ ]
+ }
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "## Example 16.7: Preferred_multiloop_control_strategy.sce"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+"cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//Example 16.7\n",
+"disp('Example 16.7')\n",
+"X=[0.48 0.9 -0.006;0.52 0.95 0.008; 0.90 -0.95 0.020];\n",
+"RGA=X.*([inv(X)]') //Eqn 16-36\n",
+"//Condition no. of X\n",
+"//Note that condition no. can also be found with command cond(X)\n",
+"// The RGA given in the book is wrong! Eqn 16-73 is wrong.\n",
+"mprintf('\n The RGA given in the book is wrong! Eqn 16-73 is wrong.\n')\n",
+"X2=X(1:2,[1 3]);\n",
+"X4=X([1 3],1:2);\n",
+"X5=X([1 3],[1 3]);\n",
+"X6=X([1 3],2:3);\n",
+"X7=X([2 3],1:2);\n",
+"X8=X([2 3],[1 3]);\n",
+"X9=X([2 3],2:3);\n",
+"mprintf('\n Pairing no. CN lambda\n')\n",
+"mprintf('\n 1 %f %f',cond(X1),lamda1)\n",
+"mprintf('\n 2 %f %f',cond(X2),lamda2)\n",
+"mprintf('\n 3 %f %f',cond(X3),lamda3)\n",
+"mprintf('\n 4 %f %f',cond(X4),lamda4)\n",
+"mprintf('\n 5 %f %f',cond(X5),lamda5)\n",
+"mprintf('\n 6 %f %f',cond(X6),lamda6)\n",
+"mprintf('\n 7 %f %f',cond(X7),lamda7)\n",
+"mprintf('\n 8 %f %f',cond(X8),lamda8)\n",
+"mprintf('\n 9 %f %f',cond(X9),lamda9)"
+ ]
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diff --git a/Process_Dynamics_And_Controls_by_D_E_Seborg/17-Digital_Sampling_Filtering_and_Control.ipynb b/Process_Dynamics_And_Controls_by_D_E_Seborg/17-Digital_Sampling_Filtering_and_Control.ipynb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7d405d5
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+++ b/Process_Dynamics_And_Controls_by_D_E_Seborg/17-Digital_Sampling_Filtering_and_Control.ipynb
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+"cells": [
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+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "# Chapter 17: Digital Sampling Filtering and Control"
+ ]
+ },
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "## Example 17.1: Performance_of_alternative_filters.sce"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+"cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//Example 17.1\n",
+"disp('Example 17.1')\n",
+"//In this solution we assume that a sampled signal is given to us at a very fast\n",
+"//sampling rate and then we resample from it for our computations\n",
+"//This depicts how data is in practical situations. \n",
+"//Since computers are digital data is always discrete\n",
+"//A more kiddish way of writing this code would have been to make a function\n",
+"//which takes time as input and gives signal value as output ie generate a \n",
+"//continuous signal definition. Then no matter what our sampling time is \n",
+"//we can always get the desired values by calling the function say func(Ts*k)\n",
+"//where Ts denotes sampling time and k is the index no.(ie deltaT*k)\n",
+"//In principle this will also work fine and will reduce the length of the code\n",
+"//but this will not lead to learning for coding in practical situations\n",
+"Ts=0.001 //sampling time for analog\n",
+"plot(t,[square_base' ym'])\n",
+"xtitle('Fig 17.6 (a)','Time(min)','Output');\n",
+" \n",
+"//Analog Filter\n",
+"plot(t,[yf1' yf2' square_base'])\n",
+"legend('$\tau_F=0.1\ min$','$\tau_F=0.4\ min$',position=3);\n",
+"xtitle('Fig 17.6 (b)','Time(min)','Output');\n",
+" \n",
+" //Note that analog filtering can also be achieved by perfect sampling in EWMA digital filter\n",
+" //Since Exponentially weighted digital filter is an exact discretization of analog\n",
+" //filter if we take Ts=0.001 ie the perfect sampling of data we get identical answers\n",
+" //from digital or analog filter. You can try this by chaning Ts1 or Ts2 to 0.001\n",
+"//Digital filtering\n",
+"for k=1:length(samples1)-1\n",
+" yf1(k+1)=alpha1*yf1(k)+(1-alpha1)*ym(samples1(k));\n",
+"for k=1:length(samples2)-1\n",
+" yf2(k+1)=alpha2*yf2(k)+(1-alpha2)*ym(samples2(k));\n",
+"legend('$\Delta t=0.05 \ min$','$\Delta t=0.1\ min$',position=3);\n",
+"xtitle('Fig 17.6 (c)','Time(min)','Output');\n",
+" \n",
+"//Moving Filter\n",
+"for k=N1+1:length(samples1)\n",
+" yf1(k)=yf1(k-1)+1/N1*(ym(samples1(k))-ym(samples1(k-N1)));\n",
+"for k=N2+1:length(samples1)\n",
+" yf2(k)=yf2(k-1)+1/N2*(ym(samples1(k))-ym(samples1(k-N2)));\n",
+"//for k=N2+1:n\n",
+"// yf2(k)=yf2(k-1)+1/N2*(ym(k)-ym(k-N2));\n",
+"plot(t(samples1),[yf1' yf2'])\n",
+"xtitle('Fig 17.6 (d)','Time(min)','Output');\n",
+" \n",
+"//Now for the gaussian noise\n",
+"Ts=0.001 //sampling time for analog\n",
+"ym=square_base+grand(1,length(t),'nor', 0, sqrt(0.1));//0.1 is for setting variance=0.1\n",
+"plot(t,[square_base' ym'])\n",
+"xtitle('Fig 17.6 (a)','Time(min)','Output');\n",
+" \n",
+"//Analog Filter\n",
+"plot(t,[yf1' yf2' square_base'])\n",
+"legend('$\tau_F=0.1\ min$','$\tau_F=0.4\ min$',position=3);\n",
+"xtitle('Fig 17.6 (b)','Time(min)','Output');\n",
+" \n",
+"//Digital filtering\n",
+"for k=1:length(samples1)-1\n",
+" yf1(k+1)=alpha1*yf1(k)+(1-alpha1)*ym(samples1(k));\n",
+"for k=1:length(samples2)-1\n",
+" yf2(k+1)=alpha2*yf2(k)+(1-alpha2)*ym(samples2(k));\n",
+"legend('$\Delta t=0.05 \ min$','$\Delta t=0.1\ min$',position=3);\n",
+"xtitle('Fig 17.6 (c)','Time(min)','Output');\n",
+" \n",
+"//Moving Filter\n",
+"for k=N1+1:length(samples1)\n",
+" yf1(k)=yf1(k-1)+1/N1*(ym(samples1(k))-ym(samples1(k-N1)));\n",
+"for k=N2+1:length(samples1)\n",
+" yf2(k)=yf2(k-1)+1/N2*(ym(samples1(k))-ym(samples1(k-N2)));\n",
+"//for k=N2+1:n\n",
+"// yf2(k)=yf2(k-1)+1/N2*(ym(k)-ym(k-N2));\n",
+"plot(t(samples1),[yf1' yf2'])\n",
+"xtitle('Fig 17.6 (d)','Time(min)','Output');\n",
+" \n",
+"mprintf('Please note that for guassian noise\n results...\n",
+" will be different from book owing to randomness\n...\n",
+" we do not know the seed for the random noise')"
+ ]
+ }
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "## Example 17.2: Response_of_first_order_difference_equation.sce"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+"cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//Example 17.2\n",
+"disp('Example 17.2')\n",
+"Ts=1;//sampling time\n",
+"u=1; //input\n",
+"for i=1:n\n",
+" y(i+1)=alpha*y(i)+K*(1-alpha)*u;\n",
+"mprintf('\n Note that in the book K=20 is wrong, it should be K=2\n...\n",
+" that is a first order function with gain 2 is given an input step')"
+ ]
+ }
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "## Example 17.3: Recursive_relation_with_inputs.sce"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+"cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//Example 17.3\n",
+"disp('Example 17.3')\n",
+"mprintf('\n\nAlternatively the simulation can also be done\n...\n",
+"using syslin(d,Gz) and flts(u,Gz)\n\n')\n",
+ ]
+ }
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "## Example 17.5: Digital_control_of_pressure_in_a_tank.sce"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+"cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//Example 17.5\n",
+"disp('Example 17.5')\n",
+"deltaT=[0.05 0.25 0.5 1]';//sampling time\n",
+"theta=1+(deltaT/2);//Add half of sampling time to delay for finding PI settings\n",
+"//Table 11.3 ITAE disturbance settings\n",
+"//Note that there is an error in book solution saying Table 11.2\n",
+"//It should be table 11.3\n",
+"mprintf('\n ITAE(disturbance) \n')\n",
+"mprintf(' deltaT Kc tauI')\n",
+"mprintf('\n %f %f %f',deltaT,Kc,taui)\n",
+"//Finding digital controller settings\n",
+"//Eqn 17-55\n",
+"a1=-(1); //since tauD=0\n",
+"//Refer to table 17.1 to convert continuous transfer function to digital form\n",
+"Gp=K*(1-exp(-1/tau*deltaT)).*z^(-1+(-1)./deltaT)./(1-exp((-1)/tau*deltaT)*z^-1);//z^(-1/deltaT) for delay\n",
+"set(gca(),'data_bounds',[0 15 -8 1]); //putting bounds on display\n",
+"l=legend('$\Delta t=0.05\ min$','$\Delta t=0.25\ min$','$\Delta t=0.5\ min$','$\Delta t=1\ min$',position=4);\n",
+"xtitle('Example 17.5','Time(min)','$y$');\n",
+"mprintf('\nNote that there is a mismatch between the book simulation and what\n...\n",
+"what we get from SCILAB. The book is wrong. This has been crosschecked using\n...\n",
+"simulation in SIMULINK(MATLAB)')"
+ ]
+ }
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
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+ "source": [
+ "## Example 17.6: Dahlin_controller.sce"
+ ]
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+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//Example 17.6\n",
+"disp('Example 17.6')\n",
+"//Note that for solving this example there are two ways\n",
+"//One is to do this in xcos which is very easy to do\n",
+"//and one can learn the same from example 17.5's solution\n",
+"//To get the controller outputs at every point in xcos\n",
+"//just add a scope to the leg connecting controller and\n",
+"//zero order hold unit before the continuous time block\n",
+"//The other method is given here so that the reader learns more\n",
+"//of what all can be done in scilab\n",
+"//Here we deal with the controller in time domain rather than z domain\n",
+"h=0;//no process delay\n",
+"Y_Ysp=1/(lamda*s+1);//exp(-h*s) is one because h=0 Eqn 17-62\n",
+"Ts=1;//sampling time\n",
+"//Eqn 17-63\n",
+"G_DC=1/G*(Y_Ysp_d)/(1-Y_Ysp_d); //Eqn 17-61\n",
+"ysp=[zeros(1,4) ones(1,16)]\n",
+"Gz_CL=syslin('d',G*G_DC/(G*G_DC+1));//Closed loop discrete system\n",
+"yd=flts(ysp,Gz_CL) //Discrete Output due to set point change\n",
+"e=ysp-yd; //Since we know set point and the output of the system we can use \n",
+"//this info to find out the errors at the discrete time points\n",
+"//note that here we have exploited in a very subtle way the property of a \n",
+"//discrete system that only the values at discrete points matter for\n",
+"//any sort of calculation\n",
+"//Now this error can be used to find out the controller effort\n",
+"n=20;//Time in minutes discretized with Ts=1 min\n",
+"p=zeros(1,n); //Controller effort\n",
+"for k=3:n\n",
+" p(k)=(-p_coeff(2)*p(k-1)-p_coeff(1)*p(k-2)+e_coeff*[e(k-2) e(k-1) e(k)]')/p_coeff(3);\n",
+"xtitle('Fig 17.11 (a)','Time(min)','Dahlin Controller effort (p)');\n",
+"//Now we simulate the continuous version of the plant to get output in between\n",
+"//the discrete point. This will help us ascertain the efficacy of the controller\n",
+"//at points other than the discrete points\n",
+"//Note that this is required to be checked because deltaT=1. had it been much\n",
+"//smaller like 0.01 it would have been a good approx to a continuous system\n",
+"//thus making this interpolation check redundant\n",
+"Gp=syslin('c',1/(5*s+1)/(3*s+1));//continuous time version of process \n",
+"Ts_c=0.01;//sampling time for continuous system\n",
+"t=Ts_c:Ts_c:length([0 p])*Ts;\n",
+"p_c=matrix(repmat([0 p],Ts/Ts_c,1),1,Ts/Ts_c*length([0 p]))//hack for zero order hold\n",
+"//p_c means controller effort which is continous\n",
+"legend('Dahlin Controller','Set point',position=4)\n",
+"xtitle('Fig 17.11 (a)','Time(min)','Output');\n",
+"//=============Now we do calculations for modified Dahlin controller========//\n",
+"//Y_Ysp_d=(1-A)*z^(-N-1)/(1-A*z^-1)*(b1+b2*z^-1)/(b1+b2); //Vogel Edgar\n",
+"//Page 362 just after solved example\n",
+"G_DC_bar=(1-1.5353*z^-1+0.5866*z^-2)/(0.0280+0.0234)*0.632/(1-z^-1); \n",
+"//G_DC2=1/G*((1-A)*z^(-N-1))/(1-A*z^-1-(1-A)*z^(-N-1)); //Eqn 17-61\n",
+"ysp=[zeros(1,4) ones(1,16)]\n",
+"Gz_CL=syslin('d',G*G_DC_bar/(G*G_DC_bar+1));//Closed loop discrete system\n",
+"yd=flts(ysp,Gz_CL) //Discrete Output due to set point change\n",
+"e=ysp-yd; //Since we know set point and the output of the system we can use \n",
+"//this info to find out the errors at the discrete time points\n",
+"//note that here we have exploited in a very subtle way the property of a \n",
+"//discrete system that only the values at discrete points matter for\n",
+"//any sort of calculation\n",
+"//Now this error can be used to find out the controller effort\n",
+"n=20;//Time in minutes discretized with Ts=1 min\n",
+"p=zeros(1,n); //Controller effort\n",
+"for k=3:n\n",
+" p(k)=(-p_coeff(2)*p(k-1)-p_coeff(1)*p(k-2)+e_coeff*[e(k-2) e(k-1) e(k)]')/p_coeff(3);\n",
+"xtitle('Fig 17.11 (b)','Time(min)','Modified Dahlin Controller effort (p)');\n",
+"//Now we simulate the continuous version of the plant to get output in between\n",
+"//the discrete point. This will help us ascertain the efficacy of the controller\n",
+"//at points other than the discrete points\n",
+"//Note that this is required to be checked because deltaT=1. had it been much\n",
+"//smaller like 0.01 it would have been a good approx to a continuous system\n",
+"//thus making this interpolation check redundant\n",
+"Gp=syslin('c',1/(5*s+1)/(3*s+1));//continuous time version of process \n",
+"Ts_c=0.01;//sampling time for continuous system\n",
+"t=Ts_c:Ts_c:length([0 p])*Ts;\n",
+"p_c=matrix(repmat([0 p],Ts/Ts_c,1),1,Ts/Ts_c*length([0 p]))//hack for zero order hold\n",
+"//p_c means controller effort which is continous\n",
+"legend('Modified Dahlin Controller','Set point',position=4)\n",
+"xtitle('Fig 17.11 (b)','Time(min)','Output');"
+ ]
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+ "source": [
+ "## Example 17.7: Non_ringing_Dahlin_controller.sce"
+ ]
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+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//Example 17.7\n",
+"disp('Example 17.7')\n",
+"//Note that for solving this example there are two ways\n",
+"//One is to do this in xcos which is very easy to do\n",
+"//and one can learn the same from example 17.5's solution\n",
+"//To get the controller outputs at every point in xcos\n",
+"//just add a scope to the leg connecting controller and\n",
+"//zero order hold unit before the continuous time block\n",
+"//The other method is given here so that the reader learns more\n",
+"//of what all can be done in scilab\n",
+"//Here we deal with the controller in time domain rather than z domain\n",
+"h=0;//no process delay\n",
+"Y_Ysp=1/(lamda*s+1);//exp(-h*s) is one because h=0 Eqn 17-62\n",
+"Ts=1;//sampling time\n",
+"//=============Now we do calculations for modified Dahlin controller========//\n",
+"//Page 362 just after solved example\n",
+"G_DC_bar=(1-1.5353*z^-1+0.5866*z^-2)/(0.0280+0.0234)*0.632/(1-z^-1); \n",
+"ysp=[zeros(1,4) ones(1,16)]\n",
+"Gz_CL=syslin('d',G*G_DC_bar/(G*G_DC_bar+1));//Closed loop discrete system\n",
+"yd=flts(ysp,Gz_CL) //Discrete Output due to set point change\n",
+"e=ysp-yd; //Since we know set point and the output of the system we can use \n",
+"//this info to find out the errors at the discrete time points\n",
+"//note that here we have exploited in a very subtle way the property of a \n",
+"//discrete system that only the values at discrete points matter for\n",
+"//any sort of calculation\n",
+"//Now this error can be used to find out the controller effort\n",
+"n=20;//Time in minutes discretized with Ts=1 min\n",
+"p=zeros(1,n); //Controller effort\n",
+"for k=3:n\n",
+" p(k)=(-p_coeff(2)*p(k-1)-p_coeff(1)*p(k-2)+e_coeff*[e(k-2) e(k-1) e(k)]')/p_coeff(3);\n",
+"xtitle('Fig 17.12 (a)','Time(min)','Modified Dahlin Controller effort (p)');\n",
+"//Now we simulate the continuous version of the plant to get output in between\n",
+"//the discrete point. This will help us ascertain the efficacy of the controller\n",
+"//at points other than the discrete points\n",
+"//Note that this is required to be checked because deltaT=1. had it been much\n",
+"//smaller like 0.01 it would have been a good approx to a continuous system\n",
+"//thus making this interpolation check redundant\n",
+"Gp=syslin('c',1/(5*s+1)/(3*s+1));//continuous time version of process \n",
+"Ts_c=0.01;//sampling time for continuous system\n",
+"t=Ts_c:Ts_c:length([0 p])*Ts;\n",
+"p_c=matrix(repmat([0 p],Ts/Ts_c,1),1,Ts/Ts_c*length([0 p]))//hack for zero order hold\n",
+"//p_c means controller effort which is continous\n",
+"legend('Modified Dahlin Controller','Set point',position=4)\n",
+"xtitle('Fig 17.12 (a)','Time(min)','Output');\n",
+"//=============Now we do calculations for PID-BD controller========//\n",
+"ysp=[zeros(1,4) ones(1,16)]\n",
+"Gz_CL=syslin('d',G*G_BD/(G*G_BD+1));//Closed loop discrete system\n",
+"yd=flts(ysp,Gz_CL) //Discrete Output due to set point change\n",
+"e=ysp-yd; //Since we know set point and the output of the system we can use \n",
+"//this info to find out the errors at the discrete time points\n",
+"//note that here we have exploited in a very subtle way the property of a \n",
+"//discrete system that only the values at discrete points matter for\n",
+"//any sort of calculation\n",
+"//Now this error can be used to find out the controller effort\n",
+"n=20;//Time in minutes discretized with Ts=1 min\n",
+"p=zeros(1,n); //Controller effort\n",
+"for k=3:n\n",
+" p(k)=(-p_coeff(2)*p(k-1)-p_coeff(1)*p(k-2)+e_coeff*[e(k-2) e(k-1) e(k)]')/p_coeff(3);\n",
+"xtitle('Fig 17.12 (b)','Time(min)','BD Controller effort (p)');\n",
+"//Now we simulate the continuous version of the plant to get output in between\n",
+"//the discrete point. This will help us ascertain the efficacy of the controller\n",
+"//at points other than the discrete points\n",
+"//Note that this is required to be checked because deltaT=1. had it been much\n",
+"//smaller like 0.01 it would have been a good approx to a continuous system\n",
+"//thus making this interpolation check redundant\n",
+"Gp=syslin('c',1/(5*s+1)/(3*s+1));//continuous time version of process \n",
+"Ts_c=0.01;//sampling time for continuous system\n",
+"t=Ts_c:Ts_c:length([0 p])*Ts;\n",
+"p_c=matrix(repmat([0 p],Ts/Ts_c,1),1,Ts/Ts_c*length([0 p]))//hack for zero order hold\n",
+"//p_c means controller effort which is continous\n",
+"legend('PID-BD Controller','Set point',position=4)\n",
+"xtitle('Fig 17.12 (b)','Time(min)','Output');\n",
+"//=============Now we do calculations for Vogel Edgar Dahlin controller========//\n",
+"Y_Ysp_d=(1-A)*z^(-N-1)/(1-A*z^-1)*(b1+b2*z^-1)/(b1+b2); //Vogel Edgar Eqn 17-70\n",
+"G_VE=1/G*(Y_Ysp_d)/(1-Y_Ysp_d); //Eqn 17-61\n",
+"ysp=[zeros(1,4) ones(1,16)]\n",
+"Gz_CL=syslin('d',G*G_VE/(G*G_VE+1));//Closed loop discrete system\n",
+"yd=flts(ysp,Gz_CL) //Discrete Output due to set point change\n",
+"e=ysp-yd; //Since we know set point and the output of the system we can use \n",
+"//this info to find out the errors at the discrete time points\n",
+"//note that here we have exploited in a very subtle way the property of a \n",
+"//discrete system that only the values at discrete points matter for\n",
+"//any sort of calculation\n",
+"//Now this error can be used to find out the controller effort\n",
+"n=20;//Time in minutes discretized with Ts=1 min\n",
+"p=zeros(1,n); //Controller effort\n",
+"for k=3:n\n",
+" p(k)=(-p_coeff(2)*p(k-1)-p_coeff(1)*p(k-2)+e_coeff*[e(k-2) e(k-1) e(k)]')/p_coeff(3);\n",
+"xtitle('Fig 17.12 (c)','Time(min)','Vogel Edgar Controller effort (p)');\n",
+"//Now we simulate the continuous version of the plant to get output in between\n",
+"//the discrete point. This will help us ascertain the efficacy of the controller\n",
+"//at points other than the discrete points\n",
+"//Note that this is required to be checked because deltaT=1. had it been much\n",
+"//smaller like 0.01 it would have been a good approx to a continuous system\n",
+"//thus making this interpolation check redundant\n",
+"Gp=syslin('c',1/(5*s+1)/(3*s+1));//continuous time version of process \n",
+"Ts_c=0.01;//sampling time for continuous system\n",
+"t=Ts_c:Ts_c:length([0 p])*Ts;\n",
+"p_c=matrix(repmat([0 p],Ts/Ts_c,1),1,Ts/Ts_c*length([0 p]))//hack for zero order hold\n",
+"//p_c means controller effort which is continous\n",
+"legend('Vogel Edgar Controller','Set point',position=4)\n",
+"xtitle('Fig 17.12 (c)','Time(min)','Output');\n",
+"mprintf('Note that there is some very slight difference between the \n...\n",
+"curves shown in book and that obtained from scilab\n...\n",
+"this is simply because of more detailed calculation in scilab ')"
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+ "# Chapter 19: Real Time Optimization"
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+ "## Example 19.2: Nitration_of_Decane.sce"
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+"source": [
+"//Example 19.2\n",
+"disp('Example 19.2')\n",
+"function y=f_DNO3(r1)\n",
+" D1=0.5;D2=0.5;\n",
+" r2=0.4-0.5*r1;\n",
+" y=r1*D1/(1+r1)^2/(1+r2)+r2*D2/(1+r1)/(1+r2)^2\n",
+"function [f, g, ind] = costf(x, ind)\n",
+" f=-f_DNO3(x);//cost is negative of function to be maximised\n",
+" g=-derivative(f_DNO3,x);//derivative of the cost function\n",
+"[fopt, xopt] = optim(costf,0.5);\n",
+"disp(xopt,'Optimum value of r1=')\n",
+"disp(-fopt,'Max value of DNO3=')\n",
+"mprintf('Note that the answer in book is not as accurate as the one\n...\n",
+"calculated from scilab')"
+ ]
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+ "## Example 19.3: Refinery_blending_and_production.sce"
+ ]
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+"source": [
+"//Example 19.3\n",
+"disp('Example 19.3')\n",
+"//function for minimization\n",
+"c=-[-24.5 -16 36 24 21 10]';\n",
+"//Equality Constraints\n",
+"Aeq=[0.80 0.44 -1 0 0 0;0.05 0.1 0 -1 0 0;0.1 0.36 0 0 -1 0;0.05 0.1 0 0 0 -1];\n",
+"//Inequality Constraints\n",
+"A=[0 0 1 0 0 0;0 0 0 1 0 0;0 0 0 0 1 0];\n",
+"b=[24000 2000 6000]';\n",
+"//Lower bound on x\n",
+"//Initial guess: such that it satisfies Aeq*x0=beq\n",
+"x0(1:2)=[5000 3000]';//Initial guess for x1 and x2\n",
+"x0(3:6)=Aeq(:,3:6)\(beq-Aeq(:,1:2)*x0(1:2));//solution of linear equations\n",
+"//Note that x0 should also satisfy A*x0<b and lb\n",
+"disp(xopt,'Optimum value of x=')\n",
+"mprintf('\nMax value of f=$ %f /day\n',-fopt)\n",
+"mprintf('\n Note that the answer in book is not as accurate as the one\n...\n",
+" calculated from scilab')"
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+ "## Example 19.4: Fuel_cost_in_boiler_house.sce"
+ ]
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+"source": [
+"//Example 19.4\n",
+"disp('Example 19.4')\n",
+"//Here we have Nonlinear programming problem hence we use optim function\n",
+"//Since optim does not have the ability to handle constraints\n",
+"//we use the penalty method for optimization\n",
+"//ie we make the constraints a part of the cost function such that \n",
+"//cost function increases severly for any violation of constraints\n",
+"//MATLAB users must be familiar with fmincon function in MATLAB\n",
+"//Unfortunately a similar function in Scilab is not yet available\n",
+"//Fmincon toolbox development for scilab is under development/testing\n",
+"x0=[2 4 4 1]'; //Initial guess\n",
+"function y=func(x) //x is 4*1 vector\n",
+" P1=4.5*x(1)+0.1*x(1)^2+4*x(2)+0.06*x(2)^2;\n",
+" P2=4*x(3)+0.05*x(3)^2+3.5*x(4)+0.2*x(4)^2;\n",
+" if (P1>30) then\n",
+" c1=abs(P1-30)^2;\n",
+" elseif P1<18\n",
+" c1=abs(P1-18)^2;\n",
+" else c1=0;\n",
+" end\n",
+" if (P2>25) then\n",
+" c2=abs(P2-30)^2;\n",
+" elseif P2<14\n",
+" c2=abs(P2-18)^2;\n",
+" else c2=0;\n",
+" end\n",
+" c3=abs(P1+P2-50)^2;\n",
+" c4=abs(x(2)+x(4)-5)^2;\n",
+" y=(x(1)+x(3))+100*(c1+c2+c3+c4);\n",
+"function [f, g, ind] = costf(x, ind)\n",
+" f=func(x);//cost is negative of function to be maximised\n",
+" g=derivative(func,x);//derivative of the cost function\n",
+"[fopt, xopt] = optim(costf,'b',zeros(4,1), 10*ones(4,1),x0);\n",
+"// 'b',zeros(4,1), 10*ones(4,1) stands for lower and upper bounds on x\n",
+"disp(xopt,'Optimum value of x=')\n",
+"disp(fopt,'Min value of f=')\n",
+"mprintf('Note that the answer in book is not as accurate as the one\n...\n",
+"calculated from scilab')"
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+ "# Chapter 2: Theoretical Models of Chemical Processes"
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+ "source": [
+ "## Example 2.1: Stirred_tank_blending_process.sce"
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+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//Example 2.1\n",
+"disp('Example 2.1')\n",
+"t=0:0.1:25; //Time scale for plotting of graphs\n",
+"printf('\n (a) The steady state concentration is %f \n',xbar)\n",
+"w1bar=400; //flow rate changes, rest remains same\n",
+"x0=0.5; \n",
+"Cstarb=(w1bar*x1bar+w2bar*x2bar)/wbar; //C* variable\n",
+"printf('\n (b) The value of C* is %f',Cstarb)\n",
+"printf('\n x(t)=0.5exp(-t/3)+%f(1-exp(-t/3)) \n',Cstarb);\n",
+"xtb=0.5*exp(-t/3)+Cstarb*(1-exp(-t/3)); //x(t) for part (b)\n",
+"w1bar=500;w2bar=100; //flow rate changes, rest remains same\n",
+"x0=0.5; \n",
+"Cstarc=(w1bar*x1bar+w2bar*x2bar)/wbar; //C* variable\n",
+"printf('\n (c) The value of C* is %f',Cstarc)\n",
+"printf('\n x(t)=0.5exp(-t/3)+%f(1-exp(-t/3)) \n',Cstarc);\n",
+"w1bar=500;w2bar=100;x1bar=0.6;x2bar=0.75; //flow rate changes, rest remains same\n",
+"x0=0.5; \n",
+"Cstard=(w1bar*x1bar+w2bar*x2bar)/wbar; //C* variable\n",
+"printf('\n (d) The value of C* is %f',Cstard)\n",
+"printf('\n x(t)=0.5exp(-t/3)+%f(1-exp(-t/3)) \n',Cstard);\n",
+"xtitle('Parts b through d','Time(min)','$x(t)$');\n",
+"xNb=(xtb-x0)/(Cstarb-x0); //Normalized response for part b\n",
+"xNc=(xtc-x0)/(Cstarc-x0); //Normalized response for part c\n",
+"xNd=(xtd-x0)/(Cstard-x0); //Normalized response for part d\n",
+"scf() //Creates new window for plotting\n",
+"plot2d(t,[xNd',xNb',xNc'],style=[1 1 1]) \n",
+"//Style sets the color, -ve values means discrete plotting, +ve means color\n",
+"xtitle('Part e','Time(min)','Normalized response');\n",
+ ]
+ }
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "## Example 2.2: Degrees_of_freedom_1.sce"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+"cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//Example 2.2\n",
+"disp('Example 2.2')\n",
+"printf('\n Degrees of freedom N_F= %i \n',N_F)"
+ ]
+ }
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "## Example 2.3: Degrees_of_freedom_2.sce"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+"cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//Example 2.3\n",
+"disp('Example 2.3')\n",
+"printf('\n Degrees of freedom N_F= %i \n',N_F)"
+ ]
+ }
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "## Example 2.4: Electrically_heated_stirred_tank_process.sce"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+"cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//Example 2.4\n",
+"disp('Example 2.4')\n",
+"mprintf('\n Important Note: Errata for book: Values of the parameters \n...\n",
+" meCe/heAe and meCe/wC should be 1 min each and not 0.5 min %s \n','')\n",
+"Tibar=100;//deg C\n",
+"wc_inv=0.05;// 1/wc degC min/kcal\n",
+"mprintf('\n (a) Nominal steady state temperature= %i',Tbar)\n",
+"mprintf(' degree celsius %s \n','')\n",
+"mprintf('\n Eqn 2-29 becomes 10 d2T/dt2 + 12 dT/dt + T = 370 with T(0)=350 %s \n','')\n",
+"t=0:0.1:80; //Time values\n",
+"Tt_2=350+20*(1-1.089*exp(-t/11.099)+0.084*exp(-t/0.901));//T(t) from order 2 equation\n",
+"mprintf('\n Eqn 2-29 becomes 12 dT/dt + T = 370 with T(0)=350 %s \n','')\n",
+"Tt_1=350+20*(1-exp(-t/12));//T(t) from order 1 equation\n",
+"plot2d(t,[Tt_2',Tt_1'],[2 5],rect=[0 350 80 370])\n",
+"a=legend('a Second order','b First order',position=4);\n",
+ ]
+ }
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "## Example 2.5: Nonlinear_dynamic_behavior_of_CSTR.sce"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+"cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//Example 2.5\n",
+"disp('Example 2.5')\n",
+"function ydot=CSTR(t,y,Tc) //y is [Conc Temp]' Tc is coolant temp\n",
+" q=100;ci=1;V=100;rho=1000;C=0.239;deltaHR=5E4;k0=7.2E10;UA=5E4;Er=8750;\n",
+" Ti=350;\n",
+" c=y(1);T=y(2);\n",
+" k=k0*exp(-Er/T);//Er=E/R\n",
+" ydot(1)=1/V*(q*(ci-c)-V*k*c); //ydot(1) is dc_dt\n",
+" ydot(2)=1/(V*rho*C)*(q*rho*C*(Ti-T)+deltaHR*V*k*c+UA*(Tc-T))//ydot(2) is dT_dt\n",
+"y0=[c0 T0]';\n",
+"Tc=[290 305];\n",
+"y1 = ode(y0,t0,t,list(CSTR,Tc(1)));\n",
+"y2 = ode(y0,t0,t,list(CSTR,Tc(2)));\n",
+"y3=[0.5 0;0 350]*ones(2,length(t))\n",
+"//Temp plot\n",
+"plot(t,[y1(2,:)' y3(2,:)' y2(2,:)']);\n",
+"xtitle('Fig 2.7','Time(min)','Reactor Temp(K)');\n",
+"legend('290 K','300 K','305 K')\n",
+"//conc plot\n",
+"plot(t,[y1(1,:)' y3(1,:)' y2(1,:)']);\n",
+"xtitle('Fig 2.8','Time(min)','Reactor conc(mol/L)');\n",
+"legend('290 K','300 K','305 K');"
+ ]
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+ "# Chapter 20: Model Predictive Control"
+ ]
+ },
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "## Example 20.1: Step_response_coefficients.sce"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+"cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//Example 20.1\n",
+"disp('Example 20.1')\n",
+"Ts=1;//Sampling period\n",
+"//From eqn 20-5\n",
+"//Step change\n",
+"//Calculating step response from Eqn 20-4\n",
+"step=3;//step change occurs at t=3 min\n",
+"xtitle('$Ex\ 20.1$','Time(min)','y')"
+ ]
+ }
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "## Example 20.3: J_step_ahead_predictio.sce"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+"cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//Example 20.3\n",
+"disp('Example 20.3')\n",
+"for J=[3 4 6 8] //Tuning parameter\n",
+" \n",
+"Ts=5;//Sampling time ie delta_T\n",
+"N=16;//Model Order\n",
+"G=syslin('c',1/(5*s+1)^5);//Transfer function\n",
+"S=csim('step',t,G)';//generating step response model\n",
+"T=80;//simulation time\n",
+"u=zeros(1,n); \n",
+"//Input initialization 80 min is the Time for simulation\n",
+"//We take a few u values in negative time to facilitate usage of step response\n",
+"delta_u=[0 diff(u)];\n",
+"for k=(n-1)/2+1+1:n-J //an additional +1 is because MPC starts after set point change\n",
+" yhat_u(k+J)=delta_u(k+J-N+1:k-1)*flipdim(S(J+1:N-1),1)+S(N)*u(k+J-N);//unforced predicted y\n",
+" disp(yhat_u(k+J))\n",
+" delta_u(k)=(ysp-yhat_u(k+J))/S(J);\n",
+" u(k)=u(k-1)+delta_u(k);\n",
+"u(n-J+1:$)=u(k)*ones(1,J);//Carry forward the u as constant \n",
+"if J==3 | J==6 then\n",
+" plot2d2(t((n-1)/2+1:n),u((n-1)/2+1:n),style=J);\n",
+"//u_cont=matrix(repmat([0 u],res,1),1,res*length([0 u]));\n",
+"if J=8 then //for color of plot2d\n",
+" J=9\n",
+"//Other niceties for plots\n",
+"xtitle('Example 20.3','Time(min)','$y$');\n",
+ ]
+ }
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "## Example 20.4: Output_feedback_and_bias_correction.sce"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+"cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//Example 20.4\n",
+"disp('Example 20.4')\n",
+"Ts=1;//Sampling time ie delta_T\n",
+"N=80;//Model Order\n",
+"G=syslin('c',5/(15*s+1));//Transfer function\n",
+"u_sim(1:3)=[0 0 0]; //input delay to account for 2 min delay in G\n",
+"S=csim(u_sim,t,G)';//generating step response model for real plant\n",
+"T=100;//simulation time\n",
+"n=T/Ts*2+1; //no. of discrete points in our domain of analysis\n",
+"//Input initialization T min is the Time for simulation\n",
+"//We take a few u values in negative time to facilitate \n",
+"//usage of step response model\n",
+"delta_u(101+2)=1; //Step change at t=2 min\n",
+"delta_d(101+8)=0.15;//disturbance t=8 min\n",
+"yhat=zeros(n,1); //J step ahead predictions\n",
+"ytilda=zeros(n,1); //J step ahead predictions corrected\n",
+"b=zeros(n,1); //corrections\n",
+"for k=(n-1)/2+1-J:n-J\n",
+" yhat(k+J)=S(1:N-1)'*flipdim(delta_u(k+J-N+1:k+J-1),1)+S(N)*u(k+J-N);\n",
+" //Predicted y Eqn 20-10\n",
+" y(k+J)=S(1:N-1)'*flipdim(delta_u(k+J-N+1:k+J-1),1)+S(N)*u(k+J-N)+...\n",
+" S(1:N-1)'*flipdim(delta_d(k+J-N+1:k+J-1),1)+S(N)*d(k+J-N);\n",
+" //Actual values of the process\n",
+" b(k+J)=y(k)-yhat(k); //Note that there is a delay in corrections\n",
+" //which is opposite of prediction\n",
+"ytilda=b+yhat;//calculation of corrected y\n",
+"set(gca(),'data_bounds',[0 100 0 6]); //putting bounds on display\n",
+"l=legend('y','$\hat y$','$\tilde y$',position=4);\n",
+"xtitle('Example 20.4','Time(min)','$y$');\n",
+"//======Part b=====//\n",
+"G2=syslin('c',4/(20*s+1));//Transfer function\n",
+"u_sim(1:3)=[0 0 0]; //input delay to account for 2 min delay in G\n",
+"S2=csim(u_sim,t2,G2)';//generating step response model for model\n",
+"yhat=zeros(n,1); //J step ahead predictions\n",
+"ytilda=zeros(n,1); //J step ahead predictions corrected\n",
+"b=zeros(n,1); //corrections\n",
+"for k=(n-1)/2+1-J:n-J\n",
+" yhat(k+J)=S2(1:N-1)'*flipdim(delta_u(k+J-N+1:k+J-1),1)+S2(N)*u(k+J-N);\n",
+" //Predicted y Eqn 20-10\n",
+" y(k+J)=S(1:N-1)'*flipdim(delta_u(k+J-N+1:k+J-1),1)+S(N)*u(k+J-N)+...\n",
+" S(1:N-1)'*flipdim(delta_d(k+J-N+1:k+J-1),1)+S(N)*d(k+J-N);\n",
+" //Actual values of the process\n",
+" b(k+J)=y(k)-yhat(k); //Note that there is a delay in corrections\n",
+" //which is opposite of prediction\n",
+"ytilda=b+yhat;//calculation of corrected y\n",
+"set(gca(),'data_bounds',[0 100 0 6]); //putting bounds on display\n",
+"l=legend('y','$\hat y$','$\tilde y$',position=4);\n",
+"xtitle('Example 20.4','Time(min)','$y$');\n",
+ ]
+ }
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "## Example 20.5: Comparison_of_MPCs_and_PID.sce"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+"cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//Example 20.5\n",
+"disp('Example 20.5')\n",
+"Ts=1;//Sampling time ie delta_T\n",
+"N=70;//Model Order\n",
+"G=syslin('c',1/(5*s+1)/(10*s+1));//Transfer function\n",
+"//There is automatically an input delay of one unit in csim function\n",
+"S=csim(u_sim,t,G)';//generating step response model for real plant\n",
+"T=80;//simulation time\n",
+"//Let the three simulations correspond to\n",
+"//MPC1==> P=3,M=1\n",
+"//MPC2==> P=4,M=2\n",
+"///PID==> The PID controller\n",
+"S2=[S(1:P2) [0;S(1:P2-1)]];//MPC-2\n",
+"//SISO system\n",
+"R=0;//No move suppression\n",
+"Kc1=inv(S1'*Q*S1+R*eye(M1,M1))*S1'*Q;//Eqn20-57 MPC1\n",
+"Kc2=inv(S2'*Q*S2+R*eye(M2,M2))*S2'*Q;//Eqn20-57 MPC2\n",
+"mprintf('\nFor P=3 and M=1, \nKc=\n [%f %f %f]\n',Kc1)\n",
+"mprintf('\nFor P=4 and M=2,\nKc=')\n",
+"//=============Part(b) MPC-1========//\n",
+"n=T/Ts*2+1; //no. of discrete points in our domain of analysis\n",
+"//Input initialization T is the Time for simulation\n",
+"//We take a few u values in negative time to facilitate \n",
+"//usage of step response model\n",
+"//delta_u(101+2)=1; //Step change at t=2 min\n",
+"//delta_d(101+8)=0.15;//disturbance t=8 min\n",
+"y=zeros(1,n);//Actual values\n",
+"yhat=zeros(1,n); //predicted value\n",
+"ydot=zeros(P1,n); //Unforced predictions\n",
+"ydottilde=zeros(P1,n); //Corrected unforced predictions\n",
+"yr=ones(P1,n);//reference trajectory(same as setpoint)\n",
+"edot=zeros(P1,n);//predicted unforced error\n",
+"for k=(n-1)/2+1:n-P1\n",
+" \n",
+" //Unforced predictions\n",
+" for J=1:P1\n",
+" ydot(J,k+1)=S(J+1:N-1)'*flipdim(delta_u(k+J-N+1:k-1),1)+S(N)*u(k+J-N);\n",
+" end\n",
+" //Actual values of the process\n",
+" J=0;\n",
+" y(k+J)=S(1:N-1)'*flipdim(delta_u(k+J-N+1:k+J-1),1)+S(N)*u(k+J-N)+...\n",
+" S(1:N-1)'*flipdim(delta_d(k+J-N+1:k+J-1),1)+S(N)*d(k+J-N);\n",
+" //Predicted value of the process\n",
+" J=0;\n",
+" yhat(k+J)=S(1:N-1)'*flipdim(delta_u(k+J-N+1:k+J-1),1)+S(N)*u(k+J-N);\n",
+" //Corrected prediction for unforced case\n",
+" ydottilde(:,k+1)=ydot(:,k+1)+ones(P1,1)*(y(k)-yhat(k));\n",
+" \n",
+" //Predicted unforced error Eqn20-52\n",
+" edot(:,k+1)=yr(:,k+1)-ydottilde(:,k+1);\n",
+" \n",
+" //Control move\n",
+" delta_u(k)=Kc1*edot(:,k+1);\n",
+" u(k)=u(k-1)+delta_u(k);\n",
+" \n",
+"//=============Part(b) MPC-2========//\n",
+"n=T/Ts*2+1; //no. of discrete points in our domain of analysis\n",
+"//Input initialization T is the Time for simulation\n",
+"//We take a few u values in negative time to facilitate \n",
+"//usage of step response model\n",
+"//delta_u(101+2)=1; //Step change at t=2 min\n",
+"//delta_d(101+8)=0.15;//disturbance t=8 min\n",
+"y=zeros(1,n);//Actual values\n",
+"yhat=zeros(1,n); //predicted value\n",
+"ydot=zeros(P2,n); //Unforced predictions\n",
+"ydottilde=zeros(P2,n); //Corrected unforced predictions\n",
+"yr=ones(P2,n);//reference trajectory(same as setpoint)\n",
+"edot=zeros(P2,n);//predicted unforced error\n",
+"for k=(n-1)/2+1:n-P2\n",
+" \n",
+" //Unforced predictions\n",
+" for J=1:P2\n",
+" ydot(J,k+1)=S(J+1:N-1)'*flipdim(delta_u(k+J-N+1:k-1),1)+S(N)*u(k+J-N);\n",
+" end\n",
+" //Actual values of the process\n",
+" J=0;\n",
+" y(k+J)=S(1:N-1)'*flipdim(delta_u(k+J-N+1:k+J-1),1)+S(N)*u(k+J-N)+...\n",
+" S(1:N-1)'*flipdim(delta_d(k+J-N+1:k+J-1),1)+S(N)*d(k+J-N);\n",
+" //Predicted value of the process\n",
+" J=0;\n",
+" yhat(k+J)=S(1:N-1)'*flipdim(delta_u(k+J-N+1:k+J-1),1)+S(N)*u(k+J-N);\n",
+" //Corrected prediction for unforced case\n",
+" ydottilde(:,k+1)=ydot(:,k+1)+ones(P2,1)*(y(k)-yhat(k));\n",
+" \n",
+" //Predicted unforced error Eqn20-52\n",
+" edot(:,k+1)=yr(:,k+1)-ydottilde(:,k+1);\n",
+" \n",
+" //Control move\n",
+" delta_u(k)=Kc2(1,:)*edot(:,k+1);\n",
+" u(k)=u(k-1)+delta_u(k);\n",
+" \n",
+"set(gca(),'data_bounds',[0 60 0 1.25]); //putting bounds on display\n",
+"xtitle('Process Output','Time(min)','$y$');\n",
+"//=============Part(b) PID========//\n",
+"n=T/Ts*2+1; //no. of discrete points in our domain of analysis\n",
+"//Input initialization T is the Time for simulation\n",
+"//We take a few u values in negative time to facilitate \n",
+"//usage of step response model\n",
+"//delta_d(101+8)=0.15;//disturbance t=8 min\n",
+"y=zeros(n,1);//Actual values\n",
+"//PID settings\n",
+"for k=(n-1)/2+1:n-1\n",
+" //Actual values of the process\n",
+" J=0;\n",
+" y(k+J)=S(1:N-1)'*flipdim(delta_u(k+J-N+1:k+J-1),1)+S(N)*u(k+J-N)+...\n",
+" S(1:N-1)'*flipdim(delta_d(k+J-N+1:k+J-1),1)+S(N)*d(k+J-N);\n",
+" //error\n",
+" e(k)=ysp-y(k);\n",
+" delta_e(k)=e(k)-e(k-1);\n",
+" \n",
+" //Controller move----Digital PID----Eqn 7-28 Pg 136 (Velocity form)\n",
+" u(k)=u(k-1)+Kc*([delta_e(k,1)+e(k,1)*Ts/taui+tauD/Ts*(e(k)-2*e(k-1)+e(k-2))]);\n",
+" delta_u(k)=u(k)-u(k-1); \n",
+"set(gca(),'data_bounds',[0 60 0 1.25]); //putting bounds on display\n",
+"l=legend('MPC (P=3,M=1)','MPC (P=4,M=2)','PID controller',position=4);\n",
+"xtitle('Process Output','Time(min)','$y$');\n",
+"set(gca(),'data_bounds',[0 30 -100 100]); //putting bounds on display\n",
+"l=legend('MPC (P=3,M=1)','MPC (P=4,M=2)','PID controller',position=4);\n",
+"xtitle('Controller Output','Time(min)','$u$');\n",
+"//=============Part(c) MPC-1========//\n",
+"n=T/Ts*2+1; //no. of discrete points in our domain of analysis\n",
+"//Input initialization T is the Time for simulation\n",
+"//We take a few u values in negative time to facilitate \n",
+"//usage of step response model\n",
+"delta_d((n-1)/2+1)=1;//disturbance t=0 min\n",
+"y=zeros(1,n);//Actual values\n",
+"yhat=zeros(1,n); //predicted value\n",
+"ydot=zeros(P1,n); //Unforced predictions\n",
+"ydottilde=zeros(P1,n); //Corrected unforced predictions\n",
+"yr=zeros(P1,n);//reference trajectory(same as setpoint)\n",
+"edot=zeros(P1,n);//predicted unforced error\n",
+"for k=(n-1)/2+1:n-P1\n",
+" \n",
+" //Unforced predictions\n",
+" for J=1:P1\n",
+" ydot(J,k+1)=S(J+1:N-1)'*flipdim(delta_u(k+J-N+1:k-1),1)+S(N)*u(k+J-N);\n",
+" end\n",
+" //Actual values of the process\n",
+" J=0;\n",
+" y(k+J)=S(1:N-1)'*flipdim(delta_u(k+J-N+1:k+J-1),1)+S(N)*u(k+J-N)+...\n",
+" S(1:N-1)'*flipdim(delta_d(k+J-N+1:k+J-1),1)+S(N)*d(k+J-N);\n",
+" //Predicted value of the process\n",
+" J=0;\n",
+" yhat(k+J)=S(1:N-1)'*flipdim(delta_u(k+J-N+1:k+J-1),1)+S(N)*u(k+J-N);\n",
+" //Corrected prediction for unforced case\n",
+" ydottilde(:,k+1)=ydot(:,k+1)+ones(P1,1)*(y(k)-yhat(k));\n",
+" \n",
+" //Predicted unforced error Eqn20-52\n",
+" edot(:,k+1)=yr(:,k+1)-ydottilde(:,k+1);\n",
+" \n",
+" //Control move\n",
+" delta_u(k)=Kc1*edot(:,k+1);\n",
+" u(k)=u(k-1)+delta_u(k);\n",
+" \n",
+"//=============Part(c) MPC-2========//\n",
+"n=T/Ts*2+1; //no. of discrete points in our domain of analysis\n",
+"//Input initialization T is the Time for simulation\n",
+"//We take a few u values in negative time to facilitate \n",
+"//usage of step response model\n",
+"delta_d((n-1)/2+1)=1;//disturbance t=0 min\n",
+"y=zeros(1,n);//Actual values\n",
+"yhat=zeros(1,n); //predicted value\n",
+"ydot=zeros(P2,n); //Unforced predictions\n",
+"ydottilde=zeros(P2,n); //Corrected unforced predictions\n",
+"yr=zeros(P2,n);//reference trajectory(same as setpoint)\n",
+"edot=zeros(P2,n);//predicted unforced error\n",
+"for k=(n-1)/2+1:n-P2\n",
+" \n",
+" //Unforced predictions\n",
+" for J=1:P2\n",
+" ydot(J,k+1)=S(J+1:N-1)'*flipdim(delta_u(k+J-N+1:k-1),1)+S(N)*u(k+J-N);\n",
+" end\n",
+" //Actual values of the process\n",
+" J=0;\n",
+" y(k+J)=S(1:N-1)'*flipdim(delta_u(k+J-N+1:k+J-1),1)+S(N)*u(k+J-N)+...\n",
+" S(1:N-1)'*flipdim(delta_d(k+J-N+1:k+J-1),1)+S(N)*d(k+J-N);\n",
+" //Predicted value of the process\n",
+" J=0;\n",
+" yhat(k+J)=S(1:N-1)'*flipdim(delta_u(k+J-N+1:k+J-1),1)+S(N)*u(k+J-N);\n",
+" //Corrected prediction for unforced case\n",
+" ydottilde(:,k+1)=ydot(:,k+1)+ones(P2,1)*(y(k)-yhat(k));\n",
+" \n",
+" //Predicted unforced error Eqn20-52\n",
+" edot(:,k+1)=yr(:,k+1)-ydottilde(:,k+1);\n",
+" \n",
+" //Control move\n",
+" delta_u(k)=Kc2(1,:)*edot(:,k+1);\n",
+" u(k)=u(k-1)+delta_u(k);\n",
+" \n",
+"//=============Part(C) PID========//\n",
+"n=T/Ts*2+1; //no. of discrete points in our domain of analysis\n",
+"//Input initialization T is the Time for simulation\n",
+"//We take a few u values in negative time to facilitate \n",
+"//usage of step response model\n",
+"delta_d((n-1)/2+1)=1;//disturbance t=0 min\n",
+"y=zeros(n,1);//Actual values\n",
+"//PID settings\n",
+"for k=(n-1)/2+1:n-1\n",
+" //Actual values of the process\n",
+" J=0;\n",
+" y(k+J)=S(1:N-1)'*flipdim(delta_u(k+J-N+1:k+J-1),1)+S(N)*u(k+J-N)+...\n",
+" S(1:N-1)'*flipdim(delta_d(k+J-N+1:k+J-1),1)+S(N)*d(k+J-N);\n",
+" //error\n",
+" e(k)=ysp-y(k);\n",
+" delta_e(k)=e(k)-e(k-1);\n",
+" \n",
+" //Controller move----Digital PID----Eqn 7-28 Pg 136 (Velocity form)\n",
+" u(k)=u(k-1)+Kc*([delta_e(k,1)+e(k,1)*Ts/taui+tauD/Ts*(e(k)-2*e(k-1)+e(k-2))]);\n",
+" delta_u(k)=u(k)-u(k-1); \n",
+"set(gca(),'data_bounds',[0 60 -0.1 0.3]); //putting bounds on display\n",
+"l=legend('MPC (P=3,M=1)','MPC (P=4,M=2)','PID controller',position=1);\n",
+"xtitle('Process Output','Time(min)','$y$');\n",
+"set(gca(),'data_bounds',[0 30 -1.5 0]); //putting bounds on display\n",
+"l=legend('MPC (P=3,M=1)','MPC (P=4,M=2)','PID controller',position=1);\n",
+"xtitle('Controller Output','Time(min)','$u$');\n",
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+ "# Chapter 21: Process Monitoring"
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+ "## Example 21.2: Semiconductor_processing_control_charts.sce"
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+"//Example 21.2\n",
+"disp('Example 21.2')\n",
+"x=[209.6 207.6 211.1 \n",
+" 183.5 193.1 202.4 \n",
+" 190.1 206.8 201.6 \n",
+" 206.9 189.3 204.1 \n",
+" 260. 209. 212.2 \n",
+" 193.9 178.8 214.5 \n",
+" 206.9 202.8 189.7 \n",
+" 200.2 192.7 202.1 \n",
+" 210.6 192.3 205.9 \n",
+" 186.6 201.5 197.4 \n",
+" 204.8 196.6 225. \n",
+" 183.7 209.7 208.6 \n",
+" 185.6 198.9 191.5 \n",
+" 202.9 210.1 208.1 \n",
+" 198.6 195.2 150. \n",
+" 188.7 200.7 207.6 \n",
+" 197.1 204. 182.9 \n",
+" 194.2 211.2 215.4 \n",
+" 191. 206.2 183.9 \n",
+" 202.5 197.1 211.1 \n",
+" 185.1 186.3 188.9 \n",
+" 203.1 193.1 203.9 \n",
+" 179.7 203.3 209.7 \n",
+" 205.3 190. 208.2 \n",
+" 203.4 202.9 200.4 ]\n",
+"//Original Limits\n",
+"xbar=sum(x,2)/n; //mean calculation\n",
+"s=sqrt(1/(n-1)*sum((x-repmat(xbar,1,3)).^2,2)); //standard deviation calculation\n",
+"p=length(xbar);//no. of subgroups\n",
+"//original limits\n",
+"LCL_x=xbarbar-c*sigma;//Eqn 21-10\n",
+"//Modified Limits\n",
+"x_mod([5 15],:)=[];\n",
+"xbar_mod=sum(x_mod,2)/n; //mean calculation\n",
+"s_mod=sqrt(1/(n-1)*sum((x_mod-repmat(xbar_mod,1,3)).^2,2)); //standard deviation calculation\n",
+"p_mod=length(xbar_mod);//no. of subgroups\n",
+"//modified limits\n",
+"LCL_x_mod=xbarbar_mod-c*sigma_mod;//Eqn 21-10\n",
+"mprintf('\n Original Limits Modified Limits')\n",
+"mprintf('\n xbar Chart Control Limits ')\n",
+"mprintf('\n UCL %f %f',UCL_x,UCL_x_mod)\n",
+"mprintf('\n LCL %f %f',LCL_x,LCL_x_mod)\n",
+"mprintf('\n s Chart Control Limits ')\n",
+"mprintf('\n UCL %f %f',UCL_s,UCL_s_mod)\n",
+"mprintf('\n LCL %f %f',LCL_s,LCL_s_mod)\n",
+"xtitle('Example 21.2','Sampling number','$\text{Thickness}\ (\AA)$')\n",
+"legend('Original Limits','Modified Limits')\n",
+"xtitle('','Sampling number','$\text{Standard Deviation}\ (\AA)$')"
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+ "## Example 21.3: Shewart_CUSUM_EWMA_compariso.sce"
+ ]
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+"source": [
+"//Example 21.3\n",
+"disp('Example 21.3')\n",
+"T=70;sigma=3;p=100;//p is the no. of samples\n",
+"x=grand(p,1, 'nor', T, sigma);\n",
+"//Limits for Shewart charts\n",
+"xtitle('Example 21.3','Sampling number','Strength (MPa)')\n",
+"for k=2:100\n",
+" Cplus(k)=max(0,x(k)-(T+K)+Cplus(k-1));\n",
+" Cminus(k)=max(0,(T-K)-x(k)+Cminus(k-1));\n",
+" if Cplus(k-1)>H then \n",
+" Cplus(k)=0;\n",
+" end\n",
+" if Cminus(k-1)>H then \n",
+" Cminus(k)=0;\n",
+" end\n",
+" \n",
+"xtitle('','Sampling number','CUSUM')\n",
+"for k=2:100\n",
+" z(k)=lamda*x(k)+(1-lamda)*z(k-1);\n",
+"xtitle('','Sampling number','EWMA')\n",
+"mprintf('The charts in the example and in the book differ due\n...\n",
+"a different realization of data everytime the code is run\n...\n",
+"due to the grand command. If we had the exact data as that given\n...\n",
+"in the book our charts would have matched.')"
+ ]
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+ "source": [
+ "## Example 21.4: Process_Capability_Indices.sce"
+ ]
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+ "collapsed": true
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+"source": [
+"//Example 21.4\n",
+"disp('Example 21.4')\n",
+"xbar=199.5;//Note that this is the correct value and not 199\n",
+"USL=235;//Note that this is diff from UCL\n",
+"mprintf('\nValue of sigma_x=%f',sigma_x);\n",
+"mprintf('\nCp=%f and Cpk=%f',Cp,Cpk)"
+ ]
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+ "source": [
+ "## Example 21.5: Effluent_Stream_from_wastewater_treatment.sce"
+ ]
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+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//Example 21.5\n",
+"disp('Example 21.5')\n",
+"x=[ 17.7 1380. \n",
+" 23.6 1458. \n",
+" 13.2 1322. \n",
+" 25.2 1448. \n",
+" 13.1 1334. \n",
+" 27.8 1485. \n",
+" 29.8 1503. \n",
+" 9. 1540. \n",
+" 14.3 1341. \n",
+" 26. 1448. \n",
+" 23.2 1426. \n",
+" 22.8 1417. \n",
+" 20.4 1384. \n",
+" 17.5 1380. \n",
+" 18.4 1396. \n",
+" 16.8 1345. \n",
+" 13.8 1349. \n",
+" 19.4 1398. \n",
+" 24.7 1426. \n",
+" 16.8 1361. \n",
+" 14.9 1347. \n",
+" 27.6 1476. \n",
+" 26.1 1454. \n",
+" 20. 1393. \n",
+" 22.9 1427. \n",
+" 22.4 1431. \n",
+" 19.6 1405. \n",
+" 31.5 1521. \n",
+" 19.9 1409. \n",
+" 20.3 1392.]; \n",
+"xtitle('Example 21.4','Sampling number','BOD (mg/L)')\n",
+"xtitle('','Sampling number','Solids (mg/L)')\n",
+"legend('Sample #8',position=4)\n",
+"xtitle('','BOD (mg/L)','Solids (mg/L)')\n",
+"mprintf('\nThe confidence interval for third case is not drawn\n...\n",
+" because it is beyond the scope of this book')"
+ ]
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+ "## Example 21.6: Hotellings_T_square_statistic.sce"
+ ]
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+"source": [
+"//Example 21.6\n",
+"disp('Example 21.6')\n",
+"x=[ 17.7 1380. \n",
+" 23.6 1458. \n",
+" 13.2 1322. \n",
+" 25.2 1448. \n",
+" 13.1 1334. \n",
+" 27.8 1485. \n",
+" 29.8 1503. \n",
+" 9. 1540. \n",
+" 14.3 1341. \n",
+" 26. 1448. \n",
+" 23.2 1426. \n",
+" 22.8 1417. \n",
+" 20.4 1384. \n",
+" 17.5 1380. \n",
+" 18.4 1396. \n",
+" 16.8 1345. \n",
+" 13.8 1349. \n",
+" 19.4 1398. \n",
+" 24.7 1426. \n",
+" 16.8 1361. \n",
+" 14.9 1347. \n",
+" 27.6 1476. \n",
+" 26.1 1454. \n",
+" 20. 1393. \n",
+" 22.9 1427. \n",
+" 22.4 1431. \n",
+" 19.6 1405. \n",
+" 31.5 1521. \n",
+" 19.9 1409. \n",
+" 20.3 1392.]; \n",
+" \n",
+" \n",
+"//For our example n=1 because each measurement is a subgroup\n",
+"//Note that mvvacov calculates covariance with denominator N, while\n",
+"//variance caluclates with denominator N-1, hence diagonal entry of mvvacov does not\n",
+"//match with variance calculated manually for each vector\n",
+"//As per wikipedia the book is wrong and for covariance matrix we should\n",
+"//use N-1 but here we follow the book\n",
+"for k=1:N\n",
+" Tsquare(k)=n*(x(k,:)-T)*inv(S)*(x(k,:)-T)';\n",
+"legend('UCL 99% confidence limit')\n",
+"xtitle('Example 21.6','Sample number','$T^2$')"
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+ "# Chapter 22: Biosystems Control Design"
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+ "source": [
+ "## Example 22.1: Fermentor.sce"
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+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//Example 22.1\n",
+"disp('Example 22.1')\n",
+"//ODE model\n",
+"function ydot=model(t,y,D)\n",
+" X=y(1);S=y(2);P=y(3);\n",
+" \n",
+" Xdot=-D*X+mu(S,P)*X;\n",
+" Sdot=D*(Sf-S)-1/Yxs*mu(S,P)*X;\n",
+" Pdot=-D*P+[a*mu(S,P)+B]*X\n",
+" \n",
+" ydot=[Xdot Sdot Pdot]';\n",
+"//Rate law\n",
+"function mu=mu(S,P)\n",
+" mu=mu_m*(1-P/Pm)*S/(Km+S+S^2/Ki); \n",
+"y0=[6 5 19.14]';//Initial stable condition\n",
+"D=0.202*1.1;//10% increase\n",
+"y_up = ode(y0, t0, t, list(model,D))\n",
+"D=0.202*0.9;//10% decrease\n",
+"y_down = ode(y0, t0, t, list(model,D))\n",
+"xtitle('$D=0.202\ h^{-1}$','Time(h)','Biomass (g/L)')\n",
+"legend('Dilution +10%','Dilution -10%')\n",
+"y0=[6 5 44.05]';//Initial stable condition\n",
+"D=0.0389*1.1;//10% increase\n",
+"y_up = ode(y0, t0, t, list(model,D))\n",
+"D=0.0389*0.9;//10% decrease\n",
+"y_down = ode(y0, t0, t, list(model,D))\n",
+"xtitle('$D=0.0389\ h^{-1}$','Time(h)','Biomass (g/L)');\n",
+"legend('Dilution +10%','Dilution -10%')"
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+ "## Example 22.2: Granulation_process_control.sce"
+ ]
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+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//Example 22.2\n",
+"disp('Example 22.2')\n",
+"//Author: Dhruv Gupta....Aug 4, 2013\n",
+"K=[0.2 0.58 0.35;0.25 1.10 1.3;0.3 0.7 1.2];\n",
+"tau=[2 2 2;3 3 3;4 4 4];\n",
+"//IMC based tuning\n",
+"mprintf('\n\nThe tauI given in book are wrong\n...\n",
+"refer to Table 11.1 for correct formula\n\n')\n",
+"tauI=diag(tau)+1; \n",
+"mprintf('\nWe still however use the ones given in book\n');\n",
+"//Refer to Eqns 15-23 and 15-24\n",
+"//For the sake of brevity we write Gstar as G\n",
+"//We will account for delays in the for loop that we will write\n",
+"//Refer to Figure 15.9 Page 295 for details of Smith Predictor\n",
+"//====Making step response models of the continuos transfer functions====//\n",
+"Ts=0.1;//Sampling time ie delta_T\n",
+"N=150/Ts;//Model Order\n",
+"G=syslin('c',diag(matrix(G,1,9)));//Transfer function\n",
+"//u_sim(:,1:4)=zeros(9,4); //input delay to account for 3 min delay in G\n",
+"S=csim(u_sim,t,G)';//generating step response model for real plant\n",
+"//Now we have these step response models for each of the transfer functions\n",
+"//[S1 S4 S7\n",
+"//S2 S5 S8\n",
+"//S3 S6 S9]\n",
+"T=150+delay;//Simulation Run Time in minutes(we add delay because our for loop runs till n-delay)\n",
+"n=T/Ts*2+1; //no. of discrete points in our domain of analysis\n",
+"//Input initialization T is the Time for simulation\n",
+"//========Set point as 10=============//\n",
+"//p is the controller output\n",
+"ytilde=zeros(n,3); //Prediction of Smith Fig 15.9\n",
+"e=zeros(n,3); //corrections\n",
+"for k=(n-1)/2+1:n-delay\n",
+" \n",
+" //Error e\n",
+" e(k,:)=ysp(k-1,:)-y(k-1,:);\n",
+" \n",
+" //Error edash\n",
+" edash(k,:)=e(k-1,:)-ytilde(k-1,:)+ytilde(k-1-delay,:);\n",
+" //Edash=E-(Y1-Y2)...where Y2 is delayed Y1\n",
+" delta_edash(k,:)=edash(k,:)-edash(k-1,:);\n",
+" //Controller calculation----Digital PID----Eqn 7-28 Pg 136 (Velocity form)\n",
+" p(k,:)=p(k-1,:)+[delta_edash(k,:)+edash(k,:)*diag(Ts./tauI)]*diag(Kc);\n",
+" \n",
+" //Limits on manipulated variables\n",
+" p(k,:)=min([(345-180)*ones(1,3);p(k,:)],'r');\n",
+" p(k,:)=max([(105-180)*ones(1,3);p(k,:)],'r');\n",
+" \n",
+" delta_p(k,:)=p(k,:)-p(k-1,:);\n",
+" \n",
+" \n",
+" //Prediction\n",
+" ytilde(k,1)=[S(1:N-1,1);S(1:N-1,4);S(1:N-1,7)]'...\n",
+" *[flipdim(delta_p(k-N+1:k-1,1),1);flipdim(delta_p(k-N+1:k-1,2),1);flipdim(delta_p(k-N+1:k-1,3),1)]...\n",
+" +[S(N,1) S(N,4) S(N,7)]*[p(k-N,1);p(k-N,2);p(k-N,3)];\n",
+" ytilde(k,2)=[S(1:N-1,2);S(1:N-1,5);S(1:N-1,8)]'...\n",
+" *[flipdim(delta_p(k-N+1:k-1,1),1);flipdim(delta_p(k-N+1:k-1,2),1);flipdim(delta_p(k-N+1:k-1,3),1)]...\n",
+" +[S(N,2) S(N,5) S(N,8)]*[p(k-N,1);p(k-N,2);p(k-N,3)];\n",
+" ytilde(k,3)=[S(1:N-1,3);S(1:N-1,6);S(1:N-1,9)]'...\n",
+" *[flipdim(delta_p(k-N+1:k-1,1),1);flipdim(delta_p(k-N+1:k-1,2),1);flipdim(delta_p(k-N+1:k-1,3),1)]...\n",
+" +[S(N,3) S(N,6) S(N,9)]*[p(k-N,1);p(k-N,2);p(k-N,3)];\n",
+" \n",
+" //Output\n",
+" y(k+delay,1)=[S(1:N-1,1);S(1:N-1,4);S(1:N-1,7)]'...\n",
+" *[flipdim(delta_p(k-N+1:k-1,1),1);flipdim(delta_p(k-N+1:k-1,2),1);flipdim(delta_p(k-N+1:k-1,3),1)]...\n",
+" +[S(N,1) S(N,4) S(N,7)]*[p(k-N,1);p(k-N,2);p(k-N,3)];\n",
+" y(k+delay,2)=[S(1:N-1,2);S(1:N-1,5);S(1:N-1,8)]'...\n",
+" *[flipdim(delta_p(k-N+1:k-1,1),1);flipdim(delta_p(k-N+1:k-1,2),1);flipdim(delta_p(k-N+1:k-1,3),1)]...\n",
+" +[S(N,2) S(N,5) S(N,8)]*[p(k-N,1);p(k-N,2);p(k-N,3)];\n",
+" y(k+delay,3)=[S(1:N-1,3);S(1:N-1,6);S(1:N-1,9)]'...\n",
+" *[flipdim(delta_p(k-N+1:k-1,1),1);flipdim(delta_p(k-N+1:k-1,2),1);flipdim(delta_p(k-N+1:k-1,3),1)]...\n",
+" +[S(N,3) S(N,6) S(N,9)]*[p(k-N,1);p(k-N,2);p(k-N,3)];\n",
+"set(gca(),'data_bounds',[0 150 -4 12]); //putting bounds on display\n",
+"set(gca(),'data_bounds',[-1 150 -40 100]); //putting bounds on display\n",
+"mprintf('Note that there is no overshoot around time=25 mins \n...\n",
+"which is in contrast to what is shown in book')\n",
+"//========Now for set point as 50=============//\n",
+"//p is the controller output\n",
+"ytilde=zeros(n,3); //Prediction of Smith Fig 15.9\n",
+"e=zeros(n,3); //corrections\n",
+"for k=(n-1)/2+1:n-delay\n",
+" \n",
+" //Error e\n",
+" e(k,:)=ysp(k-1,:)-y(k-1,:);\n",
+" \n",
+" //Error edash\n",
+" edash(k,:)=e(k-1,:)-ytilde(k-1,:)+ytilde(k-1-delay,:);\n",
+" //Edash=E-(Y1-Y2)...where Y2 is delayed Y1\n",
+" delta_edash(k,:)=edash(k,:)-edash(k-1,:);\n",
+" //Controller calculation----Digital PID----Eqn 7-28 Pg 136 (Velocity form)\n",
+" p(k,:)=p(k-1,:)+[delta_edash(k,:)+edash(k,:)*diag(Ts./tauI)]*diag(Kc);\n",
+" \n",
+" //Limits on manipulated variables\n",
+" p(k,:)=min([(345-180)*ones(1,3);p(k,:)],'r');\n",
+" p(k,:)=max([(105-180)*ones(1,3);p(k,:)],'r');\n",
+" \n",
+" delta_p(k,:)=p(k,:)-p(k-1,:);\n",
+" \n",
+" \n",
+" //Prediction\n",
+" ytilde(k,1)=[S(1:N-1,1);S(1:N-1,4);S(1:N-1,7)]'...\n",
+" *[flipdim(delta_p(k-N+1:k-1,1),1);flipdim(delta_p(k-N+1:k-1,2),1);flipdim(delta_p(k-N+1:k-1,3),1)]...\n",
+" +[S(N,1) S(N,4) S(N,7)]*[p(k-N,1);p(k-N,2);p(k-N,3)];\n",
+" ytilde(k,2)=[S(1:N-1,2);S(1:N-1,5);S(1:N-1,8)]'...\n",
+" *[flipdim(delta_p(k-N+1:k-1,1),1);flipdim(delta_p(k-N+1:k-1,2),1);flipdim(delta_p(k-N+1:k-1,3),1)]...\n",
+" +[S(N,2) S(N,5) S(N,8)]*[p(k-N,1);p(k-N,2);p(k-N,3)];\n",
+" ytilde(k,3)=[S(1:N-1,3);S(1:N-1,6);S(1:N-1,9)]'...\n",
+" *[flipdim(delta_p(k-N+1:k-1,1),1);flipdim(delta_p(k-N+1:k-1,2),1);flipdim(delta_p(k-N+1:k-1,3),1)]...\n",
+" +[S(N,3) S(N,6) S(N,9)]*[p(k-N,1);p(k-N,2);p(k-N,3)];\n",
+" \n",
+" //Output\n",
+" y(k+delay,1)=[S(1:N-1,1);S(1:N-1,4);S(1:N-1,7)]'...\n",
+" *[flipdim(delta_p(k-N+1:k-1,1),1);flipdim(delta_p(k-N+1:k-1,2),1);flipdim(delta_p(k-N+1:k-1,3),1)]...\n",
+" +[S(N,1) S(N,4) S(N,7)]*[p(k-N,1);p(k-N,2);p(k-N,3)];\n",
+" y(k+delay,2)=[S(1:N-1,2);S(1:N-1,5);S(1:N-1,8)]'...\n",
+" *[flipdim(delta_p(k-N+1:k-1,1),1);flipdim(delta_p(k-N+1:k-1,2),1);flipdim(delta_p(k-N+1:k-1,3),1)]...\n",
+" +[S(N,2) S(N,5) S(N,8)]*[p(k-N,1);p(k-N,2);p(k-N,3)];\n",
+" y(k+delay,3)=[S(1:N-1,3);S(1:N-1,6);S(1:N-1,9)]'...\n",
+" *[flipdim(delta_p(k-N+1:k-1,1),1);flipdim(delta_p(k-N+1:k-1,2),1);flipdim(delta_p(k-N+1:k-1,3),1)]...\n",
+" +[S(N,3) S(N,6) S(N,9)]*[p(k-N,1);p(k-N,2);p(k-N,3)];\n",
+"set(gca(),'data_bounds',[0 150 -10 60]); //putting bounds on display\n",
+"set(gca(),'data_bounds',[-1 150 -100 200]); //putting bounds on display\n",
+ ]
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+ "## Example 22.3: Type_1_Diabetes.sce"
+ ]
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+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//Example 22.3\n",
+"disp('Example 22.3')\n",
+"//Diet function\n",
+"function D=D(t)\n",
+" D=9*exp(-0.05*t);\n",
+"//ODE model\n",
+"function ydot=model(t,y,U)\n",
+" G=y(1);X=y(2);I=y(3);\n",
+" Gdot=-p1*G-X*(G+Gb)+D(t);\n",
+" Xdot=-p2*X+p3*I;\n",
+" Idot=-n*(I+Ib)+U/V1;\n",
+" ydot=[Gdot Xdot Idot]';\n",
+"y0=[0 0 0]';//G,X,I are deviation variables\n",
+"y = Gb+ode(y0, t0, t, list(model,U))\n",
+"xtitle('','Time(min)','Glucose (mg/L)')\n",
+"legend('$U=0\ mU/min$')\n",
+"y =Gb+ ode(y0, t0, t, list(model,U))\n",
+"xtitle('','Time(min)','Glucose (mg/L)')\n",
+"legend('$U=15\ mU/min$')\n",
+"y = Gb+ode(y0, t0, t, list(model,U))\n",
+"xtitle('','Time(min)','Glucose (mg/L)')\n",
+"legend('$U=25\ mU/min$')"
+ ]
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+ "source": [
+ "## Example 22.4: Influence_of_drugs.sce"
+ ]
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+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//Example 22.4\n",
+"disp('Example 22.4')\n",
+"K=[-6 3;12 5];\n",
+"tau=[0.67 2;0.67 5];\n",
+"//IMC based tuning\n",
+"tauC=[tau(1,1) tau(2,2)];\n",
+"Kc=diag(tau./(repmat(tauC,2,1)+[delay75 delay1;delay75 delay1])./K);\n",
+"//====Making step response models of the continuos transfer functions====//\n",
+"Ts=0.05;//Sampling time ie delta_T\n",
+"N=30/Ts;//Model Order\n",
+"G=syslin('c',diag(matrix(G,1,4)));//Transfer function\n",
+"u_sim([1 2],1:(delay75))=zeros(2,delay75); //input delay to account for delay in SNP\n",
+"u_sim([3 4],1:(delay1))=zeros(2,delay1); //input delay to account for delay in DPM\n",
+"S=csim(u_sim,t,G)';//generating step response model for real plant\n",
+"//Now we have these step response models for each of the transfer functions\n",
+"//[S1 S3\n",
+"//S2 S4 \n",
+"T=50;//Simulation Run Time in minutes\n",
+"n=T/Ts*2+1; //no. of discrete points in our domain of analysis\n",
+"//========Set point as -10=============//\n",
+"//p is the controller output\n",
+"e=zeros(n,2); //errors=(ysp-y) on which PI acts\n",
+"for k=(n-1)/2+1:n\n",
+" \n",
+" //Error e\n",
+" e(k,:)=ysp(k-1,:)-y(k-1,:);\n",
+" delta_e(k,:)=e(k,:)-e(k-1,:);\n",
+" //Controller calculation----Digital PID----Eqn 7-28 Pg 136 (Velocity form)\n",
+"// p(k,:)=p(k-1,:)+flipdim([delta_e(k,:)+e(k,:)*diag(Ts./tauI)]*diag(Kc),2);\n",
+" p(k,:)=p(k-1,:)+([delta_e(k,:)+e(k,:)*diag(Ts./tauI)]*diag(Kc));\n",
+" //1-1/2-2 pairing\n",
+" \n",
+" delta_p(k,:)=p(k,:)-p(k-1,:);\n",
+" \n",
+" //Output\n",
+" y(k,1)=[S(1:N-1,1);S(1:N-1,3)]'...\n",
+" *[flipdim(delta_p(k-N+1:k-1,1),1);flipdim(delta_p(k-N+1:k-1,2),1)]...\n",
+" +[S(N,1) S(N,3)]*[p(k-N,1);p(k-N,2)];\n",
+" y(k,2)=[S(1:N-1,2);S(1:N-1,4)]'...\n",
+" *[flipdim(delta_p(k-N+1:k-1,1),1);flipdim(delta_p(k-N+1:k-1,2),1);]...\n",
+" +[S(N,2) S(N,4)]*[p(k-N,1);p(k-N,2)];\n",
+"set(gca(),'data_bounds',[0 50 -20 25]); //putting bounds on display\n",
+"l=legend('Mean arterial pressure','Cardiac output',position=1);\n",
+"mprintf('\nThere is more interaction in the variables\n...\n",
+"than the book claims, hence a mismatch between the result\n...\n",
+"and the book\n')"
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+ "# Chapter 6: Development of Empirical Models from Process Data"
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+ "source": [
+ "## Example 6.1: Gas_turbine_generator.sce"
+ ]
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+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//Example 6.1\n",
+"disp('Example 6.1')\n",
+"//Fuel flow rate appended with ones for intercept in regression\n",
+"fuel=[1 2.3 2.9 4 4.9 5.8 6.5 7.7 8.4 9]; \n",
+"X=[ones(1,10);fuel]'; \n",
+"Y=[2 4.4 5.4 7.5 9.1 10.8 12.3 14.3 15.8 16.8]'; //Power generated\n",
+"mprintf('\n Linear model \n B1_hat=%f \n B2_hat=%f',Bhat')\n",
+"//For better accuracy we can fit higher order model\n",
+"mprintf('\n \n Quadratic model \n B1_hat=%f \n B2_hat=%f \n B3_hat=%f',Bhat_new')\n",
+"Output_table=[fuel' Y X*Bhat X_new*Bhat_new];\n",
+"//mprintf('\n Fuel Power Generated Linear Model Quadratic Model %f %f',Output_table(:,1),Output_table(:,2))\n",
+"//Table 6.1\n",
+"mprintf('\n \n Table 6.1 %s','')\n",
+"mprintf('\n ui yi Linear Model Quadratic Model %s','')\n",
+"mprintf('\n %f %f %f %15f',Output_table)\n",
+"//Error calculations ----(This is not given in book-requires understanding of statistics)\n",
+"Yhat=X*Bhat; //Predicted Y from regression variables\n",
+"S_lin=(Y-Yhat)'*(Y-Yhat); //Sum of errors in Y for linear model --eqn 6.9\n",
+"S_quad=(Y-X_new*Bhat_new)'*(Y-X_new*Bhat_new); //Errors in Y for quadratic model\n",
+"mprintf('\n %25s%f %10s%f','S=',S_lin,'S=',S_quad)\n",
+"mprintf('\n The errors in Bhats are not calculated because the procedure is not...\n",
+"\n given in the solution of the example')"
+ ]
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+ "source": [
+ "## Example 6.2: Continuous_stirred_tank_reactor.sce"
+ ]
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+"source": [
+"//Example 6.2\n",
+"disp('Example 6.2')\n",
+"deltaT=20;//deg C\n",
+"T=140+0.632*20;//152.6 deg C\n",
+"G=4/(5*s+1); //G=T'(s)/W'(s)\n",
+"mprintf('\n T(s)/W(s)=%s','')\n",
+"xtitle('Fig 6.4','Time(min)','$w\ (kg/min)$')\n",
+ ]
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+ "source": [
+ "## Example 6.3: Off_gas_C02_concentration_response.sce"
+ ]
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+"source": [
+"//Example 6.3\n",
+"disp('Example 6.3')\n",
+"//Smith's method\n",
+"zeta=1.3;//Zeta obtained from Fig 6.7 page 109\n",
+"tau=t60/2.8//Value 2.8 obtained from Fig 6.7\n",
+"mprintf('From Smiths method \n tau1=%f min\n tau2=%f min \n',[tau1 tau2])\n",
+"//Nonlinear regression\n",
+"//This method cannot be directly used here because we do not have the data with us\n",
+"//Had the data been given in tabular form we could have performed a regression\n",
+"//Converting graphical data(Fig 7.8) printed in textbook to tabular form is not practical\n",
+"//Towards the end of the program however a roundabout way has been implemented so\n",
+"//that the user can learn the technique of non-linear optimization\n",
+"G2=1/((tau1*s+1)*(tau2*s+1)) //Smith's method\n",
+"G3=1/(4.60*s+1)//First order with time delay: Note that we cannot have exp(-0.7s) without symbolic toolbox so we use a roundaround trick for this\n",
+"//Also note that we could have used Pade's approximation but that works well only for very small time delays\n",
+"G1=1/((3.34*s+1)*(1.86*s+1)); //Nonlinear regression\n",
+"Glist=syslin('c',[G1 G2 G3]') //Simply collating them together for further simulation\n",
+"y=csim('step',t,G); \n",
+"y(3,:)=[zeros(1,8) y(3,1:$-8)] //This is the roundabout trick to introduce time lag by manually\n",
+"//shifting the respone by 0.7 min\n",
+"xtitle('Ex-6.3(Fig 6.9)','Time(min)','y(t)/KM');\n",
+"a=legend('Nonlinear regression','Smiths method','FOPTD',position=4);\n",
+"//====NON-LINEAR REGRESSION====//\n",
+"//Now that we have the response data and also taking the word from the book that\n",
+"//simulation from Excel/Matlab is identical to experimental data, we can actually \n",
+"//take this simulation and use it for showing regression\n",
+"//So our experimental data is y(1)\n",
+"//For nonlinear regression we define a cost function which we have to minimize\n",
+"function err=experiment(tau)\n",
+" s=%s;\n",
+" G=syslin('c',1/((tau(1)*s+1)*(tau(2)*s+1)));\n",
+" t=0:0.1:20;\n",
+" response=csim('step',t,G);\n",
+" err=sum((response-y(1,:)).^2);\n",
+"//f is value of cost function, g is gradient of cost function, \n",
+"//ind is just a dummy variable required by optim function\n",
+"function [f,g,ind]=cost(tau,ind) \n",
+" f=experiment(tau)\n",
+" g=numdiff(experiment,tau)\n",
+"x0=[3 1]'; //Initial guess for optimization routine\n",
+"[cost_opt, tau_opt]=optim(cost,x0)\n",
+"mprintf('\n Optimization using optim function done successfully \n')\n",
+"mprintf('\n From nonlinear regression \n tau1=%f min\n tau2=%f min \n',[tau_opt]')\n",
+"//Formatted output...\n",
+"mprintf('\n tau1(min) tau2(min) Sum of squares')\n",
+"mprintf('\n Smith %f %f %f',3.81,0.84,0.0769)\n",
+"mprintf('\n First Order\n(delay=0.7min) %f %s %f',4.60,'--',0.0323)\n",
+"mprintf('\n Excel and Matlab %f %f %f \n',3.34,1.86,0.0057)"
+ ]
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+ "source": [
+ "## Example 6.5: Estimation_of_model_parameters.sce"
+ ]
+ },
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+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//Example 6.5\n",
+"disp('Example 6.5')\n",
+"yk=[0 0.058 0.217 0.360 0.488 0.600 0.692 0.772 0.833 0.888 0.925]';\n",
+"X=[yk_1 yk_2 uk_1 uk_2];\n",
+"Bhat=inv(X'*X)*X'*Y;//Equation 6-10\n",
+"//a1, a2, b1, b2 are components of Bhat for linear regression\n",
+"K_lin=(Bhat(3)+Bhat(4))/(1-Bhat(1)-Bhat(2)); //Equation 6-42\n",
+"//====NON-LINEAR REGRESSION====//\n",
+"//Now that we have the response data we can do non-linear regression through\n",
+"//the transfer function approach. Total no. of variables to be regressed are\n",
+"//three: K, tau1, tau2.\n",
+"//For nonlinear regression we define a cost function which we have to minimize\n",
+"function err=experiment(tau)\n",
+" K=tau(3);tau1=tau(1);tau2=tau(2);\n",
+" t=k';\n",
+" response=tau(3)*(1-(tau1*exp(-t/tau1)-tau2*exp(-t/tau2))/(tau1-tau2))\n",
+" err=sum((response-[yk]).^2);\n",
+"//f is value of cost function, g is gradient of cost function, \n",
+"//ind is just a dummy variable required by optim function\n",
+"function [f,g,ind]=cost(tau,ind) \n",
+" f=experiment(tau)\n",
+" g=numdiff(experiment,tau)\n",
+"x0=[1 3 1]'; //Initial guess for optimization routine\n",
+"[cost_opt, tau_opt]=optim(cost,x0)\n",
+"mprintf('\n Optimization using optim function done successfully \n')\n",
+"mprintf('\n From nonlinear regression \n tau1=%f \n tau2=%f min\n K=%f min \n',[tau_opt]')\n",
+"//Now we have to get discrete ARX model parameters from transfer function parameters \n",
+"//For this we use Equation nos.: 6-32 to 6-36\n",
+"mprintf('\n Linear Regression Non-Linear Regression')\n",
+"mprintf('\n %s %f %20f',['a1';'a2';'b1';'b2';'K'],[[Bhat;K_lin] [a1;a2;b1;b2;K]])\n",
+"mprintf('\n \n n y yL_hat yN_hat')\n",
+"mprintf('\n %f %f %f %f',[1:10]',yk(2:$),yL_hat,yN_hat)\n",
+"mprintf('\n \n Note that values of coefficients for non-linear regression \n are different...\n",
+"from that of linear regression, but the\n output is the same \n...\n",
+"hence this shows that the coefficients need not be unique....\n",
+"\n the coefficients for nonlinear regression given in book and from this scilab code\n...\n",
+" both are correct')"
+ ]
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+ "source": [
+ "## Example 6.6: Step_test_of_distillation_column.sce"
+ ]
+ },
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+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//Example 6.6\n",
+"disp('Example 6.6')\n",
+"mprintf('\n It is not possible to fit Model 1 or \n plot it because experimental data...\n",
+" has not been given in the book. \n Hence we simply plot Model 2,3,4 \n')\n",
+" \n",
+"//Model 2\n",
+"a=[3.317 -4.033 2.108 0.392 ]'\n",
+"b=[-0.00922 0.0322 -0.0370 0.0141]';\n",
+"uk=[ones(120,1)]; //Inputs-step at t=1 min\n",
+"yk=zeros(120,1); //Outputs initialization\n",
+"for k=5:120\n",
+" yk(k)=a(1)*yk(k-1)+a(2)*yk(k-2)+a(3)*yk(k-3)+a(4)*yk(k-4)...\n",
+" +b(1)*uk(k-1)+b(2)*uk(k-2)+b(3)*uk(k-3)+b(4)*uk(k-4);\n",
+"//Model 2 trial with transfer function\n",
+"//a=-flipdim([-1 3.317 -4.033 2.108 0.392 ]',1);\n",
+"//b=flipdim([-0.00922 0.0322 -0.0370 0.0141]',1);\n",
+"//Although the code is correct, the values given in the book for the coeffs\n",
+"//of the ARX model are wrong and hence the system diverges(blows up)\n",
+"mprintf('Although the code is correct, the values \n given in the book for the coeffs of model 2...\n",
+"\n of the ARX model are wrong and hence the system diverges(blows up)')\n",
+"//Model 3\n",
+"G3=0.082/(7.95*s+1);//We have to add delay of 44.8 min\n",
+"//Model 4\n",
+"G4=0.088*(1-12.2*s)/(109.2*s^2+23.1*s+1);//We have to add delay of 25.7 min\n",
+"y(1,:)=[zeros(1,448) y(1,1:$-448)]\n",
+"y(2,:)=[zeros(1,257) y(2,1:$-257)]\n",
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+ "# Chapter 8: Control System Instrumentation"
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+ "source": [
+ "## Example 8.2: Pump_and_heat_exchanger_system.sce"
+ ]
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+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//Example 8.2\n",
+"disp('Example 8.2')\n",
+"//Eqn 8-6\n",
+"//Pump characteristics\n",
+"xtitle('Fig 8.13 Pump characteristics','q,gal/min','P,psi')\n",
+"q=200;//Flow rate in gal/min\n",
+"Pv=40-Phe; //Eqn 8-8\n",
+"Cv=q/l/sqrt(Pv); \n",
+"mprintf('(a) The value of coefficient Cv is %f',Cv)\n",
+"//plotting valve characteristic curve\n",
+"function y=valve_1(q)\n",
+" Pv=40-30*(q/200).^2;\n",
+"[q_valve1,f1]=fsolve(200*ones(n,1),valve_1); //200*ones(n,1) is the initial guess for q\n",
+"q=200*110/100; //110% flow rate\n",
+"Pv=40-Phe; //Eqn 8-8\n",
+"mprintf('\n(b) The value of coefficient Cv is %f',Cv)\n",
+"//We use Cv=115;\n",
+"function y=valve_2(q)\n",
+" Pv=40-30*(q/200).^2;\n",
+" y=[R^(l-1)]*Cv.*sqrt(Pv)-q;\n",
+"mprintf('\n(c) The value of coefficient Cv is %f',Cv)\n",
+"function y=valve_3(q)\n",
+" Pv=40-30*(q/200).^2;\n",
+" y=[R^(l-1)]*Cv.*sqrt(Pv)-q;\n",
+"[q_valve3,f3]=fsolve(linspace(60,200,n)',valve_3); //Initial guess has to be smart for each valve, \n",
+"//since we want near linear profile we can give a linear initial guess\n",
+"mprintf('\n(c) The value of coefficient Cv is %f',Cv)\n",
+"function y=valve_4(q)\n",
+" Pv=40-30*(q/200).^2;\n",
+" y=[R^(l-1)]*Cv.*sqrt(Pv)-q;\n",
+"[q_valve4,f4]=fsolve(linspace(60,200,n)',valve_4); //Initial guess has to be smart for each valve, \n",
+"//since we want near linear profile we can give a linear initial guess\n",
+"xtitle('Ex-8.2 Installed valve characteristics','$l$','q gal/min');\n",
+"a=legend('Valve 1, linear Cv=125','Valve 2, Equal% Cv=115','Valve 3, Equal% Cv=138','Valve 4, Equal% Cv=92',position=4);\n",
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+ "## Example 9.1: Liquid_surge_system.sce"
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+"//Example 9.1\n",
+"disp('Example 9.1')\n",
+"q1=12;//cub ft/min\n",
+"mprintf('Alarm should be at least %f ft below top of tank',delta_h_max)"
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+ "## Example 9.2: Abnormal_event_in_distillation_column.sce"
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+"//Example 9.2\n",
+"disp('Example 9.2')\n",
+"mu=[0.5 0.8 0.2]; //population means of z y x\n",
+"S=[0.01 0.020 0.005];//population std dev of z y x\n",
+"z=[0.485]; //steady state values\n",
+"F=4;D=2;B=2; //flow rates\n",
+"//Since P is close to 1, we use Q\n",
+"disp(Probability,'Probability of abnormal event=')"
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+ "## Example 9.3: Reliability_of_flow_control_loop.sce"
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+"//Example 9.3\n",
+"disp('Example 9.3')\n",
+"mu=[1.73 0.05 0.49 0.60 0.44]';//failures/yr\n",
+"mprintf('MTBF= %f yr',MTBF)"
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