path: root/Principles_of_Communication_Systems_by_H_Taub_and_D_L_Schilling
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Principles_of_Communication_Systems_by_H_Taub_and_D_L_Schilling')
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diff --git a/Principles_of_Communication_Systems_by_H_Taub_and_D_L_Schilling/1-Introduction_of_Signals_and_Spectra.ipynb b/Principles_of_Communication_Systems_by_H_Taub_and_D_L_Schilling/1-Introduction_of_Signals_and_Spectra.ipynb
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+ "# Chapter 1: Introduction of Signals and Spectra"
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+ "source": [
+ "## Example 1.1: Calculation_of_Energy.sce"
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+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//page 12\n",
+"//problem 1.1\n",
+"//Given signal u = 2*exp(-3*t) \n",
+"//Since the function integral does not accept %inf as limit we need to use approximation by changing variables.\n",
+"//First the signal is to be expressed in terms of 'x'.\n",
+"function y=Signal(x); \n",
+"y=2*exp(-3*x); \n",
+"//We then substitute x = tan(z), and then express the given signal wrt 'z' and not 'x'.\n",
+"function y=Gmodified(z); \n",
+"x=tan(z); \n",
+"y=(Signal(x))^2/(cos(z))^2; \n",
+"E = intg(0,atan(10),Gmodified)\n",
+"disp(E,'The energy of this signal is ');"
+ ]
+ }
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+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "## Example 1.2: Calculation_of_Power.sce"
+ ]
+ },
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+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//page 12\n",
+"//problem 1.2\n",
+"//Given signal u = 2*sin(0.5*%pi*t) \n",
+"//Since u is periodic, averaging over -infinity to + infinity will give the same result as averaging over -2 to 2, where 4 is the time period.\n",
+"t0 = -2;\n",
+"t1 = 2;\n",
+"E = integrate('(2*sin(0.5*%pi*t))^2','t',t0,t1)/4;\n",
+"disp(E,'The power of the signal is ');"
+ ]
+ }
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+ "source": [
+ "## Example 1.3: Time_shifting.sce"
+ ]
+ },
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+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//page 18\n",
+"//problem 1.3\n",
+"//u1(T) vs T\n",
+"T = [-5:0.0082:5];\n",
+"u1(T<=0) = 0;\n",
+"u1(T>0) = 1;\n",
+"//u2(T-t) vs T\n",
+"//Shifting the given signal by t units to the right, we get\n",
+"//Let us assume the amount of time to be shited is 3 units \n",
+"t = 3;\n",
+"T = [-5:0.0082:5];\n",
+"u2(T<=t) = 0;\n",
+"u2(T>t) = 1;\n",
+"ylabel('u(T - t)')\n",
+"//u(t - T) = u(-(T - t))\n",
+"T = [-5:0.0082:5];\n",
+"u3(T>=t) = 0;\n",
+"u3(T<t) = 1;\n",
+"ylabel('u(t - T)')\n",
+ ]
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+ "source": [
+ "## Example 1.4: Time_shifting.sce"
+ ]
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+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//page 18\n",
+"//problem 1.4\n",
+"t = [-5:0.0082:5];\n",
+"u1(t<=0) = 0;\n",
+"u1(t>0) = 1;\n",
+"//Shifting the given signal by t units to the right, we get\n",
+"//Let us assume the amount of time to be shited is 3 units \n",
+"T = 3;\n",
+"t = [-5:0.0082:5];\n",
+"u2(t<=T) = 0;\n",
+"u2(t>T) = 1;\n",
+"//u(t) - u(t - T)\n",
+"t = [-5:0.0082:5];\n",
+"u3 = u1 - u2;\n",
+"ylabel('u(t) - u(t-T)')\n",
+ ]
+ }
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "## Example 1.5: Crosscorrelation_and_Autocorrelation.sce"
+ ]
+ },
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+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//page 18\n",
+"//problem 1.5\n",
+"//V1(t) = u(t) - u(t - 5)\n",
+"t = [-5:0.1:5];\n",
+"V1(t<=0) = 0;\n",
+"V1(t>0) = 1;\n",
+"//V2(t) = 2*t*(u(t) - u(t - 3))\n",
+"t = [0:0.1:3];\n",
+"V2 = 2*t;\n",
+"//Autocorrelation R12(0) = R\n",
+"R = integrate('2*t','t',0,3);\n",
+"E1 = integrate('1','t',0,5);\n",
+"//In the textbook, E2 has been computed as 18 instead of 36\n",
+"E2 = integrate('4*t^2','t',0,3);\n",
+"c = R/(E1*E2)^0.5;\n",
+"disp(R,'The correlation term R12(0) is ');\n",
+"disp(E1,'The autocorrelation term R1(0) is ');\n",
+"disp(E2,'The autocorrelation term R2(0) is ');\n",
+ ]
+ }
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "## Example 1.6: Autocorrelatio.sce"
+ ]
+ },
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+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//page 19\n",
+"//problem 1.6\n",
+"//V1(t) = u(t) - u(t - 5)\n",
+"t = [-5:0.1:5];\n",
+"V1(t<=0) = 0;\n",
+"V1(t>0) = 1;\n",
+"//V2(t) = 2*t*(u(t) - u(t - 3))\n",
+"t = [0:0.1:3];\n",
+"V2 = 2*t;\n",
+"//Autocorrelation R12(1) = Ra\n",
+"//The range is t = 0 to 2, as signal V2(t) has been shifted left by one unit, V2(t-1)\n",
+"Ra = integrate('2*(t+1)','t',0,2);\n",
+"disp(Ra,'The correlation term R12(1) is ');\n",
+"//Autocorrelation R12(-1) = Rb\n",
+"//The range is t = 1 to 4, as signal V2(t) has been shifted right by one unit, V2(t+1)\n",
+"Rb = integrate('2*(t-1)','t',1,4);\n",
+"disp(Rb,'The correlation term R12(-1) is ');\n",
+ ]
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diff --git a/Principles_of_Communication_Systems_by_H_Taub_and_D_L_Schilling/10-Phase_Locked_Loops.ipynb b/Principles_of_Communication_Systems_by_H_Taub_and_D_L_Schilling/10-Phase_Locked_Loops.ipynb
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+ "# Chapter 10: Phase Locked Loops"
+ ]
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+ "source": [
+ "## Example 10.3: SNR_of_Phase_Discriminator.sce"
+ ]
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+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//page 520\n",
+"//problem 10.3\n",
+"// Part (a)\n",
+"//Input SNR SNR_ip\n",
+"SNR_ip = 1000;\n",
+"//Beta B\n",
+"B = 10;\n",
+"//Output SNR SNR_op\n",
+"SNR_op = (1.5*(B^2)*SNR_ip)/(1 + (12*B/%pi)*(SNR_ip)*exp(-0.5*(1/(B+1))*(SNR_ip)));\n",
+"disp('Output SNR is '+string(10*log10(SNR_op))+' dB');\n",
+"// Part (b)\n",
+"//Input SNR SNR_ip\n",
+"SNR_ip = 10;\n",
+"//Output SNR SNR_op\n",
+"SNR_op = (1.5*(B^2)*SNR_ip)/(1 + (12*B/%pi)*(SNR_ip)*exp(-0.5*(1/(B+1))*(SNR_ip)));\n",
+"disp('Output SNR is '+string(10*log10(SNR_op))+' dB');"
+ ]
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+ "source": [
+ "## Example 10.5: Channel_Spacing.sce"
+ ]
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+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//page 533\n",
+"//problem 10.5\n",
+"//Given reference frequency is fref = 10 MHz\n",
+"fref = 10 * 10^6;\n",
+"//Given step frequency is fstep = 100 KHz\n",
+"fstep = 100 * 10^3;\n",
+"//Division ratio M\n",
+"M = fref/fstep;\n",
+"//Required output frequency F = 100.6 MHz\n",
+"F = 100.6 * 10^6;\n",
+"N = F/fstep;\n",
+"//Given P = 64\n",
+"P = 64;\n",
+"//Truncating value B = 15\n",
+"B = 15;\n",
+"A = N - P*B;\n",
+"disp('The value of A is '+string(A));\n",
+"disp('The value of B is '+string(B));\n",
+"disp('The value of M is '+string(M));\n",
+ ]
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+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "## Example 10.7: Phase_Locked_Loops.sce"
+ ]
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+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//page 534\n",
+"//problem 10.7\n",
+"//Given reference frequency for PLL is fref = 0.48 MHz\n",
+"fref = 0.48 * 10^6;\n",
+"//Frequency divider N = 2000\n",
+"N = 2000;\n",
+"//Output Frequency fout\n",
+"fout = fref*N;\n",
+"//Output Frequency favg\n",
+"favg = (2000*15 + 2001*1)*(0.48/16) * 10^6;\n",
+"disp('Output frequency is '+string(fout)+' Hz');\n",
+"//Reference frequency is not subdivided before going to comparator and it is an integer divider in the feedback path the frequency resolution fres = 0.48 * 10^6;\n",
+"fres = 0.48 * 10^6;\n",
+"disp('Frequency resolution is '+string(fres)+' Hz');\n",
+"disp('Output frequency resolution is '+string(favg - fout)+' Hz');\n",
+ ]
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diff --git a/Principles_of_Communication_Systems_by_H_Taub_and_D_L_Schilling/11-Optimal_Reception_of_Digital_Signal.ipynb b/Principles_of_Communication_Systems_by_H_Taub_and_D_L_Schilling/11-Optimal_Reception_of_Digital_Signal.ipynb
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index 0000000..7d44c03
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+ "# Chapter 11: Optimal Reception of Digital Signal"
+ ]
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+ "source": [
+ "## Example 11.3: Optimal_threshold_and_probability_of_error.sce"
+ ]
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+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
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+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//page 558\n",
+"//problem 11.3\n",
+"//Prior probability of s1 P_s1 = 0.4\n",
+"P_s1 = 0.4;\n",
+"//Prior probability of s2 P_s2 = 1 - P_s1\n",
+"P_s2 = 1 - P_s1;\n",
+"//Voltage level V1 = 1\n",
+"V1 = 1;\n",
+"//Voltage level V2 = -1\n",
+"V2 = -1;\n",
+"//Part a\n",
+"//Noise Variance sigma1 = 10^-3\n",
+"sigma1 = 10^-3;\n",
+"//Descision Threshold lambda1 \n",
+"lambda1 = (V1+V2)/2 + (sigma1)*log(P_s2/P_s1)/(V1-V2);\n",
+"//Probability of error Pe\n",
+"Pe = 0.5*(2*P_s1 - P_s1*erfc(((V2-V1)/(2*sigma1*2^0.5)) + (sigma1)*log(P_s2/P_s1)/((V1-V2)*2^0.5)));\n",
+"disp('The decision threshold is '+string(lambda1)+' V');\n",
+"disp('The probability of error is approximately '+string(Pe));\n",
+"//Part b\n",
+"//Noise Variance sigma2 = 10^-1\n",
+"sigma2 = 10^-1;\n",
+"//Descision Threshold lambda2\n",
+"lambda2 = (V1+V2)/2 + (sigma2)*log(P_s2/P_s1)/(V1-V2);\n",
+"//Probability of error Pe\n",
+"Pe1 = 0.5*(2*P_s1 - P_s1*erfc(((V2-V1)/(2*sigma2*2^0.5)) + (sigma2)*log(P_s2/P_s1)/((V1-V2)*2^0.5)));\n",
+"//In the textbook Pe has been calulated to be 0.0021 because of the use of a very high precision calculator, unfortunately in scilab the function erfc approximates the output value to a larger extent due to which an exact value cannot be obtained.\n",
+"disp('The decision threshold is '+string(lambda2)+' V');\n",
+"disp('The probability of error is approximately '+string(Pe1));\n",
+ ]
+ }
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+ "source": [
+ "## Example 11.4: Decision_threshold.sce"
+ ]
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+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//page 559\n",
+"//problem 11.4\n",
+"//Part b\n",
+"//Voltage level V1 = 1\n",
+"V1 = 1;\n",
+"//Voltage level V2 = -1\n",
+"V2 = -1;\n",
+"//Prior probability of s1 P_s1 = 0.4\n",
+"P_s1 = 0.4;\n",
+"//Prior probability of s2 P_s2 = 1 - P_s1\n",
+"P_s2 = 1 - P_s1;\n",
+"//Cost of selecting s1 when s2 is transmitted C12 = 0.7\n",
+"C12 = 0.7;\n",
+"//Cost of selecting s2 when s1 is transmitted C21 = 1 - C12\n",
+"C21 = 1 - C12;\n",
+"//Noise Variance sigma = 10^-3\n",
+"sigma = 10^-3;\n",
+"//Descision Threshold lambda\n",
+"lambda = (V1+V2)/2 + (sigma)*log((C12*P_s2)/(C21*P_s1))/(V1-V2);\n",
+"disp('The decision threshold is '+string(lambda)+' V');"
+ ]
+ }
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "## Example 11.5: Probability_of_error_of_optimum_filter.sce"
+ ]
+ },
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+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//page 567\n",
+"//problem 11.5\n",
+"//The voltage level of reciever is V = 5 mV\n",
+"V = 5*10^-3;\n",
+"//The time required to transfer one bit is T = 1/9600 sec\n",
+"T = 9600^-1;\n",
+"//the signal energy of a bit be Es\n",
+"Es = (V^2)*T;\n",
+"//The power spectral density is n/2 = 10^-9 Watt/hertz\n",
+"n = 2*10^-9;\n",
+"//Probability error for optimal reciever is Pe\n",
+"Pe = 0.5*erfc((Es/n)^0.5);\n",
+"disp('The probability of error is '+string(Pe));\n",
+"//When the data rate is doubled, the new effective energy per bit is Es_new\n",
+"Es_new = (V^2)*(T/2);\n",
+"//The new probability of error is Pe_new\n",
+"Pe_new = 0.5*erfc((Es_new/n)^0.5);\n",
+"//Percentage increase in error rate is P\n",
+"P = 100*(Pe_new - Pe)/Pe;\n",
+"disp('Percentage increase in error rate is '+string(P));\n",
+"//Voltage required to restore probability levels, V_new\n",
+"V_new = V*2^0.5;\n",
+"disp('Voltage required to restore the probability levels is '+string(V_new)+' Volts');\n",
+ ]
+ }
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
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+ "source": [
+ "## Example 11.6: Error_probability_of_BPSK_signal.sce"
+ ]
+ },
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+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//page 575\n",
+"//problem 11.6\n",
+"//Amplitude of signal is A = 10 mV\n",
+"A = 10*10^-3;\n",
+"//Power Spectral Density n = 2 * 10^(-9) W/Hz\n",
+"n = 2 * 10^(-9);\n",
+"//Frequency is f = 1 MHz\n",
+"f = 1*10^6;\n",
+"//Data rate is D = 10^4 bps;\n",
+"D = 10^4;\n",
+"//Time taken for a bit to traverse\n",
+"T = 1/D;\n",
+"//Energy per signal element is Es\n",
+"Es = A^2/(2*D);\n",
+"//Probability of error Pe\n",
+"Pe = 0.5*erfc((Es/n)^0.5);\n",
+"disp('Probability of error is '+string(Pe));\n",
+"//Phase shift phi = %pi/6\n",
+"phi = %pi/6;\n",
+"//Probability of error Pe_local_oscillator\n",
+"Pe_local_oscillator = 0.5*erfc(((Es/n)^0.5)*cos(phi));\n",
+"disp('Probability of error of local oscillator with phase shift is '+string(Pe_local_oscillator));\n",
+"//Timing error t\n",
+"t = 0.1*T;\n",
+"//Probability of error when there is a synchronization fault Pe_timing_error\n",
+"Pe_timing_error = 0.5*erfc(((Es/n)*(1 - 2*(t/T))^2)^0.5);\n",
+"disp('Probability of error with synchronization fault is '+string(Pe_timing_error));\n",
+"//Probability of error when both faults occur Pe_both\n",
+"Pe_both = 0.5*erfc(((Es/n)*(cos(phi)^2)*(1 - 2*(t/T))^2)^0.5);\n",
+"disp('Probability of error when both faults occur '+string(Pe_both));\n",
+ ]
+ }
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+ "source": [
+ "## Example 11.7: Error_probability_of_coherent_FSK_signal.sce"
+ ]
+ },
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+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//page 575\n",
+"//problem 11.7\n",
+"//Amplitude of signal is A = 10 mV\n",
+"A = 10*10^-3;\n",
+"//Power Spectral Density n = 2 * 10^(-9) W/Hz\n",
+"n = 2 * 10^(-9);\n",
+"//Data rate is D = 10^4 bps;\n",
+"D = 10^4;\n",
+"//Time taken for a bit to traverse\n",
+"T = 1/D;\n",
+"//Energy per signal element is Es\n",
+"Es = A^2/(2*D);\n",
+"//Probability of error Pe_a\n",
+"Pe_a = 0.5*erfc((0.6*Es/n)^0.5);\n",
+"disp('Probability of error when offset is small is '+string(Pe_a));\n",
+"//Probability of error Pe_b\n",
+"Pe_b = 0.5*erfc((Es/(2*n))^0.5);\n",
+"disp('Probability of error when frequencies used are orthogonal is '+string(Pe_b));\n",
+"//Probability of error Pe_c\n",
+"Pe_c = 0.5*exp(-(Es/(2*n)));\n",
+"disp('Probability of error for non coherent detection is '+string(Pe_c));\n",
+ ]
+ }
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
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+ "source": [
+ "## Example 11.8: Error_probability_in_Optimal_Reception.sce"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+"cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//page 588\n",
+"//problem 11.8\n",
+"//Energy aasosciated with each bit Eb = 5 * 10^(-8) J\n",
+"Eb = 5 * 10^(-8);\n",
+"//Power Spectral Density n = 2 * 10^(-9) W/Hz\n",
+"n = 2 * 10^(-9);\n",
+"//No of symbols M\n",
+"M = 16\n",
+"//No of bits N\n",
+"N = log2(M);\n",
+"//Error limit for 16-PSK is P_16_PSK\n",
+"P_16_PSK = erfc(((N*Eb*(%pi)^2)/(((M)^2)*n))^0.5);\n",
+"disp('Upper limit of error probability of 16 PSK system is '+string(P_16_PSK));\n",
+"//Error limit for 16-QASK is P_16_QASK\n",
+"P_16_QASK = 2*erfc(((0.4*Eb)/(n))^0.5);\n",
+"disp('Upper limit of error probability of 16 QASK system is '+string(P_16_QASK));\n",
+"//Error limit for 16-FSK is P_16_FSK\n",
+"P_16_FSK = ((2^4 - 1)/2)*erfc(((N*Eb)/(2*n))^0.5);\n",
+"disp('Upper limit of error probability of 16 FSK system is '+string(P_16_FSK)+', negligibly small');"
+ ]
+ }
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "## Example 11.9: Probability_of_error_of_QPR_System.sce"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+"cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//page 595\n",
+"//problem 11.9\n",
+"//Energy aasosciated with each bit Eb = 5 * 10^(-8) J\n",
+"Eb = 5 * 10^(-8);\n",
+"//Power Spectral Density n = 2 * 10^(-9) W/Hz\n",
+"n = 2 * 10^(-9);\n",
+"//Probability of error Pe\n",
+"Pe = 0.5*erfc(((Eb*(%pi)^2)/(16*n))^0.5);\n",
+"disp('Probability of error of QPR system is '+string(Pe));\n",
+"//Given Bandwidth of channel is BW\n",
+"BW = 10*10^3;\n",
+"D = 2*BW;\n",
+"disp('Data rate is '+string(D)+' bps');\n",
+ ]
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+ "# Chapter 12: Noise in Pulse Code Modulation and Delta Modulation Systems"
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+ "## Example 12.2: SNR_Optimal_receiver.sce"
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+"source": [
+"//page 608\n",
+"//problem 12.2\n",
+"//Baseband cutoff signal fM = 4 kHz\n",
+"fM = 4 * 10^3;\n",
+"//White noise power spectral density n\n",
+"n = 2*10^(-9);\n",
+"// Part (a)\n",
+"//Input Signal energy Si = 0.001\n",
+"Si_a = 0.001;\n",
+"//No of levels used for PCM Coding M = 8\n",
+"M_a = 8;\n",
+"N_a = log2(M_a);\n",
+"//Input SNR is SNR_ip\n",
+"SNR_ip = Si_a/(n*fM);\n",
+"//Output SNR is SNR_op\n",
+"SNR_op = (2^(2*N_a))/(1 + (2^(2*N_a + 1))*erfc((SNR_ip*(1/(2*N_a))))^0.5);\n",
+"disp('Input SNR for (a) is '+string(10*log10(SNR_ip))+' dB');\n",
+"disp('Output SNR (a) is '+string(10*log10(SNR_op))+' dB');\n",
+"// Part (b)\n",
+"//Input Signal energy Si = 0.001\n",
+"Si_b = 0.001;\n",
+"//No of levels used for PCM Coding M = 256\n",
+"M_b = 256;\n",
+"N_b = log2(M_b);\n",
+"//Input SNR is SNR_ip_b\n",
+"SNR_ip_b = Si_b/(n*fM);\n",
+"//Output SNR is SNR_op_b\n",
+"SNR_op_b = (2^(2*N_b))/(1 + (2^(2*N_b + 1))*erfc((SNR_ip_b*(1/(2*N_b))))^0.5);\n",
+"//Unfortunately in scilab the function erfc approximates the output value to a larger extent due to which an exact value cannot be obtained.\n",
+"//The difference in the textbook answer and obatined answer is significant because of converting the answer into dB.\n",
+"disp('Input SNR for (b) is '+string(10*log10(SNR_ip_b))+' dB');\n",
+"disp('Output SNR for (b) is '+string(10*log10(SNR_op_b))+' dB');\n",
+"// Part (c)\n",
+"//Input Signal energy Si = 0.01\n",
+"Si_c = 0.01;\n",
+"//No of levels used for PCM Coding M = 256\n",
+"M_c = 256;\n",
+"N_c = log2(M_c);\n",
+"//Input SNR is SNR_ip_c\n",
+"SNR_ip_c = Si_c/(n*fM);\n",
+"//Output SNR is SNR_op_c\n",
+"SNR_op_c = (2^(2*N_c))/(1 + (2^(2*N_c + 1))*erfc((SNR_ip_c*(1/(2*N_c))))^0.5);\n",
+"disp('Input SNR for (c) is '+string(10*log10(SNR_ip_c))+' dB');\n",
+"disp('Output SNR for (c) is '+string(10*log10(SNR_op_c))+' dB');\n",
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+ "## Example 12.3: SNR_of_Optimal_reciver.sce"
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+"source": [
+"//page 609\n",
+"//problem 12.3\n",
+"//Baseband cutoff signal fM = 4 kHz\n",
+"fM = 4 * 10^3;\n",
+"//White noise power spectral density n\n",
+"n = 2*10^(-9);\n",
+"// Part (a)\n",
+"//Input Signal energy Si = 0.001\n",
+"Si = 0.001;\n",
+"//No of levels used for PCM Coding M = 8\n",
+"M = 8;\n",
+"N = log2(M);\n",
+"//Input SNR is SNR_ip\n",
+"SNR_ip = Si/(n*fM);\n",
+"//Output SNR is SNR_op\n",
+"SNR_op = (2^(2*N))/(1 + (2^(2*N + 1))*erfc((SNR_ip*(3/(10*N))))^0.5);\n",
+"disp('Input SNR for (a) is '+string(10*log10(SNR_ip))+' dB');\n",
+"disp('Output SNR (a) is '+string(10*log10(SNR_op))+' dB');\n",
+"// Part (b)\n",
+"//Input Signal energy Si = 0.001\n",
+"Si = 0.001;\n",
+"//No of levels used for PCM Coding M = 256\n",
+"M_b = 256;\n",
+"N_b = log2(M_b);\n",
+"//Input SNR is SNR_ip_b\n",
+"SNR_ip_b = Si/(n*fM);\n",
+"//Output SNR is SNR_op_b\n",
+"SNR_op_b = (2^(2*N_b))/(1 + (2^(2*N_b + 1))*erfc((SNR_ip_b*(3/(10*N_b))))^0.5);\n",
+"//Unfortunately in scilab the function erfc approximates the output value to a larger extent due to which an exact value cannot be obtained.\n",
+"//The difference in the textbook answer and obatined answer is significant because of converting the answer into dB.\n",
+"disp('Input SNR for (b) is '+string(10*log10(SNR_ip_b))+' dB');\n",
+"disp('Output SNR for (b) is '+string(10*log10(SNR_op_b))+' dB');\n",
+"// Part (c)\n",
+"//Input Signal energy Si = 0.01\n",
+"Si = 0.01;\n",
+"//No of levels used for PCM Coding M = 256\n",
+"M = 256;\n",
+"N = log2(M);\n",
+"//Input SNR is SNR_ip_c\n",
+"SNR_ip_c = Si/(n*fM);\n",
+"//Output SNR is SNR_op_c\n",
+"SNR_op_c = (2^(2*N))/(1 + (2^(2*N + 1))*erfc((SNR_ip_c*(3/(10*N))))^0.5);\n",
+"disp('Input SNR for (c) is '+string(10*log10(SNR_ip_c))+' dB');\n",
+"disp('Output SNR for (c) is '+string(10*log10(SNR_op_c))+' dB');\n",
+ ]
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+ "source": [
+ "## Example 12.4: Output_SNR_in_DM_including_Thermal_Noise.sce"
+ ]
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+"source": [
+"//page 618\n",
+"//problem 12.4\n",
+"//Upper cut off frequecny fb = 3200 Hz\n",
+"fM = 3200;\n",
+"//Lower cut off frequecny fl = 300 Hz\n",
+"fl = 300;\n",
+"//Data rate fb = 32000 bps\n",
+"fb = 32000;\n",
+"//White noise power spectral density n\n",
+"n = 2*10^(-9);\n",
+"//Input Signal energy Si = 0.001\n",
+"Si = 0.001;\n",
+"//Output SNR is SNR_op\n",
+"SNR_op = (0.6*(fb/fM)^3)/(1 + (0.3*(fb^2/(fl*fM)))*erfc(Si/(n*fb)));\n",
+"disp('Output SNR is '+string(10*log10(SNR_op))+'dB');\n",
+"//Data rate fb_n = 32000 bps\n",
+"fb_n = 2*32000;\n",
+"//Output SNR is SNR_op_n\n",
+"SNR_op_n = (0.6*(fb_n/fM)^3)/(1 + (0.3*(fb_n^2/(fl*fM)))*erfc(Si/(n*fb_n)));\n",
+"disp('Output SNR when data rate is doubled is '+string(10*log10(SNR_op_n))+'dB');"
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+ "# Chapter 13: Information Theory and Coding"
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+ "## Example 13.11: Turbo_code.sce"
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+"source": [
+"//page 696\n",
+"//problem 13.11\n",
+"//The output equations are as follows v1 = s1 xor s2 xor s3 & v2 = s1 xor s3\n",
+"//the no of bits in output mode(bits_out) is v*(L+K), v = no of outputs for commutatot = 2, L = length of input = 3 & K = no of memeory elements = 3\n",
+"v = 2\n",
+"L = 3\n",
+"K = 3\n",
+"bits_out = v*(L+K)\n",
+"//Taking in, s1, s2 , s3, v1 & v2 as row matrix where each column represents its corresponding input or output, in means input\n",
+"in = [0 1 0 1 0 0 0]\n",
+"s1 = zeros(1,7)\n",
+"s2 = zeros(1,7)\n",
+"s3 = zeros(1,7)\n",
+"v1 = zeros(1,7)\n",
+"v2 = zeros(1,7)\n",
+"for i = 2:7\n",
+" s3(i) = s2(i-1)\n",
+" s2(i) = s1(i-1)\n",
+" s1(i) = in(i-1)\n",
+" v1(i-1) = bitxor(s1(i),bitxor(s2(i),s3(i)))\n",
+" v2(i-1) = bitxor(s1(i),s3(i))\n",
+"//Output matrix is out\n",
+"out = zeros(1,12)\n",
+"for i = [1 3 5 7 9 11]\n",
+" out(i) = v1((i+3)/2)\n",
+" out(i+1) = v2((i+3)/2)\n",
+"disp('output is')\n",
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+ "## Example 13.12: Turbo_code.sce"
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+"source": [
+"//page 697\n",
+"//problem 13.12\n",
+"//The qeneratr matrix requires impulse response of the coder.\n",
+"//This is the ourput generated when the initially reset coder is fed with a single 1.\n",
+"//The no of bits in the output code = 2(1+3) = 8\n",
+"//Taking in, s1, s2 , s3, v1 & v2 as row matrix where each column represents its corresponding input or output, in means input\n",
+"in = [0 1 0 0 0]\n",
+"s1 = zeros(1,5)\n",
+"s2 = zeros(1,5)\n",
+"s3 = zeros(1,5)\n",
+"v1 = zeros(1,5)\n",
+"v2 = zeros(1,5)\n",
+"for i = 2:5\n",
+" s3(i) = s2(i-1)\n",
+" s2(i) = s1(i-1)\n",
+" s1(i) = in(i-1)\n",
+" v1(i-1) = bitxor(s1(i),bitxor(s2(i),s3(i)))\n",
+" v2(i-1) = bitxor(s1(i),s3(i))\n",
+"//Output matrix is out\n",
+"out = zeros(1,8)\n",
+"for i = [1 3 5 7]\n",
+" out(i) = v1((i+3)/2)\n",
+" out(i+1) = v2((i+3)/2)\n",
+"disp('impulse response is')\n",
+"//Then generator matrix is G\n",
+"G = [1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0;0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0;0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0]\n",
+"//Note that, in G, impulse responses appear in staggered apper in a staggered manner in each row while the rest of the elements are 0.\n",
+"//Now, output is b_o = b_i*G where input b_i =[1 0 1] \n",
+"b_i = [1 0 1]\n",
+"b_o = b_i*G\n",
+"//Here multiplication means Exor operation so whereever two occurs it should be changed to 1\n",
+"for i = 1:12\n",
+" if b_o(i) > 1 then\n",
+" b_o(i) = 0;\n",
+" end\n",
+"disp('output is ')\n",
+"disp('The output obtained is exactly same as example 13.1')\n",
+ ]
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+ "## Example 13.14: GO_back_N_algorithm.sce"
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+"source": [
+"//page 701\n",
+"//problem 13.14\n",
+"//Given, Tw = 10microsec, BCH(1023973) code is used implies k as 973 & n as 1023, P_A = 0.99, T1 = 40microsec & N = 4\n",
+"Tw = 10*10^-6\n",
+"k = 973\n",
+"n = 1023\n",
+"P_A = 0.99\n",
+"T1 = 40*10^-6\n",
+"N = 4\n",
+"//efficiency of Stop-and-Wait ARQ(n_SandW) = (k/n)*(P_A/(1+(T1/Tw)))\n",
+"n_SandW = (k/n)*(P_A/(1+(T1/Tw)))\n",
+"//efficiency of Go-Back-N ARQ(n_GBN) = (k/n)*(1/(1+(N*(1-P_A)/P_A)))\n",
+"n_GBN = (k/n)*(1/(1+(N*(1-P_A)/P_A)))\n",
+"//efficiency of Selective Repeat ARQ(n_SR) = (k/n)*P_A\n",
+"n_SR = (k/n)*P_A\n",
+"disp('efficiency of Stop-and-Wait ARQ is '+string(n_SandW))\n",
+"disp('efficiency of Go-Back-N ARQ is '+string(n_GBN))\n",
+"disp('efficiency of Selective Repeat ARQ is '+string(n_SR))"
+ ]
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+ "source": [
+ "## Example 13.15: Power_of_a_Transmitter.sce"
+ ]
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+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//page 718\n",
+"//problem 13.15\n",
+"//Bit interval T = 1/10^6 = 10^-6 sec \n",
+"T = 10^-6\n",
+"//White Noise Power Spectral Density n/2 = 10^-9 W/Hz\n",
+"n = 2*10^-9\n",
+"//Power required Ps = Eb/T, where Eb = energy per bit\n",
+"//For information system feedback system Eb = n\n",
+"Ps = n/T\n",
+"disp('power required for information system feedback system is '+string(Ps)+' Watt')\n",
+"//For optimal system Ps = (0.69 * n)/T\n",
+"Ps = (0.69 * n)/T;\n",
+"disp('power required for optimal system is '+string(Ps)+' Watt')"
+ ]
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+ "## Example 13.16: Probability_of_error_for_Trellis_decoded_modulatio.sce"
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+"source": [
+"//page 719\n",
+"//problem 13.16\n",
+"//Given, Eb = 10^-9Joule, n/2 = 10^-9 Watt/Hertz\n",
+"Eb = 10^-8\n",
+"n = 2*10^-9\n",
+"//Probability of error for trellis-decoded modulation(Pe) = (1/2)*erfc(sqrt(1.5*Eb/n))\n",
+"Pe = (1/2)*erfc(sqrt(1.5*Eb/n))\n",
+"disp('Probability of error for trellis-decoded modulation is '+string(Pe))\n",
+"//Probability of error for Qpsk modulation(Pe) = (1/2)*erfc(sqrt(Eb/n))\n",
+"Pe = (1/2)*erfc(sqrt(Eb/n))\n",
+"disp('Probability of error for Qpsk modulation is '+string(Pe))"
+ ]
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+ "source": [
+ "## Example 13.1: Information_rate_of_source.sce"
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+"source": [
+"//page 631\n",
+"//problem 13.1\n",
+"//Given probabilities p1 = p4 = 1/8 & p2 = p3 = 3/8\n",
+"p1 = 1/8\n",
+"p4 = 1/8\n",
+"p2 = 3/8\n",
+"p3 = 3/8\n",
+"//The average information H is p1*log2 (1/p1)+p2*log2 (1/p2)+p3*log2 (1/p3)+p4*log2 (1/p4) bits/message\n",
+"H = p1*log2 (1/p1)+p2*log2 (1/p2)+p3*log2 (1/p3)+p4*log2 (1/p4)\n",
+"//information rate R is r*H bits/sec where r is 2*B\n",
+"//R1 = R/B\n",
+"R1 = 2*H\n",
+"disp('The average information is '+string(H)+' bits/message')\n",
+"disp('Information rate '+string(R1)+'*B bits/sec')"
+ ]
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+ "source": [
+ "## Example 13.4: Channel_Capacity.sce"
+ ]
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+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//page 649\n",
+"//problem 13.4\n",
+"//Given bandwidth(B) = 4000Hertz & Noise PSD(n/2) = 10^-9 Watt/Hertz\n",
+"B = 4000\n",
+"n = 2*10^-9\n",
+"//Chanel capacity(C) = B*log2 (1+S/(n*B))\n",
+"//case 1\n",
+"//Signal energy(S) = 0.1Joule\n",
+"S = 0.1\n",
+"C = B*log2 (1+S/(n*B))\n",
+"disp('Channel capacity for bandwidth = 4000Hertz, Noise PSD = 10^-9 Watt/Hertz & Signal energy(S) = 0.1Joule is '+string(C)+' bits/sec')\n",
+"//case 2\n",
+"//Signal energy(S) = 0.001Joule\n",
+"S = 0.001\n",
+"C = B*log2 (1+S/(n*B))\n",
+"disp('Channel capacity for bandwidth = 4000Hertz, Noise PSD = 10^-9 Watt/Hertz & Signal energy(S) = 0.001Joule is '+string(C)+' bits/sec')\n",
+"//case 3\n",
+"//Signal energy(S) = 0.001Joule & incresed bandwidth(B) = 10000Hertz\n",
+"B = 10000\n",
+"S = 0.001\n",
+"C = B*log2 (1+S/(n*B))\n",
+"disp('Channel capacity for bandwidth = 10000Hertz, Noise PSD = 10^-9 Watt/Hertz & Signal energy(S) = 0.001Joule is '+string(C)+' bits/sec')"
+ ]
+ }
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+ "source": [
+ "## Example 13.8: Probability_of_error.sce"
+ ]
+ },
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+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//page 675\n",
+"//problem 13.8\n",
+"//With single parity bit added, the code size = 4. An error evades parity check if any 2 or all symbols ofthe code arrives are erroneous.\n",
+"//Probability of any symbol from n are erroneous = nCm*(p^m)*(1-p)^(n-m)\n",
+"//Thus, the probability of error undetected, P_undeterr = (4C2*(p^2)*(1-p)^2)+4C4*(p^4) = 6*(p^2)*(1-p)^2)+(p^4)\n",
+"//Probability of error in detection(P_undeterr1) for p = 0.1\n",
+"p = 0.1\n",
+"P_undeterr1 = 6*(p^2)*((1-p)^2)+(p^4)\n",
+"disp('Probability of error in detection for p = 0.1 is '+string(P_undeterr1))\n",
+"//Probability of error in detection(P_undeterr2) for p = 0.01\n",
+"p = 0.01\n",
+"P_undeterr2 = 6*(p^2)*((1-p)^2)+(p^4)\n",
+"disp('Probability of error in detection for p = 0.01 is '+string(P_undeterr2))"
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+ "# Chapter 14: Communication Systems and Component Noises"
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+ "source": [
+ "## Example 14.1: Thermal_noise_voltage.sce"
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+"source": [
+"//page 738\n",
+"//problem 14.1\n",
+"//Boltzman constant k = 1.3806488 × 10-23 m2 kg s-2 K-1\n",
+"k = 1.3806488 * 10^-23; \n",
+"//Let room temperature be 27 C\n",
+"T = 27 + 273; \n",
+"//Bandwidth BW = 10 MHz\n",
+"BW = 10 * 10 ^6;\n",
+"//For (a)\n",
+"//Let the equivalent resistance be Ra\n",
+"Ra = 10 + 10;\n",
+"//RMS Noise Voltage be Va\n",
+"Va = (4*k*T*Ra*BW)^0.5;\n",
+"disp('The rms voltage at output a is '+string(Va)+' Volt');\n",
+"//For (b)\n",
+"//Let the equivalent resistance be Rb\n",
+"Rb = (10 * 10)/(10+10);\n",
+"//RMS Noise Voltage be Vb\n",
+"Vb = (4*k*T*Rb*BW)^0.5;\n",
+"disp('The rms voltage at output b is '+string(Vb)+' Volt');\n",
+"//For (c)\n",
+"Rc = 10;\n",
+"C = 1*10^-9;\n",
+"//In the textbook, the author has forgotten to multiply the result with T, hence has obtained an erroneous result.\n",
+"//The given answer is 28.01uV but the correct answer is found out to be 1.2uV\n",
+"Vc_square = 2*k*integrate('Rc/(1 + (2*%pi*Rc*C*f)^2)','f',-10^7,10^7);\n",
+"Vc = Vc_square^0.5;\n",
+"disp('The rms voltage at output c is '+string(Vc)+' Volt');\n",
+ ]
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+ "source": [
+ "## Example 14.2: Output_Noise_power.sce"
+ ]
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+"source": [
+"//page 741\n",
+"//problem 14.2\n",
+"//The Antenna noise temperature is T_ant = 10 K\n",
+"T_ant = 10;\n",
+"//The reciever noise temperature is Te = 140 K\n",
+"Te = 140;\n",
+"//Midband available gain of reciever gao = 10^10\n",
+"gao = 10^10;\n",
+"//Noise bandwidth is BN = 1.5 * 10^5 Hz\n",
+"BN = 1.5 * 10^5;\n",
+"//Boltzman constant k = 1.3806488 × 10-23 m2 kg s-2 K-1\n",
+"k = 1.3806488 * 10^-23; \n",
+"//Available noise power at output is pao\n",
+"pao = gao*k*(T_ant + Te)*BN;\n",
+"disp('The available output noise power is '+string(pao)+' Watts');\n",
+ ]
+ }
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "## Example 14.3: Transmitted_power_of_antenna.sce"
+ ]
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+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//page 748\n",
+"//problem 14.3\n",
+"//The distance d = 30 * 1.6 * 10^3 m;\n",
+"d = 30 * 1.6 * 10^3;\n",
+"//Frequency f = 4 * 10^9 Hz\n",
+"f = 4 * 10^9;\n",
+"//Wavelength w = c/f m \n",
+"w = 3*10^8 / f;\n",
+"//Transmitter gain KT = 40 dB\n",
+"KT = 10^4;\n",
+"//Reciever gain KT = 40 dB\n",
+"KR = 10^4;\n",
+"//Reciever power PR = 10^-6 Watt\n",
+"PR = 10^-6;\n",
+"//Transmitter power PT\n",
+"PT = PR*(4*%pi*d/w)^2/ (KT*KR);\n",
+"disp('The transmitter output is '+string(PT)+' Watt')\n",
+ ]
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+ "# Chapter 15: Spread Spectrum Modulation"
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+ "## Example 15.1: Jamming.sce"
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+"source": [
+"//page 764\n",
+"//problem 15.1\n",
+"//Signal Power data rate fb = 100 Kbps\n",
+"fb = 10^5;\n",
+"//Signal Strength Ps = 1 mW\n",
+"Ps = 1*10^(-3);\n",
+"//Chip frequency fs = 100 MHz\n",
+"fs = 10^8;\n",
+"//Noise Spectral Density n = 2*10^(-9) W/Hz\n",
+"n = 2*10^(-9);\n",
+"//Jamming Signal power is Pj = 1 W\n",
+"Pj = 1;\n",
+"//Processing Gain P\n",
+"P = fs/fb;\n",
+"disp('Processing Gain is '+string(P));\n",
+"//Bit Interval T\n",
+"T = 1/fb;\n",
+"disp('Bit Interval is '+string(T)+'s');\n",
+"//Energy per bit Eb\n",
+"Eb = Ps*T;\n",
+"disp('Energy per bit is '+string(Eb));\n",
+"//Error Probability without jamming E_without_jamming\n",
+"E_without_jamming = 0.5*erfc((Eb/(n))^0.5);\n",
+"disp('Error probability without jamming is '+string(E_without_jamming));\n",
+"//Error Probability with jamming E_jamming\n",
+"E_jamming = 0.5*erfc(((2*Ps*P)/(Pj))^0.5);\n",
+"disp('Error probability jamming is '+string(E_jamming));\n",
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+ "## Example 15.2: Ranging_using_DS_spread_spectrum.sce"
+ ]
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+"source": [
+"//page 764\n",
+"//problem 15.2\n",
+"//Chip Rate fc = 110 MHz\n",
+"fc = 10*10^6;\n",
+"Tc = 1/fc;\n",
+"//Delay D = 0.1 ms\n",
+"D = 0.1*10^-3;\n",
+"//Speed of light c = 3*10^8 Kmps\n",
+"c = 3*10^8;\n",
+"//Estimated Distance d\n",
+"d = 0.5*c*D;\n",
+"//Tolerance Tol\n",
+"Tol = 0.5*c*Tc;\n",
+"disp('The target is between '+string(d-Tol)+' metres and '+string(d+Tol)+' metres of the source.');"
+ ]
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+ "source": [
+ "## Example 15.3: Sequence_length.sce"
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+"source": [
+"//page 769\n",
+"//problem 15.3\n",
+"//Number of Flip Flops N\n",
+"N = 13;\n",
+"//Maximal length of sequence L\n",
+"L = 2^N - 1;\n",
+"//Upper Bound S\n",
+"S = (L - 1)/N;\n",
+"//No of basic sequences and mirror images\n",
+"disp('No of basic sequences and mirror images is '+string(S/2)');\n",
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+ "# Chapter 2: Random Variables and Processes"
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+ "## Example 2.10: Probability_of_Error.sce"
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+"source": [
+"//page 105\n",
+"//problem 2.10\n",
+"//We know that, Probabilty of error(P_error) for the signal correpted by Gaussian channel variance sigma^2 where signal having voltage levels as 0&V is (1/2)*erfc(V/(2*sqrt(2)*sigma))\n",
+"//P_error for V = 4 & sigma^2 =2\n",
+"V = 4\n",
+"sigma = sqrt(2)\n",
+"P_error = (1/2)*erfc(V/(2*sqrt(2)*sigma))\n",
+"disp('Probabilty of error for V = 4 & sigma^2 =2 is '+string(P_error))\n",
+"//P_error for V = 2 & sigma^2 =2\n",
+"V = 2\n",
+"sigma = sqrt(2)\n",
+"P_error = (1/2)*erfc(V/(2*sqrt(2)*sigma))\n",
+"disp('Probabilty of error for V = 2 & sigma^2 =2 is '+string(P_error))\n",
+"//P_error for V = 4 & sigma^2 =4\n",
+"V = 4\n",
+"sigma = sqrt(4)\n",
+"P_error = (1/2)*erfc(V/(2*sqrt(2)*sigma))\n",
+"disp('Probabilty of error for V = 4 & sigma^2 =4 is '+string(P_error))\n",
+"//P_error for V = 8 & sigma^2 =2\n",
+"V = 8\n",
+"sigma = sqrt(2)\n",
+"P_error = (1/2)*erfc(V/(2*sqrt(2)*sigma))\n",
+"disp('Probabilty of error for V = 8 & sigma^2 =2 is '+string(P_error))"
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+ "## Example 2.11: Probability_of_Error.sce"
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+"source": [
+"//page 106\n",
+"//problem 2.11\n",
+"//out of n attempts the probability of message reaching correctly for k times is given by binomial distribution pX(k) = nCk*(q^k)*(1-q)^(n-k) where q is probability of correctly reaching\n",
+"//Here n = 10, k = 1, q = 0.001\n",
+"n = 10\n",
+"k = 1\n",
+"q = 0.001\n",
+"//pX(k) is denoted as p_X_1\n",
+"//10C1 =10\n",
+"p_X_1 = 10*(q^k)*(1-q)^(n-k)\n",
+"disp('The probability that out of 10 transmissions 9 are corrent and 1 is incorrect is '+string(p_X_1))\n",
+"//probability that more than two erroneous out of 100 transmissions(p_100_2) = 1-probability of less than or equal to two error in transmission\n",
+"//p_100_2 = 1-pX(0)-pX(1)-pX(2)\n",
+"//p_100_2 =1-100C0*((0.001)^0)*((1-0.001)^100)-100C1*((0.001)^1)*((1-0.001)^99)-100C0*((0.001)^2)*((1-0.001)^98)\n",
+"//Since, calculation of above is cumbersome we may use Poisson ditribution to approximate above\n",
+"//Poisson distribution = pX(k) = (alfa^k)*(e^-alfa)/k!, where alfa = n*T\n",
+"//Here n = 100 & q = 0.001\n",
+"n = 100\n",
+"q = 0.001\n",
+"alfa = n*q\n",
+"p_100_2 = 1-(alfa^0)*(%e^-0.1)/factorial(0)-(alfa^1)*(%e^-0.1)/factorial(1)-(alfa^2)*(%e^-0.1)/factorial(2)\n",
+"disp('probability that more than two erroneous out of 100 transmissions is '+string(p_100_2))\n",
+"//from(b), required probability i.e probability of more than one are erroneous out of 100 transmission(p_100_1) is\n",
+"p_100_1 = 1-(alfa^0)*(%e^-0.1)/factorial(0)-(alfa^1)*(%e^-0.1)/factorial(1)\n",
+"disp('probability that more than one erroneous out of 100 transmissions is '+string(p_100_1))"
+ ]
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+ "## Example 2.13: Probability_of_Error.sce"
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+"source": [
+"//page 115\n",
+"//problem 2.13\n",
+"//Given, Error probability is 10^-4 = P_e, no of ecperiments conducted = N = 4*10^5 & estimated probability of error p does not differ from P_e by more than 50%\n",
+"P_e = 10^-4\n",
+"N = 4*10^5\n",
+"//Tchebycheff's inequality is P(|p-Pe|>=E)<=P_e/(N*E^2)\n",
+"//From given values we can find that E = 50*10^-4\n",
+"E = 50*10^-4\n",
+"//Here R.H.S of Tchebycheff's inequality is denoted as Tc_RHS\n",
+"Tc_RHS = P_e/(N*E^2)\n",
+"//Tc_RHS in persentage is Tc_RHSper\n",
+"Tc_RHSper = Tc_RHS/100\n",
+"//disp(Tc_RHSper,Tc_RHS,'or P(|p-10^-4|>=0.5*10^-2)<=',Tc_RHS,'The probability of estimated probability of error p does not differ from P_e by more than 50% is less than equal to')\n",
+"//given solution has been computed wrong, obtaines solution is 10^-7\n",
+"disp('The probability of estimated probability of error p does not differ from P_e by more than 50% is less than equal to '+string(Tc_RHS)+'or P(|p-10^-4|>=0.5*10^-2)<='+string(Tc_RHS)+' = '+string(Tc_RHSper)+'%')"
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+ "source": [
+ "## Example 2.1: Probability_of_two_Events.sce"
+ ]
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+ "metadata": {
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+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//page 85\n",
+"//problem 2.1\n",
+"//A & B are two events occured in sample space S, where P(A) & P(B) are their corresponding probability\n",
+"//Given A&B are not mutually exclusive events, \n",
+"//Probability of A is 0.2 = P_A\n",
+"//Probability of B is 0.4 = P_B\n",
+"//Probability of either A or B is 0.5 = P_AUB\n",
+"P_A = 0.2\n",
+"P_B = 0.4\n",
+"P_AUB = 0.5\n",
+"//Probability of both of A&B jointly occur is P_AinterB = P_A+P_B-P_AUB where inter is intersection\n",
+"P_AinterB = P_A+P_B-P_AUB\n",
+"disp('Probability of both of A&B jointly occur is '+string(P_AinterB))\n",
+"//Probability of none of AorB are occur is P_NOAB = Total occurence(P_S) - Probability of either AorB(P_AUB)\n",
+"P_NOAB = P_S-P_AUB\n",
+"disp('Probability of none of AorB are occur is '+string(P_NOAB))"
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+ "## Example 2.2: Bayes_Theorem.sce"
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+"source": [
+"//page 86\n",
+"//problem 2.2\n",
+"//Probability that A will occur if B has already occurred(P_AB) = ratio of Probability of joint occurence of A&B (P_A_B) & Probability of B(P_B)\n",
+"//P_A_B(robability of joint occurence) = Probability that A&B both occur(P_AinterB)\n",
+"//From given values P_AinterB = 0.1 implies P_A_B = 0.1 & P_B = 0.4\n",
+"P_AinterB = 0.1\n",
+"P_A_B = P_AinterB \n",
+"P_B = 0.4\n",
+"P_AB = P_A_B/P_B\n",
+"//Probability that B will occur if A has already occurred(P_BA) = ratio of Probability of joint occurence of A&B (P_A_B) & Probability of B(P_A)\n",
+"//From given values P_A = 0.2\n",
+"P_A = 0.2\n",
+"P_BA = P_A_B/P_A\n",
+"//Bayes theorem says that P_AB = (P_A/P_B)*P_BA\n",
+"//After Calculating LHS & RHS if both are equal then bayes theorem is satisfying\n",
+"//Calculating LHS\n",
+"LHS = P_AB\n",
+"//Calculating RHS\n",
+"RHS = (P_A/P_B)*P_BA\n",
+"disp('P(A/B) = '+string(P_AB) );\n",
+"if LHS == RHS then\n",
+" disp('LHS = RHS, Hence Bayes theorem is verified' );\n",
+ ]
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+ "source": [
+ "## Example 2.5: Optimum_Receiver_Algorithm.sce"
+ ]
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+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//page 95\n",
+"//problem 2.5\n",
+"//Given, The probability that m0 is sent is 0.7 = P_m0\n",
+"P_m0 = 0.7\n",
+"//The probability that m0 is sent is 0.3 = P_m1\n",
+"P_m1 = 0.3\n",
+"//The probability that r0 is received given that m0 is sent is 0.9 = P_r0m0 where r is voltage & m is message\n",
+"P_r0m0 = 0.9\n",
+"//the probability that r1 is received given that m0 is sent is 0.1 = P_r1m0 where r is voltage & m is message\n",
+"P_r1m0 = 0.1\n",
+"//The probability that r1 is received given that m1 is sent is 0.6 = P_r1m1\n",
+"P_r1m1 = 0.6\n",
+"//the probability that r0 is received given that m1 is sent is 0.4 = P_r0m1 where r is voltage & m is message\n",
+"P_r0m1 = 0.4\n",
+"//With the given values check eqations P_r0m0*P_m0(P00) > P_r0m1*P_m1(P01)\n",
+"P00 = P_r0m0*P_m0\n",
+"P01 = P_r0m1*P_m1\n",
+"if P00>P01 then\n",
+" disp('as P(r0|m0)*P(m0) > P(r0|m1)*P(m1) is valid, we whould select m0 whenever r0 is received')\n",
+"//With the given values check eqations P_r1m1*P_m1(P11) > P_r1m0*P_m0(P10)\n",
+"P11 = P_r1m1*P_m1\n",
+"P10 = P_r1m0*P_m0\n",
+"if P11>P10 then\n",
+" disp('as P(r1|m1)*P(m1) > P(r1|m0)*P(m0) is valid, we whould select m1 whenever r1 is received')\n",
+ ]
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+ "source": [
+ "## Example 2.6: Optimum_Receiver_Algorithm.sce"
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+ "metadata": {
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+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//page 96\n",
+"//problem 2.6\n",
+"//Given, the probability that r0 is received given that m0 is sent is 0.9 = P_r0m0 where r is voltage & m is message\n",
+"P_r0m0 = 0.9\n",
+"//The probability that m0 is sent is 0.7 = P_m0\n",
+"P_m0 = 0.7\n",
+"//The probability that r1 is received given that m1 is sent is 0.6 = P_r1m1\n",
+"P_r1m1 = 0.6\n",
+"//The probability that m0 is sent is 0.3 = P_m1\n",
+"P_m1 = 0.3\n",
+"//The probability that the transmitted signal is correctly read at receiver is P(c)(P_c) = the probability that m0 was sent when r0 was read(P_r0m0*P_m0) + the probability that m1 was sent when r1 was read(P_r1m1*P_m1)\n",
+"P_c = P_r0m0*P_m0+P_r1m1*P_m1\n",
+"//P(e)(P_e) = 1-P(c)\n",
+"P_e = 1-P_c\n",
+"disp('P(e) = '+string(P_e))\n",
+"disp('P(c) = '+string(P_c))"
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+ "source": [
+ "## Example 2.7: Optimum_Receiver.sce"
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+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//page 96\n",
+"//problem 2.7\n",
+"//Here P(ra|mb) is denoted as P_ramb where a is 0,1,2 & b is 0,1\n",
+"//P(X) is denoted as P_X where X is m0, m1, C & E\n",
+"//From given values P_m0 = 0.6, P_m1 = 0.4, P_r0m0 =0.6, P_r1m1 = 0.7, P_r0m1 = 0, P_r1m0 = 0.2, P_r2m0 = 0.2 & P_r2m1 = 0.3\n",
+"P_m0 = 0.6\n",
+"P_m1 = 0.4\n",
+"P_r0m0 =0.6\n",
+"P_r1m1 = 0.7\n",
+"P_r0m1 = 0\n",
+"P_r1m0 = 0.2\n",
+"P_r2m0 = 0.2\n",
+"P_r2m1 = 0.3\n",
+"//Comaparing P(r0|m0)*P(m0) & P(r0|m1)*P(m1) gives result\n",
+"LHS = P_r0m0*P_m0\n",
+"RHS = P_r0m1*P_m1\n",
+"disp('As P(r0|m0)*P(m0)['+string(LHS)+'] > P(r0|m1)*P(m1)['+string(RHS)+']')\n",
+"disp('we select m0 whenever r0 is received')\n",
+"//Similarly compare P(r1|m1)*P(m1) & P(r1|m0)*P(m0)\n",
+"LHS = P_r1m1*P_m1\n",
+"RHS = P_r1m0*P_m0\n",
+"disp('As P(r1|m1)*P(m1)['+string(LHS)+'] > P(r1|m0)*P(m0)['+string(RHS)+']')\n",
+"disp('we select m1 whenever r1 is received')\n",
+"//compare P(r2|m0)*P(m0) & P(r2|m1)*P(m1)\n",
+"LHS = P_r2m0*P_m0\n",
+"RHS = P_r2m1*P_m1\n",
+"disp('As P(r2|m0)*P(m0)['+string(LHS)+'] = P(r2|m1)*P(m1)['+string(RHS)+']')\n",
+"disp('We can accordingly make either assignment and we arbitrarily associate r2 with m0')\n",
+"//The probability of being correct is P(C) = P(r0|m0)*P(m0)+P(r1|m1)*P(m1)+P(r2|m0)*P(m0)\n",
+"P_C = P_r0m0*P_m0+P_r1m1*P_m1+P_r2m0*P_m0\n",
+"//The probability of error is P(E) = 1-P(C)\n",
+"P_E = 1 - P_C;\n",
+"disp('Probability of being correct is P(C) = '+string(P_C)')\n",
+"disp('Probability of error is P(E) = '+string(P_E)')"
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+ "## Example 2.8: Probability_Distribution_Function.sce"
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+"source": [
+"//page 99\n",
+"//problem 2.8\n",
+"//Given, probability density function of X is fX_x where fX_x = a*e^(-0.2*x) for x greater than & equal to 0 & = 0 eleswhere\n",
+"//a = fX_x/(a*e^(-0.2*x))\n",
+"//from definition integration of fX_x with limits -infinity to +infinity is 1\n",
+"//As per given fX_x, integration of a*e^(-0.2*x) with limits 0 & +inffinity and obtained value be P\n",
+"//a = 1/p\n",
+"P = integrate('%e^(-0.2*x)','x',0,100)\n",
+"a = 1/P\n",
+"disp('a = '+string(a))"
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+ "# Chapter 3: Amplitude Modulation Systems"
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+ "## Example 3.4: Transmission_Power_Efficiency.sce"
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+"source": [
+"//page 163\n",
+"//problem 3.4\n",
+"//Transmission power effiency n = {(m^2)/[2+(m^2)]}*100% where m is modulated index\n",
+"//Given modulated indices are m1 = 0.25, m2 = 0.5 & m3 = 0.75\n",
+"//Transmission power effiencies are n1, n2 & n3 respectively for m1, m2 & m3\n",
+"n1 = {(0.25^2)/[2+(0.25^2)]}*100\n",
+"n2 = {(0.5^2)/[2+(0.5^2)]}*100\n",
+"n3 = {(0.75^2)/[2+(0.75^2)]}*100\n",
+"disp('Transmission power effiency for modulated index 0.25 is '+string(n1)+ '%')\n",
+"disp('Transmission power effiency for modulated index 0.5 is '+string(n2)+ '%')\n",
+"disp('Transmission power effiency for modulated index 0.75 is '+string(n3)+ '%')"
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+ "source": [
+ "## Example 3.7: Calculation_of_L_and_C_of_Power_Amplifier.sce"
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+"source": [
+"//page 185\n",
+"//problem 3.7\n",
+"//Given input inmedance of matching networkis R1 = 10 ohm & output impedance of matching networ is R2 = 50 ohm & carrier frequency is fc = 500 KHz\n",
+"R1 = 10\n",
+"R2 = 50\n",
+"fc = 500000\n",
+"//Wc = 2*pi*fc\n",
+"Wc = 2*%pi*fc\n",
+"//AS R1 = R2*(X2^2)/[(R2^2)+(X2^2)], X2 = 25ohm\n",
+"X2 = 25\n",
+"//AS X1 = (R2^2)*X2/[(R2^2)+(X2^2)] & R1>R2, X1 = -20ohm\n",
+"X1 = -20\n",
+"//|X1| = |jwL| = wL = 20 & |X2| = |1/jwC| = 1/wC = 25, so |X1*X2| = L/C = 500 denotes as LC_div\n",
+"LC_div = 500\n",
+"//Wc^2 = 1/(L*C). LC is denoted as LC_prod\n",
+"LC_prod = 1/(Wc^2)\n",
+"//In the textbook the calculated LC = 10^-3, in reality the value of LC = 1.013D-13\n",
+" \n",
+"L = sqrt(LC_div*LC_prod)\n",
+"//In the textbook the calculated L^2 = 50*10^-14, in reality the value of L^2 = 5.066D-11 \n",
+" \n",
+"C = L/500\n",
+"//In the textbook the calculated C = 1.4*10^-9, in reality the value of C = 1.424D-08 \n",
+"disp('Inductance '+string(L)+' H')\n",
+"disp('Capacitance '+string(C)+' F')"
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+ "## Example 3.8: Calculation_of_Gain_and_Power_radiated_of_Antenna.sce"
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+"source": [
+"//page 185\n",
+"//problem 3.8\n",
+"//Given ohmnic loss resistance is Ro = 12 Ohm, \n",
+"Ro = 12\n",
+"//radiation resistance is Rr = 48 Ohm,\n",
+"Rr = 48\n",
+"//directivity is D = 2\n",
+"D = 2\n",
+"//Input current = 0.1*cos[2*pi*(10^6)*t], Amplitude of input current is A = 0.1 Amp\n",
+"A = 0.1\n",
+"//Equivalent resistance = Re = Ro+Rr\n",
+"Re = Ro+Rr\n",
+"//Total power used in antenna = Pin = (A^2)*Re/2\n",
+"Pin = (A^2)*Re/2\n",
+"//Power used in radiation = Prad = (A^2)*Rr/2\n",
+"Prad = (A^2)*Rr/2\n",
+"//Efficiency of the antenna = n = Prad/Pin\n",
+"n = Prad/Pin\n",
+"//Gain of antenna = Ga = efficiency*directivity\n",
+"Ga = n*D\n",
+"disp('Total power used in antenna '+string(Pin)+' Watt')\n",
+"disp('Power used in radiation '+string(Prad)+' Watt')\n",
+"disp('Efficiency of the antenna '+string(n))\n",
+"disp('Gain of antenna '+string(Ga))"
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+ "# Chapter 4: Angle Modulation"
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+ "## Example 4.2: Calculation_of_frequency_parameters.sce"
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+"source": [
+"//page 199\n",
+"//problem 4.2\n",
+"//Given angle modulated signal is x = 3*cos[2*pi*(10^6)*t+2*sin(2*pi*10^3*t)]\n",
+"//So, phase of the angle modulates signal is Q = 2*pi*(10^6*t)+2*sin(2*pi*(10^3)*t)\n",
+"//Instantaneous frequency = dQ/dt = 2*pi*(10^6)+ 4*pi*(10^3)*sin(2*pi*(10^3)*t)\n",
+"//For Instantaneous frequency at 0.25ms, Substituting t = 0.25ms in Instantaneous frequency\n",
+"//Instantaneous frequency is expressed as f1_rad for frequency in radians per second\n",
+"f1_rad = 2*%pi*(10^6)+ 4*%pi*(10^3)*sin(2*%pi*(10^3)*0.00025)\n",
+"//Instantaneous frequency is expressed as f1_hz for frequency in hertz\n",
+"f1_hz = f1_rad/(2*%pi)\n",
+"disp('the Instantaneous frequency at time t=0.25ms is '+string(f1_rad)+' rad/sec = '+string(f1_hz)+' Hz')\n",
+"//For Instantaneous frequency at 0.25ms, Substituting t = 0.5ms in Instantaneous frequency \n",
+"//Instantaneous frequency is expressed as f2rad for frequency in radians per second\n",
+"f2_rad = 2*%pi*(10^6)+ 4*%pi*(10^3)*sin(2*%pi*(10^3)*0.0005)\n",
+"//Instantaneous frequency is expressed as f2hz for frequency in hertz\n",
+"f2_hz = f2_rad/(2*%pi)\n",
+"disp('the Instantaneous frequency at time t=0.5ms is '+string(f2_rad)+' rad/sec = '+string(f2_hz)+' Hz')\n",
+"//Maximum phase deviation = max[2*sin(2*pi*(10^3)*t)] = 2*1\n",
+"maxDp = 2;\n",
+"disp('Maximum phase deviation is '+string(maxDp)+' rad')\n",
+"//Maximum frequency deviation = max[4*pi*(10^3)*sin(2*pi*(10^3)*t)] = 4*pi*(10^3)*1\n",
+"maxDf = 4*%pi*(10^3)*1;\n",
+"disp('Maximum frequency deviation is '+string(maxDf)+' Hz')\n",
+"//disp('in rad',maxDf,'Maximum frequency deviation is')\n",
+"//In the textbook the calculated value of max frequency devaition is = 2000 Hz, in reality the value = 12566.371 Hz "
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+ "## Example 4.4: Calculation_of_Bandwidth.sce"
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+"//page 208\n",
+"//problem 4.4\n",
+"//Given modulating signal m(t) = 2*sin(2*pi*(10^3)*t), B for phase modulation Bp = 10 & for fequency modulation Bf = 10\n",
+"Bp = 10\n",
+"Bf = 10\n",
+"//So Amplitude of modulating signal is Am=2 metres\n",
+"Am = 2\n",
+"//Frequency of modulating signal is fm = 1000 hertz\n",
+"//Bandwidth = 2*(1+B)*fm\n",
+"//Bandwidth for phase modulation with modulating signal m(t) is bw_pm = 2*(1+Bp)*fm\n",
+"bw_pm = 2*(1+10)*1000\n",
+"//Bandwidth for frequency modulation with modulating signal m(t) is bw_fm = 2*(1+Bf)*fm\n",
+"bw_fm = 2*(1+10)*1000\n",
+"disp('Bandwidth for phase modulation '+string(bw_pm)+' Hz')\n",
+"disp('Bandwidth for frequency modulation '+string(bw_fm)+' Hz')\n",
+"//Bandwidth for phase & frequency modulation if frequency of modulating signal is doubled i.e fm = 2000 hertz\n",
+"//Bp & Bf after frequency of modulating signal is doubled\n",
+"//Bp = kp*Am, observing the equation as there is no change in amplitude Bp = 10\n",
+"Bp = 10\n",
+"//Bf = kf*Am/fm, observing the equation as there is change in frequency Bf = 10/2 = 5\n",
+"Bf = 5\n",
+"//Bandwidth for phase modulation if frequency of modulating signal is doubled is bw_double_pm = 2*(1+Bp)*fm\n",
+"bw_double_pm = 2*(1+10)*2000\n",
+"//Bandwidth for frequency modulation if frequency of modulating signal is doubled is bw_double_fm = 2*(1+Bf)*fm\n",
+"bw_double_fm = 2*(1+5)*2000\n",
+"disp('Bandwidth for phase modulation for doubled frequency '+string(bw_double_pm)+' Hz')\n",
+"disp('bandwidth for frequency modulation for doubled frequency '+string(bw_double_fm)+' Hz')\n",
+"//Bandwidth for phase & frequency modulation if amplitude of modulating signal is halfed i.e Am = 1 metre\n",
+"//Bp & Bf after amplitude of modulating signal is halfed\n",
+"//Bp = kp*Am, observing the equation as there is change in amplitude Bp = 10/2 = 5\n",
+"Bp = 5\n",
+"//Bf = kf*Am/fm, observing the equation as there is change in amplitude Bf = 5/2 = 2.5\n",
+"Bf = 2.5\n",
+"//Bandwidth for phase modulation if frequency of modulating signal is doubled is bw_halfed_pm = 2*(1+Bp)*fm\n",
+"bw_halfed_pm = 2*(1+5)*2000\n",
+"//Bandwidth for frequency modulation if frequency of modulating signal is doubled is bw_halfed_fm = 2*(1+Bf)*fm\n",
+"bw_halfed_fm = 2*(1+2.5)*2000\n",
+"disp('Bandwidth for phase modulation for halfed amplitude '+string(bw_halfed_pm)+' Hz')\n",
+"disp('Bandwidth for frequency modulation for halfed amplitude '+string(bw_halfed_fm)+' Hz')"
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+ "# Chapter 5: Pulse Modulation and Digital Transmission of Analog Signal"
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+ "## Example 5.11: SNR_of_a_DM_system.sce"
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+"source": [
+"//page 296\n",
+"//problem 5.11\n",
+"//case 1(a)\n",
+"//f = 400Hertz, fs = 8000Hertz\n",
+"f = 400\n",
+"fs = 8000\n",
+"//We know that maximum signal to noise ratio(SNR_max) = 3*(fs^2)/(8*(pi^2)*(f^2))\n",
+"SNR_max = 3*(fs^2)/(8*(%pi^2)*(f^2))\n",
+"//SNR_max in decibels is SNR_max_db\n",
+"SNR_max_db = 10*log10 (SNR_max)\n",
+"disp('Maximum signal to noise ratio for f = 400 & fs = 8000 is '+string(SNR_max)+' = '+string(SNR_max_db)+' db')\n",
+"//case 1(b)\n",
+"//f = 400Hertz, fs = 16000Hertz\n",
+"f = 400\n",
+"fs = 16000\n",
+"//We know that maximum signal to noise ratio(SNR_max) = 3*(fs^2)/(8*(pi^2)*(f^2))\n",
+"SNR_max = 3*(fs^2)/(8*(%pi^2)*(f^2))\n",
+"//SNR_max in decibels is SNR_max_db\n",
+"SNR_max_db = 10*log10 (SNR_max)\n",
+"//Given solution is 13.8385 dB obtained solution is 17.838515 dB\n",
+"disp('Maximum signal to noise ratio for f = 400 & fs = 16000 is '+string(SNR_max)+' = '+string(SNR_max_db)+' db')\n",
+"//case 2(a)\n",
+"//f = 400Hertz, fs = 8000Hertz & fc = 1000Hertz\n",
+"f = 400\n",
+"fs = 8000\n",
+"fc = 1000\n",
+"//If a 1kHz low pass post reconstruction filter is used then maximum signal to noise ratio(SNR_max) = 3*(fs^3)/(8*(pi^2)*(f^2)*fc)\n",
+"SNR_max = 3*(fs^3)/(8*(%pi^2)*(f^2)*fc)\n",
+"//SNR_max in decibels is SNR_max_db\n",
+"SNR_max_db = 10*log10 (SNR_max)\n",
+"disp('If a 1kHz low pass post reconstruction filter is used then')\n",
+"disp('Maximum signal to noise ratio for f = 400, fs = 8000 & fc = 1000 is '+string(SNR_max)+' = '+string(SNR_max_db)+' db')\n",
+"//case 2(b)\n",
+"//f = 400Hertz, fs = 16000Hertz & fc = 1000Hertz\n",
+"f = 400\n",
+"fs = 16000\n",
+"fc = 1000\n",
+"//If a 1kHz low pass post reconstruction filter is used then maximum signal to noise ratio(SNR_max) = 3*(fs^3)/(8*(pi^2)*(f^2)*fc)\n",
+"SNR_max = 3*(fs^3)/(8*(%pi^2)*(f^2)*fc)\n",
+"//SNR_max in decibels is SNR_max_db\n",
+"SNR_max_db = 10*log10 (SNR_max)\n",
+"disp('Maximum signal to noise ratio for f = 400, fs = 16000 & fc = 1000 is '+string(SNR_max)+' = '+string(SNR_max_db)+' db')"
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+ "## Example 5.2: Minimum_sampling_rate.sce"
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+"source": [
+"//page 247\n",
+"//problem 5.2\n",
+"//Highest frequency(fH) = 10000/2 = 5000 Hz \n",
+"fH = 5000\n",
+"//Lowest frequency(fL) = 6000/2 = 3000 Hz\n",
+"fL = 3000\n",
+"//Minimum sampling frequency from low pass consideration(S_LOW) = 2*fH\n",
+"S_LOW = 2*fH\n",
+"disp('Minimum sampling frequency from low pass consideration is '+string(S_LOW)+' Hz')\n",
+"//B = fH-fL = 2000 Hz\n",
+"B = fH-fL\n",
+"//k = floor(fH/B) = 2, where floor(x) gives the largest integer that does not exceed x\n",
+"k = floor(fH/B)\n",
+"//The required sampling frequency from band pass consideration(S_BAND) = 2*fH/k\n",
+"S_BAND = 2*fH/k\n",
+"disp('Minimum sampling frequency from band pass consideration is '+string(S_BAND)+' Hz')"
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+ "## Example 5.3: Calculation_of_Guard_time.sce"
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+"source": [
+"//page 259\n",
+"//problem 5.3\n",
+"//Given width of each pulse W = 150 us\n",
+"W = 150 * 10^-6\n",
+"//One cycle is a period,T = 1ms\n",
+"T = 1000 * 10^-6\n",
+"//There are 5 messages multiplexed each utilizeallocated time pulse width = s(T_5) = T/5\n",
+"T_5 = T/5\n",
+"//Gaurd time(GT_5) = allocated time-pulse width = T_5-W\n",
+"GT_5 = T_5-W\n",
+"disp('Gaurd time where 5 messages multiplexed is '+string(GT_5)+' seconds')\n",
+"//Here there are 10 messages multiplexed each utilizeallocated time pulse width = s(T_10) = T/10\n",
+"T_10 = T/10\n",
+"//Gaurd time(GT_10) = allocated time-pulse width = T_10-norrow pulses width = T_10 -50* 10^-6\n",
+"GT_10 = T_10 - 50 * 10^-6\n",
+"disp('Gaurd time where 10 messages multiplexed is '+string(GT_10)+' seconds')"
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+ "## Example 5.5: Calculation_of_minimum_number_of_Binary_digits.sce"
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+"source": [
+"//page 272\n",
+"//problem 5.5\n",
+"//Let Abe the maximum value of the discrete samples.\n",
+"//Error tolerated is 0.1% i.e. 0.001A\n",
+"//If D is step size then possible maximum error is D/2\n",
+"//Thus D/2 = 0.001A or A/D = 500 = no of levels required(Levels)\n",
+"Levels = 500\n",
+"//minimum no of binary digits required(B) = rounded value to the next higher integer of log2 (Levels)\n",
+"B = round(log2 (Levels))\n",
+"disp('Minimum no of binary digits required '+string(B))"
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+ "## Example 5.6: Companding.sce"
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+"source": [
+"//page 273\n",
+"//problem 5.6\n",
+"//The y axis is uniformly quantized with step size(step_size) = 1/[(2^8)/(2-1)] in both +ve & -ve direction between 1 & -1 when peak of input varies between 1 & -1.\n",
+"//The smallest step in x direction occurs nearest to x=0 i.e between y1 = 0 & y2 = step_size\n",
+"step_size = 1/[(2^8)/2-1]\n",
+"y1 = 0\n",
+"y2 = step_size\n",
+"//Then, y1 = [ln(1+255*x1)]/[ln(1+255)]\n",
+"x1 = (%e^(y1*log(256)) - 1)/255;\n",
+"//y2 = [ln(1+255*x2)]/[ln(1+255)]\n",
+"x2 = (%e^(y2*log(256)) - 1)/255;\n",
+"//The smallest step size is 10*(x2-x1)\n",
+"disp('The smallest step size is '+string(10*(x2-x1))+' Volts')\n",
+"//The largest step size occurs when x is at its extreme between y1 = 1-1/127 = 126/127 & y2 = 1\n",
+"y1 = 1-1/127\n",
+"y2 = 1\n",
+"//Then, y1 = [ln(1+255*x1)]/[ln(1+255)]\n",
+"x1 = (%e^(y1*log(256)) - 1)/255;\n",
+"//y2 = [ln(1+255*x2)]/[ln(1+255)]\n",
+"x2 = (%e^(y2*log(256)) - 1)/255;\n",
+"//The largest step size is 10*(x2-x1)\n",
+"disp('The largest step size is '+string(10*(x2-x1))+' Volts')"
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+ "## Example 5.9: LMS_Algorithm.sce"
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+"source": [
+"//page 296\n",
+"//problem 5.9\n",
+"//for error calculation e(n) = m(n) - [^hj(n)*m(n-1)+^hj(n)*m(n-2)+^hj(n)*m(n-3)+ ........+^hj(n)*m(n-N)]\n",
+"//for coefficient upgradation ^hj(n+1) = ^hj(n)+um(n-j)e(n) where u = learning parameter = 0.1.\n",
+"u = 0.1\n",
+"//Assign m values taking from m = -3 to 5\n",
+"//Denoting m(x) as matrix m where each element repesents from n = -3 to 5 \n",
+"m = [0 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6]\n",
+"//taking e(n) as matrix e, ^hj(n) as matrises h_j\n",
+"e = zeros(1,5)\n",
+"h_1 = zeros(1,6)\n",
+"h_2 = zeros(1,6)\n",
+"//given ^h1(0)= ^h2(0) = 0\n",
+"h_1(1) = 0\n",
+"h_2(1) = 0\n",
+"for i = 1:5\n",
+" e(i) = m(i+3) - h_1(i)*m(i+2) - h_2(i)*m(i+1)\n",
+" h_1(i+1) = h_1(i) + u*m(i+2)*e(i)\n",
+" h_2(i+1) = h_2(i) + u*m(i+1)*e(i)\n",
+"//here e(3) is given as 1.32 but it is displaying 0.92\n",
+"//here ^h2(3) is given as 0.26 but it is displaying 0.46\n",
+"for i = 1:5\n",
+" disp('e('+string(i-1)+') = '+string(e(i)))\n",
+" disp('^h1('+string(i)+') = '+string(h_1(i+1)))\n",
+" disp('^h2('+string(i)+') = '+string(h_2(i+1)))\n",
+ ]
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+ "## Example 6.1: Carrier_phase_variatio.sce"
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+"source": [
+"//page 341\n",
+"//problem 6.1\n",
+"//Given messages signal m = [1,0,1,1,0,1]\n",
+"m = [1,0,1,1,0,1];\n",
+"//Logical 0 corrsponds to pi i.e %pi and Logical 1 corresponds to 0\n",
+"//For BPSK, from the above deduction let the carrier phase be Carrier_Phase_BPSK\n",
+"for i = 1:5\n",
+" if m(i)==1 then\n",
+" Carrier_Phase_BPSK(i) = 0;\n",
+" else\n",
+" Carrier_Phase_BPSK(i) = %pi;\n",
+" end\n",
+"disp(Carrier_Phase_BPSK,'The Phase of the carrier signal for BPSK varies as ');\n",
+"//For DPSK\n",
+"//Let b represent the input to balance modulator\n",
+"//If the initial value of b be 0\n",
+"b = 0;\n",
+"for i = 2:5\n",
+" b(i) = bitxor(m(i),b(i-1)) \n",
+"//Now the carrier phase, Carrier_Phase_DPSK\n",
+"for i = 1:5\n",
+" if b(i)==1 then\n",
+" Carrier_Phase_DPSK(i) = 0;\n",
+" else\n",
+" Carrier_Phase_DPSK(i) = %pi;\n",
+" end\n",
+"//Now the carrier amplitude, Carrier_Amplitude_DPSK\n",
+"for i = 1:5\n",
+" Carrier_Amplitude_DPSK(i) = cos(Carrier_Phase_DPSK(i));\n",
+"disp(Carrier_Phase_DPSK,'The Phase of the carrier signal for DPSK varies as follows, '+'when the initial value of b is 1');\n",
+"disp(Carrier_Amplitude_DPSK,'The Amplitude of the carrier signal for DPSK varies as follows, '+'when the initial value of b is 1');\n",
+"//If the initial value of b be 1\n",
+"b = 1;\n",
+"for i = 2:5\n",
+" b(i) = bitxor(m(i),b(i-1)) \n",
+"//Now the carrier phase, Carrier_Phase_DPSK\n",
+"for i = 1:5\n",
+" if b(i)==1 then\n",
+" Carrier_Phase_DPSK(i) = 0;\n",
+" else\n",
+" Carrier_Phase_DPSK(i) = %pi;\n",
+" end\n",
+"//Now the carrier amplitude, Carrier_Amplitude_DPSK\n",
+"for i = 1:5\n",
+" Carrier_Amplitude_DPSK(i) = cos(Carrier_Phase_DPSK(i));\n",
+"disp(Carrier_Phase_DPSK,'The Phase of the carrier signal for DPSK varies as follows, '+'when the initial value of b is 0');\n",
+"disp(Carrier_Amplitude_DPSK,'The Amplitude of the carrier signal for DPSK varies as follows, '+'when the initial value of b is 0');\n",
+"//For DEPSK\n",
+"//The DEPSK transmitter output is same as that of DPSK\n",
+"//If the initial value of b be 0\n",
+"b = 0;\n",
+"for i = 2:5\n",
+" b(i) = bitxor(m(i),b(i-1)) \n",
+"//Now the carrier phase, Carrier_Phase_DPSK\n",
+"for i = 1:5\n",
+" if b(i)==1 then\n",
+" Carrier_Phase_DEPSK(i) = 0;\n",
+" else\n",
+" Carrier_Phase_DEPSK(i) = %pi;\n",
+" end\n",
+"disp(Carrier_Phase_DEPSK,'The Phase of the carrier signal for DEPSK varies as follows, '+'when the initial value of b is 1');\n",
+"//If the initial value of b be 1\n",
+"b = 1;\n",
+"for i = 2:5\n",
+" b(i) = bitxor(m(i),b(i-1)) \n",
+"//Now the carrier phase, Carrier_Phase_DPSK\n",
+"for i = 1:5\n",
+" if b(i)==1 then\n",
+" Carrier_Phase_DEPSK(i) = 0;\n",
+" else\n",
+" Carrier_Phase_DEPSK(i) = %pi;\n",
+" end\n",
+"disp(Carrier_Phase_DEPSK,'The Phase of the carrier signal for DEPSK varies as, '+'when the initial value of b is 0');\n",
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+ "## Example 6.2: DPSK_and_DEPSK.sce"
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+"source": [
+"//page 341\n",
+"//problem 6.2\n",
+"//From Ex6_1 the obtained carrier amplitude is c\n",
+"//For DPSK\n",
+"//Considering the initial value of the storage element to be 0 in polar and -1 in biploar\n",
+"c = [1,1,-1,1,1];\n",
+"y = -1;\n",
+"//Let the output be y\n",
+"for i = 2:5\n",
+" y(i) = c(i)*c(i-1);\n",
+"//Converting back to binary data\n",
+"for i = 1:5\n",
+" if y(i)== -1 then\n",
+" output_binary(i) = 0;\n",
+" else\n",
+" output_binary(i) = 1;\n",
+" end\n",
+"//Now inverting the output we get:\n",
+"for i = 1:5\n",
+" output_binary(i) = ~output_binary(i);\n",
+"disp(output_binary,'The DPSK output is');\n",
+"//For DEPSK\n",
+"//From example Ex6_1, we have b when initial storage value is assumed to be 1\n",
+"b = [1,1,0,1,1]; \n",
+"//Output y \n",
+"y = 1;\n",
+"for i = 2:5\n",
+" y(i) = bitxor(b(i),b(i-1));\n",
+"disp(y,'The DEPSK output is');\n",
+ ]
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+ "## Example 6.4: Bandwidth_and_Noise_susceptibility.sce"
+ ]
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+"source": [
+"//page 365\n",
+"//problem 6.4\n",
+"//Given energy per bit Eb = 0.01\n",
+"Eb = 0.01;\n",
+"//Given fundamental frequency is fb = 8 KHz \n",
+"fb = 8*10^3;\n",
+"//No of symbols M = 16\n",
+"M = 16;\n",
+"N = log2(M);\n",
+"BW_BPSK = 2*fb;\n",
+"disp('Bandwidth for BPSK is '+string(BW_BPSK)+'Hz');\n",
+"BW_QPSK = fb;\n",
+"disp('Bandwidth for QPSK is '+string(BW_QPSK)+'Hz');\n",
+"BW_16MPSK = fb/2;\n",
+"disp('Bandwidth for 16 MPSK is '+string(BW_16MPSK)+'Hz');\n",
+"BW_BFSK = 4*fb;\n",
+"disp('Bandwidth for BFSK is '+string(BW_BFSK)+'Hz');\n",
+"BW_MSK = 1.5*fb;\n",
+"disp('Bandwidth for MSK is '+string(BW_MSK)+'Hz');\n",
+"BW_16MFSK = 2*M*fb;\n",
+"disp('Bandwidth for 16 MFSK is '+string(BW_16MFSK)+'Hz');\n",
+"Min_dist_BPSK = 2*(Eb)^0.5;\n",
+"disp('Minimum distance in signal space in BPSK is '+string(Min_dist_BPSK));\n",
+"Min_dist_QPSK = 2*(Eb)^0.5;\n",
+"disp('Minimum distance in signal space in QPSK is '+string(Min_dist_QPSK));\n",
+"//The given answer in the textbook is 0.0152, which appears to be wrong. The correct answer is 0.078\n",
+"Min_dist_16MPSK = (4*N*Eb*(sin(%pi/16))^2)^0.5;\n",
+"disp('Minimum distance in signal space in 16 MPSK is '+string(Min_dist_16MPSK));\n",
+"Min_dist_BFSK = (2*Eb)^0.5;\n",
+"disp('Minimum distance in signal space in ortho BFSK is '+string(Min_dist_BFSK));\n",
+"Min_dist_MSK = 2*(Eb)^0.5;\n",
+"disp('Minimum distance in signal space in MSK is '+string(Min_dist_MSK));\n",
+"Min_dist_16MFSK = (2*N*Eb)^0.5;\n",
+"disp('Minimum distance in signal space in ortho 16 MFSK is '+string(Min_dist_16MFSK));\n",
+"disp('The best method that provides least noise susceptibility is 16 MFSK, then BPSK, then QPSK, then comes MSK, then orthogonal BFSK and finally 16 MPSK')\n",
+ ]
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+ "## Example 6.5: Duobinary_decoding.sce"
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+"source": [
+"//page 381\n",
+"//problem 6.5\n",
+"//Given input signal is d\n",
+"d = [0,1,1,1,0,1,0,1,1];\n",
+"//The answers obtained here are different from the ones mentioned in the textbook.\n",
+"//The given answers have been checked rigorously and have been found out to be true.\n",
+"//When precoded\n",
+"//Signal b is initially assumed to be 0 \n",
+"b = 0;\n",
+"for i = 2:9\n",
+" b(i) = bitxor(b(i-1),d(i));\n",
+"//Changing bit code to polar signal we get, 0 --> -1, 1 --> +1\n",
+"for i = 1:9\n",
+" if b(i)==1 then\n",
+" bp(i) = 1;\n",
+" else\n",
+" bp(i) = -1;\n",
+" end\n",
+"//Let initial value of Vd be 0\n",
+"//Vd = 0;\n",
+"for i = 2:9\n",
+" Vd(i) = bp(i) + bp(i-1);\n",
+"//Converting polar signal to bit code we get, -2 --> 0, 0 --> 1, 2 --> 0\n",
+"for i = 1:9\n",
+" if Vd(i)== -2 then\n",
+" da(i) = 0;\n",
+" elseif Vd(i)== 2 then\n",
+" da(i) = 0;\n",
+" else\n",
+" da(i) = 1;\n",
+" end\n",
+"disp(da,'Decoded output when precoded is ')\n",
+"//When not precoded exor gate is not there\n",
+"//Changing bit code to polar signal we get, 0 --> -1, 1 --> +1\n",
+"for i = 1:9\n",
+" if d(i)==1 then\n",
+" dp(i) = 1;\n",
+" else\n",
+" dp(i) = -1;\n",
+" end\n",
+"for i = 2:9\n",
+" Vd(i) = dp(i) + dp(i-1);\n",
+"//Converting polar signal to bit code we get, -2 --> 0, 0 --> 1, 2 --> 1\n",
+"for i = 2:9\n",
+" if Vd(i)== -2 then\n",
+" da(i) = 0;\n",
+" elseif Vd(i)== 2 then\n",
+" da(i) = 0;\n",
+" else\n",
+" da(i)= ~da(i-1);\n",
+" end\n",
+"disp(da,'Decoded output when not precoded is ')\n",
+ ]
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+ "## Example 6.6: Roll_off_factor.sce"
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+"source": [
+"//page 381\n",
+"//problem 6.6\n",
+"//Given Bandwidth BW = 4 kHz\n",
+"BW = 4*10^3;\n",
+"//Given data rate is fb = 6 kbps\n",
+"fb = 6*10^3;\n",
+"//The roll off factor alpha is \n",
+"alpha = ((2*BW)/fb) - 1;\n",
+"disp('The roll off factor is '+string(alpha));\n",
+"//The required data rate supported at alpha = 0.25 is D\n",
+"alpha = 0.25\n",
+"//The corresponding expression for D is\n",
+"D = (2*BW)/(1+alpha);\n",
+"disp('The supported data rate is '+string(D)+' kbps');\n",
+"//For full roll-off alpha = 1.0, \n",
+"alpha = 1;\n",
+"fb = 2*BW/(1+alpha);\n",
+"disp('The data rate is '+string(fb)+' kbps');\n",
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+ "## Example 7.3: Noise_Power.sce"
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+"source": [
+"//page 413 \n",
+"//problem 7.3\n",
+"//The resistance R = 1000 Ohm \n",
+"R = 10^3;\n",
+"//The capacitance C = 0.5*10^-6 F\n",
+"C = 0.1*10^-6;\n",
+"//Cutoff frequency for RC filter is f\n",
+"f = 1/(2*%pi*R*C)\n",
+"//White noise power spectral density n\n",
+"n = 10^(-9);\n",
+"//Noise power at filter output P\n",
+"P = (%pi/2)*n*f;\n",
+"disp('Noise power at output filter is '+string(P)+' Watt');\n",
+"//Noise power at filter output P_new when cutoff frequency is doubled\n",
+"P_new = (%pi/2)*n*2*f;\n",
+"disp('Noise power at output filter when cutoff frequency is doubled is '+string(P_new)+' Watt');\n",
+"//Ideal Low Pass filter Bandwidth B = 1000 Hz\n",
+"B = 1000;\n",
+"disp('Output Noise Power is '+string(n*B)+' Watt');\n",
+"disp('Output Noise Power when cut-off frequency is doubled is '+string(2*n*B)+' Watt');\n",
+"//Proportionality constant T = 0.01\n",
+"T = 0.01;\n",
+"//Output noise power O\n",
+"O = n*(B^3)*(T^2)*(4/3)*(%pi)^2;\n",
+"disp('Output Noise Power when signal is passed through a differentiator passed through ideal low pass filter '+string(O)+' Watt');\n",
+"O_new = 8*n*(B^3)*(T^2)*(4/3)*(%pi)^2;\n",
+"disp('Output Noise Power when signal is passed through a differentiator passed through ideal low pass filter and when cut-off frequency is doubled is '+string(O_new)+' Watt');\n",
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+ "## Example 7.4: SNR_at_output_of_equalizer.sce"
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+"source": [
+"//page 413\n",
+"//problem 7.4\n",
+"//Given signal strength S = 0.001 W\n",
+"S = 0.001;\n",
+"//Gaussian Noise Magnitude n \n",
+"n = 10^(-8);\n",
+"//Frequency of signal f = 4000 Hz\n",
+"F = 4000;\n",
+"//Noise at equalizer output N\n",
+"N = integrate('n*(1+(f^2)/F^2)','f',-F,F);\n",
+"//Signal to Noise Ratio value is SNR\n",
+"SNR = S/N;\n",
+"disp('SNR value is '+string(10*log10(SNR))+' dB');\n",
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+ "# Chapter 8: Noise in Amplitude Modulation System"
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+ "## Example 8.1: SNR_of_SSB_signal.sce"
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+"source": [
+"//page 436\n",
+"//problem 8.1\n",
+"//Given frequency range fc= 1MHz to fc = 1.0005Mhz\n",
+"//Single side message bandwidth is fM\n",
+"fM= (1.0005 - 1)*10^6;\n",
+"disp('Message bandwidth is '+string(fM)+' Hz');\n",
+"//The textbook contains a calculation error here. The calculated fM in the textbook is 500kHz instead of 5kHz, following which all the solutions are erroneous \n",
+"//Given input signal strength Si= 1mW\n",
+"//Let output signal strength be So\n",
+"Si= 10^(-3);\n",
+"So= Si/4;\n",
+"disp('Signal output strength is '+string(So)+' dB');\n",
+"//Given Power Spectral Density n = 10^-9 W/Hz\n",
+"//Let output noise strength be No\n",
+"n= 10^-9;\n",
+"No= (n*fM)/4;\n",
+"disp('Output Noise Strength is '+string(No)+' dB');\n",
+"//Let SNR at filter output be SNR\n",
+"SNR= So / No;\n",
+"disp('Output SNR is '+string(SNR)+' dB');\n",
+"//By reduction of message signal Bandwidth the Output Noise strength changes\n",
+"//Let the new output noise strength, bandwidth and SNR be be No_new, fM_new and SNR_new respectively\n",
+"fM_new = 75/100*fM;\n",
+"No_new = n*fM_new/4;\n",
+"SNR_new = So / No_new;\n",
+"disp('Changed SNR is '+string(SNR_new)+' dB');\n",
+ ]
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+ "source": [
+ "## Example 8.2: Signal_strength_and_noise_power_density.sce"
+ ]
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+ "metadata": {
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+"source": [
+"//page 436\n",
+"//problem 8.2\n",
+"//Given frequency range fc - fm = 0.995MHz to fc + fm = 1.005Mhz\n",
+"//Double side message bandwidth is fM\n",
+"fM= (1.005 - 0.995)*10^6 / 2;\n",
+"disp('Message bandwidth is '+string(fM)+' Hz');\n",
+"//The textbook contains a calculation error here.\n",
+"//The calculated fM in the textbook is 500kHz instead of 5kHz,\n",
+"//Following which all the solutions obtained here are erroneous.\n",
+"//Given input signal strength Si= 1mW\n",
+"//Let output signal strength be So\n",
+"Si= 10^(-3);\n",
+"So= Si/2;\n",
+"disp('Signal output strength is '+string(So)+' dB');\n",
+"//Given Power Spectral Density n = 10^-9 W/Hz\n",
+"//Let output noise strength be No\n",
+"n= 10^-9;\n",
+"No= (n*fM)/2;\n",
+"disp('Output Noise Strength is '+string(No)+' dB');\n",
+"//Let SNR at filter output be SNR\n",
+"SNR= So / No;\n",
+"disp('Output SNR of the DSB-SC wave is '+string(SNR)+' dB');\n",
+"//By reduction of message signal Bandwidth the Output Noise strength changes\n",
+"//Let the new output noise strength, bandwidth and SNR be be No_new, fM_new and SNR_new respectively\n",
+"fM_new = 75/100*fM;\n",
+"No_new = n*fM_new/4;\n",
+"SNR_new = So / No_new;\n",
+"disp('Changed SNR is '+string(SNR_new)+' dB');\n",
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+ "## Example 8.3: Minimum_transmitter_power.sce"
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+"//page 446\n",
+"//problem 8.3\n",
+"//Given bandwidth of signal is fM = 4kHZ\n",
+"fM = 4*10^3;\n",
+"//Given power spectral density of white noise n = 2*10^-9 W/Hz\n",
+"n = 2*10^-9;\n",
+"//Also given that minimum output SNR is 40dB\n",
+"//Signal undergoes a loss of 30dB\n",
+"//For SSB:\n",
+"// Required minimum output SNR = Si_min_SSB / (n*fM) = 40 dB = 10^4\n",
+"Si_min_SSB = (10^4)*n*fM;\n",
+"// Required minimum signal strength at transmitter output Si_tran = Si_min * 30 dB\n",
+"Si_tran_SSB = Si_min_SSB * 10^3;\n",
+"disp('Required minimum SSB signal strength at transmitter output is'+string(Si_tran_SSB)+' W');\n",
+"//For DSB-SC:\n",
+"// Required minimum output SNR = (Si_min_DSB/3) / (n*fM) = 40 dB = 10^4\n",
+"Si_min_DSB = 3*(10^4)*n*fM;\n",
+"// Required minimum signal strength at transmitter output Si_tran = Si_min * 30 dB\n",
+"Si_tran_DSB = Si_min_DSB * 10^3;\n",
+"disp('Required minimum DSB signal strength at transmitter output is'+string(Si_tran_DSB)+' W');"
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+ "## Example 8.4: SNR_of_a_Square_Demodulator.sce"
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+"//page 447\n",
+"//problem 8.4\n",
+"//Given bandwidth of signal is fM = 60 kHZ\n",
+"fM = 60*10^3;\n",
+"//Given power spectral density of white noise n = 2*10^-6 W/Hz\n",
+"n = 2*10^-6;\n",
+"//Given time average of square of mssg signal P = 0.1W\n",
+"P = 0.1;\n",
+"//Noise power at input baseband range NM\n",
+"NM = n * fM;\n",
+"//Threshold occurs at carrier power Pc = 2.9 * NM\n",
+"Pc_Threshold = 2.9 * NM;\n",
+"//For carrier power Pc = 10W, output SNR\n",
+"Pc = 10;\n",
+"SNRo = Pc * P / NM ;\n",
+"disp('Output SNR is '+string(SNRo)+' dB');\n",
+"//Carrier power is reduced by 100 times making the new power Pc_new\n",
+"Pc_new = Pc / 100;\n",
+"//In the given solutions the NM value is 1.2W instead of 0.12W\n",
+"//The corect answer is 0.0925926 instead of 0.000926\n",
+"SNR_new = (4/3) * P * (Pc_new/NM)^2;\n",
+"disp('Output SNR when carrier power is reduced is '+string(SNR_new)+' dB');\n",
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+ "# Chapter 9: Noise in Frequency Modulation Systems"
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+ "## Example 9.1: SNR_of_an_FM_Limiter_Discriminator_Demodulator.sce"
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+"//page 463\n",
+"//problem 9.1\n",
+"//Input signal strength Si = 0.5 W\n",
+"Si = 0.5;\n",
+"//Gaussian Power Spectral Density n = 10^(-10) W/Hz\n",
+"n = 10^(-10);\n",
+"//Baseband cutoff signal fM = 15 kHz\n",
+"fM = 15 * 10^3;\n",
+"//Maximum frequency deviation Df = 60 kHz\n",
+"Df = 60 * 10^3;\n",
+"//Average power of the modulating signal mt = 0.1 W\n",
+"mt = 0.1;\n",
+"SNR = (3/(4*%pi^2))*((Df/fM)^2)*mt^2*(Si/(n*fM));\n",
+"disp('SNR is '+string(10*log10(SNR))+' dB');\n",
+"//Part b\n",
+"//Required SNR at output>40 dB = 10000\n",
+"//From (a), required Si/0.5 > 10000/4052.8 \n",
+"//Or, required Si > 1.2337 W\n",
+"//Since, channel loss is 20 dB (=100), \n",
+"//Required transmitter power > 1.2337*100 = 123.37 \n",
+"disp('Required transmitter power > 1.2337 x 100 = 123.37 ');"
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+ "## Example 9.2: FM_Limiter_Discriminator_Demodulator.sce"
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+"//page 464\n",
+"//problem 9.2\n",
+"//Baseband cutoff signal fM = 15 kHz\n",
+"fM = 15 * 10^3;\n",
+"//Maximum frequency deviation Df = 60 kHz\n",
+"Df = 60 * 10^3;\n",
+"//Figure of Merit for FM is G_FM\n",
+"G_FM = (3/2)*(Df/fM)^2;\n",
+"disp('Figure of Merit for FM system is '+string(G_FM));\n",
+"//Ratio of Figure of Merits of FM and AM systems is R\n",
+"R = G_FM/(1/3);\n",
+"disp('Ratio of Figure of Merits for FM and AM systems is '+string(R));\n",
+"Df_new = 2*Df;\n",
+"//Figure of Merit for FM when bandwidth is doubled is G_FM_new\n",
+"G_FM_new = (3/2)*(Df_new/fM)^2;\n",
+"//Ratio of Figure of Merits of FM and AM systems when bandwidth is doubled is R_new\n",
+"R_new = G_FM_new/(1/3);\n",
+"disp('Ratio of Figure of Merits for FM and AM systems when bandwidth is doubled is '+string(R_new));\n",
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+ "## Example 9.3: RC_Filter_Preemphasis_Deemphasis.sce"
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+"//page 475\n",
+"//problem 9.3\n",
+"//Resistance R = 1000 Ohm\n",
+"R = 10^3;\n",
+"//Capacitance C = 0.1 * 10^-6 F\n",
+"C = 0.1*10^-6;\n",
+"//Break point for RC filter is f1\n",
+"f1 = 1/(2*%pi*R*C)\n",
+"//Baseband bandwidth of signal fM = 15 kHz\n",
+"fM = 15 * 10^3;\n",
+"Gain = atan(fM/f1)/(3*(f1/fM)*[1 - (f1/fM)*atan(fM/f1)]);\n",
+"disp('Initial Gain is '+string(10*log10(Gain))+' dB');\n",
+"//New Baseband bandwidth of signal fM_new = 15 kHz\n",
+"fM_new = 2*15 * 10^3;\n",
+"Gain_new = atan(fM_new/f1)/(3*(f1/fM_new)*[1 - (f1/fM_new)*atan(fM_new/f1)]);\n",
+"disp('Final Gain is '+string(10*log10(Gain_new))+' dB');\n",
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+ "## Example 9.6: SNR_at_Input.sce"
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+"//page 495\n",
+"//problem 9.6\n",
+"//Baseband cutoff signal fM = 15 kHz\n",
+"fM = 15 * 10^3;\n",
+"//Carrier filter bandwidth is B = 60 kHz\n",
+"B = 60 * 10^3;\n",
+"//RMS frequency division Df_RMS = 30 kHz\n",
+"Df_RMS = 30 * 10^3;\n",
+"//Let a = Df_RMS/fM for substitution \n",
+"a = Df_RMS/fM;\n",
+"//Let b = fM/B for substitution \n",
+"b = fM/B;\n",
+"//Let input SNR 1 be I_SNR1 = 10 dB = 10\n",
+"I_SNR1 = 10;\n",
+"//Output SNR is O_SNR1\n",
+"O_SNR1 = (3*(a^2)*I_SNR1)/(1+6*((2/%pi)^0.5)*I_SNR1*exp(-(b)*I_SNR1));\n",
+"disp('Output SNR is '+string(10*log10(O_SNR1))+' dB');\n",
+"//Let input SNR 2 be I_SNR2 = 20 dB = 100\n",
+"I_SNR2 = 100;\n",
+"//Output SNR is O_SNR2\n",
+"O_SNR2 = (3*(a^2)*I_SNR2)/(1+6*((2/%pi)^0.5)*I_SNR2*exp(-(b)*I_SNR2));\n",
+"//Solution given in the book is 13.5431 which is fallacious, the correct answer is 24.32444\n",
+"disp('Output SNR is '+string(10*log10(O_SNR2))+' dB');\n",
+"//Let input SNR 3 be I_SNR3 = 30 dB = 1000\n",
+"I_SNR3 = 1000;\n",
+"//Output SNR is O_SNR3\n",
+"O_SNR3 = (3*(a^2)*I_SNR3)/(1+6*((2/%pi)^0.5)*I_SNR3*exp(-(b)*I_SNR3));\n",
+"disp('Output SNR is '+string(10*log10(O_SNR3))+' dB');"
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