path: root/Modern_Physics_by_K_S_Krane/11-Properties_of_Ionic_Crystals.ipynb
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Modern_Physics_by_K_S_Krane/11-Properties_of_Ionic_Crystals.ipynb')
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+ "# Chapter 11: Properties of Ionic Crystals"
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+ "## Example 11.1: Solution_for_a_and_b.sce"
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+"c=769*10^3; Na=6.023*10^23; JeV=1.6*10^-19; //various constants and given values\n",
+"Be=c/(Na*JeV); //Binding energy of an ion pair in the lattice\n",
+"printf('The experimental value was found out to be %.4f eV.\n',Be);\n",
+"n=9;a=1.7476; R=0.281; k= 1.44; //Given values and consstants\n",
+"Bc=k*a*(1-(1/n))/R; //ionic binding energy eperimentally\n",
+"printf('The calculated value of the binding energy is %.4f eV.',Bc);"
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+ "## Example 11.2: Energy_per_neytral_atom_to_take_apart_a_crystal_of_Nacl.sce"
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+"a=3.61;// amount of energy required to remove an electron from Cl- ion\n",
+"b=-5.14 //amount of energy returned when an electron is added to Na+ ion\\n",
+"c=7.98 //binding energy of NaCl atom\n",
+"E=a+b+c //suom of all the energies\n",
+"printf('The net energy to be supplied is %.3f eV',E);"
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+ "## Example 11.3: Solution_for_a_and_b.sce"
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+"Na=6.023*10^23; p=8.96*10^3; M=63.5*10^-3; //Na=avagadro's number,p=density,M=molar mass\n",
+"n= p*Na/M; //density of charge carriers\n",
+"printf('The density of charge carriers in copper is %e atoms/m3\n',n);\n",
+"s=5.88*10^7;m=9.11*10^-31;e=1.6*10^-19; //charge & mass of an electron,resistance per unit length\n",
+"t= s*m/(n*e^2); //average time between collisions\n",
+"printf('The average time between collisions of conducting electrons is %e sec.\n',t);\n",
+"Ef=7.03*1.6*10^-19; //converting given enrgy to J\n",
+"Vf=sqrt(2*Ef/m); //fermi velocity\n",
+"l=Vf*t; //mean free path\n",
+"printf('The average mean free path is %e m = %.1f nm',l,l*10^9);"
+ ]
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