path: root/Electonic_Devices_by_S_Sharma/7-Optoelectonic_Devices.ipynb
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Electonic_Devices_by_S_Sharma/7-Optoelectonic_Devices.ipynb')
1 files changed, 149 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Electonic_Devices_by_S_Sharma/7-Optoelectonic_Devices.ipynb b/Electonic_Devices_by_S_Sharma/7-Optoelectonic_Devices.ipynb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..de77aa9
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+++ b/Electonic_Devices_by_S_Sharma/7-Optoelectonic_Devices.ipynb
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+ "# Chapter 7: Optoelectonic Devices"
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+ "## Example 7.1: Component_value.sce"
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+"// Exa 7.1\n",
+"// Given data\n",
+"O_V = 5;// output voltage in V\n",
+"V_D = 1.5;//voltage drop in V\n",
+"R = (O_V - V_D)/O_V;\n",
+"R = R * 10^3;// in ohm\n",
+"disp(R,'The resistance value in Ω is');\n",
+"disp('As this is not standard value, use R=680 Ω which is a standard value')"
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+ "## Example 7.2: Open_circuit_voltage.sce"
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+"source": [
+"// Exa 7.2\n",
+"// Given data\n",
+"N_A = 7.5*10^24;// in atoms/m^3\n",
+"N_D = 1.5*10^22;// in atoms/m^3\n",
+"D_e = 25*10^-4;// in m^2/s\n",
+"D_h = 1*10^-3;// in m^2/s\n",
+"Torque_eo = 500;// in ns\n",
+"Torque_ho = 100;// in ns\n",
+"n_i = 1.5*10^16;// in /m^3\n",
+"e = 1.6*10^-19;// in C\n",
+"P_C = 12.5;// in mA/cm^2\n",
+"// Electron diffusion length\n",
+"L_e = sqrt(D_e*Torque_ho*10^-9);// in m\n",
+"L_e = L_e * 10^6;// in µm\n",
+"// hole diffusion length\n",
+"L_h = sqrt(D_h*Torque_ho*10^-9);// in m\n",
+"L_h = L_h * 10^6;// in µm\n",
+"// The value of J_s can be calculated as,\n",
+"J_s = e*((n_i)^2)*( (D_e/(L_e*10^-6*N_A)) + (D_h/(L_h*10^-6*N_D)) );// in A/m^2\n",
+"J_s = J_s * 10^3;// in A/cm^2\n",
+"V_T = 26;// in mV\n",
+"I_lembda = 12.5*10^-3;\n",
+"I_s = 2.4*10^-4;\n",
+"// Open circuit voltage \n",
+"V_OC = V_T*log( 1+(I_lembda/J_s) );// in mV\n",
+"V_OC = V_OC * 10^-3;// in V\n",
+"disp(V_OC,'Open circuit voltage in V is');\n",
+"// Note: There is calculation error to evaluate the value of VOC since 26*10^-3*log(1+12.5*10^-3/2.4*10^-4) calculated as 0.10318 not 0.522 V"
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+ "## Example 7.3: Photocurrent_density.sce"
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+"source": [
+"// Exa 7.3\n",
+"// Given data\n",
+"Phi_o = 1*10^21;// in m^-2s^-1\n",
+"Alpha = 1*10^5;// in m^-1\n",
+"W = 25;// in µm\n",
+"W =W * 10^-6;// in m\n",
+"e = 1.6*10^-19;// in C\n",
+"// At the front edge of intrinsic region, the generation rate of EHP\n",
+"G_L1 = Alpha*Phi_o;// in m^-3s^-1\n",
+"// At the back edge of intrinsic region, the generation rate of EHP\n",
+"G_L2 = Alpha*Phi_o*%e^( (-Alpha*W) );// in m^-3s^-1\n",
+"// Photo current density,\n",
+"J_L = e*Phi_o*(1-%e^(-Alpha*W));// in A/m^2\n",
+"J_L = J_L * 10^-1;// in mA/cm^2\n",
+"disp(J_L,'Photo current density in mA/cm^2 is');"
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