path: root/Chemistry_by_R_Chang/17-Chemistry_in_the_atmosphere.ipynb
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Chemistry_by_R_Chang/17-Chemistry_in_the_atmosphere.ipynb')
1 files changed, 96 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Chemistry_by_R_Chang/17-Chemistry_in_the_atmosphere.ipynb b/Chemistry_by_R_Chang/17-Chemistry_in_the_atmosphere.ipynb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..770ca33
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+ "# Chapter 17: Chemistry in the atmosphere"
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+ "## Example 17.1: computation_of_wavelength_of_a_photon_from_energy.sce"
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+"//computation of wavelength of a photon from energy\n",
+"printf('\t Example 17.1\n');\n",
+"E=498.7*10^3/(6.022*10^23);//energy in J/molecule\n",
+"h=6.63*10^-34;//plancks constant, J s\n",
+"v=E/h;//frequency of the photon, s^-1\n",
+"lambda=3*10^8/v;//wavelength in m, since v*lambda=speed of light in vacuum\n",
+"printf('\t the maximum wavelength of the photon which can dissociate an O2 molecule is : %4.0f nm\n',lambda*10^9);\n",
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+ "## Example 17.3: Radioactive_decay_and_half_life.sce"
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+"//Radioactive decay and half life\n",
+"printf('\t Example 17.3\n');\n",
+"Rninitial=1;//initial mass of Rn, g\n",
+"Rnfinal=Rninitial*0.5^10;//final mass of Rn, g\n",
+"printf('\t the amount of Rn left after 10 half lives is : %4.1f *10^-4 g\n',Rnfinal*10^4);\n",
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