path: root/Chemistry_by_R_Chang/1-Chemistry_The_Study_of_Change.ipynb
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Chemistry_by_R_Chang/1-Chemistry_The_Study_of_Change.ipynb')
1 files changed, 311 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Chemistry_by_R_Chang/1-Chemistry_The_Study_of_Change.ipynb b/Chemistry_by_R_Chang/1-Chemistry_The_Study_of_Change.ipynb
new file mode 100644
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+ "# Chapter 1: Chemistry The Study of Change"
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+ "## Example 1.1: Computation_of_density_from_mass_and_volume.sce"
+ ]
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+"source": [
+"// Computation of density from mass and volume\n",
+"printf('\t Example 1.1\n');\n",
+"m=301;//mass of gold, g\n",
+"v=15.6;// volume of gold, cm^3\n",
+"d=m/v;//density of gold, g/cm^3\n",
+"printf('\t the density of gold is : %4.1f g/cm^3\n',d);\n",
+ ]
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+ "source": [
+ "## Example 1.2: Computation_of_mass_from_density_and_volume.sce"
+ ]
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+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
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+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"// Computation of mass from density and volume\n",
+"printf('\t Example 1.2\n');\n",
+"d=13.6;//density of mercury, g/ml\n",
+"v=5.50;// volume of mercury, ml\n",
+"m=d*v;//mass of mercury, g\n",
+"printf('\t the mass of mercury is : %4.1f g\n',m);\n",
+ ]
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+ "source": [
+ "## Example 1.3: Conversion_among_temperature_scales.sce"
+ ]
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+"source": [
+"// Conversion among temperature scales\n",
+"printf('\t Example 1.3\n');\n",
+"//for Solder\n",
+"C=224;//melting point of solder, C\n",
+"F=C*9/5+32;//melting point of solder, F\n",
+"printf('\t the melting point of solder is : %4.0f F\n',F);\n",
+"//for Helium\n",
+"F=-452;//boiling point of helium, F\n",
+"C=(F-32)*5/9;//boiling point of helium, C\n",
+"printf('\t the boiling point of helium is : %4.0f C\n',C);\n",
+"//for Mercury\n",
+"C=-38.9;//meltiing point of mercury, C\n",
+"K=C+273.15;//meltiing point of mercury, K\n",
+"printf('\t the meltiing point of mercury is : %4.2f K\n',K);\n",
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+ "## Example 1.5: Significant_figures.sce"
+ ]
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+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"// Significant figures\n",
+"printf('\t Example 1.5\n');\n",
+"printf('\t(a) ( %5.1f + %1.4f )g = %6.1f g\n',A,B,C);\n",
+"printf('\t(b) ( %5.2f - %1.4f )L = %6.2f L\n',A,B,C);\n",
+"printf('\t(c) %5.2f m * %1.4f = %6.1f m\n',A,B,C);\n",
+"printf('\t(d) %1.4f kg / %2.1f mL = %1.2f *10^-4 kg/mL\n',A,B,C*10^4);\n",
+"printf('\t(e) ( %1.2f *10^3 + %1.2f *10^2 )cm = %1.2f *10^3 cm\n',A*10^-3,B*10^-2,C*10^-3);\n",
+ ]
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+ "source": [
+ "## Example 1.6: Dimensional_Analysis.sce"
+ ]
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+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
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+"source": [
+"// Dimensional Analysis\n",
+"printf('\t Example 1.6\n');\n",
+"lb=0.0833;//pound mass, lb\n",
+"g=lb*453.6;//pound mass to gram mass, 1lb=453.6g\n",
+"mg=1000*g;//gram to milligram\n",
+"printf('\t the mass of glucose is : %1.2f *10^4 mg\n',mg*10^-4);\n",
+ ]
+ }
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+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "## Example 1.7: Dimensional_Analysis.sce"
+ ]
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+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"// Dimensional Analysis\n",
+"printf('\t Example 1.7\n');\n",
+"L=5.2;//volume in litres\n",
+"cc=1000*L;//litre to cm^3\n",
+"mc=cc/10^6;//cm^3 to m^3\n",
+"printf('\t the volume of blood is : %4.1f *10^-3 m^3\n',mc*10^3);\n",
+ ]
+ }
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+ "source": [
+ "## Example 1.8: Dimensional_Analysis.sce"
+ ]
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+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"// Dimensional Analysis\n",
+"printf('\t Example 1.8\n');\n",
+"gpcc=0.808;//density in gram per cm^3\n",
+"kgpmc=1000*gpcc;//g/cm^3 to kg/m^3, as 1000g=1kg and 1cm=10^-2 m\n",
+"printf('\t the density of liquid nitrogen is : %3.0f kg/m^3\n',kgpmc);\n",
+ ]
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