path: root/Chemical_Engineering_Thermodynamics_by_S_Sundaram/1-Introduction.ipynb
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Chemical_Engineering_Thermodynamics_by_S_Sundaram/1-Introduction.ipynb')
1 files changed, 253 insertions, 0 deletions
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new file mode 100644
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+ "# Chapter 1: Introduction"
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+ "## Example 1.1: To_determine_the_force_exerted.sce"
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+"source": [
+"//Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics\n",
+"//Chapter 1\n",
+"//Example 1.1\n",
+"//Given \n",
+"m = 100;//m is the mass of the object in kg\n",
+"a = 10;//a is the acceeleration due to gravity in m/s^2\n",
+"//To determine the force exerted\n",
+"F = m*a;//F is the force exerted by the object in kg\n",
+"mprintf('Force exerted by the object= %f N',F);\n",
+"F = (1/9.8065)*m*a;//F is the force exerted by the object in kgf\n",
+"mprintf('\n Force exerted by the object= %f N',F);\n",
+ ]
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+ "## Example 1.2: Theoretical_problem.sce"
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+"source": [
+"//Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics\n",
+"//Example 1.2\n",
+"//The given example is a theoretical problem and it does not involve any numerical computation\n",
+ ]
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+ "## Example 1.3: Theoretical_problem.sce"
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+"source": [
+"//Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics\n",
+"//Example 1.3\n",
+"//The given example is a theoretical problem and it does not involve any numerical computation\n",
+ ]
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+ "## Example 1.4: To_determine_the_mass_of_water_required.sce"
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+"source": [
+"//Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics\n",
+"//Chapter 1\n",
+"//Example 1.4\n",
+"h = 100;//h is the height of the water fall in m\n",
+"n = .855;//n is the efficiency of the turbine\n",
+"g = 9.8;//g is the acceleration due to gravity in m/(s^2)\n",
+"E = 100*10*3600;//E is the potential enery of water available to the bulb for 10 hours in watt or J/s\n",
+"//To determine the mass of water required\n",
+"m = (E/(g*h*n));//m is the mass of water required for lighting the bulb for 10 hours in Kg\n",
+"mprintf('Mass of water required for lighting the bulb for 10 hours in Kg= %f Kg',m);\n",
+"mprintf('\n Mass of water required for lighting the bulb for 10 hours in tonnes= %f Kg',m/907.2);\n",
+ ]
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+ "## Example 1.5: To_Calculate_the_work_obtained.sce"
+ ]
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+"source": [
+"//Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics\n",
+"//Chapter 1\n",
+"//Example 1.5\n",
+"n = 1;//n is the Kg mole of an ideal gas\n",
+"P = 700*(10^4);//P is the pressure of the system in N/(m^2)\n",
+"W = 45;//W is the weight of the mass in Kg\n",
+"M = 20;//M is the weight of the piston and piston rod together in Kg\n",
+"T = 300;//T is the constant temperature of the bath in K\n",
+"h = .4;//h is the height difference of the piston after expansion in m\n",
+"//To calculate the work obtained\n",
+"a = (10^-4);//a is the cross sectional area of the cylinder in m^2\n",
+"V = h*a;//V is the volume changed as gas expands in m^3\n",
+"//(i). If gas alone is the system\n",
+"//1Kgf = 9.8065Nm\n",
+"P1 = ((W+M)*9.8065)/(10^-4);//P1 is the resisting pressure when the gas confined in the cylinder taken as a system\n",
+"W1 = P1*V;//W1 is the work done if the gas confined in the cylinder us taken as system\n",
+"mprintf('Work done by the system if the gas confined in the cylinder is taken as a system is %f Nm',W1);\n",
+"//(ii). If gas + piston + piston rod is a system\n",
+"P2 = ((W*9.8065)/(10^-4));//P2 is the resisting pressure when the gas plus piston plus piston rod is taken as a system\n",
+"W2 = P2*V;//W2 is the Work done by the system if the gas plus piston plus piston rod is taken as a system\n",
+"mprintf('\n Work done by the system if the gas plus piston plus piston rod is taken as system is %f Nm',W2);\n",
+"//(iii). If gas + piston + piston rod +weight is system\n",
+"P3 = 0;//P3 is the resisting pressure when the gas plus piston plus piston rod plus weight is taken as a system\n",
+"W3 = P3*V;//W3 is the work done by the system if the gas plus piston plus piston rod plus weight is taken as a system\n",
+"mprintf('\n Work done by the system if the gas plus piston plus piston rod plus weight is taken as a system is %f',W3);\n",
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+ "source": [
+ "## Example 1.6: To_Calculate_the_work_done.sce"
+ ]
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+"source": [
+"//Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics\n",
+"//Chapter 1\n",
+"//Example 1.6\n",
+"n = 1;//n is the Kg mole of ideal gas.\n",
+"P1 = 700*(10^4);//P1 is the initial pressure of the system in N/(m^2)\n",
+"P2 = 638*(10^4);//P2 is the final pressure of the system in N/(m^2)\n",
+"T = 300;//T is temperature of the system in K\n",
+"R = 8314.4;//R is gas constant in Nm/Kgmole deg K\n",
+"//To calculate the work done\n",
+"W = n*R*T*log(P1/P2);//W is the work done by the system in Nm\n",
+"mprintf('Work done by the system is %4.2e Nm',W);\n",
+ ]
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