path: root/Turbomachines_by_A_V_Arasu/6-RADIAL_FLOW_GAS_AND_STEAM_TURBINES.ipynb
diff options
authorPrashant S2020-04-14 10:25:32 +0530
committerGitHub2020-04-14 10:25:32 +0530
commit06b09e7d29d252fb2f5a056eeb8bd1264ff6a333 (patch)
tree2b1df110e24ff0174830d7f825f43ff1c134d1af /Turbomachines_by_A_V_Arasu/6-RADIAL_FLOW_GAS_AND_STEAM_TURBINES.ipynb
parentabb52650288b08a680335531742a7126ad0fb846 (diff)
parent476705d693c7122d34f9b049fa79b935405c9b49 (diff)
Merge pull request #1 from prashantsinalkar/masterHEADmaster
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'Turbomachines_by_A_V_Arasu/6-RADIAL_FLOW_GAS_AND_STEAM_TURBINES.ipynb')
1 files changed, 366 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Turbomachines_by_A_V_Arasu/6-RADIAL_FLOW_GAS_AND_STEAM_TURBINES.ipynb b/Turbomachines_by_A_V_Arasu/6-RADIAL_FLOW_GAS_AND_STEAM_TURBINES.ipynb
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+"source": [
+"//input data\n",
+"P00=3//The pressure at which air is received in bar\n",
+"T00=373//The temperature at which air is received in K\n",
+"rt=0.5//The rotor tip diameter of turbine in m\n",
+"rh=0.3//The rotor exit diameter of the turbine in m\n",
+"b=0.03//The rotor blade width at entry in m\n",
+"b11=60//The air angle at rotor entry in degree\n",
+"a11=25//The air angle at nozzle exit in degree\n",
+"Ps=2//The stage pressure ratio\n",
+"nn=0.97//The nozzle efficiency\n",
+"N=7200//The speed of the turbine rotation in rpm\n",
+"R=287//The universal gas constant in J/kg.K\n",
+"Cp=1005//The specific heat of air at constant pressure in J/kg.K\n",
+"r=1.4//The ratio of specific heats of air\n",
+"U1=(3.14*rt*N)/60//Peripheral velocity of impeller at inlet in m/s\n",
+"Cr=U1/(cotd(a11)-cotd(b11))//The radial velocity at inlet in m/s\n",
+"ps1=Cr/U1//Flow coefficient \n",
+"sl=1+(ps1*cotd(b11))//Loading coefficient\n",
+"DR=((1-(ps1*cotd(b11)))/2)//Degree of reaction\n",
+"nts=((sl*U1^2)/(Cp*T00*(1-((1/Ps)^((r-1)/r)))))//Stage efficiency of the turbine\n",
+"C2=Cr//Absolute velocity at the exit in m/s\n",
+"U2=(3.1415*rh*N)/60//Peripheral velocity of impeller at exit in m/s\n",
+"b22=atand(C2/U2)//The air angle at rotor exit in degree\n",
+"dT=DR*U1*Cr*cotd(a11)/Cp//Total actual change in temperature in a stage turbine in K\n",
+"dT0=(U1*Cr*cotd(a11))/Cp//The total change in temperature in turbine in K\n",
+"T02=T00-dT0//The exit absolute temperature in K\n",
+"T2=T02-((C2^2)/(2*Cp))//The actual exit temperature in K\n",
+"T1=dT+T2//The actual inlet temperature in K\n",
+"Cx1=Cr*cotd(a11)//Inlet absolute velocity of air in tangential direction in m/s\n",
+"C1=Cx1/cosd(a11)//Absolute velocity at the inlet in m/s\n",
+"dT1=(C1^2/2)/(Cp*nn)//The absolute change in temperature at the first stage in K\n",
+"dP1=(1-(dT1/T00))^(r/(r-1))//The absolute pressure ratio in first stage \n",
+"P1=dP1*P00//The inlet pressure in bar\n",
+"d1=(P1*10^5)/(R*T1)//The inlet density in kg/m^3\n",
+"A1=3.1415*rt*b//The inlet area of the turbine in m^2\n",
+"m=d1*A1*Cr//The mass flow rate of air at inlet in kg/s\n",
+"P2=P00/Ps//The exit pressure in bar\n",
+"d2=(P2*10^5)/(R*T2)//The exit density of air in kg/m^3\n",
+"bh=(m/(d2*3.1415*rh*Cr))//Rotor width at the exit in m\n",
+"W=m*U1*Cx1*10^-3//The power developed by the turbine in kW\n",
+"printf('(a)\n (1)The flow coefficient is %3.3f\n (2)The loading coefficient is %3.3f\n(b)\n (1)The degree of reaction is %3.4f \n (2)The stage efficiency of the turbine is %3.4f \n(c)\n (1)The air angle at the rotor exit is %3.2f degree\n (2)The width at the rotor exit is %3.4f m\n(d)\n (1)The mass flow rate is %3.2f kg/s\n (2)The power developed is %3.2f kW',ps1,sl,DR,nts,b22,bh,m,W)"
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+ "source": [
+ "## Example 6.2: NOZZLE_EXIT_AIR_ANGLE.sce"
+ ]
+ },
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+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//input data\n",
+"P0=4//Overall stage pressure ratio \n",
+"T00=557//Temperature at entry in K\n",
+"P3=1//Diffuser exit pressure in bar\n",
+"m=6.5//Mass flow rate of air in kg/s\n",
+"ps1=0.3//Flow coefficient \n",
+"N=18000//Speed of the turbine in rpm\n",
+"Dt=0.42//Rotor tip diameter in m\n",
+"D2m=0.21//Mean diameter at rotor exit in m\n",
+"R=287//The universal gas constant in J/kg.K\n",
+"Cp=1.005//The specific heat of air at constant pressure in kJ/kg.K\n",
+"r=1.4//The ratio of specific heats of air\n",
+"U1=(3.1415*Dt*N)/60//Peripheral velocity of impeller at inlet in m/s\n",
+"Cr1=ps1*U1//The radial velocity at inlet in m/s\n",
+"a11=atand(Cr1/U1)//The nozzle exit air angle in degree\n",
+"W=m*U1^2*10^-3//Power developed by turbine in kW\n",
+"dT=(1/P0)^((r-1)/r)//The total isentropic temperature ratio in entire process \n",
+"T3s=dT*T00//The final isentropic temperature at exit in K\n",
+"dh2=W/m//The absolute enthalpy change in the first two stages in kJ/kg\n",
+"ns=dh2/(Cp*(T00-T3s))//The stage efficiency of the turbine\n",
+"T02=T00-(W/(m*Cp))//The absolute temperature at the entry of second stage in K\n",
+"T03=T02//The absolute temperature at exit of second stage in K\n",
+"dH=Cp*(T02-T3s)//The total enthalpy loss in kJ/kg\n",
+"dHn=dH/2//The enthalpy loss in the nozzle in kJ/kg\n",
+"C1=Cr1/sind(a11)//Absolute velocity at the inlet in m/s\n",
+"dH0=((C1^2)/(2000*Cp))+(dHn)//The isentropic absolute enthalpy loss in nozzle in kJ/kg\n",
+"dT0=dH0/Cp//The isentropic absolute temperature loss in nozzle in K\n",
+"T1s=T00-dT0//The isentropic temperature at the entry in K\n",
+"P1=P0*(T1s/T00)^(r/(r-1))//The pressure at the entry of turbine in bar\n",
+"T1=T00-((C1^2)/(2000*Cp))//The temperature at the entry of turbine in K\n",
+"d1=(P1*10^5)/(R*T1)//The density of the air at inlet in kg/m^3\n",
+"b1=m/(d1*Cr1*3.141*Dt)//The width of the rotor at inlet in m\n",
+"C2=Cr1//The avsolute velocity at the second stage entry in m/s\n",
+"T2=T02-((C2^2)/(2000*Cp))//The temperature at the second stage entry in K\n",
+"P23=(T2/T03)^(r/(r-1))//The pressure ratio at the second stage\n",
+"P2=P23*P3//The pressure at the second stage in bar\n",
+"d2=(P2*10^5)/(R*T2)//The density of the air at second stage in kg/m^3\n",
+"C2=Cr1//The absolute velocity at the second stage in m/s\n",
+"A2=m/(d2*C2)//The area of cross section at the second stage in m^2\n",
+"h2=(A2/(3.14*D2m))//The rotor blade height at the exit in m\n",
+"M1=C1/(r*R*T1)^(1/2)//The mach number at the nozzle\n",
+"U2=(3.14*D2m*N)/60//The Peripheral velocity of impeller at exit in m/s\n",
+"M2r=(((C2^2)+(U2^2))^(1/2))/(r*R*T2)^(1/2)//The mach number at the rotor exit \n",
+"Ln=(dHn*10^3)/((C1^2)/2)//The nozzle loss coefficient\n",
+"Lr=(dHn*10^3)/(((((C2^2)+(U2^2))^(1/2))^2)/2)//The rotor loss coefficient\n",
+"printf('(a)The nozzle exit air angle is %3.2f degree\n(b)The power developed is %3.1f kW\n(c)The stage efficiency is %3.4f \n(d)The rotor width at the entry is %3.5f m\n(e)The rotor blade height at the exit is %3.4f m\n(f)\n (1)The mach number at the nozzle exit is %3.4f\n (2)The mach number at the rotor exit is %3.2f\n(g)\n (1)The nozzle loss coefficient is %3.4f\n (2)The rotor loss coefficient is %3.3f',a11,W,ns,b1,h2,M1,M2r,Ln,Lr)"
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+ "source": [
+ "## Example 6.3: IMPELLER_TIP_SPEED.sce"
+ ]
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+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//input data\n",
+"ntt=0.9//Total-to-total efficiency\n",
+"P00=300//The pressure at entry to the nozzle in kPa\n",
+"T00=1150//The temperature at entry to the nozzle in K\n",
+"T1=1013//The static temperature at the outlet of the nozzle in K\n",
+"P03=100//The pressure at the outlet of the diffuser in kPa\n",
+"R=284.5//The universal gas constant in J/kg.K\n",
+"Cp=1.147//The specific heat of air at constant pressure in kJ/kg.K\n",
+"r=1.33//The ratio of specific heats of given gas\n",
+"U1=(ntt*Cp*1000*T00*(1-((P03/P00)^((r-1)/r))))^(1/2)//The impeller tip speed in m/s\n",
+"T01=T00//The absolute temperature at the entry in K\n",
+"C1=(2000*Cp*(T01-T1))^(1/2)//The absolute velocity at the inletof turbine in m/s\n",
+"a11=acosd(U1/C1)//The flow angle at the nozzle oulet in degree\n",
+"M1=C1/(r*R*T1)^(1/2)//The mach number at the nozzle outlet \n",
+"printf('(a)The impeller tip speed is %3.1f m/s\n(b)The flow angle at the nozzle oulet is %3.2f degrees\n(c)The mach number at the nozzle outlet is %3.2f',U1,a11,M1)"
+ ]
+ }
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "## Example 6.4: VOLUME_FLOW_RATE.sce"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+"cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//input data\n",
+"D1=0.09//Rotor inlet tip diameter in m\n",
+"D2t=0.062//Rotor outlet tip diameter in m\n",
+"D2h=0.025//Rotor outlet hub diameter in m\n",
+"N=30000//Blade speed in rpm\n",
+"d2=1.8//Density of exhaust gases at impeller exit in kg/m^3\n",
+"C2s=0.447//Ratio of absolute velocity and isentropic velocity at exit\n",
+"U1Cs=0.707//Ratio of impeller tip velocity and isentropic velocity\n",
+"U1=(3.1415*D1*N)/60//The impeller tip speed in m/s\n",
+"Cs=U1/U1Cs//Isentropic velocity in m/s\n",
+"C2=C2s*Cs//Absolute velocity at the exit in m/s\n",
+"A2=(3.141/4)*((D2t^2)-(D2h^2))//Area at the exit in m^2\n",
+"Q2=A2*C2//Volume flow rate at the impeller exit in m^3/s\n",
+"M=d2*Q2//Mass flow rate in kg/s\n",
+"W=M*U1^2//Power developed in W\n",
+"printf('(a)Volume flow rate at the impeller exit is %3.3f m^3/s\n(b)Power developed is %i W',Q2,W)"
+ ]
+ }
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "## Example 6.5: ROTOR_DIAMETER.sce"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+"cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//input data\n",
+"P00=3.5//Total-to-static pressure ratio\n",
+"P2=1//Exit pressure in bar\n",
+"T00=923//Inlet total temperature in K\n",
+"U1Cs=0.66//Blade to isentropic speed ratio\n",
+"D=0.45//Rotor diameter ratio\n",
+"N=16000//Speed from nozzle in rpm\n",
+"a11=20//Nozzle exit angle in degree\n",
+"nn=0.95//Nozzle efficiency\n",
+"b1=0.05//Rotor width at inlet in m\n",
+"R=287//The universal gas constant in J/kg.K\n",
+"Cp=1005//The specific heat of air at constant pressure in J/kg.K\n",
+"r=1.4//The ratio of specific heats of air\n",
+"T2s=T00*(1/P00)^((r-1)/r)//Isentropic temperature at the exit in K\n",
+"Cs=(2*Cp*(T00-T2s))^(1/2)//The isentropic velocity in m/s\n",
+"U1=U1Cs*Cs//The impeller tip speed in m/s\n",
+"D1=(U1*60)/(3.14*N)//Rotor inlet diameter in m\n",
+"D2=D*D1//Rotor outlet diameter in m\n",
+"Cr2=U1*tand(a11)//The relative velocity at the exit in m/s\n",
+"U2=(3.1415*D2*N)/60//Peripheral velocity of impeller at exit in m/s\n",
+"b22=atand(Cr2/U2)//The air angle at rotor exit in degree\n",
+"T02=T00-((U1^2)/(Cp))//The absolute temperature at the exit in K\n",
+"T2=T02-((Cr2^2)/(2*Cp))//The temperature at the exit of turbine in K\n",
+"T1=T2+((U1^2)/(2*Cp))//The temperature at the entry of turbine in K\n",
+"T1s=T00-((T00-T1)/nn)//Isentropic temperature at the entry in K\n",
+"P1=P00*(T1s/T00)^(r/(r-1))//The pressure at the entry stage in bar\n",
+"d1=(P1*10^5)/(R*T1)//The density of the air at the inlet in kg/m^3\n",
+"A1=3.1415*D1*b1//The area at the inlet in m^2\n",
+"Cr1=Cr2//The relative velocity at the entry in m/s\n",
+"m=d1*A1*Cr1//The mass flow rate for a 90degree IFR turbine Degree of Reaction is 0.5 in kg/s\n",
+"W=(m*U1^2)*10^-6//Power developed in MW\n",
+"d2=(P2*10^5)/(R*T2)//The density of the air at the exit in kg/m^3\n",
+"b2=m/(d2*3.141*D2*Cr2)//Rotor width at the exit in m\n",
+"D2h=D2-b2//Hub diameter at the exit in m\n",
+"D2t=D2+b2//Tip diameter at the exit in m\n",
+"nts=(W*10^6)/(m*Cp*(T00-T2s))//Total-to-static efficiency\n",
+"C1=U1/cosd(a11)//Absolute velocity at the entry in m/s\n",
+"Ln=(Cp*(T1-T1s))/((C1^2)/2)//Nozzle enthalpy loss coefficient\n",
+"W2=((U2^2)+(Cr2^2))^(1/2)//Resultant relative velocity at the exit in m/s\n",
+"T2s=T1*(P2/P1)^((r-1)/r)//Isentropic temperature at the exit in K\n",
+"Lr=(Cp*(T2-T2s))/((W2^2)/2)//Rotor enthalpy loss coefficient\n",
+"printf('(a)\n (1)Rotor inlet diameter is %3.2f m\n (2)Rotor outlet diameter is %3.3f m\n(b)The air angle at rotor exit is %3.2f degree\n(c)The mass flow rate for a 90degree IFR turbine Degree of Reaction is 0.5 is %3.2f kg/s\n(d)Power developed is %3.3f MW\n(e)\n (1)Hub diameter at the exit is %3.4f m\n (2)Tip diameter at the exit is %3.4f m\n(f)Total-to-static efficiency is %3.4f\n(g)Nozzle enthalpy loss coefficient is %3.4f\n(h)Rotor enthalpy loss coefficient is %3.4f',D1,D2,b22,m,W,D2h,D2t,nts,Ln,Lr)"
+ ]
+ }
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "## Example 6.6: TOTAL_TO_STATIC_EFFICIENCY.sce"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+"cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//input data\n",
+"P00=700//Total-to-static pressure ratio\n",
+"T00=1145//Inlet total temperature in K\n",
+"P1=527//The pressure at the entry stage in bar\n",
+"T1=1029//The temperature at the entry of turbine in K\n",
+"P2=385//The pressure at the second stage in bar\n",
+"T2=915//The temperature at the second stage entry in K\n",
+"T02=925//The absolute temperature at the exit in K\n",
+"D2mD1=0.49//The ratio of rotor exit mean diameter to rotor inlet diameter\n",
+"N=24000//Blade speed in rpm\n",
+"R1=8.314//The gas constant of given gas in kJ/kg.K\n",
+"r=1.67//The ratio of specific heats of the gas\n",
+"m=39.94//Molecular weight of a gas \n",
+"R=R1/m//The universal gas constant in kJ/kg.K\n",
+"Cp=(r*R)/(r-1)//The specific heat of air at constant pressure in kJ/kg.K\n",
+"T2ss=T00*(P2/P00)^((r-1)/r)//Isentropic stage temperature at the exit in K\n",
+"nts=(T00-T02)/(T00-T2ss)//Total-to-static efficiency of the turbine\n",
+"U1=(Cp*1000*(T00-T02))^(1/2)//The impeller tip speed in m/s\n",
+"D1=(U1*60)/(3.1415*N)//Rotor inlet diameter in m\n",
+"D2m=D1*D2mD1//Rotor exit mean diameter in m\n",
+"C1=(2*Cp*(T00-T1))^(1/2)//Absolute velocity at the entry in m/s\n",
+"T1s=T00*(P1/P00)^((r-1)/r)//Isentropic temperature at the entry in K\n",
+"Ln=(Cp*(T1-T1s))/((C1^2)/2)//Nozzle enthalpy loss coefficient\n",
+"C2=(2*Cp*1000*(T02-T2))^(1/2)//The temperature at the exit of turbine in K\n",
+"U2=(3.14*D2m*N)/(60)//Peripheral velocity of impeller at exit in m/s\n",
+"W2=((C2^2)+(U2^2))^(1/2)//Resultant relative velocity at the exit in m/s\n",
+"T2s=T1*(P2/P1)^((r-1)/r)//stage temperature at the exit in K\n",
+"Lr=(Cp*1000*(T2-T2s))/((W2^2)/2)//Rotor enthalpy loss coefficient\n",
+"ntt=1/((1/nts)-((C2^2)/(2*U1^2)))//Total-to-total efficiency\n",
+"printf('(a)Total-to-static efficiency of the turbine is %3.3f\n(b)\n (1)Rotor inlet diameter is %3.3f m\n (2)Rotor exit mean diameter is %3.3f m\n(c)\n (1)Nozzle enthalpy loss coefficient is %3.4f\n (2)Rotor enthalpy loss coefficient is %3.4f\n(d)Total-to-total efficiency is %3.4f',nts,D1,D2m,Ln,Lr,ntt)"
+ ]
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