path: root/Fluidization_Engineering_by_K_Daizo_And_O_Levenspiel
diff options
authorprashantsinalkar2020-04-14 10:19:27 +0530
committerprashantsinalkar2020-04-14 10:23:54 +0530
commit476705d693c7122d34f9b049fa79b935405c9b49 (patch)
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parentabb52650288b08a680335531742a7126ad0fb846 (diff)
Initial commit
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16 files changed, 4991 insertions, 0 deletions
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+ "# Chapter 10: Gas Dispersion and Gas Interchange in Bubbling Beds"
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+ "source": [
+ "## Example 10.1: Estimate_Interchange_Coefficients_in_Bubbling_Beds.sce"
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+"//Kunii D., Levenspiel O., 1991. Fluidization Engineering(II Edition). Butterworth-Heinemann, MA, pp 491\n",
+"//Chapter-10, Example 1, Page 253\n",
+"//Title: Estimate Interchange Coefficients in Bubbling Beds\n",
+"umf=[0.01;0.045];//Velocity at minimum fluidization condition in m/s\n",
+"ephsilonmf=[0.5;0.5];//Void fraction at minimum fluidization condition\n",
+"D=[2E-5;7E-5];//Diffusion coefficient of gas in m^2/s\n",
+"g=9.81;//Acceleration due to gravity in m/s^2\n",
+"for i = 1:n\n",
+" for j = 1:m\n",
+" Kbc(i,j)=4.5*(umf(i)/db(j))+5.85*((D(i)^0.5*g^0.25)/db(j)^(5/4));//Gas interchange coefficient between bubble and cloud from Eqn.(27)\n",
+" Kce(i,j)=6.77*((D(i)*ephsilonmf(i)*0.711*(g*db(j))^0.5)/db(j)^3)^0.5;//Gas interchange coefficient between emulsion and cloud from Eqn.(34)\n",
+" Kbe(i,j)=(Kbc(i,j)*Kce(i,j))/(Kbc(i,j)+Kce(i,j));//Gas interchange coefficient between bubble and emulsion from Eqn.(14)\n",
+" end;\n",
+"while k<=m*n\n",
+" printf('\n\t\tKbc for fine particles and He');\n",
+" printf('\tKbc for coarse particles and ozone');\n",
+" printf('\tKbe for fine particles and He');\n",
+" printf('\tKbe for coarse particles and ozone');\n",
+" while j<=m\n",
+" mprintf('\ndb=%fm',db(j)*10^-2);\n",
+" while i<=n\n",
+" mprintf('\t%f',Kbc(k));\n",
+" mprintf('\t\t\t%f',Kbe(k));\n",
+" i=i+1; \n",
+" k=k+1;\n",
+" printf('\t\t\t');\n",
+" end\n",
+" i=1;\n",
+" j=j+1;\n",
+" end\n",
+"plot2d('ll',db,[Kbc Kbe]);\n",
+"xtitle('Plot of Kbc,Kbe vs db','db',['Kbc','Kbe']);\n",
+"printf('\nComparing the points with the plot of Kbc,Kbe vs db in Fig.(12), we can conlcude the following:');\n",
+"printf('\nKbc for fine particles and helium: line 2 in Fig.(12)');\n",
+"printf('\nKbc for coarser particles and ozone: line 3 in Fig.(12)');\n",
+"printf('\nKbe for fine particles and helium: line 4 in Fig.(12)');\n",
+"printf('\nKbe for coarser particles and ozone: line 5 in Fig.(12)');\n",
+"//====================================END OF PROGRAM ======================================================"
+ ]
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+ "## Example 10.2: Compare_the_Relative_Importance_of_Kbc_and_Kce.sce"
+ ]
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+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
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+"source": [
+"//Kunii D., Levenspiel O., 1991. Fluidization Engineering(II Edition). Butterworth-Heinemann, MA, pp 491\n",
+"//Chapter-10, Example 2, Page 254\n",
+"//Title: Compare the Relative Importance of Kbc and Kce\n",
+"D=0.69;//Diffusion coefficient of gas in cm^2/s\n",
+"umf=1.0;//Velocity at minimum fluidization condition in cm/s\n",
+"ephsilonmf=0.5;//Void fraction at minimum fluidization condition\n",
+"db=[5;15];//Equilibrium bubble size in cm\n",
+"g=980;//Acceleration due to gravity in cm/s^2\n",
+"while i<=n\n",
+" Kbc(i)=4.5*(umf/db(i))+5.85*((D^0.5*g^0.25)/db(i)^(5/4));//Gas interchange coefficient between bubble and cloud from Eqn.(27)\n",
+" Kce(i)=6.77*((D*ephsilonmf*0.711*(g*db(i))^0.5)/db(i)^3)^0.5;//Gas interchange coefficient between emulsion and cloud from Eqn.(34)\n",
+" Kbe(i)=(Kbc(i)*Kce(i))/(Kbc(i)+Kce(i));//Gas interchange coefficient between bubble and emulsion from Eqn.(14)\n",
+" e(i)=(Kce(i)-Kbe(i))/Kbe(i);//Error when minor resistance is ignored\n",
+" i=i+1;\n",
+"printf('\t\tCalculated Kbc');\n",
+"printf('\tCalculated Kce');\n",
+"printf('\t\tKbe from Eqn.(14)');\n",
+"printf('\tErron when minor resistance is ignored (in percentage)');\n",
+"while i<=n\n",
+" mprintf('\n%f',db(i));\n",
+" mprintf('\t%f',Kbc(i));\n",
+" mprintf('\t%f',Kce(i));\n",
+" mprintf('\t\t%f',Kbe(i));\n",
+" mprintf('\t\t%f',e(i)*100);\n",
+" i=i+1; \n",
+"//====================================END OF PROGRAM ======================================================"
+ ]
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+ "source": [
+ "## Example 10.3: Compare_Interchange_Rates_for_Adsorbed_and_Nonadsorbed_Gases.sce"
+ ]
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+ "execution_count": null,
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+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//Kunii D., Levenspiel O., 1991. Fluidization Engineering(II Edition). Butterworth-Heinemann, MA, pp 491\n",
+"//Chapter-10, Example 3, Page 255\n",
+"//Title: Compare Interchange Rates for Adsorbed and Nonadsorbed Gases\n",
+"Kbe=[0.028;0.05];//Reported range for gas interchange coefficient between bubble and emulsion\n",
+"uo=0.30;//Superficial gas velocity in m/s\n",
+"db=0.13;//Equilibrium bubble size in m\n",
+"ephsilonmf=0.5;//Void fraction at minimum fluidization condition\n",
+"umf=0.0018;//Velocity at minimum fluidization condition in m/s\n",
+"D=[9E-6;22E-6];//Diffusion coefficient of gas in m^2/s\n",
+"g=9.81;//Acceleration due to gravity in m/s^2\n",
+"while i<=n\n",
+" Kbem(i)=(6/db)*Kbe(i);//Gas interchange coefficient between bubble and emulsion from Eqn.(19)\n",
+" Kbc(i)=4.5*(umf/db)+5.85*((D(i)^0.5*g^0.25)/db^(5/4));//Gas interchange coefficient between bubble and cloud from Eqn.(27)\n",
+" Kce(i)=6.77*((D(i)*ephsilonmf*0.711*(g*db)^0.5)/db^3)^0.5;//Gas interchange coefficient between emulsion and cloud from Eqn.(34)\n",
+" Kbe(i)=(Kbc(i)*Kce(i))/(Kbc(i)+Kce(i));//Gas interchange coefficient between bubble and emulsion from Eqn.(14)\n",
+" c(i)=(Kbem(i)/Kbe(i));\n",
+" i=i+1;\n",
+"printf('\nKbe from Eqn.(19)');\n",
+"printf('\tKbc from Eqn.(27)');\n",
+"printf('\tKce from Eqn.(34)');\n",
+"printf('\tKbe from Eqn.(14)');\n",
+"printf('\tComparison of Kbe from Eqn.(19) and that from Eqn.(14)');\n",
+"while i<=n\n",
+" mprintf('\n%f',Kbem(i));\n",
+" mprintf('\t\t%f',Kbc(i));\n",
+" mprintf('\t\t%f',Kce(i));\n",
+" mprintf('\t\t%f',Kbe(i));\n",
+" mprintf('\t\t%f',c(i));\n",
+" i=i+1; \n",
+"//====================================END OF PROGRAM ======================================================"
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+ "# Chapter 11: Particle to Gas Mass and Heat Transfer"
+ ]
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+ "source": [
+ "## Example 11.1: Fitting_Reported_Mass_Transfer_Data_with_the_Bubbling_Bed_Model.sce"
+ ]
+ },
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+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//Kunii D., Levenspiel O., 1991. Fluidization Engineering(II Edition). Butterworth-Heinemann, MA, pp 491\n",
+"//Chapter-11, Example 1, Page 265\n",
+"//Title: Fitting Reported Mass Transfer Data with the Bubbling Bed Model\n",
+"db=0.37;//Equilibrium bubble size in cm\n",
+"dp=0.028;//Particle size in cm\n",
+"rhos=1.06;//Density of solids in g/cc\n",
+"ephsilonmf=0.5;//Void fraction at minimum fluidization condition\n",
+"phis=0.4;//Sphericity of solids\n",
+"gammab=0.005;//Ratio of volume of dispersed solids to that of bubble phase\n",
+"rhog=1.18E-3;//Density of air in g/cc\n",
+"myu=1.8E-4;//Viscosity of gas in g/cm s\n",
+"D=0.065;//Diffusion coefficient of gas in cm^2/s\n",
+"Sc=2.35;//Schmidt number\n",
+"etad=1;//Adsorption efficiency factor\n",
+"umf=1.21;//Velocity at minimum fluidization condition in cm/s\n",
+"ut=69;//Terminal velocity in cm/s\n",
+"g=980;//Acceleration due to gravity in square cm/s^2\n",
+"uo=[10;20;30;40;50];//Superficial gas velocity in cm/s\n",
+"Shstar=2+(0.6*(Rept^0.5)*(Sc^(1/3)));//Sherwood no. from Eqn.(1)\n",
+"Kbc=4.5*(umf/db)+5.85*((D^0.5*g^0.25)/db^(5/4));//Gas interchange coefficient between bubble and cloud from Eqn.(10.27)\n",
+"ubr=0.711*(g*db)^0.5;//Rise velocity of the bubble\n",
+"while i<=n\n",
+" x(i)=(uo(i)-umf)/(ubr*(1-ephsilonmf));//The term delta/(1-epshilonf) after simplification\n",
+" Shbed(i)=x(i)*[(gammab*Shstar*etad)+((phis*dp^2*y)/(6*D))*Kbc];//Sherwood no. from Eqn.(11)\n",
+" Rep(i)=(dp*uo(i)*rhog)/myu;//Reynolds of the particle\n",
+" i=i+1;\n",
+"printf('\nThe desired result is the relationship between Shbed and Rep The points gives a straight line of the form y=mx+c');\n",
+"while i<=n\n",
+" printf('\n%f',Rep(i));\n",
+" printf('\t%f',Shbed(i));\n",
+" i=i+1;\n",
+"//====================================END OF PROGRAM ======================================================"
+ ]
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+ "source": [
+ "## Example 11.2: The_Effect_of_m_on_Bubble_Emulsion_Interchange.sce"
+ ]
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+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
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+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//Kunii D., Levenspiel O., 1991. Fluidization Engineering(II Edition). Butterworth-Heinemann, MA, pp 491\n",
+"//Chapter-11, Example 2, Page 267\n",
+"//Title: The Effect of m on Bubble-Emulsion Interchange\n",
+"umf=0.12;//Velocity at minimum fluidization condition in cm/s\n",
+"uo=40;//Superficial gas velocity in cm/s\n",
+"ub=120;//Velocity of the bubble in cm/s\n",
+"D=0.7;//Diffusion coefficient of gas in cm^2/s\n",
+"abkbe1=1;//Bubble-emuslion interchange coefficient for non absorbing particles(m=0)\n",
+"abkbe2=18;//Bubble-emuslion interchange coefficient for highly absorbing particles(m=infinity)\n",
+"g=980;//Acceleration due to gravity in square cm/s^2\n",
+"//For non absorbing particles m=0,etad=0\n",
+"dbguess=2;//Guess value of db\n",
+"function[fn]=solver_func(db)//Function defined for solving the system\n",
+" fn=abkbe1-(uo/ub)*(4.5*(umf/db)+5.85*(D^0.5*g^0.25)/(db^(5/4)));//Eqn.(10.27)\n",
+"[d]=fsolve(dbguess,solver_func,1E-6);//Using inbuilt function fsolve for solving Eqn.(10.27) for db\n",
+"//For highly absorbing particles m=infinity, etad=1\n",
+"//For intermediate condition\n",
+"etad=1/(1+(alpha/m));//Fitted adsorption efficiency factor from Eqn.(23)\n",
+"mprintf('\nFor non absorbing particles:\n\tDiameter of bubble=%fcm\n\tBubble-cloud interchange coefficient=%fs^-1',d,Kbc);\n",
+"mprintf('\nFor highly absorbing partilces:\n\tM=%f',M);\n",
+"mprintf('\nFor intermediate condition:\n\tFitted adsorption efficiency factor:%f\n\tBubble-emuslion interchange coefficient:%fs^-1',etad,abkbe3);\n",
+"//====================================END OF PROGRAM ======================================================"
+ ]
+ }
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
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+ "source": [
+ "## Example 11.3: Fitting_Reported_Heat_Transfer_Data_with_the_Bubbling_Bed_Model.sce"
+ ]
+ },
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+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//Kunii D., Levenspiel O., 1991. Fluidization Engineering(II Edition). Butterworth-Heinemann, MA, pp 491\n",
+"//Chapter-11, Example 3, Page 273\n",
+"//Title: Fitting Reported Heat Transfer Data with the Bubbling Bed Model\n",
+"rhos=1.3;//Density of solids in g/cc\n",
+"phis=0.806;//Sphericity of solids\n",
+"gammab=0.001;//Ratio of volume of dispersed solids to that of bubble phase\n",
+"rhog=1.18E-3;//Density of air in g/cc\n",
+"Pr=0.69;//Prandtl number\n",
+"myu=1.8E-4;//Viscosity of gas in g/cm s\n",
+"Cpg=1.00;//Specific heat capacity of gas in J/g K\n",
+"ephsilonmf=0.45;//Void fraction at minimum fluidization condition\n",
+"kg=2.61E-4;//Thermal concuctivity of gas in W/cm k\n",
+"dp=0.036;//Particle size in cm\n",
+"umf=6.5;//Velocity at minimum fluidization condition in cm/s\n",
+"ut=150;//Terminal velocity in cm/s\n",
+"db=0.4;//Equilibrium bubble size in cm\n",
+"etah=1;//Efficiency of heat transfer\n",
+"uo=[10;20;30;40;50];//Superficial gas velocity in cm/s\n",
+"g=980;//Acceleration due to gravity in square cm/s^2\n",
+"Nustar=2+[((dp*ut*rhog)/myu)^0.5*Pr^(1/3)];//Nusselt no. from Eqn.(25)\n",
+"Hbc=4.5*(umf*rhog*Cpg/db)+5.85*((kg*rhog*Cpg)^0.5*g^0.25/db^(5/4));//Total heat interchange across the bubble-cloud boundary from Eqn.(32)\n",
+"ubr=0.711*(g*db)^0.5;//Rise velocity of the bubble from Eqn.(6.7)\n",
+"while i<=n\n",
+" x(i)=(uo(i)-umf)/(ubr*(1-ephsilonmf));//The term delta/(1-epshilonf) after simplification\n",
+" Nubed(i)=x(i)*[gammab*Nustar*etah+(phis*dp^2/(6*kg))*Hbc];//Nusselt no. from Eqn.(36)\n",
+" Rep(i)=(dp*uo(i)*rhog)/myu;//Reynolds of the particle\n",
+" i=i+1;\n",
+"printf('\nThe desired result is the relationship between Nubed and Rep which is in the form of a straight line y=mx+c');\n",
+"while i<=n\n",
+" printf('\n%f',Rep(i));\n",
+" printf('\t%f',Nubed(i));\n",
+" i=i+1;\n",
+" \n",
+"//====================================END OF PROGRAM ======================================================"
+ ]
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+ "source": [
+ "## Example 11.4: Heating_a_Particle_in_a_Fluidized_Bed.sce"
+ ]
+ },
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+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//Kunii D., Levenspiel O., 1991. Fluidization Engineering(II Edition). Butterworth-Heinemann, MA, pp 491\n",
+"//Chapter-11, Example 4, Page 274\n",
+"//Title: Heating a Particle in a Fluidized Bed\n",
+"rhog=1.2;//Density of air in kg/m^3\n",
+"myu=1.8E-5;//Viscosity of gas in kg/m s\n",
+"kg=2.6E-2;//Thermal concuctivity of gas in W/m k\n",
+"dp=1E-4;//Particle size in m\n",
+"rhos=8920;//Density of solids in kg/m^3\n",
+"Cps=390;//Specific heat capacity of the solid in J/kg K\n",
+"ephsilonf=0.5;//Void fraction of the fluidized bed\n",
+"umf=0.1;//Velocity at minimum fluidization condition in m/s\n",
+"uo=0.1;//Superficial gas velocity in m/s\n",
+"to=0;//Initial temperature of the bed\n",
+"T=100;//Temperature of the bed\n",
+"t=0.99*T;//Particle temperature i.e. when it approaches 1% of the bed temperature\n",
+"mp=(pi/6)*dp^3*rhos;//Mass of the particle\n",
+"A=pi*dp^2;//Surface area of the particle\n",
+"Rep=(dp*uo*rhog)/myu;//Reynold's no. of the particle\n",
+"Nubed=0.0178;//Nusselt no. from Fig.(6)\n",
+"hbed1=(Nubed*kg)/dp;//Heat transfer coefficient of the bed\n",
+"t1=(mp*Cps/(hbed1*A))*log((T-to)/(T-t));//Time needed for the particle approach 1 percentage of the bed temperature in case(a)\n",
+"hbed2=140*hbed1;//Since from Fig.(6) Nup is 140 times Nubed\n",
+"t2=(mp*Cps/(hbed2*A))*log((T-to)/(T-t));//Time needed for the particle approach 1 percentage of the bed temperature in case(b)\n",
+"printf('\nCase(a):Using the whole bed coefficient from Fig.(6)');\n",
+"mprintf('\n\tTime needed for the particle approach 1 percentage of the bed temperature is %fs',t1);\n",
+"printf('\nCase(b):Uisng the single-particle coefficient of Eqn.(25),also shown in Fig.(6)');\n",
+"mprintf('\n\tTime needed for the particle approach 1 percentage of the bed temperature is %fs',t2);\n",
+"//====================================END OF PROGRAM ======================================================"
+ ]
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diff --git a/Fluidization_Engineering_by_K_Daizo_And_O_Levenspiel/12-Conversion_of_Gas_in_Catalytic_Reactions.ipynb b/Fluidization_Engineering_by_K_Daizo_And_O_Levenspiel/12-Conversion_of_Gas_in_Catalytic_Reactions.ipynb
new file mode 100644
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+++ b/Fluidization_Engineering_by_K_Daizo_And_O_Levenspiel/12-Conversion_of_Gas_in_Catalytic_Reactions.ipynb
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+ "# Chapter 12: Conversion of Gas in Catalytic Reactions"
+ ]
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+ "source": [
+ "## Example 12.1: Fine_Particle_Geldart_A_Bubbling_Bed_Reactor.sce"
+ ]
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+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
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+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//Kunii D., Levenspiel O., 1991. Fluidization Engineering(II Edition). Butterworth-Heinemann, MA, pp 491\n",
+"//Chapter-12, Example 1, Page 293\n",
+"//Title: Fine Particle (Geldart A) Bubbling Bed Reactor\n",
+"Kr=10;//rate constant in m^3 gas/m^3 cat s\n",
+"D=2E-5;//Diffusion coefficient of gas in m^2/s\n",
+"dpbar=68;//Average partilce size in micrometers\n",
+"ephsilonm=0.5;//Void fraction of fixed bed\n",
+"gammab=0.005;//Ratio of volume of dispersed solids to that of bubble phase\n",
+"ephsilonmf=0.55;//Void fraction at minimum fluidization condition\n",
+"umf=0.006;//Velocity at minimum fluidization condition in m/s\n",
+"db=0.04;//Equilibrium bubble size in m\n",
+"Lm=0.7;//Length of the bed in m\n",
+"uo=0.1;//Superficial gas velocity in m/s\n",
+"dbed=0.26;//Diameter of the bed in m\n",
+"g=9.81;//Acceleration due to gravity in square m/s^2\n",
+"ubr=0.711*(g*db)^0.5;//Rise velocity of bubble from Eqn.(6.7)\n",
+"ub=uo-umf+ubr;//Velocity of bubbles in bubbling beds in Eqn.(6.8)\n",
+"Kbc=4.5*(umf/db)+5.85*((D^0.5*g^0.25)/db^(5/4));//Gas interchange coefficient between bubble and cloud from Eqn.(10.27)\n",
+"Kce=6.77*((D*ephsilonmf*0.711*(g*db)^0.5)/db^3)^0.5;//Gas interchange coefficient between emulsion and cloud from Eqn.(10.34)\n",
+"delta=uo/ub;//Fraction of bed in bubbles from Eqn.(6.29)\n",
+"fw=0.6;//Wake volume to bubble volume from Fig.(5.8)\n",
+"gammac=(1-ephsilonmf)*((3/(ubr*ephsilonmf/umf-1))+fw);//Volume of solids in cloud to that of the bubble from Eqn.(6.36)\n",
+"gammae=((1-ephsilonmf)*((1-delta)/delta))-gammab-gammac;//Volume of solids in emulsion to that of the bubble from Eqn.(6.35)\n",
+"ephsilonf=1-(1-delta)*(1-ephsilonmf);//Void fraction of fixed bed from Eqn.(6.20)\n",
+"Lf=(1-ephsilonm)*Lm/(1-ephsilonf);//Length of fixed bed from Eqn.(6.19)\n",
+"Krtou=Kr*Lm*(1-ephsilonm)/uo;//Dimensionless reaction rate group from Eqn.(5)\n",
+"Kf=gammab*Kr+1/((1/Kbc)+(1/(gammac*Kr+1/((1/Kce)+(1/(gammae*Kr))))));//Raction rate for fluidized bed from Eqn.(14)\n",
+"XA=1-exp(-1*Kf*Lf/ub);//Conversion from Eqn.(16)\n",
+"mprintf('\nThe dimnesionless reaction rate group: %f',Krtou);\n",
+"mprintf('\nThe reaction rate for fluidized bed: %fs^-1',Kf);\n",
+"mprintf('\nConversion: %f',XA);\n",
+"//====================================END OF PROGRAM ======================================================"
+ ]
+ }
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "## Example 12.2: Commercial_Sized_Phthalic_Anhydride_Reactor.sce"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+"cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//Kunii D., Levenspiel O., 1991. Fluidization Engineering(II Edition). Butterworth-Heinemann, MA, pp 491\n",
+"//Chapter-12, Example 2, Page 298\n",
+"//Title: Commercial-Sized Phthalic Anhydride Reactor\n",
+"umf=0.005;//Velocity at minimum fluidization condition in m/s\n",
+"ephsilonm=0.52;//Void fraction of fixed bed\n",
+"ephsilonmf=0.57;//Void fraction at minimum fluidization condition\n",
+"DA=8.1E-6;//Diffusion coefficient of gas in m^2/s\n",
+"DR=8.4E-6;//Diffusion coefficient of gas in m^2/s\n",
+"Lm=5;//Length of the bed in m\n",
+"dte=1;//Diameter of tube in m\n",
+"Kr1=1.5;//rate constant in m^3 gas/m^3 cat s\n",
+"Kr3=0.01;//rate constant in m^3 gas/m^3 cat s\n",
+"gammab=0.005;//Ratio of volume of dispersed solids to that of bubble phase\n",
+"uo=0.45;//Superficial gas velocity in m/s\n",
+"db=0.05;//Equilibrium bubble size in m from Fig.(6.8)\n",
+"ub=1.5;//Velocity of bubbles in bubbling bed in m/s from Fig.(6.11(a))\n",
+"g=9.81;//Acceleration due to gravity in square m/s^2\n",
+"ubr=0.711*(g*db)^0.5;//Rise velocity of bubble from Eqn.(6.7)\n",
+"KbcA=4.5*(umf/db)+5.85*((DA^0.5*g^0.25)/db^(5/4));//Gas interchange coefficient between bubble and cloud from Eqn.(10.27)\n",
+"KceA=6.77*((DA*ephsilonmf*0.711*(g*db)^0.5)/db^3)^0.5;//Gas interchange coefficient between emulsion and cloud from Eqn.(10.34)\n",
+"KbcR=4.5*(umf/db)+5.85*((DR^0.5*g^0.25)/db^(5/4));//Gas interchange coefficient between bubble and cloud from Eqn.(10.27)\n",
+"KceR=6.77*((DR*ephsilonmf*0.711*(g*db)^0.5)/db^3)^0.5;//Gas interchange coefficient between emulsion and cloud from Eqn.(10.34)\n",
+"delta=uo/ub;//Fraction of bed in bubbles from Eqn.(6.29)\n",
+"fw=0.6;//Wake volume to bubble volume from Fig.(5.8)\n",
+"gammac=(1-ephsilonmf)*((3/(ubr*ephsilonmf/umf-1))+fw);//Volume of solids in cloud to that of the bubble from Eqn.(6.36)\n",
+"gammae=((1-ephsilonmf)*((1-delta)/delta))-gammab-gammac;//Volume of solids in emulsion to that of the bubble from Eqn.(6.35)\n",
+"ephsilonf=1-(1-delta)*(1-ephsilonmf);//Void fraction of fixed bed from Eqn.(6.20)\n",
+"Lf=(1-ephsilonm)*Lm/(1-ephsilonf);//Length of fixed bed from Eqn.(6.19)\n",
+"Krtou=Kr1*Lm*(1-ephsilonm)/uo;//Dimensionless reaction rate group from Eqn.(5)\n",
+"Kr12=Kr1;//Since the reactions are a special case of Denbigh scheme\n",
+"Kf1=(gammab*Kr12+1/((1/KbcA)+(1/(gammac*Kr12+1/((1/KceA)+(1/(gammae*Kr12)))))))*(delta/(1-ephsilonf));//Rate of reaction 1 for fluidized bed from Eqn.(14)\n",
+"Kf3=(gammab*Kr34+1/((1/KbcR)+(1/(gammac*Kr34+1/((1/KceR)+(1/(gammae*Kr34)))))))*(delta/(1-ephsilonf));//Rate of reaction 2 for fluidized bed from Eqn.(14)\n",
+"KfA=[[KbcR*KceA/gammac^2+(Kr12+KceA/gammac+KceA/gammae)*(Kr34+KceR/gammac+KceR/gammae)]*delta*KbcA*Kr12*Kr34/(1-ephsilonf)]/[[(Kr12+KbcA/gammac)*(Kr12+KceA/gammae)+Kr12*KceA/gammac]*[(Kr34+KbcR/gammac)*(Kr34+KceR/gammae)+Kr34*KceR/gammac]];//Rate of raection with respect to A from Eqn.(35)\n",
+"KfAR=Kr1/Kr12*Kf12-KfA;//Rate of reaction from Eqn.(34)\n",
+"tou=Lf*(1-ephsilonf)/uo;//Residence time from Eqn.(5)\n",
+"XA=1-exp(-Kf1*tou);//Conversion of A from Eqn.(26)\n",
+"XR=1-((KfAR/(Kf12-Kf34))*[exp(-Kf34*tou)-exp(-Kf12*tou)]);//Conversion of R from Eqn.(27)\n",
+"SR=(1-XR)/XA;//Selectivity of R\n",
+"mprintf('\nRate of reaction 1 for fluidized bed:%f',Kf1);\n",
+"mprintf('\nRate of reaction 2 for fluidized bed:%f',Kf3);\n",
+"mprintf('\nRate of reaction 1 with respect to A:%f',KfA);\n",
+"mprintf('\nThe Conversion of Napthalene:%f percentage',XA*100);\n",
+"mprintf('\nThe selectivity of Phthalic anhydride:%f percentage',SR*100);\n",
+"//====================================END OF PROGRAM ======================================================"
+ ]
+ }
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "## Example 12.3: Bubbling_Bed_Reactor_for_Intermediate_Sized_Reactor.sce"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+"cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//Kunii D., Levenspiel O., 1991. Fluidization Engineering(II Edition). Butterworth-Heinemann, MA, pp 491\n",
+"//Chapter-12, Example 3, Page 302\n",
+"//Title: Bubbling Bed Reactor for Intermediate Sized Reactor\n",
+"Kr=3;//rate constant in m^3 gas/m^3 cat s\n",
+"db=0.12;//Equilibrium bubble size in m\n",
+"D=9E-5;//Diffusion coefficient of gas in m^2/s\n",
+"dpbar=68;//Average partilce size in micrometers\n",
+"ephsilonm=0.42;//Void fraction of fixed bed\n",
+"uo=0.4;//Superficial gas velocity in m/s\n",
+"Lm=0.8;//Length of the bed in m\n",
+"ephsilonmf=0.45;//Void fraction at minimum fluidization condition\n",
+"umf=0.21;//Velocity at minimum fluidization condition in m/s\n",
+"gammab=0;//Ratio of volume of dispersed solids to that of bubble phase\n",
+"g=9.81;//Acceleration due to gravity in square m/s^2\n",
+"ubr=0.711*(g*db)^0.5;//Rise velocity of bubble from Eqn.(6.7)\n",
+"ub=uo-umf+ubr;//Velocity of bubbles in bubbling beds in Eqn.(6.8)\n",
+"ubstar=ub+3*umf;//Rise velocity of the bubble gas from Eqn.(45)\n",
+"delta=(uo-umf)/(ub+umf);//Fraction of bed in bubbles from Eqn.(6.46)\n",
+"Kbe=4.5*(umf/db);//Interchange coefficient between bubble and emulsion from Eqn.(47)\n",
+"Lf=Lm*(1-ephsilonm)/((1-delta)*(1-ephsilonmf));//Length of fixed bed\n",
+"phi=[(Kr/Kbe)^2*{(1-ephsilonmf)-gammab*(umf/ubstar)}^2+((delta/(1-delta))+umf/ubstar)^2+2*(Kr/Kbe)*{(1-ephsilonmf)-gammab*(umf/ubstar)}*((delta/(1-delta))-umf/ubstar)]^0.5;//From Eqn.(52)\n",
+"q1=0.5*Kr/umf*{(1-ephsilonmf)+gammab*(umf/ubstar)}+0.5*Kbe/umf*{((delta/(1-delta))+umf/ubstar)-phi};//From Eqn.(50)\n",
+"q2=0.5*Kr/umf*{(1-ephsilonmf)+gammab*(umf/ubstar)}+0.5*Kbe/umf*{((delta/(1-delta))+umf/ubstar)+phi};//From Eqn.(50)\n",
+"si1=0.5-0.5*((1-delta)/delta)*[umf/ubstar-Kr/Kbe*{(1-ephsilonmf)-gammab*(umf/ubstar)}-phi];//From Eqn.(51)\n",
+"si2=0.5-0.5*((1-delta)/delta)*[umf/ubstar-Kr/Kbe*{(1-ephsilonmf)-gammab*(umf/ubstar)}+phi];//From Eqn.(51)\n",
+"XA=1-(delta/(1-delta))*(1/(uo*phi))*[(1-si2)*{si1*delta*ubstar+(1-delta)*umf}*exp(-q1*Lf)+(si1-1)*{si2*delta*ubstar+(1-delta)*umf}*exp(-q2*Lf)];//Conversion from Eqn.(49)\n",
+"Krtou=Kr*Lm*(1-ephsilonm)/uo;//Dimensionless reaction rate group from Eqn.(5)\n",
+"mprintf('\nCOmparing the values of 1-XA = %f and Krtou = %f with Fig.(6), we can conlcude that this operating condition is shown as point A in Fig.(3)',1-XA,Krtou);\n",
+"printf('\nLine 2 gives the locus of conversions for different values of the reaction rate group for this fluidized contacting');\n",
+"//====================================END OF PROGRAM ======================================================"
+ ]
+ }
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "## Example 12.4: Reaction_in_the_Slow_Bubble_Regime.sce"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+"cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//Kunii D., Levenspiel O., 1991. Fluidization Engineering(II Edition). Butterworth-Heinemann, MA, pp 491\n",
+"//Chapter-12, Example 4, Page 305\n",
+"//Title: Reaction in the Slow Bubble Regime\n",
+"uo=0.25;//Superficial gas velocity in m/s\n",
+"db=0.025;//Equilibrium bubble size in m\n",
+"Kr=1.5;//rate constant in m^3 gas/m^3 cat s\n",
+"umf=0.21;//Velocity at minimum fluidization condition in m/s\n",
+"Lm=0.8;//Length of the bed in m\n",
+"ephsilonm=0.42;//Void fraction of fixed bed\n",
+"g=9.81;//Acceleration due to gravity in square m/s^2\n",
+"ubr=0.711*(g*db)^0.5;//Rise velocity of bubble from Eqn.(6.7)\n",
+"ub=uo-umf+ubr;//Velocity of bubbles in bubbling beds in Eqn.(6.8)\n",
+"delta=(uo-umf)/(ub+2*umf);//Fraction of bed in bubbles from Eqn.(55) since ub/umf<<1 \n",
+"XA=1-exp(-Kr*Lm*((1-ephsilonm)/uo)*(umf/uo)*(1-delta));//Conversion from Eqn.(57)\n",
+"Krtou=Kr*Lm*(1-ephsilonm)/uo;//Dimensionless reaction rate group from Eqn.(5)\n",
+"mprintf('\nComparing the values of 1-XA = %f and Krtou = %f with Fig.(6), we can conlcude that this operating condition is shown as point B in Fig.(3)',1-XA,Krtou);\n",
+"printf('\nLine 3 gives the locus of conversions for different values of the reaction rate group for this fluidized contacting');\n",
+"//====================================END OF PROGRAM ======================================================"
+ ]
+ }
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "## Example 12.5: Conversion_in_the_Freeboard_of_a_Reactor.sce"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+"cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//Kunii D., Levenspiel O., 1991. Fluidization Engineering(II Edition). Butterworth-Heinemann, MA, pp 491\n",
+"//Chapter-12, Example 5, Page 307\n",
+"//Title: Conversion in the Freeboard of a Reactor\n",
+"uo=0.3;//Superficial gas velocity in m/s\n",
+"Lf=1.1;//Length of fixed bed in m\n",
+"Hf=1.2;//Length of freeboard in m\n",
+"db=0.04;//Equilibrium bubble size in m\n",
+"umf=0.006;//Velocity at minimum fluidization condition in m/s\n",
+"ephsilonmf=0.55;//Void fraction at minimum fluidization condition\n",
+"gammab=0.005;//Ratio of volume of dispersed solids to that of bubble phase\n",
+"Kr=10;//rate constant in m^3 gas/m^3 cat s\n",
+"D=2E-5;//Diffusion coefficient of gas in m^2/s\n",
+"g=9.81;//Acceleration due to gravity in square m/s^2\n",
+"ubr=0.711*(g*db)^0.5;//Rise velocity of bubble from Eqn.(6.7)\n",
+"ub=uo-umf+ubr;//Velocity of bubbles in bubbling beds in Eqn.(6.8)\n",
+"Kbc=4.5*(umf/db)+5.85*((D^0.5*g^0.25)/db^(5/4));//Gas interchange coefficient between bubble and cloud from Eqn.(10.27)\n",
+"Kce=6.77*((D*ephsilonmf*0.711*(g*db)^0.5)/db^3)^0.5;//Gas interchange coefficient between emulsion and cloud from Eqn.(10.34)\n",
+"delta=uo/ub;//Fraction of bed in bubbles from Eqn.(6.29)\n",
+"ephsilonf=1-(1-delta)*(1-ephsilonmf);//Void fraction of fixed bed from Eqn.(6.20)\n",
+"fw=0.6;//Wake volume to bubble volume from Fig.(5.8)\n",
+"gammac=(1-ephsilonmf)*((3/(ubr*ephsilonmf/umf-1))+fw);//Volume of solids in cloud to that of the bubble from Eqn.(6.36)\n",
+"gammae=((1-ephsilonmf)*((1-delta)/delta))-gammab-gammac;//Volume of solids in emulsion to that of the bubble from Eqn.(6.35)\n",
+"Kf=(gammab*Kr)+1/((1/Kbc)+(1/(gammac*Kr+1/((1/Kce)+(1/(gammae*Kr))))));//Raction rate for fluidized bed from Eqn.(14)\n",
+"XA=1-exp(-1*Kf*Lf/ub);//Conversion at the top of dense bed from Eqn.(16)\n",
+"etabed=(Kf*delta)/(Kr*(1-ephsilonf));//Reactor efficiency from Eqn.(22)\n",
+"a=0.6/uo//Since uoa = 0.6s^-1 from Fig.(5)\n",
+"adash=6.62;//From Fig.(5)\n",
+"XA1=1-1/(exp(((1-ephsilonf)*Kr/(uo*a))*[(1-exp(-a*Hf))-((1-etabed)/(1+(adash/a)))*(1-exp(-(a+adash)*Hf))]));//Conversion from Eqn.(64)\n",
+"XA2=1-(1-XA1)*(1-XA);//Conversion at the exit from Eqn.(64)\n",
+"printf('\nThe conversion:');\n",
+"mprintf('\n\tAt the top pf the dense bed: %f percentage',XA*100);\n",
+"mprintf('\n\tAt the reactor exit: %f percentage',XA2*100);\n",
+"//Disclaimer: The value of kf deviate from the one given in textbook, where as it is close to the value obtained by manual calculation. \n",
+"//====================================END OF PROGRAM ======================================================"
+ ]
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+ "# Chapter 13: Heat Transfer between Fluidized Beds and Surfaces"
+ ]
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+ "cell_type": "markdown",
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+ "source": [
+ "## Example 13.1: h_on_a_Horizontal_Tube_Bank.sce"
+ ]
+ },
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+"cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//Kunii D., Levenspiel O., 1991. Fluidization Engineering(II Edition). Butterworth-Heinemann, MA, pp 491\n",
+"//Chapter-13, Example 1, Page 331\n",
+"//Title: h on a Horizontal Tube Bank\n",
+"dp=57;//Particle size in micrometer\n",
+"rhos=940;//Density of solids in kg/m^3\n",
+"Cps=828;//Specific heat capacity of the solid in J/kg K\n",
+"ks=0.20;//Thermal conductivity of solids in W/m k\n",
+"kg=0.035;//Thermal concuctivity of gas in W/m k\n",
+"umf=0.006;//Velocity at minimum fluidization condition in m/s\n",
+"ephsilonmf=0.476;//Void fraction at minimum fluidization condition\n",
+"do1=0.0254;//Outside diameter of tube in m\n",
+"uo=[0.05;0.1;0.2;0.35];//Superficial gas velocity in m/s\n",
+"nw=[2;3.1;3.4;3.5];//Bubble frequency in s^-1\n",
+"g=9.81;//Acceleration due to gravity in square m/s^2\n",
+"dte=4*do1*L/2*L;//Hydraulic diameter from Eqn.(6.13)\n",
+"db=(1+1.5)*0.5*dte;//Rise velocity of the bubble\n",
+"ubr=0.711*(g*db)^0.5;//Rise velocity of bubble from Eqn.(6.7)\n",
+"phib=0.19;//From Fig.(15) for ks/kg=5.7\n",
+"ke=ephsilonmf*kg+(1-ephsilonmf)*ks*[1/((phib*(ks/kg))+(2/3))];//Effective thermal conductivity of bed from Eqn.(3) \n",
+"while i<=n\n",
+" ub(i)=uo(i)-umf+ubr;//Velocity of bubbles in bubbling beds in Eqn.(6.8)\n",
+" delta(i)=uo(i)/ub(i);//Fraction of bed in bubbles from Eqn.(6.29)\n",
+" h(i)=1.13*[ke*rhos*(1-ephsilonmf)*Cps*nw(i)*(1-delta(i))]^0.5;//Heat transfer coefficinet from Eqn.(18)\n",
+" i=i+1;\n",
+"end \n",
+"printf('\nSuperficial gas velocity(m/s)');\n",
+"printf('\tHeat transfer coefficient(W/m^2 k)');\n",
+"while i<=n\n",
+" mprintf('\n%f',uo(i));\n",
+" mprintf('\t\t\t%f',h(i));\n",
+" i=i+1;\n",
+"//====================================END OF PROGRAM ======================================================"
+ ]
+ }
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "## Example 13.2: Effect_of_Gas_Properties_on_h.sce"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+"cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//Kunii D., Levenspiel O., 1991. Fluidization Engineering(II Edition). Butterworth-Heinemann, MA, pp 491\n",
+"//Chapter-13, Example 2, Page 332\n",
+"//Title: Effect of Gas Properties on h\n",
+"dp=80;//Particle size in micrometer\n",
+"rhos=2550;//Density of solids in kg/m^3\n",
+"Cps=756;//Specific heat capacity of the solid in J/kg K\n",
+"ks=1.21;//Thermal conductivity of solids in W/m k\n",
+"kg=[0.005;0.02;0.2];//Thermal concuctivity of gas in W/m k\n",
+"ephsilonmf=0.476;//Void fraction at minimum fluidization condition\n",
+"delta=0.5*(0.1+0.3);//For a gently fluidized bed\n",
+"nw=3;//Bubble frequency in s^-1 from Fig.(5.12) at about 30cm above the distributor\n",
+"while i<=n\n",
+" x(i)=ks/kg(i);//To find different values of ks/kg\n",
+" i=i+1;\n",
+"phib=[0.08;0.10;0.20];//From Fig.(15) for different values of ks/kg\n",
+"while i<=n\n",
+" ke(i)=ephsilonmf*kg(i)+(1-ephsilonmf)*ks*[1/((phib(i)*(ks/kg(i)))+(2/3))];//Effective thermal conductivity of bed from Eqn.(3)\n",
+" h1(i)=1.13*[ke(i)*rhos*(1-ephsilonmf)*Cps*nw*(1-delta)]^0.5;//Heat transfer coefficinet from Eqn.(18)\n",
+" i=i+1;\n",
+"printf('\nThermal conductivity of Gas(W/m K))');\n",
+"printf('\tMax. heat transfer coefficient(W/m^2 k)');\n",
+"while i<=n\n",
+" mprintf('\n%f',kg(i));\n",
+" mprintf('\t\t\t\t%f',h1(i));\n",
+" i=i+1;\n",
+"//====================================END OF PROGRAM ======================================================"
+ ]
+ }
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "## Example 13.3: Effect_of_Particle_Size_on_h.sce"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+"cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//Kunii D., Levenspiel O., 1991. Fluidization Engineering(II Edition). Butterworth-Heinemann, MA, pp 491\n",
+"//Chapter-13, Example 3, Page 332\n",
+"//Title: Effect of Particle Size on h\n",
+"rhos=2700;//Density of solids in kg/m^3\n",
+"Cps=755;//Specific heat capacity of the solid in J/kg K\n",
+"ks=1.2;//Thermal conductivity of solids in W/m k\n",
+"kg=0.028;//Thermal concuctivity of gas in W/m k\n",
+"ephsilonmf=0.476;//Void fraction at minimum fluidization condition\n",
+"dp1=10E-3;//Particle size for which h=hmax in m\n",
+"hmax=250;//Max. heat transfer coefficient in W/m^2 K \n",
+"nw=5;//Bubble frequency in s^-1\n",
+"delta=0.1;//Fraction of bed in bubbles\n",
+"deltaw=0.1;//Fraction of bed in bubbles in wall region\n",
+"dp=2E-3;//Diameter of particle in m\n",
+"ke=ephsilonmf*kg+(1-ephsilonmf)*ks*[1/((phib*(ks/kg))+(2/3))];//Effective thermal conductivity of bed from Eqn.(3)\n",
+"hpacket=1.13*[ke*rhos*(1-ephsilonmf)*Cps*nw/(1-deltaw)]^0.5;//Heat transfer coefficient for the packet of emulsion from Eqn.(11)\n",
+"ephsilonw=ephsilonmf;//Void fraction in the wall region\n",
+"kew=ephsilonw*kg+(1-ephsilonw)*ks*[(phiw*(ks/kg)+(1/3))^-1];//Effective thermal conductivity in the wall region with stagnant gas from Eqn.(4)\n",
+"y=(2*kew/dp1)+(hmax*hpacket)/(((1-deltaw)*hpacket)-hmax);//Calculating the term alphaw*Cpg*rhog*uo from Eqn.(16) by rearranging it\n",
+"h=(1-deltaw)/((2*kew/dp+y*(dp/dp1)^0.5)^-1+hpacket^-1);//Heat transfer coeeficient from Eqn.(11) by using the value of y \n",
+"mprintf('\nThe heat transfer coefficient for paricle size of %fm = %fW/m^2 K',dp,h);\n",
+"//====================================END OF PROGRAM ======================================================"
+ ]
+ }
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "## Example 13.4: Freeboard_Heat_Exchange.sce"
+ ]
+ },
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+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//Kunii D., Levenspiel O., 1991. Fluidization Engineering(II Edition). Butterworth-Heinemann, MA, pp 491\n",
+"//Chapter-13, Example 4, Page 334\n",
+"//Title: Freeboard Heat Exchange\n",
+"Hf=4;//Height of freeboard in m\n",
+"uo=2.4;//Superficial gas velocity in m/s\n",
+"ho=350;//Heat transfer coefficient at the bottom of freeboard region in W/m^2 K\n",
+"hg=20;//Heat transfer coefficient in equivalent gas stream, but free of solids in W/m^2 K\n",
+"zf=[0;0.5;1;1.5;2;2.5;3;3.5;Hf];//Height above the top of the dense bubbling fluidized bed\n",
+"hr=0;//Assuming heat transfer due to radiation is negligible\n",
+"a=1.5/uo;//Since decay coefficient from Fig.(7.12), a*uo=1.5s^-1 \n",
+"while i<=n\n",
+" h(i)=(hr+hg)+(ho-hr-hg)*exp(-a*zf(i)/2);//Heat transfer coefficient from Eqn.(24) for zf=Hf\n",
+" i=i+1;\n",
+"end \n",
+"hbar=(hr+hg)+2*(ho-hr-hg)*(1-exp(-a*Hf/2))/(a*Hf);//Mean heat transfer coefficient for the 4-m high freeboard from Eqn.(26)\n",
+"printf('\nThe required relationship is h(W/m^2 K) vs. zf(m) as in Fig.(9a)');\n",
+"printf('\nHeight above the dense bubbling fluidized bed(m))');\n",
+"printf('\tHeat transfer coefficient(W/m^2 k)');\n",
+"while i<=n\n",
+" mprintf('\n%f',zf(i));\n",
+" mprintf('\t\t\t\t\t\t%f',h(i));\n",
+" i=i+1;\n",
+"mprintf('\n\nThe mean heat transfer coefficient for the 4-m high freeboard =%fW/m^2 K',hbar);\n",
+"//====================================END OF PROGRAM ======================================================"
+ ]
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+ "# Chapter 14: The RTD and Size Distribution of Solids in Fluidized Beds"
+ ]
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+ "source": [
+ "## Example 14.1: Flow_with_Elutriatio.sce"
+ ]
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+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//Kunii D., Levenspiel O., 1991. Fluidization Engineering(II Edition). Butterworth-Heinemann, MA, pp 491\n",
+"//Chapter-14, Example 1, Page 343\n",
+"//Title: Flow with Elutriation\n",
+"Fo=2.7;//Feed rate in kg/min\n",
+"Fof=0.9;//Feed rate of fines in feed in kg/min\n",
+"Foc=1.8;//Feed rate of coarse in feed in kg/min\n",
+"W=17;//Bed weight in kg\n",
+"kf=0.8;//Elutriation of fines in min^-1\n",
+"kc=0.0125;//Elutriation of coarse in min^-1\n",
+"F1guess=1;//Guess value of F1\n",
+"function[fn]=solver_func(F1)//Function defined for solving the system\n",
+" fn=F1-(Fof/(1+(W/F1)*kf))-(Foc/(1+(W/F1)*kc));//Eqn.(17)\n",
+"[F1]=fsolve(F1guess,solver_func,1E-6);//Inbuilt function fsolve to solve for F1\n",
+"F1f=Fof/(1+(W/F1)*kf);//Flow rate of fines in entrained streams from Eqn.(16)\n",
+"F1c=Foc/(1+(W/F1)*kc);//Flow rate of coarse in entrained streams from Eqn.(16)\n",
+"F2f=Fof-F1f;//Flow rate of fines in overflow streams from Eqn.(9)\n",
+"F2c=Foc-F1c;//Flow rate of coarse in overflow streams from Eqn.(9)\n",
+"tbarf=1/((F1/W)+kf);//Mean residence time of fines from Eqn.(12)\n",
+"tbarc=1/((F1/W)+kc);//Mean residence time of coarse from Eqn.(12)\n",
+"mprintf('\nFlow rate in entrained stream:\n\tFines:%fkg/min\n\tCoarse:%fkg/min',F1f,F1c);\n",
+"mprintf('\nFlow rate in overflow stream:\n\tFines:%fkg/min\n\tCoarse:%fkg/min',F2f,F2c);\n",
+"mprintf('\nMean residence time:\n\tFines:%fmins\n\tCoarse:%fmins',tbarf,tbarc);\n",
+"//====================================END OF PROGRAM ======================================================"
+ ]
+ }
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
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+ "source": [
+ "## Example 14.2: Flow_with_Elutriation_and_Change_in_Density_of_Solids.sce"
+ ]
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+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
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+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//Kunii D., Levenspiel O., 1991. Fluidization Engineering(II Edition). Butterworth-Heinemann, MA, pp 491\n",
+"//Chapter-14, Example 2, Page 344\n",
+"//Title: Flow with Elutriation and Change in Density of Solids\n",
+"dt=4;//Diameter of reactor in m\n",
+"ephsilonm=0.4;//Void fraction of static bed\n",
+"rhos=2500;//Density of solid in the bed in kg/m^3\n",
+"Lm=1.2;//Height of static bed in m\n",
+"Fo=3000;//Feed rate in kg/hr\n",
+"beta1=1.2;//Increase in density of solids\n",
+"dp=[3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12;3;14;16;18;20;22;24;26;28;30]*10^-2;//Size of particles in mm\n",
+"po=[0;0.3;0.8;1.3;1.9;2.6;3.5;4.4;5.7;6.7;7.5;7.8;7.5;6.3;5.0;3.6;2.4;1.3;0.5;0];//Size distribution of solids in mm^-1\n",
+"k=[0;10;9.75;9.5;8.75;7.5;6.0;4.38;2.62;1.20;0.325;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0]*10^-4;//Elutriation constant in s^-1\n",
+"W=(pi/4*dt^2)*Lm*(1-ephsilonm)*rhos;//Weight of solids in bed\n",
+"F1guess=1000;//Guess value for F1\n",
+"while i<=n\n",
+" function[fn]=solver_func(F1)//Function defined for solving the system\n",
+" if k(i)==0 then x(i)=0; break \n",
+" else x(i)=(po(i)/(W*k(i)/F1))*log(1+(W*k(i)/F1)); \n",
+" end\n",
+" fn=F1/(Lm*Fo)-x(i);\n",
+" endfunction\n",
+" [F1(i)]=fsolve(F1guess,solver_func,1E-6);//Using inbuilt function fsolve for solving Eqn.(20) for F1\n",
+" c(i)=F1c(i)/(Lm*Fo);\n",
+" if F1(i)==0 then a(i)=0;\n",
+" else a(i)=(po(i)/(W*k(i)/F1(i)))*log(1+(W*k(i)/F1(i)));\n",
+" end \n",
+" i=i+1;\n",
+"xtitle('F1 vs a,c','F1','a,c');\n",
+"F1n=2500;//The point were both the curves meet\n",
+"F2=beta1*Fo-F1n;//Flow rate of the second leaving stream\n",
+"while j<=m\n",
+" p1(j)=(1/F1n)*((Fo*po(j))/(1+(W/F1n)*k(j)));//Size distribution of stream 1 in mm^-1 from Eqn.(16)\n",
+" p2(j)=k(j)*W*p1(j)/F2;//Size distribution of stream 2 in mm^-1 from Eqn.(7)\n",
+" if p1(j)==0 & p2(j)==0 then tbar(j)=0;\n",
+" else if p1(j)==0 then tbar(j)=(W*p1(j))/(F2*p2(j));\n",
+" else if p2(j)==0 then tbar(j)=(W*p1(j))/(F1n*p1(j));\n",
+" else tbar(j)=(W*p1(j))/(F1n*p1(j)+F2*p2(j));//Average time in hr from Eqn.(11)\n",
+" end\n",
+" end\n",
+" end\n",
+" j=j+1;\n",
+"printf('\nFlow rate of stream 1:%fkg/hr',F1n);\n",
+"printf('\nFlow rate of stream 2:%fkg/hr',F2);\n",
+"while j<=m\n",
+" mprintf('\n%f',tbar(j));\n",
+" j=j+1;\n",
+"//====================================END OF PROGRAM ======================================================\n",
+"//DISCLAIMER: The value obtained for tbar is deviating highly form the one given in textbook. However, the value obtained by manual calculation is close to the ones obtained from the program."
+ ]
+ }
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
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+ "source": [
+ "## Example 14.3: Single_Size_Feed_of_Shrinking_Particles.sce"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
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+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//Kunii D., Levenspiel O., 1991. Fluidization Engineering(II Edition). Butterworth-Heinemann, MA, pp 491\n",
+"//Chapter-14, Example 3, Page 351\n",
+"//Title: Single-Size Feed of Shrinking Particles\n",
+"dp=1;//Particle size in mm\n",
+"Fo=10;//Feed rate in kg/min\n",
+"k=0.1;//Particle shrinkage rate in mm/min\n",
+"R=k/2;//Particle shrinkage rate in terms of radius\n",
+"W=(Fo*dp/2)/(4*R);//Bed weight from Eqn.(42)\n",
+"printf('\nWeight of bed:%fkg',W);\n",
+"//====================================END OF PROGRAM ======================================================"
+ ]
+ }
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "## Example 14.4: Wide_Size_Distribution_of_Shrinking_Particle.sce"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+"cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//Kunii D., Levenspiel O., 1991. Fluidization Engineering(II Edition). Butterworth-Heinemann, MA, pp 491\n",
+"//Chapter-14, Example 4, Page 352\n",
+"//Title: Wide Size Distribution of Shrinking Particle\n",
+"dpi=[1.05;0.95;0.85;0.75;0.65;0.55;0.45;0.35;0.25;0.15;0.05];//Mean size in mm\n",
+"Fo=[0;0.5;3.5;8.8;13.5;17.0;18.2;17.0;13.5;7.3;0]*10^-2;//Feed rate in kg/s\n",
+"k=[0;0;0;0;0;0;0;0;2.0;12.5;62.5]*10^-5;//Elutriation constant in s^-1\n",
+"R=-1.58*10^-5;//Rate of particle shrinkage in mm/s\n",
+"deldpi=0.1;//Size intervals in mm\n",
+"m=2;//Starting with the largest value size interval that contains solids\n",
+"while m<=n\n",
+" W(m)=(Fo(m)-R*W(m-1)/deldpi)/(k(m)-R/deldpi-3*R/dpi(m));//From Eqn.(33)\n",
+" m=m+1;\n",
+"Wt=sum(W);//Total sum\n",
+"printf('\nTotal mass in the bed:%fkg',Wt);\n",
+"//====================================END OF PROGRAM ======================================================"
+ ]
+ }
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "## Example 14.5: Elutriation_and_Attrition_of_Catalyst.sce"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
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+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//Kunii D., Levenspiel O., 1991. Fluidization Engineering(II Edition). Butterworth-Heinemann, MA, pp 491\n",
+"//Chapter-14, Example 5, Page 353\n",
+"//Title: Elutriation and Attrition of Catalyst\n",
+"dpi=[0.17;0.15;0.13;0.11;0.09;0.07;0.05;0.03;0.01];//Mean size of particles in mm\n",
+"a=[0;0.95;2.45;5.2;10.1;23.2;35.65;20.0;2.45]*10^-2;//Feed composition Fo(dpi)/Fo\n",
+"y=[0;0;0;0;0;0;0.625;10.225;159.25]*10^-6;//Elutriation and cyclone efficiency k(dpi)(1-eta(dpi))\n",
+"F=0.01;//Rate at which solids are withdrawn in kg/s\n",
+"W=40000;//Weight of bed in kg\n",
+"dp1=0.11//Initial size in mm\n",
+"dp2=0.085;//Size after shrinking in mm\n",
+"dpmin=0.01;//Minimum size in mm\n",
+"deldpi=2*10^-2;//Size inerval in mm\n",
+"t=20.8;//Time in days\n",
+"kdash=log((dp1-dpmin)/(dp2-dpmin))/(t*24*3600);//Rate of particle shrinkage from Eqn.(24)\n",
+"Fo=0.05;//Initial value of Fo\n",
+"while m<=n\n",
+" R(m)=-kdash*(dpi(m)-dpmin);//Rate of size change\n",
+" x(m)=(a(m)*Fo-W*R(m-1)*F1(m-1)/deldpi)/(F+(W*y(m))-(W*R(m)/deldpi)-3*W*R(m)/dpi(m));//Eqn.(34)\n",
+" F1(m)=x(m)*F;\n",
+" c=c+x(m);\n",
+" m=m+1;\n",
+" if abs(c-1)<t then break\n",
+" end\n",
+" Fo=Fo+0.0001;//Incrementing Fo\n",
+"end \n",
+"mprintf('\nFeed rate with deldpi=%fmm is %fg/hr',deldpi,Fo);\n",
+"mprintf('\nBed composition');\n",
+"while i<=n\n",
+" printf('\n%f',x(i)*100);\n",
+" i=i+1;\n",
+"//====================================END OF PROGRAM ======================================================"
+ ]
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index 0000000..723a984
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+ "# Chapter 15: Circulation Systems"
+ ]
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+ "source": [
+ "## Example 15.1: Circulation_Rate_when_Deactivation_Controls.sce"
+ ]
+ },
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+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//Kunii D., Levenspiel O., 1991. Fluidization Engineering(II Edition). Butterworth-Heinemann, MA, pp 491\n",
+"//Chapter-15, Example 1, Page 369\n",
+"//Title: Circulation Rate when Deactivation Controls\n",
+"thalf=1;//Half life of catalyst in s\n",
+"F=960;//Feed rate of oil in tons/day\n",
+"W=50;//Weight of the bed in tons\n",
+"a=0.5;//Activity after time equal to half life\n",
+"abar=0.01;//Average activity of the catalyst\n",
+"Ka=-log(a)/thalf;//Rate constant is s^-1, assuming I order kinetics from Eqn.(12)\n",
+"Fs=Ka*W*abar/(1-abar);//Circulation rate of solids from Eqn.(16)\n",
+"x=(Fs*60*60*24)/F;//Circulation rate per feed of oil\n",
+"mprintf('\nSolid recirculation per feed of oil =%ftons of solid circulated/ton feed oil',x);\n",
+"//====================================END OF PROGRAM ======================================================"
+ ]
+ }
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "## Example 15.2: Circulation_Rate_when_Heat_Duty_Controls.sce"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
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+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//Kunii D., Levenspiel O., 1991. Fluidization Engineering(II Edition). Butterworth-Heinemann, MA, pp 491\n",
+"//Chapter-15, Example 2, Page 370\n",
+"//Title: Circulation Rate when Heat Duty Controls\n",
+"deltaHr1=1260;//Enthalpy change during endothermic reaction in kJ/kg\n",
+"deltaHr2=-33900;//Enthal[y change during exothermic reaction in kJ/kg\n",
+"H1=703;//Enthalpy of feed oil in kJ/kg\n",
+"T1=260;//Temperature of feed oil in degree celcius\n",
+"H3=1419;//Enthalpy of cracked product in kJ/kg\n",
+"T3=500;//Temperature of cracked product in degree celcius\n",
+"Ta=20;//Temperature of entering air in degree celcius\n",
+"Cpa=1.09;//Specific heat of entering air in kJ/kg K\n",
+"Cpf=1.05;//Specific heat of flue gases in kJ/kg K\n",
+"Cps=1.01;//Specific heat of solids in kJ/kg K\n",
+"Cpv=3.01;//Specific heat of vaporized feed in kJ/kg K\n",
+"T4=[520;540;560;580;600;620;640;660];//Temperature of flue gas in degree celcius\n",
+"V=22.4;//Volume of 1 mole of Carbon dioxide gas in N-m^3\n",
+"M=12;//Molecular weight of carbon in kg\n",
+"rho=1.293;//Density of carbon dioxide gas in kg/N-m^3\n",
+"xa=0.21;//Mass fraction of oxygen in air\n",
+"betac=0.07;//Mass fraction of carbon\n",
+"x2min=betac*(V*rho/(M*xa));//Minimum amount of air required for complete combustion\n",
+"while i<=n\n",
+" x1(i)=(deltaHr1+0.93*H3-H1)/(Cps*(T4(i)-T3));//Fs/F1 by simplifying the overall energy balance\n",
+" x2(i)=[(0.07*(-deltaHr2)-(deltaHr1+0.93*H3-H1))/(Cpf*(T4(i)-Ta))]-0.07;//F2/F1 by simplifying the energy balance for regenerator\n",
+" if x2(i)>x2min then excess_air(i)=(x2(i)-x2min)/x2min; //Excess air used\n",
+" else excess_air(i)=0;\n",
+" end\n",
+" i=i+1;\n",
+"//OUTPUT \n",
+"printf('\nT4(degree celcius)');\n",
+"printf('\t\tExcess air(percentage)');\n",
+"while i<=n\n",
+" mprintf('\n%f',T4(i));\n",
+" mprintf('\t\t%f',x1(i));\n",
+" mprintf('\t%f',x2(i));\n",
+" mprintf('\t%f',excess_air(i)*100);\n",
+" i=i+1;\n",
+"//Disclaimer: The values of F2/F1 obtained by manual calculation has close correspondance to the ones obtained as the output, whereas it deviates largely from the values given in textbook.\n",
+"//====================================END OF PROGRAM ======================================================"
+ ]
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+ "cell_type": "markdown",
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+ "source": [
+ "## Example 15.3: Aeration_of_Fine_Particle_Downcomer.sce"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+"cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//Kunii D., Levenspiel O., 1991. Fluidization Engineering(II Edition). Butterworth-Heinemann, MA, pp 491\n",
+"//Chapter-15, Example 3, Page 379\n",
+"//Title: Aeration of Fine Particle Downcomer\n",
+"Fs=100;//Solid flowrate in kg/s\n",
+"p1=120;//Pressure at upper level in kPa\n",
+"rhos=1000;//Density of solid in kg/m^3\n",
+"rhog=1;//Density of gas in kg/m^3\n",
+"gc=1;//Conversion factor\n",
+"g=9.81;//Acceleration due to gravity in m/s^2\n",
+"di=0.34;//Diameter of downcomer in m\n",
+"x=(ephsilon1/ephsilon2)*((1-ephsilon2)/(1-ephsilon1));//To find pressure at lower level using Eqn.(30)\n",
+"p2=x*p1;//Pressure at lower level using Eqn.(30)\n",
+"deltah=(deltap*10^3*gc)/(rhos*(1-ephsilonbar)*g);//Static head height from Eqn.(28)\n",
+"At=0.25*pi*di^2;//Area of downcomer\n",
+"Gs=Fs/At;//Flux of solids in downcomer\n",
+"Gg=Gs*(ephsilon1/(1-ephsilon1))*(rhog/rhos)*(x-1);//Required gas aeration rate from Eqn.(31)\n",
+"Fg=Gg*At;//Flow rate of gas required\n",
+"mprintf('\nThe required flow rate of gas required for location of %fm below downcomer is %fkg/s',deltah,Fg);\n",
+"//====================================END OF PROGRAM ======================================================"
+ ]
+ }
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "## Example 15.4: Circulation_in_Side_by_Side_Beds.sce"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+"cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//Kunii D., Levenspiel O., 1991. Fluidization Engineering(II Edition). Butterworth-Heinemann, MA, pp 491\n",
+"//Chapter-15, Example 4, Page 380\n",
+"//Title: Circulation in Side-by-Side Beds\n",
+"Fs=600;//Solid circulation rate in kg/s\n",
+"dpbar=60;//Mean size of solids in micrometer\n",
+"pA=120;//Pressure in vessel A in kPa\n",
+"pB=180;//Pressure in vessel B in kPa\n",
+"LfA=8;//Bed height in vessel A in m\n",
+"LfB=8;//Bed height in vessel B i m\n",
+"//Bulk densities in kg/m^3\n",
+"deltapdA=7;//Pressure drop across the distributor in regenerator in kPa\n",
+"deltapdB=8;//Pressure drop across the distributor in reactor in kPa\n",
+"deltap12=(9+4);//Friction loss and pressure difference required to accelerate the solids in transfer lines in kPa\n",
+"deltap78=(15+3);//Friction loss and pressure difference required to accelerate the solids in transfer lines in kPa\n",
+"deltap45=20;//Friction loss across the reactor's stripper downcomer in kPa\n",
+"deltap1112=4;//Friction loss across the regenerator's downcomer in kPa\n",
+"deltapvA=5;//Pressure drop assigned for the control valve in regenerator in kPa\n",
+"deltapvB=15;//Pressure drop assigned for the control valve in reactor in kPa\n",
+"deltah12=15;//Height of the riser in m\n",
+"deltah86=30;//Height of the riser in m\n",
+"deltah1011=7;//Height difference h10-h11 in m\n",
+"g=9.81;//Acceleration due to gravity in m/s^2\n",
+"gc=1;//Conversion factor\n",
+"Gs=900;//From Fig.(8), to find dt\n",
+"dt=sqrt((4/pi)*Fs/Gs);//Diameter of the downcomer\n",
+"//Height of downcomer A from Eqn.(7)\n",
+"//Height of downcomer B from Eqn.(8)\n",
+"printf('\nHeight of downcomer for:');\n",
+"//====================================END OF PROGRAM ======================================================"
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+ "## Example 15.5: Steam_Seal_of_a_Coarse_Particle_Downcomer.sce"
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+ "execution_count": null,
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+"source": [
+"//Kunii D., Levenspiel O., 1991. Fluidization Engineering(II Edition). Butterworth-Heinemann, MA, pp 491\n",
+"//Chapter-15, Example 5, Page 381\n",
+"//Title: Steam Seal of a Coarse Particle Downcomer\n",
+"dp=10^-3;//Particle diameter in m\n",
+"dt=0.8;//Diameter of reactor in m\n",
+"us=0.15;//Descend velocityo of solids in m/s\n",
+"L=15;//Length of downcomer\n",
+"deltap1=300;//Pressure in lower vessel in kPa\n",
+"deltap2=240;//Pressure in upper vessel in kPa\n",
+"phis=0.8;//Sphericity of solids\n",
+"ephsilonm=0.45;//Void fraction of bed\n",
+"myu=4E-5;//Viscosity of gas in kg/m s\n",
+"rhogl=2;//Density of gas in lower vessel in kg/m^3\n",
+"rhogu=1.6;//Density of gas in upper vessel in kg/m^3\n",
+"rhogbar=0.5*(rhogl+rhogu);//Average density in kg/m^3\n",
+"gc=1;//Conversion factor\n",
+"//(a)Without steam seal\n",
+"deltapfr=(deltap1-deltap2)*10^3;//Frictional pressure drop between two levels in Pa\n",
+"deluguess=50;//Guess value of deltau\n",
+"function[fn]=solver_func(delu)//Function defined for solving the system\n",
+" fn=(deltapfr*gc/L)-(150*(1-ephsilonm)^2*myu*delu/(ephsilonm^2*(phis*dp)^2))-(1.75*(1-ephsilonm)*rhogbar*delu^2/(ephsilonm*phis*dp));\n",
+"[delu]=fsolve(deluguess,solver_func,1E-6);//Using inbuilt function fsolve for solving Eqn.(25) for deltau\n",
+"uo=(delu-us)*ephsilonm;//Superficial gas velocity\n",
+"Fg=rhogbar*uo*(pi/4)*dt^2;//Flow rate of gs up the tube\n",
+"//(c)With steam seal\n",
+"//For section 1 to 3\n",
+"deluguess1=50;//Guess value of deltau\n",
+"function[fn]=solver_func1(delu1)//Function defined for solving the system\n",
+" fn=(deltapfr*gc/L1)-(150*(1-ephsilonm)^2*myu*delu1/(ephsilonm^2*(phis*dp)^2))-(1.75*(1-ephsilonm)*rhogbar*delu1^2/(ephsilonm*phis*dp));\n",
+"[delu1]=fsolve(deluguess1,solver_func1,1E-6);//Using inbuilt function fsolve for solving Eqn.(25) for deltau\n",
+"uou=(delu1-us)*ephsilonm;//Upward superficial gas velocity\n",
+"Fgu=rhogbar*uou*(pi/4)*dt^2;//Upward flow rate of gs up the tube\n",
+"//For section 3 to 2\n",
+"ugd=0.15;//Downward velocity of gas\n",
+"uod=ugd*ephsilonm;//Downward superficial gas velocity\n",
+"Fgd=rhogbar*uod*(pi/4)*dt^2;//Downward flow rate of gas up the tube\n",
+"Fgt=Fgu+Fgd;//Total flow rate of gas\n",
+"printf('\nWithout steam seal');\n",
+"printf('\n\tFlow rate of gas up the tube:%fkg/s',Fg);\n",
+"printf('\nWith steam seal');\n",
+"printf('\n\tTotal flow rate of gas:%fkg/s',Fgt);\n",
+"//====================================END OF PROGRAM ======================================================"
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+ "# Chapter 16: Design for Physical Operations"
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+ "source": [
+ "## Example 16.1: Single_Stage_Limestone_Calciner.sce"
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+ "collapsed": true
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+"source": [
+"//Kunii D., Levenspiel O., 1991. Fluidization Engineering(II Edition). Butterworth-Heinemann, MA, pp 491\n",
+"//Chapter-16, Example 1, Page 404\n",
+"//Title: Single-Stage Limestone Calciner\n",
+"T=1000;//Operating temperature of calciner in degree celcius\n",
+"deltaHr=1795;//Heat of reaction in kJ/kg\n",
+"M1=0.1;//Molecular weight of Calcium carbonate in kg/mol\n",
+"M2=0.056;//Molecular weight of CaO in kg/mol\n",
+"M3=0.044;//Molecular weight of Carbon dioxide in kg/mol\n",
+"M4=0.029;//Molecular weight of Air in kg/mol\n",
+"M5=0.029;//Molecular weight of Combustion gas in kg/mol\n",
+"Cp1=1.13;//Specific heat of Calcium carbonate in kJ/kg K\n",
+"Cp2=0.88;//Specific heat of CaO in kJ/kg K\n",
+"Cp3=1.13;//Specific heat of Carbon dioxide in kJ/kg K\n",
+"Cp4=1.00;//Specific heat of Air in kJ/kg K\n",
+"Cp5=1.13;//Specific heat of Calcium carbonate in kJ/kg K\n",
+"Tf=20;//Temperature of feed in degree celcius\n",
+"ma=15;//Air required per kg of fuel in kg\n",
+"Hc=41800;//Net combustion heat of fuel in kJ/kg\n",
+"Tpi=20;//Initial temperature of solids in degree C\n",
+"Tgi=1000;//Initial temperature of gas in degree C\n",
+"mc=1;//Based on 1 kg of Calcium carbonate\n",
+"B=(1/(Hc-(ma+mc)*Cp5*(T-Tpi)))*[M3*Cp3*(T-Tf)+M2*Cp2*(T-Tf)+deltaHr]//Fuel consumption(kg fuel/kg calcium carbonate)\n",
+"B1=B*M3/M2;//Fuel consumption(kg fuel/kg Cao)\n",
+"H=Hc*B1;//Heat required for calcination\n",
+"eta=deltaHr/(B*Hc);//Thermal efficiency\n",
+"mprintf('\nFuel consumption:%f kg fuel/kg Cao',B1);\n",
+"mprintf('\nHeat requirement for calcination:%f kJ/kg Cao',H);\n",
+"mprintf('\nThermal efficiency:%f percentage',eta*100);\n",
+"//====================================END OF PROGRAM ======================================================"
+ ]
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+ "## Example 16.2: Multistage_Limestone_Calciner.sce"
+ ]
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+"source": [
+"//Kunii D., Levenspiel O., 1991. Fluidization Engineering(II Edition). Butterworth-Heinemann, MA, pp 491\n",
+"//Chapter-16, Example 2, Page 405\n",
+"//Title: Multistage Limestone Calciner\n",
+"F=400;//Feed rate of Calcium carbonate in tons/day\n",
+"T=1000;//Operating temperature of calciner in degree celcius\n",
+"deltaHr=1795;//Heat of reaction in kJ/kg\n",
+"M1=0.1;//Molecular weight of Calcium carbonate in kg/mol\n",
+"M2=0.056;//Molecular weight of CaO in kg/mol\n",
+"M3=0.044;//Molecular weight of Carbon dioxide in kg/mol\n",
+"M4=0.029;//Molecular weight of Air in kg/mol\n",
+"M5=0.029;//Molecular weight of Combustion gas in kg/mol\n",
+"Cp1=1.13;//Specific heat of Calcium carbonate in kJ/kg K\n",
+"Cp2=0.88;//Specific heat of CaO in kJ/kg K\n",
+"Cp3=1.13;//Specific heat of Carbon dioxide in kJ/kg K\n",
+"Cp4=1.00;//Specific heat of Air in kJ/kg K\n",
+"Cp5=1.17;//Specific heat of Combustion gas in kJ/kg K\n",
+"Tf=20;//Temperature of feed in degree celcius\n",
+"ma=15;//Air required per kg of fuel in kg\n",
+"uo=0.8;//Superficial gas velocity in m/s\n",
+"Hc=41800;//Net combustion heat of fuel in kJ/kg\n",
+"Tpi=20;//Initial temperature of solids in degree C\n",
+"Tgi=1000;//Initial temperature of gas in degree C\n",
+"rhoa=1.293;//Density of air in kg/m^3\n",
+"mc=1;//Based on 1 kg of Calcium carbonate\n",
+"Bguess=2;//Guess value of B\n",
+"function[fn]=solver_func(B)//Function defined for solving the system\n",
+" phi=((ma+mc)*Cp5*B+(M3*Cp3))/Cp1;\n",
+" T3=(Tpi+(phi+phi^2+phi^3)*Tgi)/(1+phi+phi^2+phi^3);\n",
+" phiplus=30.6*B\n",
+" Tr=(T+Tpi*phiplus)/(1+phiplus);\n",
+" fn=Hc*B+Cp3*(T3-Tpi)+ma*B*Cp4*(Tr-20)-(ma+mc)*Cp5*(T-Tpi)-M3*Cp3*(T-Tpi)-M2*Cp2*(T-Tpi)-deltaHr;\n",
+" //fn=(1/20800)*(2470-T3-13.34*(Tr-20));\n",
+"[B]=fsolve(Bguess,solver_func,1E-6);//Using inbuilt function fsolve for solving Eqn.(23) for tou\n",
+"//Temperature of various stages\n",
+"eta=deltaHr/(B*Hc);//Thermal efficiency\n",
+"H=B*Hc/M2;//Heat requirement\n",
+"//For lower heat recovery section\n",
+"Ql=(F*10^3/(24*3600))*B*ma/(rhoa*(273/(Tr+273)));//Volumetric flow rate of gas in the lower heat recovery section\n",
+"dtl=sqrt(4/pi*Ql/uo);//Diameter of lower bed\n",
+"//For calcination section\n",
+"Qc=(F*10^3/(24*3600))*B*ma/(rhoa*(273/(T+273)));//Volumetric flow rate of gas in the calcination section\n",
+"dtc=sqrt(4/pi*Qc/uo);//Diameter of calcination section\n",
+"//For I stage\n",
+"Q1=(F*10^3/(24*3600))*B*ma/(rhoa*(273/(T1+273)));//Volumetric flow rate of gas in the I stage\n",
+"dt1=sqrt(4/pi*Q1/uo);//Diameter of I stage\n",
+"//For II stage\n",
+"Q2=(F*10^3/(24*3600))*B*ma/(rhoa*(273/(T2+273)));//Volumetric flow rate of gas in the II stage\n",
+"dt2=sqrt(4/pi*Q2/uo);//Diameter of II stage\n",
+"//For III stage\n",
+"Q3=(F*10^3/(24*3600))*B*ma/(rhoa*(273/(T3+273)));//Volumetric flow rate of gas in the III stage\n",
+"dt3=sqrt(4/pi*Q3/uo);//Diameter of III stage\n",
+"printf('\nDiameter of lower bed:%fm',dtl);\n",
+"printf('\nDiameter of calcination section:%fm',dtc);\n",
+"printf('\nBed no.\t\t1\t2\t\t3');\n",
+"//The value of diameter of each section is largely deviating from the values in the textbook. This is because the fuel consumption B have not been included in the energy balance equation. And the value of molecular weight is wrong by one decimal point.\n",
+"//====================================END OF PROGRAM ======================================================"
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+ "## Example 16.3: Multistage_Adsorber.sce"
+ ]
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+ "collapsed": true
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+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//Kunii D., Levenspiel O., 1991. Fluidization Engineering(II Edition). Butterworth-Heinemann, MA, pp 491\n",
+"//Chapter-16, Example 3, Page 413\n",
+"//Title: Multistage Adsorber\n",
+"T=20;//Temeprature in degree C\n",
+"M=0.018;//Molecular weight of water in kg/mol\n",
+"Q=10;//Flow rate of dry air in m^3/s\n",
+"R=82.06E-6;//Universal gas constant\n",
+"pi=0.0001;//Initial moisture content in atm\n",
+"pj=0.01;//Final moisture content in atm\n",
+"a=Q*(273+T)/273;//Term At*uo\n",
+"b=a*M/(R*(T+273));//Term C*At*uo\n",
+"//The value of slope can be found only by graphical mehtod. Hence it has been taken directly from the book(Page no.414,Fig.E3)\n",
+"Fo=b/m;//Flow rate of solids\n",
+"Q3=(b/Fo)*(pj-pi);//Moisture content of leaving solids\n",
+"printf('\nMoisture content of leaving solids:%f kg H2O/kg dry solids',Q3);\n",
+"//====================================END OF PROGRAM ======================================================"
+ ]
+ }
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+ "source": [
+ "## Example 16.4: Dryer_Kinetics_and_Scale_up.sce"
+ ]
+ },
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+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//Kunii D., Levenspiel O., 1991. Fluidization Engineering(II Edition). Butterworth-Heinemann, MA, pp 491\n",
+"//Chapter-16, Example 4, Page 422\n",
+"//Title: Dryer Kinetics and Scale-up\n",
+"Qfi=0.20;//Initial moisture fraction\n",
+"Qfbar=0.04;//Average final moisture fraction\n",
+"rhos=2000;//Density of solid in kg/m^3\n",
+"Cps=0.84;//Specific heat of solids in kJ/kg K\n",
+"Fo=7.6E-4;//Flow rate of solids in kg/m^3\n",
+"Tsi=20;//Inital temperature of solids in degree C\n",
+"rhog=1;//Density of gas in kg/m^3\n",
+"Cpg=1;//Specific heat of gas in kJ/kg K\n",
+"uo=0.3;//Superficial gas velocity in m/s\n",
+"Tgi=200;//Initial temperature of gas in degee C\n",
+"L=2370;//Enthalpy of liquid in kJ/kg\n",
+"Cpl=4.2;//Specific heat of liquid in kJ/kg K\n",
+"dt=0.1;//Diameter of reactor in m\n",
+"Lm=0.1;//Length of fixed bed in m\n",
+"ephsilonm=0.45;//Void fraction of fixed bed\n",
+"Fo1=1;//Feed rate for commercial-scale reactor in kg/s\n",
+"//(a)Bed temperature\n",
+"Teguess=50;//Guess value of Te\n",
+"function[fn]=solver_func(Te)//Function defined for solving the system\n",
+" fn=(pi/4)*dt^2*uo*rhog*Cpg*(Tgi-Te)-Fo*(Qfi-Qfbar)*[L+Cpl*(Te-Tsi)]-Fo*Cps*(Te-Tsi);\n",
+"[Te]=fsolve(Teguess,solver_func,1E-6);//Using inbuilt function fsolve for solving Eqn.(53) for Te\n",
+"//(b)Drying time for a particle\n",
+"xguess=2;//Guess value of x, ie term tou/tbar\n",
+"function[fn]=solver_func1(x)//Function defined for solving the system\n",
+" fn=1-(Qfbar/Qfi)-(1-exp(-x))/x;\n",
+"[x]=fsolve(xguess,solver_func1,1E-6);//Using inbuilt function fsolve for solving Eqn.(61) for x\n",
+"W=(pi/4)*dt^2*Lm*(1-ephsilonm)*rhos;//Weight of soilds in bed\n",
+"tbar=W/Fo;//Mean residence time of solids from Eqn.(59)\n",
+"tou=tbar*x;//Time for complete drying of a particle\n",
+"//(c)Commercial-scale dryer\n",
+"Atguess=5;//Guess value of area\n",
+"function[fn]=solver_func3(At)//Function defined for solving the system\n",
+" fn=At*uo*rhog*Cpg*(Tgi-Te)-Fo1*(Qfi-Qfbar)*[L+Cpl*(Te-Tsi)]-Fo1*Cps*(Te-Tsi);\n",
+"[At]=fsolve(Atguess,solver_func3,1E-6);//Using inbuilt function fsolve for solving Eqn.(53) for At\n",
+"dt1=sqrt(4/pi*At);//Diameter of commercial-scale dryer\n",
+"Q1=At*uo*rhog;//Flow rate necessary for the operation\n",
+"printf('\nBed temperature:%f degree C',Te);\n",
+"printf('\nTime for complete drying of particle:%fs',tou);\n",
+"printf('\nFlow rate of gas necessary for Commercial-scale dryer:%fkg/s',Q1);\n",
+"//====================================END OF PROGRAM ======================================================"
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+ "## Example 16.5: Solvent_Recovery_from_Polymer_Particles.sce"
+ ]
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+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
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+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//Kunii D., Levenspiel O., 1991. Fluidization Engineering(II Edition). Butterworth-Heinemann, MA, pp 491\n",
+"//Chapter-16, Example 5, Page 425\n",
+"//Title: Solvent Recovery from Polymer Particles\n",
+"rhos=1600;//Density of solid in kg/m^3\n",
+"Cps=1.25;//Specific heat of solids in kJ/kg K\n",
+"Fo=0.5;//Flow rate of solids in kg/s\n",
+"Tsi=20;//Inital temperature of solids in degree C\n",
+"Qwi=1;//Initial moisture fraction in water\n",
+"Qwf=0.2;//Final moisture fraction in water\n",
+"Qhi=1.1;//Initial moisture fraction in heptane\n",
+"Qhf=0.1;//Final moisture fraction in heptane\n",
+"Tgi=240;//Initial temperature of gas in degee C\n",
+"Te=110;//Bed temperature in degree C\n",
+"ephsilonm=0.45;//Void fraction of fixed bed\n",
+"ephsilonf=0.75;//Void fraction of fluidized bed\n",
+"uo=0.6;//Superficial gas velocity in m/s\n",
+"di=0.08;//Diameter of tubes in m\n",
+"li=0.2;//Pitch for square arrangement\n",
+"hw=400;//Heat transfer coefficient in W/m^2 K\n",
+"Tc=238;//Temperature at which steam condenses in degree C\n",
+"//Specific heats in kJ/kg K\n",
+"Cwl=4.18;//Water liquid\n",
+"Cwv=1.92;//Water vapor\n",
+"Chl=2.05;//Heptane liquid\n",
+"Chv=1.67;//Heptane vapor\n",
+"//Latent heat of vaporization in kJ/kg\n",
+"//Density of vapor in kg/m^3 at operating conditions\n",
+"Lf=1.5;//Length of fixed bed in m\n",
+"t=140;//Half-life of heptane in s\n",
+"L=1.5;//Length of tubes in heat exchanger\n",
+"//(a) Dryer without Internals\n",
+"xw=(Qwi-Qwf)/(Qhi-Qhf);//Water-heptane weight ratio\n",
+"xv=((Qwi-Qwf)/18)/((Qhi-Qhf)/100);//Water-heptane volume ratio\n",
+"T=(Qwi-Qwf)/18+(Qhi-Qhf)/100;//Total volume\n",
+"rhogbar=((Qwi-Qwf)/18)/T*rhow+((Qhi-Qhf)/100)/T*rhoh;//Mean density of the vapor mixture\n",
+"Cpgbar=(((Qwi-Qwf)/18)/T)*rhow*Cwv+(((Qhi-Qhf)/100)/T)*rhoh*Cwv;//Mean specific heat of vapor mixture\n",
+"//Volumetric flow of recycle gas to the dryer in m^3/s from Eqn.(53)\n",
+"r=Fo*[(Qwi-Qwf)/rhow+(Qhi-Qhf)/rhoh};//Rate of formation of vapor in bed\n",
+"uo1=uo*(x/(x+r));//Superficial velocity just above the distributor\n",
+"At=x/uo1;//Cross-sectional area of bed\n",
+"dt=sqrt(4/pi*At);//Diameter of bed\n",
+"B=-log(Qwf/Qwi)/t;//Bed height from Eqn.(63)\n",
+"tbar=((Qhi/Qhf)-1)/B;//Mean residence time of solids\n",
+"W=Fo*tbar;//Weight of bed\n",
+"Lm=W/(At*(1-ephsilonm)*rhos);//Static bed height\n",
+"Lf=(Lm*(1-ephsilonm))/(1-ephsilonf);//Height of fluidized bed\n",
+"//(b) Dryer with internal heaters\n",
+"f=1/8;//Flow rate is 1/8th the flow rate of recirculation gas as in part (a)\n",
+"x1=f*x;//Volumetric flow of recycle gas to the dryer in m^3/s from Eqn.(53)\n",
+"uo2=uo*(x1/(x1+r));//Superficial velocity just above the distributor\n",
+"Abed=x1/uo2;//Cross-sectional area of bed\n",
+"q=[Fo*(Qwi-Qwf)*[Lw+Cwl*(Te-Tsi)]+Fo*(Qhi-Qhf)*[Lh+Chl*(Te-Tsi)]+Fo*(Cps*(Te-Tsi))]-Abed*uo2*Cpgbar*(Tgi-Te);//Heat to be added from energy balance of Eqn.(53)\n",
+"Aw=q*10^3/(hw*(Tc-Te));//Total surface area of heat exchanger tubes\n",
+"Lt=Aw/(pi*di);//Total length of tubes\n",
+"Nt=Lt/L;//Total number of tubes\n",
+"Atubes=Nt*(pi/4*di^2);//Total cross-sectional area of tubes\n",
+"Atotal=Abed+Atubes;//Total cross-sectional area of tube filled dryer\n",
+"d=sqrt(Atotal*pi/4);//Diameter of vessel\n",
+"li=sqrt(Atotal/Nt);//Pitch for square array of tubes\n",
+"printf('\n\t\t\tBed diameter(m)\tRecycle vapor flow(m^3/s)');\n",
+"printf('\nWithout internal heater\t%f\t%f',dt,x);\n",
+"printf('\nWith heating tubes\t%f\t%f',d,x1);\n",
+"//====================================END OF PROGRAM ======================================================"
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+ "# Chapter 17: Design of Catalytic Reactors"
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+ "## Example 17.1: Reactor_Development_Program.sce"
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+"cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//Kunii D., Levenspiel O., 1991. Fluidization Engineering(II Edition). Butterworth-Heinemann, MA, pp 491\n",
+"//Chapter-17, Example 1, Page 434\n",
+"//Title: Reactor Development Program\n",
+"dt=[0.081;0.205;3.6];//Reactor diameter for the three reactors in m\n",
+"dte=[0.04;0.12;0.70];//Equivalent diameters for the three reactors in m\n",
+"db=[0.05;0.057;0.07];//Estimated bubble size in the three reactors in m\n",
+"Kr1=1.3889;//Kinetic constant for Reaction 1 in s^-1\n",
+"Kr2=0.6111;//Kinetic constant for Reaction 2 in s^-1\n",
+"Kr3=0.022;//Kinetic constant for Reaction 3 in s^-1\n",
+"dp=60;//Particle size in micrometer\n",
+"ephsilonm=0.50;//Void fraction of fixed bed\n",
+"ephsilonmf=0.55;//Void fraction at minimum fluidized condition\n",
+"umf=0.006;////Velocity at minimum fluidization condition in m/s\n",
+"D=2E-5;//Diffusion coefficient of gas in m^2/s\n",
+"gammab=0.005;//Ratio of volume of dispersed solids to that of bubble phase\n",
+"uo=0.2;//Superficial gas velocity in m/s\n",
+"g=9.81;//Acceleration due to gravity in square m/s^2\n",
+"while i<=n\n",
+" //Preliminary Calcualtions\n",
+" ubr(i)=0.711*(g*db(i))^0.5;//Rise velocity of bubble from Eqn.(6.7)\n",
+" ub(i)=1.55*{(uo-umf)+14.1*(db(i)+0.005)}*dte(i)^0.32+ubr(i);//Bubble velocity for Geldart A particles from Equation from Eqn.(6.11)\n",
+" delta(i)=uo/ub(i);//Fraction of bed in bubbles from Eqn.(6.29)\n",
+" ephsilonf(i)=1-(1-delta(i))*(1-ephsilonmf);//Void fraction of fixed bed from Eqn.(6.20)\n",
+" fw=0.6;//Wake volume to bubble volume from Fig.(5.8)\n",
+" gammac(i)=(1-ephsilonmf)*((3/(ubr(i)*ephsilonmf/umf-1))+fw);//Volume of solids in cloud to that of the bubble from Eqn.(6.36)\n",
+" gammae(i)=((1-ephsilonmf)*((1-delta(i))/delta(i)))-gammab-gammac(i);//Volume of solids in emulsion to that of the bubble from Eqn.(6.35)\n",
+" Kbc(i)=4.5*(umf/db(i))+5.85*((D^0.5*g^0.25)/db(i)^(5/4));//Gas interchange coefficient between bubble and cloud from Eqn.(10.27)\n",
+" Kce(i)=6.77*((D*ephsilonmf*0.711*(g*db(i))^0.5)/db(i)^3)^0.5;//Gas interchange coefficient between emulsion and cloud from Eqn.(10.34)\n",
+" //Effective rate constant from Eqn.(12.32)\n",
+" Kf12(i)=(gammab*Kr12+1/((1/Kbc(i))+(1/(gammac(i)*Kr12+1/((1/Kce(i))+(1/(gammae(i)*Kr12)))))))*(delta(i)/(1-ephsilonf(i)));\n",
+" //Rate of reaction 2 for fluidized bed from Eqn.(12.14)\n",
+" Kf3(i)=(gammab*Kr3+1/((1/Kbc(i))+(1/(gammac(i)*Kr3+1/((1/Kce(i))+(1/(gammae(i)*Kr3)))))))*(delta(i)/(1-ephsilonf(i)));\n",
+" //Rate of raection with respect to A from Eqn.(12.35)\n",
+" KfA(i)=[[Kbc(i)*Kce(i)/gammac(i)^2+(Kr12+Kce(i)/gammac(i)+Kce(i)/gammae(i))*(Kr3+Kce(i)/gammac(i)+Kce(i)/gammae(i))]*delta(i)*Kbc(i)*Kr12*Kr3/(1-ephsilonf(i))] /[[(Kr12+Kbc(i)/gammac(i))*(Kr12+Kce(i)/gammae(i))+Kr12*Kce(i)/gammac(i)]*[(Kr3+Kbc(i)/gammac(i))*(Kr3+Kce(i)/gammae(i))+Kr3*Kce(i)/gammac(i)]];\n",
+" KfAR(i)=((Kr1/Kr12)*Kf12(i))-KfA(i);//Rate of reaction from Eqn.(12.34)\n",
+" KfAR1(i)=((Kr1/Kr12)*Kf12(i));//Since KfA is small\n",
+" \n",
+" //(b)Relate Selectivity with conversion in three reactors\n",
+" x=-log(1-XA);//The term Kf12*tou in Eqn.(12.26)\n",
+" tou(i)=x/Kf12(i);//Residence time from Eqn.(12.26)\n",
+" y(i)=(KfAR1(i)/(Kf3(i)-Kf12(i)))*(exp(-x)-exp(-tou(i)*Kf3(i)));//CR/CAi from Eqn.(12.27)\n",
+" SR(i)=y(i)/XA;//Selectivity of R\n",
+" \n",
+" //(c)Relate exit composition to space time\n",
+" tou1=5;//Space time in s\n",
+" XA1(i)=1-exp(-Kf12(i)*tou1);//Conversion from Eqn.(12.26)\n",
+" y1(i)=((KfAR1(i)/(Kf12(i)-Kf3(i)))*[exp(-Kf3(i)*tou1)-exp(-Kf12(i)*tou1)]);//CR/CAi R from Eqn.(12.27)\n",
+" \n",
+" //(d)Calculate height of bed needed to maximize production\n",
+" y2(i)=(KfAR1(i)/Kf12(i))*(Kf12(i)/Kf3(i))^(Kf3(i)/(Kf3(i)-Kf12(i)));//CRmax/CAi R from Eqn.(12.37)\n",
+" tou2(i)=log(Kf3(i)/Kf12(i))/(Kf3(i)-Kf12(i));//Space time from Eqn.(38)\n",
+" Lf(i)=(uo/(1-ephsilonf(i)))*tou2(i);//Length of bed at fully fluidized condition from Eqn.(12.5)\n",
+" Lm(i)=Lf(i)*(1-ephsilonf(i))/(1-ephsilonm);//Length of bed when settled\n",
+" XA2(i)=1-exp(-Kf12(i)*tou2(i));//Conversion from Eqn.(12.26)\n",
+" i=i+1;\n",
+"printf('\nLet Laboratory, Pilot plant, Semicommercial unit be Reactor 1,2 & 3 respectively'); \n",
+"printf('\n(a)Relation between effective rate constant(Kf12) to the gas flow rate(uo)');\n",
+"printf('\n\tReactor No.\tKf12(s^-1)\tuo(m/s)');\n",
+"while i<=n\n",
+" mprintf('\n\t%1.0f',i);\n",
+" mprintf('\t\t%f',Kf12(i));\n",
+" mprintf('\t%f',uo);\n",
+" i=i+1;\n",
+"printf('\n(b)Relation between selectivity with conversion');\n",
+"printf('\n\tReactor No.\tKf12(s^-1)\tSR(mol R formed/mol A reacted)');\n",
+"while i<=n\n",
+" mprintf('\n\t%1.0f',i);\n",
+" mprintf('\t\t%f',Kf12(i));\n",
+" mprintf('\t%f',SR(i));\n",
+" i=i+1;\n",
+"printf('\n(c)Relation between exit compostion and space time');\n",
+"printf('\n\tReactor No.\tXA\t\tCR/CAi');\n",
+"while i<=n\n",
+" mprintf('\n\t%1.0f',i);\n",
+" mprintf('\t\t%f',XA1(i));\n",
+" mprintf('\t%f',y1(i));\n",
+" i=i+1;\n",
+"printf('\n(d)Height of bed needed to maximize the production of acrylonitrile');\n",
+"printf('\n\tReactor No.\tLm(m)\t\tXA');\n",
+"while i<=n\n",
+" mprintf('\n\t%1.0f',i);\n",
+" mprintf('\t\t%f',Lm(i));\n",
+" mprintf('\t%f',XA2(i));\n",
+" i=i+1;\n",
+"//====================================END OF PROGRAM ======================================================"
+ ]
+ }
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "## Example 17.2: Design_of_a_Commercial_Acrylonitrile_Reactor.sce"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+"cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//Kunii D., Levenspiel O., 1991. Fluidization Engineering(II Edition). Butterworth-Heinemann, MA, pp 491\n",
+"//Chapter-17, Example 2, Page 438\n",
+"//Title: Design of a Commercial Acrylonitrile Reactor\n",
+"deltaHr=5.15E8;//Heat of reaction in J/k mol\n",
+"W=5E4;//Weight of acrylonitirle produced per 334-day year in tonnes\n",
+"db=0.07;//Estimated bubble size in m\n",
+"dte=0.7;//Equivalent diameter in m\n",
+"Kf12=0.35;//Effective rate constant in s^-1 from Example 1\n",
+"dp=60;//Particle size in micrometer\n",
+"ephsilonm=0.50;//Void fraction of fixed bed\n",
+"ephsilonmf=0.55;//Void fraction at minimum fluidized condition\n",
+"T=460;//Temperature in reactor in degree C\n",
+"Pr=2.5;//Pressure inside reactor in bar\n",
+"//Feed gas composition\n",
+"do1=0.08;//OD of heat exchanger tubes in m\\n",
+"L=7;//Length of tubes in m\n",
+"ho=300;//Outside heat transfer coefficient in W/m^2 K\n",
+"hi=1800;//Inside heat transfer coefficient in W/m^2 K\n",
+"Tc=253.4;//Temperature of coolant in degree C\n",
+"//Preliminary calculation\n",
+"uo=0.46;//Superficial gas velocity from Fig.E1(a) for the value of Kf12 & db\n",
+"tou=8;//Space time from Fig.E2(b) for highest concentraion of product R\n",
+"y=0.58;//CR/CAi from Fig.E1(c) for the value of tou & Kf12\n",
+"XA=0.95//From Fig.E1(c) for the value of tou & Kf12\n",
+"SR=y/XA;//Selectivity of R\n",
+"//Cross-sectional area of the reactor\n",
+"P=W*10^3/(334*24*3600);//Production rate of acrylonitrile\n",
+"F=(P/0.053)/(SR*XA/0.042);//Feed rate of propylene\n",
+"At=V/uo;//Cross-sectional area of reactor needed for the fluidized bed\n",
+"//Heat exchanger calculation\n",
+"q=F*XA*deltaHr/42;//Rate of heat liberation in the reactor\n",
+"U=(ho^-1+hi^-1)^-1;//Overall heat transfer coefficient\n",
+"deltaT=T-Tc;//Driving force for heat transfer\n",
+"Aw=q/(U*deltaT);//Heat exchanger area required to remove q\n",
+"li1=(At/Nt)^0.5;//Pitch for square pitch arrangement\n",
+"if dte1>dte then li=(pi/4*dte*do1+pi/4*do1^2)^0.5;//Pitch if we add dummy tubes\n",
+"f=li^2-pi/4*do1^2;//Fraction of bed cross section taken up by tubes\n",
+"dt1=sqrt(4/pi*At/(1-f));//Reactor diameter including all its tubes\n",
+"printf('\nSuperficial gas velocity=%fm/s',uo);\n",
+"printf('\nNo. of %1.0fm tubes required=%1.0f',L,Nt);\n",
+"printf('\nReactor diameter=%fm',dt1);\n",
+"//====================================END OF PROGRAM ======================================================"
+ ]
+ }
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "## Example 17.3: Reactor_Regenerator_with_Circulating_Catalyst_Catalytic_Cracking.sce"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+"cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//Kunii D., Levenspiel O., 1991. Fluidization Engineering(II Edition). Butterworth-Heinemann, MA, pp 491\n",
+"//Chapter-17, Example 3, Page 444\n",
+"//Title: Reactor-Regenerator with Circulating Catalyst: Catalytic Cracking\n",
+"db=0.08;//Estimated bubble size in m\n",
+"dte=2;//Equivalent diameter in m\n",
+"F1=55.6;//Feed rate of oil in kg/s\n",
+"uo=0.6;//Superficial gas velocity in m/s\n",
+"T1=500;//Temperature of reactor in degree C\n",
+"T2=580;//Temperature of regenerator in degree C\n",
+"Fs=F1*23.3;//Solid circulation rate from Ex.(15.2)\n",
+"rhos=1200;//Density of catalyst in kg/m^3\n",
+"dpbar=60;//Average particle size in micrometer\n",
+"ephsilonm=0.50;//Void fraction of fixed bed\n",
+"ephsilonmf=0.55;//Void fraction at minimum fluidized condition\n",
+"umf=0.006;////Velocity at minimum fluidization condition in m/s\n",
+"dt=8;//Diameter of reactor in m\n",
+"D=2E-5;//Diffusion coefficient of gas in m^2/s\n",
+"Kr=8.6;//Rate constant for reaction at 500 degree C in s^-1\n",
+"Ka1=0.06;//Rate constant for deactivatiion at 500 degree C in s^-1\n",
+"Ka2=0.012;//Rate constant for regeneration at 580 degree C in s^-1\n",
+"gammab=0.005;//Ratio of volume of dispersed solids to that of bubble phase\n",
+"g=9.81;//Acceleration due to gravity in square m/s^2\n",
+"//Parameters for the fluidized reactor\n",
+"ubr=0.711*(g*db)^0.5;//Rise velocity of bubble from Eqn.(6.7)\n",
+"ub=1.55*{(uo-umf)+14.1*(db+0.005)}*dte^0.32+ubr;//Bubble velocity for Geldart A particles from Equation from Eqn.(6.11)\n",
+"delta=uo/ub;//Fraction of bed in bubbles from Eqn.(6.29)\n",
+"ephsilonf=1-(1-delta)*(1-ephsilonmf);//Void fraction of fixed bed from Eqn.(6.20)\n",
+"fw=0.6;//Wake volume to bubble volume from Fig.(5.8)\n",
+"gammac=(1-ephsilonmf)*((3/(ubr*ephsilonmf/umf-1))+fw);//Volume of solids in cloud to that of the bubble from Eqn.(6.36)\n",
+"gammae=((1-ephsilonmf)*((1-delta)/delta))-gammab-gammac;//Volume of solids in emulsion to that of the bubble from Eqn.(6.35)\n",
+"Kbc=4.5*(umf/db)+5.85*((D^0.5*g^0.25)/db^(5/4));//Gas interchange coefficient between bubble and cloud from Eqn.(10.27)\n",
+"Kce=6.77*((D*ephsilonmf*0.711*(g*db)^0.5)/db^3)^0.5;//Gas interchange coefficient between emulsion and cloud from Eqn.(10.34)\n",
+"//Bed height versus catalyst activity in reactor\n",
+"a1bar=0.07;//Guess value for average activity in reactor\n",
+"x=Kr*a1bar;//Value of Kra1 to be used in the following equation\n",
+"Kf=(gammab*x+1/((1/Kbc)+(1/(gammac*x+1/((1/Kce)+(1/(gammae*x)))))))*(delta/(1-ephsilonf));//Effective rate constant from Eqn.(12.14)\n",
+"tou=-log(1-XA)/Kf;//Space time from Eqn.(12.16)\n",
+"Lm=tou*uo/(1-ephsilonm);//Length of fixed bed for guess value of a1bar\n",
+"a1bar1=[0.0233;0.0465;0.0698;0.0930;0.116;0.140];//Various activity values to find Lm\n",
+"while i<=n\n",
+" x1(i)=Kr*a1bar1(i);\n",
+" Kf1(i)=(gammab*x1(i)+1/((1/Kbc)+(1/(gammac*x1(i)+1/((1/Kce)+(1/(gammae*x1(i))))))))*(delta/(1-ephsilonf));//Effective rate constant from Eqn.(12.14)\n",
+" tou1(i)=-log(1-XA)/Kf1(i);//Space time from Eqn.(12.16)\n",
+" Lm1(i)=tou1(i)*uo/(1-ephsilonm);//Length of fixed bed for guess value of a1bar...Condition (i)\n",
+" i=i+1;\n",
+"//Find the optimum size ratio for various a1bar\n",
+"while i<=m\n",
+" W1(i)=(pi/4)*dt^2*rhos*(1-ephsilonm)*Lm(i);//Bed weight\n",
+" t1bar(i)=W1(i)/Fs;//Mean residence time of solids in reactor\n",
+" t2bar(i)=t1bar(i)*(Ka1/Ka2)^0.5;//Mean residence time of soilds at optimum from Eqn.(16)\n",
+" a1bar2(i)=(Ka2*t2bar(i))/(Ka1*t1bar(i)+Ka1*t1bar(i)*Ka2*t2bar(i)+Ka2*t2bar(i));//From Eqn.(15)...Condition (ii)\n",
+" i=i+1;\n",
+"//Final design values\n",
+"Lm4=7.3;//For satisfying condition (i) & (ii)\n",
+"a1bar3=0.0744;//By interpolation\n",
+"W11=(pi/4)*dt^2*rhos*(1-ephsilonm)*Lm4;//Bed weight for reactor\n",
+"t1bar1=W11/Fs;//Mean residence time of solids in reactor\n",
+"a2bar=(1+Ka1*t1bar1)*a1bar3;//Average activity in regenrator from Eqn.(10)\n",
+"t2bar1=t1bar1*(Ka1/Ka2)^0.5;//Mean residence time of solids in regenerator from Eqn.(16)\n",
+"W2=W11*(t2bar1/t1bar1);//Bed weight for regenerator\n",
+"dt2=dt*(W2/W11)^0.5;//Diameter of regenerator assuming same static bed height for reactor and regerator\n",
+"printf('\nBed height versus catalyst activity in reactor');\n",
+"printf('\n\tAverage activity');\n",
+"printf('\tLength of fixed bed(m)');\n",
+"while i<=n\n",
+" mprintf('\n\t%f',a1bar1(i));\n",
+" mprintf('\t\t%f',Lm1(i));\n",
+" i=i+1;\n",
+"printf('\nOptimum size ratio for various activity in reactor');\n",
+"printf('\n\tLength of fixed bed(m)');\n",
+"printf('\tAverage activity');\n",
+"while i<=m\n",
+" mprintf('\n\t%f',Lm(i));\n",
+" mprintf('\t\t%f',a1bar2(i));\n",
+" i=i+1;\n",
+"printf('\nFinal design values');\n",
+"printf('\n\tDiameter of reactor(m):%f',dt);\n",
+"printf('\n\tBed weight for reactor(tons):%f',W11/10^3);\n",
+"printf('\n\tBed weight for regenerator(tons):%f',W2/10^3);\n",
+"printf('\n\tDiameter of regenerator(m):%f',dt2);\n",
+"printf('\n\tSolid circulation rate(tons/hr):%f',Fs*3.6);\n",
+"//====================================END OF PROGRAM ======================================================"
+ ]
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+ "# Chapter 18: The Design of Noncatalytic Gas Solid Reactors"
+ ]
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+ "source": [
+ "## Example 18.1: Kinetics_of_Zinc_Blende_Roasting.sce"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
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+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//Kunii D., Levenspiel O., 1991. Fluidization Engineering(II Edition). Butterworth-Heinemann, MA, pp 491\n",
+"//Chapter-18, Example 1, Page 456\n",
+"//Title: Kinetics of Zinc Blende Roasting\n",
+"xA=0.08;//Fraction of oxygen in stream\n",
+"dp=[2;0.1];//Particle diameter in mm\n",
+"rhos=4130;//Density of catalyst in kg/m^3\n",
+"Ds=8E-6;//Diffusion coefficient of solid in m^2/s\n",
+"kc=0.02;//Reaction rate constant in m/s\n",
+"P=10^5;//Pressure in bar\\n",
+"R=8.314;//Universal gas constant\n",
+"T=900;//Temperature in degree C\n",
+"mB=0.09745;//Molecular weight of ZnS in kg/mol\n",
+"b=2/3;//Stoichiometric coefficient of ZnS in the reaction equation\n",
+"CA=xA*P/(R*(T+273));//Concentration of Oxygen\n",
+"rhob=rhos/mB;//Molar density of pure solid\n",
+"while i<=n\n",
+" kbar(i)=(kc^-1+(dp(i)*10^-3/(12*Ds)))^-1;//Average reaction rate constant from Eqn.(11)\n",
+" tou(i)=rhob*dp(i)*10^-3/(2*b*kbar(i)*CA);//Time for complete reaction in seconds from Eqn.(9)\n",
+" i=i+1;\n",
+"printf('\nParticle Size(mm)\tAverage rate constant(m/s)\tTime for complete reaction(min)');\n",
+"while i<=n\n",
+" mprintf('\n%f\t\t%f\t\t\t%f',dp(i),kbar(i),tou(i)/60);\n",
+" i=i+1;\n",
+"//====================================END OF PROGRAM ======================================================"
+ ]
+ }
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "## Example 18.2: Kinetics_of_Carbon_Burning.sce"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
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+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//Kunii D., Levenspiel O., 1991. Fluidization Engineering(II Edition). Butterworth-Heinemann, MA, pp 491\n",
+"//Chapter-18, Example 2, Page 457\n",
+"//Title: Kinetics of Carbon Burning\n",
+"xA=0.08;//Fraction of oxygen in stream\n",
+"dp=1;//Particle diameter in mm\n",
+"rhos=2200;//Density of catalyst in kg/m^3\n",
+"kc=0.2;//Reaction rate constant in m/s\n",
+"mC=0.012;//Molecular weight of carbon in kg/mol\n",
+"P=10^5;//Pressure in bar\\n",
+"R=8.314;//Universal gas constant\n",
+"T=900;//Temperature in degree C\n",
+"b=1;//Stoichiometric coefficient of C in the reaction equation\n",
+"CA=xA*P/(R*(T+273));//Concentration of Oxygen\n",
+"rhob=rhos/mC;//Molar density of pure solid reactant\n",
+"tou=rhob*10^-3/(2*b*kc*CA);//Time required for complete reaction in seconds\n",
+"mprintf('\nThe time required for complete combustion:%fmins',tou/60);\n",
+"//====================================END OF PROGRAM ======================================================\n",
+ ]
+ }
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "## Example 18.3: Roasting_Kinetics_from_Flowing_Solids_Data.sce"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+"cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//Kunii D., Levenspiel O., 1991. Fluidization Engineering(II Edition). Butterworth-Heinemann, MA, pp 491\n",
+"//Chapter-18, Example 3, Page 462\n",
+"//Title: Roasting Kinetics from Flowing Solids Data\n",
+"dp=110;//Particle size in micrometer\n",
+"T=900;//Temperature of roaster in degree C\n",
+"tbar1=[3;10;30;50];//Reported average time in min\n",
+"XBbarr=[0.840;0.940;0.985;0.990];//Reported value of average conversion\n",
+"XBbar=0.840;//Average conversion for tbar = 3 mins\n",
+"//Uniform-Reaction Model\n",
+"x=(1/tbar)*(1/(1-XBbar)-1);//Term KrCA of Eqn.(20)\n",
+"while i<=n\n",
+" XBbar1(i)=1-1/(1+x*tbar1(i));//Average conversion using calculated value of KrCA from Eqn.(20)\n",
+" i=i+1;\n",
+"//Shrinking-Core, Rection Control\n",
+"touguess=2;//Guess value of tou\n",
+"function[fn]=solver_func(tou)//Function defined for solving the system\n",
+" fn=(1-XBbar)-(0.25*tou/tbar)+(0.05*(tou/tbar)^2)-((1/120)*(tou/tbar)^3);\n",
+"[tou]=fsolve(touguess,solver_func,1E-6);//Using inbuilt function fsolve for solving Eqn.(23) for tou\n",
+"while i<=n\n",
+" XBbar2(i)=1-(0.25*tou/tbar1(i))+(0.05*(tou/tbar1(i))^2)-((1/120)*(tou/tbar1(i))^3);//Average conversion using calculated value of tou from Eqn.(23)\n",
+" i=i+1;\n",
+"//Shrinking-Core, Diffusion Control\n",
+"touguess1=2;//Guess value of tou\n",
+"function[fn]=solver_func1(tou)//Function defined for solving the system\n",
+" fn=(1-XBbar)-(1/5*tou/tbar)+(19/420*(tou/tbar)^2)-(41/4620*(tou/tbar)^3)+(0.00149*(tou/tbar)^4);\n",
+"[tou1]=fsolve(touguess1,solver_func1,1E-6);//Using inbuilt function fsolve for solving Eqn.(23) for tou\n",
+"while i<=n\n",
+" //Average conversion using calculated value of tou from Eqn.(23)\n",
+" XBbar3(i)=1-(1/5*tou1/tbar1(i))+(19/420*(tou1/tbar1(i))^2)-(41/4620*(tou1/tbar1(i))^3)+(0.00149*(tou1/tbar)^4);\n",
+" i=i+1;\n",
+"printf('\n\t\t\t\tXBbar calculated for Models');\n",
+"printf('\nReported Data');\n",
+"printf('\ntbar(min)\tXBbar,obs\tUniform Reaction\tShrinking-Core, Rection Control\t\tShrinking-Core, Diffusion Control');\n",
+"while i<=n\n",
+" mprintf('\n%f\t%f\t%f\t\t%f\t\t\t\t%f',tbar1(i),XBbarr(i),XBbar1(i),XBbar2(i),XBbar3(i));\n",
+" i=i+1;\n",
+"//====================================END OF PROGRAM ======================================================"
+ ]
+ }
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "## Example 18.4: Scale_up_of_a_Reactor_with_Flowing_Solids.sce"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+"cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//Kunii D., Levenspiel O., 1991. Fluidization Engineering(II Edition). Butterworth-Heinemann, MA, pp 491\n",
+"//Chapter-18, Example 4, Page 462\n",
+"//Title: Scale-up of a Reactor with Flowing Solids\n",
+"W=1;//Bed weight in kg\n",
+"F1=0.01;//Solid feed rate in kg/min\n",
+"dp=[200;600];//Particle size in micrometer\n",
+"XBbar=[0.85;0.64];//Average conversion for corresponding particle sizes\n",
+"rhos=2500;//Density of solid in kg/m^3\n",
+"ephsilonm=0.4;//Void fracton of fixed bed\n",
+"F11=4;//Feed rate of solids in tons/hr\n",
+"//Shrinking-Core, Rection Control\n",
+"touguess=2;//Guess value of tou\n",
+"while i<=n\n",
+" function[fn]=solver_func2(tou)//Function defined for solving the system\n",
+" fn=(1-XBbar(i))-(0.25*tou/107)+(0.05*(tou/107)^2)-((1/120)*(tou/107)^3);\n",
+" endfunction\n",
+" [tou(i)]=fsolve(touguess,solver_func2,1E-6);//Using inbuilt function fsolve for solving Eqn.(23) for tou\n",
+" i=i+1;\n",
+"//For a single stage fluidized roaster\n",
+"tbar1=0.25*(tou1/(1-XBbar1))/60;//Mean residence time of solids in reactor in hr from Eqn.(24)\n",
+"dtguess=2;//Guess value of tou\n",
+"function[fn]=solver_func3(dt)//Function defined for solving the system\n",
+" fn=W1*10^3-(pi/4)*dt^2*0.5*dt*rhos*(1-ephsilonm);//Since Lm=0.5dt\n",
+"[dt]=fsolve(dtguess,solver_func3,1E-6);//Using inbuilt function fsolve for solving Eqn.(23) for tou\n",
+"Lm=dt/2;//Length of bed required\n",
+"//For a two-stage fluidized roaster\n",
+"tbar2=tou1*sqrt(1/(20*(1-XBbar1)))/60;//Mean residence time of solids in reactor in hr from Eqn.(30)\n",
+"dtguess1=2;//Guess value of tou\n",
+"function[fn]=solver_func4(dt)//Function defined for solving the system\n",
+" fn=W2*10^3-(pi/4)*dt^2*0.5*dt*rhos*(1-ephsilonm);//Since Lm=0.5dt\n",
+"[dt1]=fsolve(dtguess,solver_func4,1E-6);//Using inbuilt function fsolve for solving Eqn.(23) for tou\n",
+"Lm1=dt1/2;//Length of bed required\n",
+"printf('\nSingle stage fluidized roaster');\n",
+"printf('\n\tWeight of bed needed:%ftons',W1);\n",
+"printf('\n\tDiameter of reactor:%fm',dt);\n",
+"printf('\n\tLength of bed:%fm',Lm);\n",
+"printf('\nTwo-stage fluidized roaster');\n",
+"printf('\n\tWeight of bed needed:%ftons',W2);\n",
+"printf('\n\tDiameter of reactor:%fm',dt1);\n",
+"printf('\n\tLength of bed:%fm',Lm1);\n",
+"printf('\nThese results show that this operation can be accomplished in a single bed of %ftons or in two beds of %f tons each.',W1,W2);\n",
+"//====================================END OF PROGRAM ======================================================"
+ ]
+ }
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "## Example 18.5: Design_of_a_Roaster_for_Finely_Ground_Ore.sce"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+"cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//Kunii D., Levenspiel O., 1991. Fluidization Engineering(II Edition). Butterworth-Heinemann, MA, pp 491\n",
+"//Chapter-18, Example 5, Page 468\n",
+"//Title: Design of a Roaster for Finely Ground Ore\n",
+"T=900;//Temperature in roaster in degree C\n",
+"P=101325;//Pressure in Pa\n",
+"R=8.314;//Universal gas constant\n",
+"dpbar=150;//Average particle size in micrometer\n",
+"rhosbar=4130;//Average particle density in kg/m^3\n",
+"kc=0.015//Rate constant in m/s for reaction which follows shrinking core model\n",
+"Ds=8E-6;//Diffusion coefficient of solid in m^2/s\n",
+"uo=0.6;//Superficial gas velocity in m/s\n",
+"D=2.3E-4;//Diffusion coefficient of gas in m^2/s\n",
+"Lm=1;//Length of fixed bed in m\n",
+"dte=0.4;//Equivalent diameter of bed\n",
+"umf=0.025;//Velocity at minimum fluidization condition in m/s\n",
+"ephsilonm=0.45;//Void fraction of fixed bed\n",
+"ephsilonmf=0.50;//Void fraction at minimum fluidized condition\n",
+"db=0.2;//Estimated bubble size in m\n",
+"gammab=0.005;//Ratio of volume of dispersed solids to that of bubble phase\n",
+"Fo=2;//Feed rate of solids in kg/s\n",
+"XA=0.6677;//Conversion of Oxygen\n",
+"xA=0.21;//Mole fraction of oxygen in feed\n",
+"mB=0.09744;//Molecular weight of ZnS\n",
+"F=0.85;//Fraction of open area\n",
+"g=9.81;//Acceleration due to gravity in square m/s^2\n",
+"//(a)Extreme Calculation\n",
+"a=3/2;//Stoichiometric coefficient of Oxygen in the reaction equation\n",
+"//(b)The Three-Step Procedure\n",
+"//Step 1. Conversion of gas\n",
+"ubr=0.711*(g*db)^0.5;//Rise velocity of bubble from Eqn.(6.7)\n",
+"ub=1.6*{(uo-umf)+1.13*db^0.5}*dte^1.35+ubr;//Bubble rise velocity for Geldart B particle\n",
+"delta=uo/ub;//Fraction of bed in bubbles from Eqn.(6.29)\n",
+"ephsilonf=1-(1-delta)*(1-ephsilonmf);//Void fraction of fixed bed from Eqn.(6.20)\n",
+"fw=0.15;//Wake volume to bubble volume from Fig.(5.8)\n",
+"gammac=(1-ephsilonmf)*((3/(ubr*ephsilonmf/umf-1))+fw);//Volume of solids in cloud to that of the bubble from Eqn.(6.36)\n",
+"gammae=((1-ephsilonmf)*((1-delta)/delta))-gammab-gammac;//Volume of solids in emulsion to that of the bubble from Eqn.(6.35)\n",
+"Kbc=4.5*(umf/db)+5.85*((D^0.5*g^0.25)/db^(5/4));//Gas interchange coefficient between bubble and cloud from Eqn.(10.27)\n",
+"Kce=6.77*((D*ephsilonmf*0.711*(g*db)^0.5)/db^3)^0.5;//Gas interchange coefficient between emulsion and cloud from Eqn.(10.34)\n",
+"x=delta*Lm*(1-ephsilonm)/((1-ephsilonf)*uo);//Term Lf/ub of Eqn.(12.16) from Eqn.(6.19)\n",
+"CAi=xA*P/(R*(T+273));//Initial concentration of oxygen\n",
+"//Step 2.Conversion of solids\n",
+"rhob=rhosbar/mB;//Density of ZnS\n",
+"kbar=(kc^-1+(dpbar*10^-6/(12*Ds))^-1)^-1;//Modified rate constant from Eqn.(11)\n",
+"tbar=At*Lm*(1-ephsilonm)*rhosbar/Fo;//Mean residence time of solids\n",
+"Krguess=2;//Guess value of Kr\n",
+"function[fn]=solver_func(Kr)//Function defined for solving the system\n",
+" Kf=gammab*Kr+1/((1/Kbc)+(1/(gammac*Kr+1/((1/Kce)+(1/(gammae*Kr))))));//Reaction rate for fluidized bed from Eqn.(14)\n",
+" XA=1-exp(-x*Kf);//Conversion of oxygen from Eqn.(42)\n",
+" CAbar=(CAi*XA*uo)/(Kr*Lm*(1-ephsilonm));//Average concentration of oxygen from Eqn.(43)\n",
+" tou=rhob*dpbar*10^-6*a/(2*kbar*CAbar);//Time for complete reaction from Eqn.(9)\n",
+" y=tbar/tou;//Term tbar/tou\n",
+" XBbar=3*y-6*y^2+6*y^3*(1-exp(-1/y));//Average conversion of ZnS from Eqn.(22)\n",
+" //Step 3. Material balance of both streams\n",
+" fn=(Fo/mB)*XBbar-(At*uo*CAi*XA/a);//From Eqn.(44b)\n",
+"[Kr]=fsolve(Krguess,solver_func,1E-6);//Using inbuilt function fsolve for solving for Kr\n",
+"Kf=gammab*Kr+1/((1/Kbc)+(1/(gammac*Kr+1/((1/Kce)+(1/(gammae*Kr))))));//Reaction rate for fluidized bed from Eqn.(14)\n",
+"XA=1-exp(-x*Kf);//Conversion of oxygen from Eqn.(42)\n",
+"CAbar=(CAi*XA*uo)/(Kr*Lm*(1-ephsilonmf));//Average concentration of oxygen from Eqn.(43)\n",
+"tou=rhob*dpbar*10^-6*a/(2*kbar*CAbar);//Time for complete reaction from Eqn.(9)\n",
+"y=tbar/tou;//Term tbar/tou\n",
+"XBbar=3*y-6*y^2+6*y^3*(1-exp(-1/y));//Average conversion of ZnS from Eqn.(22)\n",
+"//(c) For other feed rates of solids\n",
+"F1=[2;2.5;3;3.5];//Various feed rates of solids in kg/s\n",
+"Krguess1=2;//Guess value of Kr\n",
+"while i<=n\n",
+" tbar1(i)=At*Lm*(1-ephsilonm)*rhosbar/F1(i);//Mean residence time of solids\n",
+" function[fn]=solver_func1(Kr)//Function defined for solving the system\n",
+" Kf1=gammab*Kr+1/((1/Kbc)+(1/(gammac*Kr+1/((1/Kce)+(1/(gammae*Kr))))));//Reaction rate for fluidized bed from Eqn.(14)\n",
+" XA1=1-exp(-x*Kf1);//Conversion of oxygen from Eqn.(42)\n",
+" CAbar1=(CAi*XA1*uo)/(Kr*Lm*(1-ephsilonm));//Average concentration of oxygen from Eqn.(43)\n",
+" tou1=rhob*dpbar*10^-6*a/(2*kbar*CAbar1);//Time for complete reaction from Eqn.(9)\n",
+" y1(i)=tbar1(i)/tou1;//Term tbar/tou\n",
+" XBbar1(i)=3*y1(i)-6*y1(i)^2+6*y1(i)^3*(1-exp(-1/y1(i)));//Average conversion of ZnS from Eqn.(22)\n",
+" //Step 3. Material balance of both streams\n",
+" fn=(F1(i)/mB)*XBbar1(i)-(At*uo*CAi*XA1/a);//From Eqn.(44b)\n",
+" endfunction\n",
+" [Kr1(i)]=fsolve(Krguess1,solver_func1,1E-6);//Using inbuilt function fsolve for solving Eqn.(23) for tou\n",
+" Kf1(i)=gammab*Kr1(i)+1/((1/Kbc)+(1/(gammac*Kr1(i)+1/((1/Kce)+(1/(gammae*Kr1(i)))))));//Reaction rate for fluidized bed from Eqn.(14)\n",
+" XA1(i)=1-exp(-x*Kf1(i));//Conversion of oxygen from Eqn.(42)\n",
+" CAbar1(i)=(CAi*XA1(i)*uo)/(Kr1(i)*Lm*(1-ephsilonmf));//Average concentration of oxygen from Eqn.(43)\n",
+" tou1(i)=rhob*dpbar*10^-6*a/(2*kbar*CAbar1(i));//Time for complete reaction from Eqn.(9)\n",
+" y1(i)=tbar1(i)/tou1(i);//Term tbar/tou\n",
+" XBbar1(i)=3*y1(i)-6*y1(i)^2+6*y1(i)^3*(1-exp(-1/y1(i)));//Average conversion of ZnS from Eqn.(22)\n",
+" i=i+1;\n",
+"printf('\nExtreme Calculation');\n",
+"printf('\n\tDiameter of tube with all its internals:%fm',dt);\n",
+"printf('\nThree step procedure');\n",
+"printf('\n\tConversion of ZnS:%f',XBbar);\n",
+"printf('\nFor other feed rates of solids');\n",
+"while i<=n\n",
+" mprintf('\n\t%f\t%f\t%f\t%f\t%f\t%f\t%f\t%f',F1(i),tbar1(i),XBbar1(i)/XA1(i),Kr1(i),CAbar1(i)/CAi,tou1(i),XA1(i),XBbar1(i));\n",
+" i=i+1;\n",
+"//====================================END OF PROGRAM ======================================================"
+ ]
+ }
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "## Example 18.6: Design_of_a_Roaster_for_Coarse_Ore.sce"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+"cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//Kunii D., Levenspiel O., 1991. Fluidization Engineering(II Edition). Butterworth-Heinemann, MA, pp 491\n",
+"//Chapter-18, Example 5, Page 471\n",
+"//Title: Design of a Roaster for Coarse Ore\n",
+"T=900;//Temperature in roaster in degree C\n",
+"P=101325;//Pressure in Pa\n",
+"R=8.314;//Universal gas constant\n",
+"dp=750;//Particle size in micrometer5\n",
+"Fo=2.5;//Feed rate of solids in kg/s\n",
+"uo=0.6;//Superficial gas velocity in m/s\n",
+"W=80140;//Weight of bed in kg\n",
+"ephsilonmf=0.50;//Void fraction at minimum fluidized condition\n",
+"umf=0.5;//Velocity at minimum fluidization condition in m/s\n",
+"db=0.2;//Estimated bubble size in m\n",
+"g=9.81;//Acceleration due to gravity in square m/s^2\n",
+"Lm=1;//Length of fixed bed in m\n",
+"ephsilonm=0.45;//Void fraction of fixed bed\n",
+"xA=0.21;//Mole fraction of oxygen in feed\n",
+"kc=0.015//Rate constant in m/s for reaction which follows shrinking core model\n",
+"Ds=8E-6;//Diffusion coefficient of solid in m^2/s\n",
+"rhosbar=4130;//Average particle density in kg/m^3\n",
+"mB=0.09744;//Molecular weight of ZnS\n",
+"a=3/2;//Stoichiometric coefficient of Oxygen in the reaction equation\n",
+"//Selection of models to represent reactor\n",
+"ubr=0.711*(g*db)^0.5;//Rise velocity of bubble from Eqn.(6.7)\n",
+"//Step 1.\n",
+"ub=uo-umf+ubr;//Rise velocity of bubbles from Eqn.(6.8)\n",
+"delta=(uo-umf)/(ub+2*umf);//Fraction of the bed in bubbles from Eqn.(6.26)\n",
+"Krguess=2;//Guess value of Kr\n",
+"CAi=xA*P/(R*(T+273));//Initial concentration of oxygen\n",
+"//Step 2.\n",
+"kbar=(kc^-1+(dp*10^-6/(12*Ds))^-1)^-1;//Modified rate constant from Eqn.(11)\n",
+"tbar=W/Fo;//Mean residence time of solids from Eqn.(14.2)\n",
+"rhob=rhosbar/mB;//Density of ZnS\n",
+"function[fn]=solver_func1(Kr)//Function defined for solving the system\n",
+" XA=1-exp(-x*Kr);//Conversion from Eqn.(42)\n",
+" CAbar=(CAi*XA*uo^2)/(Kr*Lm*(1-ephsilonm)*umf*(1-delta));//Average concentration of oxygen from Eqn.(43)\n",
+" tou=rhob*dp*10^-6*a/(2*kbar*CAbar);//Time for complete reaction from Eqn.(9)\n",
+" y=tbar/tou;//Term tbar/tou\n",
+" XBbar=3*y-6*y^2+6*y^3*(1-exp(-1/y));//Average conversion of ZnS from Eqn.(22)\n",
+" //Step 3.\n",
+" fn=XBbar-1.2*XA;//From Table E5, for Fo=2.5kg/s\n",
+"[Kr]=fsolve(Krguess,solver_func1,1E-6);//Using inbuilt function fsolve for solving for Kr\n",
+"XA=1-exp(-x*Kr);//Conversion from Eqn.(42)\n",
+"CAbar=(CAi*XA*uo^2)/(Kr*Lm*(1-ephsilonm)*umf*(1-delta))//Average concentration of oxygen from Eqn.(43)\n",
+"tou=rhob*dp*10^-6*a/(2*kbar*CAbar);//Time for complete reaction from Eqn.(9)\n",
+"y=tbar/tou;//Term tbar/tou\n",
+"XBbar=3*y-6*y^2+6*y^3*(1-exp(-1/y));//Average conversion of ZnS from Eqn.(22)\n",
+"printf('\nSelection of models to represent reactor');\n",
+"printf('\n\tSince ratio ubr/(umf/ephsilonmf)= %f <1, the reactor is operating in slow bubble regime',f);\n",
+"printf('\n\tSince particle size =%f micrometer, they react according to shrinking-core model',dp);\n",
+"printf('\n\tConversion obtained for %f micrometer particle:%f',dp,XBbar);\n",
+"//====================================END OF PROGRAM ======================================================"
+ ]
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+ "# Chapter 3: Fluidization and Mapping of Regimes"
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+ "source": [
+ "## Example 3.1: Size_Measure_of_Nonuniform_Solids.sce"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+"cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//Kunii D., Levenspiel O., 1991. Fluidization Engineering(II Edition). Butterworth-Heinemann, MA, pp 491\n",
+"//Chapter-3, Example 1, Page 68\n",
+"//Title: Size Measure of Nonuniform Solids\n",
+"weight = [0;60;150;270;330;360];// Weight in grams for the oversized particles\n",
+"psize = [50;75;100;125;150;175];//PSD in micrometers\n",
+"len = length(psize); // To obtain the size of input array\n",
+"// Computation of sauter mean diameter for the given PSD\n",
+"i = 1;\n",
+"while i<len\n",
+" dpi(i)=(psize(i,:)+ psize(i+1,:))/2;\n",
+" weightf(i)=(weight(i+1)-weight(i))/weight(6); \n",
+" dp(i)=weightf(i)/dpi(i); \n",
+" i=i+1;\n",
+"end \n",
+"dpbar=1/sum(dp);//Calculation of average particle daimeter Eq.(15)\n",
+"mprintf('\n The Sauter mean diameter of the material with the given particle size distribution = %f micrometer',dpbar);\n",
+"//====================================END OF PROGRAM ======================================================"
+ ]
+ }
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
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+ "source": [
+ "## Example 3.2: Estimation_of_Minimum_Fluidizing_Velocity.sce"
+ ]
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+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
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+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//Kunii D., Levenspiel O., 1991. Fluidization Engineering(II Edition). Butterworth-Heinemann, MA, pp 491\n",
+"//Chapter-3, Example 2, Page 76\n",
+"//Title: Estimation of Minimum fluidizing velocity\n",
+"ephsilon=0.55;//Void fraction of bed\n",
+"rhog=0.0012;//Density of gas in g/cc\n",
+"myu=.00018;//Viscosity of gas in g/cm s\n",
+"dpbar=0.016;//Mean diameter of solids in centimeter\n",
+"phis=0.67;//Sphericity of solids\n",
+"rhos=2.6;//Density of solids in g/cc\n",
+"g=980;//Acceleration due to gravity in square cm/s^2\n",
+"//Computation of umf using the simplified equation for small particles\n",
+"umf=((dpbar^2)*(rhos-rhog)*g*(ephsilon^3)*(phis^2))/(150*myu*(1-ephsilon));//Simplified equation to calculate minimum fluidizing velocity for small particles Eq.(21)\n",
+"Re=(dpbar*umf*rhog)/myu;//To calculate Reynolds number for particle\n",
+"//Computation of umf if neither void fraction of bed nor sphericity is known\n",
+"c1=28.7; c2=0.0494;//Value of constants from Table 4, page 70\n",
+"umf1=(myu/(dpbar*rhog))*(((c1^2)+((c2*(dpbar^3)*rhog*(rhos-rhog)*g)/(myu^2)))^0.5-c1);//Equation to calculate minimum fluidizing velocity for coarse particles Eq.(25)\n",
+"err=((umf-umf1)/umf)*100;//Calculation of error from experimental value\n",
+"if Re<20 then \n",
+" mprintf('\nThe particle Reynolds no = %f',Re)\n",
+" printf('\nThe simplified equation used for calculating minimum fluidizing velocity is valid.');\n",
+"mprintf('\nThe minimum fluidizing velocity by simplified equation for small particles = %fcm/s',umf);\n",
+"mprintf('\nThe minimum fluidizing velocity by equation for coarse partilces = %fcm/s',umf1);\n",
+"mprintf('\nThis value is %f percent below the experimentally reported value.',err);\n",
+"//====================================END OF PROGRAM ======================================================"
+ ]
+ }
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "## Example 3.3: Estimation_of_Terminal_Velocity_of_Falling_Particles.sce"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+"cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//Kunii D., Levenspiel O., 1991. Fluidization Engineering(II Edition). Butterworth-Heinemann, MA, pp 491\n",
+"//Chapter-3, Example 3, Page 82\n",
+"//Title: Estimation of terminal velocity of falling particles\n",
+"rhog=1.2e-3;//Density of air in g/cc\n",
+"myu=1.8e-4//Viscosity of air in g/cm s\n",
+"dpbar=0.016//Mean diameter of solids in centimeter\n",
+"phis=0.67;//Sphericity of solids\n",
+"rhos=2.6;//Density of solids in g/cc\n",
+"g=980//Acceleration due to gravity in square cm/s^2\n",
+"dpstar=dpbar*((rhog*(rhos-rhog)*g)/myu^2)^(1/3);//Calculation of dimensionless particle size Eq.(31)\n",
+"utstar=((18/(dpstar^2))+(2.335-(1.744*phis))/(dpstar^0.5))^-1;//Calculation of dimensionless gas velocity Eq.(33)\n",
+"ut=utstar*((myu*(rhos-rhog)*g)/rhog^2)^(1/3);//Calculation of terminal velocity of falling particles Eq.(32)\n",
+"mprintf('\nThe dimensionless particle size = %f', dpstar);\n",
+"mprintf('\nThe dimensionless gas velocity = %f', utstar);\n",
+"mprintf('\nThe terminal velocity of falling particles = %fcm/s', ut);\n",
+"//====================================END OF PROGRAM ======================================================"
+ ]
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+ "## Example 3.4: Prediction_of_Flow_Regimes.sce"
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+"source": [
+"//Kunii D., Levenspiel O., 1991. Fluidization Engineering(II Edition). Butterworth-Heinemann, MA, pp 491\n",
+"//Chapter-3, Example 4, Page 91\n",
+"//Title: Prediction of flow regime\n",
+"rhos=1.5;//Density of Solid in g/cc\n",
+"uo1=40; uo2=80;//Superficial gas velocity in cm/s\n",
+"dp1=0.006; dp2=0.045;//Particle size in centimeter\n",
+"rhog1=1.5E-3; rhog2=1E-3; //Density of gas in g/cc\n",
+"myu1=2E-4; myu2=2.5E-4;//Viscosity of air in g/cm s\n",
+"g=980;//Acceleration due to gravity in square cm/s^2\n",
+"//for smaller particles\n",
+"dpstar1=dp1*((rhog1*(rhos-rhog1)*g)/myu1^2)^(1/3);//Calculation of dimensionless particle diamter Eq.(31)\n",
+"uostar2=uo2*((rhog1^2)/((myu1)*(rhos-rhog1)*g))^(1/3);//Calculation of dimensionless superficial gas velocity Eq.(32)\n",
+"//for larger particles \n",
+"dpstar2=dp2*((rhog2*(rhos-rhog2)*g)/myu2^2)^(1/3);//Calculation of dimensionless particle diamter Eq.(31)\n",
+"uostar4=uo2*((rhog2^2)/((myu2)*(rhos-rhog2)*g))^(1/3);//Calculation of dimensionless superficial gas velocity Eq.(32)\n",
+"printf('\nFor particle of size %f centimeter',dp1);\n",
+"mprintf('\nThe dimensionless particle diameter = %f',dpstar1);\n",
+"mprintf('\nThe dimensionless superficial gas velocity = %fcm/s(for superficial gas velocity of %fcm/s)',uostar1,uo1);\n",
+"mprintf('\nThe dimensionless superficial gas velocity = %fcm/s(for superficial gas velocity of %fcm/s)',uostar2,uo2);\n",
+"mprintf('\n\nFrom Fig.16(page 89)comparing u*=%f vs dp*=%f',uostar1,dpstar1);\n",
+"mprintf('\nFor Superficial gas velocity =%f \nMode of Fluidization:Onset of turbulent fluidization in an ordinary bubbling bed',uo1);\n",
+"mprintf('\nFrom Fig.16(page 89)comparing u* =%f vs dp* =%f',uostar2,dpstar1);\n",
+"mprintf('\nFor Superficial gas velocity =%f \nMode of Fluidization:Fast fluidization(requires a circulating solid system)',uo2);\n",
+"printf('\n\nFor particle of size %f centimeter',dp2)\n",
+"mprintf('\nThe dimensionless particle diameter = %f',dpstar2);\n",
+"mprintf('\nThe dimensionless superficial gas velocity = %fcm/s(for superficial gas velocity of %fcm/s)',uostar3,uo1);\n",
+"mprintf('\nThe dimensionless superficial gas velocity = %fcm/s(for superficial gas velocity of %fcm/s)',uostar4,uo2);\n",
+"mprintf('\n\nFrom Fig.16(page 89)comparing u*=%f vs dp*=%f',uostar3,dpstar2);\n",
+"mprintf('\nFor Superficial gas velocity =%f \nMode of Fluidization:Bublling Fluidization',uo1);\n",
+"mprintf('\nFrom Fig.16(page 89)comparing u* =%f vs dp* =%f',uostar4,dpstar2);\n",
+"mprintf('\nFor Superficial gas velocity =%f \nMode of Fluidization:Bubbling Fluidization',uo2);\n",
+"//====================================END OF PROGRAM ======================================================"
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+ "# Chapter 4: The Dense Bed"
+ ]
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+ "source": [
+ "## Example 4.1: Design_of_a_Perforated_Plate_Distributor.sce"
+ ]
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+"source": [
+"//Kunii D., Levenspiel O., 1991. Fluidization Engineering(II Edition). Butterworth-Heinemann, MA, pp 491\n",
+"//Chapter-4, Example 1, Page 106\n",
+"//Title: Design of a Perforated Plate Distributor\n",
+"dt=4;//Vessel diameter in m\n",
+"Lmf=2;//Length of the bed in m\n",
+"ephsilonmf=0.48;//Void fraction of bed\n",
+"rhos=1500;//Density of solid in kg/m^3\n",
+"rhog=3.6;//Density of gas in kg/m^3\n",
+"myu=2E-5;//Viscosity of gas in kg/m s\n",
+"po=3;//Pressure of inlet gas in bar\n",
+"uo=0.4;//Superficial velocity of gas in m/s\n",
+"uorm=40;//Maximum allowable jet velocity from holes in m/s\n",
+"g=9.80;//Acceleration due to gravity in m/s^2\n",
+"//Computation of minimum allowable pressure drop through the distributor\n",
+"deltapb={(1-ephsilonmf)*(rhos-rhog)*g*Lmf}/gc;//Calculation of pressure drop in bed using Eqn.(3.17)\n",
+"deltapd=0.3*deltapb;//Calculation of pressure drop in distributor using Eqn.(3)\n",
+"//Computation of orifice coefficient\n",
+"if Ret>=3000 then Cd=0.60;\n",
+"elseif Ret>=2000 then Cd=0.61;\n",
+"elseif Ret>=1000 then Cd=0.64;\n",
+"elseif Ret>=500 then Cd=0.68;\n",
+"elseif Ret>=300 then Cd=0.70;\n",
+"elseif Ret>=100 then Cd=0.68;\n",
+"//Computation of gas velocity through orifice\n",
+"uor=Cd*((2*deltapd)/rhog)^0.5;//Calculation of gas velocity through orifice by using Eqn.(12)\n",
+"f=(uo/uor)*100;//Calculation of fraction of open area in the perforated plate \n",
+"//Computation of number of orifices per unit area of distributor\n",
+"dor=[0.001;0.002;0.004];//Different orifice diameters in m\n",
+"while i<=n\n",
+" Nor(i)=(uo*4)/(pi*uor*(dor(i))^2);//Calculation of number of orifices by using Eqn.(13)\n",
+" i=i+1;\n",
+" \n",
+"mprintf('\nThe pressure drop in bed:%fPa',deltapb);\n",
+"mprintf('\nThe minimum allowable pressure drop in distributor:%fPa',deltapd);\n",
+"if uor<uorm then mprintf('\nThe gas veleocity of %fm/s is satisfactory',uor);\n",
+" else mprintf('\nThe gas veleocity of %fm/s is not satisfactory',uor);\n",
+"if f<10 then mprintf('\nThe fraction of open area of %f percent is allowable',f);\n",
+" else mprintf('\nThe fraction of open area of %f percent is not allowable',f);\n",
+"end \n",
+"printf('\nDiameter of orifice(m)');\n",
+"printf('\tNumber of orifices per unit area(per sq.m)');\n",
+"while j<=n\n",
+" mprintf('\n%f',dor(j));\n",
+" mprintf('\t\t%f',Nor(j));\n",
+" j=j+1;\n",
+"printf('\nThis number can be rounded off.');\n",
+"printf('\nSince orifices that are too small are liable to clog and those that are too large cause uneven distribution of gas, we choose orifice of diameter %fm',dor(2));\n",
+"//====================================END OF PROGRAM ======================================================"
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+ "## Example 4.2: Design_of_a_Tuyere_Distributor.sce"
+ ]
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+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
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+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//Kunii D., Levenspiel O., 1991. Fluidization Engineering(II Edition). Butterworth-Heinemann, MA, pp 491\n",
+"//Chapter-4, Example 2, Page 108\n",
+"//Title: Design of a Tuyere Distributor\n",
+"lor=0.1;//Minimum allowable tuyere spacing in m\n",
+"uorm=30;//Maximum allowable jet velocity from the tuyere in m/s\n",
+"uo=0.4;//Superficial velocity of gas in m/s\n",
+"uor=30.2;//Gas velocity through orifice,from Exa 1, in m/s\n",
+"Cd=0.6;//Dicharge coefficient from Exa 1\n",
+"rhog=3.6//Density of gas in kg/m^3\n",
+"Nor=1/(lor^2);//Calculation of number of orifices per unit area by assuming minimum spacing for tuyeres\n",
+"dor={(4/pi)*(uo/uor)*(1/Nor)}^0.5;//Calculation of diameter of inlet orifiec by using Eqn.(13)\n",
+"//Computation of diameter of hole for different number of holes per tuyere\n",
+"q=(lor^2)*uo;//Volumetric flow rate in m^3/s\n",
+"Nh=[8;6;4];//Different number of holes per tuyere\n",
+"while i<=n\n",
+" dh(i)=((((q/Nh(i))*(4/pi))/uorm)^0.5);//Calculation of diameter of holes\n",
+" i=i+1;\n",
+"printf('\nNumber of holes(number of holes/tuyeres)');\n",
+"printf('\tDiameter of hole(m)');\n",
+"while j<=n\n",
+" mprintf('\n%f',Nh(j));\n",
+" mprintf('\t\t\t\t\t%f',dh(j));\n",
+" j=j+1;\n",
+"printf('\nThe design chosen is as follows');\n",
+"printf('\n\tTuyeres are as shown in Fig.2(b),page 97');\n",
+"mprintf('\n\tNumber of holes = %f(Since rectangular pitch is chosen for tuyeres)',Nh(2));\n",
+"mprintf('\n\tDiameter of hole = %fm',dh(2));\n",
+"mprintf('\n\tDiameter of incoming high-pressure-drop orifice = %fm ID',dor);\n",
+"printf('\nChecking the pressure drop in tuyeres');\n",
+"mprintf('\nSince pressure drop of %fPa gives sufficiently high distributor pressure drop as seen in Exa.1, use of inlet orifice can be dispensed.',deltaph);\n",
+"//====================================END OF PROGRAM ======================================================"
+ ]
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+ "source": [
+ "## Example 4.3: Power_Requirement_for_a_Fluidized_Coal_Combustor.sce"
+ ]
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+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//Kunii D., Levenspiel O., 1991. Fluidization Engineering(II Edition). Butterworth-Heinemann, MA, pp 491\n",
+"//Chapter-4, Example 3, Page 110\n",
+"//Title: Power Requirement for a Fluidized Coal Combustor(FBC)\n",
+"deltapd=[3;10]//Distributor pressure drop in kPa\n",
+"deltapd2=10;//Distributor pressure drop in kPa\n",
+"po=101;//Entering air pressure in kPa\n",
+"To=20;//Entering air temperature in degree C\n",
+"y=1.4;//Fugacity of air\n",
+"deltapb=10;//Pressure drop in bed in kPa\n",
+"p3=103;//Pressure at the bed exit in kPa\n",
+"F=8;//Feed rate of coal in tons/hr\n",
+"H=25;//Gross heatig value of coal in MJ/kg\n",
+"Fa=10;//Air required at standard condition in nm^3/kg\n",
+"etac=0.75;//Efficiency of compressor\n",
+"etap=36;//Efficiency of plant in %\n",
+"//Calculation of volumetric flow rate of air\n",
+"//Case(a) Distributor Pressure drop = 3kPa and Case(b) Distributor Pressure drop = 10kPa\n",
+"while i<=n\n",
+" p2(i)=p3+deltapb;//Calculation of pressure at the entrance of the bed\n",
+" p1(i)=p2(i)+deltapd(i);//Calculation of pressure before entering the bed\n",
+" ws(i)=(y/(y-1))*po*vo*((p1(i)/po)^((y-1)/y)-1)*(1/etac);//Calculation of power required for the compressor by Eqn.(18) & Eqn.(20)\n",
+" i=i+1;\n",
+"//Case(c) 50% of the required bypassed to burn the volatile gases. Distributor Pressure drop = 3kPa\n",
+"//No change in pressure drop from case(a)\n",
+"v1=vo/2;//New volumetric flow rate of air\n",
+"ws1=ws(1)/2;//Power required for blower for primary air\n",
+"ws2=(y/(y-1))*po*v1*((p3/po)^((y-1)/y)-1)*(1/etac);//Power required for blower for bypassed air\n",
+"wst=ws1+ws2;//Total power required for the two blowers\n",
+"p=((ws(1)-wst)/ws(1))*100;//Saving in power when compared to case(a)\n",
+"mprintf('\n\tVolumetric flow rate of air = %f m^3/hr',vo);\n",
+"mprintf('\n\tPower required for compressor = %f kW',ws(1));\n",
+"mprintf('\n\tVolumetric flow rate of air = %f m^3/hr',vo);\n",
+"mprintf('\n\tPower required for compressor = %f kW',ws(2));\n",
+"mprintf('\n\tVolumetric flow rate of air = %f m^3/hr',v1);\n",
+"mprintf('\n\tPower required for compressor for primary air = %f kW',ws1);\n",
+"mprintf('\n\tPower required for blower for bypassed air = %f kW',ws2);\n",
+"mprintf('\n\tTotal power required for the two blowers = %f kW',wst);\n",
+"mprintf('\n\tPower saved compared to case(a) = %f percent',p);\n",
+"//====================================END OF PROGRAM ======================================================"
+ ]
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+ "# Chapter 5: Bubbles in Dense Beds"
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+ "## Example 5.1: Characteristics_of_a_Singe_Bubble.sce"
+ ]
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+"source": [
+"//Kunii D., Levenspiel O., 1991. Fluidization Engineering(II Edition). Butterworth-Heinemann, MA, pp 491\n",
+"//Chapter-5, Example 1, Page 126\n",
+"//Title: Charactersitics of a Single Bubble\n",
+"dt=60;//ID of tube in cm \n",
+"dp=300;//Size of particles of bed in micrometers\n",
+"umf=3;//Velocity at minimum fluidization condition in cm/s\n",
+"ephsilonmf=0.5;//Void fraction of bed at minimum fluidization condition\n",
+"db=5;//Diameter of bubble in cm\n",
+"g=980;//Acceleration due to gravity in cm/s^2\n",
+"//Computation of rise velocity of bubble\n",
+"if (db/dt)<0.125 then ubr=(0.711*((g*db)^0.5));//Rise velocity by Eqn.(3)\n",
+"elseif (db/dt)<0.6 then ubr=(0.711*((g*db)^0.5))*1.2*exp(-1.49*(db/dt));//Rise velocity by Eqn.(4) \n",
+"//Computation of cloud thickness\n",
+"Rb=db/2;//Radius of bubble\n",
+"uf=umf/ephsilonmf;//Velocity of emulsion gas\n",
+"Rc=Rb*((ubr+(2*uf))/(ubr-uf))^(1/3);//Radius of cloud by Eqn.(6)\n",
+"mprintf('\nThe rise velocity of the bubble=%fcm/s',ubr);\n",
+"mprintf('\nThe cloud thickness=%fcm',Rc-Rb);\n",
+"mprintf('\nFrom Fig.8(page 124)comparing fw vs dp, for dp = %f micrometer, wake fraction = 0.24',dp);\n",
+"//====================================END OF PROGRAM ======================================================"
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+ "## Example 5.2: Initial_Bubble_Size_at_a_Distributor.sce"
+ ]
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+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
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+"source": [
+"//Kunii D., Levenspiel O., 1991. Fluidization Engineering(II Edition). Butterworth-Heinemann, MA, pp 491\n",
+"//Chapter-5, Example 2, Page 132\n",
+"//Title: Initial Bubble Size at a Distributor\n",
+"uo=15;//Superificial gas velocity in cm/s\n",
+"umf=1;////Velocity at minimum fluidization condition in cm/s\n",
+"lor=2;//Pitch of perforated plate in cm\n",
+"g=980;//Acceleration due to gravity in cm/s^2\n",
+"//Case(a) For porous plate\n",
+"dbo1=(2.78/g)*(uo-umf)^2;//Initial bubble size using Eqn.(19)\n",
+"//Case(b) For Perforated plate\n",
+"Nor=(2/sqrt(3))*(1/lor)^2;//Number of orifices in cm^-2\n",
+"dbo2=(1.30/(g^0.2))*((uo-umf)/Nor)^0.4;//Initial bubble size using Eqn.(15) assuming inital bubble size is smaller than hole spacing\n",
+"printf('\nCase(a) For porous plate');\n",
+"printf('\n\tInitial bubble size=%fcm',dbo1);\n",
+"printf('\nCase(b) For Perforated plate');\n",
+"printf('\n\tInitial bubble size=%fcm',dbo2);\n",
+"printf('\n\tSince %f<%f, the equation used is correct.',dbo2,lor);\n",
+"//====================================END OF PROGRAM ======================================================"
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+ "# Chapter 6: Bubbling Fluidized Beds"
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+ "## Example 6.1: Bubble_Size_and_Rise_Velocity_in_Geldart_A_Beds.sce"
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+ "execution_count": null,
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+"source": [
+"//Kunii D., Levenspiel O., 1991. Fluidization Engineering(II Edition). Butterworth-Heinemann, MA, pp 491\n",
+"//Chapter-6, Example 1, Page 150\n",
+"//Title: Bubble Size and Rise Velocity in Geldart A Beds\n",
+"z=0.5;//Height of bed in m\n",
+"dt=0.5;//ID of tube in m\n",
+"rhos=1.6;//Density of catalyst in g/cm^3\n",
+"dpbar=60;//Averge catalyst diameter in micrometer\n",
+"umf=0.002;//Velocity at minimum fluidization condition in m/s\n",
+"uo=0.2;//Superficial velocity in m/s\n",
+"dor=2;//Diameter of orifice in mm\n",
+"lor=20;//Pitch of perforated plate in mm\n",
+"g=9.80;//g=980;//Acceleration due to gravity in m/s^2\n",
+"//Method 1. Procedure using Eqn.(10) & Eqn.(11)\n",
+"db=(0.035+0.040)/2;//Bubble size at z=0.5m from Fig.7(a) & Fig.7(b)\n",
+"ub1=1.55*((uo-umf)+14.1*(db+0.005))*(dt^0.32)+0.711*(g*db)^0.5;//Bubble velocity using Eqn.(10) & Eqn.(11)\n",
+"//Method 2. Werther's procedure\n",
+"si=0.8;//From Fig.6 for Geldart A solids \n",
+"ub2=si*(uo-umf)+(3.2*(dt^(1/3)))*(0.711*(g*db)^0.5);//Bubble velocity using Eqn.(9)\n",
+"printf('\nMethod 1. Procedure using Eqn.(10) & Eqn.(11)');\n",
+"mprintf('\n\tDiameter of the bubble=%fm',db);\n",
+"mprintf('\n\tRise velocity of the bubble=%fm/s',ub1);\n",
+"printf('\nMethod 2. Werthers procedure');\n",
+"mprintf('\n\tDiameter of the bubble=%fm',db);\n",
+"mprintf('\n\tRise velocity of the bubble=%fm/s',ub2);\n",
+"//====================================END OF PROGRAM ======================================================"
+ ]
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+ "## Example 6.2: Bubble_Size_and_Rise_Velocity_in_Geldart_B_Beds.sce"
+ ]
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+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
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+"source": [
+"//Kunii D., Levenspiel O., 1991. Fluidization Engineering(II Edition). Butterworth-Heinemann, MA, pp 491\n",
+"//Chapter-6, Example 2, Page 151\n",
+"//Title: Bubble Size and Rise Velocity in Geldart B Beds\n",
+"z=0.5;//Height of bed in m\n",
+"dt=0.5;//ID of tube in m\n",
+"rhos=2.6;//Density of catalyst in g/cm^3\n",
+"dpbar=100;//Averge catalyst diameter in micrometer\n",
+"umf=0.01;//Velocity at minimum fluidization condition in m/s\n",
+"uo=0.45;//Superficial velocity in m/s\n",
+"dor=2;//Diameter of orifice in mm\n",
+"lor=30;//Pitch of perforated plate in mm\n",
+"g=9.80;//Acceleration due to gravity in m/s^2\n",
+"//Part(a).Bubble Size\n",
+"//Method 1.Werther's procedure for finding bubble size\n",
+"i=1; \n",
+"while i<=n\n",
+" db(i)=0.853*((1+0.272*(uo-umf)*100)^(1/3))*(1+0.0684*z1(i))^1.21;\n",
+" i=i+1; \n",
+"db1=0.163;//Since bubble size starts at dbo=5.5cm at z=0, we shift the curve accordingly to z=0.5m\n",
+"//Method 2.Mori and Wen's procedure for finding bubble size\n",
+"//Part(b).Bubble Velocity\n",
+"//Method 1.Procedure using Eqn.(12)\n",
+"//Method 2.Werther's Procedure\n",
+"//Using Eqn.(7) & Eqn.(8)\n",
+"printf('\nBubble Size');\n",
+"mprintf('\nInitial bubble size from Fig.5.14 for %fm/s = %fcm',uo-umf,dbo);\n",
+"printf('\n\n\tMethod 1.Werthers procedure for finding bubble size');\n",
+"printf('\n\t\tHeight of bed(cm)');\n",
+"printf('\t\t\tBubble size(cm)');\n",
+"while j<=m\n",
+" mprintf('\n\t\t%f',z1(j));\n",
+" mprintf('\t\t\t\t%f',db(j));\n",
+" j=j+1;\n",
+"printf('\n\n\tMethod 2.Mori and Wens procedure for finding bubble size');\n",
+"mprintf('\n\t\tMaximum expected bubble size=%fcm',dbm);\n",
+"mprintf('\n\t\tBubble size=%fcm',db2);\n",
+"printf('\nBubble Velocity');\n",
+"printf('\n\n\tMethod 1.Procedure using Eqn.(12)');\n",
+"mprintf('\n\t\tBubble velocity=%fm/s',ub1);\n",
+"printf('\n\n\tMethod 2.Werthers procedure');\n",
+"mprintf('\n\t\tBubble velocity=%fm/s',ub2);\n",
+"printf('\nComparing the above results with the expressions of the simple two-phase theory');\n",
+"printf('\n\tWerthers bubble size');\n",
+"mprintf('\tBubble rise velocity=%fm/s\tBubble velocity=%fm/s',ubr1,ub3);\n",
+"printf('\n\tMori & Wens bubble size');\n",
+"mprintf('\tBubble rise velocity=%fm/s\tBubble velocity=%fm/s',ubr2,ub4);\n",
+"//====================================END OF PROGRAM ======================================================"
+ ]
+ }
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "## Example 6.3: Scale_down_of_a_Commercial_Chlorinator.sce"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+"cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//Kunii D., Levenspiel O., 1991. Fluidization Engineering(II Edition). Butterworth-Heinemann, MA, pp 491\n",
+"//Chapter-6, Example 3, Page 153\n",
+"//Title: Scale-down of a Commercial Chlorinator\n",
+"dpbar=53;//Average particle size in micrometer\n",
+"s=[1;2];//Size of Bermuda rock in cm \n",
+"rhosbar=3200;//Average solid density of the coke-zircon mixture in kg/m^3\n",
+"ephsilonm=0.5;//Void fraction for fixed bed\n",
+"ephsilonf=0.75;//Void fraction for bubbling bed\n",
+"rhogbar=0.64;//Average density of gas in kg/m^3\n",
+"uo=14;//Superficial gas velocity in cm/s\n",
+"myu=5E-5;//Viscosity of gas in kg/m s\n",
+"T=1000;//Temperature in degree C\n",
+"P=1;//Pressure in atm\n",
+"dt=91.5;//ID of bed in cm\n",
+"sh=150;//Slumped height in cm\n",
+"rhog2=1.2;//Density of ambient air\n",
+"myu2=1.8E-5;//Viscosity of ambient air\n",
+"rhos2=rhog2*(rhosbar/rhogbar);//For the requirement of constant density ratio\n",
+"m=((rhogbar*myu2)/(rhog2*myu))^(2/3);//Scale factor by usin Eqn.(16)\n",
+"u2=(m^0.5)*uo;//Superficial gas velocity by using Eqn.(17)\n",
+"printf('\nFor the model use');\n",
+"mprintf('\n\tBed of ID %fcm\n\tSlumped bed height of %fcm\n\tPacked bed distributor consisting of %f-%fmm rock',m*dt,m*sh,m*s(1),m*s(2));\n",
+"mprintf('\nFluidizing gas: ambient air at %fatm',P);\n",
+"mprintf('\nSolids: \tzirconia, Average particle size=%fmicrometers',m*dpbar);\n",
+"mprintf('\nEntering gas:\tSuperficial velocity=%fcm/s',u2);\n",
+"//====================================END OF PROGRAM ======================================================"
+ ]
+ }
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "## Example 6.4: Reactor_Scale_up_for_Geldart_A_Catalyst.sce"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+"cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//Kunii D., Levenspiel O., 1991. Fluidization Engineering(II Edition). Butterworth-Heinemann, MA, pp 491\n",
+"//Chapter-6, Example 4, Page 159\n",
+"//Title: Reactor Scale-up for Geldart A Catalyst\n",
+"dtb=20;//ID of bench-scale reactor\n",
+"dtp=1;//ID of pilot reactor\n",
+"dpbar=52;//Average particle size in micrometer\n",
+"ephsilonm=0.45;//Void fraction for fixed bed\n",
+"ephsilonmf=0.50;//Void fraction at minimum fluidization condition\n",
+"ephsilonmb=0.60;//Void fraction \n",
+"uo=30;//Superficial gas velocity in cm/s\n",
+"Lmb=2;//Length of fixed bed in m\n",
+"umf=0.33;//Velocity at minimum fluidization condition in cm/s\n",
+"umb=1;//Velocity at in cm/s\n",
+"db=3;//Equilibrium bubble size in cm\n",
+"g=9.80;//Acceleration due to gravity in m/s^2\n",
+"ubr=0.711*(g*db/100)^0.5;//Rise velocity of bubble using Eqn.(7)\n",
+"//Bubble velocity for the bench unit\n",
+"ubb1=1.55*(((uo-umf)/100)+14.1*((db/100)+0.005))*((dtb/100)^0.32)+ubr;//Bubble velocity using Eqn.(11)\n",
+"ubb2=si*((uo-umf)/100)+(3.2*((dtb/100)^(1/3)))*ubr;//Bubble velocity using Eqn.(9)\n",
+"ubb=(ubb1+ubb2)/2;//Average bubble velocity\n",
+"//Bubble velocity for the pilot unit\n",
+"ubp1=1.55*(((uo-umf)/100)+14.1*((db/100)+0.005))*(dtp^0.32)+ubr;//Bubble velocity using Eqn.(11)\n",
+"ubp2=si*((uo-umf)/100)+(3.2*(dtp^(1/3)))*ubr;//Bubble velocity using Eqn.(9)\n",
+"ubp=(ubp1+ubp2)/2;//Average bubble velocity\n",
+"//Rise velocity of upflowing emulsion\n",
+"ueb=ubb-ubr;//For the bench unit\n",
+"uep=ubp-ubr;//For the pilot unit\n",
+"//Scale-Up Alternative 1.\n",
+"dteb=20;//Effective bubble diameter\n",
+"dib=[5;10;15;20];//Different outside diameters\n",
+"while i<=n\n",
+" li(i)=sqrt(((pi*dib(i)*dteb)/4)+((pi/4)*(dib(i))^2));//Pitch using Eqn.(13)\n",
+" i=i+1;\n",
+"end \n",
+"//Scale-Up Alternative 2.\n",
+"Lmp=Lmb*(ubp/ubb);//Static bed height of commercial unit\n",
+"dtep=100;//Effective bubble diameter\n",
+"dip=[10;15;20;25];//Different outside diameters\n",
+"while i<=m\n",
+" lip(i)=sqrt(((pi*dip(i)*dtep)/4)+(pi/4)*dip(i));//Pitch using Eqn.(13)\n",
+" i=i+1;\n",
+"end \n",
+"//Height of Bubbling beds\n",
+"//For bench unit\n",
+"deltab=((uo/100)-(umb/100))/(ubb-(umb/100));//Fraction of bed in bubbles using Eqn.(28)\n",
+"ephsilonfb=deltab+(1-deltab)*ephsilonmb;//Void fraction of bubbling bed using Eqn.(20)\n",
+"Lfb=Lmb*(1-ephsilonm)/(1-ephsilonfb);//Hieght of bubbling bed usnig Eqn.(19)\n",
+"//For pilot unit\n",
+"deltap=((uo/100)-(umb/100))/(ubp-(umb/100));//Fraction of bed in bubbles using Eqn.(28)\n",
+"ephsilonfp=deltap+(1-deltap)*ephsilonmb;//Void fraction of bubbling bed using Eqn.(20)\n",
+"Lfp=Lmp*(1-ephsilonm)/(1-ephsilonfp);//Hieght of bubbling bed usnig Eqn.(19)\n",
+"mprintf('\nRise velocity of bubble=%fm/s',ubr);\n",
+"printf('\nFor the bench unit');\n",
+"mprintf('\n\tWith Eqn.(11), Rise velocity=%fm/s',ubb1);\n",
+"mprintf('\n\tWith Werthers procedure, Rise velocity=%fm/s',ubb2);\n",
+"mprintf('\n\tAverage rise velocity=%fm/s',ubb);\n",
+"mprintf('\n\tRise velocity of upflowing emulsion=%fm/s',ueb);\n",
+"printf('\nFor the pilot unit');\n",
+"mprintf('\n\tWith Eqn.(11), Rise velocity=%fm/s',ubp1);\n",
+"mprintf('\n\tWith Werthers procedure, Rise velocity=%fm/s',ubp2);\n",
+"mprintf('\n\tAverage rise velocity=%fm/s',ubp);\n",
+"mprintf('\n\tRise velocity of upflowing emulsion=%fm/s',uep);\n",
+"printf('\nScale-Up Alternative 1.');\n",
+"printf('\n\tOuter diameter of tube(cm)');\n",
+"while j<=n\n",
+" mprintf('\n\t\t%f',dib(j));\n",
+" mprintf('\t\t\t%f',li(j));\n",
+" j=j+1;\n",
+"printf('\n\tSuitable arrangement');\n",
+"mprintf('\n\t\tOuter Diameter=%fcm\tPitch:Diameter ratio=%f',dib(2),(li(2)/dib(2)));\n",
+"printf('\nScale-Up Alternative 2.');\n",
+"mprintf('\n\tStatic bed height for commercial unit=%fm',Lmp);\n",
+"printf('\n\tOuter diameter of tube(cm)');\n",
+"while j<=n\n",
+" mprintf('\n\t\t%f',dip(j));\n",
+" mprintf('\t\t\t%f',lip(j));\n",
+" j=j+1;\n",
+"printf('\n\tSuitable arrangement');\n",
+"mprintf('\n\t\tOuter Diameter=%fcm\tPitch:Diameter ratio=%f',dip(2),(lip(2)/dip(2)));\n",
+"printf('\n\n\t\t\t\tFraction of bed in bubbles\tVoid fraction of bed\tStatic bed height(m)\tHeight of bubbling bed(m)');\n",
+"mprintf('\nBench unit\tID=%fm\t%f\t\t\t%f\t\t%f\t\t%f',dtb/100,deltab,ephsilonfb,Lmb,Lfb);\n",
+"mprintf('\nCommercial unit\tID=%fm\t%f\t\t\t%f\t\t%f\t\t%f',dtp,deltap,ephsilonfp,Lmp,Lfp);\n",
+"//====================================END OF PROGRAM ======================================================"
+ ]
+ }
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "## Example 6.5: Reactor_Scale_up_for_Geldart_B_Catalyst.sce"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+"cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//Kunii D., Levenspiel O., 1991. Fluidization Engineering(II Edition). Butterworth-Heinemann, MA, pp 491\n",
+"//Chapter-6, Example 5, Page 161\n",
+"//Title: Reactor Scale-up for Geldart B Catalyst\n",
+"dtb=20;//ID of bench-scale reactor\n",
+"dtp=1;//ID of pilot reactor\n",
+"dpbar=200;//Average particle size in micrometer\n",
+"ephsilonmf=0.50;//Void fraction at minimum fluidization condition\n",
+"ephsilonmb=0.50;//Void fraction \n",
+"uo=30;//Superficial gas velocity in cm/s\n",
+"Lmb=2;//Length of fixed bed in m\n",
+"umf=3;//Velocity at minimum fluidization condition in cm/s\n",
+"umb=3;//Velocity at in cm/s\n",
+"g=9.80;//Acceleration due to gravity in m/s^2\n",
+"//In the small bench unit\n",
+"ubb=c*((uo-umf)/100)+0.35*(g*(dtb/100))^0.5;//Velocity using Eqn.(5.22)\n",
+"zsb=60*(dtb)^0.175;//Height using Eqn.(5.24)\n",
+"//In the large pilot unit\n",
+"ubp=c*((uo-umf)/100)+0.35*(g*dtp)^0.5;//Velocity using Eqn.(5.22)\n",
+"zsp=60*(dtp*100)^0.175;//Height using Eqn.(5.24)\n",
+"printf('\nCondition at which bubbles transform into slugs');\n",
+"mprintf('\nFor tha small bench unit\n\t\tVelocity=%fm/s\n\t\tHeight above distributor plate=%fm',ubb,zsb/100);\n",
+"mprintf('\nFor tha large pilot unit\n\t\tVelocity=%fm/s\n\t\tHeight above distributor plate=%fm',ubp,zsp/100);\n",
+"//====================================END OF PROGRAM ======================================================\n",
+ ]
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+ "# Chapter 7: Entrainment and Elutriation from Fluidized Beds"
+ ]
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+ "cell_type": "markdown",
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+ "source": [
+ "## Example 7.1: Entrainment_from_fine_particle_beds_with_high_freeboard.sce"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+"cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//Kunii D., Levenspiel O., 1991. Fluidization Engineering(II Edition). Butterworth-Heinemann, MA, pp 491\n",
+"//Chapter-7, Example 1, Page 179\n",
+"//Title: Entrainment from Fine Particle Beds with High Freeboard\n",
+"rhog=5.51;//Density of gas in kg/m^3\n",
+"rhos=1200;//Density of solid in kg/m^3\n",
+"dpbar=130;//Average size of particles in micrometer\n",
+"uo=0.61;//Superficial gas velocity in m/s\n",
+"g=9.80;//Acceleration due to gravity in m/s^2\n",
+"//Assuming that freeboard in higher than TDH, computation of entrainment rate by Zenz & Weil's method\n",
+"x=(uo^2)/(g*(dpbar*10^-6)*rhos^2);//Calculation of value of x-axis for Fig.(6), page 175\n",
+"y=1.2;// Value of y-axis from Fig.(6)\n",
+"Gsstar=y*rhog*uo;//Computation of rate of entrainment\n",
+"mprintf('\nRate of entrainment=%fkg/m^2s',Gsstar);\n",
+"//====================================END OF PROGRAM ======================================================"
+ ]
+ }
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "## Example 7.2: Entrainment_from_large_particle_beds_with_high_freeboard.sce"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+"cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//Kunii D., Levenspiel O., 1991. Fluidization Engineering(II Edition). Butterworth-Heinemann, MA, pp 491\n",
+"//Chapter-7, Example 2, Page 180\n",
+"//Title: Entrainment from Large Particle Beds with High Freeboard\n",
+"x=0.2;//Fraction of fines in the bed\n",
+"Gsstar=4.033320//Rate of entrainment in kg/m^2s(from Exa.1)\n",
+"Gsstar1=x*Gsstar;//Rate of entrainment by Eqn.(3)\n",
+"mprintf('\nRate of entrainment=%fkg/m^2s',Gsstar1);\n",
+"//====================================END OF PROGRAM ===================================================="
+ ]
+ }
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "## Example 7.3: Entrainment_from_beds_with_a_wide_size_distribution_of_solids.sce"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+"cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//Kunii D., Levenspiel O., 1991. Fluidization Engineering(II Edition). Butterworth-Heinemann, MA, pp 491\n",
+"//Chapter-7, Example 3, Page 181\n",
+"//Title: Entrainment from Beds with a Wide Size Distribution of Solids\n",
+"rhog=5.51;//Density of gas in kg/m^3\n",
+"rhos=1200;//Density of solid in kg/m^3\n",
+"uo=0.61;//Superficial gas velocity in m/s\n",
+"g=9.80;//Acceleration due to gravity in m/s^2\n",
+"dp=[10;30;50;70;90;110;130];//Diameter of particle in micrometer\n",
+"while i<=n\n",
+" x(i)=(uo^2)/(g*(dp(i)*10^-6)*rhos^2);//Computation of value of x-axis for Fig.(6), page 175)\n",
+" i=i+1;\n",
+"y=[40;12;6;3.2;2.;1.3;1];//Value of y-axis corresponding to each value of x-axis\n",
+"y1 = y .* p;\n",
+"while i<n\n",
+" y1(i)=(y(i)*p(i));\n",
+" k=k+((0.5)*(dp(i+1)-dp(i))*(y1(i+1)+y1(i)));//Integration using Trapezoidal rule\n",
+" i=i+1;\n",
+"rhosbar=k*rhog;//Computation of solid loading\n",
+"te=(pi/4)*(dt^2)*rhosbar*uo;//Computation of total entrainment\n",
+"mprintf('\nSolid loading =%fkg/m^3',rhosbar);\n",
+"mprintf('\nTotal Entrainment =%fkg/s',te);\n",
+"//====================================END OF PROGRAM ======================================================"
+ ]
+ }
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "## Example 7.4: kstar_from_steady_state_experiments.sce"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+"cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//Kunii D., Levenspiel O., 1991. Fluidization Engineering(II Edition). Butterworth-Heinemann, MA, pp 491\n",
+"//Chapter-7, Example 4, Page 181\n",
+"//Title: k* from Steady State Experiments\n",
+"dp=[40;60;80;100;120];//Diameter of particle in micrometer\n",
+"uo=0.381;//Superficial gas velocity in m/s\n",
+"Gs=0.9;//Rate of entrainment in kg/m^2 s from Fig.3(a)\n",
+"pb=(1/100)*[0.45;1.00;1.25;1.00;0.60];//Size distribution for bed particles from Fig.3(b)\n",
+"pe=(1/100)*[1.20;2.00;1.25;0.45;0.10];//Size distribution for entrained particles from Fig.3(b)\n",
+"while i<=n\n",
+" ki(i)=(Gs*pe(i))/pb(i);//Calculation of ki* using Eqn.(13)\n",
+" i=i+1;\n",
+"printf('\tki*(kg/m^2 s)');\n",
+"while j<=n\n",
+" mprintf('\n%f',dp(j));\n",
+" mprintf('\t%f',100*pb(j));\n",
+" mprintf('\t\t\t%f',100*pe(j));\n",
+" mprintf('\t\t\t%f',ki(j)); \n",
+" j=j+1;\n",
+"//====================================END OF PROGRAM ======================================================"
+ ]
+ }
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "## Example 7.5: Comparing_predictions_for_kstar.sce"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+"cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//Kunii D., Levenspiel O., 1991. Fluidization Engineering(II Edition). Butterworth-Heinemann, MA, pp 491\n",
+"//Chapter-7, Example 5, Page 181\n",
+"//Title: Comparing Predictions for k*\n",
+"rhog=1.217;//Density of gas in kg/m^3\n",
+"myu=1.8E-5;//Viscosity of gas in kg/m s\n",
+"umf=0.11;//Velocity at minimum fluidization condition in m/s\n",
+"rhos=2000;//Density of solid in kg/m^3\n",
+"uo=1.0;//Superficial gas velocity in m/s\n",
+"g=9.80;//Acceleration due to gravity in m/s^2\n",
+"dp=[30;40;50;60;80;100;120];//Diameter of particle in micrometer\n",
+"uti=[0.066;0.115;0.175;0.240;0.385;0.555;1.0];//Terminal velocity of particles in m/s\n",
+"while i<=n\n",
+" //Using Yagi & Aochi's correlation\n",
+" Ret(i)=(rhog*(uti(i))*dp(i)*10^-6)/myu;\n",
+" kistar1(i)=((myu*((uo-uti(i))^2))/(g*(dp(i)*10^-6)^2))*(0.0015*(Ret(i)^0.5)+(0.01*(Ret(i)^1.2)));\n",
+" //Using Wen & Hasinger's correlation\n",
+" kistar2(i)=(((1.52E-5)*((uo-uti(i))^2)*rhog)/(g*dp(i)*10^-6)^0.5)*(Ret(i)^0.725)*((rhos-rhog)/rhog)^1.15;\n",
+" //Using Merrick & Highley's correlation\n",
+" kistar3(i)=uo*rhog*(0.0001+130*exp(-10.4*((uti(i)/uo)^0.5)*((umf/(uo-umf))^0.25)));\n",
+" //Using Geldart's correlation\n",
+" kistar4(i)=23.7*uo*rhog*exp(-5.4*(uti(i)/uo));\n",
+" //Using Zenz & Weil's procedure\n",
+" x1(i)=(uo^2)/(g*(dp(i)*10^-6)*rhos^2);//Computation of value of x-axis for Fig.(6), page 175)\n",
+" y1=[12.2;8.6;6.4;4.9;2.75;1.8;1.2];//Value of y-axis corresponding to each value of x-axis\n",
+" kistar5(i)=y1(i)*rhog*uo;\n",
+" //Using Gugnoni & Zenz's procedure\n",
+" x2(i)=(uo-uti(i))/((g*dp(i)*10^-6)^0.5);//Computation of value of x-axis for Fig.(6), page 175)\n",
+" y=[5.8;5.4;3.2;2.8;1.3;0.6;0];//Value of y-axis corresponding to each value of x-axis\n",
+" kistar6(i)=y(i)*rhog*uo;\n",
+" i=i+1;\n",
+"printf('\tYagi & Aochi');\n",
+"printf('\tWen & Hashinger');\n",
+"printf('\t\tMerrick & Highley');\n",
+"printf('\tGeldart et al.');\n",
+"printf('\t\tZenz & Well');\n",
+"printf('\t\tGugnoni & Zenz');\n",
+"while i<=n\n",
+" mprintf('\n%f',dp(i));\n",
+" mprintf('\t%f',kistar1(i)); \n",
+" mprintf('\t%f',kistar2(i));\n",
+" mprintf('\t\t%f',kistar3(i));\n",
+" mprintf('\t\t%f',kistar4(i));\n",
+" mprintf('\t\t%f',kistar5(i));\n",
+" mprintf('\t\t%f',kistar6(i));\n",
+" i=i+1;\n",
+"end \n",
+"//Note: There is huge deviation of the calculated answer and the answer given in the textbook for the correlation of Merrick & Highley. There is a contradiction in the correlation used in the problem and the one given in page 179. \n",
+"//We tried to retrieve the original paper i.e. D.Merrick and J.Highley, AICHE J., 6, 220(1960). But the effort was not fruitful.\n",
+"//====================================END OF PROGRAM ===================================================="
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+ "## Example 7.6: Entrainment_from_a_short_vessel.sce"
+ ]
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+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
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+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//Kunii D., Levenspiel O., 1991. Fluidization Engineering(II Edition). Butterworth-Heinemann, MA, pp 491\n",
+"//Chapter-7, Example 6, Page 190\n",
+"//Title: Entrainment from a Short Vessel Ht<TDH\n",
+"dpbar=60;//Average size of particles in micrometer\n",
+"rhog=1.3;//Density of gas in kg/m^3\n",
+"rhos=1500;//Density of solid in kg/m^3\n",
+"umf=0.003;//Velocity at minimum fluidization condition in m/s\n",
+"uo=0.503;//Superficial gas velocity in m/s\n",
+"g=9.80;//Acceleration due to gravity in m/s^2\n",
+"Hf=2;//Height at which the cyclone inlet is to be located in m\n",
+"y=(uo^2)/(g*(dpbar*10^-3)*rhos^2);//Calculation of value of y-axis for Fig.(6), page 175\n",
+"x=1;//Value of x-axis from Fig.(6), page 175\n",
+"Gsstar=x*rhog*uo;//Computation of rate of entrainment\n",
+"Gsuo=5.0;//Ejection rate pf particles in kg/m^2 s from Fig.(11), page 188\n",
+"a=0.72/uo;//From Fig.(12), page 189\n",
+"mprintf('\nRate of entrainment from short bed=%fkg/m^2s',Gs);\n",
+"mprintf('\nThis entrainment is %f percent higher than it would be if the gas exit were at the TDH',p);\n",
+"//====================================END OF PROGRAM ===================================================="
+ ]
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+ "# Chapter 8: High velocity Fluidization"
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+ "source": [
+ "## Example 8.1: Performance_of_a_Fast_Fluidized_Vessel.sce"
+ ]
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+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//Kunii D., Levenspiel O., 1991. Fluidization Engineering(II Edition). Butterworth-Heinemann, MA, pp 491\n",
+"//Chapter-8, Example 1, Page 206\n",
+"//Title: Performance of a Fast Fluidized Vessel\n",
+"Lmf=2.4;//Length of bed at minimum fluidized condition in m\n",
+"uo=[2;4;6];//Superficial gas velocity in m/s\n",
+"GsII=100;//Solid circulation rate in kg/m^2 s for Mode II\n",
+"uoIII=4;//Superficial gas velocity in m/s for Mode III\n",
+"GsIII=[42;50;100;200;400];//Solid circulation rate in kg/m^2 s for Mode III\n",
+"GsIV=[70;100;120];//Solid circulation rate in kg/m^2 s for Mode IV\n",
+"dt=0.4;//Column diamter in m\n",
+"Ht=10;//Height of column in m\n",
+"rhos=1000;//Density of solid in kg/m^3\n",
+"dpbar=55;//Particle diameter in micrometer\n",
+"ephsilonmf=0.5;//Void fraction at minimum fluidization condition\n",
+"//Mode I\n",
+"ephsilonstar=0.01;//Saturation carrying capacity of gas\n",
+"ephsilonsd=[0.2;0.16;0.14];//Solid holdup in lower dense region from Fig.8(b) for various uo\n",
+"Hfguess=2;//Guess value of height\n",
+"while i<=n\n",
+" a(i)=3/uo(i);//Decay constant\n",
+" function[fn]=solver_func(Hf)//Function defined for solving the system\n",
+" fn=Lmf*(1-ephsilonmf)-((ephsilonsd(i)-(ephsilonstar+(ephsilonsd(i)-ephsilonstar)*exp(-a(i)*Hf)))/a(i))-Ht*ephsilonsd(i)+Hf*(ephsilonsd(i)-ephsilonstar);\n",
+" endfunction\n",
+" [Hf(i)]=fsolve(Hfguess,solver_func,1E-6);//Using inbuilt function fsolve for solving Eqn.(10) for Hf\n",
+" Hd(i)=Ht-Hf(i);//Height of lower densce region\n",
+" ephsilonse(i)=ephsilonstar+(ephsilonsd(i)-ephsilonstar)*exp(-a(i)*Hf(i));//Solid holdup at exit\n",
+" GsI(i)=rhos*uo(i)*ephsilonse(i);//Solid circulation rate from Eqn.(4)\n",
+" i=i+1;\n",
+"//Mode II\n",
+"Hfguess2=2;//Guess value of height\n",
+"while i<=n\n",
+" ephsilonseII(i)=GsII/(rhos*uo(i));//Solid holdup at exit\n",
+" function[fn]=solver_func1(Hf)//Function defined for solving the system\n",
+" fn=ephsilonseII(i)-ephsilonstar-(ephsilonsd(i)-ephsilonstar)*exp(-a(i)*Hf);//From Eqn.(7)\n",
+" endfunction\n",
+" [HfII(i)]=fsolve(Hfguess2,solver_func1,1E-6);//Using inbuilt function fsolve for solving Eqn.(10) for Hf\n",
+" HdII(i)=Ht-HfII(i);//Height of lower dense region\n",
+" //Length of bed minimum fluidization condtion\n",
+" LmfII(i)=(1-ephsilonmf)^-1*[((ephsilonsd(i)-ephsilonseII(i))/a(i))+Ht*ephsilonsd(i)-HfII(i)*(ephsilonsd(i)-ephsilonstar)];\n",
+" i=i+1;\n",
+"//Mode III\n",
+"aIII=3/uoIII;//Decay constant\n",
+"ephsilonsdIII=0.16;//Solid holdup at lower dense region\n",
+"Hfguess3=2;//Guess value of height \n",
+"while i<=m\n",
+" ephsilonseIII(i)=GsIII(i)/(rhos*uoIII);//Solid holdup at exit\n",
+" function[fn]=solver_func2(Hf)//Function defined for solving the system\n",
+" fn=ephsilonseIII(i)-ephsilonstar-(ephsilonsdIII-ephsilonstar)*exp(-aIII*Hf);//From Eqn.(7)\n",
+" endfunction\n",
+" [HfIII(i)]=fsolve(Hfguess3,solver_func2,1E-6);//Using inbuilt function fsolve for solving Eqn.(10) for Hf\n",
+" HdIII(i)=Ht-HfIII(i);//Height of lower dense region\n",
+" //Length of bed at minimum fluidization condition\n",
+" LmfIII(i)=(1-ephsilonmf)^-1*[((ephsilonsdIII-ephsilonseIII(i))/aIII)+Ht*ephsilonsdIII-HfIII(i)*(ephsilonsdIII-ephsilonstar)];\n",
+" i=i+1;\n",
+"//Mode IV\n",
+"Hfguess4=2;//Guess value of height\n",
+"while i<=n\n",
+" aIV(i)=3/uo(i);//Decay constant\n",
+" ephsilonseIV(i)=GsIV(i)/(rhos*uo(i));//Solid holdup at exit\n",
+" function[fn]=solver_func3(Hf)//Function defined for solving the system\n",
+" fn=ephsilonseIV(i)-ephsilonstar-(ephsilonsd(i)-ephsilonstar)*exp(-aIV(i)*Hf);//From Eqn.(7)\n",
+" endfunction\n",
+" [HfIV(i)]=fsolve(Hfguess4,solver_func3,1E-6);//Using inbuilt function fsolve for solving Eqn.(10) for Hf\n",
+" HdIV(i)=Ht-HfIV(i);//Height of lower dense region\n",
+" //Length of bed at minimum fluidization condition\n",
+" LmfIV(i)=(1-ephsilonmf)^-1*[((ephsilonsd(i)-ephsilonseIV(i))/aIV(i))+Ht*ephsilonsd(i)-HfIV(i)*(ephsilonsd(i)-ephsilonstar)];\n",
+" i=i+1;\n",
+"printf('\nMode I');\n",
+"printf('\n\tuo(m/s)\t\tephsilonse(-)\tHf(m)\t\tHd(m)\t\tGs(kg/m^2 s)');\n",
+"while i<=n\n",
+" mprintf('\n\t%f\t%f\t%f\t%f\t%f',uo(i),ephsilonse(i),Hf(i),Hd(i),GsI(i));\n",
+" i=i+1;\n",
+"printf('\nMode II');\n",
+"while i<=n\n",
+" mprintf('\n\t%f\t%f\t%f\t%f\t%f',uo(i),ephsilonseII(i),HfII(i),HdII(i),LmfII(i));\n",
+" i=i+1;\n",
+"printf('\nMode III');\n",
+"printf('\n\tGs(kg/m^ s)\tephsilonse(-)\tHf(m)\t\tHd(m)\t\tLmf(m)');\n",
+"while i<=m\n",
+" mprintf('\n\t%f\t%f\t%f\t%f\t%f',GsIII(i),ephsilonseIII(i),HfIII(i),HdIII(i),LmfIII(i));\n",
+" i=i+1;\n",
+"printf('\nMode IV');\n",
+"printf('\n\tuo(m/s)\t\tGs(kg/m^2 s)\tephsilonse(-)\tHf(m)\t\tLmf(m)');\n",
+"while i<=n\n",
+" mprintf('\n\t%f\t%f\t%f\t%f\t%f',uo(i),GsIV(i),ephsilonseIV(i),HfIV(i),LmfIV(i));\n",
+" i=i+1;\n",
+"//====================================END OF PROGRAM ======================================================"
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+ "# Chapter 9: Solid Movement Mixing Segregation and Staging"
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+ "## Example 9.1: Vertical_Movement_of_Solids.sce"
+ ]
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+ "collapsed": true
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+"source": [
+"//Kunii D., Levenspiel O., 1991. Fluidization Engineering(II Edition). Butterworth-Heinemann, MA, pp 491\n",
+"//Chapter-9, Example 1, Page 218\n",
+"//Title: Vertical Movement of Solids\n",
+"umf=0.015;//Velocity at minimum fluidization condition in m/s\n",
+"ephsilonmf=0.5;//Void fraction at minimum fluidization condition\n",
+"uo=0.1;//Superficial gas velocity in m/s\n",
+"delta=0.2;//Bed fraction in bubbles\n",
+"db=0.06;//Equilibrium bubble size in m\n",
+"dt=[0.1;0.3;0.6;1.5];//Various vessel sizes in m\n",
+"ub=[0.4;0.75;0.85;1.1];//Bubble velocity in m/s\n",
+"Dsv=[0.03;0.11;0.14;0.23];//Reported values of vertical dispersion coefficient\n",
+"fw1=2;//Wake fraction from Hamilton et al.\n",
+"fw2=0.32;//Wake fraction from Fig.(5.8)\n",
+"fw=(fw1+fw2)*0.5;//Average value of wake fraction\n",
+"while i<=n\n",
+" Dsv1(i)=12*((uo*100)^0.5)*((dt(i)*100)^0.9);//Vertical distribution coefficient from Eqn.(3)\n",
+" Dsv2(i)=(fw^2*ephsilonmf*delta*db*ub(i)^2)/(3*umf);//Vertical distribution coefficient from Eqn.(12)\n",
+" i=i+1;\n",
+"printf('\n\t\tVertical dispersion coefficient(m^2/s)');\n",
+"printf('\nVessel Size(m)');\n",
+"printf('\tFrom Experiment');\n",
+"printf('\tFrom Eqn.(3)');\n",
+"printf('\tFrom Eqn.(12)');\n",
+"while i<=n\n",
+" mprintf('\n%f',dt(i));\n",
+" mprintf('\t%f',Dsv(i));\n",
+" mprintf('\t%f',Dsv1(i)/10^4);\n",
+" mprintf('\t%f',Dsv2(i));\n",
+" i=i+1; \n",
+"//====================================END OF PROGRAM ======================================================"
+ ]
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+ "source": [
+ "## Example 9.2: Horizontal_Drift_Of_Solids.sce"
+ ]
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+ "metadata": {
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+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//Kunii D., Levenspiel O., 1991. Fluidization Engineering(II Edition). Butterworth-Heinemann, MA, pp 491\n",
+"//Chapter-9, Example 2, Page 222\n",
+"//Title: Horizontal Drift Of Solids\n",
+"Lmf=0.83;//Length of bed at minimum fluidization condition in m\n",
+"dp=450;//Average particle size in micrometer\n",
+"ephsilonmf=0.42;//Void fraction at minimum fluidization condition\n",
+"umf=0.17;//Velocity at minimum fluidization condition in m/s\n",
+"uo=[0.37;0.47;0.57;0.67];//Superficial gas velocity in m/s\n",
+"Dsh=[0.0012;0.0018;0.0021;0.0025];//Horizontal Drift Coefficient from Experiment in m^2/s\n",
+"db=[0.10;0.14];//Equilibrium bubble size in m\n",
+"g=9.81;//Acceleration due to gravity in m/s^2\n",
+"alpha=0.77;//Since we are not dealing with Geldart A or AB solids\n",
+"for j = 1:m\n",
+" for i = 1:n\n",
+" ubr(k)=0.711*(db(j)*g)^0.5;//Rise velocity of a single bubble in m/s\n",
+" ub(k)=uo(i)-umf+ubr(k);//Rise velocity of bubbles in a bubbling bed\n",
+" delta(k)=(uo(i)-umf)/(ub(k)+umf);//Bed fraction in bubbles\n",
+" if ubr(i)>uf then Dshc(k)=(3/16)*(delta(k)/(1-delta(k)))*((alpha^2*db(j)*ubr(k)*[(((ubr(k)+2*uf)/(ubr(k)-uf))^(1/3))-1]));//Horizontal Distribution coeff. from Eqn.(14)\n",
+" else Dsh(k)=(3/16)*(delta/(1-delta))*(alpha^2*umf*db/ephsilonmf);//Horizontal Distribution coeff. from Eqn.(15)\n",
+" end\n",
+" Dshc(k)=(3/16)*(delta(k)/(1-delta(k)))*((alpha^2*db(j)*ubr(k)*[(((ubr(k)+2*uf)/(ubr(k)-uf))^(1/3))-1]));//Horizontal Distribution coeff. from Eqn.(14)\n",
+" i=i+1;\n",
+" k=k+1;\n",
+" end\n",
+" i=1;\n",
+" j=j+1;\n",
+"while k<=m*n\n",
+" mprintf('\nSnce we do not have ub=%fm/s>>uf=%fm/s we use Eqn.(14).',ub(k),uf)\n",
+" printf('\nGas Velocity(m/s)');\n",
+" printf('\tHorizontal Drift Coefficient Calculated(m^2/s)');\n",
+" printf('\tHorizontal Drift Coefficient from Experiment(m^2/s)');\n",
+" while j<=m\n",
+" mprintf('\ndb=%fm',db(j));\n",
+" while i<=n\n",
+" mprintf('\n%f',uo(i));\n",
+" mprintf('\t\t%f',Dshc(k));\n",
+" mprintf('\t\t\t\t\t%f',Dsh(i));\n",
+" i=i+1; \n",
+" k=k+1;\n",
+" end\n",
+" i=1;\n",
+" j=j+1;\n",
+" end\n",
+"end \n",
+"//====================================END OF PROGRAM ======================================================"
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+ "source": [
+ "## Example 9.3: Design_of_Baffle_Plates.sce"
+ ]
+ },
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+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//Kunii D., Levenspiel O., 1991. Fluidization Engineering(II Edition). Butterworth-Heinemann, MA, pp 491\n",
+"//Chapter-9, Example 3, Page 232\n",
+"//Title: Design of Baffle Plates\n",
+"Gsup=1.5;//Solid interchange rate in kg/m^2plate s\n",
+"dor=19.1;//Orifice diameter in mm\n",
+"dp=210;//Particle size in micrometer\n",
+"uo=0.4;//Superficial gas velocity in m/s\n",
+"fopen=[0.12;0.17;0.26];//Open area fraction \n",
+"while i<=n\n",
+" uor(i)=uo/fopen(i);//Gas velocity through the orifice\n",
+" ls1(i)=Gsup/fopen(i);//Flux of solids through the holes\n",
+" i=i+1;\n",
+"ls2=[12;20;25];//Flux of solids through holes from Fig.13(c) for different uor values\n",
+"fopen1=0.12;//Open area fraction which gives reasonable fit\n",
+"lor=sqrt(((pi/4)*dor^2)/fopen1);//Orifice spacing\n",
+"printf('\tls from Eqn.(18)');\n",
+"printf('\tls from Fig.13(c)');\n",
+"while i<=n\n",
+" mprintf('\n%f',fopen(i));\n",
+" mprintf('\t%f',uor(i));\n",
+" mprintf('\t%f',ls1(i));\n",
+" mprintf('\t\t%f',ls2(i));\n",
+" i=i+1; \n",
+"mprintf('\n\nFor square pitch, the orifice spacing should be %fmm',lor);\n",
+"//====================================END OF PROGRAM ======================================================"
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