path: root/Engineering_Electromagnetics_by_W_H_Hayt_And_J_A_Buck
diff options
authorPrashant S2020-04-14 10:25:32 +0530
committerGitHub2020-04-14 10:25:32 +0530
commit06b09e7d29d252fb2f5a056eeb8bd1264ff6a333 (patch)
tree2b1df110e24ff0174830d7f825f43ff1c134d1af /Engineering_Electromagnetics_by_W_H_Hayt_And_J_A_Buck
parentabb52650288b08a680335531742a7126ad0fb846 (diff)
parent476705d693c7122d34f9b049fa79b935405c9b49 (diff)
Merge pull request #1 from prashantsinalkar/masterHEADmaster
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'Engineering_Electromagnetics_by_W_H_Hayt_And_J_A_Buck')
13 files changed, 3652 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Engineering_Electromagnetics_by_W_H_Hayt_And_J_A_Buck/1-Vector_Analysis.ipynb b/Engineering_Electromagnetics_by_W_H_Hayt_And_J_A_Buck/1-Vector_Analysis.ipynb
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+ "# Chapter 1: Vector Analysis"
+ ]
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+ "source": [
+ "## Example 1.1: Program_to_find_the_unit_vector.sce"
+ ]
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+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//Caption:Program to find the unit vector\n",
+"//page 8\n",
+"G = [2,-2,-1]; //position of point G in cartesian coordinate system\n",
+"aG = UnitVector(G);\n",
+"disp(aG,'Unit Vector aG =')\n",
+"//Unit Vector aG = \n",
+"// 0.6666667 - 0.6666667 - 0.3333333 "
+ ]
+ }
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "## Example 1.2: find_the_phase_angle_between_two_vectors.sce"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+"cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//Caption: Program to find the phase angle between two vectors\n",
+"//page 11\n",
+"Q = [4,5,2]; //point Q\n",
+"x = Q(1);\n",
+"y = Q(2);\n",
+"z = Q(3);\n",
+"G = [y,-2.5*x,3]; //vector field\n",
+"disp(G,'G(rQ) =')\n",
+"aN = [2/3,1/3,-2/3]; //unit vector- direction of Q\n",
+"G_dot_aN = dot(G,aN); //dot product of G and aN\n",
+"disp(G_dot_aN,'G.aN =')\n",
+"G_dot_aN_aN = G_dot_aN*aN;\n",
+"teta_Ga = Phase_Angle(G,aN) //phase angle between G and unit vector aN\n",
+"disp(teta_Ga,'phase angle between G and unit vector aN in degrees =')\n",
+"// G(rQ) = 5. - 10. 3. \n",
+"// G.aN = - 2. \n",
+"// (G.aN)aN = - 1.3333333 - 0.6666667 1.3333333 \n",
+"// phase angle between G and unit vector aN in degrees = 99.956489 "
+ ]
+ }
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
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+ "source": [
+ "## Example 1.3: Rectangular_coordinates_into_cylindrical.sce"
+ ]
+ },
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+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//Caption:Transform the vector of Rectangular coordinates into cylindrical coordinates\n",
+"//page 18\n",
+"y = sym('y');\n",
+"x = sym('x');\n",
+"z = sym('z');\n",
+"ax = sym('ax');\n",
+"ay = sym('ay');\n",
+"az = sym('az');\n",
+"ar = sym('ar');\n",
+"aphi = sym('aphi');\n",
+"phi = sym('phi');\n",
+"B = y*ax-x*ay+z*az;\n",
+"disp(B,'Given vector in cartesian co-ordiante system B=')\n",
+"Br = B*ar;\n",
+"Bphi = B*aphi;\n",
+"Bz = B*az;\n",
+"disp('Components of cylindrical vector B')\n",
+"//Given vector in cartesian co-ordiante system B= \n",
+"// az*z+ax*y-ay*x \n",
+"// Components of cylindrical vector B \n",
+"// Br= \n",
+"// ar*(az*z+ax*y-ay*x) \n",
+"// Bphi= \n",
+"// aphi*(az*z+ax*y-ay*x) \n",
+"// Bz= \n",
+"// az*(az*z+ax*y-ay*x) \n",
+ ]
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+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "## Example 1.4: Rectangular_coordinates_into_spherical.sce"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+"cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//Caption:Transform the vector of Rectangular coordinates into spherical coordinates\n",
+"//page 22\n",
+"y = sym('y');\n",
+"x = sym('x');\n",
+"z = sym('z');\n",
+"ax = sym('ax');\n",
+"ay = sym('ay');\n",
+"az = sym('az');\n",
+"ar = sym('ar');\n",
+"aTh = sym('aTh');\n",
+"aphi = sym('aphi');\n",
+"G = (x*z/y)*ax;\n",
+"disp(G,'Given vector in cartesian co-ordiante system B=')\n",
+"r = sym('r');\n",
+"teta = sym('teta')\n",
+"phi = sym('phi')\n",
+"x1 = r*sin(teta)*cos(phi);\n",
+"y1 = r*sin(teta)*sin(phi);\n",
+"z1 = r*cos(teta);\n",
+"G1 = (x1*z1/y1)*ax;\n",
+"Gr = G1*ar;\n",
+"GTh = G1*aTh;\n",
+"Gphi = G1*aphi;\n",
+"Gsph = [Gr,GTh,Gphi];\n",
+"//Given vector in cartesian co-ordiante system B = ax*x*z/y \n",
+"//Gr = ar*ax*cos(phi)*r*cos(teta)/sin(phi) \n",
+"//GTh = ax*cos(phi)*r*cos(teta)*aTh/sin(phi) \n",
+"//Gphi = aphi*ax*cos(phi)*r*cos(teta)/sin(phi) \n",
+ ]
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diff --git a/Engineering_Electromagnetics_by_W_H_Hayt_And_J_A_Buck/11-Transmission_Lines.ipynb b/Engineering_Electromagnetics_by_W_H_Hayt_And_J_A_Buck/11-Transmission_Lines.ipynb
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+ "source": [
+ "# Chapter 11: Transmission Lines"
+ ]
+ },
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "## Example 11.10: find_the_input_impedance.sce"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+"cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//Caption:Program to find the input impedance for a line terminated with impedance(with inductive reactance)\n",
+"ZL = 25+%i*50; //load impdance in ohms\n",
+"Zo = 50; //characteristic impedance in ohms\n",
+"T = reflection_coeff(ZL,Zo);//reflection coefficient in rectandular form\n",
+"[R,teta] = polar(T);//reflection coefficient in polar form\n",
+"L = 60e-02;//length 60 cm\n",
+"Lambda = 2; //wavelength = 2m\n",
+"EL = electrical_length(L,Lambda);\n",
+"EL = EL/57.3; //electrical length in radians\n",
+"Zin =(1+T*exp(-%i*2*EL))/(1-T*exp(-%i*2*EL));\n",
+"disp(Zin,'Input impedance in ohms Zin =')\n",
+"//Input impedance in ohms Zin = \n",
+"// 0.2756473 - 0.4055013i "
+ ]
+ }
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "## Example 11.11: Steady_state_voltage.sce"
+ ]
+ },
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+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"Rg = 50; //series resistance with battery in ohms\n",
+"Zo = Rg; //characteristic impedance\n",
+"RL = 25; //load resistance\n",
+"Vo = 10; //battery voltage in volts\n",
+"V1_S = (Rg/(Zo+Rg))*Vo;\n",
+"T = reflection_coeff(RL,Zo);\n",
+"V1_R = T*V1_S;\n",
+"I1_S = V1_S/Zo;\n",
+"I1_R = -V1_R/Zo;\n",
+"IB = Vo/(Zo+RL);\n",
+"VL = Vo*(RL/(Rg+RL));\n",
+"disp(V1_S,'Voltage at source in volts V1plus =')\n",
+"disp(V1_R,'Voltage returns to battery in volts V1minus=')\n",
+"disp(I1_S,'Current at battery in amps I1plus=')\n",
+"disp(I1_R,'Current at battery in amps I1minus=')\n",
+"disp(IB,'Steady state current through battery in amps IB=')\n",
+"disp(VL,'Steady state load voltage in volts VL=')\n",
+"//Voltage at source in volts V1plus = \n",
+"// 5. \n",
+"//Voltage returns to battery in volts V1minus= \n",
+"// - 1.6666667 \n",
+"//Current at battery in amps I1plus= \n",
+"// 0.1 \n",
+"//Current at battery in amps I1minus= \n",
+"// 0.0333333 \n",
+"//Steady state current through battery in amps IB= \n",
+"// 0.1333333 \n",
+"//Steady state load voltage in volts VL= \n",
+"// 3.3333333 "
+ ]
+ }
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "## Example 11.12: voltage_and_current_through_a_resistor.sce"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+"cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//Caption:Program to plot the voltage and current through a resistor\n",
+"//page 386\n",
+"t1 = 0:0.1:2;\n",
+"t2 = 2:0.1:4;\n",
+"t3 = 4:0.1:6;\n",
+"t4 = 6:0.1:8;\n",
+"IR =[-1.2*ones(1,length(t1)),0.6*ones(1,length(t2)),-0.3*ones(1,length(t3)),0.15*ones(1,length(t4))];\n",
+"a.x_location = 'origin';\n",
+"a.y_location = 'origin';\n",
+"a.data_bounds = [0,-100;10,100];\n",
+"xlabel(' t')\n",
+"ylabel(' VR')\n",
+"title('Resistor Voltage as a function of time')\n",
+"a.x_location = 'origin';\n",
+"a.y_location = 'origin';\n",
+"a.data_bounds = [0,-1.4;10,1.4];\n",
+"xlabel(' t')\n",
+"ylabel(' IR')\n",
+"title('Current through Resistor as a function of time')"
+ ]
+ }
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "## Example 11.1: determine_the_total_voltage.sce"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+"cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//Caption:Program to determine the total voltage as a function\n",
+"//of time and position in a loss less transmisson line\n",
+"//syms z,t,B,w,Vo;\n",
+"VST = sym('2*Vo*cos(B*z)');\n",
+"V_zt = VST*sym('cos(w*t)');\n",
+"//V(z,t)= 2*Vo*cos(t*w)*cos(z*B) "
+ ]
+ }
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "## Example 11.2: characteristic_impedance.sce"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+"cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//Caption:Program to find the characteristic impedance, the phase constant an the phase velocity\n",
+"L = 0.25e-6; //0.25uH/m\n",
+"C = 100e-12; //100pF/m\n",
+"f = 600e06; //frequency f = 100MHz\n",
+"W = 2*%pi*f; //angular frequency\n",
+"Zo = sqrt(L/C); \n",
+"B = W*sqrt(L*C);\n",
+"Vp = W/B;\n",
+"disp(Zo,'Characteristic Impedance in ohms Zo =')\n",
+"disp(B,'Phase constant in rad/m B=')\n",
+"disp(Vp,'Phase velocity in m/s Vp=')\n",
+"//Characteristic Impedance in ohms Zo = \n",
+"// 50. \n",
+"//Phase constant in rad/m B= \n",
+"// 18.849556 \n",
+"//Phase velocity in m/s Vp= \n",
+"// 2.000D+08 "
+ ]
+ }
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "## Example 11.3: magnitude_and_phase_of_characteristic.sce"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+"cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//Caption:Program tofind the magnitude and phase of characteristic\n",
+"//impedance Zo\n",
+"Zo = sym('sqrt(L/C)*(1-sqrt(-1)*R/(2*W*L))');\n",
+"teta = sym('atan(-R/(2*W*L))');\n",
+"disp(Zo,'Characteristic impedance Zo =')\n",
+"disp(teta,'The phase angle teta=')\n",
+"//Characteristic impedance Zo = \n",
+"// sqrt(L/C)*(1-%i*R/(2*L*W)) \n",
+"//The phase angle teta= \n",
+"// -atan(R/(2*L*W)) "
+ ]
+ }
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "## Example 11.4: output_power_and_attenuation_coefficient.sce"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+"cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//Caption:Program to find the output power and attenuation coefficient\n",
+"z = 20; //distance in meters\n",
+"Pz_P0_dB = -2; //fraction of power drop in dB\n",
+"Pz_P0 = 10^(Pz_P0_dB/10);\n",
+"disp(Pz_P0,'Fraction of input power reaches output P(z)/P(0)=')\n",
+"P0_mid_dB = -1; //fraction of power drop at midpoint in dB\n",
+"P0_mid = 10^(P0_mid_dB/10);\n",
+"disp(P0_mid,'Fraction of the input power reaches the midpoint P(10)/P(0)=')\n",
+"alpha = -Pz_P0_dB/(8.69*z);\n",
+"disp(alpha,'attenuation in Np/m alpha=')\n",
+"//Fraction of input power reaches output P(z)/P(0)= \n",
+"// 0.6309573 \n",
+"//Fraction of the input power reaches the midpoint P(10)/P(0)= \n",
+"// 0.7943282 \n",
+"//attenuation in Np/m alpha= \n",
+"// 0.0115075"
+ ]
+ }
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "## Example 11.5: power_dissipated_in_the_lossless.sce"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+"cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//Caption:Program to find the power dissipated in the lossless\n",
+"//transmission line\n",
+"ZL = 50-%i*75; //load impedance in ohms\n",
+"Zo = 50; //characteristic impedance in ohms\n",
+"R = reflection_coeff(ZL,Zo);\n",
+"Pi = 100e-03; //input power in milliwatts\n",
+"Pt = (1-abs(R)^2)*Pi;//power dissipated by the load\n",
+"disp(R,'Reflection coefficient R =')\n",
+"disp(Pt*1000,'power dissipated by the load in milli watss Pt=')\n",
+"//Reflection coefficient R = 0.36 - 0.48i \n",
+"//power dissipated by the load in milli watss Pt = 64. "
+ ]
+ }
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "## Example 11.6: find_the_total_loss.sce"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+"cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//Caption:Program to find the total loss in lossy lines\n",
+"L1 = 0.2*10;//loss(dB) in first line of length =10 m\n",
+"L2 = 0.1*15;//loss(dB) in second line of length =15m\n",
+"R = 0.3; //reflection coefficient \n",
+"Pi = 100e-03;//input power in milli watts\n",
+"Lj = 10*log10(1/(1-abs(R)^2));\n",
+"Lt = L1+L2+Lj; \n",
+"Pout = Pi*(10^(-Lt/10));\n",
+"disp(Lt,'The total loss of the link in dB is Lt=')\n",
+"disp(Pout*1000,'The output power will be in milli watss Pout =')\n",
+"//The total loss of the link in dB is Lt= \n",
+"// 3.9095861 \n",
+"//The output power will be in milli watss Pout = \n",
+"// 40.648207 "
+ ]
+ }
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "## Example 11.7: find_the_load_impedance.sce"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+"cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//Caption:Program to find the load impedance of a slotted line\n",
+"S = 5; //standing wave ratio\n",
+"T = (1-S)/(1+S); //reflection coefficient\n",
+"Zo = 50; //characteristic impedance\n",
+"ZL = Zo*(1+T)/(1-T);\n",
+"disp(ZL,'Load impedance of a slotted line in ohms ZL=')\n",
+"//Load impedance of a slotted line in ohms ZL = 10. "
+ ]
+ }
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "## Example 11.8: find_the_input_impedance_and_power_delivered.sce"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+"cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//Caption:Program to find the input impedance and power delivered to\n",
+"//the load\n",
+"ZR1 = 300; //input impedance of first receiver\n",
+"ZR2 = 300; //input impedance of second receiver\n",
+"Zo = ZR1; //characteristic impedance = 300 ohm\n",
+"Zc = -%i*300;//capacitive impedance\n",
+"L = 80e-02;//length = 80 cm\n",
+"Lambda = 1; //wavelength = 1m\n",
+"Vth = 60; // voltage 300 volts\n",
+"Zth = Zo;\n",
+"ZL1 = parallel(ZR1,ZR2);\n",
+"ZL = parallel(ZL1,Zc); //net load impedane\n",
+"T = reflection_coeff(ZL,ZR2);//reflection coefficient\n",
+"[R,teta1] = polar(T); //reflection coefficient in polar form\n",
+"teta1 = real(teta1)*57.3;//teta value in degrees\n",
+"S = VSWR(R); //voltage standing wave ratio\n",
+"EL = electrical_length(L,Lambda);\n",
+"EL = EL/57.3; //electrical length in degrees\n",
+"Zin = Zo*(ZL*cos(EL)+%i*Zo*sin(EL))/(Zo*cos(EL)+%i*ZL*sin(EL));\n",
+"disp(Zin,'Input Impedance in ohms Zin =')\n",
+"Is = Vth/(Zth+Zin);//source current in amps\n",
+"[Is,teta2] = polar(Is);//source current in polar form\n",
+"Pin = (1/2)*(Is^2)*real(Zin);\n",
+"PL = Pin; //for lossless line\n",
+"disp(Pin,'Power delivered to a loss less line in watss PL =')\n",
+"//Input Impedance in ohms Zin = 755.49551 - 138.46477i \n",
+"// Power delivered to a loss less line in watss PL = 1.2 "
+ ]
+ }
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "## Example 11.9: find_the_input_impedance.sce"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+"cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//Caption:Program to find the input impedance for a line terminated with pure capacitive impedance\n",
+"ZL = -%i*300; //load impdance is purely capacitive impedance\n",
+"ZR = 300;\n",
+"T = reflection_coeff(ZL,ZR);//reflection coefficient in rectandular form\n",
+"[R,teta] = polar(T);//reflection coefficient in polar form\n",
+"S = VSWR(R)\n",
+"if(S ==%inf)\n",
+" Zo = ZR;\n",
+"Zin =Zo*(ZL*cos(EL)+%i*Zo*sin(EL))/(Zo*cos(EL)+%i*ZL*sin(EL));\n",
+"disp(T,'Reflection coefficient in rectangular form')\n",
+"disp(S,'Voltage Standing Wave Ratio S=')\n",
+"disp(Zin,'Input impedance in ohms Zin =')\n",
+"//Reflection coefficient in rectangular form \n",
+"// - i \n",
+"//Voltage Standing Wave Ratio S= \n",
+"// Inf \n",
+"//Input impedance in ohms Zin = \n",
+"// 588.78315i "
+ ]
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diff --git a/Engineering_Electromagnetics_by_W_H_Hayt_And_J_A_Buck/12-The_Uniform_Plane_Wave.ipynb b/Engineering_Electromagnetics_by_W_H_Hayt_And_J_A_Buck/12-The_Uniform_Plane_Wave.ipynb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c97fa6a
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+++ b/Engineering_Electromagnetics_by_W_H_Hayt_And_J_A_Buck/12-The_Uniform_Plane_Wave.ipynb
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+"cells": [
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+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "# Chapter 12: The Uniform Plane Wave"
+ ]
+ },
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "## Example 12.1: phasor_of_forward_propagating_field.sce"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+"cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//Caption:Program to determine the phasor of forward propagating field\n",
+"Eyzt = sym('100*exp(%i*10^8*t-%i*0.5*z+30)');\n",
+"Eysz = sym('100*exp(%i*10^8*t-%i*0.5*z+30)*exp(-%i*10^8*t)');\n",
+"disp(Eysz,'Forward Propagating Field in phasor form =')\n",
+"//100*exp(-0.5*%i*z+100000000*%i*t+30) \n",
+"// Forward Propagating Field in phasor form =100*exp(30-0.5*%i*z) "
+ ]
+ }
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "## Example 12.2: determine_the_instanteous_field.sce"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+"cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//Caption:Program to determine the instanteous field of a wave\n",
+"t = sym('t');\n",
+"z = sym('z');\n",
+"Ezt1 =sym('100*cos(-0.21*z+2*%pi*1e07*t)');\n",
+"Ezt2 = sym('20*cos(-0.21*z+30+2*%pi*1e07*t)');\n",
+"ax = sym('ax');\n",
+"ay = sym('ay');\n",
+"Ezt = Ezt1*ax+Ezt2*ay;\n",
+"disp(Ezt,'The real instantaneous field Ezt =')\n",
+"//The real instantaneous field Ezt = \n",
+"// 100*ax*cos(0.21*z-2.0E+7*%pi*t)+20*ay*cos(0.21*z-2.0E+7*%pi*t-30) \n",
+ ]
+ }
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "## Example 12.3: find_the_Phase_constant.sce"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+"cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//Caption:Program to find the Phase constant, Phase velocity, Electric Field Intensity and Intrinsci ratio.\n",
+"syms t;\n",
+"z = %z;\n",
+"[uo,eo] = muo_epsilon();\n",
+"ur = 1;\n",
+"f = 10^6;\n",
+"er1 = 81;\n",
+"er2 =0;\n",
+"etta0 = 377;\n",
+"Ex0 = 0.1;\n",
+"beta1 = phase_constant_dielectric(uo,eo,f,er1,er2,ur);\n",
+"disp(beta1,'phase constant in rad/m beta=')\n",
+"Lambda = 2*%pi/beta1;\n",
+"Vp = phase_velocity(f,beta1);\n",
+"disp(Vp,'Phase velocity in m/sec')\n",
+"etta = intrinsic_dielectric(etta0,er1,er2)\n",
+"disp(etta,'Intrinsic impedancein ohms =')\n",
+"Ex = 0.1*cos(2*%pi*f*t-beta1*z)\n",
+"disp(Ex,'Electric field in V/m Ex=')\n",
+"Hy = Ex/etta;\n",
+"disp(Hy,'Magnetic Field in A/m Hy=')\n",
+"// phase constant in rad/m beta= 0.1886241 \n",
+"// Phase velocity in m/sec = 33310626. \n",
+"// Intrinsic impedancein ohms = 41.888889 \n",
+"// Electric field in V/m Ex= cos(58342*z/309303-81681409*t/13)/10 \n",
+"//equivalent to Ex = 0.1*cos(0.19*z-6283185.3*t) \n",
+"// Magnetic Field in A/m Hy = 9*cos(58342*z/309303-81681409*t/13)/3770 \n",
+"//equivalent to Hy = 0.0023873*cos(0.19*z-6283185.3*t) "
+ ]
+ }
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "## Example 12.4: find_the_penetration_depth_and_intrinsic_impedance.sce"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+"cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//Caption:Program to find the penetration depth and intrinsic impedance\n",
+"f = 2.5e09;//high microwave frequency = 2.5GHz\n",
+"er1 = 78;//relative permittivity\n",
+"er2 = 7;\n",
+"C = 3e08; //free space velocity in m/sec\n",
+"[uo,eo] = muo_epsilon(); //free space permittivity and permeability\n",
+"ur = 1; //relative permeability\n",
+"etta0 = 377; //free space intrinsic imedance in ohms\n",
+"alpha = attenuation_constant_dielectric(uo,eo,f,er1,er2,ur);\n",
+"etta = intrinsic_dielectric(etta0,er1,er2);\n",
+"disp(alpha,'attenuation constant in Np/m alpha=')\n",
+"disp(etta,'Intrinsic constant in ohms etta=')\n",
+"//attenuation constant in Np/m alpha= 20.727602 \n",
+"// Intrinsic constant in ohms etta= 42.558673 + 1.9058543i "
+ ]
+ }
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "## Example 12.5: find_the_attenuation_constant.sce"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+"cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//Caption:Program to find the attenuation constant,propagation constant and intrinsic impedance\n",
+"f = 2.5e09;//high microwave frequency = 2.5GHz\n",
+"er1 = 78;//relative permittivity\n",
+"er2 = 7;\n",
+"C = 3e08; //free space velocity in m/sec\n",
+"[uo,eo] = muo_epsilon(); //free space permittivity and permeability\n",
+"ur = 1; //relative permeability\n",
+"etta0 = 377; //free space intrinsic imedance in ohms\n",
+"alpha = attenuation_constant_gooddie(uo,eo,f,er1,er2,ur);\n",
+"etta = intrinsic_good_dielectric(etta0,er1,er2);\n",
+"beta1 = phase_constant_gooddie(uo,eo,f,er1,er2,ur);\n",
+"disp(alpha,'attenuation constant per cm alpha=')\n",
+"disp(beta1,'phase constant in rad/m beta1 =')\n",
+"disp(etta,'Intrinsic constant in ohms etta=')\n",
+"//attenuation constant per cm alpha= \n",
+"// 20.748417 \n",
+"//phase constant in rad/m beta1 = \n",
+"// 462.3933 \n",
+"//Intrinsic constant in ohms etta= \n",
+"// 42.558673 + 1.9058543i "
+ ]
+ }
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "## Example 12.6: find_skin_depth.sce"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+"cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//Caption:Program to find skin depth, loss tangent and phase velocity\n",
+"f1 = 1e06; //frequency in Hz\n",
+"//er1 = 81;\n",
+"ur = 1;\n",
+"[uo,eo] = muo_epsilon();//free space permittivity and permeability\n",
+"sigma = 4;//conductivity of a conductor in s/m\n",
+"[del] = SkinDepth(f1,uo,ur,sigma);\n",
+"pi = 22/7;\n",
+"Lambda = 2*pi*del;\n",
+"Vp = 2*pi*f1*del;\n",
+"disp(del*100,'skin depth in cm delta =')\n",
+"disp(Lambda,'Wavelength in metre Lambda =')\n",
+"disp(Vp,'Phase velocity in m/sec Vp =')\n",
+"//skin depth in cm delta = \n",
+"// 25.17737 \n",
+"//Wavelength in metre Lambda = \n",
+"// 1.5825775 \n",
+"//Phase velocity in m/sec Vp = \n",
+"// 1582577.5 "
+ ]
+ }
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "## Example 12.7: Electric_field.sce"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+"cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"s = sym('s');\n",
+"B = sym('B');\n",
+"Eo = sym('Eo');\n",
+"z = sym('z');\n",
+"ax = sym('ax');\n",
+"EsL = Eo*(ax+%i*ay)*exp(%i*s)*exp(-%i*B*z);\n",
+"EsR = Eo*(ax-%i*ay)*exp(-%i*B*z);\n",
+"Est = Eo*exp(%i*s/2)*(2*cos(s/2)*ax-%i*2*%i*sin(s/2)*ay)*exp(-%i*B*z);\n",
+"disp(EsL,'Left circularly polarized field EsL=')\n",
+"disp(EsR,'Right circularly polarized field EsR=')\n",
+"disp(Est,'Total Elecetric field of a linearly polarized wave EsT =')\n",
+"//Left circularly polarized field EsL= \n",
+"// (%i*ay+ax)*Eo*exp(%i*s-%i*z*B) \n",
+"//Right circularly polarized field EsR= \n",
+"// (ax-%i*ay)*Eo*%e^-(%i*z*B) \n",
+"//Total Elecetric field of a linearly polarized wave EsT = \n",
+"// Eo*(2*ay*sin(s/2)+2*ax*cos(s/2))*exp(%i*s/2-%i*z*B) "
+ ]
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+ "# Chapter 13: Plane Wave Reflection and Dispersion"
+ ]
+ },
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "## Example 13.10: group_velocity_and_phase_velocity.sce"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+"cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//Caption:Program to determine group velocity and phase velocity of a wave\n",
+"w = sym('w');\n",
+"wo = sym('wo');\n",
+"no = sym('no');\n",
+"c = sym('c');\n",
+"beta_w = (no*w^2)/(wo*c);\n",
+"disp(beta_w,'Phase constant=')\n",
+"d_beta_w = diff(beta_w,w);\n",
+"disp(d_beta_w,'Differentiation of phase constant w =')\n",
+"Vg = 1/d_beta_w;\n",
+"Vg = limit(Vg,w,wo);\n",
+"Vp = w/beta_w;\n",
+"Vp = limit(Vp,w,wo);\n",
+"disp(Vg,'Group velocity =')\n",
+"disp(Vp,'Phase velocity=')\n",
+"//Phase constant= \n",
+"// no*w^2/(c*wo) \n",
+"//Differentiation of phase constant w = \n",
+"// 2*no*w/(c*wo) \n",
+"//Group velocity = \n",
+"// c/(2*no) \n",
+"//Phase velocity= \n",
+"// c/no "
+ ]
+ }
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "## Example 13.11: pulse_width_at_the_optical_fiber.sce"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+"cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//Caption:Program to determine the pulse width at the optical fiber output\n",
+"T = 10; //width of light pulse at the optical fiber input in pico secs\n",
+"beta2 = 20; //dispersion in pico seconds square pre kilometre\n",
+"z = 15; // length of optical fiber in kilometre\n",
+"delta_t = beta2*z/T;\n",
+"T1 = sqrt(T^2+delta_t^2);\n",
+"disp(delta_t,'Pulse spread in pico seconds delta_t =')\n",
+"disp(ceil(T1),'Output pulse width in pico seconds T1 =')\n",
+"//Pulse spread in pico seconds delta_t = \n",
+"// 30. \n",
+"//Output pulse width in pico seconds T1 = \n",
+"// 32. "
+ ]
+ }
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "## Example 13.1: electric_field_of_incident.sce"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+"cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//Caption:Program to finid the electric field of incident, reflected and transmitted waves\n",
+"etta1 = 100;\n",
+"etta2 = 300; //intrinsic impedance in ohms\n",
+"T = reflection_coefficient(etta1,etta2);\n",
+"Ex10_i = 100;//incident electric field in v/m\n",
+"Ex10_r = T*Ex10_i;//reflected electric field in v/m\n",
+"Hy10_i = Ex10_i/etta1;//incident magnetic field A/m\n",
+"Hy10_r = -Ex10_r/etta1; //reflected magnetic field A/m\n",
+"Si = (1/2)*Ex10_i*Hy10_i;//average incident power density in W/square metre\n",
+"Sr = -(1/2)*Ex10_r*Hy10_r;//average reflected power denstiy in W/square metre\n",
+"tuo = 1+T; //transmission coefficient\n",
+"Ex20_t = tuo*Ex10_i; //transmitted electric field v/m\n",
+"Hy20_t = Ex20_t/etta2; //transmitted magnetic field A/m\n",
+"St = (1/2)*Ex20_t*Hy20_t; //average power density transmitted \n",
+"disp(T,'reflection coefficient t =');\n",
+"disp(Ex10_i,'incident electric field in v/m Ex10_i =')\n",
+"disp(Ex10_r,'reflected electric field in v/m Ex10_r =')\n",
+"disp(Hy10_i,'incident magnetic field A/m Hy10_i =')\n",
+"disp(Hy10_r,'reflected magnetic field A/m Hy10_r=')\n",
+"disp(Si,'average incident power density in W/square metre Si=')\n",
+"disp(Sr,'average reflected power denstiy in W/square metre Sr=')\n",
+"disp(St,'average power density transmitted in W/square metre St=')\n",
+"//reflection coefficient t = 0.5 \n",
+"//incident electric field in v/m Ex10_i = 100. \n",
+"//reflected electric field in v/m Ex10_r = 50. \n",
+"//incident magnetic field A/m Hy10_i = 1. \n",
+"//reflected magnetic field A/m Hy10_r= - 0.5 \n",
+"//average incident power density in W/square metre Si= 50. \n",
+"//average reflected power denstiy in W/square metre Sr= 12.5 \n",
+"//average power density transmitted in W/square metre St= 37.5 "
+ ]
+ }
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "## Example 13.2: maxima_and_minma_electric_field.sce"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+"cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//Caption:Program to find the maxima and minma electric field\n",
+"er1 = 4; \n",
+"ur1 = 1;\n",
+"er2 = 9;\n",
+"ur2 = 1;\n",
+"[uo,eo] = muo_epsilon();//free space permittivity and permeability\n",
+"u1 = uo*ur1; //permeability of medium 1\n",
+"u2 = uo*ur2; //permeability of medium 2\n",
+"e1 = eo*er1; //permittivity of medium 1\n",
+"e2 = eo*er2; //permittivity of medium 2\n",
+"etta1 = sqrt(u1/e1);\n",
+"etta2 = sqrt(u2/e2);\n",
+"T = reflection_coefficient(etta1,etta2)\n",
+"Exs1_i = 100; //incident electric field in v/m\n",
+"Exs1_r = -20; //reflected electric field in v/m\n",
+"Ex1T_max = (1+abs(T))*Exs1_i;//maximum transmitted electric field in v/m\n",
+"Ex1T_min = (1-abs(T))*Exs1_i;//minimum transmitted electric field in v/m\n",
+"S = VSWR(T); //voltage standing wave ratio\n",
+"disp(Ex1T_max,'maximum transmitted electric field in v/m =')\n",
+"disp(Ex1T_min,'minimum transmitted electric field in v/m =')\n",
+"disp(S,'voltage standing wave ratio S=')\n",
+"//maximum transmitted electric field in v/m = \n",
+"// 120. \n",
+"//minimum transmitted electric field in v/m = \n",
+"// 80. \n",
+"//voltage standing wave ratio S= \n",
+"// 1.5 "
+ ]
+ }
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "## Example 13.3: determine_the_intrinsic_impedance.sce"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+"cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//Caption:Program to determine the intrinsic impedance of the unkonwn material\n",
+"maxima_spacing = 1.5;//Lambda/2 in metres\n",
+"Lambda = 2*maxima_spacing; //wavelength in metres\n",
+"C = 3e08;//free space velocity in m/sec\n",
+"f = C/Lambda; //frequency in Hz\n",
+"S = 5; //voltage standing wave ratio\n",
+"T = (1-S)/(1+S); //reflection coefficient\n",
+"etta0 = 377;//intrinsic impedance in ohms\n",
+"ettau = etta0/S;//intrinsic impedance of unkonwn material in ohms\n",
+"disp(T,'reflection coefficient T=')\n",
+"disp(ettau,'intrinsic impedance in ohms =')\n",
+"//reflection coefficient T = - 0.6666667 \n",
+"// intrinsic impedance in ohms = 75.4 "
+ ]
+ }
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "## Example 13.4: determine_the_required_range_of_glass_thickness.sce"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+"cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//Caption:Program to determine the required range of glass thickness for Fabry-perot interferometer\n",
+"Lambda0 = 600e-09; //wavelength of red part of visible spectrum 600nm\n",
+"n = 1.45;//refractive index of glass plate\n",
+"delta_Lambda = 50e-09; //optical spectrum of full width = 50nm\n",
+"l = Lambda0^2/(2*n*delta_Lambda);\n",
+"disp(l*1e06,'required range of glass thickness in micro meter l=')\n",
+"//required range of glass thickness in micro meter l = 2.4827586"
+ ]
+ }
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "## Example 13.5: Index_for_coating.sce"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+"cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//Caption:Program to find the required index for the coating and its thickness\n",
+"etta1 = 377;//intrinsic impedance of free space in ohms\n",
+"n3 = 1.45; //refractive index of glass\n",
+"etta3 = etta1/n3;//intrinsic impedance in glass\n",
+"etta2 = sqrt(etta1*etta3);//intrinsic impedance in ohms for coating\n",
+"n2 = etta1/etta2; //refractive index of region2\n",
+"Lambda0 = 570e-09;//free space wavelength\n",
+"Lambda2 = Lambda0/n2; //wavelength in region2\n",
+"l = Lambda2/4; //minimum thickness of the dielectric layer\n",
+"disp(l*1e06,'minimum thickness of the dielectric layer in um =')\n",
+"//minimum thickness of the dielectric layer in um = \n",
+"// 0.1183398 "
+ ]
+ }
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "## Example 13.6: phasor_expressio.sce"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+"cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//Caption:Program to find the phasor expression for the electric field\n",
+"ax = sym('ax');\n",
+"ay = sym('ay');\n",
+"az = sym('az');\n",
+"x = sym('x');\n",
+"y = sym('y');\n",
+"z = sym('z');\n",
+"teta = 30; //phase angle in degrees\n",
+"teta = 30/57.3; //phase angle in radians\n",
+"Eo = 10; //Electric field in v/m\n",
+"f = 50e06; //frequency in Hz\n",
+"er = 9.0; //relative permittivity\n",
+"ur = 1; //relative permeability\n",
+"[uo,eo] = muo_epsilon();\n",
+"k = propagation_constant(f,uo,ur,eo,er);\n",
+"K = k*(cos(teta)*ax+sin(teta)*ay);\n",
+"r = x*ax+y*ay;\n",
+"Es = Eo*exp(-sqrt(-1)*K*r)*az;\n",
+"disp(K,'propagation constant per metre K=')\n",
+"disp(r,'distance in metre r=')\n",
+"disp(Es,'Phasor expression for the electric field of the uniform plane wave Es=')\n",
+"//K=5607*(14969*ay/29940+25156*ax/29047)/1784 \n",
+"// r= ay*y+ax*x \n",
+"//Es=10*az*%e^-(5607*%i*(14969*ay/29940+25156*ax/29047)*(ay*y+ax*x)/1784) "
+ ]
+ }
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "## Example 13.7: find_the_fraction_of_incident_power.sce"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+"cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//Caption:Program to find the fraction of incident power that is reflected and transmitted\n",
+"teta1 = 30; //incident angle in degrees\n",
+"n2 = 1.45;//refractive index of glass\n",
+"teta2 = snells_law(teta1,n2);\n",
+"etta1 = 377*cos(teta1/57.3); // intrinsic impedance in medium 1 in ohms\n",
+"etta2 = (377/n2)*cos(teta2); //intrinsic impedance in medium2 in ohms\n",
+"Tp = reflection_coefficient(etta1,etta2);//reflection coefficient for p-polarization\n",
+"Reflected_Fraction_p = (abs(Tp))^2;\n",
+"Transmitted_Fraction_p = 1-(abs(Tp))^2;\n",
+"etta1s = 377*sec(teta1/57.3); //intrinsic impedance for s-polarization\n",
+"etta2s = (377/n2)*sec(teta2); \n",
+"Ts = reflection_coefficient(etta1s,etta2s);//reflection coefficient for s-polarization\n",
+"Reflected_Fraction_s = (abs(Ts))^2;\n",
+"Transmitted_Fraction_s = 1-(abs(Ts))^2;\n",
+"disp(teta2*57.3,'Transmission angle using snells law in degrees teta2 =')\n",
+"disp(Tp,'Reflection coefficient for p-polarization Tp=')\n",
+"disp(Reflected_Fraction_P,'Fraction of incident power that is reflected for p-polarization =')\n",
+"disp(Transmitted_Fraction_p,'Fraction of power transmitted for p-polarization =')\n",
+"disp(Ts,'Reflection coefficient for s-polarization Tp=')\n",
+"disp(Reflected_Fraction_s,'Fraction of incident power that is reflected for s-polarization =')\n",
+"disp(Transmitted_Fraction_s,'Fraction of power transmitted for s-polarization =')\n",
+"//Transmission angle using snells law in degrees teta2 = \n",
+"// 20.171351 \n",
+"//Reflection coefficient for p-polarization Tp= \n",
+"// - 0.1444972 \n",
+"//Fraction of incident power that is reflected for p-polarization = \n",
+"// 0.0337359 \n",
+"//Fraction of power transmitted for p-polarization = \n",
+"// 0.9791206 \n",
+"//Reflection coefficient for s-polarization Tp= \n",
+"// - 0.2222748 \n",
+"//Fraction of incident power that is reflected for s-polarization = // 0.0494061 \n",
+"//Fraction of power transmitted for s-polarization = \n",
+"// 0.9505939 "
+ ]
+ }
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "## Example 13.8: find_the_refractive_index.sce"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+"cell_type": "code",
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+"source": [
+"//Caption:Program to find the refractive index of the prism material\n",
+"n2 =1.00; //refractive index of air\n",
+"teta1 = 45; //incident angle in degrees\n",
+"teta1 = 45/57.3;//incident angle in radians\n",
+"n1 = n2/sin(teta1);\n",
+"disp(n1,'refractive index of prism material n1=')\n",
+"//refractive index of prism material n1= \n",
+"// 1.4142954 "
+ ]
+ }
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
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+ "source": [
+ "## Example 13.9: determine_incident_and_transmitted_anlges.sce"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
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+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//Caption:Program to determine incident and transmitted anlges\n",
+"n1 =1.00; //refractive index of air\n",
+"n2 =1.45; //refractive index of glass\n",
+"teta1 = asin(n2/sqrt(n1^2+n2^2));\n",
+"teta2 = asin(n1/sqrt(n1^2+n2^2));\n",
+"Brewster_Condition = teta1+teta2;\n",
+"disp(teta1*57.3,'Incident angle in degrees teta1 =')\n",
+"disp(teta2*57.3,'transmitted angle in degrees teta2=')\n",
+"disp(Brewster_Condition*57.3,'sum of the incident angle and transmitted angle, Brewster_Condition=')\n",
+"//Incident angle in degrees teta1 = 55.411793 \n",
+"//transmitted angle in degrees teta2 = 34.594837 \n",
+"//sum of the incident angle and transmitted angle, Brewster_Condition= 90.00663 "
+ ]
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+ "# Chapter 14: Guided Wave and Radiation"
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+ "## Example 14.1: determine_the_cutoff_frequency.sce"
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+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//Caption:Program to determine the cutoff frequency for the first waveguide mode(m=1)\n",
+"//page 499\n",
+"er1 = 2.1; //dielectric constant of teflon material\n",
+"er0 = 1; //dielectric constant of air\n",
+"d = 1e-02; //parallel plate waveguide separation in metre\n",
+"C = 3e08; //free space velocity in m/sec\n",
+"n = sqrt(er1/er0); //refractive index\n",
+"fc1 = C/(2*n*d);\n",
+"disp(fc1,'cutoff frequency for the first waveguide mode in Hz fc1 =')\n",
+"//cutoff frequency for the first waveguide mode in Hz fc1 = \n",
+"// 1.035D+10 "
+ ]
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+ "source": [
+ "## Example 14.2: number_of_modes_propagate_in_waveguide.sce"
+ ]
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+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//Caption:Program to determine the number of modes propagate in waveguide\n",
+"//page 499\n",
+"er1 = 2.1; //dielectric constant of teflon material\n",
+"er0 = 1; //dielectric constant of air\n",
+"n = sqrt(er1/er0); //refractive index\n",
+"Lambda_cm = 2e-03; //operating cutoff wavelength in metre\n",
+"d = 1e-02; //parallel-plate waveguide separation\n",
+"m = (2*n*d)/Lambda_cm;\n",
+"disp(floor(m),'Number of waveguides modes propagate m =')\n",
+"//Number of waveguides modes propagate m = \n",
+"// 14. "
+ ]
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+ "source": [
+ "## Example 14.3: determine_the_group_delay_and_difference.sce"
+ ]
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+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//Caption:Program to determine the group delay and difference in propagation times\n",
+"//page 502\n",
+"C = 3e08; //free space velocity in m/sec\n",
+"er = 2.1; //dielectric constant of teflon material\n",
+"fc1 = 10.3e09;//cutoff frequency for mode m =1\n",
+"fc2 = 2*fc1; //cutoff frequency for mode m =2\n",
+"f = 25e09; //operating frequency in Hz\n",
+"Vg1 = group_delay(C,er,fc1,f);//group delay for mode m = 1\n",
+"Vg2 = group_delay(C,er,fc2,f);//group delay for mode m = 2\n",
+"del_t = group_delay_difference(Vg1,Vg2);\n",
+"disp(ceil(del_t*1e10),'group delay difference in ps/cm del_t=')\n",
+"//group delay difference in ps/cm del_t= \n",
+"// 33. "
+ ]
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+ "source": [
+ "## Example 14.4: determine_the_operating_range.sce"
+ ]
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+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//Caption:Program to determine the operating range of frequency for TE10 mode of air filled rectangular waveguide\n",
+"//page 509\n",
+" //dimensions of air filled rectangular waveguide\n",
+"a = 2e-02;\n",
+"b = 1e-02;\n",
+"//Free space velocity in m/sec\n",
+"C = 3e08;\n",
+"//the value of m for TE10 mode\n",
+"m = 1;\n",
+"n = 1;//refractive index for air filled waveguide\n",
+"fc = (m*C)/(2*n*a);\n",
+"disp(fc*1e-09,'Operating range of frequency for TE10 mode in GHz fc=')\n",
+"//Operating range of frequency for TE10 mode in GHz fc= \n",
+"// 7.5 "
+ ]
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+ "source": [
+ "## Example 14.5: maximum_allowable_refractive_index.sce"
+ ]
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+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//Caption: Program to determine the maximum allowable refractive index of the slab material\n",
+"//page 517\n",
+"Lambda = 1.30e-06;//wavelength range over which single-mode operation\n",
+"d = 5e-06;//slab thickness in metre\n",
+"n2 = 1.45; //refractive index of the slab material\n",
+"n1 = sqrt((Lambda/(2*d))^2+n2^2);\n",
+"disp(n1,'The maximum allowable refractive index of the slab material n1=')\n",
+"//The maximum allowable refractive index of the slab material n1= \n",
+"// 1.4558159 "
+ ]
+ }
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+ "source": [
+ "## Example 14.6: find_the_V_number_of_a_step_index_fiber.sce"
+ ]
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+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//Caption:Program to find the V number of a step index fiber\n",
+"//page 524\n",
+"Lambda = 1.55e-06; //operating wavelength in metre\n",
+"LambdaC = 1.2e-06; //cutoff wavelength in metre\n",
+"V = (LambdaC/Lambda)*2.405;\n",
+"disp(V,'the V number of a step index fiber V=')\n",
+"//the V number of a step index fiber V= \n",
+"// 1.8619355 "
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+ "# Chapter 2: Columbs Law and Electric Field Intensity"
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+ "## Example 2.1: Caculate_force_exerted_on_Q2_by_Q1.sce"
+ ]
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+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
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+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//Caption:Program to Caculate force exerted on Q2 by Q1\n",
+"//page 29\n",
+"r2 = [2,0,5];\n",
+"r1 = [1,2,3];\n",
+"R12 = norm(r2-r1);\n",
+"aR12 = UnitVector(r2-r1);\n",
+"Q1 = 3e-04; //charge 1 in Coulombs\n",
+"Q2 = -1e-04; //charge 2 in Coulombs\n",
+"Eps = 8.854e-12; //free space permittivity\n",
+"F2 = ((Q1*Q2)/(4*%pi*Eps*R12^2))*aR12;\n",
+"F1 = -F2;\n",
+"disp(F2,'Force exerted on Q2 by Q1 in N/m F2 =')\n",
+"disp(F1,'Force exerted on Q1 by Q2 in N/m F1 =')\n",
+"//R12= \n",
+"// 3. \n",
+"//aR12= \n",
+"// 0.3333333 - 0.6666667 0.6666667 \n",
+"//Force exerted on Q2 by Q1 in N/m F2 = \n",
+"// - 9.9863805 19.972761 - 19.972761 \n",
+"//Force exerted on Q1 by Q2 in N/m F1 = \n",
+"// 9.9863805 - 19.972761 19.972761 "
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+ "## Example 2.2: Caculate_Electric_Field.sce"
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+ "collapsed": true
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+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//Caption:Program to Caculate Electric Field E at P due to 4 identical charges\n",
+"//page 33\n",
+"P = [1,1,1];\n",
+"P1 = [1,1,0];\n",
+"P2 = [-1,1,0];\n",
+"P3 = [-1,-1,0];\n",
+"P4 = [1,-1,0];\n",
+"R1 = norm(P-P1);\n",
+"aR1 = UnitVector(P-P1);\n",
+"R2 = norm(P-P2);\n",
+"aR2 = UnitVector(P-P2);\n",
+"R3 = norm(P-P3);\n",
+"aR3 = UnitVector(P-P3);\n",
+"R4 = norm(P-P4);\n",
+"aR4 = UnitVector(P-P4);\n",
+"Q = 3e-09; //charge in Coulombs\n",
+"Eps = 8.854e-12; //free space permittivity\n",
+"E1 = (Q/(4*%pi*Eps*R1^2))*aR1;\n",
+"E2 = (Q/(4*%pi*Eps*R2^2))*aR2;\n",
+"E3 = (Q/(4*%pi*Eps*R3^2))*aR3;\n",
+"E4 = (Q/(4*%pi*Eps*R4^2))*aR4;\n",
+"E = E1+E2+E3+E4;\n",
+"disp(E,'Electric Field Intesnity at any point P due to four identical Charges in V/m=')\n",
+"//R1= 1. \n",
+"//aR1= 0. 0. 1. \n",
+"//R2= 2.236068 \n",
+"//aR2= 0.8944272 0. 0.4472136 \n",
+"//R3= 3. \n",
+"//aR3= 0.6666667 0.6666667 0.3333333 \n",
+"//R4= 2.236068 \n",
+"//aR4= 0. 0.8944272 0.4472136 \n",
+"//Electric Field Intesnity at any point P due to four identical Charges in V/m= \n",
+"// 6.8206048 6.8206048 32.785194 \n",
+"// "
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+ "## Example 2.3: Total_Charge_Enclosed.sce"
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+ "collapsed": true
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+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//page 35\n",
+"r = sym('r');\n",
+"z = sym('z');\n",
+"phi = sym('phi');\n",
+"rv = -5e-06*exp(-1e05*r*z);\n",
+"disp(rv,'Volume Charge density in C/cubic.metre rv=')\n",
+"Q1 = integ(rv*r,phi);\n",
+"Q1 = limit(Q1,phi,2*%pi);\n",
+"Q2 = integ(Q1,z);\n",
+"Q2 = limit(Q2,z,0.04)-limit(Q2,z,0.02);\n",
+"Q3 = integ(Q2,r);\n",
+"Q3 = limit(Q3,r,0.01)-limit(Q3,r,0);\n",
+"disp(Q3,'Total Charge Enclosed in a 2cm length of electron beam in coulombs Q=')\n",
+"//Volume Charge density in C/cubic.metre rv = -%e^-(100000*r*z)/200000 \n",
+"//Q1= -103993*r*%e^-(100000*r*z)/3310200000 \n",
+"//Q2= -103993*%e^-(2000*r)/331020000000000 \n",
+"//Total Charge Enclosed in a 2cm length of electron beam in coulombs Q= \n",
+"// 103993/1324080000000000000-103993*%e^-40/1324080000000000000 \n",
+"//Q approximately equal to 103993/1324080000000000000 = 7.854D-14 coulombs "
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+ "# Chapter 3: Electric Flux Density Gausss Law and Divergence"
+ ]
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+ "source": [
+ "## Example 3.1: find_Electric_Flux_density_D.sce"
+ ]
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+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
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+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//Caption: Program to find Electric Flux density 'D' of a uniform line charge\n",
+"//page 54\n",
+"e0 = 8.854e-12; //free space permittivity in F/m\n",
+"rL = 8e-09; //line charge density c/m\n",
+"r = 3; // distance in metre\n",
+"E = Electric_Field_Line_Charge(rL,e0,r); //electric field intensity of line charge\n",
+"D = e0*E;\n",
+"disp(D,'Electric Flux Density in Coulombs per square metre D =')\n",
+"// Electric Flux Density in Coulombs per square metre D = \n",
+"// 4.244D-10 "
+ ]
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+ "cell_type": "markdown",
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+ "source": [
+ "## Example 3.2: calculate_surface_charge_density.sce"
+ ]
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+ {
+"cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//Caption: Program to calculate surface charge density,Flux density, Field Intensity of coaxial cable\n",
+"//page 64\n",
+"Q_innercyl = 30e-09; //total charge on the inner conductor in coulombs\n",
+"a = 1e-03; // inner radius of coaxial cable in metre\n",
+"b = 4e-03; // outer radius of coaxial cable in metre\n",
+"L = 50e-02; //length of coaxial cable\n",
+"rs_innercyl = Q_innercyl/(2*%pi*a*L);\n",
+"rs_outercyl = Q_innercyl/(2*%pi*b*L);\n",
+"e0 = 8.854e-12; //free space relative permittivity F/m\n",
+"r = sym('r');\n",
+"Dr = a*rs_innercyl/r;\n",
+"Er = Dr/e0;\n",
+"disp(rs_innercyl,'Surface charge density of inner cylinder of coaxial cable in C/square.metre, rs_innercyl=')\n",
+"disp(rs_outercyl,'Surface charge density of outer cylinder of coaxial cable in C/square.metre, rs_outercyl=')\n",
+"disp(Dr,'Electric Flux Density in C/square.metre Dr=')\n",
+"disp(Er,'Electric Field Intensity in V/m Er=')\n",
+"//Surface charge density of inner cylinder of coaxial cable in C/square.metre, rs_innercyl= \n",
+"// 0.0000095 \n",
+"//Surface charge density of outer cylinder of coaxial cable in C/square.metre, rs_outercyl= \n",
+"// 0.0000024 \n",
+"//Electric Flux Density in C/square.metre Dr= \n",
+"// 9.5488183337312011E-9/r \n",
+"//Electric Field Intensity in V/m Er= \n",
+"// 1078.47507722286/r "
+ ]
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+ "source": [
+ "## Example 3.3: total_charge_enclosed_in_a_volume.sce"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+"cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//Caption: Program to calculate the total charge enclosed in a volume at the origin\n",
+"//page 67\n",
+"V = 1e-09; //volume in cubic metre\n",
+"x = sym('x');\n",
+"y = sym('y');\n",
+"z = sym('z');\n",
+"//Components of Electric Flux Density in cartesian coordinate system\n",
+"Dx = exp(-x)*sin(y);\n",
+"Dy = -exp(-x)*cos(y);\n",
+"Dz = 2*z;\n",
+"//Divergence of electric flux density 'D'\n",
+"dDx = diff(Dx,x);\n",
+"dDy = diff(Dy,y);\n",
+"dDz = diff(Dz,z);\n",
+"//Total charge enclosed in a given volume\n",
+"del_Q = (dDx+dDy+dDz)*V;\n",
+"disp(del_Q,'Total charge enclosed in an incremental volume in coulombs, del_Q =')\n",
+"//Total Charge enclosed in a given volume at origin (0,0,0)\n",
+"del_Q = limit(del_Q,x,0);\n",
+"del_Q = limit(del_Q,y,0);\n",
+"del_Q = limit(del_Q,z,0);\n",
+"disp(del_Q*1e09,'Total charge enclosed in an incremental volume in nano coulombs at origin, del_Q =')\n",
+"//Total charge enclosed in an incremental volume in coulombs, del_Q = 2.0000000000000001E-9 \n",
+"//Total charge enclosed in an incremental volume in nano coulombs at origin, del_Q = \n",
+"// 2.0 "
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+ "source": [
+ "## Example 3.4: Find_the_Divergence.sce"
+ ]
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+ {
+"cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//Caption: Program to Find the Divergence of 'D' at the origin\n",
+"//page 70\n",
+"x = sym('x');\n",
+"y = sym('y');\n",
+"z = sym('z');\n",
+"//Components of Electric Flux Density in cartesian coordinate system\n",
+"Dx = exp(-x)*sin(y);\n",
+"Dy = -exp(-x)*cos(y);\n",
+"Dz = 2*z;\n",
+"//Divergence of electric flux density 'D'\n",
+"dDx = diff(Dx,x);\n",
+"dDy = diff(Dy,y);\n",
+"dDz = diff(Dz,z);\n",
+"divD = dDx+dDy+dDz\n",
+"disp(divD,'Divergence of Electric Flux Density D in C/cubic.metre, divD =')\n",
+"divD = limit(divD,x,0);\n",
+"divD = limit(divD,y,0);\n",
+"divD = limit(divD,z,0);\n",
+"disp(divD,'Divergence of Electric Flux Density D in C/cubic.metre at origin, divD =')\n",
+"//Divergence of Electric Flux Density D in C/cubic.metre, divD = \n",
+"// 2 \n",
+"//Divergence of Electric Flux Density D in C/cubic.metre at origin, divD = \n",
+"// 2 "
+ ]
+ }
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "## Example 3.5: verify_the_Divergence_theorem.sce"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+"cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//Caption: Program to verify the Divergence theorem for the field 'D' \n",
+"//page 74\n",
+"x = sym('x');\n",
+"y = sym('y');\n",
+"z = sym('z');\n",
+"//Components of Electric Flux Density in cartesian coordinate system\n",
+"Dx = 2*x*y;\n",
+"Dy = x^2;\n",
+"Dz = 0;\n",
+"//Divergence of electric flux density 'D'\n",
+"dDx = diff(Dx,x);\n",
+"dDy = diff(Dy,y);\n",
+"dDz =0;\n",
+"divD = dDx+dDy+dDz\n",
+"disp(divD,'Divergence of Electric Flux Density D in C/cubic.metre, divD =')\n",
+"//Evaluate volume integral on divergence of 'D'\n",
+"Vol_int_divD = integ(divD,x);\n",
+"Vol_int_divD = limit(Vol_int_divD,x,1)-limit(Vol_int_divD,x,0);\n",
+"Vol_int_divD = integ(Vol_int_divD,y);\n",
+"Vol_int_divD = limit(Vol_int_divD,y,2)-limit(Vol_int_divD,y,0);\n",
+"Vol_int_divD = integ(Vol_int_divD,z);\n",
+"Vol_int_divD = limit(Vol_int_divD,z,3)-limit(Vol_int_divD,z,0);\n",
+"disp(Vol_int_divD,'Volume Integral of divergence of D, in coulombs vol_int(divD)=')\n",
+"//Evaluate surface integral on field D\n",
+"Dx = limit(Dx,x,1);\n",
+"sur_D = integ(Dx,y);\n",
+"sur_D = limit(sur_D,y,2) - limit(sur_D,y,0);\n",
+"sur_D = integ(sur_D,z);\n",
+"sur_D = limit(sur_D,z,3) - limit(sur_D,z,0);\n",
+"disp(sur_D,'Surface Integral of field D, in coulombs sur_int(D.ds)=')\n",
+" disp('Divergence Theorem verified')\n",
+"// Divergence of Electric Flux Density D in C/cubic.metre, divD = \n",
+"// 2*y \n",
+"//Volume Integral of divergence of D, in coulombs vol_int(divD)= \n",
+"// 12 \n",
+"// Surface Integral of field D, in coulombs sur_int(D.ds)= \n",
+"// 12 "
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+ "## Example 4.1: find_the_work_involved.sce"
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+"source": [
+"//Caption: Program to find the work involved 'W' in moving a charge 'Q' along shorter arc of a circle\n",
+"//page 84\n",
+"x = sym('x');\n",
+"y = sym('y');\n",
+"z = sym('z');\n",
+"y1 = sym('y1');\n",
+"y = sqrt(1-x^2);\n",
+"Q = 2; //charge in coulombs\n",
+"Edot_dL1 = integ(y,x);\n",
+"disp(Edot_dL1,'E.dx*ax =')\n",
+"Edot_dL1 = limit(Edot_dL1,x,0.8)-limit(Edot_dL1,x,1);\n",
+"disp(Edot_dL1,'Value of E.dx*ax =')\n",
+"Edot_dL2 = 0;\n",
+"disp(Edot_dL2,'Value of*az=')\n",
+"x = sqrt(1-y1^2);\n",
+"Edot_dL3 = integ(x,y1)\n",
+"Edot_dL3 = limit(Edot_dL3,y1,0.6)-limit(Edot_dL3,y1,0);\n",
+"disp(Edot_dL3,'Value of E.dy*ay =')\n",
+"W = -Q*(Edot_dL1+Edot_dL2+Edot_dL3);\n",
+"disp(W,'Work done in moving a point charge along shorter arc of circle in Joules, W=')\n",
+"// E.dx*ax = asin(x)/2+x*sqrt(1-x^2)/2 \n",
+"// Value of E.dx*ax = (25*asin(4/5)+12)/50-%pi/4 \n",
+"// Value of*az = 0. \n",
+"// E.dy*ay = asin(y1)/2+y1*sqrt(1-y1^2)/2 \n",
+"// Value of E.dy*ay = (25*asin(3/5)+12)/50 \n",
+"//Work done in moving a point charge along shorter arc of circle in Joules, W = \n",
+"// -2*((25*asin(4/5)+12)/50+(25*asin(3/5)+12)/50-%pi/4) \n",
+"//Which is equivalent to\n",
+"// -2*((25*0.9272952+12)/50+(25*0.6435011+12)/50-%pi/4) = -0.96 Joules"
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+ "## Example 4.2: find_the_work_involved_W_.sce"
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+"source": [
+"//Caption: Program to find the work involved 'W' in moving a charge 'Q' along straight line\n",
+"//page 84\n",
+"x = sym('x');\n",
+"y = sym('y');\n",
+"z = sym('z');\n",
+"y1 = sym('y1');\n",
+"y = -3*(x-1);\n",
+"Q = 2; //charge in coulombs\n",
+"Edot_dL1 = integ(y,x);\n",
+"disp(Edot_dL1,'E.dx*ax =')\n",
+"Edot_dL1 = limit(Edot_dL1,x,0.8)-limit(Edot_dL1,x,1);\n",
+"disp(Edot_dL1,'Value of E.dx*ax =')\n",
+"Edot_dL2 = 0;\n",
+"disp(Edot_dL2,'Value of*az=')\n",
+"x = (1-y1/3);\n",
+"Edot_dL3 = integ(x,y1)\n",
+"Edot_dL3 = limit(Edot_dL3,y1,0.6)-limit(Edot_dL3,y1,0);\n",
+"disp(Edot_dL3,'Value of E.dy*ay =')\n",
+"W = -Q*(Edot_dL1+Edot_dL2+Edot_dL3);\n",
+"disp(W,'Work done in moving a point charge along shorter arc of circle in Joules, W=')\n",
+"//E.dx*ax = -3*(x^2/2-x) \n",
+"//Value of E.dx*ax = -3/50 \n",
+"//Value of*az = 0. \n",
+"//E.dy*ay = y1-y1^2/6 \n",
+"//Value of E.dy*ay = 27/50 \n",
+"//Work done in moving a point charge along shorter arc of circle in Joules, W = -24/25 = -0.96 Joules"
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+ "## Example 4.3: Program_to_calculate_E.sce"
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+"source": [
+"//Caption: Program to calculate E, D and volume charge density using divergence of D\n",
+"//page 100\n",
+"x = -4;\n",
+"y = 3;\n",
+"z = 6;\n",
+"V = 2*(x^2)*y-5*z;\n",
+"disp(float(V),'Potential V at point P(-4,3,6)in volts is Vp =')\n",
+"x1 = sym('x1');\n",
+"y1 = sym('y1');\n",
+"z1 = sym('z1');\n",
+"ax = sym('ax');\n",
+"ay = sym('ay');\n",
+"az = sym('az');\n",
+"V1 = 2*(x1^2)*y1-5*z1;\n",
+"//Electric Field Intensity from gradient of V\n",
+"Ex = -diff(V1,x1);\n",
+"Ey = - diff(V1,y1);\n",
+"Ez = - diff(V1,z1);\n",
+"Ex1 = limit(Ex,x1,-4);\n",
+"Ex1 = limit(Ex1,y1,3);\n",
+"Ex1 = limit(Ex1,z1,6);\n",
+"Ey1 = limit(Ey,x1,-4);\n",
+"Ey1 = limit(Ey1,y1,3);\n",
+"Ey1 = limit(Ey1,z1,6);\n",
+"Ez1 = limit(Ez,x1,-4);\n",
+"Ez1 = limit(Ez1,y1,3);\n",
+"Ez1 = limit(Ez1,z1,6);\n",
+"E = Ex1*ax+Ey1*ay+Ez1*az;\n",
+"Ep = sqrt(float(Ex1^2+Ey1^2+Ez1^2));\n",
+"disp(Ep,'Electric Field Intensity E at point P(-4,3,6) in volts E =')\n",
+"aEp = float(E/Ep);\n",
+"disp(aEp,'Direction of Electric Field E at point P(-4,3,6) aEp=')\n",
+"Dx = float(8.854*Ex);\n",
+"Dy = float(8.854*Ey);\n",
+"Dz = float(8.854*Ez);\n",
+"D = Dx*ax+Dy*ay+Dz*az;\n",
+"disp(D,'Electric Flux Density in pico.C/square.metre D =')\n",
+"dDx = diff(Dx,x1);\n",
+"dDx = limit(dDx,x1,-4);\n",
+"dDx = limit(dDx,y1,3);\n",
+"dDx = limit(dDx,z1,6);\n",
+"dDy = diff(Dy,y1);\n",
+"dDy = limit(dDy,x1,-4);\n",
+"dDy = limit(dDy,y1,3);\n",
+"dDy = limit(dDy,z1,6);\n",
+"dDz = diff(Dz,z1);\n",
+"dDz = limit(dDz,x1,-4);\n",
+"dDz = limit(dDz,y1,3);\n",
+"dDz = limit(dDz,z1,6);\n",
+"rV = dDx+dDy+dDz;\n",
+"disp(rV,'Volume Charge density from divergence of D in pC/cubic.metre is rV=')\n",
+"//Potential V at point P(-4,3,6)in volts is Vp = 66. \n",
+"//Electric Field Intensity E at point P(-4,3,6) in volts E = 57.9050947672137 \n",
+"//Direction of Electric Field E at point P(-4,3,6) aEp= \n",
+"//equivalent to aEp= 0.0863482*az-0.5526284*ay+0.8289426*ax\n",
+"//Electric Flux Density in pico.C/square.metre D = \n",
+"// -35.416*ax*x1*y1-17.708*ay*x1^2+44.27*az \n",
+"//Volume Charge density from divergence of D in pC/cubic.metre is rV= \n",
+"// -106.248 "
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+ "## Example 5.1: find_the_resistance.sce"
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+"source": [
+"//Caption: Program to find the resistance, current and current density\n",
+"//page 123\n",
+"D = 0.0508; //diameter of conductor in inches\n",
+"D = 0.0508*0.0254; //diameter in metres\n",
+"r = D/2; //radius in metres\n",
+"A = %pi*r^2; //area of the conductor in square metre\n",
+"L = 1609; //length of the copper wire in metre\n",
+"sigma = 5.80e07; //conductivity in siemens/metre\n",
+"R = L/(sigma*A); //resistance in ohms\n",
+"I = 10; //current in amperes \n",
+"J = I/A; //current density in amps/square.metre\n",
+"disp(R,'Rresistance in ohms of given copper wire R =')\n",
+"disp(J,'Current density in A/square.metre J = ')\n",
+"//Rresistance in ohms of given copper wire R = \n",
+"// 21.215013 \n",
+"//Current density in A/square.metre J = \n",
+"// 7647425.6"
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+ "## Example 5.2: find_potential_at_point_P.sce"
+ ]
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+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//Caption: Program to find potential at point P, Electricf Field Intensity E, Flux density D\n",
+"//page 126\n",
+"x = sym('x');\n",
+"y = sym('y');\n",
+"z = sym('z');\n",
+"ax = sym('ax');\n",
+"ay = sym('ay');\n",
+"az = sym('az');\n",
+"V = 100*(x^2-y^2);\n",
+"disp(V,'Potential in Volts V =')\n",
+"Ex = diff(V,x);\n",
+"Ey = diff(V,y);\n",
+"Ez = diff(V,z);\n",
+"E = -(Ex*ax+Ey*ay+Ez*az);\n",
+"disp(E,'Electric Field Intensity in V/m E =')\n",
+"E = limit(E,x,2);\n",
+"E = limit(E,y,-1);\n",
+"V = limit(V,x,2);\n",
+"V = limit(V,y,-1);\n",
+"disp(V,'Potential at point P in Volts Vp =')\n",
+"disp(E,'Electric Field Intensity at point P in V/m Ep =')\n",
+"D = 8.854e-12*E; \n",
+"disp(D*1e09,'Electric FLux Density at point P in nC/square.metre Dp =')\n",
+"//Potential in Volts V = 100*(x^2-y^2) \n",
+"//Electric Field Intensity in V/m E = 200*ay*y-200*ax*x \n",
+"//Potential at point P in Volts Vp = 300 \n",
+"//Electric Field Intensity at point P in V/m Ep = -200*ay-400*ax \n",
+"//Electric FLux Density at point P in nC/square.metre Dp = 0.008854*(-200*ay-400*ax) \n",
+"//which is equivalent to Dp = -3.5416*ax -1.7708*ay "
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+ "## Example 5.3: equation_of_the_streamline.sce"
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+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//Caption: Program to determine the equation of the streamline passing through any point P\n",
+"//page 128\n",
+"x = sym('x');\n",
+"y = sym('y');\n",
+"z = sym('z');\n",
+"C1 = integ(1/y,y)+integ(1/x,x);\n",
+"disp(C1,'C1 = ')\n",
+"C2 = exp(C1);\n",
+"disp(C2,'The Stream line Equation C2 = ')\n",
+"C2 = limit(C2,x,2);\n",
+"C2 = limit(C2,y,-1);\n",
+"disp(C2,'The value of constant in the streamline equation passing through the point P is C2=')\n",
+"//C1 = log(y)+log(x) \n",
+"//The Stream line Equation C2 = x*y \n",
+"//The value of constant in the streamline equation passing through the point P is C2 = -2 "
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+ "## Example 6.1: calculate_D.sce"
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+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//Caption: Program to calculate D,E and Polarization P for Teflon slab\n",
+"//page 142\n",
+"ax = sym('ax');\n",
+"e0 = sym('e0');\n",
+"E0 = sym('E0');\n",
+"Ein = sym('Ein');\n",
+"er = 2.1; //relative permittivity of teflon\n",
+"chi = er-1; //electric susceptibility \n",
+"Eout = E0*ax;\n",
+"Dout = float(e0*Eout);\n",
+"Din = float(er*e0*Ein);\n",
+"Pin = float(chi*e0*Ein);\n",
+"disp(Dout,'Dout in c/square.metre = ')\n",
+"disp(Din,'Din in c/square.metre = ')\n",
+"disp(Pin,'Polarization in coulombs per square metre Pin =')\n",
+"//Dout in c/square.metre = ax*e0*E0 \n",
+"//Din in c/square.metre = 2.1*e0*Ein \n",
+"//Polarization in coulombs per square metre Pin = 1.1*e0*Ein "
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+ "## Example 6.2: Program_to_calculate_E_and_Polarization_P.sce"
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+ "execution_count": null,
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+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//Caption: Program to calculate E and Polarization P for Teflon slab\n",
+"//page 146\n",
+"ax = sym('ax');\n",
+"e0 = sym('e0');\n",
+"E0 = sym('E0');\n",
+"er = 2.1; //relative permittivity of teflon\n",
+"chi = er-1; //electric susceptibility \n",
+"Eout = E0*ax;\n",
+"Ein = float(Eout/er);\n",
+"Din = float(e0*Eout);\n",
+"Pin = float(Din - e0*Ein);\n",
+"disp(Ein,'Ein in V/m = ')\n",
+"disp(Pin,'Polarization in coulombs per square metre Pin =')\n",
+"//Ein in V/m = 0.47619047619048*ax*E0 \n",
+"//Polarization in coulombs per square metre Pin = 0.52380952380952*ax*e0*E0 "
+ ]
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+ "## Example 6.3: Program_to_calculate_the_capacitance.sce"
+ ]
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+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
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+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//Caption: Program to calculate the capacitance of a parallel plate capacitor\n",
+"//page 151\n",
+"S = 10;//area in square inch\n",
+"S = 10*(0.0254)^2; //area in square metre\n",
+"d = 0.01; //distance between the plates in inch\n",
+"d = 0.01*0.0254; //distance between the plates in metre\n",
+"e0 = 8.854e-12; //free space permittivity in F/m\n",
+"er = 6; //relative permittivity of mica\n",
+"e = e0*er;\n",
+"C = parallel_capacitor(e,S,d);\n",
+"disp(C*1e09,'Capacitance of a parallel plate capacitor in pico farads C =')\n",
+"//Capacitance of a parallel plate capacitor in pico farads C = 1.3493496 "
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+ "# Chapter 7: Poissons and Laplaces Equation"
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+ "## Example 7.1: Derivation_of_capacitance.sce"
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+ "metadata": {
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+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//Caption: Derivation of capacitance of a parallel plate capacitor\n",
+"//page 177\n",
+"x = sym('x');\n",
+"d = sym('d');\n",
+"Vo = sym('Vo');\n",
+"e = sym('e');\n",
+"ax = sym('ax');\n",
+"A = sym('A');\n",
+"B = sym('B');\n",
+"S = sym('S');\n",
+"V = integ(A,x)+B;\n",
+"V = limit(V,A,Vo/d);\n",
+"V = limit(V,B,0);\n",
+"disp(V,'Potential in Volts V =')\n",
+"E = -diff(V,x)*ax;\n",
+"disp(E,'Electric Field in V/m E =')\n",
+"D = e*E;\n",
+"DN = D/ax;\n",
+"disp(D,'Electric Flux Density in C/square metre D =')\n",
+"Q = -DN*S;\n",
+"disp(Q,'Charge in Coulombs Q =')\n",
+"C = Q/Vo;\n",
+"disp(C,'Capacitance of parallel plate capacitor C =')\n",
+"//Potential in Volts V = Vo*x/d \n",
+"//Electric Field in V/m E = -ax*Vo/d \n",
+"//Electric Flux Density in C/square metre D = -ax*e*Vo/d \n",
+"//Charge in Coulombs Q = e*Vo*S/d \n",
+"//Capacitance of parallel plate capacitor C = e*S/d "
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+ "source": [
+ "## Example 7.2: Capacitance_of_a_Cylindrical_Capacitor.sce"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
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+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//Caption: Capacitance of a Cylindrical Capacitor\n",
+"//page 179\n",
+"A = sym('A');\n",
+"B = sym('B');\n",
+"r = sym('r');\n",
+"ar = sym('ar');\n",
+"ruo = sym('ruo');\n",
+"a = sym('a');\n",
+"b = sym('b');\n",
+"L = sym('L');\n",
+"Vo = sym('Vo');\n",
+"V = integ(A/r,r)+B;\n",
+"disp(V,'Potential V = ')\n",
+"V = limit(V,A,Vo/log(a/b));\n",
+"V = limit(V,B,-Vo*log(b)/log(a/b));\n",
+"disp(V,'Potential V by substitute the values of constant A & B = ')\n",
+"V = Vo*log(b/r)/log(b/a);\n",
+"E = -diff(V,r)*ar;\n",
+"disp(E,'E = ');\n",
+"E = limit(E,r,a);\n",
+"disp(E,'E at r =a is =')\n",
+"D = e*E;\n",
+"DN = D/ar;\n",
+"disp(DN,'DN =')\n",
+"S = float(2*%pi*a*L); //area of cylinder\n",
+"Q = DN*S\n",
+"disp(Q,'Q =')\n",
+"C = Q/Vo;\n",
+"disp(C,'Capacitance of a cylindrical Capacitor C =')\n",
+"// Potential V = B+log(r)*A \n",
+"// Potential V by substitute the values of constant A & B =(log(r)-log(b))*Vo/log(a/b) \n",
+"// E = ar*Vo/(log(b/a)*r) \n",
+"// E at r =a is = ar*Vo/(a*log(b/a)) \n",
+"// DN = e*Vo/(a*log(b/a)) \n",
+"// Q = 6.283185306023805*e*Vo*L/log(b/a) \n",
+"// Capacitance of a cylindrical Capacitor C = 6.283185306023805*e*L/log(b/a) "
+ ]
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+ "source": [
+ "## Example 7.3: Determine_the_electric_field.sce"
+ ]
+ },
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+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//Caption: Program to Determine the electric field of a two infinite radial planes with an interior angle alpha\n",
+"//Example 7.3\n",
+"//page 180\n",
+"phi = sym('phi');\n",
+"A = sym('A');\n",
+"B = sym('B');\n",
+"Vo = sym('Vo');\n",
+"alpha = sym('alpha');\n",
+"aphi = sym('aphi');\n",
+"r = sym('r');\n",
+"V = integ(A,phi)+B;\n",
+"disp(V,'V =');\n",
+"V = limit(V,B,0);\n",
+"V = limit(V,A,Vo/alpha);\n",
+"disp(V,'Potential V after applying boundary conditions =')\n",
+"E = -(1/r)*diff(V,phi)*aphi;\n",
+"disp(E,'E =')\n",
+"// V = B+phi*A \n",
+"// Potential V after applying boundary conditions = phi*Vo/alpha \n",
+"// E = -aphi*Vo/(alpha*r) "
+ ]
+ }
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "## Example 7.4: capacitance_of_a_spherical_capacito.sce"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+"cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//Caption: Derivation of capacitance of a spherical capacitor\n",
+"//page 181\n",
+"a = sym('a');\n",
+"b = sym('b');\n",
+"Vo = sym('Vo');\n",
+"r = sym('r');\n",
+"e = sym('e');\n",
+"V = Vo*((1/r)-(1/b))/((1/a)-(1/b));\n",
+"disp(V,'V =')\n",
+"E = -diff(V,r)*ar;\n",
+"disp(E,'E =')\n",
+"D = e*E;\n",
+"DN = D/ar;\n",
+"disp(DN,'DN =')\n",
+"S = float(4*%pi*r^2); //area of sphere\n",
+"Q = DN*S;\n",
+"disp(Q,'Q =')\n",
+"C = Q/Vo;\n",
+"disp(C,'Capacitance of a spherical capacitor =')\n",
+"//V = (1/r-1/b)*Vo/(1/a-1/b) \n",
+"//E = ar*Vo/((1/a-1/b)*r^2) \n",
+"//DN = e*Vo/((1/a-1/b)*r^2) \n",
+"//Q = 12.56637060469643*e*Vo/(1/a-1/b) \n",
+"//Capacitance of a spherical capacitor = 12.56637060469643*e/(1/a-1/b)"
+ ]
+ }
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "## Example 7.5: Potential_in_spherical_coordinates.sce"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+"cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//Caption: Potential in spherical coordinates as a function of teta V(teta)\n",
+"//page 182\n",
+"teta = sym('teta');\n",
+"A = sym('A');\n",
+"B = sym('B');\n",
+"V = integ(A/float(sin(teta)),teta)+B;\n",
+"disp(V,'V = ')\n",
+"//V = B+(log(cos(teta)-1)/2-log(cos(teta)+1)/2)*A \n",
+"//Equivalent to V = B+log(tan(teta/2))*A"
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+ "# Chapter 8: The Steady Magnetic Field"
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+ "source": [
+ "## Example 8.1: find_the_magnetic_field_intensity.sce"
+ ]
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+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
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+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//Caption: Program to find the magnetic field intensity of a current carrying filament\n",
+"//page 217\n",
+"I = 8; //current in amps\n",
+"alpha1x = -90/57.3; // phase angle along with x-axis\n",
+"x = 0.4;\n",
+"y = 0.3;\n",
+"z =0;\n",
+"alpha2x = atan(x/y);\n",
+"aphi = sym('aphi');\n",
+"az = sym('az');\n",
+"rx = y; // distance in metres in cynlindrical coordiante system\n",
+"H2x = float((I/(4*%pi*rx))*(sin(alpha2x)-sin(alpha1x)))*-az;\n",
+"disp(H2x,'H2x = ')\n",
+"alpha1y = -atan(y/x);\n",
+"alpha2y = 90/57.3;\n",
+"ry = 0.4;\n",
+"H2y = float((I/(4*%pi*ry))*(sin(alpha2y)-sin(alpha1y)))*-az;\n",
+"disp(H2y,'H2y =')\n",
+"H2 = H2x+H2y;\n",
+"disp(H2,'H2 =')\n",
+"//H2x = -3.819718617079289*az \n",
+"//H2y = -2.546479080730701*az \n",
+"//H2 = -6.36619769780999*az "
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+ "source": [
+ "## Example 8.2: to_find_the_curl_H.sce"
+ ]
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+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//Caption: Program to find the curlH of a square path of side 'd'\n",
+"//page 230\n",
+"ax = sym('ax');\n",
+"az = sym('az');\n",
+"ay = sym('ay');\n",
+"z = sym('z');\n",
+"y = sym('y');\n",
+"d = sym('d');\n",
+"H = 0.2*z^2*ax;\n",
+"Hx = float(H/ax);\n",
+"HdL = float(0.4*z*d^2);\n",
+"//curlH evaluated from the definition of curl\n",
+"curlH = (HdL/(d^2))*ay;\n",
+"//curlH evaluated from the determinant\n",
+"del_cross_H = -ay*(-diff(Hx,z))+az*(-diff(Hx,y));\n",
+"disp(curlH,'curlH = ')\n",
+"disp(del_cross_H,'del_cross_H = ')\n",
+"//curlH = 0.4*ay*z \n",
+"//del_cross_H = 0.4*ay*z "
+ ]
+ }
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "## Example 8.3: verify_Stokes_theorem.sce"
+ ]
+ },
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+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//Caption: Program to verify Stokes theorem\n",
+"//page 233\n",
+"teta = sym('teta');\n",
+"phi = sym('phi');\n",
+"ar = sym('ar');\n",
+"aphi = sym('aphi');\n",
+"az = sym('az');\n",
+"r = sym('r');\n",
+"curlH = float(36*cos(teta)*cos(phi)*r^2*sin(teta));\n",
+"curlH_S = integ(curlH,teta);\n",
+"curlH_S = float(limit(curlH_S,r,4));\n",
+"curlH_S = float(limit(curlH_S,teta,0.1*%pi))-float(limit(curlH_S,teta,0));\n",
+"curlH_S = integ(curlH_S,phi);\n",
+"curlH_S = float(limit(curlH_S,phi,0.3*%pi))-float(limit(curlH_S,phi,0));\n",
+"disp(curlH_S,'Surface Integral of curlH in Amps =')\n",
+"Hr = 6*r*sin(phi);\n",
+"Hphi = 18*r*sin(teta)*cos(phi);\n",
+"HdL = float(limit(Hphi*r*sin(teta),r,4));\n",
+"HdL = float(limit(HdL,teta,0.1*%pi));\n",
+"HdL = float(integ(HdL,phi))\n",
+"HdL = float(limit(HdL,phi,0.3*%pi));\n",
+"disp(HdL,'Closed Line Integral of H in Amps =')\n",
+"//Surface Integral of curlH in Amps = 22.24922359441324 \n",
+"// Closed Line Integral of H in Amps = 22.24922359441324 "
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+ "# Chapter 9: Magnetic Forces Materials and Inductance"
+ ]
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+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "## Example 9.1: find_magnetic_field_and_force_produced.sce"
+ ]
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+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//Caption: Program to find magnetic field and force produced in a square loop\n",
+"//page 263\n",
+"x = sym('x');\n",
+"y = sym('y');\n",
+"z = sym('z');\n",
+"ax = sym('ax');\n",
+"ay = sym('ay');\n",
+"az = sym('az');\n",
+"I = 15; //filament current in amps\n",
+"I1 = 2e-03; //current in square loop\n",
+"u0 = 4*%pi*1e-07; //free space permeability in H/m\n",
+"H = float(I/(2*%pi*x))*az;\n",
+"disp(H,'Magnetic Field Intensity in A/m H =')\n",
+"B = float(u0*H);\n",
+"disp(B,'Magnetic Flux Density in Tesla B = ')\n",
+"Bz = B/az;\n",
+"//Bcross_dL = ay*diff(Bz,x);\n",
+"F1 = float(-I1*integ(ay*Bz,x));\n",
+"F1 = float(limit(F1,x,3)-limit(F1,x,1));\n",
+"F2 = float(-I1*integ(ax*-Bz,y));\n",
+"F2 = float(limit(F2,x,3));\n",
+"F2 = float(limit(F2,y,2)-limit(F2,y,0));\n",
+"F3 = float(-I1*integ(ay*Bz,x));\n",
+"F3 = float(limit(F3,x,1)-limit(F3,x,3));\n",
+"F4 = float(-I1*integ(ax*-Bz,y));\n",
+"F4 = float(limit(F4,x,1));\n",
+"F4 = float(limit(F4,y,0)-limit(F4,y,2));\n",
+"F =float((F1+F2+F3+F4)*1e09);\n",
+"disp(F,'Total Force acting on a square loop in nN F = ')\n",
+"//Magnetic Field Intensity in A/m H = 2.387324146817574*az/x \n",
+"//Magnetic Flux Density in Tesla B = 3.0000000003340771E-6*az/x \n",
+"//Total Force acting on a square loop in nN F = -8.000000000890873*ax "
+ ]
+ }
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
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+ "source": [
+ "## Example 9.2: determine_the_differential_force.sce"
+ ]
+ },
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+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//Caption: Program to determine the differential force between two differential current elements\n",
+"//page 265\n",
+"ax = sym('ax');\n",
+"ay = sym('ay');\n",
+"az = sym('az');\n",
+"//position of filament in cartesian coordinate system\n",
+"P1 = [5,2,1]; \n",
+"P2 = [1,8,5];\n",
+"//distance between filament 1 and filament 2\n",
+"R12 = norm(P2-P1);\n",
+"disp(R12,'R12 =')\n",
+"I1dL1 = [0,-3,0]; //current carrying first filament 1\n",
+"I2dL2 = [0,0,-4]; //current carrying second filament 2\n",
+"u0 = 4*%pi*1e-07; //free space permeability in H/m\n",
+"aR12 = UnitVector(P2-P1); //unit vector\n",
+"disp(aR12,'aR12 =')\n",
+"C1 = cross_product(I1dL1,aR12);\n",
+"C2 = cross_product(I2dL2,C1);\n",
+"dF2 = (u0/(4*%pi*R12^2))*C2;\n",
+"dF2_y = float(dF2(2)*1e09);\n",
+"disp(dF2_y*ay,'the differential force between two differential current elements in nN =')\n",
+"//R12 = 8.2462113 \n",
+"//aR12 = - 0.4850713 0.7276069 0.4850713 \n",
+"//the differential force between two differential current elements in nN = 8.560080878105142*ay "
+ ]
+ }
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "## Example 9.3: calculate_the_total_torque_acting.sce"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+"cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//Caption: Program to calculate the total torque acting on a planar rectangular current loop\n",
+"//page 271\n",
+"ax = sym('ax');\n",
+"ay = sym('ay');\n",
+"az = sym('az');\n",
+"x = 1;//length in metre\n",
+"y = 2; //wide in metre\n",
+"S = [0,0,x*y]; //area of current loop in square metre\n",
+"I = 4e-03; //current in Amps\n",
+"B = [0,-0.6,0.8];\n",
+"T = I*cross_product(S,B);\n",
+"Tx = float(T(1));\n",
+"disp(Tx*ax*1e03,'Total Torque acting on the rectangular current loop in milli N/m=')\n",
+"//Total Torque acting on the rectangular current loop in milli N/m = 4.8*ax "
+ ]
+ }
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "## Example 9.4: find_the_torque_and_force_acting.sce"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+"cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//Caption: Program to find the torque and force acting on each side of planar loop\n",
+"//page 271\n",
+"ax = sym('ax');\n",
+"ay = sym('ay');\n",
+"az = sym('az');\n",
+"I = 4e-03; //current in Amps\n",
+"B = [0,-0.6,0.8]; //Magentic Field acting on current loop in Tesla\n",
+"L1 = [1,0,0]; //length along x-axis\n",
+"L2 = [0,2,0]; //length along y-axis\n",
+"F1 = I*cross_product(L1,B);\n",
+"F3 = -F1;\n",
+"F2 = I*cross_product(L2,B);\n",
+"F4 = -F2;\n",
+"R1 = [0,-1,0]; //distance from center of loop for side1\n",
+"R2 = [0.5,0,0]; //distance from center of loop for side2\n",
+"R3 = [0,1,0]; //distance from center of loop for side3\n",
+"R4 = [-0.5,0,0];//distance from center of loop for side4\n",
+"T1 = cross_product(R1,F1);\n",
+"T2 = cross_product(R2,F2);\n",
+"T3 = cross_product(R3,F3);\n",
+"T4 = cross_product(R4,F4);\n",
+"T = T1+T2+T3+T4;\n",
+"Tx = float(T(1)*1e03);\n",
+"disp(F1,'F1 =')\n",
+"disp(F2,'F2 =')\n",
+"disp(F3,'F3 =')\n",
+"disp(F4,'F4 =')\n",
+"disp(T1,'T1 =')\n",
+"disp(T2,'T2 =')\n",
+"disp(T3,'T3 =')\n",
+"disp(T4,'T4 =')\n",
+"disp(Tx*ax,'Total torque acting on the rectangular planar loop in milli N/m T =')\n",
+"// F1 = \n",
+"// 0. \n",
+"// - 0.0032 \n",
+"// - 0.0024 \n",
+"// F2 = \n",
+"// 0.0064 \n",
+"// 0. \n",
+"// 0. \n",
+"// F3 = \n",
+"// 0. \n",
+"// 0.0032 \n",
+"// 0.0024 \n",
+"// F4 = \n",
+"// - 0.0064 \n",
+"// 0. \n",
+"// 0. \n",
+"// T1 = \n",
+"// 0.0024 \n",
+"// 0. \n",
+"// 0. \n",
+"// T2 = \n",
+"// 0. \n",
+"// 0. \n",
+"// 0. \n",
+"// T3 = \n",
+"// 0.0024 \n",
+"// 0. \n",
+"// 0. \n",
+"// T4 = \n",
+"// 0. \n",
+"// 0. \n",
+"// 0. \n",
+"// Total torque acting on the rectangular planar loop in milli N/m T = 4.8*ax "
+ ]
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+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "## Example 9.5: find_Magnetic_Susceptibility.sce"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+"cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//Caption: Program to find Magnetic Susceptibility, H,Magentization M\n",
+"//page 279\n",
+"ur = 50; //relative permeability of ferrite material\n",
+"u0 = 4*%pi*1e-07; //free space permeability in H/m\n",
+"chim = ur-1; //magnetic susceptibility\n",
+"B = 0.05; //magnetic flux density in tesla\n",
+"u = u0*ur;\n",
+"H = B/u; //magnetic field intensity in A/m\n",
+"M = chim*ceil(H); //magnetization in A/m\n",
+"disp(chim,'chim =')\n",
+"disp(H,'H =')\n",
+"disp(M,'M = ')\n",
+"//chim = 49. \n",
+"//H = 795.77472 \n",
+"//M = 39004. "
+ ]
+ }
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "## Example 9.6: find_the_boundary_conditions_on_magnetic_field.sce"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+"cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//Caption: Program to find the boundary conditions on magnetic field\n",
+"//page 283\n",
+"ax = sym('ax');\n",
+"ay = sym('ay');\n",
+"az = sym('az');\n",
+"u1 = 4e-06; // relative permeability in medium1\n",
+"u2 = 7e-06; //relative permeability in medium2\n",
+"k = [80,0,0]; //in A/m\n",
+"B1 = [2e-03,-3e-03,1e-03];//field in region1\n",
+"aN12 = [0,0,-1];\n",
+"//To find Normal Components of Magnetic Field\n",
+"Bz = dot(B1,aN12);\n",
+"BN1 = [0,0,-Bz];\n",
+"BN1 = float(BN1);\n",
+"BN2 = float(BN1);\n",
+"//To Find the Tangential Components of Magnetic Field\n",
+"Bt1 = float(B1 - BN1);\n",
+"Ht1 = float(Bt1/u1);\n",
+"v = cross_product(aN12,k);\n",
+"Ht2 = float(Ht1-v');\n",
+"Bt2 = float(u2*Ht2);\n",
+"disp(BN1(1)*ax+BN1(2)*ay+BN1(3)*az,'BN1 =')\n",
+"disp(BN2(1)*ax+BN2(2)*ay+BN2(3)*az,'BN2 =')\n",
+"disp(Bt1(1)*ax+Bt1(2)*ay+Bt1(3)*az,'Bt1 =');\n",
+"disp(Ht1(1)*ax+Ht1(2)*ay+Ht1(3)*az,'Ht1 =');\n",
+"disp(Ht2(1)*ax+Ht2(2)*ay+Ht2(3)*az,'Ht2 =');\n",
+"disp(Bt2(1)*ax+Bt2(2)*ay+Bt2(3)*az,'Bt2 =');\n",
+"//Total Magnetic Field Region2\n",
+"B2 = (BN2+Bt2)*1e03;\n",
+"B2 = B2(1)*ax+B2(2)*ay+B2(3)*az;\n",
+"disp(B2,'Total Magnetic Field Region2 in milli Tesla B2 =')\n",
+"// BN1 = \n",
+"// 0.001*az \n",
+"//BN2 = \n",
+"// 0.001*az \n",
+"//Bt1 = \n",
+"// 0.002*ax-0.003*ay \n",
+"//Ht1 = \n",
+"// 500.0*ax-750.0*ay \n",
+"//Ht2 = \n",
+"// 500.0*ax-670.0*ay \n",
+"//Bt2 = \n",
+"// 0.0035*ax-0.00469*ay \n",
+"//Total Magnetic Field Region2 in milli Tesla B2 = \n",
+"// 1.0*az-4.69*ay+3.5*ax "
+ ]
+ }
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "## Example 9.7: magnetomotive_force_Vm_.sce"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+"cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//Caption: Program to find find magnetomotive force 'Vm' and reluctance 'R'\n",
+"//page 288\n",
+"u0 = 4*%pi*1e-07 ;//free space permeability in H/m\n",
+"ur = 1;//relative permeability\n",
+"u = u0*ur;\n",
+"dair = 2e-03; //air gap in toroid\n",
+"dsteel = 0.3*%pi;\n",
+"S = 6e-04; //area of cross section in square metre\n",
+"B = 1; //flux density 1 tesla\n",
+"N = 500; //number of turns\n",
+"Rair = dair/(u*S); \n",
+"disp(Rair,'Reluctance in A.t/Wb Rair =')\n",
+"phi = B*S;\n",
+"disp(phi,'Magnetic Flux in weber phi =')\n",
+"Vm_air = S*Rair;\n",
+"disp(Vm_air,'mmf required for the air gap in A.t Vm_air =')\n",
+"Hsteel = 200; //magnetic field intensity of steel in A/m\n",
+"Vm_steel = Hsteel*dsteel;\n",
+"disp(Vm_steel,'mmf required for the steel in A.t Vm_steel =')\n",
+"disp(Vm_steel+Vm_air,'Totla mmf required for toroid in A.t Vm =')\n",
+"I = (Vm_steel+Vm_air)/N;\n",
+"disp(I,'Total coil current in Amps I =')\n",
+"//Reluctance in A.t/Wb Rair = 2652582.4 \n",
+"//Magnetic Flux in weber phi = 0.0006 \n",
+"//mmf required for the air gap in A.t Vm_air = 1591.5494 \n",
+"//mmf required for the steel in A.t Vm_steel = 188.49556 \n",
+"//Totla mmf required for toroid in A.t Vm = 1780.045 \n",
+"//Total coil current in Amps I = 3.56009 "
+ ]
+ }
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "## Example 9.8: total_Magnetic_Flux_Density.sce"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+"cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//Caption: Program to find total Magnetic Flux Density in Weber\n",
+"//page 289\n",
+"I = 4; //current through toroid in Amps\n",
+"r = 1e-03; //air gap radius in metre\n",
+"Hphi = I/(2*%pi*r);\n",
+"u0 = 4*%pi*1e-07 ;//free space permeability in H/m\n",
+"ur = 1;//relative permeability\n",
+"u = u0*ur;\n",
+"N = 500;//number of turns\n",
+"S = 6e-04; //cross section area in square metre\n",
+"Rair = 2.65e06; //reluctance in air A.t/Wb\n",
+"Rsteel = 0.314e06; //reluctance in steel A.t/Wb\n",
+"R = Rair+Rsteel;//total reluctance in A.t/Wb\n",
+"Vm = I*500; //total mmf in A.t\n",
+"phi = Vm/R;//total flux in webers\n",
+"B = phi/S; //flux density in Wb/Square metre\n",
+"disp(B,'Magentic Flux Density in tesla B =')\n",
+"//Magentic Flux Density in tesla B = 1.1246064 "
+ ]
+ }
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {},
+ "source": [
+ "## Example 9.9: self_inductances_and_Mutual_Inductances.sce"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+"cell_type": "code",
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "metadata": {
+ "collapsed": true
+ },
+ "outputs": [],
+"source": [
+"//Caption: Program to calculate self inductances and Mutual Inductances between two coaixal solenoids\n",
+"//page 297\n",
+"n1 = sym('n1');\n",
+"n2 = sym('n2');\n",
+"I1 = sym('I1');\n",
+"I2 = sym('I2');\n",
+"az = sym('az');\n",
+"R1 = sym('R1');\n",
+"R2 = sym('R2');\n",
+"u0 = sym('u0');\n",
+"H1 = n1*I1*az;\n",
+"disp(H1,'H1 =');\n",
+"H2 = n2*I2*az;\n",
+"disp(H2,'H2 =');\n",
+"S1 = float(%pi*R1^2);\n",
+"S2 = float(%pi*R2^2);\n",
+"Hz = float(H1/az);\n",
+"phi12 = float(u0*Hz*S1);\n",
+"disp(phi12,'phi12 = ')\n",
+"M12 = n2*phi12/I1;\n",
+"disp(M12,'M12 =')\n",
+"//R1 = 2e-02; \n",
+"//R2 = 3e-02;\n",
+"//n1 = 50*100; //number of turns/m\n",
+"//n2 = 80*100; //number of turns/m\n",
+"//u0 = 4*%pi*1e-07;\n",
+"M12 = float(limit(M12,R1,2e-02));\n",
+"M12 = float(limit(M12,R2,3e-02));\n",
+"M12 = float(limit(M12,n1,5000));\n",
+"M12 = float(limit(M12,n2,8000));\n",
+"M12 = float(limit(M12,u0,4*%pi*1e-07));\n",
+"disp(M12*1e03,'Mutual Inductance in mH/m M12=')\n",
+"L1 = u0*n1^2*S1;\n",
+"L1 = float(limit(L1,u0,4*%pi*1e-07));\n",
+"L1 = float(limit(L1,n1,5000));\n",
+"L1 = float(limit(L1,R1,2e-02));\n",
+"disp(L1*1e3,'Self Inductance of solenoid 1 in mH/m L1 =')\n",
+"L2 = u0*n2^2*S2;\n",
+"L2 = float(limit(L2,u0,4*%pi*1e-07));\n",
+"L2 = float(limit(L2,n2,8000));\n",
+"L2 = float(limit(L2,R2,3e-02));\n",
+"disp(L2*1e3,'Self Inductance of solenoid 1 in mH/m L2 =')\n",
+"// H1 = az*n1*I1 \n",
+"// H2 = az*n2*I2 \n",
+"// phi12 = 3.141592653011903*n1*u0*I1*R1^2 \n",
+"// M12 = 3.141592653011903*n1*n2*u0*R1^2 \n",
+"// Mutual Inductance in mH/m M12= 63.16546815077 \n",
+"// Self Inductance of solenoid 1 in mH/m L1 = 39.47841759423 \n",
+"// Self Inductance of solenoid 1 in mH/m L2 = 227.39568534276 "
+ ]
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