path: root/Working_Examples/3432/CH5/EX5.8/Ex5_8.sce
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Working_Examples/3432/CH5/EX5.8/Ex5_8.sce')
1 files changed, 105 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Working_Examples/3432/CH5/EX5.8/Ex5_8.sce b/Working_Examples/3432/CH5/EX5.8/Ex5_8.sce
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..9df35f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Working_Examples/3432/CH5/EX5.8/Ex5_8.sce
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+//Example 5.8
+//Root locus for noncollocated case.
+xdel(winsid())//close all graphics Windows
+//System transfer function with controller
+//Angle of departure.
+//Find angle of departure from pole at phi1= - 0.1 + 6.6i
+//(real poles don't have angle of departure,
+//they move along real axis only)
+//psi1=angle[(Departing pole)- (zero at - 1]
+[Mpsi1, psi1] = polar(pl(2)-zr(1))
+psi1=real(psi1)*180/%pi; //angle in degree
+//phi2=angle[(Departing pole)- (pole at 0)]
+[Mphi2, phi2] = polar(pl(2)-pl(4))
+phi2=real(phi2)*180/%pi; //angle in degree
+//phi3 is same as phi2, as pole is repeated at 0.
+//phi4=angle[(Departing pole)-(pole at - 0.1 - 6.6i )]
+[Mphi4, phi4] = polar(pl(2)-pl(3))
+phi4=real(phi4)*180/%pi; //angle in degree
+//phi5=angle[(Departing pole)- (pole at - 12 )]
+[Mphi5, phi5] = polar(pl(2)-pl(1))
+phi5=real(phi5)*180/%pi; //angle in degree
+//Therefore angle of departure phi1 at - 0.1 + 6.6i is
+//phi1 = 180 + sum(angle to zeros) - sum(angle to poles)
+phi1 = 180 + sum(psi1) - sum(phi2+phi3+phi4+phi5)
+//angle contributions in figure
+xset('font size',1.5)
+xarrows([real(pl(1)); -10],[0;0],0,2)
+xarrows([real(zr(1)); -0.3],[0;0],0,6)
+xarrows([real(pl(4)); 1],[0;0],0,5)
+xarrows([real(pl(3)); 2],[imag(pl(3));imag(pl(3))],0,17)
+exec .\fig_settings.sci; //custom script for setting figure properties
+title(['Figure to compute a departure angle for',...
+zoom_rect([-15 -8 5 8])
+h.visible = "off"
+//Root locus of system transfer function with controller
+//Title, labels and grid to the figure
+exec .\fig_settings.sci; //custom script for setting figure properties
+title(['Root locus for','$L(s)=\frac{s+1}{s+12}\frac{1}...
+zoom_rect([-15 -8 5 8])
+h.visible = "off"