path: root/Working_Examples/3432/CH3/EX3.25/Ex3_25.sce
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Diffstat (limited to 'Working_Examples/3432/CH3/EX3.25/Ex3_25.sce')
1 files changed, 52 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Working_Examples/3432/CH3/EX3.25/Ex3_25.sce b/Working_Examples/3432/CH3/EX3.25/Ex3_25.sce
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+++ b/Working_Examples/3432/CH3/EX3.25/Ex3_25.sce
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+//Example 3.25 Aircraft Response
+xdel(winsid())//close all graphics Windows
+//(a)impulse response of aircraft
+//Transfer function of aircraft
+numG=[-6 1];
+denG=[0 13 4 1];
+u=-1 //impulsive elevator input of 1 degree
+//impulse response
+exec .\fig_settings.sci; //custom script for setting figure properties
+title('Response of an airplanes altitude to an impulsive elevator input','fontsize',3)
+xlabel('Time (sec.)','fontsize',2)
+ylabel('Altitude (ft)','fontsize',2)
+//final value theorem, lim s-->0 in s*G(s)
+disp(gt_final,"The final value of the output altitude is:")
+//(b)response specifications
+//damping factor (xi) and natural frequency (wn)
+[wn xi]=damp(sysG);
+wn=wn(2);//natural frequency (wn)
+xi=xi(2);//damping factor
+disp(wn,xi,"Damping factor and natural frequency (rad)...
+ of the response are:")
+tr=1.8/wn; //rise time
+disp(tr,"Rise time (sec) of the response is:")
+ts=4.6/sigma; //settling time
+disp(ts,"Settling time (sec) of the response is:")
+disp(tp, Mp,"Overshoot and time of overshoot (sec)...
+ in the response are:")