path: root/R/nonparam.R
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2015-06-04Corrected the etfe functionSuraj Yerramilli
2015-06-03Minor CorrectionsSuraj Yerramilli
2015-06-03Defined the output of spa and etfe as an idfrd objectSuraj Yerramilli
2015-06-03Added Minor ChangesSuraj Yerramilli
2015-06-03Correction in NULL checking conditionSuraj Yerramilli
2015-06-03Updated Documentation and NAMESPACESuraj Yerramilli
2015-06-03added the sampling interval parameterSuraj Yerramilli
2015-06-03added code to compute the frf using WOSASuraj Yerramilli
2015-06-03Added skeleton structure for FRF estimatorsSuraj Yerramilli
2015-06-02Changed file name to include all non-parameteric methodsSuraj Yerramilli