path: root/R/iv.R
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Diffstat (limited to 'R/iv.R')
1 files changed, 157 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/R/iv.R b/R/iv.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..73b7cc8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/iv.R
@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
+#' ARX model estimation using instrumental variable method
+#' Estimates an ARX model of the specified order from input-output data using
+#' the instrument variable method. If arbitrary instruments are not supplied
+#' by the user, the instruments are generated using the arx routine
+#' @param z an idframe object containing the data
+#' @param order Specification of the orders: the three integer components
+#' (na,nb,nk) are the order of polynolnomial A, (order of polynomial B + 1)
+#' and the input-output delay
+#' @param x instrument variable matrix. x must be of the same size as the output
+#' data. (Default: \code{NULL})
+#' @return
+#' An object of class \code{estpoly} containing the following elements:
+#' \item{sys}{an \code{idpoly} object containing the
+#' fitted ARX coefficients}
+#' \item{fitted.values}{the predicted response}
+#' \item{residuals}{the residuals}
+#' \item{input}{the input data used}
+#' \item{call}{the matched call}
+#' \item{stats}{A list containing the following fields: \cr
+#' \code{vcov} - the covariance matrix of the fitted coefficients \cr
+#' \code{sigma} - the standard deviation of the innovations\cr
+#' \code{df} - the residual degrees of freedom}
+#' @references
+#' Arun K. Tangirala (2015), \emph{Principles of System Identification:
+#' Theory and Practice}, CRC Press, Boca Raton. Sections 21.7.1, 21.7.2
+#' Lennart Ljung (1999), \emph{System Identification: Theory for the User},
+#' 2nd Edition, Prentice Hall, New York. Section 7.6
+#' @examples
+#' data(arxsim)
+#' mod_iv <- iv(arxsim,c(2,1,1))
+#' @seealso \code{\link{arx}}, \code{\link{iv4}}
+#' @export
+iv <- function(z,order=c(0,1,0),x=NULL){
+ if(is.null(x)){
+ # Initial Guess using ARX
+ mod_arx <- arx(z,order)
+ x <- matrix(sim(mod_arx$sys,inputData(z)))
+ }
+ ivcompute(z,x,order)
+#' @import signal
+ivcompute <- function(z,x,order,filt=NULL){
+ y <- outputData(z); u <- inputData(z); N <- dim(y)[1]
+ na <- order[1];nb <- order[2]; nk <- order[3]
+ nb1 <- nb+nk-1 ; n <- max(na,nb1); df <- N-na-nb
+ yout <- apply(y,2,padZeros,n=n);
+ xout <- apply(x,2,padZeros,n=n);
+ uout <- apply(u,2,padZeros,n=n);
+ # Regressors
+ reg <- function(i) {
+ if(nk==0) v <- i-0:(nb-1) else v <- i-nk:nb1
+ c(-yout[i-1:na,,drop=T],uout[v,,drop=T])
+ }
+ phi <- t(sapply(n+1:(N+n),reg))
+ Y <- yout[n+1:(N+n),,drop=F]
+ # Generating IVs
+ ivx <- function(i) {
+ if(nk==0) v <- i-0:(nb-1) else v <- i-nk:nb1
+ c(-xout[i-1:na,,drop=T],uout[v,,drop=T])
+ }
+ psi <- t(sapply(n+1:(N+n),ivx))
+ l <- list(phi,psi,Y)
+ if(!is.null(filt)){
+ appfilt <- function(x) apply(x,2,signal::filter,filt=filt)
+ l <- lapply(l, appfilt)
+ }
+ phif <- l[[1]]; psif <- l[[2]]; Yf <- l[[3]]
+ # Estimator
+ lhs <- t(psif)%*%phif; lhsinv <- solve(lhs)
+ theta <- lhsinv%*%t(psif)%*%Yf
+ # Residuals
+ ypred <- (phi%*%theta)[1:N,,drop=F]
+ e <- y-ypred
+ sigma2 <- norm(e,"2")^2/df
+ vcov <- sigma2*solve(t(phi)%*%phi)
+ model <- idpoly(A = c(1,theta[1:na]),B = theta[na+1:nb],ioDelay = nk,
+ Ts=deltat(z),noiseVar = sqrt(sigma2),unit=unit)
+ estpoly(sys = model,
+ stats=list(vcov = vcov, sigma = sqrt(sigma2),df = df),
+ fitted.values=ypred,residuals=e,,input=u)
+#' ARX model estimation using four-stage instrumental variable method
+#' Estimates an ARX model of the specified order from input-output data using
+#' the instrument variable method. The estimation algorithm is insensitive to
+#' the color of the noise term.
+#' @param z an idframe object containing the data
+#' @param order Specification of the orders: the three integer components
+#' (na,nb,nk) are the order of polynolnomial A, (order of polynomial B + 1)
+#' and the input-output delay
+#' @details
+#' Estimation is performed in 4 stages. The first stage uses the arx function. The resulting model generates the
+#' instruments for a second-stage IV estimate. The residuals obtained from this model are modeled using a sufficently
+#' high-order AR model. At the fourth stage, the input-output data is filtered through this AR model and then subjected
+#' to the IV function with the same instrument filters as in the second stage.
+#' @return
+#' An object of class \code{estpoly} containing the following elements:
+#' \item{sys}{an \code{idpoly} object containing the
+#' fitted ARX coefficients}
+#' \item{fitted.values}{the predicted response}
+#' \item{residuals}{the residuals}
+#' \item{input}{the input data used}
+#' \item{call}{the matched call}
+#' \item{stats}{A list containing the following fields: \cr
+#' \code{vcov} - the covariance matrix of the fitted coefficients \cr
+#' \code{sigma} - the standard deviation of the innovations\cr
+#' \code{df} - the residual degrees of freedom}
+#' @references
+#' Lennart Ljung (1999), \emph{System Identification: Theory for the User},
+#' 2nd Edition, Prentice Hall, New York. Section 15.3
+#' @examples
+#' mod_dgp <- idpoly(A=c(1,-0.5),B=c(0.6,-.2),C=c(1,0.6),ioDelay = 2,noiseVar = 0.1)
+#' u <- idinput(400,"prbs")
+#' y <- sim(mod_dgp,u,addNoise=TRUE)
+#' z <- idframe(y,u)
+#' mod_iv4 <- iv4(z,c(1,2,2))
+#' @seealso \code{\link{arx}}, \code{\link{iv4}}
+#' @export
+iv4 <- function(z,order=c(0,1,0)){
+ na <- order[1]; nb <- order[2]
+ # Steps 1-2
+ mod_iv <- iv(z,order)
+ # Step 3
+ w <- resid(mod_iv)
+ mod_ar <- ar(w,aic = F,order.max =na+nb)
+ Lhat <- signal::Arma(b=c(1,-mod_ar$ar),a=1)
+ # Step 4
+ x2 <- matrix(sim(mod_iv$sys,inputData(z)))
+ ivcompute(z,x2,order,Lhat)
+} \ No newline at end of file