path: root/R/estpoly.R
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'R/estpoly.R')
1 files changed, 636 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/R/estpoly.R b/R/estpoly.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e37ad1d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/R/estpoly.R
@@ -0,0 +1,636 @@
+#' Estimated polynomial object
+#' Estimated discrete-time polynomial model returned from an estimation
+#' routine.
+#' @param sys an \code{idpoly} object containing the estimated polynomial
+#' coefficients
+#' @param fitted.values 1-step ahead predictions on the training dataset
+#' @param residuals 1-step ahead prediction errors
+#' @param options optimization specification ser used (applicable for non-linear least
+#' squares)
+#' @param call the matched call
+#' @param stats a list containing estimation statistics
+#' @param termination termination criteria for optimization
+#' @param input input signal of the training data-set
+#' @details
+#' Do not use \code{estpoly} for directly specifing an input-output polynomial model.
+#' \code{\link{idpoly}} is to be used instead
+#' @export
+estpoly <- function(sys,fitted.values,residuals,options=NULL,
+ call,stats,termination=NULL,input){
+ out <- list(sys=sys,fitted.values=fitted.values,
+ residuals=residuals,input=input,call=call,
+ stats=stats,options=options,termination=termination)
+ class(out) <- "estpoly"
+ out
+#' @export
+print.estpoly <- function(x,...){
+ print(summary(x),...)
+#' @export
+summary.estpoly <- function(object,...)
+ model <- object$sys
+ coefs <- params(model)
+ se <- sqrt(diag(getcov(object)))
+ params <- data.frame(Estimated=coefs,se=se)
+ report <- list(fit=fitch(object),params=params)
+ res <- list(model=model,report=report)
+ class(res) <- "summary.estpoly"
+ res
+#' Fit Characteristics
+#' Returns quantitative assessment of the estimated model as a list
+#' @param x the estimated model
+#' @return
+#' A list containing the following elements
+#' \item{MSE}{Mean Square Error measure of how well the response of the model fits
+#' the estimation data}
+#' \item{FPE}{Final Prediction Error}
+#' \item{FitPer}{Normalized root mean squared error (NRMSE) measure of how well the
+#' response of the model fits the estimation data, expressed as a percentage.}
+#' \item{AIC}{Raw Akaike Information Citeria (AIC) measure of model quality}
+#' \item{AICc}{Small sample-size corrected AIC}
+#' \item{nAIC}{Normalized AIC}
+#' \item{BIC}{Bayesian Information Criteria (BIC)}
+#' @export
+fitch <- function(x){
+ y <- fitted(x) + resid(x)
+ ek <- as.matrix(resid(x))
+ N <- nrow(ek); np <- length(params(x$sys))
+ # fit characteristics
+ mse <- det(t(ek)%*%ek)/N
+ fpe <- mse*(1+np/N)/(1-np/N)
+ nrmse <- 1 - sqrt(sum(ek^2))/sqrt(sum((y-mean(y))^2))
+ AIC <- N*log(mse) + 2*np + N*dim(matrix(y))[2]*(log(2*pi)+1)
+ AICc <- AIC*2*np*(np+1)/(N-np-1)
+ nAIC <- log(mse) + 2*np/N
+ BIC <- N*log(mse) + N*dim(matrix(y))[2]*(log(2*pi)+1) + np*log(N)
+ list(MSE=mse,FPE=fpe,FitPer = nrmse*100,AIC=AIC,AICc=AICc,nAIC=nAIC,BIC=BIC)
+#' @export
+print.summary.estpoly <- function(x,digits=4,...){
+ print(x$model,se=x$report$params[,2],dig=digits)
+ cat("\n Fit Characteristics \n")
+ print(data.frame(x$report$fit),digits=digits)
+#' @import ggplot2
+#' @export
+plot.estpoly <- function(x,newdata=NULL,...){
+ if(is.null(newdata)){
+ ypred <- ts(fitted(x),names="Predicted")
+ yact <- ts(fitted(x) + resid(x),names="Actual")
+ time <- time(x$input)
+ titstr <- "Predictions of Model on Training Set"
+ } else{
+ if(class(newdata)!="idframe") stop("Only idframe objects allowed")
+ ypred <- predict(x,newdata)
+ yact <- outputData(newdata)[,1]
+ time <- time(newdata)
+ titstr <- "Predictions of Model on Test Set"
+ }
+ df <- data.frame(Predicted=ypred,Actual=yact,Time=time)
+ with(df,ggplot(df, aes(x = Actual,y=Predicted)) + ggtitle(titstr) +
+ geom_abline(intercept=0,slope=1,colour="#D55E00") + geom_point())
+#' Plot residual characteristics
+#' Computes the 1-step ahead prediction errors (residuals) for an estimated polynomial
+#' model, and plots auto-correlation of the residuals and the
+#' cross-correlation of the residuals with the input signals.
+#' @param model estimated polynomial model
+#' @param newdata an optional dataset on which predictions are to be computed. If
+#' not supplied, predictions are computed on the training dataset.
+#' @export
+residplot <- function(model,newdata=NULL){
+ if(is.null(newdata)){
+ e <- resid(model); u <- model$input
+ } else{
+ if(class(newdata)!="idframe") stop("Only idframe objects allowed")
+ e <- newdata$output[,1] - predict(model,newdata)[,1]
+ u <- newdata$input
+ }
+ e <- matrix(e)
+ acorr <- acf(e[,],plot = F); ccorr <- ccf(u[,1],e[,],plot = F)
+ par(mfrow=c(2,1),mar=c(3,4,3,2))
+ plot(acorr,ci=0.99,main="ACF of residuals")
+ plot(ccorr,ci=0.99,main="CCF between the input and residuals",ylab="CCF")
+#' Estimate ARX Models
+#' Fit an ARX model of the specified order given the input-output data
+#' @param x an object of class \code{idframe}
+#' @param order Specification of the orders: the three integer components
+#' (na,nb,nk) are the order of polynolnomial A, (order of polynomial B + 1) and
+#' the input-output delay
+#' @param lambda Regularization parameter(Default=\code{0.1})
+#' @param intNoise Logical variable indicating whether to add integrators in
+#' the noise channel (Default=\code{FALSE})
+#' @param fixed list containing fixed parameters. If supplied, only \code{NA} entries
+#' will be varied. Specified as a list of two vectors, each containing the parameters
+#' of polynomials A and B respectively.
+#' @details
+#' SISO ARX models are of the form
+#' \deqn{
+#' y[k] + a_1 y[k-1] + \ldots + a_{na} y[k-na] = b_{nk} u[k-nk] +
+#' \ldots + b_{nk+nb} u[k-nk-nb] + e[k]
+#' }
+#' The function estimates the coefficients using linear least squares (with
+#' regularization).
+#' \cr
+#' The data is expected to have no offsets or trends. They can be removed
+#' using the \code{\link{detrend}} function.
+#' \cr
+#' To estimate finite impulse response(\code{FIR}) models, specify the first
+#' order to be zero.
+#' @return
+#' An object of class \code{estpoly} containing the following elements:
+#' \item{sys}{an \code{idpoly} object containing the
+#' fitted ARX coefficients}
+#' \item{fitted.values}{the predicted response}
+#' \item{residuals}{the residuals}
+#' \item{input}{the input data used}
+#' \item{call}{the matched call}
+#' \item{stats}{A list containing the following fields: \cr
+#' \code{vcov} - the covariance matrix of the fitted coefficients \cr
+#' \code{sigma} - the standard deviation of the innovations\cr
+#' \code{df} - the residual degrees of freedom}
+#' @references
+#' Arun K. Tangirala (2015), \emph{Principles of System Identification:
+#' Theory and Practice}, CRC Press, Boca Raton. Section 21.6.1
+#' Lennart Ljung (1999), \emph{System Identification: Theory for the User},
+#' 2nd Edition, Prentice Hall, New York. Section 10.1
+#' @examples
+#' data(arxsim)
+#' mod_arx <- arx(arxsim,c(1,2,2))
+#' mod_arx
+#' plot(mod_arx) # plot the predicted and actual responses
+#' @export
+arx <- function(x,order=c(1,1,1),lambda=0.1,intNoise=FALSE,
+ fixed=NULL){
+ y <- outputData(x); u <- inputData(x)
+ if(intNoise){
+ y <- apply(y,2,diff)
+ u <- apply(u,2,diff)
+ }
+ N <- dim(y)[1]
+ na <- order[1];nb <- order[2]; nk <- order[3]
+ nb1 <- nb+nk-1 ; n <- max(na,nb1); df <- N-na-nb
+ yout <- apply(y,2,padZeros,n=n);
+ uout <- apply(u,2,padZeros,n=n);
+ fixedflag = is.null(fixed)
+ uindex <- nk:nb1
+ if(na!=0) yindex <- 1:na
+ if(!fixedflag){
+ # checking for correct specification of fixed parameters
+ fixedA <- NULL;fixedB <- NULL
+ g(fixedA,fixedB) %=% lapply(fixed,length)
+ if(fixedA != na || fixedB != nb)
+ stop("Number of parameters incorrectly specified in 'fixed'")
+ fixedpars <- unlist(fixed)
+ fixedpars <- fixedpars[!]
+ df <- df + length(fixedpars)
+ fixedpos_B <- which(![[2]]))
+ uindex <- uindex[!uindex %in% (nk+fixedpos_B-1)]
+ fixedpos_A <- numeric(0)
+ if(na!=0){
+ fixedpos_A <- which(![[1]]))
+ yindex <- yindex[!yindex %in% fixedpos_A]
+ }
+ }
+ reg <- function(i) {
+ # regressor
+ temp <- numeric(0)
+ if(na!=0) temp <- c(temp,-yout[i-yindex,])
+ phi <- t(c(temp,uout[i-uindex,]))
+ l <- list(phi=phi)
+ # fixed regressors
+ if(!fixedflag){
+ temp <- numeric(0)
+ if(length(fixedpos_A)!=0){
+ temp <- c(temp,-yout[i-fixedpos_A,])
+ }
+ if(length(fixedpos_B)!=0){
+ temp <- c(temp,uout[i-(nk+fixedpos_B),])
+ }
+ l$fixed <- t(temp)
+ }
+ return(l)
+ }
+ temp <- lapply(n+1:(N+n),reg)
+ X <-,lapply(temp, function(x) x[[1]]))
+ Y <- yout[n+1:(N+n),,drop=F]
+ fixedY <- matrix(rep(0,nrow(Y)))
+ if(!fixedflag){
+ fixedreg <-,lapply(temp, function(x) x[[2]]))
+ fixedY <- fixedreg%*%fixedpars
+ Y <- Y - fixedY
+ }
+ # lambda <- 0.1
+ inner <- t(X)%*%X + lambda*diag(dim(X)[2])
+ innerinv <- solve(inner)
+ pinv <- innerinv%*% t(X)
+ coef <- pinv%*%Y
+ eps <- X%*%coef
+ sigma2 <- sum(eps^2)/(df+n)
+ vcov <- sigma2 * innerinv
+ fit <- (X%*%coef+fixedY)[1:N,,drop=F]
+ if(intNoise) fit <- apply(fit,2,cumsum)
+ if(!fixedflag){
+ findex <- which(!
+ eindex <- 1:(na+nb)
+ eindex <- eindex[!eindex %in% findex]
+ temp <- rep(0,na+nb); temp2 <- matrix(0,nrow=na+nb,ncol=na+nb)
+ temp[eindex] <- coef; temp[findex] <- fixedpars; coef <- temp
+ temp2[eindex,eindex] <- vcov; vcov <- temp2
+ }
+ if(na==0){
+ A <- 1
+ } else {
+ A <- c(1,coef[1:na])
+ }
+ model <- idpoly(A = A,B = coef[na+1:nb],
+ ioDelay = nk,Ts=deltat(x),noiseVar = sqrt(sigma2),
+ intNoise=intNoise,unit=x$unit)
+ estpoly(sys = model,stats=list(vcov = vcov, sigma = sqrt(sigma2),
+ df = df),fitted.values=fit,residuals=eps[1:N,,drop=F],
+#' Estimate ARMAX Models
+#' Fit an ARMAX model of the specified order given the input-output data
+#' @param x an object of class \code{idframe}
+#' @param order Specification of the orders: the four integer components
+#' (na,nb,nc,nk) are the order of polynolnomial A, order of polynomial B
+#' + 1, order of the polynomial C,and the input-output delay respectively
+#' @param init_sys Linear polynomial model that configures the initial parameterization.
+#' Must be an ARMAX model. Overrules the \code{order} argument
+#' @param intNoise Logical variable indicating whether to add integrators in
+#' the noise channel (Default=\code{FALSE})
+#' @param options Estimation Options, setup using \code{\link{optimOptions}}
+#' @details
+#' SISO ARMAX models are of the form
+#' \deqn{
+#' y[k] + a_1 y[k-1] + \ldots + a_{na} y[k-na] = b_{nk} u[k-nk] +
+#' \ldots + b_{nk+nb} u[k-nk-nb] + c_{1} e[k-1] + \ldots c_{nc} e[k-nc]
+#' + e[k]
+#' }
+#' The function estimates the coefficients using non-linear least squares
+#' (Levenberg-Marquardt Algorithm)
+#' \cr
+#' The data is expected to have no offsets or trends. They can be removed
+#' using the \code{\link{detrend}} function.
+#' @return
+#' An object of class \code{estpoly} containing the following elements:
+#' \item{sys}{an \code{idpoly} object containing the
+#' fitted ARMAX coefficients}
+#' \item{fitted.values}{the predicted response}
+#' \item{residuals}{the residuals}
+#' \item{input}{the input data used}
+#' \item{call}{the matched call}
+#' \item{stats}{A list containing the following fields: \cr
+#' \code{vcov} - the covariance matrix of the fitted coefficients \cr
+#' \code{sigma} - the standard deviation of the innovations}
+#' \item{options}{Option set used for estimation. If no
+#' custom options were configured, this is a set of default options}
+#' \item{termination}{Termination conditions for the iterative
+#' search used for prediction error minimization:
+#' \code{WhyStop} - Reason for termination \cr
+#' \code{iter} - Number of Iterations \cr
+#' \code{iter} - Number of Function Evaluations }
+#' @references
+#' Arun K. Tangirala (2015), \emph{Principles of System Identification:
+#' Theory and Practice}, CRC Press, Boca Raton. Sections 14.4.1, 21.6.2
+#' @examples
+#' data(armaxsim)
+#' z <- dataSlice(armaxsim,end=1533) # training set
+#' mod_armax <- armax(z,c(1,2,1,2))
+#' mod_armax
+#' @export
+armax <- function(x,order=c(0,1,1,0),init_sys=NULL,intNoise=FALSE,
+ options=optimOptions()){
+ y <- outputData(x); u <- inputData(x)
+ if(intNoise){
+ y <- apply(y,2,diff)
+ u <- apply(u,2,diff)
+ }
+ N <- dim(y)[1]
+ if(!is.null(init_sys)){
+ checkInitSys(init_sys)
+ # Extract orders from initial guess
+ na <- length(init_sys$A) -1;nb <- length(init_sys$B);
+ nc <- length(init_sys$C) -1;nk <- init_sys$ioDelay
+ order <- c(na,nb,nc,nk)
+ # Initial guess
+ theta0 <- matrix(params(init_sys))
+ ivs <- matrix(predict(init_sys,x))
+ e_init <- y-ivs
+ } else{
+ na <- order[1];nb <- order[2]; nc <- order[3]; nk <- order[4]
+ if(nc<1)
+ stop("Error: Not an ARMAX model")
+ # Initial Parameter Estimates
+ mod_arx <- iv4(x,c(na,nb,nk)) # fitting ARX model
+ eps_init <- matrix(resid(mod_arx))
+ mod_ma <- arima(eps_init,order=c(0,0,nc),include.mean = F)
+ e_init <- matrix(mod_ma$residuals); e_init[] <- 0
+ theta0 <- matrix(c(mod_arx$sys$A[-1],mod_arx$sys$B,mod_ma$coef))
+ }
+ nb1 <- nb+nk-1 ; n <- max(na,nb1,nc); df <- N - na - nb - nc
+ l <- levbmqdt(y,u,order,e_init,obj=armaxGrad,
+ theta0=theta0,N=N,opt=options)
+ theta <- l$params
+ e <- ts(l$residuals,start = start(y),deltat = deltat(y))
+ fit <- matrix(y-e)
+ if(intNoise) fit <- apply(fit,2,cumsum)
+ model <- idpoly(A = c(1,theta[1:na]),B = theta[na+1:nb],
+ C = c(1,theta[na+nb+1:nc]),ioDelay = nk,Ts=deltat(x),
+ noiseVar = l$sigma,intNoise=intNoise,unit=x$unit)
+ estpoly(sys = model,stats=list(vcov = l$vcov, sigma = l$sigma),
+ fitted.values=fit,residuals=e,,input=u,
+ options = options,termination = l$termination)
+#' Estimate Output-Error Models
+#' Fit an output-error model of the specified order given the input-output data
+#' @param x an object of class \code{idframe}
+#' @param order Specification of the orders: the four integer components
+#' (nb,nf,nk) are order of polynomial B + 1, order of the polynomial F,
+#' and the input-output delay respectively
+#' @param init_sys Linear polynomial model that configures the initial parameterization.
+#' Must be an OE model. Overrules the \code{order} argument
+#' @param options Estimation Options, setup using
+#' \code{\link{optimOptions}}
+#' @details
+#' SISO OE models are of the form
+#' \deqn{
+#' y[k] + f_1 y[k-1] + \ldots + f_{nf} y[k-nf] = b_{nk} u[k-nk] +
+#' \ldots + b_{nk+nb} u[k-nk-nb] + f_{1} e[k-1] + \ldots f_{nf} e[k-nf]
+#' + e[k]
+#' }
+#' The function estimates the coefficients using non-linear least squares
+#' (Levenberg-Marquardt Algorithm)
+#' \cr
+#' The data is expected to have no offsets or trends. They can be removed
+#' using the \code{\link{detrend}} function.
+#' @return
+#' An object of class \code{estpoly} containing the following elements:
+#' \item{sys}{an \code{idpoly} object containing the
+#' fitted OE coefficients}
+#' \item{fitted.values}{the predicted response}
+#' \item{residuals}{the residuals}
+#' \item{input}{the input data used}
+#' \item{call}{the matched call}
+#' \item{stats}{A list containing the following fields: \cr
+#' \code{vcov} - the covariance matrix of the fitted coefficients \cr
+#' \code{sigma} - the standard deviation of the innovations}
+#' \item{options}{Option set used for estimation. If no
+#' custom options were configured, this is a set of default options}
+#' \item{termination}{Termination conditions for the iterative
+#' search used for prediction error minimization:
+#' \code{WhyStop} - Reason for termination \cr
+#' \code{iter} - Number of Iterations \cr
+#' \code{iter} - Number of Function Evaluations }
+#' @references
+#' Arun K. Tangirala (2015), \emph{Principles of System Identification:
+#' Theory and Practice}, CRC Press, Boca Raton. Sections 14.4.1, 17.5.2,
+#' 21.6.3
+#' @examples
+#' data(oesim)
+#' z <- dataSlice(oesim,end=1533) # training set
+#' mod_oe <- oe(z,c(2,1,2))
+#' mod_oe
+#' plot(mod_oe) # plot the predicted and actual responses
+#' @export
+oe <- function(x,order=c(1,1,0),init_sys=NULL,options=optimOptions()){
+ y <- outputData(x); u <- inputData(x); N <- dim(y)[1]
+ if(!is.null(init_sys)){
+ checkInitSys(init_sys)
+ # Extract orders from initial guess
+ nb <- length(init_sys$B); nf <- length(init_sys$F1) -1
+ nk <- init_sys$ioDelay;order <- c(nb,nf,nk)
+ # Initial guess
+ theta0 <- matrix(params(init_sys))
+ ivs <- matrix(predict(init_sys,x))
+ e_init <- y-ivs
+ } else{
+ nb <- order[1];nf <- order[2]; nk <- order[3];
+ nb1 <- nb+nk-1 ; n <- max(nb1,nf);
+ if(nf<1)
+ stop("Not an OE model")
+ # Initial Model
+ mod_arx <- iv4(x,c(nf,nb,nk)) # fitting ARX model
+ wk <- resid(mod_arx)
+ e_init <- as.numeric(stats::filter(wk,filter=-mod_arx$sys$A[-1],
+ method = "recursive"))
+ ivs <- y-e_init
+ theta0 <- matrix(c(mod_arx$sys$B,mod_arx$sys$A[-1]))
+ }
+ nb1 <- nb+nk-1 ; n <- max(nb1,nf);df <- N - nb - nf
+ l <- levbmqdt(y,u,order,ivs,obj=oeGrad,theta0=theta0,N=N,
+ opt=options)
+ theta <- l$params
+ e <- ts(l$residuals,start = start(y),deltat = deltat(y))
+ model <- idpoly(B = theta[1:nb],F1 = c(1,theta[nb+1:nf]),
+ ioDelay = nk,Ts=deltat(x),noiseVar = l$sigma,unit=x$unit)
+ estpoly(sys = model,stats=list(vcov = l$vcov, sigma = l$sigma),
+ fitted.values=y-e,residuals=e,,input=u,
+ options = options,termination = l$termination)
+#' Estimate Box-Jenkins Models
+#' Fit a box-jenkins model of the specified order from input-output data
+#' @param z an \code{idframe} object containing the data
+#' @param order Specification of the orders: the five integer components
+#' (nb,nc,nd,nf,nk) are order of polynomial B + 1, order of the polynomial C,
+#' order of the polynomial D, order of the polynomial F, and the
+#' input-output delay respectively
+#' @param init_sys Linear polynomial model that configures the initial parameterization.
+#' Must be a BJ model. Overrules the \code{order} argument
+#' @param options Estimation Options, setup using
+#' \code{\link{optimOptions}}
+#' @details
+#' SISO BJ models are of the form
+#' \deqn{
+#' y[k] = \frac{B(q^{-1})}{F(q^{-1})}u[k-nk] +
+#' \frac{C(q^{-1})}{D(q^{-1})} e[k]
+#' }
+#' The orders of Box-Jenkins model are defined as follows:
+#' \deqn{
+#' B(q^{-1}) = b_1 + b_2q^{-1} + \ldots + b_{nb} q^{-nb+1}
+#' }
+#' \deqn{
+#' C(q^{-1}) = 1 + c_1q^{-1} + \ldots + c_{nc} q^{-nc}
+#' }
+#' \deqn{
+#' D(q^{-1}) = 1 + d_1q^{-1} + \ldots + d_{nd} q^{-nd}
+#' }
+#' \deqn{
+#' F(q^{-1}) = 1 + f_1q^{-1} + \ldots + f_{nf} q^{-nf}
+#' }
+#' The function estimates the coefficients using non-linear least squares
+#' (Levenberg-Marquardt Algorithm)
+#' \cr
+#' The data is expected to have no offsets or trends. They can be removed
+#' using the \code{\link{detrend}} function.
+#' @return
+#' An object of class \code{estpoly} containing the following elements:
+#' \item{sys}{an \code{idpoly} object containing the
+#' fitted BJ coefficients}
+#' \item{fitted.values}{the predicted response}
+#' \item{residuals}{the residuals}
+#' \item{input}{the input data used}
+#' \item{call}{the matched call}
+#' \item{stats}{A list containing the following fields: \cr
+#' \code{vcov} - the covariance matrix of the fitted coefficients \cr
+#' \code{sigma} - the standard deviation of the innovations}
+#' \item{options}{Option set used for estimation. If no
+#' custom options were configured, this is a set of default options}
+#' \item{termination}{Termination conditions for the iterative
+#' search used for prediction error minimization:
+#' \code{WhyStop} - Reason for termination \cr
+#' \code{iter} - Number of Iterations \cr
+#' \code{iter} - Number of Function Evaluations }
+#' @references
+#' Arun K. Tangirala (2015), \emph{Principles of System Identification:
+#' Theory and Practice}, CRC Press, Boca Raton. Sections 14.4.1, 17.5.2,
+#' 21.6.3
+#' @examples
+#' data(bjsim)
+#' z <- dataSlice(bjsim,end=1500) # training set
+#' mod_bj <- bj(z,c(2,1,1,1,2))
+#' mod_bj
+#' residplot(mod_bj) # residual plots
+#' @export
+bj <- function(z,order=c(1,1,1,1,0),
+ init_sys=NULL,options=optimOptions()){
+ y <- outputData(z); u <- inputData(z); N <- dim(y)[1]
+ if(!is.null(init_sys)){
+ checkInitSys(init_sys)
+ # Extract orders from initial guess
+ nb <- length(init_sys$B); nf <- length(init_sys$F1) -1
+ nc <- length(init_sys$C) -1;nd <- length(init_sys$d) -1
+ nk <- init_sys$ioDelay;order <- c(nb,nc,nd,nf,nk)
+ # Initial guess
+ theta0 <- matrix(params(init_sys))
+ ivs <- matrix(predict(init_sys,z))
+ e_init <- y-ivs
+ } else{
+ nb <- order[1];nc <- order[2]; nd <- order[3];
+ nf <- order[4]; nk <- order[5];
+ if(nc==0 && nd==0){
+ oe(z,c(nb,nf,nk))
+ } else{
+ # Initial Guess
+ mod_oe <- oe(z,c(nb,nf,nk))
+ v <- resid(mod_oe); zeta <- matrix(predict(mod_oe))
+ mod_arma <- arima(v,order=c(nd,0,nc),include.mean = F)
+ C_params <- if(nc==0) NULL else coef(mod_arma)[nd+1:nc]
+ theta0 <- matrix(c(mod_oe$sys$B,C_params,
+ -coef(mod_arma)[1:nd],mod_oe$sys$F1[-1]))
+ eps <- matrix(resid(mod_arma))
+ }
+ }
+ l <- levbmqdt(y,u,order,zeta,eps,obj=bjGrad,theta0=theta0,N=N,
+ opt=options)
+ theta <- l$params
+ e <- ts(l$residuals,start = start(y),deltat = deltat(y))
+ C_params <- if(nc==0) NULL else theta[nb+1:nc]
+ model <- idpoly(B = theta[1:nb],C=c(1,C_params),
+ D=c(1,theta[nb+nc+1:nd]),
+ F1 = c(1,theta[nb+nc+nd+1:nf]),
+ ioDelay = nk,Ts=deltat(z),noiseVar = l$sigma,unit=z$unit)
+ estpoly(sys = model,stats=list(vcov = l$vcov, sigma = l$sigma),
+ fitted.values=y-e,residuals=e,,input=u,
+ options = options,termination = l$termination)
+} \ No newline at end of file