diff options
1 files changed, 28 insertions, 11 deletions
diff --git a/R/estpoly.R b/R/estpoly.R
index 7664264..3074b4c 100644
--- a/R/estpoly.R
+++ b/R/estpoly.R
@@ -282,7 +282,7 @@ armax <- function(x,order=c(0,1,1,0)){
padZeros <- function(x,n) c(rep(0,n),x,rep(0,n))
yout <- apply(y,2,padZeros,n=n)
uout <- apply(u,2,padZeros,n=n)
- tol <- 10^(-5); sumSqRatio <- 1000; lambda <- 1
+ tol <- 10^(-5); sumSqRatio <- 1000; lambda <- 10
eout <- matrix(rep(0,N+2*n))
reg <- function(i) {
@@ -292,30 +292,47 @@ armax <- function(x,order=c(0,1,1,0)){
# Initialize Algorithm
i = 0
- theta <- matrix(runif(na+nb+nc,min=-0.5,max=0.5))
+ theta0 <- matrix(rnorm(na+nb+nc)) # current parameters
X <- t(sapply(n+1:(N+n),reg))
Y <- yout[n+1:(N+n),,drop=F]
- e <- Y-X%*%theta
+ e <- Y-X%*%theta0
+ sumsq0 <- sum(e^2)
+ updateJ <- 1
while (sumSqRatio > tol){
- sumsq0 <- sum(e^2)
- # Compute gradient
- eout <- matrix(c(rep(0,n),e[,]))
- X <- t(sapply(n+1:(N+n),reg))
- filt1 <- Arma(b=1,a=c(1,theta[(na+nb+1:nc)]))
- grad <- apply(X,2,filter,filt=filt1)
+ if(updateJ ==1){
+ # Compute gradient
+ eout <- matrix(c(rep(0,n),e[,]))
+ X <- t(sapply(n+1:(N+n),reg))
+ filt1 <- Arma(b=1,a=c(1,theta0[(na+nb+1:nc)]))
+ grad <- apply(X,2,filter,filt=filt1)
+ }
# Update Parameters
H <- 1/N*(t(grad)%*%grad) + lambda*diag(na+nb+nc)
Hinv <- solve(H)
- theta <- theta + 1/N*Hinv%*%t(grad)%*%e
+ theta <- theta0 + 1/N*Hinv%*%t(grad)%*%e
# Update residuals
e <- Y-X%*%theta
sumsq <- sum(e^2)
+ # If sum square error with the updated parameters is less than the
+ # previous one, the updated parameters become the current parameters
+ # and the damping factor is reduced by a factor of 10
+ if(sumsq<sumsq0){
+ lambda <- lambda/10
+ theta0 <- theta
+ sumsq0 <- sumsq
+ updateJ <- 1
+ } else{ # increase damping factor
+ lambda <- lambda*10
+ updateJ <- 0
+ }
sumSqRatio <- abs(sumsq0-sumsq)/sumsq0
-# print(sumsq);print(sumSqRatio)
+ # print(sumsq);print(sumSqRatio)
# print(sumSqRatio)