diff options
authorSuraj Yerramilli2015-01-29 17:43:40 +0530
committerSuraj Yerramilli2015-01-29 17:43:40 +0530
commita0824997c16869034c6f6df470330e9c9470b01e (patch)
parentd22d9280eab3d6109c856e8e42ee65bd753c94f7 (diff)
Added documentation via roxygen2
3 files changed, 52 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/R/idframe.R b/R/idframe.R
index f261300..4c72097 100644
--- a/R/idframe.R
+++ b/R/idframe.R
@@ -1,4 +1,18 @@
-# class idframe
+#' S3 class for storing input-output data.
+#' \code{idframe} is an S3 class for storisupports discrete time and frequency domain data.
+#' @param output dataframe/matrix/vector containing the outputs
+#' @param input dataframe/matrix/vector containing the inputs
+#' @param type indicates the domain of the data (Default:"time")
+#' @param Ts sampling interval (Default: 1)
+#' @param t.start Starting time (Valid only if type="time")
+#' @param t.end End time. Optional Argument (Valid only if type="time")
+#' @param tUnit Time Unit (Default: "seconds")
+#' @param frequencies Vector containing the list of frequencies at which the data was recorded (Valid only if type="frequency")
+#' @param fUnit Frequency Unit (Valid only if type="frequency")
+#' @return an idframe object
+#' @export
idframe <- function(output=numeric(0),input=numeric(0),
type=c("time","freq")[1],Ts = 1,
t.start=0,t.end=NA, tUnit = "seconds",
diff --git a/man/idframe.Rd b/man/idframe.Rd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..36a75ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/idframe.Rd
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+% Generated by roxygen2 (4.1.0): do not edit by hand
+% Please edit documentation in R/idframe.R
+\title{S3 class for storing input-output data.}
+idframe(output = numeric(0), input = numeric(0), type = c("time",
+ "freq")[1], Ts = 1, t.start = 0, t.end = NA, tUnit = "seconds",
+ frequencies = NA, fUnit = "Hz")
+\item{output}{dataframe/matrix/vector containing the outputs}
+\item{input}{dataframe/matrix/vector containing the inputs}
+\item{type}{indicates the domain of the data (Default:"time")}
+\item{Ts}{sampling interval (Default: 1)}
+\item{t.start}{Starting time (Valid only if type="time")}
+\item{t.end}{End time. Optional Argument (Valid only if type="time")}
+\item{tUnit}{Time Unit (Default: "seconds")}
+\item{frequencies}{Vector containing the list of frequencies at which the data was recorded (Valid only if type="frequency")}
+\item{fUnit}{Frequency Unit (Valid only if type="frequency")}
+an idframe object
+\code{idframe} is an S3 class for storisupports discrete time and frequency domain data.
diff --git a/sysid.Rproj b/sysid.Rproj
index 21a4da0..e091c26 100644
--- a/sysid.Rproj
+++ b/sysid.Rproj
@@ -15,3 +15,4 @@ LaTeX: pdfLaTeX
BuildType: Package
PackageUseDevtools: Yes
PackageInstallArgs: --no-multiarch --with-keep.source
+PackageRoxygenize: rd