path: root/src/c/linearAlgebra/fullrf
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 112 deletions
diff --git a/src/c/linearAlgebra/fullrf/dfullrfa.c b/src/c/linearAlgebra/fullrf/dfullrfa.c
deleted file mode 100644
index a409ae3..0000000
--- a/src/c/linearAlgebra/fullrf/dfullrfa.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,112 +0,0 @@
-/* Copyright (C) 2017 - IIT Bombay - FOSSEE
- This file must be used under the terms of the CeCILL.
- This source file is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which
- you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms
- are also available at
- Author: Sandeep Gupta
- Organization: FOSSEE, IIT Bombay
- Email:
- */
-/* FULL Rank factorization function in scilab */
- //[Q,M,rk]=fullrf(A)
- //Full rank factorization : A=Q.M
- //with range(Q)=range(A) and ker(M)=ker(A),
- //Q full column rank , M full row rank
- // rk = rank(A) = #columns(Q) = #rows(M)
- //F.D.
-#include "fullrf.h"
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include "svd.h"
-#include <math.h>
-#include "norm.h"
-#include "matrixTranspose.h"
-#include "matrixMultiplication.h"
-double dfullrfa(int ninp,double *inp1,int row,int col,double tol,double *out1,double *out2){
- int i,j;
- /* norm inp1 - norm(inp1,1)*/
- double na1;
- na1 = dnorma(inp1,row,col,1);
- if(ninp == 1){
- tol = sqrt(pow(2,-52));
- }
- if(na1 < pow(1,-10)){
- out1 = NULL;
- out2 = NULL;
- return 0;
- }
- double tol1;
- tol1 = tol*na1;
- double *U,*S,*V;
- U = (double *)malloc(row*row*sizeof(double));
- S = (double *)malloc(row*col*sizeof(double));
- V = (double *)malloc(col*col*sizeof(double));
- double rk;
- rk = dsvda(tol1,inp1,row,col,0,4,U,S,V);
- /* sq = sqrt(s) */
- for(i=0;i<row;i++){
- for(j=0;j<col;j++){
- if(i == j){
- S[i*row+j] = pow(S[i*row+j],0.5);
- }
- else{
- S[i*row+j] = 0;
- }
- }
- }
- double *Q;
- Q = (double *)malloc(row*col*sizeof(double));
- dmulma(U,row,row,S,row,col,Q);
- double *VT;
- VT = (double *)malloc(col*col*sizeof(double));
- dtransposea(V,col,col,VT);
- /* multiplication of sq*V' or S*VT */
- double *M;
- M = (double *)malloc(row*col*sizeof(double));
- dmulma(S,row,col,VT,col,col,M);
- /* This Program is not yet completed properly, as it outputs the whole matrix, instead of the exact output.
- if anyone finds, how to fix the size in INITFILLscidir.sci
-please change there and change below few lines of codes accordingly.
- for(i=0;i<row;i++){
- for(j=0;j<col;j++){
- //if(j < rk)
- out1[i*col+j] = Q[i*col+j];
- //else
- // out1[i*col+j] = 0;
- }
- //printf("\n");
- }
- for(i=0;i<row;i++){
- for(j=0;j<col;j++){
- //if(i < rk)
- out2[i*col+j] = M[i*col+j];
- //else
- // out2[i*col+j] = 0;
- }
- }
- return rk;